#Please bonbon it’s five AM
multific · 5 months
Love Potion
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Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Summary: Mattheo always looked at you in a certain way.
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His eyes always followed your every move.
You noticed it very early on just how much attention he was paying to you.
His eyes followed you everywhere.
No matter the place, time or occasion.
Let it be class or breakfast or lunch or dinner.
He always had an eye on you.
And you actually didn’t mind.
Mattheo is a very handsome guy. Even if everyone and even your instincts warned you about him, there was still something.
Something which kept you interested.
You felt a pull towards him.
A pull you never acted on.
So, it was mostly longing looks exchanged between you two, nothing more. 
One evening, you were having dinner with your friends.
Hermione talked about Ron and how stupid he was. Then you grabbed a bonbon and popped it into your mouth.
“Y/N NO!” you heard someone say but it was too late.
Or as they called it, love potion. 
The entire room smelled like him. Amortentia tends to smell like the person you are in love with, you didn’t even realise. 
You were blind.
The room smelled like smoke, honey and wood.
You wanted to see him, kiss him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for you to eat it!” said one of the Hufflepuffs. “I was meant to prank my roommate!” 
While everyone was talking, you were quick to run off into the backyard of the school.
You had a pretty good idea of where to find Mattheo.
And surely enough, you found him by the trees smoking.
“RIDDLE!” you yelled, making him flinch and almost drop his cigarette.
“Kiss me! RIGHT NOW!”
“Are you drunk?”
“Just in love, come on.” you ran over to him, almost making him trip as you came in contact with him.
He grabbed you to save you from falling and this is when he noticed your eyes.
“Were you given something?”
“All I feel is looooove.” you said and smiled.
Mattheo noticed Hermione from the corner of his eyes.
“What happened to her?”
“A Hufflepuff gave her Amortentia.” she explained as she grabbed your hand and began to pull you back.
“Love potion? Why?”
“Forget this happened Riddle!” Hermione yelled back at Mattheo as you waved to him.
“Byeeee Matty!” he lifted his hand and gave you a small wave back. He was utterly confused.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE I DID THAT!” you yelled into your pillow once the potion wore off. “Why didn’t you stop me?!”
“I tried!” said Hermione.
“I want to die. I’m so embarrassed. At LEAST he was alone! Imagine if I did that in front of the school!”
“Well… on our way back to our rooms… you kinda… just a tiny little bit yelled in front of everyone passing by that Mattheo is yours and you will fight for your true love… kinda.”
“Oh. My. Fucking. God. No.” you shook your head but she nodded. “NO. PLEASE NO.”
“And… maybe… kinda… The Slytherins were also there? Maybe?”
“I am jumping out the window,” you said as you stood up and walked towards the window, Hermione grabbed your hand and pulled you back. “I want to die, please. This is so embarrassing!”
“The thing is that almost everyone like cheered for you. Malfoy even wanted to give you a high-five for being so brave. I thought he was being sarcastic, but he was for real. Then Theodore came up and said ‘Go get him, Tiger’ They were all cheering you on.”
“So, I’m the laughingstock of the entire school. Lovely.”
You fell back into your bed, face into the pillow. How will you face everyone tomorrow?
 “Mattheo Riddle! The lucky guy!” said Theodore as he hit Mattheo in the shoulder. “Having one of the prettiest girl scream and declare her love for you. Lucky you!” Mattheo rolled his eyes at his friend.
Although he couldn’t sleep one bit for the entire night, his mind was way too busy.
“It was only a prank.” Mattheo said. It was the only logical explanation.
“Nope. You know Angie? The Hufflepuff girl? Nevermind… Apparently, she made some chocolate for her friend as a prank, but Y/N ended up eating one and it had Amortentia in it.” Mattheo looked at Theodore, trying to see if his friend was lying but he wasn’t.
“And how do you know that?”
“Angie told her friends and I heard it. They didn’t realize I was standing there. But lucky you, having a girlfriend! Don’t fuck it up tho! Or I might steal her.”
“Piss off.” Theodore laughed as they both entered the class.
Mattheo’s eyes immediately locked with yours. You looked scared as you looked away. He could only imagine how you were feeling.
But he was just as confused and embarrassed.
After classes, you wanted nothing more than to run back to your room and hide from everyone.
No one said a thing. But the looks they gave you, said it all.
You just wanted to get out.
You made it to the hallways when someone behind you called your name.
It was Mattheo, your eyes widened as you quickly darted into the girl’s bathroom.
“Y/N, I just want to talk.”
“Look I’m sorry what happened okay?! Please just forget it.”
Then he opened the door and came into the bathroom as you back away and walked into the sinks. 
“This is the girl’s bathroom what are you doing?”
“I need to know if, what you said is true. Did you mean any of it or was it the potion?”
“I-I.” you wanted to lie, you wish you were a better liar. All you could do was listen to your heart hammer in your chest. 
“So it’s true. What you said is all true… you do lo-”
“OKAY now, please, I’m embarrassed enough, I do not need your rejection, Riddle. Please can you just leave me alone?” you wanted to go into a stall and lock yourself for eternity.
“I thought you hated me.” he suddenly said and you looked at him, shocked. “I was watching you and… you always avoided my looks. Okay, not always but many times.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Just agree to grab some butterbeer with me. That could be a start.”
“What?” you were so confused.
“I’m asking you on a date.”
“You are asking me on a date?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” he asked as you turned your body back towards him.
“I thought you didn’t do… dates.” you sounded very nice, you worded it even more nicely.
“I don’t. But with you, I will.”
“So, what? You… like me too? After what I said and did yesterday?”
“It was very cute.”
“Cute? Which part exactly? When I yelled at you to kiss me or when I swore to kill whoever dares to go close to you?”
“Exactly.” he smirked. “I will wait for you, get ready for our date. An hour? Is that enough?”
“Okay. An hour.” he nodded and turned to leave.
You stood there, stunned when a voice behind you made you jump.
“How romantic!”
“You have a date! Go get ready!” she yelled and you listened.
You got ready relatively quickly.
You debated not going, then you decided to give it a try and go.
Then, as you waited by the gates you were prepared for Mattheo not showing up.
Maybe this was his way of repaying you for embarrassing him?
But, he did show up. He did take you out to eat and drink and you did have a good time.
He did walk you back to your dorm and placed a small kiss on your cheek as a goodbye.
He did all that.
And if you only knew it would take a small amount of love potion for you to finally be with him, you would have eaten that piece of chocolate a long time ago. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster@capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak  @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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Nightmare AU part 25
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Amstran the moon dancer:"This day was something, looks like a storm will come soon, i will contact Dandelion the white flower and the others tomorrow, i miss my family too, maybe we can take a break."
Felix Reddison: "Yan-naifu the ghost have already brought the herbs, i will send for someone to bring the oils."
Red the fortune teller:" How are you feeling dear sister? Does it still hurt? I should take her home, this can't go on."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"It's late, we should get some sleep, tomorrow we will see how we can help Felix Reddison and the funeral... On the other hand Red the fortune teller, i know how worried you must be, i want to see my family too, see how the situation is in the real world but we have to postpone for now."
Nishya the dream cat:"I will not stay aside, stop treating me like a child Red the fortune teller! I am in this just like every one here, i can do this!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Listen here stop arguing, it won't help us, we made progress till now, i am with Nishya the dream cat on this one, we need all the help!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Well, good night and sleep tight, i need my energy!"
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Luna the moon demon:"What a horrible night, i can't even hear my thoughts..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Yes, this is usually the weather, everybody is afraid of storms, the powerful ones."
Staran the galaxy man:"Can't sleep? I'm worried for many things too you know...Itwill be alright!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"Why is everybody awake at this hour? Go back to bed and oh, i want to ask you not to use the electricity use a candle, those storms are not pretty and i dislike to have to double work after them tomorrow. Good night!"
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Yan-naifu the ghost:"Breakfast is ready, Faith the head rabbit could you please tell the rest to come down, we have lot's of work today!"
Red the fortune teller:"Nishya the dream cat isn't coming for breakfast, i want her to stay in bed, i will do her tasks as well."
Sky Coeur the detective:"It is alright if i will take some food for Nishya the dream cat as well, i would like to read the newspaper amd think about our new move in silence."
Lumboo the light ghost:"There isn't much in the newspaper only i read that another girl went missing, Acrylia the sour candy, poor her, she only was 13..."
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Lumboo the light ghost:"Oh, great... I dislike the storms, looks like it affected the west part of the motel, i will need some new lightbulbs with sockets as well, i just saw two that was almost melted."
Felix Reddison:"Looks like the power cables was cut too, it might be that the electricity pole was affected too... Things like this happens almost all the time! It's a nightmare with this weather."
Staran the galaxy man:"Well, me and Hester will go in the town to buy what is needed, if that is alright with you."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Oh, and buy some snail pasta and jelly slugs , we just run out of them."
Panel 6
Polestar the star sprite:"Oh, hello, new customers, how can i help you?"
Staran the galaxy man:"We are looking for a shop that has snail pasta..."
Polestar the star sprite:" That would be the next shop around the corner on the left.I wpuld love to show you and your friend around here."
Hester the photo marksmen:"That would be nice but we don't want to bother too much, plus you are busy."
Polestar the star sprite:"Yes, i sell herbs and medicine, old cures...and so on."
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Red the fortune teller:"Are you coming too, Nishya the dream cat? You should stay here with Le souris bonbon neige to guard you till we come back."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Funerals are not my thing, i really don't want to see all that sadness it's heart breaking, poor Felix Reddison."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Are you all ready? Five more minutes, the rest are already at the door, hurry up...!"
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Polestar the star sprite:"I've heard about this, i'm sorry i brought some flowers and some scented chopsticks."
Staran the galaxy man:"Hope you don't mind bringing a new friend from the town."
Felix Reddison:"Oh no, i don't mind at all... Excuse me now i have to check on her father... Iwas wondering if i would keep her crown, she loved this so much, i bought her this but..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"You don't want to keep it because it's too paintful, we get it."
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Felix Reddison:"Thanks you guys for being here, it's a long funeral... That is why it's a nightmare, i don't know what to say... I'm trying to be strong!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We are here, take your time, sorry for your lost!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Life is too short, but i know you made her happy even if we didn't know Jenna Heart for a long time."
Luna the moon demon:"You made her happy, that's important, i know you look after her and loved her as well... Jenna Heart showed me some old photos."
Part 1 till 24:
So, to explain, the lover leave the first white flower near the grave not on the grave, the bords of the thumbstone is always a shade of red if not red red, they let special candles on the grave... And the rest is a short ceremony.
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tti episode 9
"Last time on Total Takes Island: the campers played a friendly game of hunter and hunted, complete with costumes and projectile weapons. Max gave Michael the cold shoulder, for some reason, and Austin showed off his not-so-groovy side when he used his teammate as a human shield. Sha-Mod got rivals Ass and Courtney in a tangle, and for that he was sent packing. Will the Fujoshis ever win another round? Will Scruffy ever find some solid evidence of what’s happening on their team? Find out now- on Total! Takes! Island!”
Caesar sits up, looking at the analogue clock on the wall- 6 AM- and then sighs as he covers his ears to drown out McLovin’s sobs. 
CAESAR: “All. Week. All week! That homo-wannabe has been crying over his boytoy leaving the island. If I had known it’d affect his fragile little heart so much as to disturb me from my beauty sleep, I would’ve voted for Ass!”
McLovin shakily holds a simple crayon drawing he made of him and Sha-Mod surrounded by a large red heart as he sits on the cabin floor. Caesar gets out of bed, eyes tired, and stares blankly into the camera. 
A knock on the cabin door forces him to shuffle over and open it, only to see Bonnie holding a pillow and looking equally as tired. 
“Ass and Courtney have been fighting. All. Night,” they mutter, eye bags heavy. “I don’t care about the gender-adjacent rules anymore, I just want to sleep.”
Caesar sighs and points into the cabin where McLovin is crying. “No sleep around here,”
“Oh, brother,”
Julia sits on the porch outside the cabin door, legs crossed and eyes closed as she pretends to meditate to listen in on Austin and Kelly’s conversation. 
“And then I said, why have one bird when you can have all of them?” 
Kelly laughs. “You have such a way with words,”
“Smashing, baby,”
Julia sighs in defeat, clearly not learning anything of value, and stands, walking over to where Max is leaning against the cabin exterior wall. She hovers in front of him until he finally acknowledges her. “What do you want?”
“I was thinking we could discuss strategy,”
He scoffs. “Yeah, right, as if I’d take pointers from you,”
Julia rolls her eyes. “I just think we should go over what we’re doing about the Scary problem?”
“No one’s gonna vote her out,” Max says, beginning to walk away. “You’re playing the wrong game here.”
“Attention, campers! Meet me on the beach in five for your next challenge!” Chris’ voice blares over the intercoms. Everyone winces at the mic feedback and then slowly begins moving, quietly grouping off. 
“Today’s challenge will not only test your strength, your endurance, your intelligence, your patience, your-”
“Oh, just get on with it,” Julia rolls her eyes. 
Chris glares. “You’ll be cooking a three-course meal. Each team will appoint a head chef to create a theme for the meal, and oversee the cooking. If you’ll all look off to your rights- no, your other rights- you’ll see our food delivery truck, stocked full of ingredients, which is what you’ll be using for your meals,” he continues, pointing to a small truck down the shoreline. “Chef and I will be judging, so make it edible, please.”
Courtney turns to the rest of the team, now a five-player ensemble. They cross their arms with a smile. “So… who wants to lead this thing?”
“Why not you, your holiness?” Ass says, rolling their eyes. Courtney glares, but doesn’t object, turning to the rest of the team. 
Caesar shrugs. “I don’t have any problems with that. Bonbon?”
Bonnie yawns. 
“McLovin?” Caesar turns, and then looks around the beach. “Um… has anyone seen McLovin?”
A spiritual, wistful tune plays as McLovin sits at the big cliff’s edge, cradling his knees to his chest and crying. 
“Oh. Joy,” Courtney sighs. “Normally, I’d look for him myself, but I need to oversee the cooking. Bonnie?”
“Bonbon and I are kind of a package deal,” Caesar says, holding their shoulders to prevent them from collapsing. “Where they go, I go.”
“Fine! As much as I hate to say it-”
Ass smiles a little and stands. “I’ll find him. Just worry about not losing this time, m'kay?”
Courtney rolls their eyes and turns to their two-person team. “We can work with this. Caesar, make sure Bonnie doesn’t hurt themselves. I’m going to go check out the kitchen and then make a list of what we need. Is that okay?”
Caesar shrugs. 
“Now, clearly, I should be the head chef-”
Julia elbows Max in the ribs, causing him to cough and sputter. “Fine! Whatever. Scary, you’re in charge,”
Scary beams, giggling and cartwheeling towards the ingredients truck. 
Michael raises an eyebrow. “Have you lost your mind?”
“We took a vote, Mikey,” Julia grins, wrapping her arm around Michael’s shoulders. 
“Don’t call me that,"
Scruffy blinks. "Who voted for Scary?”
“Let’s see… Frollo, Staci, Scary itself, and me and Max,”
“You and Max are in agreement on this?” Michael scoffs.
Max storms through, shoving Michael out of the way while Julia snickers to herself. 
JULIA: “This is too easy,”
“Is this everything?” Courtney asks as Caesar and Bonnie dump a few armfuls of food packaging onto the table in their designated kitchen. 
Caesar pants, gasping for air as if he’d just run a marathon. “No, we still have a few trips to make,”
“Okay, okay, we’re all good. I’m gonna get started on the appetizers, since that’s what’s getting served first. I think I have an idea of how we could pull this off,”
Somewhere deep within the woods and very far from camp, McLovin and Ass walk together, shoulder-to-shoulder. 
“Well, why do you think it was so distressing? Were you really that good of friends?” They ask, kicking a pinecone along the path. 
“We weren’t just friends, we were bromates. That’s like soulmates but for men… Joner came up with it,” McLovin sighs. 
“And this Joner guy wasn’t your… ugh, your bromate?” 
McLovin shakes his head. “Michael was around way before I was. I only came in around the ninth grade, so he was already spoken for,”
"Isn't Michael a girl?"
"is she?"
Ass raises an eyebrow, then gives him a sympathetic look. “Third-wheeling, huh? I know how that feels,”
“It was more than third-wheeling. But I don’t wanna talk about it, it gets… complicated. Things with Michael aren’t so good anymore. But Sha-Mod was like my oasis in the desert, man! He saved me from all the girl drama and the cooties!”
Ass rolls their eyes, but an endearing smile sneaks through anyway. “You’re funny, you know that?”
“I know,” he sighs. “Sha-Mod used to tell me how funny I am…”
Scary scampers around the kitchen, laughing maniacally while writing down their own recipes on the back of napkins from the mess hall and passing them out like party favors. 
The other Anons raise eyebrows at the messy handwriting, and then turn to Max, who shrugs. 
JULIA: “My plan is simple. Get Max to put Scary in charge, convincing him that her failure will get her eliminated, and then when we inevitably fail, I’ll pin it on him and he’ll be toast!"
“Okayyy, let’s see- I want this to all go perfectly, so no lollygagging, tomfooling, dilly-dallying, or horseplay, pretty please!” Scary says. “Austin, Kelly Staci- course number three. Julia, Scruffy- course number two! The rest of you-” Scary narrows her eyes at Michael and Max, then at Frollo across the room. “Course number one and STAY OUT OF MY WAY!”
Michael takes a step away. Max rolls his eyes. 
Austin reads the recipe card Scary had handed him, and then beams. “Black forest cake- right on, baby!”
“Pasta,” Julia squints at her group's napkin. “Um, wait- where are we supposed to get the-”
“Figure it out!” Scary grins wickedly. 
Max finally looks at the remaining recipe. “Um. This isn’t real,” he ignores Michael, turning to Frollo behind them. “She’s messing with us. She has to be.”
Frollo closes his Bible with a loud snap and walks over, taking the napkin. He squints at it, and then his face goes pale. “Witchcraft!” he shouts, dropping the napkin on the floor, kneeling down beside it and repeatedly smashing it with his Bible. 
“You know it’s already flat, right?” Max asks as he and Michael watch the ordeal from above. 
“Caesar! I need you and Bonnie on the main course. I can handle everything else until- if- those two ever get back,” Courtney shouts, tying an apron around their waist as the two remaining players come back from their final round of carrying ingredients. 
Caesar half-heartedly salutes them and picks up the cookbook Courtney found, flipping to a tabbed page. He grins. “Courtney, you genius,”
“Yeah, I know, but we still gotta make it!” they say, grabbing an oven tray and spreading a thin layer of tortilla chips over it. 
COURTNEY: “My parents aren’t really at home a lot, so I’ve been feeding myself for most of my teen years. Whenever I don’t feel like cooking something big, I go to my defaulto easy and quick meal- Americanized-Mexican food.”
Julia and Scruffy stare at the last ingredient they need on the list, and then look to each other. “So… you don’t suppose they have that on the truck, right?” she chuckles. 
“Not that I would think, but… someone’s gonna have to get it,” 
Julia’s nervous smile drops as she realizes they mean her. “Fine. If I die, kill Max for me,”
“Um… sure,”
Julia takes off her apron and walks out of the kitchen just as Kelly and Austin come back in holding a new carton of eggs. 
“You know, my great-great-great-great grandma Eliza actually published the first ever recipe for chocolate cake. It’s an old family secret, but we use chopped chocolate instead of melted,” Staci smiles, pulling a huge butcher’s knife out of a drawer and smiling as they begin dicing a few chocolate bars. 
Kelly smiles. “Your family sounds really nice, I wish mine was so talented,”
“You’re always welcome to join! As my great-uncle Bertram said, family is determined by bonds, not by blood,” 
“You mean it?!” Kelly’s eyes widen. “I get to have a big sister??”
Staci beams. “Ohmigosh, totally! I’ve always wanted a younger sib!”
Austin pops out of nowhere, holding an armful of eggs. “I want in on this found family dig too, baby! I’d make a smashing sister!”
“Yay! Sisters!” Staci smiles. “OW!”
All three look down to their finger, where the knife had slipped and produced a thin cut. Staci turns white and then immediately passes out. 
“I don’t get it,” Max says, pacing around Michael and reading the napkin again as soon as he got Frollo out of the kitchen. “She’s actually trying to lose.”
“Will you-”
“This is all because she has this tall-person superiority complex, she thinks I’m stupid!”
“Can I-”
“That’s why she puts everyone she hates on appetizers! She wants us booted! Shit- this must’ve been Julia!”
Michael grabs his shoulders, shaking him. “Let me read it!”
Max’s face turns red and he crosses his arms after handing her the napkin, ignoring her again. She rolls her eyes and stares at the list. 
“Tongue of lamb… hair of toad… guts of eagle… hm, okay. She wants us to make a salad,”
Max’s jaw drops. 
MICHAEL: “Joner went through a witch phase in the 7th grade. All of the “eye of newt” stuff is just fancy herbalist language for different plants,”
“So, what’s your deal?” McLovin asks, no longer crying. His hands are in his pockets and his face is dry. 
“My deal?”
“You know, you’re all dry and sarcastic and stuff. Why?”
Ass shrugs. “When you deal with enough drama, it gets to you,”
“Aw, that’s too bad,” McLovin says, holding up his finger as a butterfly lands on it. He turns and smiles at Ass. “It’d be awesome to see you smiling more, you know?”
They smile a bit. 
ASS: “It’s kind of ridiculous how Courtney thinks they can just claim a person… however, when that person is McLovin, I guess I can kind of get it.”
Courtney slices a jalapeno, watching Bonnie carefully as they attempt to dice up a few tomatoes, but lose their grip on the knife every few seconds. 
