#Poppy is next yall
catscalling · 1 year
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Howdy; the god of Flora!
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dogday-shines-bright · 2 months
yes you can tell me anything!
The dog takes a deep breath and holds your paws, and just like a leap of faith, his confession comes all at once.
"CatNap, I really, really, really like you... M-more than anyone I ever did... I..."
The poor boy is shaking, his face is blushed and his little eyes turned into suns while looking at his friend.
"I-I really love you, CatNap..."
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roshellow29 · 7 months
Idk why but I feel the need to rant about trolls band together so here's a warning for SPOILERS.
TL;DR I'll be talking shit about major conflict parts in the movie that I wished were handled differently >:((((
Please take caution (and a deep breath) reading this because I'm very bad at making sense when I ramble ok? Ok les go
The movie was great, loved the songs and I enjoyed branches family shenanigans, including supportive girlfriend poppy I've been WAITING FOR THIS (ifykyk)
But here are some things that bothered me that they could've definitely done differently
1. JOHN DORYS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC- jd is great. He's actually my favorite! He's a cringefail boyfailiure and I love him for it. In the movie, his whole thing was that he was basically an ass who didn't listen to his siblings and always pressured and bossed them around. Cool, that's established. What's not is, Why??? It's really the whole "perfect family harmony" thing I guess.
Because later in the conflict he says that it was "hard being responsible for four younger siblings" (which bitch me too were litteraly the same) and that all they needed to be was perfect. what I don't understand is why? Why the whole perfect harmony? Where did it come from? They didn't say it was a big thing or that other bands did it? Would it get them more fame? Would it mean that they're perceived as the perfect brothers or something?? Also, why wasn't the grandmother more involved with the kids?? Did she pressure him to care for his siblings because their parents weren't involved or something? That's just one thing that's not really explained to me ig 🤔
And the whole thing that bothers me with jd is that he doesn't do the cliché "branch I'm sorry I was an asshole brother, and I wanna be a better troll to you and our bros. And blah blah blah" like they skip that entire potential jd apology??? I was expecting that with a hug?? I WANTED A HUG WITH BRANCH AND JD OK. He genuinely cares about him!!! You can see it, he really does. He's just bad at communicating. Like extremely - so they skipped that and just made him go, "We'll follow ur lead branch," and that's it.😐 no apology. No proper character development. Just him going "ok yeah I'll follow u one time." LIKE HUH. (This also includes the other siblings cuz they dipped on branch the same, and none of them said sorry!!)
OH and another thing. WHY WERE CLAY AND BRUCE SUCH ASSHOLES TO JD. ESPECIALLY CLAY. like I completely get it, he was an asshole, he pressured and bossed you around, we know that. But that was 20 PLUS YEARS AGO??? Like no you don't have to hug him but damn why r yall so cold???
I'm thinking that because I'm p sure they went no contact at all after they broke up. So how r they so sure he's still the way he was before?? (I mean they were kinda right but still) like you could've been super happy and then get disappointed later when trying to practice hitting the note. It would've made more sense to me idk. Like it just bothers me that they straight up ignore him- it's mean! (But I can't be too mad I mean they all have their reasons ig 🙄)
While we're on the topic of the family, on to my next point.
2. ROSIEPUFF AND HER DEATH. I think it was handled HORRIBLY. Like the whole movie I was just like "plz don't skip over it plz don't skip over it." And then branch drops the bomb on them right (which still caught me off guard like damn) and THEYRE DUMBFOUNDED, GREAT. And then after that there's NOTHING. NOTHING!?!??!?!?!? they don't mention it they don't apologize to branch for what he went through they don't take two seconds to mourn her they're just like "wait she dead?" And then fucking move on like. Why???? they don't question how, they don't question when branch was living in solidarity for 20 years, nothing. and I'm mad as fuck because that was part of Branches entire CHARACTER ARC in the first movie!! They don't mention he was gray they don't mention he didn't sing they don't mention anything. He went through that for 20 YEARS, ALONE. and they don't mention it. I rlly hated that- like they rlly didn't care.
Third smaller topic that I thought was gonna happen
3. I thought clay was gonna end up going, "actually yknow what, I AM fun" and then embrace himself because hes most definitely goofy. But nah they left him trying so hard to convince himself he's serious, and tbh he just came across as branch 2.0.
Alright moving on!!
4. I'm mad they didn't include a little flashback of viva and poppy being inseparable until the escape happened. Like I know popps was an infant but at the same time troll kids talk the day they're born, so it would've been nice to see them be together at least once before they separated.
I WANNA DECK PEPPY IN THE FACE. you lost your daughter and instead of MOURNING her and spreading her memory you decided to act like she didn't EXIST. WHY. like he was obviously depressed and sad but why didn't you tell poppy stories of her when she was a kid or something? And keep her memory alive??
(And sure. There's the thing with "They weren't gonna give poppy a sister until now" but I feel like they could've at least made poppy remember a small flashback is what I'm saying.)
Idk. I just wish it was handled differently like why is peppy keeping so much shit to himself lmao.
Oh yeah and then there's just my little nitpick and it's that I wish they included the troll leaders in the wedding sequence ok they're all friends they should've been invited ok I just wanted to see them again 😭(totally not saying thus cuz world tour is my fav but I am)
Anyway, yeah! I think this is just what mainly bothers me about the movie. I just feel like the conflict was handled poorly. But either than that it's still a good watch. I like it a lot :D
If you read this far, God damn you like to read, and thanks for dealing with my stupid thoughts!
If not, that's OK lol.
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sugar-omi · 9 months
my younger cousin had this project where their class had to host a mini "press conference" of sorts in their classroom and gather insights about love and marriage from any married couple they choose to invite and it's funny imagining if something like that happened to mc and gang down the line, especially when if it's their kid inviting them, their own parents 😭
mc + cove & mc + derek are a given, and the class ends up fawning over them from how damn tooth-rottingly sweet they are
while i'm not sure baxter would agree to share his story with mc, i can see him getting bullied (affectionate) by the kids once it's over KGJDKFJ
(for some reason I thought u were talking abt like. how they got together ok n I realized like half way in so shhhh but also lemme cook ok)
omg baxter would try to like. keep it more light bc no need to explain your whirlwind romance to a group of 13 year olds or smth right
so he tells it like you broke up after dating for a summer and you showed up one day to help his clients plan their wedding and he had to act normal bc he figured you prbly didn't wanna deal w him again but the couple were like "so, are you in love w mc?" and you still ended up together bc he's such a simp for you even when you're mad at him....
everyone calls him a simp but they also fawn n die laughing bc that'd so funny?!??! I love Jude for asking baxter that, he is such a king n I love him Scott you gotta share a bit more of him bc he's so !!!!! I need me a Scott n Jude in my life yk that omfg
now cove and mc.... omg everyone is so over it yall are SICK
your kid tells you to keep it short n sweet bc we get it you're childhood friends n crushes MOVE ON 😾👎👎👎 (they're tired of ur love, confirmed)
but pls cove going on abt how he just does things for you bc he loves you??? like when you were teens n he wanted to make you happy (happiness moment) and you took him to the poppy field
and same w derek, him talking abt supporting each other n stuff. like you opening the door for him, making him relax while you set up the game, or helping w chores. and you tell him it's okay, that you just want him...
your kid/s w cove would have enough to write 4 novels and counting... like stfu and tell me who confessed to who bc we're getting NOWHERE
or even better tell them who proposed to who. if it was you and you did it the next day after you started dating they'd be on the edge of their seat n start screaming bc YOU REALLY DID THAT!!!! YOU GO MC THATS THEIR PARENT!!!!!
now derek... they'd turn to him n go "dad you're dumb" especially if you've been dropping hints since forever like why are buff men the DENSEST OMFG
but they'd also cry bc he shouldn't feel like that?!?,! their dad is so awesome?!?!;@:! they cry n hug him n tell him they will always need him n stuff :,)
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piece-of-hweat · 9 months
Little Nightmares... but flowers?
Okay so there's this thing in OMORI where each main character has a flower that correlates to their personality. Kel being a cactus because he's resilient, Hero being a rose because he's universally loved, etc.
Now what if we were to assign flowers to each Nightmare Kid?
Like Noone, Low, Mono, Six, Cici, Raincoat, etc.
I've left a whole essay on this topic below, so you can look at that if you really want to--
NONETHELESS! I really wanna hear yall's thoughts on this- Feel free to reply your own ideas!
Ideas/flowers I assigned are listed below:
I think Mono would be a crocus or a forget-me-not. They're both colours I think he'd like, and I've always imagined Mono to be a winter-birthday kid. Crocus are flowers that bloom in late winter, and I suppose that also represents resilience in a way??? Not many flowers bloom in the winter because of the cold. As for forget-me-nots... I think it's easy to explain? Forget-me-nots usually symbolize faithfulness and remembrance, and Mono just... radiates that stuff.
Six would either be a poppy, dandelion, or a bleeding hearts flower. Poppy because they actually have two meanings! In western culture, it represents death, because of its blood-red colour, while in eastern culture, they represent success or passion, if I remember correctly. Dandelion is... self-explanatory? It's yellow, like Six's raincoat, and it's a weed- just like Six- (/hj /hj) Bleeding hearts is also self-explanatory. It's literally a flower that looks like a bleeding heart. Plus they're cool, and I think Six would think so as well. I rest my case.
Noone is probably the easiest? I mean... she did have a flower in the podcast so my homework's already done for me. I think Noone would be a chrysanthemum or a poppy. Poppy for the same reason as Six, it means death and success Chrysanthemum because it's the flower that her parents left her before she was taken under Otto's "care"
Raincoat would probably be a hibiscus or a carnation. Raincoat was a pretty short-lived character, just like how hibiscus have a short life-span. They also mean "gentle" or something of the sort. Since Raincoat radiates gentle older-sister-energy, I'm giving this to her. Red carnations are a symbol of love (both romantic and platonic), protection, and passion. Raincoat feels like a very loving character, and a passionate one at that. She feels like she'd do anything in her power to protect anyone she loves. She just... feels like a carnation.
I don't have much to say about Runaway, but he feels like a periwinkle person. Reason 1, it means hope (apparently), and Runaway seems to have a lot of ties to "hope"? I'm not sure where or how we got there, but... nonetheless it's still there. Reason 2, it's blue. That's it. It's blue, just like Runaway. I would say the typical "water lily" or "lotus", because Runaway has a lot of connections to water... but... That's basic. Plus, lotus and lilies mean like... "purity" and "calmness" and all that jazz, and the Runaway in my head is the pure and utter opposite to "calm" and "virtuous". The only lily-flower I'd refer him to would be pink or yellow water lilies. Pink because they apparently mean friendship and joy, yellow because they mean energy and new beginnings.
Low and Alone are their own can of worms that I can't even open. We know next to nothing about these two, so how am I supposed to assign a flower based on their characteristics if I have no characteristics to work with? The only thing I can offer atm is Alone being a tiger lily and Low being a Birds of Paradise flower. Tiger lily because they remind me of Alone's silly goofy hair. And Birds of Paradise because... um... bird-boy.
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i wasnt gonna post this, and im sorry in advance if any of this sounds mean, but some of yall need to hear this 💀
okay, i know the only time i ever talk about bad omens on here is when im making fun of noah's fuck ass bob, but ive actually been a fan of bad omens for several years, and since i was also a really big poppy fan a few years ago, i thought id like to share my two cents on this whole wackadoodle thing going on amongst fans.
now, i don't like to throw around terms like "chronically online" and "parasocial" willy-nilly, but this is honestly the vibe some of you guys are putting out. poppy and noah are not only on the same label- but they are going on tour together next year. of fucking COURSE they are going to be seen interacting with each other. it would be weird if they weren't.
also, that man is 28 years old. he should be allowed to exist near women without people speculating on whether they're dating or not.
and regardless of whether they're dating or not, it is no one's business but their own. they are both full-grown adults. i know i make fun of noah a lot, but i genuinely feel bad for him. i can't imagine how fucking annoying it must be to not even be able to interact with a woman who is essentially his COWORKER at a WORK PARTY without people freaking the fuck out. and yall wonder why he's not active on social media anymore 💀
moral of the story: you all need to go outside, touch some grass, and really think about what decisions you've made in your life that have led you to caring SO MUCH about the POTENTIAL personal relationships of this grown-ass man who doesn't even know you exist.
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ageofhearingloss · 1 year
Who Are You Now Pt. 3 ⎮Danny Wagner x Reader
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A/N: hiiii my lovey doves! i just wanted to say a huge gimongous thank you for all of the recent love on this series; it means way more than you could ever possibly know and you all are so near and dear to my heart!! part 3 is here, finally! there's still quite a lot of angst, but this time there's more gratification ;) this chapter contains explicit sexual content so GO AWAY if you are a minor! please! (also there's a silly little jab at king dave welcsh but don't get it twisted, i love him and ttwf more than life itself so it's all in good fun)
this very special chapter is dedicated to a very special POPPY!!! americas sweetheart @gold-mines-melting may or may not make an appearance in this part, you're just gonna have to read to find out!
