#Passionately- to be so scared of someone that even their name makes you sick. i have no idea what it's like in his shoes and god Fuck
shelbgrey · 8 months
Dear author, I would like to know if you are taking requests for Twilight? Do you write to Carlisle Cullen? If yes, please I request something for Carlisle Cullen!Wife (in this universe, Esme does not exist). Where others treat her like a mother and she has a certain affinity with wolves (even though she is a vampire). So just a mommy to my vampire clan a best friend/mother figure to my shapeshifter clan 🫶🏻🫶🏻.
I hope I wasn't rude!!!
Carlisle as your husband HCs
Paring: Carlisle Cullen x Wife!Reader
Summary: life as a motherly figure to the wolves and Carlisle being your man.
🩵MasterList 🩵marriage mood board
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Carlisle and you:
So I think Carlisle would want you to stay human as long as possible. You knew he'd never turn someone who had a choice, it annoyed you but you weren't gonna push it like Bella did to Edward.
To say the least he was nervous to talk to you at first, you had just gotten a job a pediatric surgeon at the Forks hospital. He was smitten from the moment he saw you. He would say he's a calm and collected man, but when he saw you he lost all confidence.
It would probably take him a bit for him to talk to you rather your mates or not, this was the first time he actually felt shy around a woman. He would steal glances at you all the time at work and admire you from a far.
You would always smile at him and be so kind and gentle. That being said you actually asked him out, that pissed off the whole femal staff of the hospital. You so confidently asked him to see a movie with you and he immediately said yes.
“Yes! I mean I w-would love too, thank you for the offer... I-it's a date”
You guys get married before you changed. From the day you started to dating up until your weddings you guys just sorta lived in the moment.
There was times he would be nervous or scared that he'd hurt you but he wasn't a big baby about like your dear son Eddie. You trusted him with your life and being around you for so long the fear was gone quickly.
So, I said he'd never turn someone who had a choice, well unfortunately you got sick around the time you turned the same age as him. There's no amount of words that explain the sadness Carlisle felt when he heard you had cancer, but on the bright side he could turn you and you wouldn't be in any more pain.
The family welcomed you with open arms and the kids got attached quickly. They all love you and you treat them like they were your own children.
Carlisle is and will always be husband meteral. He treats you like a queen and you guys even sorta acted like a married couple even before you actually tied the knot.
He's very affectionate person with you. Always kissing your forehead or hugging you.
If you want attention you'll seek it, it doesn't matter if he's reading or doing paperwork you'll cuddle up to his chest and he'll continue working.
He loves having you in his lap while he's doing God knows what in his office. He'll have you against his chest and he'll his rest his chin on your shoulder and continue working.
“Doc, you almost done?” you asked, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
Yeah, you call him Doc. You use that more than his actual name, that and Carr. If he hears his actual names he thinks he's in trouble.
“Hey, Carlisle can you come here please!” you shouted from another room.
His eyes widened and he raced into the living room where you were. “What did I do?”
You raised an eyebrow confused. “nothing that I know of, what's wrong with you?”
“why did you call me that?” he asked with puppy eyes, yeah he's been around Emmett for too long.
You chuckled a bit. “Can you please get that book for me” you said pointing to the high shelf. “of course” he nodded relived he didn't do anything wrong.
If he dose something wrong Emmett will rat him out, trust me.
His kisses are always full of passion and love. He makes sure you know your the only girl he wants and since your a vampire he isn't afraid to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he's rough with you or just doesn't care.
You guys dance alot too, at night when the right song is playing you guys just sway around in your room without a care in the world.
He loves leaving love notes for you, sometimes he'll just put them around the house for you to find. Sometimes it'll be on the bathroom mirror other times it'll be on your nightstand. They're always so sweet and loving
'If I were to kiss you and then go to hell I would, so then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without even entering it.'
And the sex... 😏
You make him watch a lot of medical shows and vampire movies with you.
If your watching greys anatomy be prepared for him to correct EVERYTHING.
“that's not how that surgery works” he said rolling his eyes, the show actually aggravates him sometimes and it's not because of the drama and their bad decisions is because they get medical stuff wrong.
“it's just a show dear”
“Derek Shepard doesn't know shit” he mumbles.
I don't think you relize this man would do anything for you. He'll kill for you and he's not a violent man.
Your relationship with the Cullen kids:
You've always had this motherly personality and you love being around kids, this would probably lead you to baby the Cullens a lot. This would drive Carlisle crazy a bit especially when you start doing things they are well capable of doing.
“Emmett she shouldn't have to do your laundry”
You shrugged carring a basket of everyones clothes. “I was washing stuff anyway”
But that doesn't mean you don't know when to put your foot down. You can be very stern when you need to be, something it even makes Carlisle nervous.
You made a rule that the boys aren't allowed to wrestle in the house not, not after Emmett accidentally pushed Edward threw the wall and completely destroying the living room wall. You and carlisle came home from work and a deer had wondered into the house. You grounded them both.
“well I hope you guys don't have anything planed this weekend beacuse you're spending it fixing the wall.” you said.
There are times your the mean parent and carlisle is the gentle parent. Not in a bad way of corse it only happens when needed but then you immediately feel bad for yelling at them.
“Emmett your grounded, no video games till the garage is fixed”
“you can't ground me, I'm a grown ass man” all the kids and even Carlisle went wide eyed at how Emmett talked to you. He said in a playful manner in his defense, you guys have that type of teasing relationship. The others missed thst.
“can she do that!?” he quickly asked Carlisle, Rosalie quickly butted in. “she's queen of the castle she can do whatever she wants” carlisle smiled and agreed with a nod.
You and Rosalie have a strong bond, she goes to with anything and everything having full confidence you can help her.
Sometimes you guys will just ditch Carlisle and Emmett so you can just sit and talk.
Alice is very attached to you, almost like a young kid would be to their parent. Holding you hand sometimes or having her head on your shoulder while you're watching a movie.
You pick each other's outfits and sometimes intentionally match.
Emmett, Jasper, Edward... They are all mama's boys and you can't change my mind. Emmett is the trouble maker but honestly he's babbied the most. Edward treats well and loves you and so dose Jasper.
You love Edward but you don't like Bella, you'd never tee him that, but she's just a headache to be around.
Your not a hateful person and you believe everyone deserves a chance, but when's he's consently putting your husband and the other kids in danger you don't take that lightly. Especially when Edward decided he couldn't love without her and tried to get the vulturi to kill him.
You weres so angry you started to cry when you weres scolding him.
Your the only one who understands why Rosalie doesn't like being around her.
“We're stuck with her Rose, let's try and stay civil”
You and the wolf pack:
You've known both the Uleys and the Black's for a long time. You Became friends with them long before the Cullens showed up.
You and Sam grew up together, naturally you helped him with every single pack member when they phased.
You treat them all like little brothers, you'd take a bullet for them but at the same time you want to knock their heads together.
At the beginning you understood, but the pack wasn't too keen on Carlisle and the whole situation. The young ones like Jacob and Seth who at the time didn't know the truth was there to cheer you on though.
Your very protective of both Seth and Jacob. You jokingly call them your sons.
The pack has huge respect for it which is why they all willingly help you and the Cullens, they know if they want to keep you safe then they have to help the vampires.
You guys take care of each other.
After a while they grow to like Carlisle, Sam respects him and he's just happy that your happy. And of course Carlisle treating you like a queen helps too.
Seth liked him right off the bat and carlisle even became a father figure to him.
You help keep the peace for both sides and in the end your the glue and the reason that keeps them together.
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lenacosse · 4 months
hello! can you please write tangerine x reader where he and his wife are working on the same mission without knowing it. she has ladybug as her usual partner and they have to pretend to be husband and wife. at some point, ladybug and tangerine are fighting and since ladybug wants a break from it, he’s like « wait, my wife’s coming » and when tangerine turns around its actually HIS wife
pairing: tangerine x reader
cw: violence, strong language
word count: 3,842
(laughing cause this turned into the whole movie, obviously not cannon accurate but i had so much fun writing this)
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"Alright that's me," you say as you zip your suitcase, you were going out to Japan to work on a mission with Ladybug. Tangerine did not know where you were actually going, when you first started dating you didn't tell him your job because it was too dangerous and you didn't want to scare him away and when things got serious between you both you were too scared to tell him because you didn't want to jeopardise things between you both so you fabricated a seamless lie about your occupation and he didn't suspect a thing.
"Same here," replies Tangerine. You walk towards him and put on hand on his bicep the other on the side of his neck, his hands go to your waist.
"Try not to miss me too much," you tease, a playful smirk forming at the corners of your mouth.
"Same can be said for you love." Tangerine winks, you roll your eyes and lean forwards. You press your lips to his and you share a passionate kiss, one that'll leave you longing for more later on when you lay awake thinking of him.
You arrive in Japan and instantly the whole new world amazes you, Japan was truly impressively innovative and futuristic. But you weren't here to enjoy the culture, you had a very simple mission to do, retrieve something from a train with Ladybug, what could possibly go wrong?
Ladybug answers the call from your operator for the mission, you're both given your code names. You got given Kitty- slightly humiliating you thought but you've had worse.
"Kitty?!" Ladybug complains, "I see you're playing favourites." He says to your operator.
"Oh I'd never," she responds. "Oh and also, you two are a newly wed adventurous couple who are on their honeymoon."
"Are they also complete losers?" You ask.
You both get to the train station which is bouncing with life, you walk alongside Ladybug who is talking with the operator about why exactly you two had been picked for the job, something about someone dropping out sick maybe? You weren't really listening.
"Shit." Ladybug says.
"Shit what?" You respond with a sigh, it was always something going wrong.
"I think I lost the key back there, some guy bumped into me."
"I'll get into it, what's the locker number."
"523." Replied the operator.
You get into the locker whilst Ladybug still talks about Carver, you do nothing but roll your eyes at how much he cares he wasn't a top priority for the mission. You gather the items in the locker, the pair of you put in your ear pieces and pack the little bag. You had no idea why half of the things were necessary but it really didn't matter, you were sure time would tell. There was a gun in there, which you wanted to take but your partner was on a no killing strike and wanted to become more peaceful, you thought that was ridiculous considering your jobs but his therapist had been filling his head with nonsense.
"Ladybug!" You grab his attention, ending his useless conversation. "The train.. it's about to leave."
"Oh. Let's go."
The two of you quickly shove your way onto the train, it was a very close call. Immediately you were impressed by your surrounding's, the train, even economy was borderline luxury.
"This place is nice," says Ladybug, nodding his head approvingly.
"Agreed." You respond, you both make your way down the train whilst your operator informs you both of the trains different compartments. Then she tells you what it is you're retrieving. A silver briefcase with a sticker on the handle.
"Briefcase owners are not simple to take from." Ladybug states.
"Can't say I've much experience stealing briefcases." You reply.
"The owners should be in economy class,"
"Owners? Plural. God I knew we should have taken the gun, fuck you and your therapist Ladybug." You tut.
"I was choosing spiritual enlightenment, besides there's two of us, two, hopefully, of them. We'll be fine."
You just sigh in response, the two of you continue walking where you're met with the ticket collector. You look to Ladybug who was the one in charge of the tickets, the prolonged pocket search told you everything you needed to know. You sigh once again pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Shit I think I dropped our tickets with the key,"
"Great! Fucking brilliant."
Another pocket search and Ladybug finds the receipt which the man reluctantly accepts.
"The takeaway from that is from now on I will hold onto important things, got it?"
"Fine by me." Ladybug concludes.
You both continue your walk through economy where you heard an all too familiar voice, the man who you just walked past sounded exactly like your husband. However you didn't see his face because Ladybug was blocking him, nevertheless there was no way it was him, he was on a business trip in London. Immediately that thought leaves your mind as you and Ladybug get to the luggage, you scan over the different bags.
"There's no fucking way were finding this," Ladybug scowls.