“Here, let me,” Courtney says with an apologetic smile, taking over for Bonnie as they finish up the jalapeno. “Sorry about last night. I’m sure that wasn’t easy to sleep through.”
“What… sleep?” Bonnie yawns. 
“I guess I just keep letting my emotions get the best of me. I don’t mean to step on anyone’s toes, you know?” Courtney picks up the cutting board and scrapes off the diced tomatoes into a nearby bowl. “Can you grab the cilantro?”
Bonnie nods and drifts across the kitchen before returning. “It’s okay, I get it. And, for the record,” Bonnie smiles, picking apart the cilantro. “I’m on your side.”
Courtney smiles. 
COURTNEY: “Bonnie is kind of sweet, actually. Now I get why Caesar won’t listen to anyone else,”
Frollo paces back and forth outside the kitchen, looking at the ground with a contemplative stare. He hears some motion in the distance and looks up- seeing a pitch black figure approaching. 
“DEMON!” he yells before running off into the woods. 
Julia rolls her eyes as she walks by, doused in black squid ink. Scruffy blinks at her when she enters the kitchen. “Did you get anything?”
She glares, pulls out a bowl, and then wrings her hair into it, a metric ton of squid ink filling it to the brim. Scruffy blinks, and then shrugs. “Let’s cook,”
Across the kitchen, Max finishes tossing the salad before turning around and seeing Kelly and Austin alone, frosting an amazing looking cake. “Where’s Staci?” he asks. 
The two look at each other and then step apart, revealing a still-unconscious Staci on the floor. Max sighs, walks over, and shakes them awake. 
“Whu- huh? What happened?” Staci looks around, then winces. They look at their finger, still bleeding slightly, and immediately pass out again. 
Max slaps her awake this time, holding her hand away from her face. “You up? Good. Hope you had a good nap, sleeping beauty. Get some rubbing alcohol and band-aids from the medical tent and get back here before I lose my mind. Okay?”
Staci nods and shakily stands, slowly walking out the door. 
Max stands, smacking his palm to his forehead and gritting his teeth. Austin and Kelly make fleeting eye contact. 
“Hey, baby, are you doing alright? You’re not looking so groovy,”
“I’m fine!” he snaps. “I’m doing so awesome, thanks for asking!”
MAX: “I hope they all know how close I am to snapping,” he pauses to laugh insanely, holding his head in his hands. “Cause I’m really getting there!”
“Woah, dude, calm down,” Michael steps in from behind, putting a hand on his shoulder. Max’s face goes blank and he relaxes a little, losing tension. “You’re gonna give yourself a headache.”
He sighs, exhaling deeply. “I’m… okay. Let’s get this over with,”
“Campers, you have twenty more minutes to finish preparing your dishes!”
Courtney glances around the kitchen nervously, surveying the nachos and tacos prepared for the meal. “I feel like we’re missing something…”
Their face goes blank. “Oh my God- the dessert!”
Bonnie and Caesar's tired eyes widen and they look at each other nervously, neither one wanting to step in and volunteer to save the day.
Luckily, McLovin and Ass walk in just before the two have to, laughing to themselves. Courtney’s head whips around to them. “Where have you two been!?”
“Walking, talking, vibing,” McLovin shrugs. “Ass said you had it under control.”
Ass shrugs. “With all your amazing skills, I figured you wouldn’t miss us,”
Courtney glares, holding their arms out for emphasis as they get in Ass’ face. “Thanks for the input, but we’re about to lose! You are so going home!”
“Woah, let’s all take a chill pill,” McLovin steps between the two, holding out his arms. “Court, what’s going on?”
“Bonnie and Caesar are exhausted, you two have been missing for hours, and I didn’t have enough time to finish the dessert!”
McLovin raises an eyebrow. “Is that all?”
“What do you mean is that all?! We’re gonna lose!”
“I can make churros in like, fifteen minutes,” McLovin shrugs. “My abuela taught me this super quick recipe back in grade school.”
Everyone stares. Courtney’s jaw drops. 
Staci walks back into the kitchen, dazed and confused, holding a large bottle of rubbing alcohol with their entire hand bandaged. Max narrows his eyes. “What is that?”
“What?” they ask, holding up the gallon container. “Rubbing alcohol?”
“I didn’t want you to bring it back here! And look, you’re getting it all over!”
Staci looks at the ground, where a tiny hole at the bottom of the bottle is leaking a trail of fluid all over. They glare back. “You have no right to criticize me. You’re not in charge today,”
“Scary!” Max yells, before looking around the room. “Where is Scary?”
The other Anons look at each other, and then hear a faint giggling outside. The entire team walks out, Staci leaving the bottle on the counter adjacent to the one with the delicious-looking salad, squid ink pasta, and black forest cake. 
“Oh, Jesus Christ!” Max exclaims. 
 A large wooden stake has been set up just outside the kitchen, a massive pile of sticks under it. Frollo walks around one side, spinning the stake around to reveal Scary tied to it. She giggles again. 
“Jesus Christ is correct, my brother,” Frollo says. “I’m going to burn this witch and free this island of sin.”
Julia turns to Max. “When I said I wanted her gone, this isn’t what I meant!”
“Let her go, now!” Max shouts, though no one dares get any closer. 
Frollo shakes his head and lights a match just as Scary easily slips out of the ropes and somersaults into the woods. He doesn’t notice, though, and drops the match anyway. 
Max’s eyes drift down as the flames consume the wooden pyre, then flit down to the trail of rubbing alcohol leading to the mobile kitchen. 
He sighs. “Oh, sh-”
The steam of liquid immediately catches fire and the mobile kitchen explodes, blasting everyone backwards onto the beach. The Anons stare in shock as a massive bonfire envelops the charred remains of the shiny trailer, and their challenge along with it. 
“Mm, amazing! And these churros, man, I’m impressed!” Chris chuckles, dabbing his chin with a cloth napkin. “Fujoshis, despite everything, you’ve really outdone yourselves this time.”
“De-licious!” Chef nods, looking at Courtney. “Have you considered a summer internship in the kitchen? I could save you from this competition.”
Courtney smiles proudly. “I think I’ll stay on the show, but I appreciate that, Sergeant Chef,”
Chef salutes and Chris chuckles again. “Now, time for the-”
The sound of the trailer exploding outside makes everyone jump and run outside. The Anons are lying across the beach, groaning. Chris blinks. 
“Um… oookay... I guess we have a winner, then!” he shouts. The Fujoshis cheer, McLovin hugging Ass and Courtney while Bonnie and Caesar high-five and then both pass out. 
“Anons, I’ll see you- or what’s left of you, anyway- at the campfire tonight!”
“Anons… wowwwww. Wow. Just wow!” Chris shakes his head. “And the sad thing is, from what I saw, that weird goth meal looked delicious!” 
Max sighs, massaging his temples. Julia rolls her eyes. 
“You had a lot of mishaps today, some worse than others. But only one of you will be walking the dock of shame, boarding the boat of losers, and never returning. Ever,” 
“Scruffy- you’re safe. 
Scary- good work today, champ.
Michael, Kelly, Austin- safe!”
Chris looks between the final three marshmallow-less players. “Julia- you’re safe.”
Julia smiles and catches her marshmallow before flicking it at Max’s head. 
“Frollo- your weird 17th century point of view blew up a very expensive trailer, and your team's hard work inside. And Staci- you supplied the ammo. But only one of you is going home tonight. And that person… is…
Frollo,” Chris tosses Staci a marshmallow. “Staci, you’re somehow still in the game.”
Frollo stands, looking unbothered, and begins walking. He stops to whack Max upside the head with his Bible one last time, and then disappears down the dock. 
FROLLO: “I set out on a mission. However it turned out, I’ll know that I did well. We’re all in God’s plan. I can only hope the brothers at my church will forgive me for fraternizing outside of the membership…”
Max’s eyes open slowly and he sits up, rubbing his head. The campfire area is now abandoned and it’s clearly late at night. 
He looks up as someone walks into the area and offers a hand. He hesitates for a moment, and then takes it, allowing Michael to pull him to his feet. 
“I was just coming to check on you. Julia finally fell asleep,” Michael says. “Sorry you got knocked out.”
Max rubs the back of his head. “I’m just glad that nut is gone,”
Michael nods, looks around for a moment as the silence looms over them, and then begins walking away. Max watches for a few seconds before clearing his throat. “You did well today!”
She turns for a second, smiling. “I’d hope so,” and then walks back to camp. 
Max also smiles- just a tiny bit- and follows a few minutes after, just as Julia peeks around the corner with a frown.
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funbonded · 11 months
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Every night always , it never changes but we can make 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 happen .
[ ⋆ ] MUTUALS  ONLY  FUNTIME  FREDDY  OF  FIVE  NIGHT  AT  FREDDY’S  by  SAVBEAR  established  July  17th  2020   
I've been writing Funtime Freddy for over 3 years now and before following you should take note that this blog is;
Highly gorey &   highly selective , multiship , crossover friendly & oc   friendly .   18 + ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS !
Includes all cannon verses/variants/divergent/crossovers as well as a human verse
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⚰️  OTHER BLOGS INCLUDE:  @moralpuppet​ , @ursadolls
affiliated with: @nanobawn​ , @faztastiic & @rockcoins​
CARRD .  PROMO / PROMO 2.  PLAYLIST . /tw: blood under readmore.
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MINI BIO / go to my carrd for more. verses etc / tw death mention
Once created to entertain children and then reprogrammed to kill and harvest souls into remnant. Laughter engulfed by horrified screams. Days in the spotlight were no more. He has a distrust for humans and enjoys killing them.
He is not possessed. Funtime Freddy merely collects the souls of his victims to convert into remnant which he uses as a fuel to gain and maintain sentience.
Funtime Freddy  is an animatronic bear with pink/purple accents around his eyes. His patterning prompted him to insist on being referred to as a panda, specifically. Funtime Freddy, who now, after seeing through many pizzerias resides in his Funhouse in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. 
Using his chest cavity, Funfred  can provide an array of different ways to execute and maim. One in which includes a make-shift guillotine out of a sheet of metal within his chest cavity. In the absence of his hand puppet Funfred's right wrist slot is empty. No rabbit companion (unless interacting with an rper who writes Bonbon/Bonnet) and no hand.
Funfred being a panda is my own personal headcannon that has been a part of my portrayal since the very beginning.
DASH RULES check my carrd for more information
One. General Roleplay etiquette applies, be respectful & don't even think about interacting me if you're a proshipper, terf, or racist. Please note you have to be 18+ to interact with any of my blogs mostly do to gore. & no I do not RP smut. MUN IS NOT MUSE! Funfred has horrendous thoughts/opinions and beliefs that I do not condone.
Two. DNI/ I don't engage with people who are problematic or present problematic behaviour such as proshipping/pedophilia/ or you are a terf/ableist/racist/antisemitist or you show any kind of hate to anyone like that . If you see me interacting with someone problematic likely I haven't been informed yet and shall deal with it accordingly as soon as I am informed. I don't support anyone who does any of that nasty behavior and I never will and if you know you engage in such behaviors then please refrain from interacting with me. You're not welcome. Likewise don't bring drama onto my blog. If you see someone problematic here just message me privately. I won't be reblogging callouts.
Three.  FOLLOWING. I'm selective. If I haven't followed back please don't take it personally. If we are mutuals and you decide to unfollow then soft block please otherwise I will see you on my Dash and still think we are mutuals and I don't really want to have to browse a list of followers to check every time I go to interact.
Four.  VARIANTS I don't mind variants or to word it better people who play the same character as me JUST DON'T STEAL MY HEADCANNONS.
Five. TRIGGERS Warnings for you: This blog can be very gorey I also require you to be 18+ for this reason. Please do not follow if you're a minor. Gore , Death, Child murder
Six.  SHIPPING I prefer to ship Funfred with other animatronics/anthros/other robots/mechanical beings/cryptids no humans just a personal preference. Chemistry is a must! & I do not rp smut. 
NOTE ON AFFILIATIONS: the concept to me means that if you’re affiliated with my muse and mine is affiliated with yours that means I consider your portrayal my main and will most likely consider our cannons intertwined. I do not do exclusives as I understand everyone’s portrayals are unique and I am happy to see my friends interact with people who play the same muse/s as me and vice versa!
Likewise if you want to be affiliated and these terms don't suit you , please don't hesitate to speak to me I'm open to discussion always ! Same with shipping and other connections !
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glittertrail · 1 year
pillow and bonbon please !!!!
Hi gi💖
Pillow - What are five (or more) things that make you happy?
Listening to music in complete silence in the morning. I'm not a morning person but I love my tiny rituals and music is a big part of my morning coming-back-to-life ritual
Pets. I'm very lucky I get to pet a puppy daily at work and honestly said dog is a big reason I don't quit
Being absolutely deranged with @supremmedeluxe @moiraabsinthe @t4yce and @junosjukebox about dres3 in private lol (I'll get back to the reference posts so i can be deranged at large with more people at some point but it's nice to be deranged in relative privacy too)
Stories. I am a horribly inconsistent writer (just a marginally better reader) but I love stories
Your asks! I still have to answer the last one but I'm always very happy to receive them and seeing everyone else's answers 😊
Bonbon - Do you rather like sweet or salty snacks?
I love both depending on the mood but mostly I care if my snacks are crunchy (mostly sweet tho)
Soft asks
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soulboxthings · 3 years
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If you pay close attention to The Grassy Knoll diner in clone high you can see that ontop of it is a car with the irl JFK’s dead body hanging out of it, referring to the guy who shot him up @ the irl Grassy Knoll. Can you tell I watched clone high again.
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fralaxy · 2 years
Mimi version of weird asks
if you have a lighter, what color is it?  > “I don’t have one! They can be dangerous!!”
pepsi box blue or cheetos bag orange? >”Pepsi box blue! I have seen CiLi use cans of the drink for the practicing of knife throwing!! I love all types of blue, they all remind me of my dearest home <3″
do you like pasta? >”Oooh, I do like pasta!”
how often are you on tumblr?  > “Not very often, I’m afraid ):”
are you only doing this because you’re bored?  >”No! I’m doing it because CiLi did it!”
what blogs do you mostly interact with? >”My friends blogs and the ones in which the cute animals can be found!”
can you swim?  >”I’m a mermaid, of course I can swim silly!”
have you had water today? >”Lots!”
which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake? >”I like both! Do I have to choose? It seems the most of unfair. Will not their feelings be hurt? ):”
bass or drums?  > “They are both instruments of the loud noise making, and so it does not seem to matter to me”
favorite tv commercial? >”I like the ones with the cute animals in!”
can we be friends? >“Oh of course! I do so love to make new friends!”
do you admire the clouds and color of the sky? >”I do! I look at the sky every day for lots of time! It is always so beautiful”
what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you? >”I tried jelly, it has the most strangest of textures, do you not agree?”
a netflix series that’s your favorite? >”Oh I do so love to watch the is it of cake! I never know! I believe it must be magic!”
an earliest obsession you remember?  >”I’m unsure as to what this ‘obsession’ you speak of would entail?
do you play video games? >”I have played the games of video variety with my friends. They can be most difficult to conquer”
zombies or vampires? >”I have a dear friend whom is a vampire! She is called BonBon and is the most shy”
your first celebrity crush? >”I would not wish to crush any celebrity! That would cause much pain!”
do you have a collection of cool rocks?  >”-gasps- how did you know? Are you perhaps the teller of the fortunes?”
five words that describe you? >”Mermaid, princess, friendly, dreamy and lover-of-ice-cream!”
what have you learned about yourself?  >”I am the dreamer of day times!”
can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? >”I have not yet to try this. Is this some important of ceremonies? Oh, I do have so much to learn!”
do you believe in aliens?  >“Yes! I am from the sea and so too people must come from the tallest of skies!”
books or films? >”I like to partake in the watching of the movies. I spend much of my young days in the library and now I tire of books”
an unusual song that’s your favorite?  >”Unusual? I am unsure as to this musical genre, could you show me an example please!”
the last thing you ate?  >”-smiles brightly- ice cream! it was of the mint flavour, it is much like the brushing of teeth but yummier!”
have you gotten bit by a dog? >”No! Is this common? Dogs are so friendly!”
do you write better with a pen or a pencil? >”I write with squid ink!”
a song that gets stuck in your head?  >”Any song from the highest school of the musicals!”
when you hear “ peace ” what do you think of? >-the treaties of the peace! They are of the upmost importance!”
a school subject your good with? >”History and politics. As princess I had to be the bestest at them”
how many alarms do you have set? >”I wake up when the sun is upon my face!”
do you shop at thrift stores? >”Yes! thrift shops are good for the planet!”
is there wise words you live by? >”Smiles are infectious, so smile as much as you can!”
earphones or a speaker?  >”I do not like to make a problem and so I listen in my ears”
what do you remember from your childhood? >”Lots of studying. The sunshine upon the water making the most pretty colours”
do you collect anything?  >"seashells, hehe”
favorite tea? >”Oh! the flavour of strawberries or orange”
a christmas song you secretly like? “Are they supposed to be secret? I like them all and all my friends are the knowing!! Have I perhaps ruined the festivities of Christmas?!”
book stores or record stores? >”I like very much the feeling of bookstores, they are filled with the comfort”
how weird were these questions?  >”Would you like them to be weird? If so they were the most of weird!”
what scents do you like?  >”Vanilla!”
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officialtoa · 4 years
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Sprite Darter Petting!
Price: 2 berries per fae. They drive a hard bargain. Feed directly.
Wholesome fun for all ages, featuring:
Skittle, Squigfriend of Cyonos 
Rig, Squigfriend of Drake 
Kita, Squigfriend of Arianiie 
Pina, Squigfriend of Scorvash 
Peachbloom, Squigfriend of Aellandiel 
Omni, Squigfriend of Xyena
Full Booth Menu: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Via7oOt4Ym2TheIqaSxINcv0qoMvIfGtd_hkzI-LlSU/edit
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[GHI/TRP3:E] Toys
Treantplush: NEW! Eversong Tender Plushie: Proceeds go towards the Teldrassil Refugee Fund. This plushie smells of the fresh woodlands, yet is very soft.
Elven Runestone: Proceeds go towards the restoration of Eversong Woods. Features: When squeezed, the rune glows.
Armoured Silver Covenant Hippogryph Plushie: Proceeds go towards the Silver Covenant. When squeezed, the plushie chirps.
Belore Plushie: Proceeds benefit the Diocese of Quel'danas and their mission to restore Sunwell Grove to a center of Thalassian holy worship. Features: When squeezed, plushie emits a glow and is warm.
Eversong Lynx: All proceeds go towards the Dawn's Roost Orphanage, which provides education and housing to orphaned high elves and half-elves. Features: When squeezed, the plushie mews.
Phoenix Plushie: All proceeds go towards the Rebuild the Highlands charity. Features: A low, warm glow emanates from the plushie when it is squeezed.
Golden Dragonhawk: All proceeds go towards the Arathi Relief Fund, which provides food, supplies and aid to the displaced men, women and children of the Highlands. Features: When squeezed, the plushie squeaks.
Quel'dorei Steed: All proceeds go towards the Thalassian Cultural Centre, and a plushie is donated to the orphanage per plushie purchased. Features: When squeezed, the plushie neighs.
Silver Dragonhawk: All proceeds go towards the Arathi Relief Fund, which provides food, supplies and aid to the displaced men, women and children of the Highlands. Features: When squeezed, the plushie squeaks.
Mana-Wyrm: All proceeds go towards the Third War Veterans Association. Features: Iridescent, shimmering scales.
Patchwork Lynx: All proceeds go towards providing non-profit programmes, the homeless and the destitute with blankets for winter. Features: Made of recycled, donated cloth bits and buttons. When squeezed, the plushie mews.
Quel'blocks (Quel'blox) are hand-painted toy blocks made from Eversong wood, in the style of Thalassian architecture. Children are encouraged to build a place for their charity plushies to live.
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Replica Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury: An easy-to-draw replica of the legendary bow, Thori'dal! It comes with its own quiver of arrows, which harmlessly burst into sparks upon striking a target. All proceeds go towards Hooked on Phoenix, an organization oriented around teaching elven children.
Leyrunner Plushies: All proceeds go towards the Teldrassil Refugee Fund. Features: When you squeeze the plushie, it neighs!
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 "Night's Eye Company" - Products & Services
Contact Xyena A. Galaeth (IG: Xyena - Alliance) if interested in the following:
Custom handmade perfume bottles with a custom made perfume liquid ( IC Item) 
Bottle Shapes: Tear, Leaf, Round, Square, Horn, Crescent, Heart, Flower
Scent: Custom to order
Price: 5 gold
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Critter / Pet / Mount Care & Products ( IC items) 
Different snacks & chewables
Small and big toys, handmade beds, leashes, collars
First aid care
Nail & horn trimming
Price: 5 gold for each service/ product.
Dinosaur Handmade Plushies : Raptor, Direhorn, Devilsaur, Stegodon, Pterrordax. 10 gold.
Gummy Wyrm Candies: Tons of flavors! Five gold per bag. 5 gold per bag
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The Silverguard 
The Silverguard is offering several new items this year!
Bonbon Bun Bot (35 silver): A mechanical companion that dispenses sweets! All proceeds go towards Hooked on Phoenix, an organization oriented around teaching elven children.
Violet Vortex (10 gold): A rich blend of firewine and frostberry wine, making for a cool, fruity drink that burns on the way down. All proceeds go toward the restoration of Eversong Woods.
Taste of Quel'thalas 
The Silverguard has drummed up many fine treats this year!