(pssst, read part 2 first)
pairing: danny wagner x female!reader
warnings: angst, alcohol consumption, brief mentions of smoking, 18+ GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT, minors DNI!! shoo shoo!! unprotected sex (please be safe, yall!), language, dirty talk, choking and a little breath play, fingering (fem receiving), slight degradation, spitting, some playful hitting, and i thiiiink that's it but please please please tell me if i forgot something
word count: ~11k (so sorry)
summary: you and your best friend have just moved to a new city and spontaneously meet a group of handsome young strangers during a night out. you hit it off with one of them in particular, but are left wondering if you are just friends or if there’s something more on the horizon.
The passage of time was completely lost to you as you sat atop a stool at your kitchen island. How long had you been sitting there? Minutes? Hours? Right now, your brain only knew two things: Danny had kissed you, and he left you without saying a word. Your heart took up residence in your stomach and your palms were slick with sweat. Questions running marathons through your mind. Not being able to complete one thought before a new, louder one interrupted. 
This is exactly what I wanted, so why am I freaking out?
You cradled your head in your hands as you rested your elbows on the cool countertop, digging your palms into your eye-sockets as you tried desperately to settle the butterflies flitting around your gut. The kiss had been showstopping, akin to ones you watched on the television when you were younger causing you to dream of the love you would have once you were all grown up. Thinking about his fingers running through your hair, breath warm against your mouth, it sent you tumbling further into the pit of anxiety-induced nausea. 
You vaguely heard the front door open and slam, knowing Natalie and Jake were returning with breakfast in tow, but you couldn’t bring yourself to greet them with your usual cheery persona.
“Y/n!” Natalie sang from the entryway, “Did you know Jake wears prescription sunglasses? That’s why he wears them inside! I always thought he was just a prick-”
“Nat, that’s a trade secret!” he called after her, his tone full of scolding sarcasm.
They bumbled into the kitchen, Jake carrying a tray of four coffees (one for Dan if he still happened to be at your place), Nat clutching a giant brown paper bag filled with bagels, the early morning excitement filling the air until her eyes landed on you. 
“Oh, shit.” Jake watched her halt in the middle of the kitchen, her mood falling immediately, as he slowly shifted his eyes from her to where you sat.
You lifted your head to take them both in, face flushed and eyes wide with panic.
“Honey, what happened?” Nat set the bagels onto the island in front of her, shifting to take the coffee from Jake’s clutches before climbing into the bar stool next to you. She began rubbing reassuring circles into your back as you let your head fall into your hands once more, shooting her eyes between Jake and the stairs, a silent request for him to give you two some privacy. He nodded his understanding, giving you a quick sympathetic glance that you were unaware of. 
“I’m, uh, gonna go take a shower,” he announced. “Holler if you need me.”
The stair creaked underneath his feet, indication that he was no longer in the room and with that, you lifted your head once again to meet Nat’s gaze. 
“That bad, huh?”
“Not even!” Your arms shot up in exclamation, causing her hand to retreat from your back. “I mean, I don’t even know!”
She waited patiently for further explanation. 
“Nat… he fucking kissed me.”
A giant smile of delight made its way to her face as she clapped her hands together, but it was lost all too soon when she realized there was no chance of you celebrating alongside her.
“Okay… so why is this a bad thing? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
You shifted on your stool to directly face her and let a controlled sigh leave your lungs. The first steady breath you’ve managed since the entryway fiasco. 
“Of course it’s what I want, it’s just… We were gonna talk and then he had to go to work so there was no time and-” you closed your eyes in an attempt to unscramble your thoughts, “He kissed me and then just left without saying a single thing.”
“He left?”
You nodded, explaining the whole scenario to your best friend. She listened intently, asking appropriate questions here and there, offering her sage wisdom to help talk you through it. She advised that even though the ball is technically still in his court, that perhaps you should take initiative and be the one to reach out to him. “If you don’t, who knows how much longer you’ll be waiting. Lord knows he’s made you wait long enough.” Of course, she was right. But your stomach churned at the thought of now having to confront the kiss he bestowed upon you on top of the conversation you were already planning to have. 
The conversation you two were having had drifted to a completely separate topic; you and Nat were able to talk about anything and everything. You were just beginning to feel better, the latte beginning to wake you up from your mostly sleepless night, as your phone began vibrating on the counter next to the stove. You leaped off your stool instantaneously and grabbed your phone to check the caller ID.
“Oh fuck,” you whispered, “it’s Dan. What the fuck do I do?”
“Answer it! Maybe he wants to talk!”
Your hand was shaking, palms impossibly sweatier than they had been before as you swiped a finger across the screen.
“Hey, Dan-”
“Hey angel, I don’t have a ton of time, I’m just pulling up to the shop-”
“Angel?” You blinked. 
You were met with silence from the other end.
“Sorry... I- I just forgot to mention earlier that tonight is Dave’s release show for the band's EP. We’re all on the guest list, including Nat. I’ll send you money for an Uber, and text you the address of the venue once I get inside the shop. Just meet us there at 7.”
You couldn’t believe these were the words that were being spoken to you. Was this not the man who had slammed you against the wall and devoured you not even an hour ago? 
“Uh, yeah okay. That sounds good. Anything specific I should wear?” The boys very frequently collaborated on their outfits when you all went out together, and more often than not, you and Nat were the outliers of whatever vibe they were trying to go for that night.
“You look good in anything, so I’m sure whatever you pick out will be great.”
Your brain was cursing your heart as you tried to fight the smile creeping across your face.
“I gotta run though, I’m already a little late. I’ll see you later tonight! Bye, y/n.”
Before you could say your goodbye in its entirety, the line disconnected. You pulled your phone away from your ear, mouth slightly agape as you cartoonishly blinked at Natalie, unable to form words for a couple moments.
“Looks like we’re going to a show tonight.”
“So he really didn’t mention the kiss?” Nat called from the bathroom, putting the finishing touches on her effortlessly beachy waves.
“Not a peep.”
Sat in front of your vanity in your bedroom, you were finalizing your look, too. Your own hair sat high atop your head in a loose, messy bun, not having it in you to be bothered to do something special with it. You pulled out a few tendrils to frame your face, and then applied a quick coat of mascara. The look for tonight was minimal; you knew you’d be out late, and you wanted to save your future self from the trouble of trying to scrub off a full face of makeup at 4am. 
Getting ready to go out was a therapeutic experience for you and Nat; the two of you would even go far enough to say that it was more fun than the night out itself. A cheap beer was sweating rings onto the top of your vanity, and even though the music was blasting through the halls of your apartment, you could still hear Nat singing to herself from the bathroom. You had nearly forgotten the stress you had been under only hours prior, and you were eternally grateful. After all, tonight was a big night for Dave and his buddies, and you wanted to be a supportive friend. That wouldn’t be possible if your head was drowning in thoughts of Daniel. 
“You sure this looks okay?” 
Nat appeared in the doorway of your bedroom, hair cascading over her shoulders and down her back in long, loose tendrils. She wore a black denim dress that was perfect for any occasion paired with her trusty set of Doc Martens. You turned your body to look her way, already nodding enthusiastically before your gaze fully fell on her. After volleying a variety of comments back and forth, ensuring that the other looked great and didn’t need to change, you stood from the vanity and smoothed your dress. You decided on a deep red slip dress; it was loose and didn’t cling to your curves, but left your arms and legs exposed; you didn’t know if dancing would be a part of the night's festivities, but you wanted to wear something that’d be appropriate, just in case. 
Walking over to your closet, you pulled on an old pair of tall, beat up cowboy boots. The mockery never ceased whenever you wore them, but you’d be damned if you weren’t going to seize the opportunity now that you lived in a climate where they were part of everyday attire. Nat peeked into the closet as you slid them on, snickering before you threw her a warning glare, shrugging a simple bag over your shoulder. 
“Ready?” you questioned.
She beamed, “Ready. The Uber’s gonna be here in a couple minutes.”
You’d be lying if you said that your nerves hadn’t made their reappearance on the drive to the concert. You had kept a short leash on your brain, not allowing it to wander too far, but now you were worried about seeing Dan after what happened this morning; would he acknowledge it? Ignore it? Worst of all, was he going to act weird? Thankfully, you ran out of time to let yourself begin to question how the night would unfold as the car screeched to a halt at the curb in front of the venue, seeing that your four men, and a mystery woman, were waiting patiently for you outside of the front doors. You studied the woman briefly before getting out of the car; she was stunningly beautiful, coffee-colored hair and piercing green eyes, her features nearly feline. She was chatting away with the twins, bubbly, outspoken, and invested in the conversation with genuine interest.
She has that same warming smile Josh has.
Adjusting the silk of your dress, you climbed out of the car, taking a deep breath before stepping to the side to leave enough room for Natalie to get out. It was Sam who recognized your presence first, that goofy grin of his displayed on his face as he began sauntering over to you, causing his brothers to turn and follow suit.
“Oh mama, you look great!” Josh exclaimed once he was in front of you, grabbing your hand while lifting his arm up to give you a little twirl. Every ounce of stress and anxiety you were feeling in the car instantly seeped away from your muscles once you stood in front of your friends. Jake had immediately flung his arm around Nat’s waist to pull her in for a quick kiss, and after you said hi to him and Sam and were out of Josh’s clutches, you let yourself finally look at Dan. His eyes were twinkling and smile shining bright, exactly how you always remembered him from the very first night you met. He sidestepped around Josh and pulled you into a tight hug, hands slightly bunching the material of your dress around your waist. Breathing in the musky scent of him helped focus your thoughts, reminding you that you had nothing to worry about. After all, he was one of your closest friends, and it’d take more than a kiss to mess that up. You’d decided that tonight would not be the appropriate time to talk about what transpired that morning, and with that you were determined to have a good time. If Daniel wanted to bring up the kiss, so be it, but you did not want to ruin an otherwise celebratory night with a conversation that had the potential to end in catastrophe.
Once you pulled out of his arms, you made your way over to meet the girl that was at Josh’s side. She was already beaming at you, and you couldn’t help but return it, finding that not only her smile was similar to Josh’s, but she had an equally inviting aura. Josh was speaking before you had the chance to let words fly.
“Y/n! I want you to meet someone-” he was interrupted by a playful nudge to his shoulder, the girl chuckling beside him.
“Ever the gentleman,” she grinned as she stuck her hand out past him. “I’m Poppy.”
You clasped her hand between yours without a second thought, “I’m y/n.” You shook it gently before playfully asking, “So you’re with Josh?”
“That’s right, mama,” Josh cut in, throwing his arm around her shoulder and placing a chaste kiss to her temple, “you snooze, you lose.” You rolled your eyes and laughed at his comment as he punctuated his words with a wink.
“Where’s he been hiding you away all this time?” You returned your attention back to Poppy who remained snug under his arm. She explained that she and Josh have known each other since high school, but had both gone separate ways for college only to have found each other again in the city of music. You learned she was also a musician, traveling around with numerous bands whenever any of them needed a resident saxophonist. “I just got back from a long stretch of touring a couple days ago,” she nodded thoughtfully, “I love it, but I am so happy to be home. Josh has told me a lot about all of you and I’m excited to finally meet everybody for myself.”
Greetings began to die down, Natalie and Poppy immediately bonding over their affinity for the twins, and soon you were being corralled inside by an anxious Daniel who informed you the show would be starting momentarily. 
The venue was stunning and cozy; an inviting environment that hosted the most talented up-and-coming musicians Nashville had to offer. Your little posse found a comfortable patch of standing room to the left of the stage, Sam insisting that you all didn’t drift too far from the bar (“I really hate spilling my beer on myself when I try to get back to my spot”).
The house lights faded to black just a minute later. Dan stood close to your side, whispering to you the names of the band members as they made their way on stage. Of course you knew Dave, but he identified Alex as the guitarist, Chris on drums, and Kyle playing the bass. You nodded your understanding, trying to focus on the words he was saying rather than the sensation of his breath hot against the shell of your ear; it was going to be a very long night if you couldn’t get your emotions under control. But instead of trying to stuff your feelings down like you had been for months now, you let yourself be distracted by Dave’s voice, losing yourself to the music. 
He was mesmerized by the way you moved. He’s watched you dance plenty of times before, but the way your body moved always had the ability to steal the air clean from his lungs. The way you let your eyes fall closed and the sway of your hips. How your dress would ride up ever so slightly whenever you lifted your arms. The lights faintly glittering off the sheen of the gloss that painted your lips. The lips that he had finally pressed his own to that morning. 
The guilt he felt for ignoring the show was only slight; he was too entranced by you, and he could not stop from slotting an arm around your waist, letting himself sway along with you. When you felt his firm hold around you, you fluttered your eyes open and lifted your chin to give him a smile that set his skin aflame. The tilt of your lips made him realize that he would level the earth for just a chance to experience that smile again, and knowing that he was the recipient of such angelic beauty made his heart jump to his throat. He retreated his hand only to turn his attention to your hair, to the messy bun adorning it. Selfishly, he wanted to see the way your waves danced down your back and how they would sway in time with your movements, so with one fluid motion, he gently pulled the elastic from your hair, letting it fall around your shoulders before he smoothed it out, letting pieces fall to frame your face. 