"Just did." You reply and grab the case careful of causing attention.
"Great work Kitty,"
"Hm, what's the catch?" You reply, things felt too easy.
"Just get off the train."
You both oblige and Ladybug attempts to conceal the case in his jacket, you would argue that it would only bring suspicion but your only focus was to exit. You both make your way through the different compartments again, your heart was thumping and you felt uneasy, but persevered until you stand at a door to exit.
"Ahh look, maybe my luck has increased," Ladybug says triumphally.
"God I hope so." You respond.
The train slows down and the door opens, on the other side is a very angry looking man with curly hair, a neck tattoo and a white suit. Who is looking at you with a look so intense it makes your skin crawl. Before you know it he is lunging at you and Ladybug with a knife in his hand, you gasp as he stabs Ladybug. The two of them fall back onto a glass door, shattering it and falling to the ground. But as he removes the knife it's revealed that he just got his phone, you sigh in relief and walk into the room they fell into as Ladybug stands up.
"You stabbed me?!" Cries Ladybug, it's a mere second until he lunges at him again. You watch as they fight, you look for a weapon.
You smash a champagne bottle over his head and at the same time Ladybug kicks him, making him stumble back. The comical fight between them continues, the man reveals his motive, something about you two being responsible for his wives death, which is ridiculous because it wasn't true. The man throws his knife at Ladybug who holds the briefcase up for protection, however the knife bounces back and hits the man right in the heart, killing him almost instantly.
"Well, so much for no killing." You say, as you take the knife from his chest and wipe it clean on his jacket. You put it in your pocket for later.
You help Ladybug clean up as you both attempt to figure out who he is with no luck you give up and you set him up on the seat eating a packet of nuts. Hopefully to distract from the fact he was dead, better than nothing you thought.
You and Ladybug split up, your job is to find a table and sit there for when he finds the owners of the briefcase. All the operator knew was that they were twins. Soon Ladybug comes to sit with you, telling you about how the twins aren't actually twins and how he just fought one in the quiet car.
You rolled your eyes. "Okay, we just have to get the case and leave."
"I can't just walk off they know what I look like."
"Well then, I'll get the case you try get off and I'll get past with the case, look at me no one will suspect me. You know this is a very sexist industry, but as of now it has its advantages."
You leave the other way of the train to make it back to retrieve the case whilst Lady bug works on finding a way to exit the train. You go to the place where you stashed the case, you however quickly learn it is no longer there.
"Fuck! For fuck sake. Stupid fucks must've got to it." You rant on as you practically tear apart the room looking for the case. And much to your dismay it is absolutely nowhere to be seen. You pace back and fourth trying to rack your brain on what to do- it was your only upper hand that the twins didn't know of your existence so you couldn't blow that by trying to retrieve the case of off them, you also didn't know what they looked like. Just as you're pacing you get a text message, it was from Ladybug.
'need ur help. i'm cornered.'
You sigh in dismay, but you knew you had to go and help Ladybug with this. So you work your way down the train, checking everywhere for your partner. You hear struggle in the distance so you knew you were getting closer, you brace yourself to walk in.
"Gotcha now, there's no way you're escaping you slithery bastard. Give me the case and you walk away untouched."
"For the last time we don't have the case."
"Yes you fucking do cause I ain't got it."
"Stop. My wife is coming, I don't want her to see this."
"Your wife? What sad sack is married to you."
"She's actually really hot I'll have you know." You walk in as Ladybug says that, you mentally gag.
You freeze on the spot as you see the back of the man fighting Ladybug. For some reason his hair was identical to your husband's hair, the height and build was also the same. But no... you were definitely wrong and simply overthinking. That is until he turned around and you swore you heart stopped momentarily.
"What the fuck?!!" Tangerine says.
You just stare at him as he stares at you, you had absolutely no idea what the fuck to do. How on earth has this happened? Ladybug looks between the two of you, the confusion plastered over his face.
"That's my wife. Not yours." Tangerine says, the expression on his face is unreadable, he didn't look angry.. but he wasn't happy to see you that's for sure.
Ladybug just starts laughing, clearly he doesn't believe it. But he soon stops once neither of you laugh with him. "Wait.. is this true?"
"Yes." You reply.
"You're married to this geezer?!" Tangerine says, he looked like he was going to kill someone, his fists were clenched and his breathing was quick. You couldn't help but let fear wash over you.
"No obviously not- we're on a mission." You sigh trying to find the words to explain yourself.
"I'm so fucking confused right now." Ladybug says, you glare at him and he quickly shuts up.
You lean against the counter and run your hands through your hair, Tangerine just stares at you and you get a proper look at him. He was roughed up, splattered with blood and messy hair. In any other context you'd be drooling over him.
"You're working with him to get the case?" Tangerine questions, crossing his arms.
"...yes," you awkwardly pick your nails, this whole situation was throwing you off, it felt weird between you and Tan now considering basically your whole marriage was a lie. Looking at him you wondered what else you didn't know.
"You lied to me." Tangerine walks closer to you.
"You lied to me." You narrow your eyes at him, standing up straight you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Well this is fucking weird," Ladybug says, you and Tan in sync tell him to shut up, and he does.
"We can talk about this later, I need that case." You say.
"No. You're not leaving my side, there's someone else running around here, I can't have anything happening to you."
A sense of relief washes over you as you learn he doesn't completely hate you anymore. Maybe your marriage wouldn't go to crap, but there was absolutely no way you'd be staying by his side like some helpless victim.
"No. I need the case, I can protect myself. And I will, I don't need you to hold my hand."
"(Y/N).." Tan starts.
"No." He just nods in response and passes you his gun, you take it and put it into your pocket, the air is filled with deadly silence. That is until Lemon walks in.
"There you are... oh (Y/N)." Lemon says, he stops dead in his tracks and does a take back. "(Y/N)?!" His face drops and he sends an alarming look to Tangerine who just shakes his head in response.
"What the fuck?!" You look between the two men, you truly couldn't be more taken aback.
Lemon nervously laughs. "Are you enjoying Japan? We had a change of plans, you know work is so unpredictable these days." He looks to Tangerine for help, he just runs his hand over his face whilst sighing.
"She knows everything and she's working with this dickhead." He points to Ladybug who just raises his hand.
"Right... well um great," Lemon falters you found it funny how confused he was, he never was great in awkward situations.
"Okay this was interesting but we've got places to be, come on Kitty."
You take one final glance at your husband who looks extremely stumped and Lemon who just looks puzzled, you weren't sure how the rest of this mission would go but you just knew you couldn't wait for it to be over.
You leave with Ladybug to go find the case again and leave the train, you knew Tangerine would be fine so you felt confident in your decision to leave him. Besides you had a mission to carry out and that you were going to do.
"How come I didn't know you were married?"
You sigh. "Because it is private information, I didn't want to put him in danger."
"He seems lovely.." Ladybug says, the sarcasm dripping off his words.
"He is lovely, you don't know him."
"Neither do you- he's an assassin and you had no idea."
"Shut up. We just need to get the case and get off this stupid fucking train."
You both make it to the first class longue and there the case is, back in its original spot. "That was not there when I looked." You furrowed your brows.
"You mustn't've looked properly."
"I fucking did, ripped the whole place apart."
Before you knew it you were in yet another fight, the Hornet lunged at you making you fall onto the table, you hit her over the head with the case allowing you to get up. It was a messy fight, arms and legs flying around. But here you are with a venomous needle inching towards you throat, you flip her onto her back and pry the needle out of her hand. You inject it into her neck and watch her face drop.
"Being killed by your own methods, that's dark." You watch as blood pours out of her eyes and her throat starts to close over, her struggled gasping and choking fills the area. You get up and watch as she dies, withering in pain.
"Fuck that was close." Ladybug sighs.
"Come on, we need to go."
The two of you make your way back through the train and down to economy. That's where you see Tangerine standing pointing a gun at a girl in pink with a bob. His expression is devasting yet full of a rage you've never seen in your life, it makes your stomach drop. Something has happened. You quicken your pace, Tangerine sees you and lowers the gun.
"What happened?" You ask, he looked borderline psychotic.
"Lemon, she." He points the gun at her, "killed Lemon."
You face drops and you look back to Ladybug.
"He's lying! Please help me, please." The girl pleads. You turn to her and punch her square in the face, knocking her back into the chairs. You punch her again in the throat, the move makes her blackout and you turn back to your husband.
"Fuck this job we need to get off this train."
Ladybug grabs the case and you three walk back the opposite way, ready to exist. Your mind is fuzzy and your head hurts, there's no way Lemon is dead, that reality devasts you. Lemon was like a brother to you, it broke your heart knowing things would never be the same. As you walk out of the train Ladybug doesn't follow you and Tangerine.
"Ladybug?" You look back to see him struggling against the girl in pink. "For fuck sake!"
"Just leave him, come on."
"No. I can't leave him. We need to help him." You walk back onto the train, Tangerine following you.
With much struggle you get the girl in pink on the ground, using zip ties you found in her bag you tie her hands together and force her into the seat. The four of you sit waiting for the next stop. No one uttering a word. A man comes to sit at the table next to you four, he immediately recognises the girl, she tells him his son is dead, his grandson next, yet he was one step ahead of her, so she sits useless and defeated, a look of triumph overcomes you, you wanted nothing more than to slit her throat but you knew she would have later value, so you leave her sitting there wallowing in her stupidity.
The man tells you all his story, you pick up on his wisdom, feeling nothing but trust towards him. So when he tells you all to follow him- bar the girl, you do. He takes you to the bathroom where his son, and Lemon lay. His son turns out is not dead and reaches for his father. Your eyes fixate on Lemon, unlike Tangerine who is leaning against the wall beside the bathroom. Your heart thumps as Lemon somehow yawns? His eyes open and he looks around, extremely confused.
"Am I in hell?" He questions.
"Oh my god!" You gasp, you turn to Tangerine who instantly stands behind you looking at Lemon.
He rips open his shirt, showing his bullet proof vest, where bullets sat, things were piecing together but you were extremely confused as to what exactly happened.
"Oh.. you drank the water." Concludes Ladybug.
"Water? What water?" Tangerine asks, looking to your partner.
"The water spiked with sleeping powder."
All of you go to sit, awaiting the next stop.
"I can't believe you're an assassin." Lemon says. As he sits opposite you.
"I guess I'm full of surprises," You shrug.
"We need to get off this bastarding train, no more being held back." Tangerine says, you could tell he wasn't half with it. None of you were but he was right.
"We need a plan," Ladybug says. You all agree, and the elder comes up with roles for each of you to properly execute the plan.
You go with Lemon to try and control the trains route, Tangerine goes with Ladybug to hand in the case and cause a distraction whilst the elder goes to take on the white death, something dramatic he said about getting his revenge.
"Fuck it's all in Japanese. There was no Thomas episodes in Japanese." Lemon scowls.
"It's fine, we'll figure it out." You respond trying to be optimistic.
"Okay, we just have to slow this down. Fucking stupid thing! Fucking slow down." Lemon curses.
"So far so good." Ladybug says as he approaches you both, "you can stop the train."
"We don't know how to fucking work this shit!" You groan trying to suppress your frustration.
Lemon and Ladybug go back and fourth, you head hurts from listening to them. Suddenly two men come through the door shooting their guns, you all duck down to shield yourselves from the bullets. You and Lemon lunge at the men, taking them down whilst leaving Ladybug to stop the train. One of the men had you up against the wall, hand over you throat choking you, you felt the life slowly draining your body and with every passing second you become more and more weak. You watch Lemon trying to take down two other men, he doesn't know you're being straggled. Just as you are about to accept your fate, Tangerine comes in, knocking the man to the ground and shooting him in the head. You gasp for air your fingers gently caressing your tender throat, Tangerine is instantly at you.
"Are you okay love?"
