liemurienn · 2 years
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Day 8 : free day @prukweek
i miss cardverse content
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ladyinfierno-art · 2 years
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“I love everything those hands can do”
@prukweek Day 5: Family | Kisses
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prukweek · 2 years
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It’s here at last! Welcome to the PrUK Week 2022! 8 days to show our love and appreciation to this wonderful ship! This year the event runs through August 15th to 22nd.
We have a theme and a one word prompt for each day, so anyone can be inspired to bring this pair to life in their work!
Day 1. (15 Aug) -  Royalty | Bodyguard
Day 2. (16 Aug) -  Firsts | Memories
Day 3. (17 Aug) -  Drunk shenanigans | Wedding
Day 4. (18 Aug) -  Myths & gods | Letters
Day 5. (19 Aug) -  Family | Kisses
Day 6. (20 Aug) -  Fantasy/Supernatural | Blood
Day 7. (21 Aug) -  Soulmates | Tattoos
Day 8. (22 Aug) -  Free day
Also, to make this a nice experience for everyone involved, there’s a set of simple rules to follow if you want to participate, I’ll leave them under the read more.
Any questions or comments can be forwarded to this blog or @ladyinfierno, make sure to read the FAQ first. Hope you have a nice time, everybody! ✨
Follow this blog to be updated on the news.
You can feature as many characters and side pairings as you like, but of course Prussia/England should be the main focus.
For your work to be reblogged you must include #prukweek2022 in the first five tags of your post, and mention @prukweek to make sure I don’t miss your post.
Every post should be tagged accordingly to its content, if you’re posting a link to an external site (AO3, FFN, etc) the post should contain any pertinent warnings.
That being said, because of Tumblr’s policies, no NSFW art can be shared on the blog.
The content you post has to be 100% made by you, no claiming other’s work as yours.
Absolutely no harassment nor hate will be tolerated, if you see something like this don’t engage and report to the mod, they’ll just get blocked. We’re trying to have fun so please behave.
Long posts should be under a read more. (Consider 600 words the limit, if it’s a bit over it’s fine, but your 2k fic definitely needs it.)
And this still isn’t a rule, but if you like the creations of your fellow fans, consider reblogging and commenting their works so they can know :)
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Pruk Week 2022: Day 1
Prompt: Royal || Body guard
Rating: T
Paring: Pruk
Word Count: 1498
Their Happily Ever After
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, yadayada. There was a kingdom yadayadayada. A prince. But we don’t really care about him (at least not yet). No, our story is interested in a young thief, barely the age of ten.
Arthur Kirkland was from a long line of thieves. His grandparents were thieves, His mother was a thief. His brothers and sister were thieves. So logically, Arthur Kirkland would be a thief. And our young Arthur could not wait to start and become the best thief out of his family (and finally have something to shove in his brothers’ faces). So when his brother Alastair invited him to sneak into the castle with them, Arthur was quick to agree.
But then, the guards came, and when his brother turned left, Arthur instead turned right. He ended up collapsing outside in what looked like a garden. It was small and quaint, but despite its size, all kinds of colourful flowers lined the perimeter. In the center, there was a small fountain, overgrown with vines, broken down, but still beautiful. Though the fountain was far from the most beautiful thing in the garden.
In the far corner, below an old oak tree, sat a boy with snow white hair, porcelain skin, and crimson red eyes. He looked beautiful. Almost like the fairies, Arthur had seen in books or as described by his brothers. Quietly, Arthur approached.
The red-eyed boy immediately looked up, spooked, though his hard glare tried to mask it. “How did–Y-You shouldn’t be here,” he hissed.
Arthur blinked himself out of his daze. “S-Sorry I…I think I’m a little lost.” Now, one thing you should know about the Kirklands: Kirklands never apologized. But when the boy looked at him with both strength and fear, Arthur buckled.
The boy sighed and rose from his spot under the tree. “I guess I don’t really have a choice but to guide you out.”