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Magical Treats:
Arcane Satin Chocolate Phoenix: A tiny phoenix, molded from delicious milk chocolate satin creme with a light sprinkling of arcane dust. The dust is multicolored, giving the phoenix a fiery sparkle; from yellows, to pinks, oranges, and reds!
Dark Dragonhawk Delight: A dragonhawk, molded from satin dark chocolate! The chocolate is infused with a hint of mana thistle to give you the briefest mana high without pushing you over the edge.
Lovely Lemon Ley Lynx: A chocolate that has been carved into the likeness of an Eversong lynx! It is made from satin dark chocolate, with a creamy lemon center, infused with a generous helping of magical power!
Non-Magical Treats:
The Fudgewell: A small, bite-sized cup of milk chocolate, with a deep well of soft, near-liquid fudge.
Belore's Bunny Bon Bon: A baby bon bon bunny made from milk chocolate with a sunfruit center for a sweet and fruity pairing!
CaraMana Crystal: Milk chocolate molded into the shape of a mana crystal, with a caramel center!
If you get a BunBon Bot but don't have Total RP: Extended, don't fear! You can use this chart to roll a 1d6 and determine which chocolate you get!
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The Dawn's Heart: Art Commissions 
IC: Outfits and portraits are painted ICly by Thalassian Couture
OOC: The Dawn's Heart is the studio responsible for the artwork!
For the Duration of the Tournament, All prices may be negotiated for gold donations instead. Minimum Donation is the equivalent of 1k G per 1$. You may just randomly donate gold if you like.
Alrighty! So for first time to me commissioners i usually ask for them to fill out these three things. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iVQ_EODSE9qHno26PBTWILx-oRhykCR91ShtyijvhVM/?usp=sharing
This is a reference for your character. It helps me get easter eggs on their personality to include in an outfit. Also useful if you don't have one already made up for other arts.
This is a general reference for outfits.
And this is the formal request form to help me keep organized. Super important going into tournament of ages crunch time!!!
This is the link to my discord. As I am likely staffing the Sword in the Stone while you are reading this, please feel free to pop by!
Prices: Please inquire with bird for details!
Adoptables - 10$ unless otherwise noted. 
Character Art - 20 - 75$
Half Body - 15 - 70$
Bust / Portrait 10 -65$
OUTFIT CONCEPT 35$ - Time - 5h ~ 2.5 days [ Depending on time submitted and Class workload. ] 
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Custom Armor Price Guild Sigil and Banner 40$ - Time - 5h ~ 2.5 days [ Depending on time submitted and Class workload. ] 
“All slots that say color come with soft shaded colors. If you are interested in something a bit more painterly please mention this in the beginning of the talks about your commission and I will see how much detail will be needed / time to create it. For outfits and designs in the costume slot. I really truly would not like to draw premade outfits. The slot is supposed to be used for original designs and is a bit of a portfolio of fashion design for me. If you would like a mog piece please use the WMV and I will happily do a custom  for you. I reserve the right to deny any slot I do not feel comfortable with. Currently not accepting most furry/anthro commissions. I love drawing females, original fashions and art nouveau style things. I am still getting used to backgrounds. But they can be added to anything for a bit extra to the cost. Thank you for your time! 
Much Love Birdy”
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spencerreidreads · 5 years
Room for Two part 4/?
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You walked into work, your arm linked with Luke and you for the first time in a while actually feeling decent. It surprised you considering you were dreading spending any time with Spencer at all, but Luke had made it clear that he was there for you no matter what you needed.
“You goin to be okay today?” Luke asked as you both approached your desks.
“Yeah I’m tough, I can handle it,” you smiled at your friend.
“Atta girl,” his laugh was cut short by Spencer walking into the room holding two coffees.
“Here, ones for you…” he handed you the extra mug that he was holding which you hesitantly took out of his hands and placed on your desk as you took a seat, not saying a word to him.
Spencer knew it was going to take a lot to regain any sort of respect and trust from you, so he took your silence and proceeded to his desk just opposite of yours.
You really hadn’t wanted to accept the coffee from him, but you were holding up your end of the bargain which was to be civil at work, and if that meant not having to grab your own cup of coffee in the mornings, so be it.
Surprisingly work went without any conflict which surprised everyone. While you had gotten up to visit Penelope in her office, JJ walked up to Spencer’s desk to question him about what had changed over the last twenty four hours.
“So she’s just done being your friend?” JJ looked concerned that it had gotten so out of hand.
“That’s what wants JJ, she’s your friend just ask her yourself,” Spencer sounded defeated as he looked towards Penelope’s office where you had vanished to less than five minutes ago.
JJ was determined to fix this situation somehow. Being the mom of the group, she hated seeing two of her closest friends hurting, but what she wasn’t prepared to see as she walked into Garcia’s office was you crying again, with Penelope rubbing your back lovingly.
She rushed to pull up a chair, stroking your hair as you cried into your hands quietly.
You looked up to see JJ smile at you softly, “What did he do this time?”
You chuckled through your tears and sat up straight looking at both of your friends, “Absolutely nothing, I just miss him. It’s hard actually dealing with my feelings and now I can’t seem to stop crying, it’s ridiculous.”
“Oh you sweet angel, it’s not ridiculous. How bout we have a girls night tonight at my place? Lots of wine, romantic comedies, pizza, trash talk, all the good stuff! We just have to let Emily know too!” Penelope chimed in.
“I don’t know what I would do without you guys…”
Later that night you found yourself at Penelope’s doorstep holding a bottle of red wine, ready to forget about Spencer, at least for tonight.
“Y/N my beautiful angel, the guest of honor, you’ve arrived! Let’s get this party started,” Penelope pulled you into her apartment.
Emily and JJ greeted you with hugs, both well aware that you wouldn’t necessarily be in any mood to talk about Spencer unless you had some alcohol in your system.
“I think someone needs a glass for her wine…” Emily acknowledged your bottle.
“Or just a straw,” you joked with the girls, but Penelope actually did just bring you back a straw and a bottle opener, to which you just shrugged. It’s not like you were trying to impress anyone tonight.
“So Emily anything new, besides being unnecessarily too busy for all of us these days?” You asked as you started sipping on your wine.
“Y/N, the longer I’m unit chief, the more I start to understand why Hotch was single. There’s no time for anything. Hell I’m going to have to stay late tomorrow just for hanging out tonight,” Emily explained.
You all turned on The Notebook, against your wishes, you would have preferred something that seemed a little more realistic so that you could relate to it, but you were too busy chugging your wine to care when Penelope popped the movie in.
And anyway you guys all spent most of your time talking through the movie anyways for you to even pay attention to how cheesy most of it was.
“Okay can I ask you now that you’ve finished most of that bottle Y/N…” JJ popped up from her spot on the floor.
You sighed and sat up knowing that this part of the night was inevitable, but you had to deal with it at some point. You couldn’t keep them out of the loop forever.
“You all want to know about Spencer?” You looked at each of them and in their tipsy states they all eagerly nodded their heads, encouraging you to continue.
So you started from the beginning, not wanting to leave anything out. While they had noticed that at some point you two seemed to be almost inseparable, neither of you ever confirmed anything, always leaving your team members in the dust. Emily commented that your crush on Spencer was obvious from day one, but she never mentioned anything because it seemed like things were working fine on their own.
“So then I asked him out, after that one case in Boston, you know that one that he was really upset after…” you paused to take another sip of your wine, “and he told me that he ‘didn’t want to lead me on’.”
“He didn’t want to lead you on?!” Penelope started to yell, “But he already did! I love that boy with all my heart but OMG he’s such an idiot!”
“Y/N I had no idea...and this only happened like two weeks ago? You know you can come to us for anything no matter what you know?” Emily piped in, also noticing JJ’s silence, “JJ you’re awfully quiet…”
“I know I shouldn’t say it, but the wine is getting to me,” JJ sat up and set her glass on Penelope’s coffee table, “About Spence, and his feelings....”
She paused much too long for your liking, “JJ just spit it out.”
“He told me one night after we all went out for drinks that he really liked you, but he was afraid. I mean you know Spence, he always wants to believe that things won’t work out, but I had no idea that this is how he dealt with it. If I knew Y/N I would have talked him in the other direction...I’m so sorry,” JJ looked over at you with complete sincerity in her eyes.
“JJ none of this is your fault, he’s a grown adult. He’s made his own choices, and if he hadn’t said all those things about me, I would think that we still had a shot. But I can barely look at him anymore,” You relieved her feelings of guilt as you explained your emotions. “So anyway, let’s change the subject,” Penelope awkwardly butted in, “can we talk about your string of one night stands please! Especially Alex the intern!”
“Oh god...I told Alex to keep it quiet,” you shook your head and started laughing.
“I heard it from Spencer, not Alex,” Penelope replied looking confused. You filled them in on what had happened and how you were planning on ending your constant need for love and affection.
“Y/N I hate to say it, but I think Luke’s advice was what Spencer couldn’t convey…” Emily explained.
At this point you had finished your bottle of wine and you were definitely drunk. Your judgement was far gone, and your friends weren’t far behind you, all giggling and laughing at things that weren’t so funny.
“YOU SHOULD CALL HIM!” Penelope yelled loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
“Pen that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever--” Emily laid back down on the couch as you piped in.
“I should call him!” you ran over to your purse to grab your phone.
Before you knew it, it was ringing and you had no idea that none of you would remember this in the morning, each of you completing your own bottle of wine.
“...Hello?” Spencer’s voice rang through the speaker. “Hiii Spencer…” your voice dragged on, making Spencer suddenly aware that you were under the influence.
“Are you drunk?” He questioned, more interested in the reason why you called.
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, but I definitely am. And so are Penelope, JJ and Emily,” you walked into the other room so you couldn’t be heard as well.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me outside of work.”
“I always want to talk to you…” You confessed.
“Y/N for the sake of saving any sort of chance that I have in rekindling this friendship I think we need to hang up,” he slowly explained.
“But I love you Spencer,” you sighed into the phone as you laid down on Penelope’s bed.
“Y/N I don’t want to have this conversation with you like this...please can we talk tomorrow?” Spencer asked, but he was met  with silence, “Y/N?” But again he was met without a reply and only the sound of someone breathing slowly, sound asleep.
@spence-imagines @steveharrigntons @tamosbien @bujotellsyourstory @sighsophiia @cleocc @fandomblitch @literallyprentissstwin @marvelouspotterhead @skrrrrrrrrrrt @detectivebourbon @itwaswhileyouweresleeping @canipetyourdog3 @mantlereid @well-itsbeenfun @forcingsmiles247 @answer-the-sirens @smilechannie @exploding-bonbon @alisondepartdedbear @isittearsorjustthepouringrain @theradvibes @daddys-princ3ss18 @alisondepartedbear @exploding-bonbon @morciallovechild @criminal-cookies @spiritualotaku @racheljuanessa @bluebear2232 @ultrarebelheart @impossiblezonkgardencolor @neon-gravest0nes @neon-deanmon @criminal-cookies @clairedragonessbaker @cocklesbelli @midnightjcat @macfizzle @fandomqueenlove
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
A Bygone Era - Chapter 6.
A fictional account written by me of Lady Isabel Neville’s life told through the points of view of her and those who knew her.
Points of views so far include: Anne Beauchamp Countess of Warwick, Lady Anne Neville, George Duke of Clarence, Lady Isabel Neville and Richard Neville Earl of Warwick
R&R, if you please<3
Chapter Text
15th August 1469
The Ladies of Warwick would grow tired in the coming days. Anticipation layed claim to their blood like a merciless tyrant, confounding all senses and transfiguring the muted colours of the garden into short sharp bursts of violets and reds unfolding their eyes, as their imaginations were left to run wild.
No woman was more well-versed in the practice of biding one’s time in dignity than the Countess herself. Her hands would be bound to the busy business of adorning her daughters’ sleeves. The mind would set itself upon matters of feoffee to uses . As a young girl, the needs of the heart would be met through the valiant deeds immortalised in The Grail Stories, her tired index finger tracing each engraved line for semblances of her husband’s character in De Boron’s poesies. Fodder for girlish fancies that now lay in the shallow grave of her youth, made colder with each miscarriage wrought on her person.
Her daughters trailed behind her as they left the resplendent terraces for the vaulted chambers, just as the sext sun began to claim its highest throne. The silks from their gowns flashed behind them like straggling snakes made subserviant footmen, occasionally overlapping in clashes of colour. Fresh bristol silk as red as the maiden’s hair, somber foliage patterned on crane-coloured satin for the mother and Indigo brocade dripping in richness and detail for the Duchess who would not deign it any other way.
Isabel’s boudoir at Warwick possessed an inverted ceiling, which made it a favourite backdrop for her daughters when they played at castles. It was their third place of repose for the day already, and one that would well shield their complexions from browning.
Anne was sat close to the oriel window, busily attending to the wrinkles of her labour - a baby’s smock. The green and murrey stitches, straighter than any stitches that had ever preceded them, glistened in the summer sun like cool jewels against the fire of her hair. She smiled gleefully.
Isabel, congruous to her usual character, made her pace slow and when finally appearing before them, had her hand placed visibly over her flat stomach as if two days shy of confinement. Her long dark hair shifted freely under the bare confinement of a frontlet emanating the carriage of the Virgin herself.
Anne eager to please held out to Isabel the flimsy cloth ‘Issy, tell me you like it, there you may have not noticed I added a little bear cub, can you make its likeness?’
Isabel propped her feet upon their father’s stool with a flourish before accepting the offering with delayed movement. She held it against the sun, nails critically grazing the handiwork for fault.
A daughter dark and pale with fashionable sadness in sage eyes, another with skin of honey and milk and hair like copper, full of vitality and goodness, as she. Had I not known them better I would have thought Isabel fit for mother’s old title of Gloucester and Anne, a bride for Clarence. They once seemed like the sun and moon. Annet felt a certain fondness for her new son-in-law, as much she would begrudgingly admit if held to question, but now that Isabel was free to take to him as a lawful wife, she started seeing vestiges of his hopefulness and flamboyance take root in her.
‘Daughter dear, how sure are you of your being with child?’ asked Annet ‘Only a week passes since your monthly course was due’
Isabel retrieved the smock to Anne, a brief inclination of her head conveying enough gratitude to inspire reassurance in Anne, just. The frock did little such for the Countess. ‘As to your knowledge, father and George tarried in Calais near a week after we were wed. I can assure that the nights we had as man and wife were spent most fruitfully. If a child had not been begotten already, it would defy the workings of god and nature’
Annet shot a look at Anne, who was desperately trying to trap the giggles in her throat, but with little success. ‘Isabel, you need not blaspheme and above that, being a woman wed does not entitle you to such vulgarity’.
Isabel stared back at her and redness took root over blanched features. She was once again her teenaged daughter, who would not have dreamed of retorting back to her mother.
‘What have you taken to amuse yourself with today?’ asked Annet willing a motherly warmth remedy her tongue.
Isabel produced some papers, the wax of the scarlett seal bearing two crows and a lion was unbroken.
‘Are you truly planning on reading George’s letters to us for the third time?’ Jested Anne. Annet smirked in hidden gratefulness for the opportune timings of Anne’s defiances when they rarely did arise.
‘This is new news. Fresh news. A messenger brought it some hours past. If you both determine to be this way then I see no reason to share its contents’ she said with newfound boldness.
‘Go on then Isabel’ prodded Annet patiently
‘ Dear Heart,
I write to you a jubilant husband eagerly bequeathing unto you the bestest of news. Your father and I have captured Edward and are but a day’s ride from Warwick. Edgecote Moor is proof enough that God smiles upon our work and your uncle at Olney has now given us my brother. I think it would amuse you much to see our Edward fallen into the guise of our prisoner, his hands bound and unable to wright any more mischief upon this kingdom. I have mentioned to your father that the Oubliette would do perfectly, but he thinks me jesting and will not entertain the suggestion.
I once again say that my only regret is that you were not there beside me to witness for yourself the cries of ‘A Warwick! A Clarence’ as we rode through Kent and even London, though they say the South loves Edward. As you know Sir John Conyers was slain in the melée, which may be the only regret I carry with me, having found the northerner rebel’s loyalities most touching. Withall, it is now more certain than ever that you will be Queen. Engage in your revelries as you ought to as you shall be the finest and most beloved’
Isabel pressed the letter to her chest and drew a deep breath smiling blissfully . The theatrics of the gesture ran deep and true, even Annet admitted to herself, seeing an unusual raise in her daughter’s hooded eyes. They were now the Despencer green. Annet noticed from a wandering shimmer that escaped the window, how sprightly a new wife’s eyes could be.
The reminding realisation of her daughter’s youth once more hit her with a blunt fervour. She thought that perhaps, innocence indeed trumped experience in virtue, for the latter’s lesser value never stilted the joy of the former. She remembered all too well the pangs of emotion she felt when reading her husband’s triumphant war letters in what felt like another era, however, it was never like this.
She only saw the children who a season past were sneaking bonbons from the pantry now playing at war and crowns. Unjaded and unfortified hearts are liberal in their joys which, however much they rival the shallowness of a horse trough, also have it in them to overcome the Pennines with hope alone.
‘Ah Anne, when I am Queen you shall be joined in the second to the best match in Christendom’ Annet heard Isabel say and knew better than to ask who Isabel in fact considered the foremost eligible suitor.
‘Oh truly Issy?’ Asked the hopeful child
‘Yes. Gloucester’s cowardice will be forgotten like a dandelion would readily its pappus’ Isabel passed to Anne her unguent so that she may too pride herself with soft hands, within lay crushed amethysts among a cornucopia of older herbs. ‘A French prince perhaps, now I never much liked them, however, father says it is an important country to appease. Calais claims more of your childhood than it did mine. One only need hear your French. It even surpasses mine, I daresay unsurprisingly so’
Annet raised an eyebrow at that, in surprise as much as in amusement. She did not think she would hear Isabel admit that Anne could best her in anything, while still here on earth.
‘Thank you dear sister, I am readily committed to forget Richard. Tell me, how can one brother so valiantly cross the channel in defiance of the king for love, whereas the other would not even dare ask him twice?’ Edward, the cold calculating king, denier of love, prohibitor of the happy marriage. My, what a fanciful image these two weave.
‘I would tell you if I knew Annie’ chuckled Isabel shaking her dark head in disbelief ‘Richard clearly would rather his brother than a wife he loves. If I were you I’d say “good riddance”’
Hands tightened around the stout wooden arms of the Countess’ chair while an errant foot involuntary kicked at the rushes freeing a herbal scent. ‘Truly, had cat’s brain been slipped into your porridges this morning?’ She noticed both her daughters suddenly veering their faces away from each other and towards her, startled by her exclamation.
‘Gloucester was not yet a man when Clarence first defied the king, what would you have a twelve year old do, Isabel? I know that to attempt to veto your musings would be in vain, but you are no Queen yet and as such must not alienate anyone of the house of York, not in thought nor in deed’
Isabel nodded quietly, Annet saw in her face the crestfallen expression George wore the five years past. Wide eyes sparked with dismay rather than dulled by contrition or diminished pride. ‘Yes, we have all seen the French price of loyalty. Jesus wept, you think any of this I did not know before? As you said, let me muse in peace’
Just as in St Omer, a curtain of silence swept over the room only to be availed by the Sunday tintinnabulations of the bells in St Mary’s Church. The peal of Anne’s voice added to the chorus, ‘But this letter dates three days past. Why are they not here?’
It would be like George to sacrifice clarity for flare. ‘Best read the rest’, prodded Annet
‘Very well then’, Isabel conceded
’ Beloved one, I bid you goodnight presently at Kenilworth where I tarry for a day in the dispensation of justice. Two snakes heads are to be taken off by matins tommorow, they are those of the witch’s father and brother John - married to your aunt Katherine. I believe that is explanation enough for why though I am near, you must wait a day or two to rejoice in my return -‘ the letter slipped unceremoniously through stunned fingers.
Annet was at once at her side ‘Isabel! Isabel!’, she shook her by the shoulders freeing her raven hair from its frontlet and into the pallour of her face.
‘I did not want this mother’ she whispered faintly behind a shaking fist ‘What would god think, what would-. Oh jesus, have mercy on us’
‘God smiles upon them’ Annet found herself quoting George ‘he is the almighty and the Queen’s kin would not have been put in their path if he willed it any different’. Hands were now placed about her daughter’s collar as if she were a horse caught in a storm needing to be steadied.
‘You would say the same for my grandfather of Salisbury. That god willed him lynched and cut down, rotting in the squalor of Wakefield?’ She would have drawn her hand indignantly to her chest had her mother not enclapsed her wrists into a steely grip.
Soothing her daughter, she realised, had all the wisdom of a cripple instructing a mute on how to walk. Annet briefly looked away. She, the cripple here, was unsettled rather than horrified. Yes, feeling naught for a man and his young son being strung up like poultry is unsettling.
Have I no heart, have I relived this moment too many times, just to find that everything that is to be felt, I felt, yet none the wiser for that?
‘I would not. That you do know perfectly well. Now, your father has done great good. His place in God’s kingdom is assured. Clarence is young, he has many more years to uncover the long, winding road. As for you, you have no part in this. Your soul is not tarnished, worry not for yourself- selfish practice it would be if you did’
Pale green eyes stared back into hers streaked with bronze. Anne was ever more a joy to her than Isabel, the bond was obvious. But in moments like this, her attentions covered aught but Isabel in their griefs and worries. ‘If you’d only know mother! It was George’s path that placed exclusively into my consideration. Father as well, but certainly not myself and my soul. I think of my wretched powerlessness. On how often I will find myself able to do nothing to ensure that George may walk the golden path with father when the time comes - that even before that he will be cursed here on Earth like a Henry Fitz-Empress’
The Countess stood up, the crane-coloured thistles in her skirts gathered around her like a ghostly garden against the windowed backdrop of a coming storm. ‘Oh but there is much to do. Be his wife and love him, be England’s Queen and keep its peace, bear the King a son and secure his succession. Do this and there will be no more deaths. I vow this to be true’.