You nod and he strokes your cheek, a great sense of comfort overrides you, then he and goes to help Lemon take down the other two men. Whilst they do that Ladybug finally figures out how to stop the train. Or so you thought, the manual book flies out the window and the train collides with the one in front, you all grip onto something. Another two men make their way up to the driving cart, which you all in a group effort defeat. Ladybug starts pulling out all sorts of wires which make the slow down and ride right into a wall, sending you all flying forward through the train as it destructs its way through a village. You land laying on a patch of dirt, Tangerine beside you. You heard a gunshot and jump up, you see The White Dead dead with his brains blown.
You two make your way over to where Ladybug, the elder and his son are, not even two minutes later the girl in pink comes with a machine gun, talking about her fate and luck, which doesn't last long before she's hit with a moving vehicle.
"What the fuck..?" You sigh, you look to Tangerine who looks just as puzzled as you. Ladybug goes off with Maria your handler who came to get you both, you decided to stay with Tangerine and the two of you go to find Lemon.
"Can't believe I didn't realise you were an assassin. Seems so obvious now." Tangerine says, taking your hand.
"Yeah well I didn't notice either, besides. I think I'm done with it, today was too messy."
Tangerine nods in agreement, you both find Lemon who turns out was driving the truck that hit the girl. The three of you decide to go home, of course Lemon didn't rest until he found out the ins and outs of your work. You were relieved to know everything Tangerine had ever told you- besides obviously his job was true. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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foreverrandomwritings · 11 months
Leah Clearwater with Imprint- Headcanon
Summary:This is a headcanon of Leah Clearwater having an imprint. I love this misunderstood wolf so fucking much. 
Pairing: Leah Clearwater x afab!Reader
Warnings: Death, swear words, smut at the end MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY!!
Word count:903 (I really love her okay?)
Masterlist    M’s PMC Masterlist
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~It had been both surprising and unsurprising when Leah imprinted on a woman.
~Surprising because they didn’t realize that female wolves could imprint(even though they didn’t really have any knowledge in the female wolf thing anyhow)
~It’s unsurprising however because they had all imprinted on women and had never heard of a wolf imprinting on a guy before. 
~She imprinted on you after you had gotten done telling off a couple guys for being inappropriate with a group of high school girls at the diner you worked at. 
~You had kicked the guys out, made sure the girls were okay then turned around to tell her she could sit where she likes when you made eye contact and your life completely changed for the better. 
~Leah had been ecstatic to finally have an imprint. 
~She does hesitate to tell you that she's a werewolf and that vampires exist. 
~She’s terrified of something happening to you if she involves you in her life. 
~But when she does tell you you are completely understanding why she hesitated.
~You never give her any shit or grief or anything about her having to stay out late and patrol.
~You actually make sure to schedule meetings in good spots while she’s patrolling so you can give her dinner or lunch or sometimes breakfast. 
~She is extremely reluctant to bring you around the guys, other than Seth of course. 
~You and her younger brother get along like two peas in a pod.
~It makes Leah extremely happy to have someone care for Seth as deeply as she does. 
~You always make sure he is fed as well and that he isn’t overworked with patrols. 
~When she does bring you around the guys, you are tough as nails. 
~They try to make fun of Leah for the fact she was so pouty after Sam left her for her cousin. You fly right off the handle. 
~Seth and Leah have had to hold you back from physically attacking Paul and Jared for their words. 
~You also absolutely obliterated Sam and Emily one night, giving them a really long lecture about how much they truly hurt her and they apologized to her profusely. 
~She had never had anyone in her life stick up for her the way you did. 
~The love she held for you showed in every look your way, or the sparkle in her eyes when your name was mentioned. 
~She had always hoped to have the heartache of Sam and Emily patched up and you did just the trick. 
~You were unwaveringly patient with her even if you were her imprint she was still scared of another heartbreak. 
~You guys moved in with each other pretty quickly. Finding a small two bedroom apartment. 
~The thought of not living together made you both sick so it made the most sense. 
~Though separate bedrooms quickly turn into one. 
~She enjoyed having you wrapped up in her arms too much while she slept. 
~You enjoyed being wrapped up in her scent while she was gone too much to stay away from her bed. 
~You also were one of the only things that soothed her nightmares away. 
~Whether they be of her fathers death, the eclipse battle or what could have happened in the breaking dawn confrontation. 
~You reassure her everyday that you will never love anyone the way you love her. 
~You reassure her in the way you kiss her, slowly and passionately letting all unspoken words slip between your lips between her own. 
~You reassure her with the way you start a shower for her when you hear her slip through the front door. 
~You reassure her with the way you always have her favorite snacks stocked in your pantry, your bag and your car.
~You reassure her in the way you stop by and talk to Sue on a daily basis.
~She reassures you of her love with the way she throws your towel in the dryer so it’ll be nice and warm after your shower.
~She reassures you in the way that she hums your favorite songs while she’s doing chores around the apartment. 
~She reassures you with the way she takes you to some of her favorite spots she’s found during patrols. 
~She reassures you with her intimacy and vulnerability. 
~She loves cuddling with you, she’s always the big spoon, she loves the way you hold her hand and wrap it around your middle or lay it on your chest right over your heart. 
~Or she likes when you lay your head on her chest above her heart and tangle your legs within hers. 
~She likes when you braid her hair for her. She also enjoys braiding yours in return. 
~She's obsessed with the way you always seem cold without her. You’ll be wrapped up in 4 blankets, have on fleece pants and a hoodie with fuzzy socks and still somehow be freezing but then she wraps you up in her arms and you are perfectly content. 
~When you guys have sex it’s pretty much always soft. She is terrified of going overboard and hurting you.
~However if you liked it a little rough she would indulge you a little. 
~She keeps her thoughts of you very very private. She does not want the guys to see you in an inappropriate way. 
~Overall this woman loves and worships you undeniably. 
~I am desperate to be her imprint.
A/N: I am a complete sucker for this gorgeous woman. 
Tags(open): @wkndwlff​ @sylviebell​ @dingusteveharrington​
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lao-shu · 11 months
We fight, we break up. We kiss, we make up.
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Pairing: Lucifer x Reader ♡
Genre: Hurt / Comfort (ish) ♡
Synopsis: Break up / make up with Lucifer. ♡
TW: Arguing, threatening harm (he’d never actually hurt you though), name calling.
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“Do you even love me?” You scream, slightly regretting the words the moment they left your lips.
“How dare you even ask me that…?” Lucifer’s gaze twisted into a sickened glare as he stepped towards you. “You know nothing about real love. You have no place to lecture me on it.”
“Listen to the disgusting way you speak to me!” You snapped.
“Because you refuse to listen to me!” Lucifer raised his voice as he walked towards you, “You speak to me as if I’m some horrible, evil entity. Is that what you truly believe?” Lucifer stopped only a few inches away, teeth gritting as he continued. “I’m sick of this. You’re selfish and spoiled. You do nothing but whine and complain while you act like an entitled brat.”
“Is that so?” You glared back, looking up into his eyes.
“Yes.” Lucifer replied, his gaze softening ever so slightly as he realized your proximity. His jaw remained clenched and his eyes never left contact with yours. “It is so. You don’t know how to love, you only know how to take.” A small smirk curved to the corners of his mouth as he leaned towards you. “Your ego is your downfall.”
“My ego?! That’s rich, coming straight from the Avatar of Pride.” You laugh sarcastically, “Say it again.”
Lucifer crouched down to look directly into your eyes. His voice was low and menacing, coming out with a deep growl. “Your ego is your downfall.”
You grabbed his collar and glared at him, pressing your forehead to his. “You’re a real asshole.”
Lucifer’s eyes dilated slightly as you pulled him against you. He looked into your eyes, that same sadistic smirk unable to hide on his soft lips. You could feel his breath on your skin as a small chuckle escapes him.
“What an adorable little thing you are.” He whispered, his suddenly soft voice making your stomach drop. “Do you think you look scary when you pull me close to you?”
“You’re such a feisty little thing.” Lucifer’s smirk turned into a full smile as you hesitated to respond. “It’s an adorable trait.” Lucifer’s lips brushed your ear ever so slightly as he whispered to you. “Do you enjoy teasing me?”
“Such an asshole.” You repeat as he pulls back, your lips only centimetres apart.
Lucifer’s eyes flashed with a playful amusement. “I’m beginning to think that’s your favourite word to describe me.” He chuckled, “Go ahead. Say it again.”
“You heard me.” You muttered.
“I may be an asshole, but I’d rather die than be with someone who doesn’t respect me as their lover. Say it again, and I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.” Lucifer leaned even closer, his red eyes burning with an intense passion.
“And? What are you going to do?” You reach forward and brush a strand of hair out of his face. “You don’t scare me, Lucifer.”
Lucifer's smirk grew into a sly smile as his teeth flashed a brilliant white. “You might want to rethink that." His voice was low, and his eyes locked to yours with such intensity that it felt as if he was studying you down to your very soul. "You don't know how dangerous I am."
“I do.” You maintain your stance, “And I know that you won’t hurt me.”
“Are you sure?” He tilts his head at you, “Why do you insist on provoking me? What’s the reason you’re so certain I won’t hurt you?” Lucifer’s voice softened slightly as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“Why are you so close to me?” You asked softly, crossing your arms.
“Don’t waste time with useless questions.” He sighed, “What I’d like to know is why haven’t you taken the opportunity to kiss me yet?” Lucifer smirked, “I know you want to, what’s stopping you?”
You glare at him. “I’m not giving in to you this time.”
“Give in?” Lucifer repeated you, sliding his hands down your sides and resting them at your waist. “This isn’t about giving in. It’s about giving up.” He touched your cheek and smiled. “Do not run from your feelings. Not for something as simple as pride.”
“Says you.” You force yourself to say. Your self control is slowly shattering under his grip.
“Says me.” Lucifer repeats you again, this time with a laugh. “You must be so incredibly tired, fighting with me every time I attempt to show you the slightest bit of affection. The effort alone must be exhausting.” He shook his head. “Let me tell you a secret: the world will never reward you for running from your feelings. Ever.”
You continue to glare at Lucifer, refusing to break eye contact. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed slightly at your glare before leaning down and gently brushing his lips against yours.
“I can be much worse, you know.” Lucifer’s voice was dark and raspy - the same fire in his eyes continued to blaze. You could feel the power behind his words as he continued to speak. “I can show you something so much worse than your pride being hurt.”
You raised an eyebrow, challenging him once more. “Like?”
“Would you like me to show you? I can, if you’d like.” Lucifer’s voice got lower, and barely more audible than a subtle whisper. “But be warned, my love, I can be cruel.”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed his collar, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. You’d had enough of this argument, this back and forth had gone for too long. Neither of you would ever actually hurt each other, and at this point, you’d forgotten what you were even arguing about. That’s the problem when your partner is the Avatar of Pride, and yet you have your own - neither wants to be the first to back down.
Lucifer's eyes widened as you pulled him closer, and he returned your kiss with a softness you hadn't felt from him before. He pulled you closer to him as he leaned into you, and continued to kiss you with a passion that only you knew. When he finally pulled away again, a soft smirk appeared on his face.
"Next time, you should be more careful with your words."
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AN: Thanks for reading! I’ll be writing one of these for each of the brothers & dateables. ♡
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lady-of-endless · 25 days
Ghiaccio x reader romantic headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
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Author's Note: I'm so soft after this, it's pathetic. You voted for this to get posted first so here it is. Sorry that it's all over the place but so is my heart. Hope you will enjoy it! Warning: longer than my usual posts because I love him.
Other general and random headcanons are here.
- He doesn't have a type, he doesn't care if you're a ray of sunshine or a badass. All he cares about is trust and if you can stick with him and his harsh exterior when everything goes wrong. However, if you are also a Passione assassin like him, things will go more smoothly than having feelings for some outside of the mafia. He already thinks that having feelings for someone is a double-edged blade because of his occupation but it would be even worse if you're not in Passione as it can endanger both of you more.