And so our young thief followed the fairy-like boy through the twisting halls that made up the castle. Just as they were about to reach the exit, something caught Arthur’s eye. They passed by a door that had been left wide open leading to a room full of books. Shelves reaching almost to the ceiling filled the room, the comfiest looking chairs surrounded a large brick fireplace on the farthest wall and the dark wooden accents finished off the cozy room. Though Arthur had never been taught to read, he had always loved stories and books so this room seemed like a dream.
His guide took notice, his gaze softening. “Would you like to take a peek?”
The boy smirked. “It’s not every day outsiders get to come to the castle. You should take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Arthur looked over at the boy, then back at the library. The boy was right, who knew if he would ever get a chance like this again? Before he could talk himself out of it, Arthur ran into the room.
The young thief looked around in awe, almost falling on his butt as he looked up at the wall of books beside the fireplace. Though he could never hope to read all these books in his lifetime, he would be content if he could read just one. He grabbed a book of fairytales, drawn in by the twisting gold vines on the spine and cover of the old leather book. He flipped through the pages, amazed by the imagery in front of him as he tried to piece together the story from the illustrations alone.
The boy hovered over his shoulder. “You like fairy tales?” He asked.
“Yes…um…” Arthur looked up at the boy before looking down at the book with pink cheeks. “I…I don’t exactly know how to read, but…My brothers are quite the storytellers, and they always tell me one before I go to sleep…Unfortunately, we don’t have money for books.”
The boy’s eyes widened “You can’t read?”
“No…I-I’d like to but…”
“I’ll teach you,” the boy stated. He took Arthur’s hand and pulled him towards a nearby chair.
For nearly a decade, Arthur would sneak in with the help of the boy with the snow-white hair, and they’d spend every other afternoon in the library, teaching Arthur how to read. And for a moment, Arthur wasn’t focused on being a thief or one-upping his brothers, all that mattered was the fairy-like boy with fiery red eyes and all the books this boy had in his possession.
You’d think that as a thief and a cunning one at that, Arthur would have used this opportunity to at least steal something of value, but when Arthur was with this boy, he couldn’t bring himself to. What if he got caught? What would the boy think if he found out? Over the years, the boy slowly revealed how lonely he was. His father ignored him, his title was to be given to his younger brother, he didn’t have any friends, and even the staff of the castle seemed to avoid him. Arthur couldn’t ruin the one friendship he seemed to have. And if Arthur was being honest, he himself was lonely as well and couldn’t bare to lose his only friend.
But all good things had to come to an end. At seventeen, Arthur finally learned the true identity of his friend; Prince Gilbert. All this time he had been schmoozing with a member of the royal family. And worst of All the king had caught wind of his son’s and Arthur’s relationship. In the end, Arthur was given an ultimatum, never step foot in the kingdom again and thus never see Gilbert again or rot in jail for trespassing on royal grounds. With a heavy heart, Arthur had chosen the prior.
Years went by, and the prince had no idea where his friend had ended up. He spent his days, isolated and lonely in the library until the day of his father’s death. A true damsel if there ever was one.
But upon his father's death, finally free from their father’s tyrannical hand, Gilbert and his brother Ludwig were reunited. Crowned Prince Ludwig had always seemed cold and stoic, but as soon as they were able to meet each other face to face, Ludwig broke and was pulled into the tightest hug imaginable. Suffice it to say, our prince Gilbert was welcomed back into the royal line.
Though no longer lonely, Gilbert could never forget the thief who had stolen his heart. Despite royal duties often getting in the way, Gilbert would return to the small garden he had first met the thief, hoping that the boy would return one day.
On the day of Ludwig’s coronation, Gilbert sat by the window, looking out at the garden. With all the commotion of the day, he knew he wouldn't be able to sneak off to the garden. Not that he wanted to. He had to be there for his baby brother. Currently, He was waiting for his new guards to come to fetch him. His father had never cared to give him proper security, but now that Ludwig was in charge he was going to be given a whole branch to ensure his protection.