“What’d you do that for?” You questioned with raised eyebrows, just loud enough for him to hear above the music.
Ever quick on his feet, Danny began gathering his own hair high atop his head, securing it with the tie that he had taken from you, “I was getting warm, the hair had to go up.” 
A smirk played on your lips, somehow seeing right through his excuse, but let him off the hook as you grabbed his arm, using it as leverage to reach up and whisper in his ear, “So, these guys are essentially a 1975 tribute band?”
You were driving him mad. The scent of your woodsy cologne caused the hair on his arms to stand up on end, throat bobbing as he leaned down to retort, “Don’t tell Dave that, it’d go straight to his head.”
Your head lulled back with the sound of a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners as you let go of Dan's arm, returning your attention to the band as another song climbed to its peak.
With great effort, he finally peeled himself away to glance around at the others in the audience and just as he suspected, he wasn’t the only one enamored with you. He caught the eyes of those who were ogling a little too much, giving them a territorial glare that caused them to embarrassingly return their gaze forward. As much as he loved to show you off, you were his, whether you knew so or not. The way he was indulging in the sight of you felt nearly sinful, but he refused to let the moment go to waste and took inventory of every lock of hair, every freckle, every dimple, committing it all to memory. 
Dave’s voice rang in his ears as he returned his attention to the stage,
Take time to figure it out, I love you when I’m honest…
“Oh my god, y/n! Natalie!” Dave called as he rushed into the mostly vacant house of the venue, the rest of the band trailing hot on his heels. “I’m so happy you guys could make it!” He pulled you two into a simultaneous hug, his hair and chest damp with the sweat he shed on stage. 
“You guys were incredible, congrats on the release!” Natalie beamed, your group adding their agreements and affirmations alongside her. 
Danny had moved to stand beside you, casually throwing his arm around your shoulders like he had done countless times before as you all chattered in excitement together. Sam and Kyle had drifted to get one more drink, Sam animatedly asking the bassist about some of the riffs he played on stage. At this point in the night, you were completely relaxed, content to be with your friends, old and new, and celebrating such a great accomplishment together.
“Oh shit, let me introduce you guys, sorry,” Dave said in a hurry, gathering up Alex and Chris, leaving Kyle in Sam's clutches. He introduced you to them, you eagerly shaking their hands and making small talk. Chris kept catching your eye, his smile gleaming in the light reflecting off of it. Alex was occupied talking to Poppy and Natalie, asking them questions about where they were from and what music they were into, as Chris directed his attention back to you and Dan, still snug at your side. 
“You two look good together,” he grinned at you, “I didn’t know Dan was seeing anybody.”
A blush crept to your cheeks but before you could think of a response, Dan was already on it.
“I’m not,” he replied flatly. “We’re just friends.”
You thought you were blacking out considering how quiet it suddenly got around you, but rather your friends had stopped their conversations once they heard those words leave Daniel’s mouth. Sure, neither of you had any time to talk about what you meant to each other, and saying that you were just friends saved everyone involved from a long, awkward explanation, but he could have just left it that you two were not a couple. 
There was a period of charged silence, as if your thoughts were painted above your head in bright, neon lettering for all to read. That familiar rush of rage flooded your system, the feeling that you had tried so hard to quell during your movie night the evening prior. You were back to square one; you needed to talk to Danny. The show was over. You’d find a quiet place in the bar where you all were headed to finally say your piece. Glancing down at your shoes, you could feel their eyes on you. Could feel the weight of words unsaid. But thankfully, Chris soon rolled off Dan’s words with a nonchalant “Oh, my bad. Well maybe you two should be.” He waved off the comment dismissively and joined the rest of the group standing behind you two; it was clear the conversation had died right then and there and it was time to head to the “real party,” as Jake called it. 
The group divided up as you headed to the bar; you insisted that you, Natalie, Poppy, and Josh shared a ride while the others found their own way there. Josh put up no fight leaving his brothers, explaining that he hardly got a second away from them anyways. You needed a slight reprieve from everyone, knowing that these three were the ones who would not contribute more to the irritation that was present in your mood. Nat kept close to your side; she knew better than to mention what had been said, but offered her comfort in the source of her presence, something that soothed you no matter what. You assumed Josh had filled Poppy in, for she gave you a sympathetic smile that suggested she knew all too well what you were feeling. You made a mental note to have a stern talk with Josh later about if he ever fucked anything up with Poppy, you’d mount him over your fireplace. 
You sat in the front seat of the car, letting the other three babble away as you glared out the window, eyes chasing the passing cars. If you were honest with yourself, you wanted to go home. It seemed like impending doom awaited you at the bar, and you weren’t sure if you were prepared to handle it. But you knew the option of making a swift exit was long gone, so you decided that you’d attempt to let a couple drinks melt away your nerves. If not, they’d at least serve as liquid courage for you to face your fears. 
“You gonna stay here all night, or come with us?” Josh clapped his hand on your arm, pulling you from your thoughts with a knowing smile as you glanced at him over your shoulder. You nodded, your smile not reaching your eyes, and then turned to step out of the car, unsure about where your night was headed.
Thankfully, the night had unfolded similarly to any other. You found yourself in a seedy bar surrounded by your favorite people, drinks flowing freely and conversation light and easy. The bar the band had chosen had a variety of games; dart boards lined the walls and one lone ping-pong table stood in the corner, highlighted by a flickering stained glass lamp hanging from the ceiling. Josh and Poppy had made their way over to it early in the night, their competitive streaks equally matched as you all watched a tournament unfold. They had remained there all night, heated words spewing back and forth and sweat dripping from their foreheads. The rest of you took turns refilling their drinks when one of you noticed they were low, all of you beyond amused by the unbelievable seriousness they both shared when it came to the tabletop sport. 
The other nine of you drifted towards one of the many dart boards, laughing and yelling more than throwing many darts. Sam had the worst aim any of you had ever seen, causing flowery insults to fly amongst the brothers. Everything felt great, normal even, except for the fact that Dan seemed to be avoiding you. He was conservative with his words, his touches, conversing with Dave and Sam much more than you, but tried to convince yourself that you were fine with it.
At the beginning of the night, his lack of attention made your heart pang with a hint of sadness; now after a few drinks, it felt like a game. You rarely instigated; you thought these petty games were childish and never helped the issue at hand, but you couldn’t stop yourself tonight. He would talk to you, and you were determined to make sure of that. Your plan was simple: jealousy. 
You latched onto Chris for the night; he was charming, easy-going, and possessed a smile that lit up the whole room. The two of you hit it off swimmingly, finding out you had plenty in common with each other and feeling delighted in his company. You hated that your intention was double-edged; you did want to get to know Chris better, but you were also too aware of Daniel’s stare burning through the back of your head. 
It’s working.
To deepen the blow, you agreed to be on Chris’ team for darts, Danny looking confused since the two of you were always a pair when it came to teaming up against others. You answered his expression with a wink of your own, turning your attention back to Chris as he began his throws. You put on your best show, widening your eyes just a smidge, being a hint more bubbly and giggly, things that would fall unnoticed by the rest of the crowd but not by the one person you wanted to realize. 
Once your points hit zero, Chris landing a double and winning you both the game, you threw your arms around his neck excitedly, him twirling you around in celebration. Jake and Natalie cursed their loss as Chris returned you to your feet, Sam already picking teams for the next round, securing Dan for himself. 
“Actually, guys, I’m gonna step out for a smoke.” His voice was jarring, considering you’d hardly heard it all night. “Daniel, you hardly smoke,” Sam complained, knowing his so-called dart partner was a great throw. “Come with me, y/n.” You spun to see Dan standing close behind you, his expression undeniably serious as he tenderly grabbed you by your hand. He swiftly led you away from the group before you could object, only having a quick moment to throw Natalie a glance of confusion as you grew farther away, soon enveloped by the sea of other bar patrons.
“Dan- Dan! What are you doing?”
“Just.. come on,” he said through gritted teeth, the gentle hand he had previously offered you now a vise-like grip wrapped around your wrist. 
You were on his heels heading through the boisterous crowd at the bar, and realized quickly that you were not heading towards the front door where you were told you’d be going. He had informed the group that you two were going out for a smoke, but with how he was holding you paired with the alarming speed he was ushering you through the crowd, you knew that was the last place you were going. 
Oh, he’s pissed. 
You’ve rarely seen Danny upset, but when you had, it was frightening. His eyes were burning, all playfulness and serenity stripped from his demeanor. Only dominant fury raged through his system, and that is exactly what you wanted. You smiled to yourself even though you knew you were in deep shit, never have been on the receiving end of his anger. Your plan of riling him up played out perfectly, but now the steam that you swore was radiating off of his head had you questioning otherwise. Did you push him too far?
He pulled you towards a set of stairs that led down to where the bathrooms were located and your stomach twisted. You hesitated slightly in defiance but was matched with a quick tug on your wrist, signifying that you needed to continue moving. With that, you gave up the fight, following him down the dimly lit staircase, nearly tripping over your own feet in the process. Landing at the bottom, you watched Dan frantically look down the hall, illuminated by dingy lights and neon signs, only to see that there were plenty of people in line for both single stall bathrooms. He cursed under his breath, hand still wrapped around your wrist, and hauled you past the lines of curious onlookers. His stare was unbelievably dark, all caramel drained from his irises. And it excited you beyond belief.
You knew what this looked like, the two of you running hand-in-hand to find a private place,  and thinking about it caused a pink flush to grace your cheeks, but beyond that, you couldn’t find it in you to care. The lingering effects of the alcohol (albeit you were feeling pretty sober by this point in the night), the adrenaline from the show, all of it made you more eager to be with him. You let your gaze fall onto his back, your hair falling slightly to shield your face from any bystanders as you raced past them. The end of the hallway veered right, and soon you were thankfully out of the line of sight from others. You couldn’t fight the faint smile that graced your lips as he pulled you to every doorway lining the hall, checking the door handles with the hand that wasn’t chained to you. Most were locked or marked “Employee Only,” but soon he found a supply closet that allowed him to enter. 
Dan yanked you into the closet causing you to stumble forward over your feet and by the time you caught your balance, he had already shut and locked the door from the inside. You stood in the center of the room, cramped and damp with the smell of wet mops and bleach. Switching on the light via the string hanging from the ceiling, you finally turned towards Dan who was now leaning his back against the locked door. 
You stared in silence at each other for what felt like minutes, your arms crossed over your chest as you watched his gaze never lighten. He was the picture of stoic beauty, even if his expression should have sent you running for the hills. 
As much as you were hoping for him to break the silence, you decided it was time to end your standoff. 
“So… what?”
“You know what, y/n, don’t play fucking dumb.”
This is going to be fun. 
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, care to enlighten me?”
He shoved off the wall, stalking towards you with lion-like movements. His eyes hadn’t left yours since you entered the dim room, and usually this extended period of eye contact would make you shy away, but right now it was only contributing to the pool of wetness you could feel collecting between your thighs. 
“Why were you flirting with Chris?”
“Who said I was flirting?” He stood directly in front of you now, and you lifted your chin slightly in defiance as your eyes seared into his. “And why do you even care since we’re “just friends.””
He took one more step closer, pressing his torso against your crossed arms. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he started condescendingly, “You think I can’t tell when you’re flirting? When you’re all hot and bothered?” His eyes flickered to your lips as he spoke, wetting his own with his tongue. 
Watching his movements caused you to clench your thighs together in search of any hint of friction or relief, and even though you tried your hardest to be subtle, his eyes shot down to note your fidgeting. Only then did a lupin smirk appear on his face. 
He slowly dragged his eyes up your body, lingering on every curve, to meet your stare again, bringing a hand to grip your jaw as he tutted at you in disapproval. 
“You’ve been playing with me all night, haven’t you, angel?” His hand on your jaw tightened as he tilted your head back slightly, bringing his lips inches away from yours. 
He says that as if he hasn’t been playing with me for months. 
You dropped your arms away from your chest as you backed away out of his grip, your own face falling as you watched his eyes flit between yours in a hint of concern and confusion. His arrogant smirk was wiped clean off his face.
“You think I’m playing with you? Are you going to tell me what the hell you’ve been doing for the past couple months?” Your eyebrows shot up in question as your breath quickened. Yes, you were toying with him tonight, but only in retaliation for his actions towards you.
“I feel like I’ve been going crazy thinking about all the times you’ve led me to believe that this,” you motioned between your bodies, “that we were something more, but it’s always radio silence from you.” Your hands were balled into fists at your sides, tears threatening to breach your eyes. “Did this morning not mean anything to you? I’ve been racking my brain all day as to what I could’ve done to make you act like it didn’t happen.” You dropped your chin to your chest now, forcing back the tears that you refused to let fall. “I just don’t get why you haven’t said anything.”
You were expecting his tone to shift, for him to comfort you like you were used to, but instead he reciprocated your frustration. 
“Why I haven’t said anything?” His back straightened as his eyes widened in shock. “Why haven’t you said something? I thought it was very clear that the ball was in your court. I fucking kissed you for god’s sake! How can you say it meant nothing to me?”