- Ghiaccio generally feels a lot. He goes through many emotions and thoughts at once, and that's why he needs to lash out so often. But when it comes to feelings about you, they're so contradicting that he can't even get rid of them by letting them out at once. For example, he rolls his eyes at your antics and then the next minute he stares at your smile like it's the cure for anything in this world. You're both the bane of his existence and his personalized paradise. Ghiaccio isn't the type to be confused about his feelings, contrary to the general belief, he knows the meaning of his feelings. However, he prefers not to think about why he wants your presence, as it might trigger something he knows exists deep inside him. A complicated feeling.
- You will have to be the first one to confess. When you do, Ghiaccio's whole body freezes (and not because of his Stand). He stares at you in disbelief and a slight hint of terror crosses his eyes. Why terror? Because he realizes that he was falling for you too for long before. He craves this kind of happiness but he is also scared of it. He lets your words sink in for a while.
"Say it again..." He demands, staring at you.
- He loves that you can stand up against him when he teases you as a form of affection he's comfortable with but he can't get rid of a constant thought from the back of his mind. The thought that one day, his words would hurt you, that one day you'll get sick of him being like that.
- Ghiaccio doesn't fall in love easily but when he reaches that point, his intensity is directed to this new feeling. Expect his love to be intense but profound and honest. He didn't get the chance to care for someone so deeply and he wants to do it right.
- If you ever get severely injured and you're recovering, no one will get him to leave your bedside. When he first finds you like that, he will shake you by the shoulders, calling out your name with palpable despair in his tone. He will stay by your side constantly, demanding more coffee from Melone and a break from any mission from Risotto, only to watch over you. It's unhealthy and he will deny everything once you get better. The thought of losing the one who accepts, understands, and loves him, makes him sick with worry.
- Typical ice meets fire trope, but not as you think. Ghiaccio is all about ice, even his name means that, sure, but he has fire inside of him that keeps him going, keeps him on the edge every time. It's a fire that matches your calmness which is grounding for him. Sometimes, the roles switch, so there will always be a contrast.
- Ghiaccio is extremely honest and it's both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes this will spark some arguments and sometimes it will fix them by being honest about his thoughts. His words are straightforward and his intentions are clear. He's not trying to be subtle and he's not trying to hide anything.
- Ghiaccio is not afraid of showing affection, he's not a coward, but he's just learning how to express it more efficiently. He's analytical and this applies to gestures of affection as well, he'll take his time to observe what you like the most and what you don't. Please be grateful for that.
- However, whatever you might like, his preferred love language is banter and physical touch, in private. He is a blunt man, but that doesn't mean he's extroverted to have words of affirmation as a love language. Don't expect compliments from him but don't be surprised when he encourages you in a way that might come off as intense.
You might be frowning in the mirror, fixing your looks, and he'll come from behind you to tell you in an annoyed tone
"You're already pretty as hell stop fussing about it for fucks sake." and then roll his eyes and give you a kiss on the forehead.
But that's it, don't expect more words from him. Ghiaccio is also touch-starved because no one dared get close enough to him to touch him affectionately so when you do, he finds himself wanting more. But he's also curious about how it feels to touch someone like that and that's how it starts. He discovers that he enjoys giving it more, the feeling, your reactions, and everything about it.
- How do others see it? Many don't see a change in his usual behavior besides the fact that he always glances over you for many reasons. Risotto is presenting a mission? Ghiaccio looks at you for a reaction. Are you fighting a target? His eyes are on you. You do your usual stuff around? He's observing you. Are you not feeling well? His eyes follow you until you two are alone and he asks what's wrong. In conclusion, he gets more thoughtful.
- Ghiaccio is quick to discover that getting intimate with you clears his mind and gets him sharper. Letting out his strongest and boldest emotions with you, the one he trusts the most and loves, clears his mind. It's just an observation, he already enjoys getting physical with you too much to care for other benefits.
- He's touch-starved, so he's relatively easy to fluster and he hates that. It doesn't take a lot for you to turn him on. One day, you notice that the lenses of his glasses are a bit dirty and feel bold enough to do something about it. If you decide to just take them off without warning and wipe the lenses casually like nothing happened, he's shocked. This audacity of yours gets him bewitched. So, Ghiaccio is a simple man regarding turn-ons, just show him that you care about those little things about him and show some willingness to take risks and he's done.
- His hair is unexpectedly sensitive. Play with his curls and it will make him shiver. He'll become all yours in that moment.
- Despite what everyone thinks, he'll never accept letting his anger out on you in bed. But that doesn't mean that his mannerisms will be soft either. With Ghiaccio, is hard to predict how it will go. Most of the time it will be rough but also slow and deep.
- He's a genuine switch but leading to dom. He is fine with you taking the lead from time to time but having control over you is much more appealing. He enjoys being a brat tamer but he's also a whining brat.
- He has a ridiculously high stamina. Seriously, where does he store all this strength? He's also motivated. Seeing you frowning a bit when you move your legs the next day is stroking his ego.
- So, because Ghiaccio is intense in bed too, aftercare is a must. Aftercare consists of him putting your pieces back together by throwing a blanket over you, making you tea, and holding you to his chest as he stares at the ceiling (don't worry, it's a good sign, you blew him away). However, shortly after that, he's knocked out, getting the best sleep of his life.
- He doesn't leave marks on purpose but he just can't help it. Surprising enough, he's not as possessive as you'd expect, to leave marks to show that you're his. No. Ghiaccio just enjoys hearing your gasp coming from the bathroom as you notice the aftermath of his desire. He smirks to himself like a brat.
He might be a fan of quickies and he's also the one to come up with the idea. After the session, he goes on with whatever he had to get done like he hadn't destroyed you earlier. It's both hot and annoying.
- Vocal, of course, a lot of grunting, and growling. It goes hand in hand with his primal tendencies. You'll get used to the consensual biting, hair-pulling, pushing down. He lives for raw passion when it gets too much to handle.
- Any kinks? Temperature play is something you already expect him to enjoy. For him, it's about how ice - something that has been in his life for years since he got his Stand, meets an element of you - your warm skin. Besides your reactions, he is hypnotized by how the heat of your skin melts the ice and how dewy it looks afterward. Other than that he's not very experimental because his almost aggressive passion is enough.
- Of course, he takes off his glasses but he hates that because his point of view gets blurry, and can't enjoy your details. However, you can't be able to stop him from wearing them when you're on top. That's a sight he needs to see clearly.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 5 months
Wherever You Will Go - Derek Hale x Reader
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A/N: Inspired by the song Wherever You Will Go by The Calling
pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
warnings: angst-ish with fluffy ending, mild swearing, pining, toxic relationships.
word count: 2.4k
“If a great wave shall fall, and fall upon us all, well then I hope there's someone out there who can bring me back to you”
You and your friends piled into your usual booth at the bar, the same one you frequented so many times years ago when you still lived in Beacon Hills, barely old enough to drink, and with no real responsibilities of adulthood to your name apart from the odd phone bill and college tuition payment. Your friends had always called you sheltered, although back then, you didn’t really know what that meant. You had led a cushioned existence until your early twenties came, sick of being the well-behaved, pampered princess your friends and classmates thought you were (and really, you had to admit now looking back, they weren’t wrong), you rebelled. It started with being more open to attending parties, going out with friends every time they invited you, rather than turning them down to study as you usually did. 
Then, you met him.
At this point, you weren’t even sure what it was about Derek that reeled you in, other than the fact that he was everything your parents didn’t want you to date. Reserved, mysterious, rebellious, and often the centre of controversy - you knew Derek was the exact opposite of who everyone expected you to end up with, and that seemed to make you want him all the more at the time. He’d been resistant towards you at first - shrugging you off with a cold shoulder the first time you’d attempted to flirt with him. He was always so closed off, and he liked it that way. 
Everyone you knew warned you that he wasn’t the type to open up and make you swoon with romantic gestures or musings of love - all things you’d talked about wanting from a partner - but once you did start to break down the walls he’d built, you couldn’t deny the fact that he was a different person under the persona. He was caring and passionate, even if he didn’t convey his feelings very well most of the time. Behind the frosty cold exterior he’d created for himself, was someone who just wanted to be loved and appreciated, someone who was scared of losing the people he was close to, and someone who was building up walls to guard themself from getting hurt.
Your love for Derek was hard and fast - you fell almost instantly when he rejected you the first time. You’d spent your whole life always getting what you wanted, and the fact that he’d denied you without as much as a second thought that first time made you crave him all the more. By the second attempt at conversation, you’d changed your approach from flirtatious to friendly, and you’d begun to wear down his resistance little by little, with Derek offering to buy you a drink by the end of the night. By that point, your friends had gone home, and you’d forgotten entirely about how that had meant walking home alone in the dark. 
Derek sarcastically made a comment about not wanting to be questioned by the police if you didn’t make it home safe, with him being the last person you were seen with, and offered to walk you home. The next morning came the first text message, a simple, sarcastic, “Did you make it into bed without dying?” from Derek. Your reply was something along the lines of “Barely, but I’m here. Thanks for walking me home.”, and from there, you thought that the conversation would trail off, fizzling out and leaving you with nothing more than a one time gesture of friendliness from him. However, something ignited between the two of you - and to be honest, neither of you knew where it came from or why, but to everyone on the outside looking in, they’d say Derek fell as hard and fast as you did. 
That one time text exchange turned into daily text messages checking in to see how you were, what your plans were, what his plans were, how he was, if he was planning on being at the bar again when the next night of drinking with your friends rolled around. From there came sneaking Derek into your bedroom window like a pair of high school lovers, forbidden from seeing each other past curfew. One night together turned into a weekly occurrence, and the weekly escapades of sneaking Derek in or you sneaking out turned into nightly rituals of hooking up in any space that was deemed discreet enough to hide your indiscretions. 
All the old memories of your relationship with Derek came flooding back to you as you sipped your tequila sunrise, but just as quickly as they came, you were brought back to your senses by the sounds of your friends laughing and joking about their old college boyfriends. You blinked your eyes a couple of times as you stared off into space before snapping back to reality and looking to your friends, who were now glancing at you with raised eyebrows and sideways looks to one another. 
“You still with us?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just, thinking is all.” “Oh god, here we go.” Your friends all collectively let out a playful groan as they laughed, shaking their heads. Natalie, the least reserved of your group, looked at you with a knowing smirk as she put the straw of her drink to her lips, taking a sip.
“You were thinking about Derek, weren’t you? Wanting him to just walk through that door and sweep you away or some shit?”
“No, but weren’t we just discussing college boyfriends? He was my college boyfriend for two years,” you retorted dryly as you sipped your drink, shooting Natalie a dirty look as she teased you.
“I don’t think any sane person would call what you and Derek had a “healthy relationship”. You literally snuck him around like he was some kind of fugitive.”
“I did not. We just…liked the privacy.”
“Well, the way he ended things alone is reason to stop thinking about him. He was an asshole.”
You felt yourself fighting the urge to defend him and his actions, but you couldn’t deny the fact that Derek had ended things abruptly with you, and that you’d been heartbroken at the time. You knew he had his reasons - he had secrets and he was trying to protect you from them. 
He was scared and didn’t want you to get hurt or risk losing you to something beyond his control, so by making it his decision to let you go, he figured you’d both be better off for it. At the time, you’d argued, stamped your feet, threw your fists against his chest, all but begging him to reconsider, but you knew it was futile, and that his mind was made up. It’d crushed you, but part of you always knew that when your relationship moved at the speed of light, it had to come crashing to a halt at some stage. It just happened sooner and more abruptly than you’d expected. Still, despite you understanding he was doing what he thought was best for both of you, part of you resented him for how coldly and nonchalantly he’d done it. How he’d just ended things without as much as giving you a chance to fight for your relationship.