A knock at the door signaled the first group was here already. With a deep breath, the prince collected himself. Now wasn’t the time to lament about a relationship lost to time. He opened the door and came face to face with a familiar pair of green eyes and a head of dirty blond hair. The thief had done it again. “Art–”
“Your knight in shining armour has arrived,” Arthur said with a bow.
“Does that make me the princess?” Gilbert asked with a choked laugh.
So many questions swam around the prince’s mind: Where had Arthur been all this time? Why was he dressed in a guard’s uniform? Was he to be Gilbert’s guard? So many questions, so little time, so instead, he leaped forward, pulling his friend into a tight hug. He laughed and cried into Arthur’s messy hair, though far cleaner than he had ever seen before.
“I’m here…I’m here love,” Arthur whispered, hugging Gilbert back just as tight.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Gilbert refused to let go, even as another knock sounded at the door, signaling that Ludwig's coronation was about to begin. But Gilbert didn't want to leave. Not when Arthur was now at his fingertips. He leaned in only for Arthur to turn towards the door.
"I think we better head down. It would be bad if I got fired on my first day."
Gilbert let out a groan. For once, he missed being left out of these royal events. "Okay…" he reluctantly agreed, pulling away.
Arthur offered his arm, and the prince gladly accepted.
After the coronation festivities, the kingdom had a newer, kinder King, and Prince Gilbert and former thief Arthur were finally able to start their own happily ever after.
The end!
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coralcatsea · 2 years
Day 3: Marriage
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Day 5 Pruk week,  Family/first kiss:
This is what inspired me to write one of my fics "but muum", but i havent gotten around to writing up to it yet, this will be added as a chapter later, but i think you should probably read the fic first to get a vague gist of what the fuck is going on, but this could perhaps be read as a standalone.
Both Arthur and Gilbert, to say the least, were a fucking adorable pair, everyone in the family and most out of it agreed.
And right now, in Arthur's incredibly tired state, and Gilbert in an emboldened one from his chat with Matthew, they were both in the same bed, as usual.
To anybody else two men sleeping in a bed together and cuddling was kinda gay, and it was kinda gay just the two had managed to put off admitting it for far too long and just about everyone was incredibly done with their shit.
Even fucking Ireland and Belgium who both had their little thing going in between them were done with their shit.
Being a man of both far too many and far too inhibitions, Arthur had decided to not sleep for about 3 nights straight, and aside from looking absolutely more undead than usual, sleep deprivation tends to make him more clingy, though only to people he trusts, otherwise. He becomes a whole other universe if grouchy, snapping at everyone and everything.
The rest if the family had managed to covince Arthur to lay the fuck down, and by convince i mean that Ireland and New zealand threatened to kill both him and Alfred with a spoon to get them to sleep, and in instead of risking a slow painful death from brain damage, they decided to actually go the fuck to sleep.
Matt had given Gilbert an encouraging thumbs up, Zee had given him a high and wished him luck, India gave him a look that said "teenagers" as if he wasn't nearly a thousand, well that was about a quarter of India's age.
Anyways Australia asked Gilbert to promise him, that if this worked he would treat Arthur well or he would be dead, and this was said with such honesty and actual familial love, that Gilbert swore on his own life, wondering how Arthur had managed to be blessed with such amazing children.
The British isles gave a similar sort of threat, but with concern for both, Dylan saying "I know he's a bastard, but he is very bad when it comes to matters of the heart, so please be gentle with him please."
Spoken like a true older brother, speaking for his entire emotionally constipated brood.
Denmark gave him a rather interesting text that detailed far too many things about the  Englishmans sex life that seemed to be written by France, why Denmark had the text was beyond him, also leaving him with a couple words of "encouragement", Denmark warned that if Arthur murdered him, he wont be paying for his funeral.
Gilbert knew this was the jest of a close friend, he was not dim enough to take it seriously, but as he apprehensively walked up the stairs and down the corridor to Arthur's room, he started to have second thoughts.
I mean I could always wait a few more days.
Or years.
Or centuries.