You darted your head back up to look at him. “You’re kidding, right? The pet names, your “friendly” touches, that one night at Jake’s,” you spat at him. “The fucking kiss? You initiate these things and then leave me in the dark immediately after! What the fuck am I supposed to think?”
He was struck speechless for a moment, his eyes softening ever so slightly as he stepped forward to close the distance you had put between you two.
His voice shifted to a domineering whisper, “I’m fucking scared, y/n, is that what you want to hear?” Even though his voice was softer, his mood hadn’t changed. “I know how I feel about you, and I’ve known it since the first night at Mickey’s. I waited until I knew my feelings were true, but I fucked it up along the way.” He dropped his forehead to yours and allowed his eyes to close. “I’m terrified to lose you, to do something-” 
“Just fucking do anything, Daniel,” your voice at full volume. You were growing impatient and increasingly more upset by his confession. “I’m sick of waiting around for you to decide what you want from me.”
He lifted his head back up, his expression telling you that he was taken aback by your tone. You two stood and stared at each other for another long moment, storm clouds of tension swirling around the room.
He moved to grip your jaw like he had minutes before, “Do anything?” The fire in his eyes returned although there was a new glint of mischievous darkness. 
“Please.” Your voice came out as a shallow whisper. 
“Be careful what you wish for, angel.”
With that, he crashed his lips into yours, slowly backing you up against the far wall of the closet, never breaking contact the entire way there. Your back finally hit the cold concrete with a slight thud, the pressure of his weight against you caused a faint whimper to escape your throat. It was quiet enough that you were sure he didn’t hear it, but his chuckle against your lips confirmed that he knew just how badly he was riling you up. He let go of his grip on your chin in favor of snaking both of his hands into your hair, similarly to what he had done this morning. 
Unlike this morning, however, it was you who was fighting for dominance. You intertwined your arms behind his neck, bringing him as close to you as possible as you lightly swiped your tongue against his lips, a silent demand for him to open for you. He gave you access for a split second, letting you fall into a false sense of control, before giving your hair a sharp yank that snapped your head back, causing you to completely fall open to him instead. Holding your hair in his fists, he pulled back from your mouth, looking at your already kiss-swollen lips and smudged mascara. Your jaw was slack as you gazed down the tip of your nose at him, chest heaving in a desperate attempt to get any air to your lungs. 
This side of Daniel was new territory for you; he had never given you the impression that he had a dominant streak, although you did realize that his brothers often fell in line whenever he commanded them to. It excited you beyond comprehension, knowing that you were still learning new things about the man you’ve spent so much time with. 
His hand lightly gripping your throat was what pulled you back from your thoughts and forced you to him. He squeezed the sides of your neck, still allowing you enough room to breathe, while his other hand left the back of your head and started roaming up and down your curves at an agonizing pace.
It was killing you how slowly he was moving. In hopes to relay that message to him, you daringly ground yourself against his body, feeling that his cock was undeniably hard and straining against his jeans, but you were quickly met with a firm squeeze on your hip, pressing you back into the wall. He tutted at you for the second time tonight, shaking his head in disappointment. 
“Who knew my sweet girl was so greedy…”
You gave him a set of award-winning doe eyes as both his hold on your throat and your hip tightened, causing him to let loose a shaky breath as you batted your eyelashes. The hand on your hip began traveling down your thigh and underneath your dress, moving dangerously close to where you needed him the most. Your breath hitched in anticipation as he snapped the elastic of your thong, earning you a dark chuckle in return. Dan leaned in next to your ear as his fingers danced along the waistband of your underwear. “Can I touch you?” he whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. In that moment, he was the soft, caring Daniel you knew, making sure that you felt comfortable in your current situation. His shifts between light and dark sent you reeling, and you were certain you felt droplets of your arousal run down your inner thigh. 
Dan withdrew his head from the side of your face as you quickly nodded your approval, not worried if you looked too eager.
“Words, angel. Let me hear what you want.” His grip loosened to grant you the ability to speak clearly and your words tumbled immediately from your lips in a hurried slur.
“You, Dan. Please,” you writhed against his fingers, begging him to venture lower, “I want you.”
The second the words left your mouth, his fingers dug into the sides of your neck once more, somewhat restricting your airflow. He decided to show you an ounce of mercy, letting his index finger trail just below your navel, making you shudder. Your head attempted to fall forward to your chest, despite his restraints, as you felt him trace over your clothed core, ghosting circles right around your clit. No matter what situation the both of you were in, he still insisted on messing with you. 
You hissed through your teeth as he pulled your panties to the side, cool air hitting your throbbing heat as he began swiping two of his fingers through your folds.
“Fuck- Jesus Christ, angel, you’re soaked,” he whispered mostly to himself as he directed his gaze down to watch his fingers at work. Somewhere along the way, your dress had been hiked up around your waist, allowing you both front row seats to watch what he was doing. After gliding through your folds and swirling around your clit a couple times, he began teasing your entrance, gathering as much of your slick as he possibly could on his fingers. You groaned when you felt his fingers retreat, only to see him bring his hand up between both of your faces so you could marvel at his handiwork. 
“Absolutely filthy,” he glanced from his fingers into your half-lidded eyes with a devilish smirk splayed wide across his mouth. His words could have made you come on the spot; you were not prepared for him to be this vocal- this morning he remained completely silent. But damn, were his words a treat for you to hear. You watched with rapt attention as his fingers glistened, hardly realizing that his other hand had left your throat and traveled up to grip your jaw. He forced your eyes back to his with a tight squeeze on your cheeks. Eyes burning into yours, he brought his fingers to his mouth and slowly licked you off of them, savoring the taste with a satisfied hum. His tongue curling around his digits gave you a clear glimpse as to what he would be able to do if his head was buried between your legs instead.
He pulled his fingers away from his mouth and brought them to yours, resting the pads of his fingertips against your bottom lip. “Open up,” he said, accompanied by another sharp clench around your jaw. Your mouth fell open instantaneously as he rested his fingers along the top of your tongue, and you unabashedly sucked them into your mouth, eyes never leaving his. 
“How do we taste together, hm?” His eyelids fluttered at how warm your mouth felt, but he couldn’t bring himself to miss the chance of watching his fingers pump in and out of you. “You’re even sweeter than I imagined you’d be.”
Slowly withdrawing his fingers, you hollowed out your cheeks around them, causing him to curse under his breath. You didn’t dare let your eyes drift closed either as he brought his slippery fingers back down to your clit, the pressure featherlight and mind-numbing. Once again, you pushed yourself against his hand, needing more. Every nerve-ending in your body was burning with white hot flame and he knew it, too; this is exactly how he hoped you would respond to him, and he was determined to take his time with you and draw this pivotal moment out for as long as he possibly could. 
This man is going to be the death of me.
You finally relinquished any control you had over your body and allowed your eyes to close, your head tilting back against the concrete wall as you felt him glide one finger inside of you, exhaling a breath that you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. He stilled inside you, scanning your face, amused with how you looked in your already fucked-out state. He admired your beauty: how your lips were still glistening from his fingers, how your eyeliner had drifted to shadow beneath your eyes, how your hair was a tangled mess falling over your shoulders. You were a masterpiece, and he was hell-bent on making sure that you were his and only his for the foreseeable future. 
You grew impatient with his finger laying dormant inside of you, so you forced your eyes open to find him staring at you. Once he was caught, he flashed you a cheeky grin and a cocked eyebrow, “Hi, doll,” knowing damn well that you were growing tired of his teasing.
“Please,” you begged again.
He loved making you writhe in his grasp. 
“Shit, you sound so pretty when you beg. Please what?”
You brought your hand to cup his length still confined in his pants, and the feeling of him twitching against your fingers brought an entire swarm of butterflies to your stomach. He groaned at the contact, quickly trailing his eyes to see where you were grasping him. You made quick work of popping the button of his jeans loose, tugging the zipper down before his hand left your throat and traveled down to grip your wrist, halting your movements.
“As much as I want your hands on me, angel, we’re taking care of you right now.”
“Danny, I need more. Please, let me have it,” you clenched around his digit that still sat inside you, causing a shudder to ripple through him. If you had been in your right mind, watching him shake would have brought a smile to your face. But right now, all it did was send another flood of wetness to your core.
“Only good girls get what they want, angel, and you’ve been anything but good tonight.”
Your eyes shifted to him as you gazed through your lashes once more, praying to any god out there that he would drop the act and give you what you needed. 
“That's not true,” you mumbled out, your voice still hoarse from the hand that was previously around your throat. He brought your hand away from his cock and returned it to your side as he leaned into the crook of your neck, breath hot against your skin.
“Agree to disagree, but why don’t you stop being a selfish brat and show me just how good you can be instead.” He punctuated his words with a sudden curl of his finger, the tip of it tickling that sweet spot deep inside you. You gasped, head falling back again as your mouth hung agape, wondering to yourself if you’ve ever been this turned on in your life. You knew this was a high that you would be chasing for the rest of your life. 
His unoccupied hand began trailing up your body, pausing momentarily at your chest to swipe his thumb over your peaked nipple, and then moved on to return it to its rightful place around your neck. You were seeing stars already, that familiar elastic band of pleasure in your lower abdomen threatening to snap at any moment now. He pulled out his finger only to insert another one alongside it, his thumb beginning to rub circles against your bundle of nerves while his fingers got to work inside of you. 
“You know, I’ve imagined this more times than I care to admit,” he licked a quick stripe beneath your ear. “I’ve dreamt of how you’d squirm for me.” His fingers quickened their pace, alternating between pumping and curling as he felt your walls beginning to flutter around him. “How you’d react to my mouth, my fingers,” he emphasized his words with an especially mind-altering curl of his fingers as his voice deepened further, “my cock-”
His damn fingers.
Tears were threatening your eyes again as you peered over the edge of what you could tell would be one of the best orgasms you’ve experienced yet. You knew his hand around your neck was a purposeful way to bring this out in you, your heady state making you even more responsive to his touch.
“I’m-” you gasped, trying to find where your words were locked away in your brain, “Dan, I’m close-”
“I know, angel, can feel you squeezing me so tight. Will you be good and give it to me?” The circles on your clit were impeccably fast, “Please, let me see how pretty you are when you come.”
Right then, he released his hold on your throat, the rush of blood to your head sending you careening into oblivion. You let out a pitchy moan of his name as you released around his fingers, bracing yourself with your hands clamped on his arms. He continued his hasty pace, guiding you through your high as he chanted a slew of praises in your ear. Your tears must have finally fallen because his free hand was now cupping your cheek, thumb gently grazing underneath your eye to collect any stray droplets. 
He slowed his fingers to a stop only when you began showing signs of overstimulation, and as much as you would have loved for him to continue, to pull another one out of you, you needed his cock inside you. Now. 
You forced your eyes open as you collected your breath, although every inhale you took was shallow and unsteady. You were frantic with need already; his fingers had brought you to heights you had only experienced by yourself in your bedroom, and now you were obsessing over the thought of him stretching you out. You let go of his arms, fingers fumbling to find his belt loops but he suddenly stepped out of your grasp. He pulled himself away to stand directly in front of you, causing you to groan in dismay at the loss of his warmth and weight against your body.
“Don’t worry,” he chuckled, “I’ll give you what you want.” He reached out to stroke your cheek. “You really are a needy little thing, aren’t you?” Your breath caught in your throat as he gave you the gentlest of swats against the flesh. “Turn around, hands on the wall.”
You spun around at an alarming speed, still a little dizzy from the come down as you splayed your palms against the concrete. His hands were on you moments later, securing your dress high on your waist once more as he crouched behind you. You were on full display for him, and he was greedily drinking in the sight of you. He let his fingers trace over the swell of your ass, admiring every curve and divot of your body. You truly were an angel in his eyes, and being able to see you, have you, this way made his heart rattle within his chest. He hooked his fingers on the elastic that hugged your hips and pulled your panties down ever so slowly, helping you step out of each leg with a steady hand on your thigh. Unbenounced to you, he took them in his hands and traced the damp spot on them with the tip of a finger before shoving them into his back pocket. You wished you could see what he was doing, but some masochistic part of you was relishing in the anticipation of not knowing his next move.
“Bend a bit lower for me, sweetheart,” he said as he brought his hands back to your ass, spreading you wide open as you obeyed his command. Perhaps you may have felt embarrassed to be this exposed, but in your needy state you were lapping up any and all attention he would give you. You yelped in shock as you felt him spit directly into your pussy, following it immediately with one languid swipe of his tongue through your folds. His mouth was gone all too quickly, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he whispered, “Absolutely gorgeous, angel. All pretty and wet and pink,” he placed a chaste kiss against your ass, “I wonder how you’d feel fluttering around me-”
“Daniel, please. I can’t wait anymore. I need you inside me, I need you to fuck me-” You nearly sobbed out, your thighs beginning to tremble with impatience and your brain running a mile a minute. 