“It was three years ago. I’m over it,” you responded coyly as you sipped your cocktail, trying to brush off your lingering feelings, or drown them in alcohol.
“Really? Let’s test that theory, because I think he just walked in.” Your head spun around a little faster than you should have considering the tequila you had coursing through your veins at the moment, your eyes looking towards the doorway expectantly as you held your breath before your gaze landed on him. Sure enough, there was Derek, haunting your otherwise uneventful night out with your friends like a nightmare personified. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him again, but for every happy memory that came to mind, a dozen reminders of how you’d felt when he left you would accompany them.
“I doubt he’ll say anything, and even if he does, I’m over it,” you reaffirmed, nodding your head as you looked back at your friends seated around the table. 
“You’re right. He never did talk much. I always wondered what exactly you saw in him. He was always so…weird.”
As you opened your mouth to defend your relationship with Derek, you stopped, letting out a slight huff instead. You knew your friends were baiting you at this point, trying to get you to prove that you weren’t truly over Derek. And really, how could you be? He was your first everything - your mother warned you that you never forget your firsts, and as ridiculous as you thought she was at the time, in Derek’s case, it was true. You still loved him, as much as you hated to admit it.
You still loved the way his lips would turn up into a smirk whenever you said something he found amusing, like he was trying his hardest not to smile in public out of fear his reputation as a stoic, reserved individual could be blown. You loved the way his eyes weren’t quite green, yet weren’t quite hazel - sort of a colour all on their own. You loved the way that he would steal a kiss when he thought no one was around, his hand resting on your waist as he pulled you in to his body, holding you as close to him as physically possible, your body heat radiating between you. It had always been like he was starved for your touch, despite having seen him just a day before, and as soon as he held you close, you could see everything in him relax, all the tension and trauma he’d been holding on to, melting away for a brief time with you. 
Turning your attention to your empty glass, you frowned as you excused yourself to head to the bar. You felt your friends watching you closely, almost protectively keeping a gaze on you in case Derek should approach with an unwanted reunion. You let out a sharp exhale as you tried to collect yourself, having not stood this close to him in three years, at least. You couldn’t let him get to you. You knew what would happen if he even as much looked in your direction. You’d get pulled back in within an instant - faster than your heart could beat. You couldn’t let yourself do it again. 
You pretended to not see Derek, indifferent towards him, pretending he didn’t exist. Ordering yourself another drink, you leaned against the bar, your back turning to him in hopes he wouldn’t even see you there. However, sooner than you could request for the drink to go onto your tab, a leather jacket-clad arm extended in front of you, holding a credit card in its hand. The smell of Derek’s cologne enveloped your senses, pulling you in, intoxicating you as it wrapped around you. 
“I’ve got it, thanks,” you responded, yet finding yourself unable to push Derek’s hand away, knowing for sure that if you as much as brushed your hand against his, you’d be a goner for sure.
“I insist,” Derek said, without further argument.
Your drink was handed to you and the moment it entered your hand, you pressed your lips to the straw, taking a drink. You needed the alcohol if you were going to deal with Derek once again and confront your lasting feelings for him once and for all. You turned to face him, your expression cold and and collected as you looked at him, trying to avoid direct eye contact.
“Thanks, but that was entirely unnecessary.”
“I think I owe you a drink, at the very least.”
“I would have settled for an apology.”
“Fine, consider it my way of apologizing,” Derek said coldly, shrugging his shoulders with indifference as he nodded his head. 
“That’s a pretty piss poor excuse for an apology, but ok,” your tone was bordering on cruel as you spoke to him, it almost surprised you how non-caring you sounded.
“Look, maybe I didn’t do things right the first time,” Derek’s voice trailed off as he spoke, almost sheepish as he stopped just short of admitting guilt for how your relationship deteriorated.
“You think?”
Derek sighed as he dragged one of his hands over his face in exasperation and frustration, almost as if he was struggling to find the words to speak, and to make you understand him. He huffed as he looked down at you, shaking his head as if making a desperate attempt to formulate his thoughts before opening his mouth.
“Fine, I admit it. I fucked up. Happy?”
“Not really. That doesn’t make three years of you never really explaining why you couldn’t be bothered to give me a chance just magically go away, Derek.”
Derek furrowed his brows, shaking his head again and sighing. His hand snuck its way around to your waist, pulling you in towards him with one smooth fluid motion. Part of you wanted to push him away, humiliate him by dumping your drink over him and storm out, but the other part of you knew that you’d been craving something like this for the last three years, and you weren’t about to throw it away, especially if it was the last opportunity you might have to kiss him. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered, almost inaudibly as he breathed the words into your ear. 
“That’s more like it,” You felt yourself smirking as he held you close to his body, knowing for a fact that you wanted him as badly as he wanted you and vice versa. The feel of his hand on your body made your heart race, sending shivers up your spine as he gently gripped your hip.
“You know, if you’re willing, I have three years to make up for, I think,” Derek murmured, his lips brushing against your ear in the way he always did when he was trying to be affectionate towards you.
“I think I could make room for you in my busy schedule. You’ve got a group of girls who think you’re the enemy though, Derek. You may have to charm them too,” You grinned, nodding your head towards your friends who all looked ready to get up and fight Derek until they saw the grin on your face.
“Let me make things up to you first, then you can decide if you want me to try my hand at grovelling to them too, ok?”
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balletwatchespokemon · 6 months
Indigo League Episode 19
Today we have what I think is our first city wrecking disaster episode, it's focused on Tentacool and Tentacruel, and Misty catches a pokemon! I really like this episode! I seem to enjoy the disaster episodes pretty well usually, and this one's great.
Hah, theses idiots missed the ferry. Relatable though, I’ve missed a ferry before and it’s always pretty annoying.
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Poor Horsea! He got a boo boo. (His Japanese name is Tattu which is super cute.) I appreciate that he's trying to warn everyone about the danger, but I'm more impressed by his ability to draw anything that's at all recognizable in water.
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Wow, an explosion that has nothing to do with Ash! Such a rarity.
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I feel this would make a great out of context screenshot.
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The bad guy of this episode has an entourage of guys who are just there to be pretty. Very girlboss of her even if I don’t really like her.
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Misty is waxing poetic about how cute Tentacool are and Ash is NOT having it.
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Get it Pikachu! What a spoiled boy.
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What a normal thing to own, just an entire tank.
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I love how Ash has to climb on someone to see here. *Points at him* Short!
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This is just like that video of someone on a paddle board going over a frightening amount of jellyfish.
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Another Giant Pokemon! The pokeani knew what they were doing, this is sick. (Also, that's Team Rocket the Tentacruel is holding there to give you some idea of scale.)
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Early Pokeani sure did love their guns.
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Look at all of this destruction, someone definitely died here even if they don't say anything about it.
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The scared lines on Pikachu make him look a little more fuzzy than they usually animate him to be. <3
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Meowth being able to speak human is so convenient for when they need the humans to be able to understand the pokemon.
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Poor Butterfree, no way is it comfortable for his little bug wings to be carrying a Pokemon larger than him. And how is Zubat even carrying Squirtle? He looks glued on.
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I love Misty in this episode, she's very passionate about her love for water pokemon, she was great as the focus of the episode.
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Goodbye! Thanks for wrecking the city, looked very cool.
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So pretty! I love that we're looking at the sunset along with the gang here (that's them on the boat).
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Misty catches the Horsea and engages in some light plagiarism. (Hbomberguy is coming for you Misty.)
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Pokeani does sunsets so well.
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What a great disaster episode, on Friday we're getting a little bit haunted!
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah I am begging you for some conversations between the Eddie’s about their partners/wives and the weird shit they do😂❤️❤️
Hiii babes!!! No need to beg, I will gladly do this for you! So I’m gonna lay out who each conversation is between so it doesn’t get confusing😂💖
Conversation key:
- ❤️ is between Husband Eddie and Wrong Number Eddie
-✨ is between Seven Wives Eddie and Southern Belle Eddie
-🖤 is between Fake Dating Eddie and FWB Eddie
-💖 is between Princess Eddie and Dating App Eddie
*Sometimes the Eddie’s just need to vent and who better to do that with than another Eddie?*
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❤️ “so you two are married? But dated for how long?” “Uh…fuck she’d kill me if she saw me struggling to remember how long we’ve been together..uhm oh we dated for about two years give or take a few months.” “It took you that long to know you wanted to marry her?” “Oh no I knew I wanted to marry her the moment I saw her punch Jason Carver in the face.” “So…she’s violent?” “Yes…but not in an out of control way she’s just…uh…passionate.” “Sounds like a real winner…happy for you man.” “Don’t be an asshole dude your girl doesn’t even live in the same state as you…how you gonna fix that?” “She’s not my girl…we are friends.” “Right…yeah okay and Frodo is the best hobbit.” “What? No he’s not.” “Exactly…” “ooohhh…I mean her and I are friends there’s nothing wrong with that.” “Nope nothing wrong with being friends with the girl you’re in love with.” “I’m not in love with her.” “Really? So these Chad and Brad and uh what’s his name? Ken? Dudes don’t bother you?” “It was Kyle and there never was a Brad.” “But her dating them doesn’t bother you?” “Nope….” “You’re a fucking horrible liar…just go tell her you love her and get the fuck on with it.”
✨ “you said she drives a lifted truck?” “Yeah it’s pretty sick I’m not even going to lie.” “And she doesn’t let you drive it?” “No…but she said one day maybe…but that’ll probably never happen so I stopped asking.” “And she drives you around?” “Dude don’t look at me like that when you say it..I’m fine with being driven around…she lets me control the radio.” “That’s…so nice of her.” “Don’t be an asshole…how is everything going in your side of the park?” “Fine…I gotta ask does Steve bother your girl all the time? Or is he just weirdly obsessed with my wives?” “Steve? Harrington? He doesn’t bother her…I think he’s a bit scared of her though…what do you mean he’s obsessed with your wives?” “He’s always at Wednesday’s or Sunday’s house for advice or like to hang out and I’m like dude go get some other friends these are my wives…” “I’d have Monday talk to him about it…or maybe Friday she’s a little nicer.” “Yeah I just don’t wanna be an asshole I know he’s having some girl trouble lately.” “When is Harrington not having girl trouble?” “That’s…true….yeah I’ll have Monday talk to him.” “Maybe just give him certain times and days he’s allowed to come hang out so it doesn’t feel like he’s always around?” “That’s a good idea….so one more thing…does she make you wear a cowboy hat and boots?” “Only on special occasions.”
🖤 “oh fuck off your story is way more dramatic than mine.” “What are you talking about? You literally fucked Chrissy because you were upset your girl had to go meet Steve to get her shit back…that’s way more dramatic than my story.” “I didn’t know it was just to meet to get her shit back…I thought they’d end up back together.” “So…that makes it okay for you to fuck someone she doesn’t like?” “Dude…don’t be a dick okay? But you’re the one who fake dated your girl…at Chrissy’s fucking wedding!” “Well at least I didn’t make my girl cry.” “Low blow dude…low fucking blow.” “Sorry…I’m just saying out of the two of us your love story is way more dramatic than mine…” “fine…okay yeah mine is a little more dramatic but yours is just annoying because how could you not know that fake dating her was gonna lead to you falling in love?” “It was her idea in the first place! She asked me to play her boyfriend at the Hideout one time and it just…kept happening. Why would I think playing her fake boyfriend would make me fall in love with her for real?” “Because you make out and grab each others asses…of course that shits gonna lead to falling in love.” “Says the man who used to fuck his bestfriend…how’d you not know that was going to lead to falling in love dipshit?” “Fuck…walked right into that one…”
💖 “you met her where?” “On bumble…it’s a dating app.” “I can’t imagine the weirdos you found on that app…I met my girl at Family Video she works there part time.” “Oh yeah with Steve right? I heard you threaten him on the regular.” “He’s an asshole man…made her do inventory because he was lazy…had to make sure that didn’t happen anymore it’s not my fault he’s easily scared.” “He sounds like he needs an ass kicking.” “He does…so you two are together? Or…just friends?” “Uhm well…uh..I like her…like a lot actually but we haven’t had that conversation about if she likes me too…we spend a lot of time together and we FaceTime almost everyday if we don’t see each other.” “Yeah…you two are dating.” “You think so?” “I mean yeah…but talk to her about it and see what she says.” “Oh uh…your girl she’s like really nice right? Like super fucking nice?” “Yes..why?” “You think she’d let me like practice my..speech on her?” “Your speech?” “Yeah like how to tell my girl how I feel..I don’t wanna fuck it it man she’ll laugh at me.” “Right…yeah you can practice on her…but if you make a move and try to touch her or anything weird I’ll end your fucking life you got that?” “Dude come on I’m not an idiot.” “Yeah you’re not an idiot you’re just the love of your life’s handyman…” “that was rude…why are you so mean?” “Don’t know…just how I was written I guess.”