The thought of waiting much longer was so utterly miserable to Gilbert's mind that his psyche went.
Nah fuck it.
And allowed him to walk into the room where Arthur was decidedly not sleeping, somehow still awake enough to be tapping away at his laptop, though slower than usual, Gilbert approached him.
"Arthur, you really should sleep?" That was not what he wanted to come out at that moment but for once Gilbert did not have a plan and was (as some would say) going with the flow.
And currently the flow was about as smooth as the Volga in midwinter, which was to say that it was barely flowing at all, but when Arthur didn't move from his chair, Gilbert had to try a more imaginative approach.
"Come lay down, we can cuddle?" That sounded to fucking cheesy to Gilbert and Arthur looked at him, a little wistfully if he would say so himself, though it could very much just be a trick of the light.
"What makes it look like i *yawn* want to cuddle?" Arthur was speaking a bit too quick to be normal, great he was jacked up on caffeine too.
"Well, you're always cuddling me when you do sleep, and you look absolutely adorable." Ooh bit too direct, I hope he doesn't think in an ass or something.
"You're an ass Gilbert, you know that." 
Gil thought he fucked up good as Arthur's eyes travelled from him to the computer, back and forth as if to decide which would be more profitable for him, and to buy Arthur's and Gilbert's surprise, Arthur chose Gilbert.
Tips of his ears far too red Arthur grumbled "Don't get any ideas, I'm just tired." Before getting into bed and mentioning for Gilbert to join him after switching off his laptop, on some tab about trade reports and governmental deficits that seemed so frightfully boring.
The room now cloaked in darkness, and the house being unnaturally silent, even as everyone was awake, the two lay down on the bed together, as if they'd been doing this for centuries.
Which I mean they had but this time it felt a bit different.
Arthur on Gilbert's arm, a bit too close for Gilbert not to think that maybe Arthur actually did love him back, Gilbert's hand slowly going through Arthur's birds nest looking hair, slowly smoothing it out to some semblance of cleanliness before Gilbert, in an odd moment if courage, gave Arthur a chaste kiss on the forehead while both were still awake.
Usually if either ever did a kiss they were drunk or the other was asleep, but now both were very much within consciousness and lucidity.
Gilbert braced himself to get an earful from Arthur, perhaps him even getting out of bed in a huff, but none of that happened, instead Arthur seemed to be mentioning to kiss him again.
He repeated the kiss, this time it lasted a little longer, lingering for a second or two on Arthur's forehead, and if this wasn't such an odd situation Gilbert would have laughed at how the kiss immediately eased the tension within both of their bodies, but this was just too surreal to even be actually happening, and was miles away from Gilbert or Arthur being able to think full cohesive thoughts.
Finally, through a silence that could not be considered awkward, yet not considered incredibly comfortable either, one of them, Arthur, rasped "Gilbert...Gilbert why did you do that?" He sounded far more disbelieving than angry, yet Gilbert still thought he managed to mess something up.
"Shit shit shit, I'm sorry Arthur, really!"
Arthur looked at him, dead in the eye even in the dim light of the room, and seeing the actual fear and misery in his eyes, and the fluttering of his heart in his own chest, Arthur replied with "Why ever so?"
"I-I kissed you, are you not mad?"
"Why would I be Gilbert."
The room descended into silence again, this time loaded with tension and anticipation, which was shattered, rather brutally if I may add, by Arthur saying "Plus that was barely a kiss, let me show you how it's done."
With a surprising amount of agility from someone so sleep deprived, Arthur crashed his lips to Gilbert's, whose mind took a little longer to catch up with what his body was doing, too busy being distracted by this to respond immediately, god this felt so goodboth both their bodies so close together as they kissed.
But when he finally pushed back, he was not expecting such fervent from Arthur, he was even nipping Gilbert's lips as he deepened the kiss far beyond anywhere Gilbert had ever gone younger exploring Gilbert's slack mouth.