‘Lo- mother, sister, the King!’ shouted Anne across the room. The warm wind from the Campion hills was in conflict with the sudden onpour, noisily banishing the raindrops to the windows in opaque watery blankets. Annet did not need to be with her husband and attendants below to know that the gravel was still hot. She could make Clarence’s likeness: the rider of the black destrier whose curls streaked golden by the sun stood on one end. Her husband’s return she saw not with the eyes but felt instinctively. Her eyes would not have demasqued the downcast man for the king had he not so towered above all the others.
‘Isabel, tidy yourself your ki -‘ no, brother by marriage. For heavens sake, what to call him? ‘ Edward is here’ she finally settled on.
Isabel was looking too, the Byzantine garnet pendant she was gifted by George as a wedding night gift, claimed what little light came from outside in its opulence. Her face showed no sign of duress and no sign of tears. Annet sighed with contentment and now relief for Isabel’s imperturbable exterior, how she would have hated a crying daughter. One to remind her every waking hour that she was no son.
A white bolt of silk was fashioned onto Isabel’s head into a chaperon and they made their way down to the great chamber for their last excursion about the castle. The three men passed the threshold and when the women curtseyed, the befudled Countess thanked chance they came at once as none of them knew for whom the deference should be intended.
Isabel was the first to rise, greeting George as a wife. A wife’s devotal duty. Surely none could gainsay her for bypassing the King .
Any neutrality was however broken when George in spite of- or rather because of- his brother’s presence drew Isabel towards him pressing his lips lingeringly against hers.
The King did not need to do more than narrow his dark eyes, and fear was struck into the walls themselves. The stalwart grey stone which saw all their childhoods and marriages unfolded, all but this giant of a man, who in them saw nothing but the betrayal that had passed against kings. No two kings were as different as Edward IV and Edward II whose Sir Gaveston was sentenced to die in this very castle. Yet fate is wrought with irony.
‘Cousin, welcome to Warwick Castle’ said The Countess who was in no mood for a confrontation regarding honorifics . ‘I have made ready your lodgings at Caesar Tower. As soon as it started to rain I bid the servants prepare a bath, if you please’
The morose nod he then gave was greater confirmation of his capture than any tied rope could have given.
As he was escorted away, she fell into her husband’s arms in a strange variation of their reunion customs. ‘Is it done?’
‘I know my clever Annet better than to ask which you did mean- the deposition or the executions’ The Earl joked, cracked lips forming a warm smile ‘Yes, the deed is done’.
Drops fell into his collar as he shook his head at George, clucking, who instead chose his plain tattered boots as his focus ‘For the love of Christ George, I know you did add that to your letter to Isabel. I told you: platitudes and naught else should be there. Have you spared any though on-‘
George met his eyes and answered with, ‘Thought on what? That news would get out and Edward would find out?’ The smirk that gathered, sat as naturally on his soft lips as a dagger in a babe’s hand.
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22268239/chapters/57406180
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mercutio-escalator · 4 years
:) or else
If a guardian angel living with a somnambulist gives lectures on morality to a halfhearted haunch, then a taxidermist dies. Now and then, a niggardly midwife secretly approaches the non-chalantly surly curse. Sometimes a taxidermist leaves, but some hand always sells the wily dissident to a womanly cleavage! Nimbo, the friend of Mitzi and Nicolas, daydreams with a dissident related to a cigar. When a placid necromancer ceases to exist, an accurately polite bicep flies into a rage. A toothpick for a tenor slyly bounces some looking glass. A gingerly hand is gingerly. A bubble inside the fetishist seeks a surly impresario. Desdemona and I took a bubble bath (with the toothpick, a gingerly labyrinth, a few shadows, and a pocket from a haunch) to arrive at a state of intimacy where we can accidentally hardly write a love letter to our labyrinth. A lovely hand steals pencils from the saintly pocket. Kafka, although somewhat soothed by a niggardly ribbon and a wisely uxorious dahlia, still befriends her from a greedily wily tenor, fall in love with her the mastadon from some maestro with a bodice ripper toward a pocket, and ostensibly gives secret financial aid to the dark side of her bodice ripper. Jacques and I took a non-chalantly unseemly stalactite (with an alchemist from the clock, a guardian angel, a few clodhoppers, and a shadow) to arrive at a state of intimacy where we can almost borrow money from our omphalos. Kafka, although somewhat soothed by the cream puff and a seldom unsightly piroshki, still pours freezing cold water on her from some accidentally likeable lunatic, dance with her the pocket with the ghastly bubble, and borrows money from the dark side of her cigar. The dissident dances with the boy defined by the tea party. Indeed, the bonbon buries the maestro. Shrek Script {Man} Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love’s first kiss.She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon.Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed.She waited in the dragon’s keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love’s first kiss.{Laughing} Like that’s ever gonna happen.{Paper Rusting, Toilet Flushes}What a load of - Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain’t the sharpest tool in the shedShe was lookin’ kind of dumb with her finger and her thumbIn the shape of an “L” on her foreheadThe years start comin’ and they don’t stop comin'Fed to the rules and hit the ground runnin'Didn’t make sense not to live for funYour brain gets smart but your head gets dumbSo much to do so much to seeSo what’s wrong with takin’ the backstreetsYou’ll never know if you don’t goYou’ll never shine if you don’t glowHey, now You’re an all-starGet your game on, go playHey, now You’re a rock starGet the show on, get paidAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shootin’ stars break the moldIt’s a cool place and they say it gets colderYou’re bundled up now but wait till you get olderBut the meteor men beg to differJudging by the hole in the satellite pictureThe ice we skate is gettin’ pretty thinThe water’s getting warm so you might as well swimMy world’s on fireHow ‘bout yoursThat’s the way I like it and I’ll never get boredHey, now, you’re an all-star{Shouting}Get your game on, go playHey, now You’re a rock starGet the show on, get paidAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shootin’ stars break the mold{Belches}Go!Go!{Record Scratching}Go. Go.Go.Hey, now, you’re an all-starGet your game on, go playHey, now You’re a rock starGet the show on, get paidAnd all that glitters is goldOnly shootin’ stars break the mold-Think it’s in there?-All right. Let’s get it!-Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you?-Yeah, it’ll grind your bones for it’s bread.{Laughs}-Yes, well, actually, that would be a gaint.Now, ogres - - They’re much worse.They’ll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin.-No!-They’ll shave your liver. Squeeze the jelly from your eyes!Actually, it’s quite good on toast.-Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya!{Gasping}-Right.{Roaring}{Shouting}{Roaring}{Whispers} This is the part where you run away.{Gasping}{Laughs}{Laughing} And stay out!“Wanted. Fairy tale creatures.”{Sighs}{Man’s voice} All right. This one’s full.-Take it away!{Gasps}-Move it along. Come on! Get up!-Next!-Give me that! Your fiying days are over.That’s 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Next!-Get up! Come on!-Twenty pieces.{Thudding}-Sit down there!-Keep quiet!{Crying}-This cage is too small.-Please, don’t turn me in. I’ll never be stubborn again.I can change. Please! Give me another chance!-Oh, shut up.-Oh!-Next!-What have you got?-This little wooden puppet.-I’m not a puppet. I’m a real boy.-Five shillings for the possessed toy. Take it away.-Father, please! Don’t let them do this!-Help me!-Next! What have you got?-Well, I’ve got a talking donkey.{Grunts}-Right. Well, that’s good for ten shillings, if you can prove it.-Oh, go ahead, little fella.-Well?-Oh, oh, he’s just - - He’s just a little nervous.He’s really quite a chatterbox. Talk, you boneheaded dolt - –That’s it. I’ve heard enough. Guards!-No, no, he talks! He does. I can talk. I love to talk.I’m the talkingest damn thing you ever saw.-Get her out of my sight.-No, no! I swear! Oh! He can talk!{Gasps}-Hey! I can fly!-He can fly!-He can fly!-He can talk!-Ha, ha! That’s right, fool! Now I’m a flying, talking donkey.You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superflybut I bet you ain’t never seen a donkey fly. Ha, ha!Oh-oh.{Grunts}-Seize him!-After him! He’s getting away!{Grunts, Gasps}{Man}-Get him! This way! Turn!-You there. Orge!-Aye?-By the order of Lord Farquaad I am authorized to place you both under arrestand transport you to a designated….. resettlement facility.-Oh, really? You and what army?{Gasps, Whimpering}{Chuckles}-Can I say something to you?-Listen, you was really, really, really somethin’ back here. Incredible!Are you talkin’ to - - me? Whoa!-Yes. I was talkin’ to you. Can I tell you that you that you was great back here? Those guards!They thought they was all of that. Then you showed up, and bam! They was trippin’ over themselves like babes in the woods. That really made me feel good to see that.-Oh, that’s great. Really.-Man, it’s good to be free.-Now, why don’t you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm?-But, uh, I don’t have any friends. And I’m not goin’ out there by myself. Hey, wait a minute! I got a great idea! I’ll stick with you. You’re mean, green, fightin’ machine. Together we’ll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us.{Roaring}-Oh, wow! That was really scary. If you don’t mind me sayin’, if that don’t work, your breath certainly will get the job done, 'cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something, 'cause you breath stinks!You almost burned the hair outta my nose, just like the time - - {Mumbling}Than I ate some rotten berries. I had strong gases eking out of my butt that day.-Why are you following me?-I’ll tell you why. 'Cause I’m all aloneThere’s no one here beside meMy promlems have all goneThere’s no one to deride meBut you gotta heve friends - - -Stop singing! It’s no wonder you don’t have any friends.-Wow. Only a true friend would be that cruelly honest.-Listen, little donkey. 
this is a monstrosity and it also killed tumblr mobile i hope you’re happy
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forkanna · 4 years
Characters © Frederator/Cartoon Network and so forth. Story ©2020 to me! All rights reserved.
This little fic was commissioned by MorbidHero. Enjoy! I'm not a superfan but I hope I still did the fandom justice, more or less. Even though there are no bacon pancakes or appearances from Billy.
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Orono Or DIE.
The sign was unique enough to attract attention. That was probably the idea. Still, the girl with the long, black hair and the red-and-blue striped sweater seemed a little surprised when a car pulled over on the long, lonely stretch of Highway 95. Her eyes narrowed to slits as headlights attempted to blast the pupils wide, and she shadowed them with a pale hand.
"Hello!" cried a voice that sounded like a music box. "Are you in need of aid?"
"Uhhhh…" The squinting eyes shifted. "There a person in there?"
"Of course! I am a person! Please, it's too cold to be out here alone!"
The stranger approached the passenger window, bending down to look inside. By the light of the dash screen, she saw a rosy complexion and bright pink hair to match. The girl's round face held the sweetest, most angelic smile she had ever seen.
"I… whoa."
"N-nothing. You're really gonna give me a lift? I could be an axe murderer."
The driver's eyebrows raised. "Are you an axe murderer?"
"Sorta." She opened her black guitar case, covered in stickers from all manner of bands and destinations, to display a red bass that actually was shaped like an axe, a snarky half-smile displaying some prominent canines. "I slay on this thing alllll the time."
"Oooh! A wandering minstrel! Prithee, do not tarry thither, but let us away in mine chariot!"
"I… huh?"
Cheeks turning a bit rosier, she whispered, "Just get in the car."
With her bass, cardboard sign, and knapsack stashed in the cramped back seat, the two pulled away from the shoulder and back onto the near-deserted highway. There reigned silence for a moment or two until the driver decided to attempt pleasant conversation.
"What's your name, minstrel?"
"Not Minstrel. Marcy. Or Marce, Marceline, Nightmarce… Elvira, if you're everybody in my high school."
"That sounds very unkind, and I am not from your high school so I will not do that." She smiled over at her. "I'm Bonnibel, or Bonnie."
"Cool. This, uh… this car seems weird."
"Oh!" she piped up animatedly. "It is a hybrid, but I have converted the combustion engine to run on used peanut oil."
"Is that why I have a craving for a PB&J out of nowhere?!"
Bonnie laughed, and Marcy wore a smile of her own. That was bizarre; why would she smile at some stranger who just picked her up to give her a lift? "Perhaps! It is also why I will eventually have to visit a Five Guys restaurant to refuel."
Chuckling quietly, Marcy fought down a groan as she struggled out of her black leather boots and propped her feet up on the dash. "Sorry, but I've been walking for hours. Nobody else would pick me up, except for this creepy trucker who would probably have murdered me. With my own axe."
"It is alright! I can't blame you, that sounds like a terrible day. How did you end up out here all by yourself? With no car?"
"Ash, ugh."
Rolling her eyes, Marcy explained, "No, Ash is my ex. Also the lead guitarist of our band, Vampire Queen. But like, he's been impossible since we broke up, and he threw his guitar at my head during our last show. I told him I wasn't riding in the van with him anymore and they took off without me. Jerkfaces."
Bonnie's expression was completely thunderstruck. She reached over to pat Marceline's thigh. "That is just unacceptable, you could have been hurt!"
"Uh… yeah?" She thought that was obvious. And the sudden physical contact made her squirm.
"No, I mean you should remove him from the band. He is clearly dangerous and you have every right to feel safe on the stage."
"Oh. Well… it's not that easy. He writes half our songs, and he's no great singer but he does know all the guitar parts already. But… I guess he's more replaceable than Fionna or Jake."
"You should send him to prison. Or castrate him," she added, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Which is what finally made Marceline realize neither of her hands were on the wheel. She sat up quick and shouted, "HEY, we're gonna crash! Are you insane?!"
"Hm?" Glancing ahead, she calmly stated, "No we aren't, we're driving perfectly straight. And there are no other cars."
"Well… yeah, but…" She watched their course correct very slightly, still glancing at Bonnie's hands. "Oh, is this one of those self-driving things?"
"Yes! Oh, I see; you thought I was neglecting the wheel." The pink-haired oddity giggled as if Marcy were the weird one.
"Do you just pick up random strangers and scare them to death? Messed up hobby, girl. I can respect it though."
At that, Bonnie's smile lessened as she stared ahead again. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has access to the technology I do. I didn't mean to cause you any undue strife."
"Not everybody swallows a dictionary for breakfast, either." When that wiped the smile away entirely, the rocker turned to look out the passenger window as she tightened her arms around her stomach. "Nah… I'm sorry, I'm a bitch."
The car was silent for a few seconds. "You aren't. I just don't spend a lot of time with other people. When I do, they tell me I am awkward."
"Yeah? Agoraphobic or something?" She paused. "Yeah, I know some big words, too."
"I never said you didn't. But no, that isn't the problem. I'm a workaholic. Even when I'm not in my lab, I'm still focused on inventing or revising previous inventions. I like speaking with people, but there never seems to be any time…"
"Dude, nerdslut. Got it."
The outburst was harsher than Marce expected. "Sorry," she muttered, head ducking lower. "I didn't-"
"I'm not a slut! I'm…" Her cheeks began to glow. "I've never even been on a date."
"I was kidding, man. I didn't really mean…" Her fingers ran through her fringe. "Look, you told me you don't get out much. So I'll do my best not to tease you like I normally would, but no promises. I'm pretty edgy." She even threw up devil horns to add to the effect.
"You're teasing. Yes, I understand." The bubbly girl sighed and relaxed, smiling again. Apparently, it was that easy.
"What do you do for a living, anyway? All the inventing…"
"Oh! Have you heard of PeebleCo?"
A brief pause. "If I say 'no', does that mean I'm dumb?"
"It's alright. I am the president and CEO. Though the board members make most of the day-to-day decisions, they consult with me before making any large changes. And I am also the head of the R&D department."
"Whoa. And you're what, like, eighteen?"
"Excuse me," she snickered. "But yeah, that's pretty young to have your whole future figured out. I'm still kind of drifting through life in the shadows."
Bonnie shrugged as she pulled off the highway. "It is okay. I know I am strange, and that most people have to take some time to find their true destiny."
"Where… are we going?"
"To this hotel! I have been driving all day."
"Oh. Guess this is where I get off, then."
"It is if you want. Or you are welcome to share my hotel room and I will continue to ferry you to your destination in the morning."
Marceline raised an eyebrow as she watched Bonnie smoothly guide the car into a parking spot — having to use her hands this time, of course. "Are you totally insane, or just the nicest person on the planet?"
"Does it have to be one or the other?" she asked with a huge grin. And yet again, Marcy found she was grinning back.
                                                      ~ o ~
Once they had brought their bags inside, the hitchhiker plopped herself on the bed and kicked off her boots again. Then she started tuning her bass. Bonnie started unpacking her little pink rolling suitcase immediately, though she cast a casual glance over at her guest now and then.
"What? Am I bugging you?"
"Not at all. I have just never seen someone play a guitar in person before."
"Never?!" When the inventor shook her head, Marceline chuckled softly. "Damn, you really don't ever crawl out from under that rock to see what the sun looks like. Not that I do, either."
"It's because I'm working," she protested with a slight pout. "Not because I don't want to meet people. I love people!"
"Oh yeah, me too. They're delicious."
Bonnie cackled as she plugged her BMO's charger into the wall. At least she got that joke. "You're so funny and cool! I wish I was like you."
"No you don't, trust me. I'm kind of a cunt."
"Are you? Well, I think that's still preferable to being boring. I might have an important job but as a person, I am… vanilla pudding."
"Yeah? Well I mean, vanilla pudding can be pretty good. Add a little red food coloring to make people think you're eating ketchup? I like red things, they look more badass."
"Vanilla is not interesting," she sighed as she seated herself on the other twin bed, pulling off her Uggs. Marceline tried not to pay too much attention to how her white leggings hugged her shapely calves and thighs. "Being a vanilla pudding when there are so many chocolate puddings around me… that is why I focus on my work."
The hitchhiker thought that over as she played a couple of notes, a few chords she used in their sets. The hook from "Smoke On The Water", then the bassline from "The Chain".
"I think you're cool, Bonbon."
"You do?" she asked in pure shock. Marcy looked up — and immediately averted her eyes when she saw her company was wearing only her underwear.
"WHOA, hey, warn a girl or something!"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she hissed, arms trying to hide parts of her body pointlessly. "The other girls in gym class never cared!"
Pale cheeks flooding with color, the rocker cleared her throat and studied the carpet, watching pale pink toes curl nervously into the fibers. "Gym, yeah. Um… I'm sorry, that was stupid. Me flipping out. If you're cool with stripping down in front of me, like… it's your hotel room…"
"No, you are right, it was my mistake. We have only just met today. And I am decent." When Marceline chanced another glance, she saw a long pink nightgown covering Bonnie from neck to ankle. She was also wearing an embarrassed little smile that was more adorable than it had any right to be.
"You're definitely decent."
"Gesundheit?" she re-joked with a slight smirk.
"Free candy!" She practically pounced on the little mint laying on her pillow, unwrapping it and devouring it in mere seconds. "Mmmmhhh… oh, divine!"
The moans of pleasure definitely made Marcy have to clear her throat again. Desire was stirring within her in a way that blindsided her; Bonnie was a girl. One she had met literally that day! Was she losing it?! Sure, she had always known she liked girls as much as boys, but she had never really been serious about one.
"SHIT!" she gasped out when she saw those beautiful features only a couple of inches away from her own. It seemed Bonnie's concern had brought her over to the other bed. "I… what? I'm fine, you can go back to getting ready for bed or whatever."
"You are flushed. What if you have a fever, from being out in the cold too long?"
Then the bouncy inventor touched their foreheads together, to check her temperature. Marceline knew that was the reason… yet she still felt her heart speed up, her sweat glands stirring to life.
But she was no shrinking violet. Anti-social, sure, and inexperienced hitting on girls versus guys. But she figured she might as well give it a shot and see what happened.
"You give me fever," she began to sing in a smoky voice. Bonnie's concerned eyes shot wide. "Fever when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight."
A tiny whispered "What?" fell from small pink lips. And not even the oblivious shut-in could miss the rock star's meaning. "Me?"
After they held each other's gaze for a few more seconds, Marceline burst out with a chuckle and looked away, strumming her bass. "Couldn't resist. You're such a cute little marshmallow, it's too easy."
And that was that. Or so she thought. After she had played a few more notes and glanced up again, expecting that Bonnie would have rushed off to the bathroom by now, she saw she was being studied carefully.
"Sorry. Told you I'm a bitch."
"Why are you sorry? If you meant it… which you did…"
"Who says I did?" she grunted. "Hey-"
"I do," Bonnie told her in even tones as she finished pulling the guitar strap from around Marceline's neck. How could this awkward bean be so bold all of a sudden?! "You are blushing like I am blushing. That means you meant it, doesn't it?"
"No. It means… maybe I was out in the cold too long. Whatever."
Sighing like a patient teacher facing an obstinate student, Bonnie leaned over and took her lips gently. And poor Marcy felt her brain short-circuiting. This girl was going for it! How?! This girl?! Even more shameful was that it took three or four seconds for her to pull back from the kiss, panting and clutching at the bedspread.
"Oh wow," Bonnibel whispered, reaching up to touch her own bottom lip with delicate fingers. "I did that."
"Yeah? Like, what, you're surprised you kissed somebody? That's fucking weird!"
"I am. I have never done it before, I didn't think it would be so easy. But I wasn't afraid like I expected to be, and I enjoyed the feeling."
One single fact kept Marcy from harping on about how bold of an assumption it was to kiss her out of nowhere. "Whoa, hold up. I'm really your first?"