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transgenbur · 1 year
RIGHT so the pirate au
well it's nothing very original don't get your hopes up or anything BUT. basically it's mainly lmancrew (with a crimeboys focus) and tntduo centered and it's set in like a medieval-esque fictional setting like basically six of crows minus the magic. like i literally typed six of crows into pinterest to get good images those are the vibes
wilbur's captain of this ship called the l'manberg (ok no but i hesitated between naming the fish or their og town lmanburg but i ended up naming the ship that because i just think it's such a good ship name like . she/her in a boat way. does this make sense) and the crew is niki, jack, eret, fundy and tubbo (well obviously theres more people cause how would a ship Function but the rest of those are Unnamed background characters).
wilbur's also a pretty high ranked official like idk general or captain of the guard idk how the military works i would have to figure that out, but basically he's kinda famous and so's his ship. they aren't participating in a war it's more of like an explorer position because wilbur's known for being a brilliant cartographer and so the previous king just kinda appointed him to this new position to let him fuck off & do his own thing mapping the whole world with his crew. the issue is the old king died with no heir and replaced by his nephew (dream) who's much more controlling and power-hungry than he was and who doesn't want to waste money & resources on some bs like maps. this will create Conflict (im so good at narration guys. Help)
tommy's like a homeless orphan (as he alwyas is) and really needs a job and money and all that and he hears the l'manburg isn't at sea for once and wilbur & his crew are taking a rest at the capital for a couple days before sailing back off again. naturally he sneaks in, lives in the storage room for like a week or two, surviving off scraps of food . then tubbo stumbles across him and almost reports him, but tommy convinces him not to and so tubbo helps him for a couple days. then someone else finds him, and he's brought to the captain and they all threaten to throw the stowaway overboard (they wouldn't actually they're all kinda softies) and tommy's like pissing himself from how scared he is especially cause wilbur's like . this really famous general who's had books and songs written about him and shit (he doesn't know yet hes just an annoying pretentious prick (/lovingly)) so he's like Ohmygod im dead and then wilbur's like . "Can you cook" "erm no" "can you clean" "yeah ig" "Can you fight even somewhat decently" "yeah bitch me and my knives are the best they call me th-" "Ok you're hired" AND THUS tommy joins the crew
and so they keep on sailing with their mission yadda yadda and WHAM they encounter the most notorious pirate crew of the continent, named, you guessed it, las nevadas. and tommy's heard a lot of proper horror stories about them and he's terrified but the crew have fought them off a bunch of times before so they're mainly annoyed because they're gonna have to deal with the frankly disgustingly homoerotic rivalry that their captain and the pirate captain have been passionately engaging in for several years now. THATS RIGHT TNTDUO BABY oh they are so pathetic and so gay it's actually embarrassing they'll have like sword duels . wilbur's the uptight, bitchy, and somewhat pretentious general with perfectly styled hair and ornate coat always huffing and puffing and waxing poetry meanwhile quackity's the fuckin bad boy stereotype with like a half unbuttoned poet or blackshirt (slut) (wilbur cannot stop staring its embarrassing) and he's always hanging off ropes and shit and doing sick acrobatics and taunting wilbur GOD they're so. and yeah they have sword duels where all they do is "distract the opponent" in order to "efficiently win the battle" which is code for "practically make out while hurling insults at each other"
also crimeboys is like "in awe of the legendary general" "who is this child on my boat" >>> "oh my god the general's a prick" "oh my god the child's a demon" >>> "maybe he's not that bad but i would rather die and curse his entire family line than admit that" >>> "that is my brother i would die for him and if you lay a hand upon him you won't have hands anymore" (the funny thing is they both end up with that same level of protectiveness and making the same threats despite wilbur being a like Adult and high ranked official with power and influence and decades of training of elaborate swordsmanship behind him . and tommy is a stowaway fifteen year old orphan with three knives and teeth and a whole lot of anger . but they're both like "no i must protect and die for the other" im sorry i just love them ok theyre so stupid) i just LOVE crimeboys having to go through begrudging bonding instead of instantly being ride or die brothers GIVE ME TO MORE ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS anyway
also we also get emerald duo in the form of them being co-captains (please pretend that is a thing i know Nothing about anything ever) of this other ship and they're like independent merchants or whatever idk i have not figured out that whole bit yet MY POINT IS they're not affiliated with anyone they just sorta do their own thing and only help people if they want to or are indebted . they help out wilbur sometimes cause he's a dumbass
speaking of wilbur like i said he's had books and songs written about him (his age is kind of a grey zone like on one hand he's pretty young for a general but he's also had time to become this like famous and mysterious figure so can't be Too young . so i think probably like 27-29? smth like that) and one of them was a legend about how he fell in love with a mermaid . yes she had red hair and teal scales and her name was sally BUT SHE'S STILL AN OCEAN MERMAID I KNOW SALMONS LIVE IN RIVERS anyway . also for little tntduo crumbs he's called quackity a siren multiple times (in his mind he's insulting him like "ooh you manipulate people" and everyone around him is like "that is the Gayest thing you could possibly have said") and quackity's like "didnt you date a mermaid" "yeah but sirens are like evil mermaids" "so you want to date me" and then wilbur stabs him
ALSO more about wilbur's character development (this is a bit spoilerish but also it's not like im ever writing this full fic so you're not exactly risking much but just be warned) he starts out like i said as this really uptight military official who started when he was really young and trained really hard and flew through the ranks really fast because he worked his ass off . And so he's Very protective of his rank & title & prestige not so much because he's snobbish but because he worked so hard for it but so it often comes across as him being this like pretentious fuck (well he's also pretentious but thats just wilbur) . also he originally dreamed of being a cartographer and he spent his whole childhood drawing up maps but then he realised he couldn't make a living out of that so he decided to work hard enough to be at the top and then do what he wanted. and so he wears like his tricorn hat with a feather and his ornate coat and neatly tucked in shirt and everything cause for him it's like Proof that he Did it yknow . but then as time goes by, especially in the presence of quackity (who's very antihero-esque and so does not give a shit about ranks or whatever he's a pirate he does his own thing) and also a bit tommy (who was literally dressed in rags until they clothed and fed him but still behaves like a street rat on the most famous ship of the country) he slowly loosens up and he ends up ditching the coat and the hat and instead wears more stuff like loose poet shirts (open because he's a slut) . and so yeah character development through clothing and whatnot
ok so YEAH those are the tidbits that were plaguing my mind the most but there's definitely a whole lot more in my head like ive got a pinterest board and shit
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
I feel like we don’t talk about how much of an absolute Angel this man would be as a boyfriend or husband or queer platonic partner…
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Romantic candle lit dinners
Pet names like doll, sweetheart, Angel, darling, bumblebee…
Slow, passionate sex and make out sessions
Reading books in bed with you when he’s not summoned or tracking a victim
Bubble baths or showers together
He’s an amazing cook, and he’s not restricted by things like money, he can make you whatever you want
In fact, he can get you whatever you want, and nothing would make him happier than to give you the world
He can scare and haunt and kill his way into anything. Because nobody can hurt him.
He would protect you with his life. And he’ll forbid someone hurts you. They won’t live much longer after that.
If you died, you could be ghosts together forever. He’d cherish you for eternity. Every century he’d remarry you to strengthen your bond.
I don’t believe this man cares much about looks. He simply knows that you’re stunning and has eyes for no one else. Whatever you’re insecure about, he’ll spend hours praising and reassuring you about how much he loves every part of you. Maybe even show you how much he loves it, if you’d let him.
He would let you talk for hours about hyperfixations. Patiently listening and remembering things you’d never expect him to. Expect little gifts and trinkets stolen from his victims if they remind him of you.
Man can give a heavenly massage. If you’ve had a rough day he’d be glad to help you relax anyway you need.
A lot of long nights. What you get up to together is up to you. He’s just happy to be there.
If you were a little, he would take so much caution with you. He wears an oven Mitt on his hook hand so he doesn’t hurt his baby. He would hold you, and read to you. You’d have so many toys and so much attention. In fact, he’s furious if he’s summoned away from you by some dumb teens playing his game.
Expect the proposal to either be the grandest thing you’ve ever seen. Or if you’re not one for surprise and attention, just a subtle “be mine forever?” In the middle of a conversation. You’re so shocked you have to ask him to repeat as he pulls the ring out of his pocket.
His heart feels like it beats again when he hears you call him “my husband” “my boyfriend” “my partner” or “my house spouse”. Whatever your relationship is, he just loves to hear you call him yours.
Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!!! Dear god expect to be smothered. He likes to sleep with your full body weight on him. No he doesn’t not care how heavy you are. And don’t you dare bring it up unless you wanna be attacked with kisses and compliments.
He will not leave you’re side if your sick or in the hospital. And if you have a disability, he spends any time he’s not stalking victims or with you, learning about it. So he can take care of you to the best of his ability.
He hates when you’re in pain and wishes he could take it away. He will wait on you hand and foot on flare days. He’s even ignored the call of a victim before, because you’re that much more important to him than his vendetta.
Over all I think Daniel would be a lovely partner in any capacity. I’d be grateful to have him in my life 🥰
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negative-speedforce · 10 months
ship basics ask game for Jay & Cassandra and Siv & Gina :) 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 18, 25, 27, 32, & 36 (lol sorry there's a lot!)
1. Describe their first date.
Jay and Cassandra went to the mall for their first date, and just browsed the stores while getting to know each other (Jay wasn't even aware that it was a date until after he got home).
Siv and Gina's first date was at a concert. They went to go see Taylor Swift perform "Red", driving all the way up to Seattle to see the show. Needless to say, they both loved it.
3. What was their first impression of each other?
Cassandra scared Jay when they first met. With her commanding, stoic personality, Jay thought that she would be a lot meaner than she actually was.
When Siv and Gina first met, Gina had just moved to the United States with her family, and Siv was tasked to show Gina around at her new school. At first, the language gap made it hard for them to understand each other, but slowly, they got closer and closer, as Gina learned English and Siv taught themself conversational Spanish.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Jay and Cassandra don't usually say "I love you" explicitly, they prefer much more poetic declarations of affection.
Siv and Gina told each other that they loved each other constantly.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Cassandra love's Jay's heart. He always tries to do the right thing, even if it's inconvienient or seemingly impossible. If the only way is unethical, he will find another way.
Jay loves Cassandra's coolheadedness. Cassandra can stay calm in just about any situation, and it's both terrifying and incredible and he just loves that about her.
Siv loves Gina's spontaneity. Gina's always willing to try something new, whether that means driving to another state or going ziplining over a massive ravine.
Gina loves Siv's passion. No matter the topic, Siv definitely has an opinion on it, and they will share that opinion, no matter how controversial.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Cassandra thinks Jay is too much of a people-pleaser. He has trouble saying 'no' and making decisions that prioritize himself, and she finds that annoying.