The poor soul had had around 3 romantic kisses in his life and was not prepared for this at all, Arthur tasted like coffee and tea with the vaguest taste of old cigarettes
Finally separating, both breathing hard, Gilbert whispered, a garbled mix of English and German "that was amazing."
Arthur looked both very embarrassed and incredibly relieved, one would after waiting so long and having it all come down like this was incredibly satisfying for the both of them.
Arthur slid off Gilbert, tucking himself back in the blanket as if nothing happened, as Gilbert's mind raced at a million miles an hour. Which started to exceed the speed of light as Arthur snuggled up close to him and fell asleep almost immediately, after mumbling, so quietly that Gilbert could barely hear it.
"I love you."
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artemiswolfheart · 2 years
The first thing I ever participated in was hetalia poly week last year and I believed that you had to write each story on the day it was due.
I'm now participating in Pruk week and tried to write them in advance but...
I only have like two paragraphs of the first prompt done.
Really is same thing different font.
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liemurienn · 2 years
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Day 1 : royalty
the queen likes her doggo
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prukweek · 2 years
Finally it’s here! The survey will close after ten days, you have to choose the 7 prompts and 7 themes for the week, I loved everyone’s suggestions!
Ask box is open for any questions, make sure to read the FAQ first, and keep spreading the word about the event! A bit delayed but definitely happening 🌟
Stay awesome ✨
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coralcatsea · 2 years
Day 4: Myths & Gods
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coralcatsea · 2 years
Day 7: Soulmates
Even if tragedy befalls them, they'll find their way to each other again in the next life.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Pruk Week 2022: Day 2
Prompt: Firsts || Memories
Rating: M 
Pairing: Pruk (or more like EngPru if we want to get technical)
Word Count: 495
Author’s Note: Though nothing actually happens “on-screen” but there is discussions of sex (since this is just before their first time together). Also mentions of religious guilt and vague implication of religious trauma because being a religious order messed with Gilbert’s view of sex.  
A First Time to Remember
Gilbert remained frozen in the doorway, looking into the dark room before him. His stomach twisted, and he couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or anxiety. Perhaps it was a little bit of both.  
“Hey,” Arthur murmured into his back, arms coming to rest on Gilbert’s middle, “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Gilbert came and tentatively brushed his fingers against Arthur’s arm. He swallowed. “I-I want to…I really want to. I have for a while. I’m just…”
“More like scared,” Gilbert admitted. “Being a religious order…does stuff to you I guess.”
“I can only imagine, but we can stop whenever okay?”
Gilbert nodded. He took a deep breath and let Arthur guide him to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed as Arthur climbed on top of him. The Brit kissed him, slow, sweet, and for a moment, Gilbert forgot why he was so nervous. Arthur pressed him into the mattress gently, keeping him grounded with his kiss.
Arthur pulled away for air, face flushed, eyes glazed with love and lust. Centuries ago Gilbert would have refused to believe that such a combination could exist. But also centuries ago Gilbert would have rather died than find himself in bed with another man (regardless of how many times he had dreamed of such things). Oh, if only his younger self could see him now, sprawled out on the bed in a dimly lit room, another man towering over him, a hungry look in his eye that matched Gilbert’s. His younger self probably would have combusted. That or maybe he would have realized sooner that loving another man and wanting to show that man he loved him wasn’t evil or sinful like his bosses made it out to be. Perhaps he wouldn’t have suffered or hated himself for as long as he had.
“Love?” Arthur called. His voice was soft and sweet, dripping like honey. “Are you alright?”
“Huh?” Gilbert hummed, shaking himself out of his daze.
“You zoned out on me. We can stop–”
“No!” Gilbert cried, propping himself on his elbows. “I mean…No…I’m sorry I just…”
Arthur smiled gently. “Is the loud mouth, cocky Gilbert at a loss of words because I’m just that sexy.”
Gilbert snorted. “You wish.”
“Ah, there’s the Gil I know.”
Gilbert flushed slightly, realizing how his nerves seemed to be getting in the way. He wanted to enjoy this, he really did. And he wanted Arthur to enjoy this and not have to worry about him.