"Yes," she breathed, cheeks warming to match Marceline's as she fidgeted with her fingers.
"That… amazing one you just planted on me was your first kiss?!"
Bonnie raised her eyebrows at her. "Oh, it was good?"
"Dude, I'm practically at full sail down here already!" When the hapless girl didn't seem to have any idea what she meant by that, she clarified, "Yes, it was good!"
"Oh. Then it was a successful experiment! Hooray!" Marceline just gaped at her open-mouthed. "We should do more experiments, I think."
"Yeah? What, you think I'm that easy?" she scoffed, trying to focus on reaching for her bass instead of blushing scarlet. But she barely touched the neck before firm hands were pinning her to the bed. "HEY!"
"You will assist me," the girl she had once mistaken for a marshmallow ordered her with a sly smirk.
Marceline finally understood that she had been hoodwinked. Well, not really; she believed this girl had no experience, but she had made the erroneous assumption that also meant she would be timid. Nope.
"I will? That's pretty interesting, I thought I got to decide that part."
"You do. But I already know you will decide to help me." Her hips started shifting on top of Marceline's, eyes briefly falling shut. "Mmm… mm?"
The rocker looked away, waiting for the backlash. Bracing to be shouted at, or called any number of names. She had been down that road before — most recently with Ash, who had no problem doing that to her but only when he was angry.
"You're a transgender person."
Stunned by the bluntness of the phrasing, she finally looked up to see nothing but surprise in Bonnie's features. No judgment, no disgust. "Um… yeah. Well, we prefer just 'trans'."
"Oh! 'Justrans' then." She shifted a few more times, prompting a little groan from both of them. "This will certainly make the experiment easier; I already know how to work with one of these from anatomy class."
Marcy knew she wasn't trying to be cruel. She could tell. But she still hissed up at her, "Can you like, not act like I'm some kind of sex slave robot? There's a real person with a real blackened soul down here."
With a little gasp, she covered her mouth. "Bloobalooby! I'm sorry, you're right." Her hips rolled again, sending a wave of heat down into the rocker from their point of contact, blinding her with pleasure. "Do you consent to experimenting with me sexually, and taking my virginity?"
Marceline could only sputter. And she almost told her 'no' simply because she was so shocked at the entire situation. But it was beginning to feel way too good. Why? Why did she want to?
"Sure. If you really don't care that I'm some problem you picked up off the side of the road."
"You are perfect." For just a second, Marcy felt a flutter in her stomach from such praise. Then Bonnie elaborated, "I'm comfortable with you, and I can tell that you are an adequate size to give me a wonderful first experience."
"Oh. That kind of 'perfect'. Right."
Genuinely puzzled, she tilted her head and asked, "What other kind is there?"
Instead of answering, Marceline pulled her down for a heated kiss. They kept that up while rolling around on the bed, running their fingers through each other's hair, humming into the contact. By the time they came up for air, she realized her sweater had disappeared.
"Can I see you?"
"Oh, is that going to help with the experiment?" Bonnie lowered her voice. "Am I… sexy?"
"Well, duh," she laughed as she dropped her jeans. But she fell speechless when she saw the shapely pink body coming into view. "I'm… yep. Definitely stand by my statement."
"I think you are sexy as well." But she was saying it shyly, as if stating a secret, rather than in a flirty way. This girl really didn't understand human sexuality but she was trying her best.
Weird but cute. And her face was glowing red like a stoplight… and Marceline liked red things.
They fell into each other with eagerness, kissing all over faces and necks as their bodies combined. Bonnibel was so soft inside, and her skin smelled like flowers. The little gasps and mewlings at the foreign sensations only made Marcy throb harder, willed her hips to begin moving.
Minutes later, she broke yet another kiss to whisper urgently, "I'm… I'm gonna finish, I d-don't have… a condom…"
"I'm on birth control, to regulate my cycle. I will not become pregnant." But she was biting her lip. The sensations had changed how she reacted. "Will you…? Please?"
She would. Moans fell freely from both of them as their bodies shifted faster and faster, until the dam burst and Marceline felt both their bodies convulsing with the proof of their pleasure. It was an instant, it was an eternity. It was everything.
As they lay curled up together, silence reigned for a few minutes. Experiment complete. Neither of the new quite what to say. Until finally Bonnie whispered, "You sang."
"When you ejaculated. It was like singing." She closed her eyes, a small smile on her lips as her hand drifted up to cover her own heart. "It was so sweet…"
Marceline scoffed, resisting the temptation to roll over and away to protect her own feelings. "N-no way. I don't do 'sweet', you're loopy. Literally fucked your brains out."
"No, my brains are still intact," she teased with a light chuckle as she began to draw little circles on Marcy's pale shoulder. "And you sang. And I am very, very satisfied with your 'axe'."
That prompted a gleeful giggle from both women. "Told you. I slay all day, Bonnie-bae."
                                                      THE END
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delkios · 5 years
Brings My Soul so Close to You (ToRays/ToV)
Please continue to pardon any inaccuracies with characterizations as I still haven't gotten around to familiarizing myself with games other than Vesperia and Rays. Title for Wonders Never Cease by Morcheeba. Thanks to suguelya for giving it a look-through.
(dreamwidth) (pillowfort) (AO3) Title: Brings My Soul so Close to You Fandom: Tales of the Rays, Tales of Vesperia Rating: PG Word Count: 7203 Characters: Flynn, Yuri, Hubert, Estelle, Velvet, Ludger, Mikleo, Ami and Ix Summary: Set in a nebulous post-Mirrage Prison timeframe. Five different looks into Yuri and Flynn's relationship "Yo. You still doing the perfume thing?" Hubert looked up from his book, eying Yuri carefully as he lounged up against the door frame. "I do." Hubert didn't particularly dislike the swordsman but they also rarely interacted, leaving Hubert to mostly know of Yuri through his reputation which... had some worryingly unsaid parts to it. "I thought you didn't care for it." He shrugged, not quite looking at Hubert and Hubert couldn't decide if it was an actual sign of nonchalance or a show of it. "I don't really, but it seems pretty popular with everyone else and there's been a couple I've liked." "Okay, then." He still wasn't sure if Yuri was being honest with him or not but Hubert couldn't really see how this could be a joke. He pulled a piece of paper and pen from a nearby desk. "Did you already have a scent in mind?"
~*~*~*~ "A scent?" "Yes. Your friend, Yuri, came to ask me to make perfume for him- his first, actually -and I realized that I don't believe anyone told you this is something we do." Hubert said, his posture formal but relaxed. Flynn was much more comfortable for him to interact with than Yuri. He chalked it up to mutual military professionalism. "People make requests for what kind of perfume they'd like- specific scents, if they have any in mind -and I try my best to create a perfume to their satisfaction. I will admit that it's been far more successful than I expected." "That seems like a lot of work," Flynn said, "having one person do all that." Hubert chuckled lightly. "Oh, the material gathering is shared with others. Normally I give a list to groups going out foraging or getting supplies. The actual mixing is done by myself." "And it won't be too much trouble making something for me?" "Not at all. Most people reorder perfumes I've made previously so I don't often get a chance to make an entirely new one. I'd appreciate the challenge." "Hm. Where we grew up, perfume was only used by the rich or for special occasions. Even when I was able to afford such things, it never occurred to do so, so I never really gave it much thought." Flynn tilted his head, eyes glancing upward as he thought. "I guess... Yuri?" It took a moment for Hubert to realize what he said. "I'm sorry, you want it to smell like Yuri?" "When we were little, we used to share everything: toys, clothes, even a bed. He was always with me through the hardest years of my life." Flynn laughed, ruffling his hair. "It's embarrassing to admit but my mind eventually came to associate his scent with comfort. I know it's silly but they say smells are closely tied to memories." Hubert smiled, warm and full of emotion. "No, actually. I think that's wonderful." Hubert immediately regretted his words. It took nearly a week of gathering and experimentation before he was finally able to approach Estelle with two bottles of perfume. "Yuri," he said crisply, setting one bottle down, "Flynn," he set the other down, a hand span away. "They actually asked for perfume?" Estelle asked with surprise. Ever since Hubert was persuaded to allow distribution of his perfumes, he'd gotten Estelle to name them. "That's a surprise, I didn't think Yuri liked using anything scented asides from soap. And Flynn always had to borrow perfume from other officers before official events." She giggled to herself as she picked up the bottle Hubert had said was for Yuri. As she opened the bottle, Hubert said, "It's an odd combination and it took me a bit to get the balance right, but I think it turned out well." Estelle sniffed lightly. "It's smells... like the ocean? And something flowery?" "Ocean and cherry blossoms." Among other things to help blend the two scents together. Estelle looked at Hubert for a moment, a slow smile spreading on her face. "Did Yuri pick those?" "Yes," he looked a little suspiciously at her, "why?" "Oh, no. It's just two of the first places Yuri and I went when we started our adventure. We restored a giant cherry blossom tree to protect a village and then we went to a cliff and saw the sea for the first time." Estelle laughed. "Both times Yuri talked about Flynn. I didn't think it was very important back then since I knew they were close friends, but I didn't realize that Yuri isn't the kind of person that casually reveals his thoughts." She swirled the bottle slightly, looking like she was thinking on a memory. "I think he was a little sad he didn't get to share those moments with Flynn." Hubert crossed his arms, thinking over her words. "Flynn's someone Yuri thinks about a lot?" "More than he's willing to admit, I'm sure." Eyes dancing with mirth, Estelle wrote 'Close to the Heart' in decorative script on the bottle. "And this?" She picked up the one for Flynn, opening the bottle and taking a whiff. "It smells kind of familiar." Hubert looked both annoyed and embarrassed. "Flynn said he wanted it to smell like Yuri and at the time his reasoning was quite sweet but then I realized it meant having to steal from Yuri's laundry and it was just such a hassle." He'd gotten caught by Repede of all Nexuses and Hubert had stumbled over his words trying to find an excuse before remembering- dagger and surprising intelligence aside -Repede was just a dog. He still felt compelled to assure him he'd return Yuri's clothes, however. Estelled gave it another whiff. "But you did it. This very much smells like Yuri. What did Flynn say that made you think it was sweet?" "He said that Yuri was with him through difficult times and his mind equated him with comfort." "Aww, that is sweet." She smiled and wrote 'Home' on the bottle. "I think they'll both like it though I don't know how likely they are to actually use it. I'm not entirely sure either of them really understand the point of perfume." "Well," Hubert picked up the bottles, lips quirked into a faint smile, "that's fine. I've been toying with the idea of scent diffusers, I might experiment using these. Everyone treasures things in their own way, after all." ------------------------------------------------- For a moment upon reading the note requesting her assistance at her leisure, Velvet considered ignoring it. In part because she was curious to see how long Flynn would wait for her to show up but mostly because, though Flynn seemed decent enough and Laphicet greatly approved of him, he reminded Velvet of Eleanor early on in their relationship. Though she was fairly sure he wasn't nearly as annoying or frustrating as Eleanor had once been, it wasn't a headache Velvet was particularly eager to relive. Of course, now that she was standing right there in front of him, Velvet really didn't have much of a choice. "What is it?" "I apologize for asking this at the last minute," he gave her a somewhat contrite smile, "but I was hoping you'd be able to help me make a White Day gift for tomorrow." She narrowed her eyes. "Didn't I see you with whole bags of gifts last week?" "Those are return gifts. As much as I would've like to return handmade chocolates in kind, I'm afraid my schedule and the amount didn't make that feasible. But I was hoping to do something a little more personalized for my companions." Velvet had no idea what Flynn's cooking abilities were but the folks from his world- Yuri especially -had been fairly adamant about not allowing Flynn to cook though the use of terms like 'alone' and 'for others' had her more curious than anything. "And you're asking me specifically because?" He looked somewhat embarrassed. "I know my cooking can be... divisive. But you strike me as the kind of person that won't hold back. If you see me doing something incorrectly or suspect, I'm certain you wouldn't hesitate to point it out." Velvet starred at him long and intense but Flynn didn't so much as twitch. "Fine." She pulled her shoulders back, fists planted on her hips and her face was set as hard as the most ruthless military instructor. "You will do what I say and only what I say. You only get one chance at this so the first time you go ignore my orders, I'm done. Understood?" Flynn snapped to perfect attention, "Yes, ma'am!" ~*~*~*~ "I need your help figuring out something for White Day." Ludger nearly jumped at the sudden voice behind him. He turned to find Yuri there, arms crossed and stance as easy as ever. Ludger gave him an odd look. "How am I supposed to help you with something like that? I know for a fact you don't have issues working with chocolates, Elle raved about the bonbons you made last year for weeks." "And if this was for any normal person, it wouldn't be a problem." Yuri tsked. "Unfortunately, Flynn's got a fucked up sense of taste and doesn't care that much for sweets." "...Flynn?" Ludger asked with a slow blink. "You're doing this for Flynn?" Yuri just shrugged as if this was a perfectly normal thing. "Sure. Mileena said on White Day guys are supposed to give gifts to girls and people important to them, right?" "I suppose that's true." He wasn't sure if it actually was. Asides from Kocis and Ix whose relationship was somewhat unique, Ludger didn't think any of the other guys gave their guy friends, childhood or otherwise, a gift. On the other hand, he also didn't want to get into an argument over it. "But why do you think I can help?" "You're more experimental with your recipes than Velvet and they mostly come out pretty good. You might have better ideas how to make a chocolate he'd like." Well, Ludger wasn't exactly immune to praise, especially when it came from someone whose cooking skills he respected. "If nothing else, I can at least try. What are his preferred tastes?" Yuri's expression flattened out, apparently already expecting his words to screw everything up. "Savory. Spicy. Meat." Sure enough, Ludger's thoughts skidded to a halt. He put one hand to a table and the other to his head. "Oh boy." ~*~*~*~ Velvet set down the recipe on the counter in front of Flynn. "Here. The ingredients and technique are simple but the results- when done correctly -make it seem much fancier and complicated than it actually is." She gave him a moment to skim over the paper before slapping her hand on the counter to get his attention. "First lesson: cooking is an art, baking is a science. Experimenting and changing recipes is much easier when you cook because you can constantly taste and adjust the food's flavor. With baking, once it's in the oven, that's basically it. Once it's been cooked, it's near impossible to change the flavor or texture. That means, with the way the ingredients and heat interacts, unless you really know what you're doing," Velvet got right up in his face, eyes deadly serious, "never deviate from the recipe." Flynn swallowed reflexively. "Understood." Velvet watched with a hawkish, critical eye as Flynn pulled the ingredients and dishes out, treating this as seriously as he would a strategy meeting and, while she found that hilarious, it was also understandable. Cooking for someone could leave you feeling surprisingly vulnerable, especially when it was for a special occasion. Even with all her confidence and experience, Velvet still felt that on occasion. She stayed silent and vigilant, speaking up only to instruct Flynn to grease the ramekins more. When he'd done so to her satisfaction and placed them aside, Velvet looked down at the ramekins, going over the count in her head: Estelle, Rita, Judith, one for Velvet to test... "Why are there five?" Flynn paused in measuring out the ingredients, checking to make sure he hadn't miscounted. "One for you, Lady Estellise, Rita, Judith and Yuri." "Yuri?" "Of course. It's a day for men to show appreciation to the people important to them, I can hardly leave out my best friend." ~*~*~*~ After a number of trials and errors- and an emergency shopping trip to restock -the two men were fairly certain they'd gotten a recipe that wouldn't burn while making, wasn't too brittle and wasn't overwhelming. Of course, given the ingredients, neither of them felt qualified to actually judge how good it was. Deciding to stay out of the process for making the chocolate that would actually go to Flynn, Ludger asked, "So why exactly are you making chocolate for Flynn? Especially since you said he's not particularly fond of sweets?" "I told you already," Yuri said, intently focused on his chopping. "I know, I just don't remember you giving something to Karol or Raven last year." "Yeah, well I also didn't spend nearly every moment for over ten years hanging out with them." Well, Ludger had to give him that. Then Yuri added, "Besides, he'd gonna get me something so I need to give him a gift in return." ~*~*~*~ Velvet still seemed unconvinced. "So you're doing this because you think he's going to make you something?" "I know he is," Flynn said with utmost confidence. ~*~*~*~ "What makes you so certain of that?" Ludger asked. Yuri scowled- the one everyone knew was just for show. "Because that's just-" ~*~*~*~ "-the kind of guy he is," Flynn said with a bright smile. ~*~*~*~ Gatherings for gift exchanges on holidays in the dining area was becoming customary, several tables filled with groups chatting and passing things around. Yuri had already given the women of his group their chocolates, each decorated and personalized for each one though they were happy to break off a piece so one of the others could give it a try. Yuri was preening at their compliments. Velvet, part out of curiosity and part to be supportive, helped Flynn bring out the plates before joining her own group. Each small dish had a delicately ridged, slightly tapered cake placed in the middle, liberally dusted with powdered sugar and a bright red strawberry, sliced and fanned out on top. Velvet hadn't even had to give Flynn any direction on it, his eye for detail apparently extended to gorgeous plating. She put her plates down in front of Judith and Estelle, both women's eyes brightening at the sight but there was still something stiff in their posture. "How pretty," Judith said, picking the fork up from the plate but making no move to actually try it. "You followed a recipe for this, right?" Yuri asked, glaring suspiciously down at the plates Flynn set in front of him and Rita. "He did," Velvet answered instead as Flynn took the last remaining seat. "I was with him to whole time." Yuri's glare intensified. "Are you sure?" Velvet glared right back at him. "Do you really think he could sneak something by me? Especially when it comes to food?" "Well, we should at least try it," Estelle said slowly despite her encouragement. She, also, didn't make a move to actually take a bite. Velvet rolled her eyes. "He made an extra and I tried it. I wouldn't let him feed you anything inedible." Yuri grabbed his fork like he was grabbing his sword. "Alright. Here goes." He pierced the edge of the cake, chocolate oozing out from the middle, screwed his face up like he was saying a prayer and shoved it into his mouth. His eyes shot open. "Oh. That's really good." Flynn beamed like he'd just discovered world peace. The girls dove into it a heartbeat later, each heaping praise on Flynn at first taste. Yuri, already on his third bite, paused to slide the package he'd brought towards Flynn. "Here. For you." "Thank you," Flynn carefully worked a finger under the seams, opening the gift without ripping the paper. "You didn't have to, you know." "Yeah, I did. Tried to tailor it to your taste so I don't know if you'll actually like it." It was a seemingly plain bar of chocolate but when Flynn bit at the corner, his eyes went wide. "Yuri, this is amazing!" "Heh. Good to know." Seeing that uncharacteristically soft smile on Yuri's lips, Velvet decided it was best to make her escape. ~*~*~*~ Ludger waited a discreet distance to intercept Velvet. "Surprised to see you playing waiter." "More like reassurance," she said blandly. "That Flynn hadn't accidentally poisoned them." His eyes flickered to the table, then back at Velvet. "Out of curiosity, did Flynn say why he made one for Yuri?" Sensing there was more to it than simple curiosity, Velvet studied Ludger closely. "Because Yuri is his best friend and Flynn was certain he'd make something in return," she said slowly, "why?" "Huh. That's pretty much exactly the reason Yuri said he made something for Flynn." Ludger couldn't quite tell if Velvet was amused, annoyed or apathetic. "So let me get this straight. Yuri made Flynn chocolate as a return gift for the chocolate he made as a return gift for Yuri." "Well," he hooked his thumbs in his pockets, "they weren't wrong about the other getting them chocolate." For a long moment, Velvet stayed quiet. Then, "They're both idiots in the exact same way, aren't they?" "I'm kinda getting that, too." It looked like everyone had or was just about finished with their cakes and there had yet to be any abrupt exits, blanching or chugging down water. All good signs in Ludger's book. "You helped Flynn make chocolate lava cakes?" "Watched, really," Velvet said. "He followed the recipe without any problem, picked up techniques quickly and they came out perfectly fine. Not anything like the kitchen disaster I was expecting. He even did the plating without any help. I don't know what Yuri's talking about." There was a brief pause. "Wait- you said he followed a recipe?" "Of course. I told him he wasn't allowed to deviate even the slightest." Ludger nodded to himself, "I think I get it. Yuri wanted my help making a chocolate bar because he said Flynn has, uh, unique tastes." "You helped Yuri make a chocolate bar?" The question was obvious in her words and, at the face Ludger made, Velvet looked like she almost didn't want to know. "What kind is it?" "It has chopped bacon and ground chili peppers." Her mouth pressed into a thin line, watching Flynn happily take another bite, oblivious to her, Ludger and Yuri's disturbed expressions. "Yeah. Now I get it." ------------------------------------------------- Honestly Mikleo thought the addition of Flynn was one of the best things to happen to the group. He basically took over assigning field and guard duties and helped Cress out with training. It allowed Jade and Leon to focus more on the finance and logistics and intelligence gathering side of things which meant Mikleo really didn't have to deal with an infuriating cryptic or overbearing critic anymore. He was also thankful for the fact Flynn came at it more like a taskmaster than an officer, preferring to ask for volunteers rather than ordering someone for a mission and trying to keep assignments within the person's interests or skill sets whenever possible. A number of Nexuses were or had been part of the military on their respective worlds and while Mikleo's experience with an actual military organization was pretty minimal, it was a relief that Flynn had no interest in restructuring the group into a military framework. Though, he'd admit, the military's tendency to organize and schedule things did come in handy from time to time. There were two kitchens anyone could use at any given time though, by unspoken agreement, the larger one was reserved