“Shhhh, sweetheart, breathe for me,” his hands ran along your thighs to help relax them and steady you. “I’ll give you what you want, you’ve been so good for me.” You glanced over your shoulder then, your brows knit together in need and frustration, but the sight of him knelt behind you made your head calm and all pent-up anxiety vanish. You watched as he rose to his feet and immediately picked up where you had left off on his jeans, working to free himself from the tight denim. He pulled himself out of his briefs, his cock springing up against the trail of hair that ran from his navel to the base of his length. Your mouth watered and your eyes widened at the sheer size of him. It was a known fact that Daniel’s body was sculpted out of marble, a true Grecian god walking amongst mortals, and now you knew that was true about every part of him.
Your throat bobbed as you stared at his length, bigger and thicker than you had pictured, and you knew he would fit snugly inside you. You finally broke your stare away from his cock to look in his eyes, hoping that your silent plea for him to fill you up was clear. Thankfully, he nodded as he gripped himself, giving length a few tight, slow pumps, before bringing the tip of it to trace through your folds.
You exhaled a steady breath, letting your head face forward again and dropping your chin to your chest. 
“You ready for me?” He tapped his length against your entrance, punctuating the question. You nodded swiftly, forgetting that he needed your words. You opened your mouth a little too late, his hand quickly creating a ponytail in your hair with his fist, using it to pull you closer to him. His action caused your back to arch and a hiss to escape your lips, the pain on your scalp only increasing your pleasure. 
 “You know the rules, angel.”
“Yes, yes Danny, I’m ready-” and once the words sprang free, he was inching his way inside you, both of you groaning in unison at the feeling. He moved slowly, pausing when he would hear you hiss as he stretched you only for you to beg him to continue, settling once he filled you completely to the hilt. Making sure that you were okay, he waited as you adjusted to his size, releasing his iron grip on your hair in favor of running his fingers through it. Your walls were pulsating around him, swallowing him further inside you as you relished in how full you felt. He was patient with you which you appreciated, but you were too eager for him to begin moving. Now that you weren’t restrained with his hand in your hair, you fell back forward, returning your hands to the wall. 
You took the opportunity the angle provided you to start sliding off his cock, and once he understood what that meant, he slammed back into you, propelling you further forward. One of his hands took purchase on your waist while the other splayed wide across your back as he pulled out of you only to swiftly bury himself to the hilt once more. Your head hung forward, hair cascading around your face like a curtain, swaying in time with his thrusts. He set a harsh, agonizing place, hips hitting hard against your ass as you let your moans fall freely from your mouth. Every stroke of the tip of his cock hit right where you needed it to, and it only took a few short moments for the knot in your stomach to begin tightening once more. 
“You feel-” he interrupted his thought with another sharp thrust, “I don’t even know the words to describe how fucking good you feel.” His hand began hurriedly running up and down your back in adoration. “You’re sucking me in so deep, angel.”
All you could manage was a string of whimpers in acknowledgment, your nerves feeling like pins and needles and your vision turning white. 
He slowed his pace, causing you to clamp your mouth shut to stop yourself from voicing your complaints due to how desperately close you were to coming, only to feel him clamp a hand on your shoulder, bringing your upper body close to his back once more. 
“Open,” he demanded. 
With how he was just pounding into you, you assumed he meant your legs, so you widened your stance further only to hear him chuckle darkly in response. 
“Very cute, doll. Open your mouth.”
You did as he commanded, letting your jaw fall open as he brought his hand off your shoulder in favor of plunging two fingers back into your mouth. He resumed his quick pace as you hummed around his fingers, withdrawing them all too suddenly and dropping them down to draw incredibly quick circles around your clit. 
His name fell from your lips in an agonizing moan, feeling the build-up of your impending orgasm cresting like a tidal wave. You could feel him beginning to twitch inside you, clueing you in that he was close, too. You squeezed your eyes shut, letting yourself completely succumb to his hold on you.
His digits remained on your clit as he pulled out of you quickly, causing a wretched cry to break free from deep within your chest. You had no time to think, let alone complain about the loss of him because his hands were on your hips within seconds, spinning you around to face him and pressing his body flush against yours, your back against that wall once more. He instructed you to jump, giant hands firm underneath your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his hips, crossing your ankles at his back. His strength paired with your back against the wall kept you suspended as he guided his cock back into you, not wasting any time in setting that same mind-numbing pace. He thrusted into you with reckless abandon, much less collected than he had been before as he let his forehead drop to yours, eyes burning into you. 
“Wanna watch your face as you come around my cock,” he said through gritted teeth before bringing his lips to yours in a searing kiss. You both were desperate for release and it was evident in your kiss; tongues tangling together, teeth clashing, and before you knew it you were clenching impossibly hard around him, your senses being overridden by the blinding release he was sending you into. Your eyes clamped shut and you pulled away from his mouth as you cried out his name, not caring how loud it left your lips. He continued along with his pace, his composure becoming increasingly more sloppy as his cock swelled inside you. 
“W-where do you want me, angel,” he panted in shallow breaths, not being able to hold back much longer. 
“I-inside,” words choking in your throat as he jackhammered into you, “I want you inside.”
That was all the confirmation he needed before his head fell back, fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as a string of curses fell from his lips. He released inside of you with a final thrust, filling you with warm spurts, the feeling dizzying and addicting. He slowed to a halt, bringing his forehead to rest against yours once more as you both came down from your highs, breaths shallow and heavy. You clung to each other as you settled, relishing in the comfort of the other's arms until you felt calm enough to open your eyes, finding his there waiting for you. You pulled him into another kiss, this one short but passionate, allowing your brain time to catch up to the events that had just transpired. Once you were fully in your body again, you chuckled against his lips, causing him to parrot the action. Soon, you two were in a fit of giggles, neither of you able to continue the kiss any longer.
“You know,” you started after your laughter had died down a little, “I’m loving this ‘angel’ business.” You beamed at him, noting the faint sheen of sweat across his forehead.
“Good, cause it suits you,” he said as he placed a kiss against your cheek, simultaneously tapping your thighs to signify he was about to withdraw himself from you. 
“Wait-,” your eyes widened, suddenly embarrassed by what you were about to say. He raised his eyebrows to you in question, urging you to continue your thought. “What if I don’t want you to leave just yet.” He bared his teeth to you in a wide smile, laughing at your bashfulness.
“If you think for a second that this was a one time thing, y/n, you’re out of your mind.”
However, he stayed inside you per your request, feeling him slowly soften as his thumb grazed your cheek. Soon, though, your thighs began to shake slightly, both from overstimulation and from keeping you hoisted on his hips, so you braced yourself as he slid out from you, a hiss escaping through his teeth at the feeling. He carefully set you down, making sure that you were on steady feet before releasing his grip on your thighs. He took it upon himself to straighten your dress before tucking himself back in his jeans, and you began to smooth your hair and detangle any snarls that had formed during your activities. You glanced around your feet, trying to find your underwear but coming up short. 
“Dan? You seen my panties?” you asked, looking like a dog chasing its own tail as you spun around searching for your lost garment. 
“Yeah, I’m taking a souvenir,” he patted his back pocket nonchalantly before giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You playfully pushed him away with a devilish smirk, knowing that he wanted you to feel his come slowly cascading down your thigh, loving the thought of you walking around trying to keep your little rendezvous a secret.
He tilted your chin up with a delicate finger placed beneath your chin before he began swiping a thumb underneath your eyes, eliminating the smudged mascara and eyeliner you knew were evident on the tops of your cheekbones. You followed his eyes as he worked, all too focused on the task he had at hand. It warmed your heart immensely; something so domestic about this innocent moment made all of your earlier questions melt away. You were certain of how he felt for you, regardless of the sex you just had. 
“Alright,” he playfully pecked your nose, “all good.” He began turning towards the door before speaking again, “And y/n, I plan on taking you home tonight. We can talk in the morning, but just know you won’t be getting a lot of sleep tonight.” He swiftly unlocked the door and made his way through it, leaving you and the smelly mops in silence. 
After taking a few minutes for yourself, replaying every image of Danny back in your mind, you made your way to the bathroom. Thankfully, the line had vanished during the time you spent in the closet, and you were quickly able to clean yourself up further, realizing there wasn’t a whole lot you could do for the evident flush on your face and your swollen lips. But you made your way upstairs anyway after doing the best you could, hoping the poor lighting would hide every piece of evidence you were not able to wipe away. 
You found Nat standing at the bar, seemingly getting ready to close the tab. You tapped her on the shoulder quickly, getting her attention. Immediately, her eyes grew wide once they fell on you, a smile so wide that it looked like her face would split in two. With extreme subtlety and impossible swiftness, she took her hand and inched up the side of your dress just to where a panty-line should have been evident. She caught a glimpse of your bare skin before you were able to swat her away, exclaiming “I fucking knew it!” You tried shushing her, not needing any of his nosey brothers noticing your conversation.
“Did this just happen?” She asked, her voice an octave higher. 
“Yeah, and I think I’m in complete shock,” you rushed out in a soft voice, your own smile tugging on your lips.
“Oh my god, you’re telling me every single detail once we get home.”
“Well,” you began, “you’re gonna have to wait until tomorrow cause I don’t think I’m coming home tonight.”
To be continued…
taglist: @joopsworld @gold-mines-melting @shutupdevvie @indigostreakmorgan @sacredjake
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deejadabbles · 11 months
Heyyyy I have a song for that song prompt! 😁
Touch by Little Mix 🤭
A cute, poppy beat?? Must be Fives related! I for real only had to listen to this song for a second before I had the perfect idea, so great choice! Also, will I ever write a Fives x reader that doesn't have a shy reader? Probably not, I hope yall are okay with that XD
Hope you like this flirty fluff!
Warnings: None, besides Fives being Fives lol
Music and flashing lights blared overhead. You almost hadn't come, despite the boys insisting. They had been lightly goading you into joining them all day, teasing and saying 79's wouldn't be the same without you. To no one's surprise, it was Fives' charming attempt at tooka eyes that did you in.
Maker, that man could probably convince you to do just about anything with that charisma of his, and the fact that he would never take that advantage too far just made you love him more.
Of course, the reason you had been hesitant to come in the first place was making your face hot and palms sweaty. Fives had insisted that you sit next to him in the booth and considering how cramped the spot was with so many large men, you were practically sitting in his lap.
His arm was draped over the back of the seat, but it occasionally slid down to lay across your shoulders instead. Any time he leaned in to join the banter and conversation flying across the table, his face brushed yours, goatee tickling your skin.
How this man could send you reeling with such small touches was a mystery to you. Well, it wasn't, not really. Fives' charm could win over just about anyone, and it had won you over a long time ago.
If you secretly swooning every time he so much as brushed against you wasn't bad enough, you were sure you were going to fall right to your feet when he said, "Oh kriff yeah! I love this song- Mesh'la, come dance with me!"
You didn't even manage a full-fledged "Wha??" before he was pulling you out of the booth with him. Again, you wouldn't have said no to him, not when he looked so delighted, and not when he had picked you over every other hottie in the bar to dance with- but maker you weren't sure you could survive more of his touch!
To his credit, when Fives found a nice spot in the middle of the dance floor and turned to face you, he left a small amount of space between your bodies. Half of you was smitten with his thoughtfulness of boundaries, the other half was saying 'what the kriff, Fives? I didn't wear this outfit for you to be a respectful gentleman!'
His playful demeanor wasn't all gone, of course. He did hold your hips after all, and he was staring intently into your eyes as you both rocked your bodies to the bouncing beat.
There was that smile again, that grin of his that sent your mind reeling. It was lopsided, lifted at one end like a smirk and flashing just a little bit of his teeth, but it crinkled the corner of his eye to show just how genuine it was.
With a gulp, you somehow let yourself get lost in the song, let your body move within his hold. When he gripped your hips a little tighter, were glad for the loudness of the music hiding your gasped. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that he was touching you in a needy or possessive way.
Then his eyes started trailing down your body, resting for a moment at your hips, and your skin tingled under his gaze, even when he look back to your eyes.
"I like the way you move, mesh'la," he said, somehow keeping his tone intimate even as he was heard over the music.
"And I like the way you touch me." The words were out before you knew it, before you could stop them, and you almost bit your tongue as if that would reel them back in.
Fives' eyes went wide, this was the first time you had ever been so bold around him. The surprise only lasted for a moment, though, and this time, his smile was a little more...warm, dopey, even.
"Oh, yeah?"
He did it slowly, giving you time to step away, as he pulled you closer. When you only leaned into him more, his eyes seemed to twinkle.
You swore you stopped breathing when you realized he was leaning in, eyes drifting shut as he pulled you to him.
"Then I think you'll like this, sweetheart."
When his lips touched yours, you swore you fell right into his arms.
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maskyartist · 5 months
1. does the other bros appear in this fic?
2. if floyd is still taken in your au and clay finds out before any of the other bros does what will he does?
will he go looking for bruse and jd seeing as theirs a possibility of them being alive or is going to velvet and veneer hunting seeing as he war ready?
3. how does clay and viva feel learning their sibling are still alive, happy or angry that they befriended the Burgans?
4. will the putt putt trolls ever learn that creek sold out the trolls and if so how will it make them feel
5. if clay or viva was to learn creek sold out the village before finding out no one really died how dead will creek be?(and yes, im am asking the same question 2 times i just want movie betrayer creek to be in pain)
6. what if the putt putt trolls learn that their village was still alive but being held captive by the rock trolls what will happen?