In a burst of confidence, Gilbert leaned forward, smashing his lips against Arthur’s. The Englishman let out a surprised noise before eagerly kissing back. He pressed Gilbert down once more, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. “Can I continue?” Arthur asked when he pulled away.
“God yes!”
Arthur smirked. “That’s more like it,” he purred, “Let’s give the pretty church boy a first time to remember.”
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coralcatsea · 2 years
Day 8: Free Day
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prukweek · 2 years
Event update! Send your prompts!
Hi there! Finally the next stage of the event is here! ✨ ✨
Firstly, sorry about the delay, life got a bit overwhelming and I had to prioritise some things over others, so this event will be delayed about a moth, thanks for the patience! 💛
So, you can start sending your prompts now! I‘ll give it a week before posting the survey to vote for them :)
Remember: This event has two types of prompts, a theme and a one word prompt, a small description under the cut. You can send as many as you want, and we’ll be choosing the top 7 of each category.
A theme. A broad subject that can have a lot of other categories within, for example: Fairytales, Holidays.
One word prompt. A more specific take, for example: Rain, Suits.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Pruk Week 2022: Day 5
Prompts:  Family | Kisses
Rating: T
Pairings: Pruk and ScotGer (Germany x Scotland)
Word Count: 581
Runs in the Family
The annual reunion of the British Isles Siblings was a gathering not many wanted to be at. But as Arthur’s boyfriend, Gilbert had to accompany him to ensure he didn’t get into too much trouble.
“We’ll be in and out,” Arthur explained as he fiddled with his cufflinks, “I’m just going to greet my siblings, tell them we’re dating, grab a drink, then sneak off to the garden for the rest of the night.”
Gilbert wrapped his arms around Arthur’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder. His lover looked so lovely in his burgundy suit jacket and black dress pants. “Sounds like a plan.”
Arthur straightened his clothes a bit more, though Gilbert could tell it was out of nerves rather than making himself presentable. Eventually, he got annoyed with his boyfriend’s fretting, and so, he spun the Brit around and pressed a reassuring kiss on his lips. “You look very handsome mein Hase,” Gilbert beamed.
Arthur’s cheeks heated up. “Ah…W-Well I…um. Y-You, look good too…I guess.”
Gilbert snickered and stole one more kiss.
Arthur was squeezing Gilbert’s arm to the point he felt as though it was going to fall off. “Relax babe,” He whispered as they entered the hall.
“I’m fine,” Arthur shot back.
“That grip says otherwise. Your knuckles are white.”
“Shut up!”
Gilbert snickered, which earned him a shove.
“Shove him back,” A voice cackled from behind them, “The little bawbag can take it.”
Arthur spun around to throw his brother a hard glare. “Belt up Alastair,” he growled.
The Scotsman only laughed in response before trapping Arthur in a headlock. “See, just like this,” Alastair explained, throwing Gilbert a grin.  
“Alastair!” Arthur hissed as he wiggled in his brother’s grip, “Let me go, you bastard!”
“Alastair,” Another voice interjected, “Come on now. You promised to keep things civil–”
Alastair, Arthur, and Gilbert all turned to find Ludwig standing behind them, a look of horror on his face.
“West, what the hell are you doing here?” Gilbert gaped.
“I-I could ask the same of you.” Ludwig tried to sound stern, but it was clear his nerves were high from being caught.
“Well…This is awkward…” Alastair said with a choked laugh. He made his way over to Ludwig, who had gone a deep shade of red. Alastair gave him a bashful smile before wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling the German close. “The cat’s out of the bag I guess.”
“You…You’re…Lud…Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend? My boyfriend’s brother of all people?” Gilbert stammered.
“Because you’d react like this.”
“Like what?” It was Gilbert’s turn to grip Arthur tightly.
“Protective, overbearing, try to intimidate Alastair.”
“What?” Gilbert scoffed, “I would never.”