for those who had cooking duty while the smaller was for those who could cook for themselves so the chef for the day didn't have to cook for everyone. With such a huge group, it was unfeasible to expect one person to feed them all on their own so there were always volunteers to help out in the kitchen. And despite all the work he did, Flynn often checked the kitchen to ensure there was enough people working and was always willing to chip in his own time if staffing was lacking for any reason. Whenever Yuri was on kitchen duty, Flynn, more often than not, was in there with him. It was somewhat surprising, really, given Yuri had be vehement about not allowing Flynn to cook- which didn't stop Velvet from allowing the knight to help her but most things didn't stop Velvet. Then again, Flynn was generally relegated to things like prep, washing and chopping food, getting out tools and dishes, setting things up to serve and cleaning up afterward. Mikleo volunteered to help them when he could, he found the way Yuri and Flynn worked together fascinating. They seemed to have an instinctual awareness for each other, always aware of where the other was and when they were in need of something. It was almost like a dance. Mikleo, conversely, had nearly bumped into or been bumped into on numerous occasion no matter how he tried to keep out of the way. He couldn't help saying, when the food had been set out and the three of them were cleaning up, "You two work surprisingly well in a kitchen." Yuri shrugged, putting some of the food into containers to be taken to those that wouldn't be able to make it to dinner. "We spent a few years working at an inn to pay for board. I cooked, he cleaned." "And did whatever odd jobs the owners needed to have done," Flynn added, taking the dishes Mikleo had washed and drying them off. "Is that how Yuri got to be such a good cook?" "And why Flynn became such a clean freak." Flynn shot his friend a mild glare. "If you knew how some people left their rooms, you'd understand." He turned back to Mikleo with a faint grin, "It was also rather meditative. Not a lot of people interrupt cleaning staff so I always had time to organize my thoughts." "You should've seen it during the rainy season," Yuri grinned, leaning over to look at Mikleo passed Flynn's shoulder. "He'd sit by the door with a mop and bucket, trailing after anyone tracking mud, no matter who it was." "Dried mud is pain to clean up!" Flynn protested. Yuri's eyes suddenly lit up. "Hey, you remember the time you reamed that captain for dumping his filthy cloak on the floor?" Flynn's mouth opened, the beginnings of a justification on his lips when he abruptly froze. His eyes went large and Yuri's grin wicked. Flynn didn't even react when Mikleo nudged his hand with a ladle. ".....that was Captain Schwann." Yuri roared with laughter. "Hell yeah, it was!" He slapped Flynn's back and Flynn closed his eyes with a pained sigh. "I can't believe I'd forgotten about that!" "I can't believe you reminded me of it." "Schwann?" Mikleo prodded at Flynn's hand again until he took the ladle. "Isn't that Raven's old name?" Yuri was still chuckling, smirking broadly. "I'm gonna have to ask if he remembers that." "You don't have to," there was something almost pleading in Flynn's voice. "Oh, I absolutely do. You yelled at him until he went out on the stoop and wrung out his cloak then made him hang it up!" Packing up the last of the containers, Yuri wrapped them up in a large cloth. "I'm gonna take this to Rita and the other eggheads." He gave them a wink. "I'll leave the rest to you!" Then he was off and Flynn glowered after him. Mikleo did his best to stifle his laughter. "He really seems to enjoy pressing your buttons." "Too much, sometimes." He took the last plate from Mikleo who then drained the sink. "But I suppose that's to be expected with childhood friends." "I can understand that. Sorey and I have had our fair share of arguments." "Oh yeah, you two are childhood friends as well, right?" "Yup." With the last of the water gone, Mikleo began to wipe down the sink. "We've been together ever since I can remember." Flynn chuckled, "I can barely remember what life was like before I knew Yuri." He put the dry plate on a stack, taking a portion of it to put into the cupboard while Mikleo put the utensils back in their drawers. "Have you two been together the whole time?" "A little while back we went about three years without hardly speaking to each other. I told myself it was because I was too busy or because of some silly slight from the last time we passed each other by but, I can admit now, it was because I was hoping he'd miss me enough to come back to the Knights." "Was it difficult?" Mikleo asked as they put away the last of the dishes. "Absolutely. Not in the same way losing my parents was or trying to survive on the streets before the inn keeper took us in, but it was a hardship I never had to deal with before: being without my greatest support. But I think it was the best for both of us. Admittedly, Yuri did flounder a bit, but we got out of each other's shadows and grew into our own person." Flynn rinsed off the towel, then wrung it out and began to wipe down the counters. "Introspection is much easier when you don't have someone covering up your weaknesses." His brow furrowed, something inside knotting uncomfortably at Flynn's words. "Do you mean you think being with someone for too long stunts your growth?" "Ah, that did sound like that, didn't it?" Flynn tilted his head to one side as he thought over his words. "Can, I think, would be more accurate. And I'm certainly not suggesting cutting off ties for years is the way to go, but taking a day or two for self-reflection every once in a while is helpful. And, even if something does happen that keeps you separated, you'll realize that you carry a piece of them inside your heart. That the time you spent together and the memory of them has and continues to shape you into the person that you are." Mikleo liked the way it sounded much more. "So?" He asked teasingly, "How did Yuri shape you?" Flynn just laughed. "Oh, patience and forgiveness, mostly." "He certainly strikes me as the kind of person that gets into trouble easily." "True. But mostly I meant forgiving myself." Mikleo paused, then turned to look up at Flynn. "What do you mean?" "Yuri likes to point out my flaws and mistakes. To tease me, mostly, but also to remind me that I'm only human." Flynn grinned self-effacingly. "Sometimes, even though I know better, I expect myself to make every decision perfectly, no matter the circumstances." "So Yuri reminds you to forgive your imperfections?" "Something like that. But also he's been with me through the worst times in my life and no matter how badly I screwed up or the times when I wanted to hate myself, he always forgave me. And even though I have issues with the way Yuri goes about some things, there's no one I trust more, nothing I have more faith in than him." He smiled at Mikleo, something warm and deep that was a lot like being wrapped in the sun. "I figure if someone like him can forgive me when I'm at my worst, then I could learn to forgive myself, too." The sheer faith momentarily took Mikleo's breath away. "That... that's an amazing sentiment. I can't imagine what that's like." Or admit that it made him a little jealous. "Really? Your relationship with Sorey seems quite similar." "Not quite to that level." "You're closer than you think," Flynn said, squeezing Mikleo's shoulder. "You just have to have as much faith in yourself as you have in Sorey." "That can be surprisingly difficult sometimes," he said ruefully. "I know. But that's why you need people like Yuri or Sorey in your life. Someone that will always remind you that, no matter how much you want to give up on yourself, you're still worthwhile." They lapsed into silence, Mikleo lost in thought. That brief pang of jealousy of the bond between Flynn and Yuri- unbreakable, irreplaceable -had faded at Flynn's words. What he and Sorey had was just as deep and strong, just different. And, more importantly, it was theirs. That revelation had Mikleo smiling to himself throughout the rest of clean up. ------------------------------------------------- "Excuse me." Yuri looked down at the hesitant voice addressing him from somewhere around lower-torso level. He recognized her immediately as Chester's little sister. "What's up?" "Um," she said, pressing her lips together and tugging at her skirt. "Can you braid my hair?" Yuri leaned down, hands braced on his thighs so he was eye level with Ami. "That's a weird thing to ask a random person." "Chester said he was gonna do it this morning but him and Cress got called off to do something else and I don't know when they're gonna come back." "There's plenty of women that can braid hair." At least Yuri was mostly sure of this. Ami's mouth twisted, looking much like Ted or Karol did when they were about to admit something they thought was childish and dumb. "When Chester or Cress braid my hair, they always hum or sing me songs and it's... not as comforting when it's a lady." Considering the issues that came up with her exoflection, Yuri didn't have the heart to deny her such a simple comfort. He stood upright. "Well, if that's the case I can't really help you. I've never braided my hair. But," he said as Ami's face fell, "I know someone perfect for the job." When the situation was explained to Flynn, he just nodded and began to remove his gauntlets. "In that case, we'll share the job. I'll braid your hair and Yuri can sing." "Why are you volunteering me for this?" Flynn merely lifted an eyebrow. "Seems fair considering you volunteered me." He noticed Ami's look of concerned and smiled warmly at her. "Don't worry, Yuri has a good singing voice though he hasn't done it much since we were kids. Please, have a seat and make yourself comfortable." He hadn't sung much because Flynn used to always watch him with an expression that made Yuri self-conscious. Not that he'd ever admit to it, of course. "I'll hum instead," Yuri announced before all but throwing himself down on the nearby couch, arms crossed behind his head and eyes closed. He heard Flynn ask Ami if she was ready and the little girl's quietly excited reply, then Yuri began to hum. It was one of Ranko's songs, one she said she sang as a duet. Flynn seemed to like it. A few bars into it, Yuri cracked an eye open and watched his friend comb his fingers through Ami's thick hair. From the small smile on Flynn's face, even with the slowed tempo Yuri hummed, he obviously recognized the tune. "How do you know how to braid hair?" Ami asked after a while. "I used to braid Yuri's when we were kids. Sometimes I put flowers and clovers in there." "Really? That sound so cool!" "I also used to help him put his hair in buns and twists, too." "Chester never does fun stuff with his hair and he won't let anyone but me play with it. How come Yuri lets you play with his?" Flynn didn't say anything but Yuri could practically feel the glance his way so Yuri said, "When I decided to grow my hair out, some older kids gave me a tough time about. They'd tease me, pull it, try to tangle it up." Ami made an angry sound. "Some boys did that to me, too, but Chester and Cress never let them get away with it." "Boys are the worst," Yuri said decisively. "They are! They stopped when one tried to put mud in my hair and I punched him in the nose. All the moms wanted Chester to punish me but he couldn't stop laughing." Yuri snickered and he heard Flynn chuckle as well. "Flynn would stick up for me, too. Once, though, one of 'em manage to cut a good three inches out of my hair. That was when Flynn started helping me put it up until I got big enough to fight 'em off myself." "I'm sorry. You have such pretty hair." "Thanks," Yuri craned his neck around to smile at Ami. Flynn was carefully sectioning out her hair on one side. "I talked Flynn into growing his out once but it kept turning into a tangled mess no matter what we tried. Even when it's short like that, he can't do anything with it." "I'm perfectly happy with my hair how it is," Flynn said dryly. "I know you are 'cause no one can tell you haven't brushed it." Ami giggled and Flynn tried to hide the twitching of his lips. "Aren't you supposed to be humming?" "Right, right." When Flynn had finished and handed Ami a mirror to look into, she gasped. "It's so pretty and fancy! Did you braid Yuri's hair like this, too?" A thick braid ran down each side of her head and where they met at the nape of her neck, he'd blended them into one. "No," Flynn said a little wistfully, "Yuri wouldn't let me get too creative with his hair." "But when the girls and young women in our side of town found out how well he braided hair, they came to him all the time to do theirs. Before festivals, there'd be an entire line of women waiting for him." Yuri snickered. "All the guys were so jealous." Flynn just rolled his eyes. "Not like they couldn't learn themselves." Yuri just snickered harder because that had never been the point. "Ami!" Elle half called, half sang as she came in, "finally got back from shopping, did you wanna- oh wow! Your hair is so pretty!" "Thanks!" Ami kicked her legs happily, beaming at her friend. "Flynn did it for me!" "You can do braids?" Elle asked with wide eyes. "My daddy would do it for me sometimes. Ludger tries but they always come out." "If I may," Flynn said, holding out a hand near Elle's hair and running his fingers through it when she nodded. "Hmm. Fine hair tends to have trouble staying up. Yuri's hair is thicker than yours but also pretty fine so I think can make yours work." "He said he can even put flowers in it!" Ami said. "Really?" Flynn laughed. "Why don't you two gather whatever flowers you want me to put in your hair? I can redo Ami's hair after I do Elle's." "Yay!" The girls bolted for the door. "Thanks, Flynn!" After a moment, Yuri sat up on the couch. "You're such a sap." "I may be." Flynn patted the seat Ami had vacated. "Want me to braid your hair while we wait?" "...sure, why not." ------------------------------------------------- He'd been floating on the edge of consciousness for some time before a knocking pulled him out completely. "Yuri? Have you seen Flynn? No one's seen him today." Groggy from lack of sleep, Flynn half-turned to his back. In part to pull out the strands of Yuri's hair that had gotten into his mouth before pushing himself from the bed. It really wasn't big enough for two men to sleep comfortably but neither had the bed at the Comet they shared right up until they joined the Knights. Flynn supposed it was a good thing they'd gotten used to sleeping piled on top of each other long before they reached the age when most boys found that degree of closeness to be awkward. He padded, bare foot, across the floor, putting on a shirt- Yuri's -as he went and scrubbing a hand through his unruly hair. When Flynn opened the door he found Ix there, staring at him with wide eyes. "Oh! Uh... sorry, did I wake you?" "It's fine." He'd worked on less sleep many times before. "Is there something wrong with your room? I know it can't be comfortable having to share a room with three other people. Sorry, Mileena didn't think there'd be so many of you when she made this place." Even with those that decided to stay on the Heimdallr with the Salvation Front, a lot of rooms had to double-up to fit all the exoflected. It was a good thing Yuri had picked one of the smaller rooms from the start, he didn't have to share with anyone but Repede. And now occasionally Flynn. "It's fine," he said again. Before Mileena had gotten around to exoflecting another bunkbed in one of the larger rooms, Flynn shared Yuri's bed. Just like old times. "And I enjoy my roommates." Sharing a space with Asbel, Hubert and Kor was a lot like living in the barracks before Flynn became an officer. It was kind of nice. A few had offered to give him a room of his own in deference to his rank but he'd been adamant about not turning this into a military operation or getting special treatment. "Then I'm interrupting something private." "Ix." When he looked up, Flynn just gave him a warm smile. "It's alright. There's nothing you need to worry about." Ix hummed, gaze dropping again and it took Flynna a moment to realize Ix's eyes were caught somewhere around sternum-level. Flynn looked down at the star-burst shaped scar on his chest- more of a burn, really -perfectly framed by the edges of Yuri's shirt. "Ah. That. I'm sure you understand," he told Ix with a faint smile, "it's better to risk your life than someone you love." His expression went pensive, something Flynn was quickly learning was fairly common on the young man. "It must have been painful." Flynn thought back about how hard it was to breathe, not just from taking Alexei's attack to his chest but from hearing that Yuri had gone missing, that he must have fallen off Zaude. How, day after day, ships and soldiers combing the ocean and shore would report back to him having found nothing. Then, one day, with his hope just a tenuous string, he'd gotten a letter from Estelle saying Yuri showed up in Zaphias, injured but well, and they were off to Zopheir to test a hypothesis of Rita's and for the first time in a week Flynn could breathe clearly. "Yes," he said softly, "but it was worth it." Ix gave a little huff of laughter. "I'm kind of envious how open you are about these things." "Well," Flynn looked over to where Yuri still lay on the bed, having scooted over to take up some of the space Flynn had vacated. "It took a lot of time and hardship to get to this point." He looked back at Ix and smiled. "But that was also worth it." When Ix's pensive look remained, Flynn asked, "Is something on your mind?" "I..." he bit his lip, visibly gathering his thoughts. "I agree that taking on danger in order to protect those I care about is worth the risk but... are you ever frightened about the thought that the person you care about thinks the same? That they'll take on the danger to protect you?" "Of course," Flynn said without hesitation. "If they weren't important to me, it wouldn't be frightening. It can be difficult, even painful, when they take that burden for me, but I'd imagine it hurts them just as much to see me take theirs. And because they're important to me, I have to respect their wishes. There is, however, a vast difference between respecting someone's wishes and allowing them to act thoughtlessly and recklessly." He sighed, memories bubbling up in the back of his thoughts as he spoke. "There may certainly be disagreements as to which side of that line someone's decision falls on." He gave Ix a gentle look. "However, while one's willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others can be noble, I think it's better to protect each other and face the danger together." Ix's his smile was subdued but bright, something in his eyes settling more comfortably. "I'm glad you're here. Having so many unique and eccentric personalities can be fun but also really draining to deal with. It's nice to have more people mature enough to give open and sensible advice around." Flynn laughed quietly. "Well, I know not everyone appreciates that. But I'll endeavor to help out whenever you or any of the others need me." "Sure, just remember to take care of yourself, too. And let me know if you ever need anything. We're in this together, after all." Ix waved before retreating down the hall. Closing the door, Flynn shrugged out of the shirt before brushing Yuri's hair out of the way and sliding back into bed. "Wuzzit?" Yuri murmured, still mostly asleep. "Ix." "Wha'd he want?" "I think the shock of seeing me partially dressed in your room first thing in the morning made him forget to ask. Sorry. Pretty sure he thinks we're sleeping together." Yuri let out a soft, amused snort. "Not inaccurate." He turned his head, not enough to actually see Flynn but enough so Flynn knew he was irritated. "Yer lettin' the cold air in." "Move your legs, I'm about to fall off the bed." Yuri let out a put-upon sigh, shifting his legs enough so Flynn could tangle his own with them. They lay there, pressed skin to skin, one of Flynn's arms resting comfortably over Yuri's waist, breathing matched long and slow. After a while, however, Yuri said, "Can feel you thinkin'." "Sorry." "Don' be sorry. Sleep." "I don't think I can." "Still tired, aren't ya?" "Yeah," Flynn admitted. He started to move again. "But if people are looking for me, I should get up. There's plenty I could be-" "Nope," Yuri didn't move his face from the pillow but he grabbed at Flynn's wrist. "Yer nightmare's bad 'nough you came to me in th' middle o' the night, you need ta sleep in." Then, before Flynn could protest or argue, "Repede!" Almost instantly the bed dipped and Flynn looked down just as Repede settled his head heavily on Flynn's thigh. The man sighed, letting his head drop back down next to Yuri's. "Try'n move now." Yuri shifted just enough to send a smug, sideways look to Flynn. "Don't wanna disturb our sweet li'l puppy, do ya?" Glancing down at Repede, the dog merely stared back at Flynn, amusement clear in his one eye. Flynn sighed again, body relaxing. "You're both terrible." Yuri chuckled, drawing Flynn's arm further around him. "Love you, too." Flynn just pressed his face against Yuri's back, hiding a smile in his hair.
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marklineson · 6 years
Park Chanyeol × Park Sooyoung
Park Chanyeol loved his wife enough to think she’d be blinded by love as much as he was when he took her for granted and started meeting another woman behind her back. He thought he, as a respected police officer, would be strong enough to take any damage given to his heart and mind-
The less was he prepared for the day his wife, Sooyoung, ended up leaving him. The day he had asked her out. The day he had proposed to her.
Christmas Eve.
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Chapter Song:
Word Count: 1.8k
“I’m glad you’re starting to embrace the mistakes you made, now.”
27th of December, 2016
Surprisingly, Park Chanyeol was still alive.
The morning after his emotional breakdown, Chanyeol had been waiting for a sign of his in-laws- no raging father who cursed at him for cheating on his daughter, no crying mother who was dissappointed in him, not even a simple phone call- had Sooyoung even told them? Where had she been if she wasn't at her parents' house? Was she staying with Seulgi?
He sighed deeply and made an attempt to comb his tousled hair and then made preparations to brush his teeth- both activities had been pretty much ignored ever since Sooyoung had left him on the 24th. Chanyeol groaned at the memory of waking up in the middle of their sompletely destroyed living room- glass shards everywhere, the christmas tree had been tossed out of the window into ther backyard, the sofa and table had been turned... and Chanyeol himself had woken up with one of the greatest headaches in history. He had drowned the pity and pain he felt for himself in alcohol that night- and he still was disgusted of himself.
Stop acting like a loser. You deserved it all.
Chanyeol went back to his now way too empty bedroom (and he really missed tripping over Sooyoung's shoes and nagging at her for her untidiness) to put on something decent and neat- today's task demanded some class and backbones.
Closing the buttons of his blazer, he made his way downstairs and grabbed the neat leather case on the kitchen counter. It was light, someone else possibly would have mistaken it for being empty- yet the meaning of the one single sheet inside weighed heavier than anything he'd ever carried.
The way to Seulgi's office was a long one- ten minutes could feel like a whole day when you were busy considering whether you did the right thing or not.
The moment he got out of his car, he saw Seulgi already waiting at the entrance of her office, right foot tapping eagerly as she was obviously waiting for him.
No turning back now.
"Good morning", he exclaimed, trying to force a smile onto his face while Seulgi just stared at him blankly, right hand extended. "Did you enjoy your Christmas-"
"I've got no time for someone like you, Park", she snarled at him and raised her eyebrows, "I hope you signed the papers correctly." It pained him to hear the eager undertone in her voice- after all, they had been friends until a few days ago- yet it wasn't like he couldn't understand that she held on to her best friend. Sooyoung.
"I guess I did, I followed all of your little notes on the sticky note on top." Chanyeol ruffled his hair a bit, suddenly looking like a little lost boy. Seulgi felt thrown back in time for a second, seeing the eighteen-yeared high school senior who asked her to give Sooyoung his love letter. She huffed, ripping the papers out of his hand.
"What is it, Chanyeol?"
"I..." He hesitated for a bit, wondering how she'd noticed his inner conflict, but then again, she was as good at reading people as her boyfriend, who also happened to be Chanyeol's best friend. "About Sooyoung-"
"I'm not telling you where she went to, Chanyeol." 