Jay thinks Cassandra can be too unfeeling. She's not that good with empathy, usually looking down on someone and judging them rather than trying to understand them when things go wrong.
Siv thinks that Gina has a terrible work-life balance. They have no idea how Gina is even still conscious, given that she goes straight from school to work at the convienience store, where she stays until 3am.
Gina thinks Siv is too aggressive. She thinks it's annoying that her girlfriend gets in so many fights, and that she's constantly having to hold them back from punching the shit out of someone.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Jay and Cassandra don't really use pet names, but occasionally, as a show of dominance, they'll call each other increasingly cheesy pet names and see who cracks up first.
Siv and Gina loved pet names. Gina was "Babe" and Siv was "Hun". Additionally, when they were feeling especially sappy, Gina was "Beloved" and Siv was "Mi Corazon"
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
Jay and Cassandra usually just have to wait for each other, because if the other one is on a mission, they're usually not allowed to contact each other for fear of blowing their covers.
Siv and Gina texted constantly when they were apart. They had two chats, one group chat for the entire Robotics Club (+Gina) and one that was just for the two of them.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
After a particularly rough mission, or while the other is sick, Jay will allow Cassandra to lean on his chair and he will run a hot bath for her with the rosewater bath salts that she loves, and meanwhile, he'll bake up some of her favorite turnovers. Cassandra takes care of Jay by leaving him alone other than getting him stuff he'll need, such as bandages or cough syrup. Jay's pride gets in the way of him accepting actual help from people.
Siv took care of Gina by going over to her house and keeping her company after school (and doing the homework that Gina was supposed to do while sick- shhhh, don't tell!), until Gina had recovered. Gina would do the same for Siv, but she'd also bring over some of her mom's homemade sopa de mondongo to help them feel better sooner..
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
Jay and Cassandra have an apartment together, and due to the fact that they travel so much for their jobs, it's pretty spartan outside of the bedroom. The bedroom is decorated in cool colors, with lots of houseplants (succulents that can be left without watering for a few weeks while they're on missions), and fuzzy pillows and rugs.
If Gina had lived long enough for her and Siv to move in together (they were planning on rooming together in the dorms at Stanford), their room would have probably been very cozy, with lots of soft places to sit and dark hidey-holes.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Jay spends a few hours taking out Cassandra's hairstyle after missions, since they're usually both covered in mud and sometimes blood, and Cassandra's usually too tired to take out her braids herself.
Cassandra helps Jay walk when there's a place that they can't get into using his wheelchair. If no one's looking, she'll use her magic to levitate him and his chair up the stairs.
Siv gives Gina all kinds of little gifts. Because Gina was from a low income family and Siv's dad was fairly wealthy, Siv would usually bring over little things, such as household items or fancy foods that the Riveras couldn't usually afford when they came over.
Gina helped keep Siv out of trouble. Even if it meant physically holding her girlfriend back from punching someone, Gina saved Siv from getting into many a fight that they would not have won.
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
Both Jay and Cassandra have extreme alcohol tolerances, mostly due to their CIA training. However, Cassandra is the one who can take more intoxication than Jay, and she usually just drags him home and puts him to bed when he's drunk. Unfortunately for her, drunk Jay is quite cuddly, so Cassandra is fully unable to take care of any chores or duties without him clinging to her like an octopus to a rock..
Siv and Gina would occasionally drink at parties (don't tell their parents). Before Siv's powers fully activated, they were the lightweight, but afterwards, they couldn't get intoxicated at all. Gina, back when Siv could get drunk, would usually have to help Siv get back to her room without her dad finding out that she was trashed. However, the arrangement was reversed after's Siv lost her ability to get drunk.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
Cassandra is kinda neutral on having kids (she wants to at least wait until she's left her work in the CIA), and Jay definitely wants them. Jay is willing to wait, and eventually, they do have a kid, Reggie Barron-Stevens.
Siv... doesn't like kids. Gina, however, does. Since they were both in high school when they were dating, it wasn't a big deal to them, since they wouldn't even be thinking about kids for at least several years. If Gina hadn't been murdered, they probably would have become the cool lesbian wine aunts.
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ailendolin · 1 year
speechless: Julian
Sorry you had so long to wait for your ficlet, anon! I hope you enjoy it!
Next up:
Right as rain: [Thomas] says they’re fine right before collapsing.
Bed bargain: [Isabelle] won’t stay in bed. [Thomas] convinces them.
Conversationalist: [Alison] rambles in their sick state.   
Ask Games are here & here. Filled prompts are here & here on AO3.
A Stranger's Bed
Speechless: [Julian] can’t talk because of a sore throat. 
Julian rarely regretted a night of partying.
Sure, there was the occasional hangover to deal with and sometimes that brief moment of disorientation when he woke up in a bed that wasn’t his with someone – sometimes several someones – whose name he could barely remember but that was a small price to pay for the amount of fun he’d had the night before.
Waking up with his voice gone and Margot looking down at him as if he disgusted her more than the spider living in the corner above their shower felt like he’d just crawled out of a gutter somewhere only to find out that the world was ending and he was about to get hit by a meteorite compared to that. It was as far from his definition of fun as Mars was from Earth and so much worse than all the hangover and STD scares he’d had over the years put together.
“You reek of alcohol,” was Margot’s sweet, loving way of greeting him that morning. She wrapped her hands protectively around her pregnant belly and added flatly, “And of other people’s perfume.”
Julian wouldn’t have tried to defend himself even if his throat had been able to produce more than a pitiful croak in that moment. Why would he when they both knew that Margot was just telling the truth? There was no point. No lie, no matter how elaborately constructed or reassuringly presented would change the evidence so Julian did what he always did in situations like this: he shrugged and remained silent. He wasn’t surprised when Margot shook her head in a mix of disappointment and disdain. He was, however, surprised to see her marching over to the windows to pull the curtains open – an act done without either warning and mercy.
Why would you? Julian thought as he turned his head away from the harsh light with a groan. He knew why, of course, had been married to Margot long enough by now to know that she wasn’t the kind of person who screamed out her anger and pain. No, she became quiet and passive aggressive and Julian hated it with a passion. He could have dealt with being shouted at, could have brushed it off like a speck of dirt from his designer suit. He was used to that, after all. But Margot would never give him the satisfaction of starting a fight between them, not when she knew exactly how much her silence irritated and infuriated him and that her resigned acceptance of his actions made him feel like the lowest scum on Earth. Not that Julian would ever admit that out loud.
“Get up,” Margot said and mercilessly pulled the blanket off the bed and out of reach. Cold air hit Julian’s bare legs and he winced. “We have an ultrasound appointment in an hour and I am not going alone again, Julian. So get in the shower and make yourself presentable, and for god’s sake brush your teeth.”
Having said her piece, she turned around and marched out of the room. Julian sighed and let his head fall back against his pillow. In an hour, he would play the perfect husband, smile innocently at the doctor and express joy at the sight of his little baby girl that had never been part of his plans and was more of an accident than a dream come true. He already dreaded it.
Why couldn’t he have just woken up in someone else’s bed this morning?
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Thoughts on Wendell & Wild
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There is a part of me that gets kinda scared about criticizing stop-motion animation.
Anytime I see a movie like Coraline, Nightmare before Christmas, BoxTrolls, Paranorman, Kubo and the Two Strings, Chicken Run, Wallace and Gromit, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Pinocchio, or anything like that, I always feel guilty if I don't end up liking it because you can always feel the crazy amount of hard work that goes into making these things come to life, into making this animation work, into making these characters move. You can always sense the passion, the effort, and the creativity.
I always feel like the world's biggest and most soulless villain if I don't love every single part of the final product of these types of productions.
That said... I don't think I liked this movie very much...
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Kinda like Pinocchio, I don't think this is a bad movie by any means, but it is one that just didn't work for me, and much like that movie I feel like it's my fault for imagining something completely different from what I actually got.
When I first saw the trailer and the words "We all have demons... My demons have names!" I got crazy excited about all the possibilities of what this could mean.
Like, "Oh my God! A story about a girl dealing with the personification of her inner demons that are affecting her in the real world?? That sounds awesome!! The visuals you could do with that! The messages you could send! The personal character journey and internal struggle you could present!! The possibilities!!! What if they try to play around with it and make you question if the demons are really there or if it's all in her head? What are the sources of her demons? What are her fears and struggles?? Ugh! I can't wait to see this!!!"
And then I actually watched the movie and... Little by little my expectations went down the drain.
The big thing that just didn't work for me were the three main characters. I just could not get invested in Wendell, Wild, or Kat.
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For starters, Wendell and Wild are not "her demons." They keep throwing these lines like "I have demons, these are my demons" and so on... But in reality, these two are just some dudes that just happened to meet with Kate, the main lead.
They have very boring designs for a pair of demons (you could have made them way uglier or scarier), very boring powers, they have next to no connection or interaction with Kat, and honestly... They don't really do anything interesting. They have this gel that can raise the dead, but that's it, and the most interesting characters that are revived aren't even revived by them. The freaking gel has more character and more plot relevance than these two.
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And then there is Kat. She has a freaking sick design but... that's about it, she's not really interesting.
Her only two moods are angry or indifferent. Every scene she's either acting like she doesn't want to be here or like she's about to punch someone. Usually that would be really cool but the rest of the cast of characters is honestly so nice to her that it just makes me wonder why she is always so annoyed.
Her classmates, her nun teacher, her bus driver, her friend, I kept waiting for any of them to make fun of or discriminate her for whatever reason, but everyone is legit just trying to be her friend and help her fit in, so watching her always being "I hate all of you!" just makes her look like such a brat.
And I get the point that she's dealing with some personal problems over her parent's death and the bullying she received in the opening scene, but it feels like the movie is trying to glamorize her aggressive behavior instead of presenting it as an issue she needs to work on.
"Look at how cool and awesome Kat is as she walks down the hallway while carrying this giant audio player that's... Probably interrupting everyone's classes and distracting all the students but... Who cares! She looks badass!!!"
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I also felt her reason to feel guilty was... Kinda silly. She feels bad because she screamed after seeing a worm on an apple and that led to a car crash. I'm not sure what the message is meant to be here... Don't feel bad for being afraid of a worm??
Why not just make it so she steals the apple behind her parents' back and later her mother finds out and that leads to a discussion that escalates and then that causes the car crash? It could show how even small actions of selfish misbehavior could lead to dire consequences and would make her guilt and self-blame hit a lot harder and thus make me sympathize more with why she's so, as she puts it, unable to forgive herself.
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The one thing I absolutely loved (aside from the rest of the cast which is legit a good cast, I like these people a lot), was a scene somewhere around the middle of the movie where she does face her actual inner demons.
It reminded me a lot of the Aggie scene from Paranorman. They play around with visualizing her struggles and emotions, and they make her realize that she needs to confront them, and they make the struggles actually have a form and made me wonder why wasn't the movie more about this instead??
Why not make it so she's being haunted by this thing instead of those two guys who she has absolutely zero chemistry with? Although to be fair, she doesn't really have chemistry with any of the characters.
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So... Yeah... Once again I'm being a jerk blaming a movie for not being what I wanted it to be instead of just trying to enjoy what it actually is... But, man! I just keep thinking of what this could have been.
One of my favorite scenes of all time in any movie is the Aggie fight in Paranorman. I love how the emotions, and visuals, and messages all come together to just create one beautiful perfect scene, and I thought this entire movie was going to be that. Which... Yeah, that's on me for creating something in my head instead of really looking at what's in front of me.
As for what's really in front of me... I think this movie is fine. The story was fine, the message was fine, the main characters were fine... The side characters were really cool and the visuals were really cool, but for the most part, I just felt it made for a fine final product.
I didn't really love it but I can't really say it did anything particularly awful, it just didn't do what I wish it had done.