7. if this did take place during world tour and not after how different it will be to the original idea you made for EXPLOSIVE KINGDOMS (yes im too lazy to write the name)
hear my next batch of questions most are what ifs but i love looking at the what ifs of the what ifs you might spark some more
1 - That I still havent really decided yet! I do know this AU takes place BEFORE band together, about two weeks before Gristol and Bridget's wedding, they aim to blow up the royal wedding to really make a point yknow? if yall can find a good way to put the brothers in im all ears, but rn im not entirely sure how to include em >3> MAYBE JD but idk
2 - IF things still go as usual, and the AU takes place AFTER Band Together, Clay would definitely begin including mockups of Mount Rageous into his blueprints at Hole in Fun. Seems the "Troll Killing" extends to many bigger races... It's a bigger problem then he thought, and for his brothers, he'd do just about anything. Viva wouldn't be opposed, after all.
3 - Now thats also somethin i aint sure of quite yet. The Putt Putts have lived for vengeance for so long that idk if they'd forgive the Bergens. the BEST way I can see this ending is a peace treaty and an agreement to stay far away from each other for specifically the Putt Putts and Bergens. The Putt Putts cant forgive the slaughter of their people like Pop Village can
4 - The Putt Putts as an entirety? No, they wont find out, its not gonna be a reveal thats announced to the world. As for Viva and Clay though, well...
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Viva really did think Creek was her friend...
she didn't take it well.
6 - If they were involved in World Tour i think they'd attempt to protect Pop Village >3> Not really travel with Poppy and Branch (tho i'd love if Clay or Viva replaced fuckin James Cordon im sorry i cant like Biggie not when hes voiced by HIM >:( ), but i cant see em in World Tour. i say during that time is when the Putt Putts are training for war and learning to create explosives :) This is when Clay learns mmm blowin shit up's kinda fun
7 - Like I said about, they probably wouldnt help realistically, but if I DID include the Putt Putts into World Tour from this AU specifically, they'd probably be on Barb's side as anonymous muscle/suppliers. Similar to the Bounty Hunters they're morally grey. In my mind the Putt Putts arent a Troll Tribe TO sing in general, since it attracts attention, so in this universe I don't think they'd care too much if everyone else lost their music. Either way they can still hold their war, and they'll have the Rock Trolls as help during it :)
basically it'd definitely be villain set up >3>
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ferris-the-wheel · 5 months
Hi!! How are you doing :)
For your event can I request an interaction with my oc, Poppy with Epel? For the event (twst) ❤️💜💚
They are friends to lovers btw :D
You can write in narrative or Epel's perspective-
They can have a simple hang out interaction
The time line matches around between Book 5-6
And Poppy gets along with Jack and Rook
{ Canon Characters Meet OCs! }
ೃ⁀➷ Included characters: Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, and Jack Howl.
ೃ⁀➷ Perspective: Jack Howl (hope you don't mind ^^')
ೃ⁀➷ Friends to lovers (mutual crushes since I wasn't sure if they're already dating at this point).
ೃ⁀➷ ❤️/💜/💚
TW: None
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Epel was walking down the corridor when he suddenly stopped. Jack, who was walking next to him, stopped as well.
"Epel? What's wrong?" Jack asked. Epel's cheeks tinged red and he stuttered. "N- nothing. Oh look, there's Poppy. Let's go say hi!" Epel hurried toward the ginger-haired girl, leaving Jack to quickly follow him.
"Hey Poppy!" Epel said as he approached. Jack noted that the petite girl was accompanied by a few other Rosantèe members, but as soon as Epel called out, they started giggling and a few left.
"Oh, sorry. I didn’t bother you guys, did I?" Epel asked, but Poppy shook her head. "Nope! They had to go anyways." She explained with a happy smile. Jack stood a little further behind Epel, watching their interaction. He saw that Epel's face was a bit flushed. It clicked in Jack's brain. Oh.
"Hey, Jack." Poppy said, her and Epel's conversation having paused. Jack blinked. "Hi. How are you today?" He asked. Poppy laughed. "I'm doing alright!"
Her smile was infectious and the two boys couldn't help but smile long with her. They started walking down the corridor, Epel and Poppy still chatting away.
"So, Poppy, do you have any plans for today?"
"Um... oh yeah! I was planning on going apple picking. Do you want to come with?"
"Really? Sure, I'll come!"
Poppy looked over at Jack, who was walking on Epel's left side. "Jack, what about you? Do you want to come apple picking with us?" Jack, who'd only been half paying attention, responded quickly: "Huh- oh, um, sure." Poppy gave a cheer at his response and she began skipping along beside Epel.
"After we're done picking apples, let's have a picnic! I'll bring the food, don't worry!" She added, then stopped next to a classroom door. "Well, this is me!" She explained. Epel and Jack both nodded and Poppy waved before slipping into the classroom.
It hadn't even been two seconds before she popped her head back out. "Oh, you guys don't mind apple pie, do you?" The boys both shook their heads. "I love apple pie." Epel chimed in. Poppy giggled and disappeared inside the classroom once more.
Jack glanced briefly at Epel and suppressed a laugh when he saw that Epel's face was bright red. Jack started walking away. "Come on, we're going to be late for alchemy." He said and Epel jumped as though he hadn't been paying attention. "Oh- yeah! I really don't want to make Professor Crewel mad at us." He said the last part with a sigh and hurried to catch up with Jack.
Okay- so I accidently posted this early but its fine :D Anyways, I hope yall liked it (especially @justm3di0cr3, I hope I portrayed Poppy's personality properly)! Sorry that it was shorter than my normal fics but I'm willing to make a part two! Feel free to send in more requests :)
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rhunsui · 1 day
Doodles from when i was playing VRChat
This has nothing to do with Rcp
yall gon think im cringe for this fr
p.s. In all of these, i am the cat
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So i got a new buddy, i have no idea wha his actual name is but i js call him DogDay 🔥
Also i couldnt move my arms cuz im a pc user, he used a vr headset so he can control his arms
Next up we have our greeting that we made up
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Basically cuz our models/avatars mouths are huge so we basically look up and stare down at eachother and say 'hrallo' in a high pitch voice
Aka, this:
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We basically were inseperable and if we were alone together in a room ppl would think were fucking and then all pile up in the room, completely ruining our moment
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He was laying, i sat on his face for shits and giggles totally not suffocating him and some random dude said that i had to wait til im older so i could step on him and do... yea you get what i mean
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Another random dude forcing dogday to chug water repeatedly
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He had enough water, he stood up and this happened
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Some fuckahh was trolling and making our games lag
All these happened 2 days ago
This, however, happened a couple hours ago
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Im the cat at the bottom
Turns out they werent gay (despite the flirting and the uh.... cuddling that went on for who knows how long)
Yk, when i first joined, it was only those two and i think they were having a lil vr date.... At least thats what i thought it was
(P.s. the 'insert gender' is there bc i js dont wanna tell yall. Its not that im uncomfy, i js dont want yall to know so no one would know what i really am)
I found out they were just homies, that explains a lot (i actually did ask them if they were like, fr dating, but they said no)
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I would also mention ANOTHER thing but its so sexual its better that i dont (will be mentioned in a reblog)
Also random video of me finding out abt more stuff i could do
And yes
i like Poppy Playtime
Deal with it
No tags for this cuz i dont wanna get known for Ppt 🧍
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anishaplaysdrums23 · 6 months
okay you all probably noticed how branchs eyes got bigger in next movies. The reason is probably just him looking better that way but I like to think that he just gor better ever since he got closer to Poppy. Like he could never really sleep because of the nightmares with his brothers and belgers eating his grandma, if he even fell asleep. He was so scared of the belgers he didnt even feel save in his own bunker. BUT since he got closer to Poppy I feel like one time he went for a walk and she asked him why isnt he sleeping and since then she started helping him out. Like telling him that everything is okay if he had a nightmare or just being with him.
Does that make sense yall..
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edward-lygma-ballz · 11 months
So about a week ago my coworker recommended me the band Avatar because I told him I'd been listening to Ghost non-stop for 2 months. He said Avatar is a Swedish metal show band like Ghost, so I was like uh hells yeah let's do it. The next day on my way to work I decided to listen to Avatar and was immediately caught off guard by their sound. (In the best way possible, and it was like 9am so I wasn't expecting to hear Heavy Metal I thought they'd be poppy like Ghost)(Not to say that Ghost is pop but in my mind they aren't really metal especially not heavy metal.) And so I listen to the Spotify "This is Avatar" and I'm grooving, I'm jiving and I decided to see what the guys screaming at me looked like and BY GOD WHY DO THEY LOOK SO COOL?!?! Like not in the "woah they look so cool I wanna look like them/be like them" no. This was "HUH WH WHAT WHY DO I WANNA KEEP LOOKiNG AT THEM" LIKE SOME KIND OF TRANCE. Anyway I've just been looking at pictures of Avatar all week, how yall doing?
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Entry 2#
>It’s a video, with Jules holding the camera. She smiles at it.<
“ hey again! Still in this universe, not jumped yet thankfully, the poppy offered me breakfast! I think she thinks I’m a homeless person-“
She shakes her head.
“ anyways! Look at my hair! I finally used one of those box dyes to dye it! “
She swishes her hair around, the purple color shinning in the shitty lights of the motel. She seems enthusiastic though.
“ I love the color! Unfortunately I couldn’t dye the roots, but I think it looks good. “
…she changes the topic.
“ I’m gonna try and record my next jump. I think maybe if people see what it does to me, I might get someone’s attention! “
…there is a brief moment of silence before she picks the camera up.
“ that’s it, I hope I’ll see yall soon, byeeeee! “
>end recording.<
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rosalynbair · 2 years
AO3 | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee
Pairing: Poppy Balfour x Casteel Da’Neer
Words: 5800
Summary: this is pure smut between Poppy and Cas
Warnings: smut, swearing, multiple positions, this is not edited
A/N: this is just some writing from my AO3 for the twitter pals, it’s the first time I’m posting my book writings onto tumblr so I hope yall enjoy
Casteel Da’Neer was the most insufferable non-human that she had ever met in her life. She didn’t even ask to know him, to meet him, to marry him, to love him. But here he was, sliding his hands up her waist and ribs, squeezing gently to encourage warmth to seep into her clothes.
The horse beneath them was warm, but by the time it registered to her, the biting wind took all semblance of heat away from her, leaving her once more to suffer and shiver. Her body trembling against the man behind her.
“You’re shaking.” Casteel mummers against her ear, his breath hot against her skin.
“No shit.” Poppy snaps, turning her head to glare at him.
Insufferable. She thinks again, looking at the face that was concerned, but oh so beautiful.
A smile flashes across his mouth but fades back into concern as a harsh tremble wrack through her entire body. She was sore. Not only from the four days that she had been on the horse, trapped between Casteel’s thighs, but from the lack of warmth that she was unable to get no matter how many cloaks and layers she bundled herself into.
Stiff. Her muscles were stiff, making her shaking even more painful. Unused muscles clenching around the saddle, tremors vibrating her and Casteel.
“Poppy.” Cas mumbles, his arm tightening around her. “Why didn’t you say you were this cold.”
“It’s not like we have any more cloaks.” She responds quietly, teeth chattering against her words. A whimper rips from her throat as the wind surrounds them with its cold snap.
Casteel curses, pulling on the reins as he wraps his other arm around her torso. The horse falls back, and they land between the small group.
“We’ll stop in the next town for the night.” He announces, voice rumbling through her. “Get rooms at the inn and hot baths.”
A mummer of appreciation ran through them, a new pace set to reach the inn faster than reaching another clearing to sleep on the ground once more. A sigh went through her again, another tremble shaking her.
“We’re almost there Princess.” Cas mutters, kissing the tip of her ear as the hood fell back.
Almost there was another two hours.
She wanted to kill him, kill him for the fact that she was so cold, kill him for being sore, kill him for even making her go on this trip. A trip to another city that she wasn’t even required to go on, a trip that only actually needed Casteel and an entourage for the escort and for the looks. She had hated all three days that they were there, stuck to talk about politics and the ever growing land crisis in Atlantia.
She hated him for making her go with them, hated him when he said that it would make a better impression if he came with his wife. Because what was a Prince without his Princess.
Useless Kieran had added with a chuckle as he watched his friend try to convince her to come.
I don’t see how I really have a choice here. She had said, glaring up from the chaise that she had lounged on with her book.
Good to see you’ve finally caught on. Cas had grinned.
She wanted to cry as Cas swung himself off the horse, handing the reins to a stable hand that had rushed out the moment they pulled up to the inn. He turned to her, holding his hands up to grab her hips to help her off.
As her stiff joints bent to pull her legs off, she let out a small cry of pain. She noticed Cas’ wince without even looking up at him. When her feet were on the ground, she was unsteady, her husband’s body holding her up as she took a step to the front door.
“Oh dear.” A female voice said softly, revealing a small, overtly pregnant woman holding the door open. “Come in, come in please.”