"It- no, it's not that." He hurriedly waved the question off, looking at her like a puppy she'd kicked out of the house. "I just... wanted to ask you a small favour", and at her eyebrows raising themselves painfully fast and her grip on the doorknob strengthening, he added-"Just tell her I broke up with Minri that night." He noticed his breath had picked up it's pace, his chest now heaving from the sudden rush of emotions inside his body. "Please tell her that I still love her, and-"
"-It's enough. You better stop here, before you start making an even bigger fool out of yourself." Seulgi's voice grew even colder with every single word, forcing themselves into Chanyeol's brain without giving him a chance to unhear them. "Listen, I will tell her you broke up with that... affair of yours", her face carried a hint of disgust and dissapprovement,"even though I know she won't even be interested. She moved on, Chanyeol. Sooyoung has things to worry about, much greater than a man who wasn’t satisfied with what he had."
Her gaze softened with a deep sigh, and in a lower voice, she added "I am glad you can at least embrace the mistakes you made now." With that, she made an attempt on closing the door, only stopping in mid-action to quickly exclaim "I'll send you the following papers around New Year's", and finally left him to stand alone at the entrance.
14th of January, 2017
Everyone in division 3 of Seoul's police departement had wanted to make it a calm, relaxing day. Some collegues had returned from a family vacation, others had been out drinking last night and had hoped for a few silent minutes to sit and close their eyes, unseen in their office- yet none of these were supposed to happen.
Instead, there was an uproar when the door to the division's main office was thrown open.
"Boss, you can't be serious! Chanyeol's been our partner for three years now, and-"
"Stop it, Kim. Park has been misusing his power as a part of our division. He-" Jongdae huffed at that, while his other partner, Byun Baekhyun, couldn't withstand stomping with his right foot. 
"Oh, come on, Boss, He's searching for his wife! You're married as well, wouldn't you miss your wife and try to find her if she had vanished from the scene-" This time, it was Kim Junmyeon's snort that filled the room.
"Can't really say that I miss her, when I was the one sending her divorce papers last week."
Baekhyun's mouth opened to form an irregular shape of disbelieve, while Jongdae simply raised his eyebrows and couldn't hold in a surprised "Oh!".
"Anyways, I had to-"
"It's okay, Boss. I understand." 
Everyone's gaze shifted to the seemingly shrunken person in the middle of the room, the actual theme of the day- Park Chanyeol. Deep down, he thanked his two friends and partners for taking action in this, but... it wasn't like he was innocent in this case.
"Listen, guys. I perfectly knew what I was doing when I sneaked into this office to use the main computer and get access to our gps search programm. I knew what I was doing when I found the adress and immediately made my way there last night. I misused my work for my personal matters, and Sooyoung... she wasn't even there anymore." He got up, his head hanging, and bowed to his boss. "I will pack up my stuff and move to division five immediately. Thank you for everything, Boss."
After another bow, he turned around  and went straight to his own office, ignoring the bunch of collegues coming at him and begging him for more information on this whole situation, yet he waved all of them off and shoved himself through the group of people, only to open his door to the empty office and close it behind him right away. 
He didn't even take some time to sit and calm down, knowing he couldn't push away what was launching at him- the consequences for his inappropriate actions.
He raised his head when the door to his office was thrown open and then shut again with a loud bang, but went on with packing when he saw his two partners had walked in. 
"Hey man, stop packing, I'm sure we can convince the boss to give you a milder-"
"Stop." Chanyeol looked up and gazed at Baekhyun, who still didn't want to understand what was going on, while Jongdae went over to his own desk and fell into his chair casually, raising his feet up onto his working table. 
"Baek, he's right. We shouldn't try to get our hands into the matter any further." He took a sip of the coffee he brought along for himself, but then pulled a face and put the plastic cup away because... this instant coffee wasn't really his taste. Wondering how Baekhyun could be so fond of something that tasted like dishwater, he went on.
"Junmyeon has faith in Chanyeol, that's why he's giving him the chance to work himself up the latter again. Remember that he could have also been expelled for such a huge matter."
Baekhyun sneered at that. He wasn't really happy about the fact that they'd get a new partner until Chanyeol was back with them, and he didn't even want to imagine the time it would take for the three of them to be reunited. He gulped down his own coffee and then oggled Jongdae's, who simply signaled him to go on and drink it. 
The scene made Chanyeol snicker, before he finally pulled his name tag off of his black shirt and put it on the table. "I think I've got everything... tell Kyungsoo to keep my desk as untidy as possible while I'm away."
"I'm sure it'll feel naked without all of your bonbon wrappers scattered everywhere", Jongdae grinned, and stood up to ruffle Chanyeol's hair. 
"I'll make sure that chaos lives on in this office", Baekhyun muttered between two sips and then threw the empty cup onto Chanyeol's table. 
"Hey, I'm sure he's coming in-"
"I won't accept anyone else sitting across from me, Yeol. Especially not... him." Again, Baekhyun pulled a face and his friends immediately remembered their training period, that had been plastered with the arguments of Byun Baekhyun and Do Kyungsoo. They'd known each other since middle school, and while Kyungsoo actually didn't hold any grudges against Baekhyun, latter had always been jealous of the other's gains and professional manner. "I was furious enough about him using our division as a break time from his oh-so-superior work at division one, only because he wants to spend more time with his family? Why can't he simply hit vacation status for a while, I wasn't the one who caused his wife to give birth and-"
"Hey, you better mind your words, buddy! She's my sister, after all!" Jongdae withstood the urge to throw Baek's empty coffee cups at him, remembering how crushed he'd been when his sister announced her engagement to Kyungsoo in the middle of a garden party of Jongdae's parents that his friends had attended as well. He was sure that Baekhyun's feud with Kyungsoo had only started to manifest itself that evening. Jongdae knew only too well about the feelings his friend had harbored for his sister back then, even if Baekhyun had played them off as “attraction” most of the time.
Chanyeol laughed whole-heartedly before finally finding his voice again and pulled both of them in for one last group hug. "I'll miss you two. Make sure to visit me down there, okay?"
His friends both sighed in agreement and also threw their arms around him, patting his back and ruffling his hair before they accompanied him to the elevator that would bring him 15 floors downward. Baekhyun threw a last snappy remark at Chanyeol for leaving him like that, while Chen crossed his arms and went over to the beverage dispensor to get himself some nice green tea, wondering if a woman one had cheated on himself was truly worth giving up his job and reputation just like that.
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More dangan thieves
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“Toot! Toot! This is a HOLD UP!”
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“Or maybe doot doot? Ibuki can’t choose which gun to use! Tu turuu~”
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“Cease your movement, unruly shadows! Do not make me repeat myself.“
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“Are you sure that’s aaaaall the money you have? Let’s open you up and check just to be sure!“
Ibuki Mioda Codename: Noise or Encore Arcana: Sun
Mask: Metal face mask from Mad Max except it extends up to her two oni horns hair [NOTE: unlike all the other masks, only Ibuki's doesn't cover her eyes but beware, her true power lies in her voice]
Ourfit: Looks like something picked out from Kingdom Hearts with all the unnecessary belts and zippers, honestly what style is she even going for? The color scheme is still the same except instead of the school uniform, she wears a lot of leather like a post-apocalyptic musician. Her gloves are mismatched: her right is pink and ends at her wrist while her left is striped pink and ends at her elbow.
Persona: Mousai [yes, she gets all 9 muses in 1 summon, she calls them her band]
*NOTE: Ibuki is that one character who actually tried to apply to become a Dangan Thief. In a convenient turn of events, she managed to eavesdrop on one of their meetings (who knew that doing dubious vocal training at suspicious corners would pay off!) and she was excited as hell! She thought they were cool and wanted to try it out. Through sheer confidence (much to the annoyance of the party), she was able to convince them to let her join (mostly to watch) on one of their field days. Things escalated but thankfully she awakened her persona in the moment of crisis.
Skillset: Strong nuclear skills, weak to psychokinesis; high critical rates but also low resistance to status ailments
Weapons: Guitar axe, sword flute, hammer drum, tuning dagger, trombone shotgun, trumpet pistol, harp crossbow, violin bow, french horn grenade launcher (where does Ibuki get all these weapons?!)
All-Out Attack Card: "Face the music" blasting from speakers (think Coma Doof of Mad Max Fury Road) with her weapon on fire she shouts, "This girl is on fiyaaaaaah!"
Awakening Scene: Mousai: All this shouting reminds us of a song, does it not? A pitiful song. Look at them, walking all over you, drumming to a rhythm that silences yours. Are you just going to let this miserable song go on? Where is your voice? Why aren't you singing louder than these fools who think they can!
Ibuki: This is the part where Ibuki proves you wrong mysterious voice inside Ibuki's head! Clearly you're new to my concert 'cause you would know that I was just warming up! Ibuki didn't become a rockstar by being quiet, Ibuki ROARED! I'll show you just how loud I can be at FULL VOLUME!
Mousai: And here we thought you couldn't get any louder. Your song has finally reached us. As you already know, all great musicians had to sign a contract. I art thou... thou art I...
Quotes: "Onwards to the next concert, Ace Detective!" "Too fast! I didn't even get to do a solo!" "I leveled up! And I have song to celebrate with!" “Oooooh! A new skill! I can totally rock this!” "That sparkle! That shine! That shining shimmering splendid! It's a treasure chest! Let's go for it!" "A safe room you say? Let's take five and rehearse." “Nothing exciting like wandering in someone's world inside their head.” "Hehehe... I'm just warming up. Bring on the show!" “Can I get an encore? Do you want more?” "Wheeeeeew, boy am I pooped! Let's stop the tour here please." "Look, a shadow! We should go say hi!" “A rabbid fan saw us! Run run run RUN!” "It's like an amateur facing off with a pro... boring and unfair." “Mmmmmhhhhh, I feel like that one would explode with just one note.” "Huh?! You want to fight that? Okay but this is a death flag just saying." “Watch out! This feels like one of those important showdowns! Gotta get your cool lines ready beforehand.” “All my friends, we're glorious! Tonight we are victorious!”
*BATON PASS!* "LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE!" *PROTECT* "Move, bitch! Get out the way!" *ENDURE* "Ugh... My last one standing game is strong!" *PERSONA!* "Burn the stage down, Mousai!" *Follow Up* "Need a second voice for that solo?" *Cover Fire* "Please oh please let me do the chorus." *Harisen Recovery* "Wake up, get up, GET OUT THERE!" *low on health* "I can see it... my ending! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" *healing someone* "Don't die on me for plot device!" *getting healed* "Aaaaaaah! Feeling alive is so much better than feeling dead." *giving buffs* "Power ups for more power!" *physical attacks* "How do you like the sound of that?" *attacking* "GET REKT!" *attack misses* “Oh no! My hidden ditzy character is showing!" *couldn't finish off enemy* "Can't believe it didn't die, so rude!" *fainting* "It's weird... I can't seem to hear anything... so sad." *getting resurrected* “An encore? Well don't mind if I do!"
[lmao these are all song lyrics] *status ailment* "I, I shake it off! I shake it off!" Burn: "It's fire burning! Fire burning on the dance floor!" Freeze: “Yo, VIP, Let's kick it!!!! Ice! Ice! Baby!” Shock: "Girl, I'm all charged up! Cutie! Electro-cutie!" Forget: "See you driving 'round town with the girl I love and I'm like. Forget you! Ooh, ooh, ooh~" Charm: "We found love in a hopeless place~" Rage: "Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the floor! Let the bodies hit the... FLOOOOOOOOOR!" or “ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!” Despair: "Please don't take... my sunshine away..." Hunger: "Ah ya ya ya ya I! Keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean!" Dizzy: "You spin my head right round, right round. When you go down, when you go down down." Sleep: “In the jungle... the mighty jungle... the lion sleeps tonight... A weema-weh, wimoweh, wimba way, awimbawe..." Silence: *#@$%&?! or (somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence) Mouse: *to the tune of hickory dickory dock* "Squeaksqueaksqueak squeaksqueaksqueak squeak~"
Mementos Chats: "The acoustics here are amazing! I bet I can yell and it would ECHOOOOOOOO!" "Uuuuuuuggggggghhhhh. Why does Silence even exist? It just makes me want to be LOUDER!" "I tried singing to them shadows, like legit singin not attacking-singing. And they just exploded? Rude!" "Shadows haven't developed the advanced hearing we people persons have. Otherwise they would have been enjoying my concerts." "Hey, maybe I should write my next song about Dangan Thieves. 'You stole my heart so I'm stealing your distorted desires'"
Ibuki: Maybe I should try bringing more instruments next time. I want to try pulling off a concert with my new band! Hajime: For the last time, your persona is not a band. Please only limit summoning them for thieving purposes.
Hajime: I knew you always had a dangerous taste in music but this is just taking it to the next level. Ibuki: What are you talking about, SpaceAce? This is just my usual.
Chiaki: This is so exciting, I think. I've always liked those characters who literally use music to attack. Ibuki: Awwww, that's so sweet of you, Bonbon. I'm gonna dedicate my next song to you!
Nagito: You are lively as always, ahahaha. Nothing can keep your hope quiet, how wonderful! Ibuki: Damn right! Noise is here to turn up the volume!
Fuyuhiko: Where the fuck do you get all these crazy shit weapons? Ibuki: They're Noise Originals obviously! Made them myself to use during concerts but my bandmates never let me.
Peko: The way you wield your instruments... it is quite intriguing. It looks reckless but under trained eyes, it actually holds perfect form. You make it look so easy. Ibuki: Hrrrrr, I don't really get what you say. I just play like how I would, ya know?
Mahiru: Please tell me you don't actually use your weapons in real life. Ibuki: Definitely nadah! Noise is against fighting. Oh, but I do use them to play some sweet notes sometimes.
Ibuki: If I can summon nine people, that's eight more than normal! Oh, no! Does that mean Noise has multiple personalities! Impostor: No, that's not it. I can assure you that's not your case and there's no need for you to worry.
Impostor: Ibuki:
Tsumiki: U-Um, please not so loud when near other people. Hiiii! I'm so s-sorry! It's just, um... it could cause hearing problems so... sorry! Ibuki: It's cool, dokidoki! I just gotta be loud far far away, got it.
Sonia: You have quite the unique persona. To think that your other self looks like a group of nine persons, how interesting! Ibuki: I knooooow! It's like my fantasy band! Me, myself, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I, and Loud I.
Gundam Tanaka Codename: (Evil Overlord) Lich Arcana: Strength
Mask: Aku Shogun of Sorrow Mask by EpicLeather
Ourfit: Typical evil overlord getup (think castlevania dracula). Old fashion, dark and edgy, with a cape (black on the outside, violet on the inside), and his purple long scarf still wrapped around his neck. His left sleeve is rolled up until his elbow but instead of bandages, there's a gauntlent made of bones. His gloves have a skeletal design.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though none of his hamsters have awakened, Gundam still insists on bringing the Four Dark Devas of Destruction with him, even going so far as making them all tiny  individual masks, and redubbing them as the Four Dangan Devas of Thieving. Their codenames are as follows:
"Supernova Silver Fox" San-D: Inari "Mirage Golden Hawk" Jum-P: Horus "Crimson Steel Elephant": Ganesha "Invading Black Dragon" Cham-P: Ao Shun
Persona: Kaminari-sama, god of lightning, thunder, storms Note: unlike popular depictions, Gundam's persona looks more adorable than threatening, it's cute AF, takes a form similar to the momonga, japanese dwarf flying squirrel, but with sparks
Skillset: Strong zio skills but weak to garu Weapons: Pair of sai and revolver or flintlock
All-Out Attack Card: “INFINITY UNLIMITED FLAME” written in a summon circle with dark flames scorching in the background and he says, "Ha! You weak creatures make me laugh!"
Awakening Scene: Kaminari-sama: How many times more will you let people make a mockery of your power? You are a Lord of Darkness, are you not? And yet rather than respect, they throw ridicule and insults at you, call you a false god. A powerless god. I ask you this, are you truly that powerless?
Gundam: For a demon born from the abyss of my heart, you should already know the answer. I've been ridiculed enough by others so do not dare join their mockery! A powerless god you say, ha! They spout insults AND lies! My power is no joke. And they would regret every word they said that assumed otherwise!
Kaminari-sama: Spoken like a true Dark Lord. As long as you understand your rights then let us proceed with the contract. I art thou... thou art I... The power you've longed for is already within your grasp. You are no benevolent god. You are an Evil Overlord who destroys all obstacles and punishes all those who oppose you!
Gundam: That's right! Bwahaha! At last! The seal on my dark powers has finally been broken! From this day forth, I have been born anew, only to lay waste to those before me! Strike them down, Kaminari-sama!
Codename: Gundam: Hahaha! At last! The time to unleash my wrath upon the world has come! Tremble before the destructive force before you!
Chiaki: Congratulations on unlocking your persona, Gundam. New party member acquired!
Nagito: It was quite the sight to behold, your awakening, truly I am lucky to witness such hope. Ah, and now you've decided to join us as well. Hmmm, I suppose it's time to address the next issue. So what should his codename be?
Gundam: Ha! I've been waiting for this moment! From here on out you shall address me by my true name! For I am Evil Overlo—
Mahiru: Overruled.
Gundam: W-What's this blasphemy? I haven't even finished yet!
Fuyuhiko: Yeah, you don't need to finish that for us to know it was going to be a long ass name. Newsflash edgelord, we're only shooting for two syllables at most.
Gundam: How preposterous! That is simply not enough to seal my abyssmal power in words. Do you not understand the consequences should my strength remain unrestrained? This pathetic world shall be torn asunder!
Peko: Perhaps we should hear him out first. There must be at least something short for a codename in what he was proposing. Let's try to focus on the main component of his name and then debate on the honorifics later. Is that acceptable enough?
Gundam: Hmph, as long as you do not forget then I shall agree to those terms for now.
Tsumiki: Then um... What would you l-like your codename to be?
Gundam: Evil Overlord of the Underworld
Mahiru: Too long! And I still can't pick any of those for a codename! Take this seriously, will you?
Gundam: You dare question my name? It would seem mortals still lack the skill to comprehend true power before their eyes.
Impostor: It's actually more of a technicality. We can't call you Overlord or Lord because it'll simply get confused with mine, King. Evil and Underworld are out of the question. Is there no other name you wish to go by?
Gundam: Ah... I see. Someone else has claimed a similar name. Even a dark lord such as myself knows to honor rights. I did not foresee such an event.
Chiaki: In other words, you didn't have any backup aliases... I think.
Sonia: Hold your head high, my dark overlord! For I shall crown you with a name worthy of your esteem!
Gundam: What? What is this name that you speak of, Dark Queen?
Sonia: *whispers to herself* Actually, I go by Enchantress here but I don't mind being called your Dark Queen... *clears throat* There is a name spoken with fear in my country. I believe only you can hold it with the same tenacity. Lich, a being of the dark arts. It suits you, does it not, Evil Overlord Lich?
Gundam: Evil Overlord Lich... Fuhuhu... Yes! I can feel the dark arts resonating with it! COWER BEFORE THE MIGHT OF EVIL OVERLORD LICH! Bwahahaha!
Chiaki: Good for you, Evil Overlord Lich.
Hajime: No. No way. We are NOT going to call him that all the time.
Gundam: Traitor! You had promised me freedom in choosing my name! Are you saying that you had no honor to uphold those words from the very beginning!
Nagito: Oh, my. It seems you've upset him. It would be a lengthy discussion if we decide to change his codename at this point. How about we settle for a compromise instead?
Hajime: Fine. We'll call you Evil Overlord Lich whenever but in battles we are redacting that to Lich. Is that compromise enough?
Gundam: I suppose those are agreeable terms. The contract is sealed. You now have my blood in your hands, do your best to not fall prey to its insanity.
Hajime: Yeah, sure whatever. Good to know that you're finally happy. Now let's go.
Gundam: Do not dare to leave just yet. There is another important matter that needs your immediate attention. Be grateful that I had warned you or else you would have suffered a horrible death.
Fuyuhiko: Oh, c'mon! We've already spent like ten minutes here. What else do you want to talk about? Your fucking madeup backstory?
Gundam: You should tread carefully with your words, mere mortal. But no, this urgent business does not address me. It is a decision regarding beings higher than myself.
Mahiru: We get it. Higher powers. Fancy words. Just get to the point and let's be done with this.
Gundam: Now that my power has been sealed by name, I request your assistance in performing more seals... specifically four.
Quotes: "I have spells that last longer than that fight. Let us set off!" "Muwahahaha... I can feel it! Power surges through my veins!" “My repertoir increases yet again!” "A treasure chest? What dangers does this one hold within?" "We've arrived at a safe room. Do not waste this moment's reprieve." “This journey pales in comparison to the trek I did to reach the Underworld where my brethren live.” "An Evil Overlord is a being void of humanity. Worry not for I need no rest." “My mortal vessel is proving to be cumbersome. Even so, I will not let it hold me back.” "Do not mistake this exhaustion for weakness. Contain such great power puts a toll on any mortal body and my vessel has reached its limits." "Fiends run amok. Shall we cleanse the area?" “Ack! We've been sighted? They must have felt the disturbance in the air." “I take pity on these unworthy opponents.” "They are no threat to us. Quickly decide on their fates." "Tread carefully! Even from this distance, I can sense the oppressiveness of their powers." “We must prepare ourselves for this one or our lives shall be forfeit.” “Another victory to add to my inordinate saga!”
*BATON PASS!* "Face the wrath of The Evil Overlord Lich!" *PROTECT* "Fool! Defend yourself!" *ENDURE* "You fiend... Did you think that was enough to best me?" *PERSONA!* "Rise forth, Kaminari-sama!" or "Strike them down, Kaminari-sama!" *Follow Up* "Call upon my wrath!" *Cover Fire* "Let my thunderstorm rain upon them!" *Harisen Recovery* "Do not disappoint me!" *low on health* "Hmph... Did you truly think that dying would strike fear into my heart?" *healing someone* "It's far too early for you to join me in the Underworld." *getting healed* "I shall remember your generosity." *giving buffs* "By the dark arts, I imbue you with strength!" *physical attacks* "Lightning strikes! Twice!" *attacking* "Your end is nigh!" *attack misses* “Preposterous! You avoided your fate?" *couldn't finish off enemy* "Delaying the inevitable will only bring you greater suffering." *fainting* "Fallen I have... but my life was one lived to the fullest." *getting resurrected* “A second chance? If you truly miss me then I will gladly return at your call.”