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Mystery Incorporated
"Wrote by Axel Angela StoriesYT"
Disclaimer: These are not my characters, this belong to the creator of Scooby doo and the gang, this is just my version of the mystery incorporated I wanted to do and share with everyone, enjoy.
1- The mystery begins:
It was a normal day like any other in Cristal Cove, a place where everyone was fascinated that it was a place haunted with ghosts, that’s why there were many tourist every week, put it was difficult this month for everyone, there is a wanted killer that came to this town, he got away from the police in New York so he decided to hide in any place and he choose Cristal Cove.
When they hear the news, there were a lot of patrols on the route’s, even kid’s couldn’t walk alone anymore, even some schools closed up.
Even with this horrible thing that is happening, some kids don’t even take it seriously, that’s when we go to some of the schools, we see in the hallway’s students preparing for the next classes, that’s when we see a student contrary.
-I gotta say, this food isn’t going anywhere. “And he eat his sandwich”
- You really are alway hungry, am I not wrong?
With that we see two boys, one is name…well everyone calls him Shaggy, the boy that can eat a lot even won a competition of eating and make his school winners.
And the other boy his name is Fred, a guy who passion are traps I don’t know why put is a really nice guy that everyone can’t hate and the same thing with shaggy.
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-What’s wrong with being hungry? This helps me to calm down, you know that.
-Well yeah, put I don’t want you to get sick from eating a lot.
-I would prefer to be death than stop eating.
When they stop talking they hear other student talk in a quite volume about the killer.
-This is one of the reason eating make me calm, I don’t wanna hear anything about that killer.
-You know, I wonder if there is a way we can help the police…we can investigate why the can catch it.
-oh don’t think about it Fred, I know that you like watching crime cases, put don’t try this, I mean it.
-put you like watching it too.
-….well yeah, put I don’t wanna risk my own life and-
-if we solve this, I would buy you food in one week.
-….Make it two weeks.
-Ok, deal.
-“Realize” oh boy, why do I always fall for every deal? >=‘v
With that in a break they organize where will they met to star to solve a mystery, some minutes pass and know it already night, so the boy meet and start walking with two light to help them see in the dark.
They keep walking when all of the sudden, they hear a foot broke a branch on the floor, with that Fred pay much more attention of the sounds.
-Fred?..don’t you even dare look for the sound, maybe it is a animal
-Well…I can’t just thing about that theory, it’s better to see before thinking of something that is not true
-..he is gonna die
With that, he investigates, the sounds are more than just one, so shaggy is kinda scared, but that doesn’t mean he is gonna left alone Fred, so he accompanied him, when they stop to look, Fred take just one step and with that he bump into someone, but that make the person drops her glasses to the ground.
-I’m really sorry I didn’t see you pass and….where did they fall?
-don’t worry, it was kinda my fault to
He give her glasses back.
-wait…Fred? Shaggy?
-Oh hi Velma, how have you been doing?
-You know her?
-Wha? she is from the same school
-She is part of your classes
-You copy my notes in Spanish class, because you can’t understand what the teacher say…well I don’t blame you, that class is kinda difficult
-Oh yeah, I remember, sorry
-don’t worry about it
-by the way, what are you doing there?
-…well, you may now put after that person came to town, a lot of people started to go missing, even some people from my school, so I wanna do something and not just sit down doing nothing.
With that, Fred and shaggy realize something, there weren’t alone doing this.
-Do you want to join us? You’re not the only one who wants to help everyone…
-Yeah, and when we were walking we found this
With that he shows a book witch color is grey, put when he open it, it was a list of different names crossed out, witch it was kinda weird to begin with.
-Hey I kinda know this names
-Fred and Velma: Really?
-Yeah I hear from my parents, some of these people are known to be powerful from money, and even one of them have a factory of different kind of food
-Maybe this guy want some revenge with this people
-That may be true, put right know it just a theory, if you guys are ok with this, I can investigate the other’s names that this book has, also we can see it their are any suspects
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-Yeah I like that idea, know can we go to our house please? I really hate the atmosfere of the night
-Sure thing, do you want me to come with you after I left shaggy in his house?
-Yeah, why not
With that they start to walk the three, without noticing that someone was listening.
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
Getting To Know Me~♡
🌱Tagged By:
@timaeusterrored 💕 I live rent-free in their ask box and they allow me to bother them constantly about their characters. I should get the guts to dm them to try and make friends but I'm scared I'll come off as weird so I just live in their questions.
Translation: *BARKBARKBARK*
🌱Favorite Color:
Baby blue, Sunflower yellow, and Neon orange
🌱Currently Reading:
Co-writing/Roleplay -> Humiliation with @crimsonixx We've been keeping that discord channel active since Nov 28, 2021
Book -> I'm Glad My Mom Died. I've heard great things of this book and decided to pick up a copy to read on my road trip this weekend. {Granted I don't get car sick and end up with my face in a plastic bag 90% of the ride.}
Other than that, nothing much, I need to sit down and read You Regret Me. Maybe I'll pick it up this coming weekend so I have something to read while we drive down to Nevada. Even if I have to screencap the pages and read it through my gallery.
🌱Last Song:
🌱Last Movie:
I did a double feature which were: Juno {it's become a comfort movie} and Napoleon Dynamite {it's nostalgic}.
🌱Last Series:
I don't know if podcasts count, and if so, then it's gotta be Distractible on Spotify {now with video episodes! :3}
As for TV shows, the last series I watched was the original older episodes of SpongeBob because they were nostalgic as fuck. Like Krusty Krab pizza episode, that's top-tier work right there.
🌱Sweet, Savory, or Spicy?
All, I'm not picky. But Salty and Sweet is amazing~♡ Like a salted caramel~♡ {Do y'all pronounce it as Car-mel? Or like Cara-mel?}
A beat up John Wick so I can run him a hot bubble bath, give him face kisses, and cover him in Hello Kitty Band-aids. Also someone get my man two wolves as pets.
🌱Tea or Coffee?
I love a good London Fog~♡ Sadly, I have a more Caffeine lean as of late. And nothing tastes better than a good ol' cuppa joe in the mornin'.
🌱Currently Working On:
Fanfic/Small depressing story -> Summer Rain, which is a sequel to another writing I'm not done with. Summer Rain goes more into Vince losing his sensation of touch and registering the difference between hot and cold. It leads more into why he left in the middle of the night. Which is where my first one picks up.
Fanfic/Requested Story -> I Don't Want To Live Forever. I posted a small WIP section of this before. It's a small ship story for @crimsonixx with their O.C. Jess and Johnny. It's a wholesome story where they drive around NC on her bike late at night, enjoying each other's company. It's one of the times Johnny shows his more sensitive and "human" side.
Fanfic/Special Writing -> Small gift writing between my OC Vinessa/Vinny and another user's OC. I won't give too much away since they don't know I'm writing it. My favorite section so far is Ker screaming at Vinny from the upstairs bedroom window.
I have a whole lot more that I'm working on. I kinda bounce around from writing to writing. 90% of the time they get finished, it just takes a while. The other 10% get locked away and never see the light of day. :3
🌱Random thing about me:
♡I love bees and honey.
♡My favorite comfort game is Slime Rancher and Firewatch💕
♡I'm 5ft 5in. But I wish I was 6ft 1in. I feel short. >:(
♡My favorite type of weather is summer thunder storms
♡My favorite fruit are strawberries and watermelon.
♡I have a jack-shit named Buddy. :3
♡My favorite horror movie is Scream because Matthew Lillard is a babe~♡ {Side note: I'm so excited for FNAF because Matthew's going to be in it x3 It's about time our Scream Daddy was in another horror movie~♡}
♡I've stayed in a haunted hotel before~♡
♡My favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas 💕
♡My passions are cooking and writing~♡
@crimsonixx and whoever else has seen this, and hasn't already participated, consider yourself tagged💕
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2000snotebook · 5 months
What's an au you'll never write but still think about alot?
Gilded allegro frozen AU. essentially Ryan is older and assumes Anna’s role while Grace is younger but assumes Elsa’s role in the story. I would say Ryan carries Anna's personality more and Grace does with Elsa's tbh. I havent seen frozen since I was like 12 and I don't really see myself writing a fic about it. I did draw something related to it though (please ignore that I fucked up with the ages)
I actually wrote a long thread about it on my priv twitter that I'm gonna transcribe under the cut. I tweaked a few things about the story lol
I think little Grace didn't quite know how to make awesome snowballs and snowman yet, she just watch Ryan do them and try to copy him. She ends up making a tiny... kind of bell shaped... snow creature with two little rocks for eyes and no other appendages.
Grace looked a little disappointed that her snow-thing didn't look as cool as Ryan's but Ryan's like nooo it’s ok look! We can call it Kez... the snow...bell. And that seems to satisfy Grace for a while.
so everything more or less happens the same in canon (I guess you could assume Grace was adopted into the family?) Either way, Ryan (8) convinces Grace (7) to sneak out into the playroom late at night so they could fool around with Grace's snow powers. And Grace is just so delighted to spend time with her big brother and all, but Ryan gets a little too reckless and nearly slips and falls to his death. Grace narrowly manages to cushion his fall... but not before accidentally striking him in the head with the magic.
Things continue to progress as normal, Grace and Ryan's parents take them to those magical rock trolls to undo the effects of Graces magic and warn them that Ryan should never find out about her powers to keep this from ever happening again.
(to account for Ryan's other siblings, they were sworn to secrecy). So Ryan and Grace more or less grow up isolated within the castle. As far as Ryan knows, they had an accident playing in the snow outside, and now Grace doesn't seem to want to play with him anymore.
And the poor guy blames himself for scaring his sister and he wants to do anything to make it up to her. But poor Gracie, sworn to secrecy, just continues to push him away. And as much as that hurt Ryan, that never stopped him from trying throughout the years
Growing up, Ryan took up things like sword fighting and playing whatever the 19th century version of a guitar is to occupy himself (and also prepare to succeed the throne one day). He became really skilled in swordfighting over the years but his true passion lie in his guitar. It was his source of comfort where he felt painfully isolated.
At some point Grace + Ryan's family went to visit distant relatives overseas. Grace stayed home because she was sick, and Ryan insisted on staying home because he didn't want her to be alone. Of course, like in canon, tragedy strikes, and their family unfortunately perished in a storm, and the two grieved alone.
Eventually came the time for Ryan (now 21) to take the throne as king. Of course, he's estatic because he gets to see other people for the first time in YEARS. Meanwhile poor Grace (now 20) is just TERRIFIED because she's worried about exposing her powers to the public or even worse. To Ryan. But she figures as long as she keeps her gloves on, she'll be fine, and once the coronation ends she'll retreat back to her room
And then you've got Ryan practically skipping, jumping, and dancing all over the palace excited for his coronation... then he bumps into someone at the docks.
She's a beautiful young woman with flowing blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her name is Camila, the only daughter in a long line of sons. Ryan's absolutely enthralled by her. He even asks her to marry him, which she...surprisingly accepts!
The coronation happens as expected and Ryan is declared king and all... then he decides to announce his engagement to Camila! The audience is initially surprised but happy about this announcement... except for Grace. When Ryan is allowed to go into the crowd, he finds Camila. Grace intercepts the two, asking Ryan what the hell is going on, why has he decided to marry (and subsequently make queen) a woman he just met?? The two begin to argue, causing a commotion in the room.
Ryan insists that as King he can marry anyone he wants, not that Grace would even care, shutting her own brother out all these years despite his efforts to get through to her!! This upsets Ryan to the point of leaving the ball in the middle of the party. Camila tries to go after him, and Grace confronts him. In her desperation, grabs on to his arm. When Ryan pulls away from her, the action sets Grace off enough to accidentally expose her powers to Ryan and the other guests.
Terrified, she flees the area before anyone can apprehend her.
Aaaaand that's as far as I got in the AU
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