They’re ushered in, and the heat from the fireplace on the back wall hits her like a brick. Poppy closes her eyes, cheeks heating almost immediately. She breaks away from her entourage, trailing closer to the fire and lifting her hands, not bothering to take off the gloves that Kieran had gifted to her.
She can hear Cas speaking to the innkeeper, booking multiple rooms, and asking for dinner to be brought up to all of them when it was ready. The footsteps of the men dispersed up the stairs, the sound of doors opening and then closing once more.
Arms wrapped around her, and her eyes open. Casteel nudging her hood down with his nose before resting his head on her shoulder.
“Go away.” She mumbles, looking at him through damp lashes.
“No.” he responds, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Poppy pulls away from him, sidestepping as he moves to grab her again. “I’m warm enough without you.”
“You’re warm because of me.” He responds, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her to the stairs.
“I was cold because of you.” She snaps back, pulling once again out of his arm and taking the steps up on her own.
“First door.” Cas says as she almost steps past it. His hand grabs the handle, pushing the door open to the toasty room. A fire roared between the two windows that overlooked the street, a kettle hanging in the fireplace.
One large bed pressed against the right side of the room, piles of heavy quilted blankets adorning it. To the left was a dresser with teacups stacked on the top of it, beside it, the door to the bathing room.
Her fingers fumble quickly with the clasp of the cloak that rested on her shoulders. When it was undone, she let it fall to the floor before unhooking the second one and letting it fall onto the other.
“I’ll let you bathe first.” Cas says, taking off his own cloak and hanging it onto a hook beside the door. She turns to glance at him, watching him unbuckle all the leather straps that held his weapons.
“I was planning on it anyways.” She retorts, raising her eyebrow as he undoes the laces holding the top of his shirt together, revealing the tan base of his neck.
His gaze catches hers, a smirk tilting the corners of his mouth. “I can think of a few things that can really warm you up princess.”
She holds his gaze, watching him strip her with his eyes. Her cheeks becoming rosy from the thought of his hands on her, under her clothes. But her gaze darkens and she lifts her lip off of her teeth, baring them slightly.
“I can manage on my own.” She tells him, taking the two steps to the bathing room, her brain playing over and over the argument of not wanting to go on the trip with him. She spins quickly to shut the door, Casteel already striding towards her.
She hears his boot make impact with the door the moment she closed it. The lock quickly falling in place as she hears him curse.
“Poppy.” He warns from the other side of the door.
“Casteel.” She mocks, turning around and pulling her shirt out of her breeches. She tugs it over her head and drops it to the bin beside the door for the laundress to pick up later.
“I’m not playing princess.” He calls to her, and she knows from the influx of his voice that he had been thinking of a long night to warm up before the bath, had probably been thinking of it the moment he said they were coming to the inn.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She coos, nudging her boots off and letting her pants fall atop them. When her undergarments followed, she leans over to turn on the tap, the water running immediately hot into the bath. “I’ll consider playing after I bathe.”
His groan is loud, but she hears him pushing away from the door, followed by a creak of the bed as he sits down on it. She smiles, raising her arms up and letting a tight stretch flow through her still stiff muscles.
As the bath fills up, she holds the side, stepping in and letting the water flow around her ankles. It was scorching against her skin, and she turns on the cold tap just to even out the temperature.
She lowers her body down, skin screaming at the heat of the water against it. Her skin still red with the cold. As her ass hits the bottom, she leans back against the wall of the tub, hair falling over it and hanging from it on the outside.
Poppy closes her eyes once more, letting the water rise around her.
As it reached to her shoulders, she turned off the taps. The silence filling the room around her. Her breath mingling with the steam that swirled around her.
As the hot water seeped into her bones, her muscles relaxing finally from the ache that had taken over them, she sinks deeper, water hitting her lips.
Her thoughts wander, finally not focused on how cold she was. But rather instead, on how truly aching she was. No longer all over, but between her thighs.
As she adjusts her body, the water laps against her, causing her to have a rapid intake of breath as it hits at her again and again like a tongue begging for her pleasure. A soft sigh echoes through her as she leans back down deeper into the water, hands coming off the edges and splaying over her breasts.
Her nipples were peaked, aching from the hours and hours spent in the cold, rubbing against the rough fabric of her shirt. Now, the feel of her soft fingers trailing over them caused them to harden more.
She pinches them between her fingers, gasping slightly at the contact as she pressed harder on them. The pleasure-pain that radiated through her went right between her legs, and she couldn’t help but roll her hips against the feeling, water lapping at her once more.
“Oh.” She whispers, one hand leaving her nipple to trail down against her stomach, scars rough against her fingertips. She let her fingers dance across her skin, running over her thighs and hips, between her legs and then through her folds, never once letting herself touch her clit. But she could feel the heat, a different heat than the water, surrounding her fingers as she pushed them over her opening.
Her hips rock, and her fingers clamp tighter around her one nipple, the pain easing the need that radiated from her core.
The hand holding her breast raises, releasing her nipple and grabbing a hold of her throat, easing some pressure against the sides. Her eyes fluttering closed as the blood rushes.
She was rocking against her hand, her fingers parted so she didn’t touch her clit. But the pressure against her lips, tips of her fingers running roughly across her opening. Her mouth opens slightly, breath hot as her eyes roll.
“Poppy.” Casteel says from the bedroom, the distance in his voice letting her know that he was still on the bed. “What, in the gods names, are you doing.”
“Nothing.” She says softly, fingers easing off of her throat as she closes the fingers between her legs, pinching her clit between them. She stifles her moan, squeezing her lips shut as she pulls her hand up, fingers sliding over her clit once more.
Casteel doesn’t respond, she wasn’t hiding what she was doing, but she loved the idea of him thinking about what she was doing, guessing where her hands were.
Poppy drags her fingers over her clit again, letting out a breath as she begins to speed up her pace. Water hits her body like waves, her fingers pressing hard as they trace her clit and keep her edging towards a release.
“Penellaphe.” Casteel growls. She could hear the frustration leaking through his words. “I can smell you. I can smell what you’re doing. Get here and let me do it for you.”
With a satisfied grin, she pulls her leg up, foot pressed against the lip of the tub. It opens herself up further, and she lets out another moan.
“No.” she says simply, leaning her head back and letting the pleasure ripple through her as she speeds her hand up over her clit, pressing harder against it as her other hand grabs at her breast.
“Penellaphe.” He groans, his head dropping against the door frame as he listens to her breaths, her moans, the water hitting her skin.
Her hips rise, another moan escaping her as she works her clit, the coil beginning to tighten in her abdomen.
“Oh.” She whispers, arching further up. “Oh. Oh.”
“Poppy.” Cas says, a whine lacing his words.
She lets out a gasping scream, the coil cutting loose and pleasure ripping through her body.
“Fuck.” Cas says, listening to her pleasure herself through the orgasm, moans and whimpers falling from her lips as she keeps running her fingers over, over, over her clit.
Finally, when the pressure was too much to handle, she pulls her hand away, gasping as the pleasure eases itself from her body.
Her eyes close again, and she lets her body calm from the climax.
“Poppy.” Casteel demands, heat filling his words. “Get out here. Now.”
She looks over her shoulder to the locked door, knowing that her husband was wound up, most likely aching for her as he did when he wasn’t inside her for more than a handful of days.
A smile tugs at her lips. “I don’t think I’m quite done yet.”
A snarl tears through the door, causing her to let out a laugh and place her hand back down between the lips, tugging a finger between them, back bowing at the sensitivity.
She pulls her hand away again, placing her hands on the sides of the tub and pulling herself up. Once standing, she bends to pull the drain plug, letting the cooling water rush away. Her feet land on a towel when she steps out. Her body turns, ass pressing against the tub as she leans back, foot up on the lip again as she holds herself open.
Her fingers find her clit again, dancing across it and grabbing the slickness from her opening. She dips her fingers in, moaning at the pressure.
There’s tension as her fingers slide in, pressing in all the places she wanted it most.
She pulls them out, pushing them back in, the heel of her hand pressing roughly against her clit. She works herself easily, having figured her own body out on the days that Cas was away on out-of-city excursions. She knew how to make herself feel good, how to make herself feel almost as god as her husband made her feel.
She was pulling herself closer again, closer and closer. Her hips arching off the tub, foot holding her up as she works herself harder.
But the door hits the wall, splinters hitting the floor as they fall from the broken door.
Her head swivels to the door, eyes half lidded as she stares at her flustered husband. His breaths coming fast and heavy as he stares at her, at how she was fucking herself like he often did.
“Poppy.” He whispers, gaze dark as she plunges her fingers back into herself. A wicked moan leaves her, and whatever spell that was cast upon Cas, breaks.
He strides towards her, knees roughly hitting the floor before her. She stares at him, watching him as he places his hands on her knees, trailing them up her thighs as he watches her hand move within her.
He’d never seen her fuck herself, never watched her cum from her own doings. He knew she did on occasion, when he was gone for too long. But he never could quite picture it in his mind, how beautiful and enticing it was to watch her make herself come undone.
“Let me.” He mutters, grabbing her wrist right as she was about to push back in. She whines as the emptiness hits her, but any thought she has racing through her brain leaves her as he takes her hand, bringing her fingers to his lips.
His mouth was hot around her fingers, tongue dancing over them as he cleaned them for her. His eyes never leaving hers as he slowly pulled her hand away, fingers retracting from his throat.
She was hot, her body on fire as she watched him. There was a smirk on his lips, fangs poking out against his bottom lip. He set her hand down, letting it rest on his shoulder while he leaned in closer, his nose skimming her thigh.
Her breath catches as he moves closer, lips pressing small, wet kisses over little bites he was placing up her thighs.
His nose brushes her clit, and she arches against him. There’s a chuckle that comes from him, basking in her need. Closer, and closer. Until his teeth skim over her clit.
She bows, arching against the sensation.
“Cas.” She snaps, staring down at him and pushing her hand into his hair. She tugs him closer to her, pushing his lips against her clit.
He takes the hint easily and quickly, darting his tongue out to push open her lips and drag it up over her opening and her clit.
He relished in her moan, the tightening of her fingers in his hair, forcing him closer against her. She needed him, whether or not she would admit it. She needed this.
Her head falls back, mouth open as he flattens his tongue against her, moving his head with his motions so he could make her feel as good as fucking possible. He was buried between her thighs, letting them tense around him as he worked his tongue on her.
Her moans were loud, music to his ears. His hand trails up her thigh, squeezing along the way. His fingers were rough as they came between her legs, dragging her open below his tongue.
As her thighs began to quake, he pushes three of his fingers in.
Her screaming moan echoed in his ears, his grin unable to be forced away as he ate her, licking her like it was the last time it would ever happen.
“Cas-.” She gasps, fingers tugging at his hair. “Cas, please.”
“I’m going to cum.” She sobs, grinding herself against his face as his fingers ram into her fast and hard. A quick turn of his wrist and his middle finger was pressing tightly against a spot that had her seeing stars. “Cas, please I’m gonna – please. I’m gonna-.”
A scream falls from her lips, legs wrapping around his shoulders in a tight embrace. She’s arched, back aching as the pleasure strings her up like a bow ready to break.
His tongue and fingers don’t stop, they keep up the brutal pace. Sending her into the realm of overstimulation and pleasured pain. Her screams turn into jagged whimpers, sobs wracking her body as she finally curls around him.
As her body trembles, he slows his pace, letting it drag on before coming to a stop.
It takes her a few minutes of shaky deep breaths before she unfurls herself from around him, placing her legs down and setting her toes on the floor.
Casteel is staring at her, eyes dark and his features tight. He moves faster than she can process what he’s doing, and suddenly, she’s in his arms. Her legs wound tightly around his hips and her arms around his shoulders.
His lips are on hers in seconds, the sweet taste of honeydew coating her tongue as he shoves his own in her mouth.
They’re moving, his hands firmly cupping her ass as he takes her to the bedroom. His movements are bumpy, and she can feel him pressed up against the back of her thigh.
Her lips are still against his, moving and sucking on his bottom lip, holding it between her teeth and biting down lightly. His groan vibrates through her, almost as much as the fall onto the bed.
It creaks beneath their weight, mattress hard against her back. She grunts slightly, feeling him adjust above her, his hand fumbling with the ties of his breeches. She can feel him push them down, unleashing what she wanted most.
The pants were around his thighs as he tries to line up with her entrance, his breaths rasping against her cheek.
There’s a moment, and she wraps her legs around him, using any momentum and surprise against him to turn him onto his back.
His head hits the pillow with a slight bounce, her folds perfectly holding his burning cock between them. His cheeks are rosy, red seeping over his chest from the heat of his desire. His moan is intoxicating. “Poppy.”
She smiles down as him, sliding herself over him, not letting him in despite how badly he wanted it. “Yes, your highness.”
“Now is not the time to play games.” He tells her, she could almost feel him trying to compel her. But the magic of his words wrapped around her like a hug.
“Oh but I think it is.” She coos, leaning down to take his earlobe between her teeth. “Don’t you want to have fun?”
“I want to be inside you.” He grumbles, his hands sliding up her thighs and landing on her ass again. With a quick snap, his hand stung against her ass.