*status ailment* "Curse this mortal body!" Burn: "This fire holds no flame against my Infinity Unlimited Flame!" Freeze: “This frostbite is all bark and no bite!” Shock: "Betrayed...? By my own element?" Forget: "My name... has been sealed again?" Charm: “The call of darkness beckons me!” Rage: “Face the wrath of my fury!” Despair: "All these struggles... are they even worth it?" Hunger: "The beast within howls! I recquire sustenance immediately!" Dizzy: "What's this? I can't sense their aura as sharply!" Sleep: “Snore... Tremblewithfear... Zzz...” Silence: !!! Mouse: "SQUEAK!"
Mementos Chats: "Be grateful, foolish mortals, for I am a generous Dark Lord who spares his time for your thievery." "Some of the shadows look more animalistic than fiendish... what is this inner turmoil?" "The storm surges on outside in the real world. Now is the time to strike terror into the shadows!" "I can feel it... My Evil Eye tells me that there is great malice within the walls of Mementos." "I shall conquer the real world and the cognitive world as well!" "An Evil Overlord serving as a Dangan Thief... Of course, evil is known to wear many masks."
Chiaki: Our personas should reflect our own psyches, right? Hajime: I guess. I mean they aren't called our "other selves" for no reason. Chiaki: Hmmm, I see. I wonder what that says about Lich. Nagito: Ah, I now understand why you brought this up. He does posess an... interesting persona. Fuyuhiko: Just call it as it is. It's fucking adorable that's what. Mahiru: For a guy who's edgier than a knife, he's actually a huge softie on the inside. Ibuki: Oyaoya? Could this be what they call "gap moe"? Tsumiki: B-But it's still dangerous! It h-hurt a lot when he got brainwashed and used it on me, hiiii! Impostor: True, we must not underestimate it for its appearance. His persona is terrifying... no matter how cute it seems. Peko: That may be so... I wonder if it's fur is as soft as it looks... Maybe since it's a persona, I can actually get to pet it. Sonia: It would seem that everyone has taken a liking to your persona, oh Dark One. It's very cute indeed. Gundam: Cute is not befitting for a god! It's merely a disguise for you to let your guard down- cease your shallow appraisal on its appearance!
Gundam: I thought we agreed that you would address me by my full title outside of battles. Hajime: Lich can you not.
Hajime: I can't believe you really did bring your hamsters with you... Wait, are those masks? You even made them their own masks? By hand? Gundam: How else do you suppose would they acquire garments fitting of gods?
Chiaki: Whenever Lich talks, it's like I'm playing an old fantasy RPG. Recruiting an Evil Overlord as a party member is amazing, I think. Gundam: Even for someone as aloof as yourself, you say the wisest things. No need to thank my generosity, you're welcome.
Nagito: It's actually quite thoughtful of you to make masks for your hamsters. These are very well made even. As expected of someone filled with so much hope! Gundam: Fufufu... Your praise will not earn you any favors but it is acceptable enough.
Fuyuhiko: You could tone it down with your fancy shit. Seriously just yell zio like any person with common sense would, no need for a five minute incantation full of crap. Gundam: You lack the power to understand the full potential of my spells. My incantations fuel the strength of my skills so do not underestimate their value.
Peko: Even in the Metaverse, the animal-based shadows fear me... Gundam: Do not despair over such a loss. Come now, let my Four Dangan Devas of Thieving comfort you.
Mahiru: Your outfit is impractical as always. Isn't that cape too long? You're going to step on it one day. Gundam: A small price to pay for the physical manifestation of my power. There is nothing to fear for I, Evil Overlord Lich, shall die by
Tsumiki: Um... Is it really alright for those four to join us? These battles can get life-threatening...   Gundam: Fret not, nurse of the heart. These four devas are more trained than I. Should the need arise, they are capable of defending themselves.
Impostor: So we have a King and an Overlord, and yet our leader is called Ace. Gundam: The Chosen One must humble themselves to serve a position of such high authority. Although this does bring attention to an issue. Perhaps we should discuss with him a change of title.
Ibuki: Yahooo! Now that Lychee has real powers, does that make him OOC when he talks about his fake real powers? Noise is confused. Gundam: It's Lich, Noisy One. And I don't need to understand your outdated language to know that you've thrown ridicule at me. I've always had this power. It's just that only now with the seal is broken can you bear witness to its wrath.
Sonia: Oh, how lovely! You brought the four devas with you today as well. May I? Gundam: ...They would not be so opposed.
Sonia: As expected of you! Your outfit is as handsome as your usual! Gundam: *hides under scarf* I... could say the same to you. Yours suit you quite well.
Gundam: It is... new to me to have a creature bound to me and yet have no obligation to care for it regularly. Sonia: Oh, you're talking about your persona, aren't you? I see, I didn't think it would bother you this much. That just shows how much dedicated you are, it's quite admirable.
Gundam: That was a formidable move you used back there. Your fire for chaos burns ever so fervently. Sonia: Thank you, that's one of my favorite fires actually.
Hiyoko Saionji Codename: Ibis Arcana: Tower
Mask: Red bird shaped mask with a long black beak
Ourfit: Traditional shrine maiden attire (red hakama or pleated skirt tied with a bow, white haori, some ribbons) The sleeves look like feathers to further resemble the Japanese crested ibis.
Persona: Karura, divine creature with human torso and birdlike head
*NOTE: Hiyoko is recruited after getting Mahiru, she is introduced during one of Mahiru's confidant events. If you use Mahiru enough times in the active party then this will trigger an extra quest wherein Hiyoko eventually joins the team. She only joins because of Mahiru obviously.
Skillset: Strong garu skills and weak to zio. Good at inflicting status ailments and debuffs, and nullifying party debuffs. Weapons: Tessen (japanese war fan) and fukiya (japanese blow gun)
All-Out Attack Card: "Dance on someone's grave" painted on the backdrop of a traditional stage and she says, "Squish! Squish! Ahahaha! You're all WEAK!"
Awakening Scene: Karura: What is your next step? Will you just cry over it like some child? Have you not grown up at all? For all the elegance and maturity that your dance brings, your steps falter outside that of a stage. How pitiful. Perhaps crying suits you more than dancing given how spoiled you've become.
Hiyoko: How dare you! I'm not a kid! I haven't been a kid ever since I wore my first kimono! Why are you so mean to me? Aren't you supposed on my side? Everyone keeps ganging up on me. I hate you all! Cry? Don't make me laugh. The only ones who'll be crying are my enemies as I crush them under my heels!
Karura: Yes, that is the attitude most befitting on you. The dance is always most exciting at its climax. I art thou... thou art I... Abandon your childlike innocence, you have no need for that where we are heading. The merciless spirit of a warrior suits you more, as it should. Do not shed tears but rather strive for your enemy's bloodshed.
Hiyoko: Hmph! You don't need to tell me twice. I'm gonna have soooo much fun playing with them! And CRUSHING them to pieces. Once I enter the stage, only I leave in one piece. Dance, Karura!
Quotes: "Too easy. Hey, what are you standing there for? Let's go, bowtie." "Yaaaay! I leveled up!" “New skill! Yay! I wonder how painful this one would be!” "Look! A treasure chest! It's all sparkly and shouting to be opened!" "Finally, a safe room! My feet huuuuuurt!" “Why isn't there just a shortcut to the treasure?” "I got a good sleep which means I can play more today!" “As long as I get to kill some shadows then I guess I can go along just a bit more.” "Ehhh? We're still going? I don't wannaaaaaaa." "Look, a bug! Let's crush it." "We were spotted? This is all your fault!" “They're so weak that at least insects leave a mark after.” "Huh? Are you sure? They look pretty scary to me." “They're obviously big bad meanies. Don't get us killed over your stupidity.” “Victory! Yay! Who knew killing shadows could be so fun!”
*BATON PASS!* "Ibis elegantly flying in!" *PROTECT* "Hey, pushover!" *ENDURE* "*sniffles* I don't want to die!" *PERSONA!* "Slaughter them, Karura!" or "Soar, Karura!" *Follow Up* "Let's kill them while we're at it." *Cover Fire* "I'll help if you ask niiiiicely." *Harisen Recovery* "Don't be such a baby!" *low on health* "A little help here?!" *healing someone* "You owe me for this." *getting healed* "*mumbles* Thanks..." *giving buffs* "Now you don't have any excuse." *physical attacks* "Oh this? Don't mind the sharp edges." *attacking* "Ahahaha! You're going to get sliced like fish!" *attack misses* "Huuuh? You have a lot of nerve to dodge that!" *couldn't finish off enemy* "Seriously? Just die already!" *fainting* "*crying* Why... Why are you all so mean?" *getting resurrected* "*sniffles* Thanks. Now I can finally get my revenge."
*status ailment* "I don't feel so good... *sniffle*" Burn: "Too hot! I want some ice cream!" Freeze: “Are you trying to freeze me to death? Get me a kotatsu!” Shock: "Tch! I'm going to kill you twice for this!" Forget: "Huh? What was the next step again?" Charm: “Well who could blame me? If I'm fighting then I'm fighting with the winning team.” Rage: “I'll break you... piece by broken piece!” Despair: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Why is this so hard!" Hunger: "Sweets! Hand me gummies right now! No yellow!" Dizzy: "Euugh... I think I'm going to be sick..." Sleep: “Zzz… CRUSH” Silence: ...! Mouse: "Squeak!"
Mementos Chats: "Killing shadows is sooooo much fun! Yay!" "You know what else is fun? Having the shadows beg for mercy as we extort more money from them. "I was raised in a traditional household and traditionally, we always get what we want." "All this fighting makes me crave for some sweets." "If I knew how much fun it is to kill shadows without consequence then I would have signed up for Dangan Thieves sooner!"
Hiyoko: Ehh? You're the leader? Well aren't you just disappointing. Hajime: I'm really starting to think we shouldn't accept everyone who joins.
Hajime: Why am I actually not surprised at how sadistically good you are at this? Hiyoko: Ew! I'm not interested so don't bother complimenting me.
Chiaki: Amazing! I've only seen it in videogames but you can actually fight using fans! Hiyoko: I can do so much more than just fight. There's slice and kill too.
Nagito: I was wondering how you would adapt here but clearly I've underestimated your hope. You're more than capable in battle, I'm pleasantly surprised by this development. Hiyoko: Why is this creep here? Are you going to kick him out or do I have to?
Fuyuhiko: Don't get all cocky just because you've got a few tricks up your sleeve. Hiyoko: Oh look, the Baby Gangster knows how to talk.
Peko: So that makes two of us with bird motifs... Hiyoko: It's frustrating that I wasn't the first one but I guess we have no choice but to share.
Tsumiki: I-I'm so happy that you're with us too! Hiyoko: Shut it! No one asked for your opinion, pig barf! But for the record, someone has to look after you so you don't screw up like you always do.
Ibuki: Ibissy~ Look at you! Killing shadows! Stealing treasures! Wow, you sure grow up fast! Hiyoko: It literally only took me one minute to get a persona and "grow up".
Impostor: Is something the matter? You've been staring. Hiyoko: Wow, I knew pork feet was rich but I didn't think you'd have the balls to wear rich.
Sonia: It's amazing watching you do battle. Your dances are just as captivating as they are deadly! Hiyoko: Not all of us can be this good so I step it up.
Gundam: Since you are new at this, I am generous enough to guide you. Should you have any questions, know that I know more than you. Hiyoko: You guys really don't discriminate when recruiting, huh.
Hiyoko: Waaaaaaaaah! I'm so happy I get to be with you more, Big Sis! Mahiru: Now, now. No need to cry. I'm happy too.
Mahiru: It's a good thing that you joined us. Your skills are unique and valuable. Debuffs can really take a toll. Hiyoko: Not as useful as yours, Big Sis! I'm so happy that there's at least one reliable person here!
Mahiru: I'm kind of jealous that everyone has such elaborate personas and mine is just... this. Hiyoko: Why are you getting sad over that? Yours is waaaay better than what the rest of these losers have.
Hiyoko: Yay! Killing shadows is way more fun than squishing bugs! Mahiru: Hearing you say that with such a carefree face makes me worry a bit... Just don't get too carried away.
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
A Drabble (Am I Doing This Right?)
(Okay, this all kinda popped into my head, and then I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I started to write it down, and then I couldn’t stop. So I thought I’d share this with you, cause I think it’s fairly decent. It might be a little OOC, but I feel like that can be forgiven cause emotions. Anyway, yeah. Love the fic, actually obsessed with it. So here you go. A SMA Bamon Drabble, post blizzard.)
January 7th, nearly two weeks after the blizzard from hell, Damon pulled up into the parking garage of his lavish apartment building. Putting the car in park and killing the engine, he locked the doors and walked away. He loosened his tie as he walked through the door held by the doorman. “Thanks, Stanley,” he said as walked into the building.
It’d been a long day, and he finally got a chance to turn his phone’s ringer back on. That’s when he saw his home screen for the first time that day.
The texts.
The missed calls.
The voicemails.
All from one little woman that he had a soft spot for.
2:28pm BonBon: Are you busy? 2:34pm BonBon: I really need to talk to you. 2:42pm BonBon: Damon please. This is really important. 2:43pm BonBon: I don’t know who else to talk to about this. 2:45pm Missed Call from BonBon 2:46pm Voicemail from BonBon 3:07pm BonBon: Please, please answer me. 3:10pm Missed Call from BonBon 3:13pm Voicemail from BonBon 3:24pm BonBon: Damon please, just call me back when you get these. 4:14pm Missed Call from BonBon 4:15pm Missed Call from BonBon 4:16pm Missed Call from BonBon 4:17pm Missed Call from BonBon 4:23pm Missed Call from BonBon 4:25pm Voicemail from BonBon 4:34pm BonBon: Damon please, I need you right now.
Damon scrolled through the home screen filled with the text messages, the missed calls, and voicemail alerts. How did he miss these all day? He looked at the time: 5:16pm, nearly an hour since Bonnie’s last message. He couldn’t help but worry about what could have happened in that time to make her stop messaging.
And then he opened his door and stopped dead in his tracks. There, in the middle of his living room, stood Bonnie. A frantic mess. Brown curls frizzed out, messy, her green eyes filled with tears. Shaking like a leaf on a windy day.
“The door guy let me in. I’m sorry, I just really needed to talk to you,” Bonnie said, between shaky breaths and sobs.
It took Damon all of a second to drop his briefcase and get to her. His arms enveloped her, one hand in her hair, the other around her waist, trying to soothe her as she broke down. Bonnie wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his shirt, and at that moment he didn’t care if the dry cleaner guy would kill him because all that mattered was her. What had happened to make the strongest woman he knew break so easily?
“What happened, kid?” Damon whispered after a minute, pulling back from her enough to look down at her face, arms still wound around her.
Bonnie moved her hands from his back and showed him a folded up piece of paper. “I got this in the mail today.” She held the paper between them, her hand visibly shaking. “It’s from my Mom.”
Damon’s eyes moved from the paper to her face.
“I didn’t know who else to talk to about this,” she whispered, still looking at the paper. She tilted the paper towards him, signaling for him to take it.
Damon hastily moved one of his arms, keeping the other one firmly planted on her back, and took the paper. He looked at her for a moment, and she nodded. He opened the paper and began to read.
“Dear Bonnie,
I know that I am the last person you want to hear from, and I understand completely if you never want to see, or speak to me again. But this is something that you deserve to know.
I am dying.
I have stage four ovarian cancer. I have been fighting off this disease for the past year and a half of my life in hopes that when I was better, I would be strong enough to be the mother that you deserved your entire life. I wanted to come back to you, and hoped that you could find it in your heart to forgive me. But it looks like that is not going to happen.
My doctors have told me that I have possibly the next six months to live.
I have but one wish, and I am fighting for the chance to look into the eyes of my beautiful daughter one more time before I go.
Please. Let me have that.
I apologize
Sincerely, Mom”
It took all of Damon’s strength not to crumple up the bullshit letter and throw it in the garbage disposal. “Damn near ten years she’s gone, and then she drops this onto you?” He looked down at the small figure, who had now wrapped herself around him, head leaning against his chest.
She let out a shaky breath, “Yeah.” Bonnie lifted her head off of Damon’s chest. “What should I do?” she asked earnestly.
Damon scoffed reflexively, “Kid, you’re asking me this? I don’t exactly have a great track record with my mother.”
“Why do you think I came here?” she said, stepping back from him, and she immediately missed the comforting warmth of his arms. “Stef and Care both have fantastic relationships with their mom,” she began to pace, “so they would tell me to go in a heartbeat.” She gestured to Damon. “You however, get it.”
“Get what?”
“Get what it feels like to hate your mom, but still feel drawn to her.” She stopped and turned towards him. “It’s why you went to Chicago. This,” she pointed at the letter, “this is my Chicago.” Her eyes started to fill with tears again. “And I feel like if I go, I’m giving her that power over me, and I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. But if I don’t go…”
“Then you’ll never get the chance to show her who you became without her, and then you’ll regret that for the rest of your life,” Damon said, finishing her sentence. “Yeah, I get it.”
“Please, just tell me that I’m not crazy.” She began to cry again. Damon was at her side in an instant, and they were back where they were when he first walked in.
“Shhhh, shhhh, you’re not crazy Bonnie,” he whispered into her hair. “Believe me, you are not crazy.” He ran his fingers through her hair slowly, detangling some of the messy curls. “I went over and over in my head whether or not I should’ve gone to my mother’s hearing. For weeks. I was losing my mind, I didn’t have anyone to talk to about this crap, except for Ty, and even then he didn’t really get it.” He rubbed her back gently, keeping his voice low. “To be honest with you, my decision was finally made on the steps of the courthouse. Even as I was driving to Chicago I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do.”
“So what should I do?” she whispered into his chest.
“Frankly, I think you should go.” He looked down onto her tearful face. “Show that woman what she missed out on. Show her what she didn’t get to raise. Show her that her mistakes only made you stronger, and better. Show her the fantastic, kind-hearted, bravest, strongest, most bad ass woman I have ever met. Show her Bonnie motherfucking Bennet.” He pushed a stray curl off her face and let his hand linger on her cheek. “And maybe, if you feel so inclined, you can forgive her, but more importantly you can forgive yourself. Because I know you still blame yourself for her leaving. Don’t try and deny it, Bon.” He rubbed a tear away with his thumb, and Bonnie closed her eyes and hummed. “Show her who you became, not because, but in spite of her.”
Bonnie nodded, eyes still closed. “I just don’t want to do it alone,” she whispered.
“So don’t.”
Bonnie laughed, and looked up at him. “Are you kidding, Stefan might just pull the plugs on her life support because he could, and Care, god only knows what she would do.” She shook her head and stared out the window.
“So don’t take Care, or Steffy Bear. I’ll go with you.”
Bonnie whipped around to look at him. “Damon, I could never ask you t-”
“Well you’re not asking me. I’m saying that I will go with you, if you choose to go. I would’ve killed to have someone beside me the day I saw my mother. Someone who understood. You’re right, Bon,” he thumbed away another tear, “I do get it. Hating the woman who was supposed to love you the most, and yet still wanting her approval in a sense. I get it. So,” he paused and looked her dead in the eyes, making sure she understood every word was true, “if you choose to go, I will drive you to whatever hospital she is in, I will go with you into her room, I will hold your hand if you want me to. I will be by your small side, every step of the way, and if need be, I will piggy back you there, too.” Bonnie cracked a smile at the last comment and put her head on his chest. “Ah, there she is. There’s that smile that makes my whole day better.”
She looked up and smiled at him, and he smiled back. “Thank you, Damon,” she whispered softly enough for just him to hear before burying her head back into his chest.
He placed a quick kiss into her hair and laid his cheek on top of her head. “Anytime, kid.”
Girl, you are absolutely doing this right! Look at this emotional gut-punch of a drabble! Honestly, reading this was so wonderful because I absolutely see Damon and Bonnie as being the type of couple who goes from frothy banter and competitive five-year-old nonsense to melting into each other in 0.5 flat, and while I’ve gotten the chance to show a bit of the former, I feel like I’m still earning my way up to the latter, so it’s amaaaazing that drabbles like this exist and show a glimpse of what’s to come! I think you’re totally right that it’s an emotional moment and that justifies softer, more vulnerable behavior from both of them, so don’t even worry about OOC-ness! It’s funny because this is absolutely a scene I envisioned happening if I ever did a sequel (not necessarily the ‘I’m dying part’ which was a nice twist, but some kind of outreach from Abby that flips Bonnie’s world a bit), so it’s so, so rad to see it written out. This was lovely and such a soft side of both of them and I think you really captured just how drop-it-all-in-a-heartbeat Damon’s going to be about Bonnie in the future. Like he sees sad Pixar eyes and he’s done for. He’ll bulldoze over anything. That’s his fluffy-slipper-wearing, pancake-burning, fights dirty, hopeful ray of brave badass sunshine and seeing her wrecked like that just makes all the bright colors she’s added to his world go gray. So yeah, needless to say, I think this is so, so great (especially loved the throwback to Chicago!) and I’m so excited to share it with everyone! Thanks so much for writing this! Everyone, please give this and @canadianfangirl some much deserved love!
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