Ludwig, Alastair, and even Arthur gave him an unimpressed look. “And what about you?” Ludwig started up again, “Didn’t care to tell me you were dating my boyfriend’s brother either?”
The tips of Gilbert’s ears turned red. “I-I thought we were obvious.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “Well, now we all know,” he interjected. He grabbed Gilbert’s hand and began pulling him away as the former nation tried desperately to retort. “Goodbye Allie, Ludwig. And don’t you try to pull anything funny with him, Alastair. Ludwig is a good lad.”
“I’m not you,” Alastair teased, “I don’t go around defiling good Christian boys.”
Gilbert’s face reddened while Arthur tensed. Let’s just say a new record was set in how quickly a fight broke out at the British Isles family reunion.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Pruk Week 2022: Day 4
Prompt:  Myths & gods || Letters
Rating: T
Pairing: Pruk
Word Count: 655
Author’s Note: This a sort of historical based fic set at different times following ww2, during the Allies’ occupation of Germany and at the very end, during the Berlin Wall. 
Dear Prussia,
I know things have been…rough to say the least. Occupation isn’t ideal, but we can’t have a repeat of last time. Got to make sure the economy stays stable, homes and businesses are rebuilt, and all that. I’m sure you understand since you are well versed in war. It is a far better option than complete invasion don’t you think?
It’s temporary, I assure you. For your brother’s benefit. Speaking of Germany, I’ll look out for him for you. He has been rather quiet. Not speaking to any of us, but not pushing back either. If you have any knowledge about what could be causing this shutdown, please share. Who knows how this could affect the nation? Or perhaps it is because of something going on in the nation. Either way, it is imperative I am we are made aware.
I know you’re probably confused, maybe even betrayed. But I promise this is all for the best. 
I miss you. I still love you. I’m sorry. We’ll keep in touch okay?
I look forward to your reply.
Dear Prussia,
Get out of there now. You were right; this was a stupid idea, but you’ve got to believe me when I say we were just trying to do the right thing. Prevent a repeat of what had happened and keep you two stable. But of course, Russia isn’t making it easy on us. Don’t tell Alfred I said this, but he was right when he said we couldn’t trust the Soviets.
I haven’t heard from Russia since his bosses banned him from meetings. Part of me hopes he didn’t want any of this, but…You’re with him, so you’d probably have a better idea where his head is at right now.
Our bosses didn’t help matters, making some major decisions without proper consultation with the USSR. We have some plans to combat further escalation, but I’m worried about you Gilbert. You need to leave while you still can. There is no telling what will happen next. The border isn’t tightly controlled currently. You could come live with me even, and no one would have to know. I’ll even pay for your subway ticket.
Sorry…That sounds desperate, doesn’t it? I don’t care anymore. Gilbert, I love you, and I just want to be able to hold you again.
I’ll be anxiously waiting for your reply.
Arthur Kirkland
Dear Gilbert,
Ludwig misses you. I catch him staring at that damn wall whenever we go to Berlin. He’s moved to Hannover for the time being. I think being in Berlin makes it hurt more.
I’m still watching him for you. We’ve actually become pretty good friends in this span of time. He’s a very polite yet resilient young man, you should be very proud of him. But he’s worried. I’ve told him that we have continued to exchange letters in hopes to ease this, but you know that’s a lie. I think he knows too. But he hasn’t said anything, so I’ve kept it up. Which is why I continue to send these letters into the void.
I think part of me hopes to hear back, just once. I want to believe Ivan has a heart. That I will finally be able to give one letter to him and that it will reach you. If this is the lucky letter let me just say:
I love you Gilbert. Oh so very much.
Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you, wondering if you’re eating enough, if you’re getting enough sleep, if you’re warm enough. Sometimes I wonder if you’re still there. I’m already planning our dates for when we’re finally reunited. So help me God, I’m taking you to a Beatles concert; I can promise you that.
So, please. Hang on my love. I’m doing everything I can to get you back. I promise we will meet again.
Forever yours,
Arthur Kirkland
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