She arches from the pain, but there’s a grin on her face with a look in her eyes that told him he would not be getting what he wanted as quickly as he thought.
Her hips rock, dragging her cunt against him, coating him in her previous climax. His eyes roll back in his head, the feeling almost euphoric. She sits up, bracing her hands on his chest. Her hips rock again, rolling against him. She lets the tip of his cock brush with her entrance, teasing what he wanted.
He grunts beneath her, looking down to watch her tease him. He was going to die this way, he knew he was going to die this way. There was no way he could survive the pleasure rippling through his body, couldn’t survive this almost pleasure that she was giving him.
He was going to cum. He mumbles it to her, watching her move faster and harder along him. “I’m going to cum princess.”
“No you’re not.” She replies, going up on her knees and pulling herself away from him completely.
He curses, hands gripping her hips tightly, fingers digging into her as his orgasm fades from him. “Penellaphe.” He warns, watching her eyes light with mischief.
But she’s already moving. Her skin dragging against his as she moves down his body, looking up at him only when his cock was resting between her breasts.
He was flushed, watching his once pure, innocent wife looking at him like a predator chasing her prey. Her hand reaches his cock, wrapping around it gently, giving it a slight squeeze.
“You’ll cum when I tell you to.” She all but purrs, leaning down to press a kiss to a scar on his hip.
His mind went blank, watching her move a little bit further down.  Her mouth was so close to his tip, lips so close to his possibly spontaneous combustion.
His cock was purple, aching and dark against her pink lips. Her eyes never leaving his as she lowers her mouth onto him.
He was wrong. This was how he was going to die. Right here, in his wife’s beautiful mouth.
Her tongue was pressed right under the head, sending shocks up and down his body as she swirled her tongue around him, lowering her head further down and taking more than half of him into her mouth, his tip brushing against the top of her mouth and the back of her throat.
The vein that threaded the underside of him pulsed against her swirling tongue, and she paused on it, putting slight pressure against it as she dragged her mouth off.
Her hand found his sac, massaging it gently with a wicked gleam to her eyes while her mouth returned to its ministrations on his length.
His hips were bucking, pushing himself further into her mouth. His mouth open in silent moans as she wraps her other hand around his base, moving along with her mouth.
His sac tightened, abdomen trembling under the pressure of his once more building orgasm.
“Poppy.” He warns, moving up onto his elbows to watch her.
But she didn’t stop, not until he had fallen back, tangling his hand into her hair and trying to guide her further down on him.
The muscles in his legs tense, breath held in his throat as he let out a brutal moan, his climax right there.
But then she was gone, kneeling between his legs, wiping her mouth of his precum and saliva, the other hand trailing her nails against his locked muscles. He wanted to curse, to bring her onto him and make her ride him.
But instead, as the orgasm faded away, he stood on shaky legs, kicking off his pants. His hands shook as they held onto the pitcher of water beside the bed. He poured two cups, handing her one with a look that promised her that he would ruin her.
Innocence glazed over her features, taking the water with a soft smile, a smile that almost covered her knowing what she was doing to him.
She sips her water watching him.
He dumps his on his head, the droplets clinging to his hair and trailing down his face. “You are a menace.” He tells her, sitting beside her.
She’s hiding her chuckles, a gasp replacing it as he wraps his hand into her hair and pulling her closer to him.
“I will give you what you deserve.” He promises into her hair, kissing the top of her head before pulling his hand from her hair.
His hands reach into her hair, sectioning it quickly. She’s confused for the slightest of moments before he starts to plait her hair, twisting the strands together into a messy braid, as clean as it can be without being brushed.
There’s a tie on his wrist, and he wraps it around the bottom of her plait.
“Ride me.” He commands, fingers trailing and grabbing her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“So demanding.” She says, setting the cup down on the table.
“Please, Poppy.” He corrects himself, the whine showing through the command.
She purrs, her chest warm. She brings her knees up, crawling onto her hands and knees, following the lines of his body as he leans back.
She’s seated above him, her hand gripping his member, angling it to slide into her. “Is this what you want?”
She lowers herself, sliding just his tip into her.
“yes.” He hisses, clawing at her hips, pushing her down.
She holds herself still, despite his urging. “Are you sure?”
“Poppy, please.” Cas curses, pushing her down.
She releases herself, and with his push, she’s fully seated on him.
His cock is hitting her cervix immediately, the curve of it exactly where she needed it. His eyes close, relief flooding his face.
She lifts herself, rolling her hips as she goes back down. So much different than the first time she had done this to him on the forest floor. So much time had passed between then and now, but his reactions to her hadn’t changed.
His one hand stays on her hip, the other trailing down and brushing her clit as she moved against him.
Her eyes roll, the bud still sensitive from her two previous orgasms. But she was determined to have another. She rocks her hips, clenching around him as she moves.
“fuck.” He curses, snapping his hips up to meet hers. There’s a rough skin on skin slapping that fills the room, orchestrated with her soft moans and his frantic gasps. “Poppy.”
She stills again, and he’s ready to lose it. She sits on him, fully seated as his orgasm once again fades from him.
“Poppy, I can’t do this.” He says, body shaking beneath her. “Poppy, fuck princess, please.”
“Not yet.” She whispers, leaning down to him and giving him a kiss full of promise. Her hips begin to move again, her pussy tightening around him almost unbearably. His finger is dancing over her clit, feeling her coil and uncoil as he urges her closer towards her orgasm.
She’s beautiful, a beautiful, murderous, torturous little creature.
She’s bouncing on him, breasts grazing over his chest with every pump. He was thrusting into her, sac slapping against her ass as he pounded into her. His fingers still grazing her clit, her slick coating his upper thighs and hand.
“Oh.” She whispers, squeezing her eyes shut. “Oh, again again again. Cas please again.”
He pulls his hand away, grabbing her hips with both hands tightly. He took over, she was a statue above him, mouth open in a silent scream, her hands holding her breasts as she sat up and leaned back, arching painfully.
She was a vice around him, so tight he couldn’t breathe as she came. She tossed her head back, legs tensed into stones on either side of his waist.
As the breath tore from her, she let out a primal scream, a sob following it as he continued to pound into her, harder and harder. Faster, until she sobbed again. He paused, breath heavy as she collapsed onto him, body shaking dangerously.
She was whimpering into his ear, his hands running up and down her sides gently, down to her thighs to massage the tenseness out of her.
As she loosened around him, he looks at her, pulling her off of him slowly.
He set her beside him, her body still shaking from her still wracking orgasm. He moved quickly, kneeling behind her as he brought her hips up to him, her ass pressing tightly against his upper thighs.
“Tapping out princess?” He teases, reaching around her to graze her clit.
She whimpers, but presses herself back tighter against him, and he knew she wanted more.
God did she want more, her orgasm still making her toes curl and her breath come in gasps. But fuck she wanted more, she wanted it again.
He was sheathed back into her within seconds, her raw pussy clenching around him. He held her hips, rocking her back onto him slowly, getting her used to this position and the ease of her fading orgasm.
But then his hand reached up, wrapping tightly into her braid, the thick strand coiled around his knuckles. He pulled on it, her back arching downwards and letting him hit that perfect spot in her, the spot he knew would have her screaming at least once more time.
He was ready to blow, holding himself back as he began to snap his hips, length pulling all the way out of her before snapping back into her repeatedly. Slow pull out, harsh push back in.
She was a moaning mess beneath him, her breath coming in jagged gasps as he tightens his hold on her braid, guiding her back against him, forcing her to meet his thrusts.
“One more time princess.” He tells her, and he’s sure she didn’t hear him, or couldn’t comprehend his words in her muddled mind.
“One more time.” Cas repeats, getting slightly harder with his thrusts. He angles himself differently, and she lets out a strangled screech.
There it is, there’s a smirk on his lips, sweat gleaming over his skin like a film. He could feel himself beginning to lose control, frowning, he reaches around her again, tugging her up by her hair, bringing her closer to him.
His fingers were on her clit once more, brutal in their pace against it. She was sobbing against him, cursing and blubbering, begging for him to give it to her again, begging him to cum in her. She was a mess, words almost incoherent.
He was hard against her, skin slapping as he sped himself up, pushing himself further into her as his abdomen began to tighten.
Casteel was becoming sloppy, his fingers moving harder and faster against her.
He felt her still, arching away from him as she screams again, her hands reaching to grab onto the headboard with both hands.
But he wasn’t done yet, she could feel that he wasn’t. He was still hard in her, his pace unforgiving as he slammed harder and harder into her, his fingers relentless against her clit.
She was tight around him, making it hard to move within her.
He let go of her plait, gripping her hip again, the other hand still working her, elongating her orgasm in an almost painful way.
She was still holding the headboard, slamming her ass back against him as she screams again, eyes squeezed shut, knuckles white.
It tore through her again, before the last one was completed, she was going through another one. It was brutal, how the pleasure flashed white against her eyelids. He was going harder, hips stuttering every other thrust.
She was still on the peak of her orgasm as his ripped through him.
His grunting moans were loud, fading into yells as he pumped himself dry in her.
“Princess.” He chokes, hands tight on her hip, the other still torturing her clit.
He doesn’t stop, letting himself work her through her high as he softens. She’s still screaming softly, mouth buried against her arm, trying to keep herself quiet.
But finally, she whimpers, shaking against him, pulling herself away from his cock.
“Please.” She sobs, her body wracking with the tremors. She was shaking the bed, her skin coated in sweat and flushed from the orgasm that was still there, still fading away.
He pulls his hand away, leaning forward to kiss her shoulder blade.
She leans back, collapsing against him with gasping breaths, her head tilting so she could kiss his skin, salty against her tongue. He holds her, holding her chin and capturing her lips, letting her sit against his thighs while she finally relaxed.
“Good girl.” He praises, kissing her again. “Don’t play again unless you know you can take it.”
She glares, eyes darkening. “Insufferable.”
“So insufferable when you’re begging for me.” He teases, kissing her one more time before adjusting her so he could lay her down, wrapping her into his arms. He’d clean them up later, when they got their strength back.
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As of me sending this ask, A Pizza The Action is at 44.1% and I Can't Fix You is at 55.9%
A Pizza The Action is losing </3 so here's my propaganda >:]
I myself am a big TLT fan! I love their old songs, covers, remixes, and even TLT's newer songs! (Discord, September, Epoch, My Ordinary Life, Druck and all just a few faves that immediately come to mind for me) And AS a big TLT fan. I don't want the next round to be 3 TLT songs. I definitely don't want the finale to be ALL TLT songs
Also?? A Pizza The Action is SO SO good. It's so so good please go watch and listen to it.The production quality?! The Talent?! The Music Video?! The song itself?! It all SO GOOD
(And then listen to more Stupendium songs that aren't Fnaf bc they all slap. I love their Poppy Playtime song and I don't even like Poppy Playtime. The songs. And the costumes!! It's all so good it's so so good oh my gosh (other Stupendium songs I enjoy are The Most Fashionable Faction, What A Fowl Day, and sometimes I listen to the horror holiday songs for silly fun. And!! Android Hell Blues! Which doesn't seem to be on their channel but was written and composed by the Stupendium. Man I absolutely adore that one)
OK ok back to A Pizza The Action-
A PIZZA THE ACTION IS ONLY 9 MONTHS OLD!!! EVERY OTHER FNAF SONG LEFT IN THIS COMPETITION RANGES FROM 6-8 YEARS OLD!!!! A Pizza The Action is completely nostalgia free babey, so I'm always really proud of its progress as i know its something people aren't just voting for bc it's a familiar friend :,]
Additional notes:
1: I think it'd be really fucking cool if A Pizza The Action vs Fnaf 1 was the finale. Imagine. I wouldn't even care who won it'd be so fun
2: Sorry I keep insulting I Can't Fix You, I don't actually mind it all that much, but it killed alot of my faves, and I genuinely do feel like nostalgia has been affecting the votes for it (I think thats whats happening for pretty much any song that's 6+ years old so yknow) (don't take me seriously) (I'm just willing to die on really small hills) (and I love hating things) (I Can't Fix You is real good tho when I'm in the mood for it)
Additional propaganda (if A Pizza The Action wins)
1: More cat and kitten pictures
2: I'll show yall pics of my room which I have been working for awhile to paint like a fnaf location. I should have a floor by the time this poll is over (hopefully)
3: (bonus) I will Draw Cosmo and Circus Baby hanging out. I don't draw animatronics all that often so I can't promise much, but I will try my very best
Closing Notes: Music good. And goodnight
Okay at this point everyone has to vote a pizza the action just from the sheer amount of art people have offered to make if it wins oh my GOD
We respect artists in this house!!! Stupendium puts their whole heart into everything!!! If you didn't vote for a pizza the action please go appreciate the art that is the video and song itself because holy shit holy shit holy shit
Also! While we're talking about the other bangers they've made! My personal favorites are Find The Keys (it took me ages to realize the title was a pun and I'm an animator), The Fine Print (I don't even know the source material, the lyrics here just go Hard), and Why Did I Say Okie Doki? (HOW DO THEY SO PERFECTLY MATCH THE STYLE OF THE GAME WHEN MAKING VIDEOS also the song just slaps)
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