fiction-appreciator · 6 months
Just finished romancing Ortega, and... Man the angst on this one. MC just wanted truth and told Ortega he was the villain, and oh man oh man. This is great. Im actively disintegrating.
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ashiemochi · 2 years
Hihihi<3 invading your inbox to say ILYSM and also: how do you think Leon (maybe RE4 or RE2 <3) would react to an MC who likes to visit him when he's at the office to deliver home mademade lunch (cause this dummy never packs one smh) and sitting with him to eat their own lunch with him? Like making sure he's taking care of himself and eating and YOINKING HIS JACKET/UNIFORM JACKET (of re2 leon hehe) WHEN HE ISNT LOOKING EJEBEJDBEID <3
HASJDHAJSD PLEASSEEE RE2 Leon would be so excited to work in the new police office that he'd forget to pack his own lunch. Stomach empty and desk filled with paper work, Leon thought he'd just have to chug water to fill the empty space.
But then you came in like the angel you are, knocking on his door with an excited smile, "May I come in, Officer Kennedy?"
Leon instantly blushed at that and nodded, "You know, you don't have to call me that, y/n."
"Why not? You are one." You pouted, entering his office and Leon noticed the plastic bag you had, eyes lighting up as he sat straighter on his chair. You giggled at his reaction.
"What's that?" Leon asked even though he knew the answer as you stood in front of his desk.
"You forgot to pack your lunch so I made us a little something." You smiled cheekily, taking out the two bento boxes you had packed and offered him one.
"Holy shit, I'm so in love with you."
It felt warm on Leon's hands and his mouth watered then he opened it. Perfectly steamed rice with a cooked salmon on top it was in one side of the bento box and on the other was some chopped up veggies. The smell of the salmon itself made his grumbling stomach just NEED more.
"Just take it slow, they're still hot." You advised as Leon picked up the spoon and shoved a spoonful of rice into this mouth. Your eyes widened at how he wasn't even bothered by the heat and chuckled, beginning to eat from your box.
"Guess it's good I came on time, hm?"
Leon nodded at your words, slowing down to thoroughly chew your food, "You have no idea - even the snacks' machine was out."
You two talked and chatted for the next thirty minutes, him updating you about his first day so far and you telling him about your day. As you were packing things up to leave, Leon stood up and nabbed his wallet as he rounded his desk. You blinked, confused as you watched him.
"Where are you going?"
"Get us something to drink."
"Leon, there's no need, I -"
"Hey," Leon stopped in front of you to cup your cheeks, mushing your face a little so your lips formed a pout, giggling at your reaction, "You fed me, so it's my turn to do something. Do you want coffee or soda?"
"... Mocha."
"Got it. I love you." Leon gave you a toothy grin before pecking your lips and practically bounced out of the office. You found yourself leaning back against the desk with a happy sigh.
"I love you too." You muttered into the empty air then your eyes landed on the officer jacket he had over his chair. You glanced at your watch, cussing under your breath. You were going to be late for work.
It took about five minutes for Leon to get the drinks and was going briskly down the hall only to bump into you. His eyes widened a little with a frown when he knew you were heading out.
"You're leaving already? But I got us some drinks." Leon pouted, hating that you were leaving so soon.
"Awh, thank you," You smiled, taking your iced mocha before leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek, "I've got to go back to work but I'll see you home, okay, handsome?"
A dreamy grin was on his lips as Leon nodded, ears turning pink at your public affection, "Okay, princess. Stay safe."
"You too."
You began leaving and Leon rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, trying to ignore the butterflies going wild in his tummy as he watched you leave. Then he blinked.
Wait. That jacket is a bit too big on y-
No way.
Leon instantly went into his office, finding his chair empty of any jacket and a small plastic container with a folded note on the desk. There were fruit inside; kiwis, strawberries, and some blueberries.
"Much love. Cut them just how you like em <3 Maybe I'll have something extra special prepared for you at home ;)"
God, was he really deeply and madly in love with you.
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Tamales. Gn!Mc
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Happy Hollydays!!!
 Well let´s have a feedback of what are tamales, maybe a lot of you have heard about it!! From the nahuatl word: Tamallis, that means: wrapped, since the colony the tamal started to make a big evolution and taste even better! with cooked corn dough wrapped in leaves of the cob or of the same corn plant, banana, bijao, maguey, avocado or even aluminum foil or plastic. And all of them are in the same pot so they can steam  (We do not recomend the foil or plastic one.) It can be sweet or salty, it depends on you and how you like it, maybe with veggies, meat or even pastry cream! A lot of latin families in every part of the world usually have a tamal for christmas! After a good back story Shall we start? 
[All the brothers are caught out to help for the dinner] 
Again with Vicente Fernández? Mc, I already told you that if you want my attention you just need to ask for it. 
Cook with you? Sure let´s do it... Wait is for the christmas eve and christmas? You are so werid. Isn´t that pot quite big? Did you asked Lord Diavolo and Barbatos to search for it? 
He does not like to have his hands sticky with the corn dough, he even tried to run away when you asked him to help you out. 
He is in duty of wrapping them, after all he has expirience wrapping Mammon into the celling. 
At first he refuses to help you out, but after warching your beautiful puppy eyes he helped you, he was actually the very first to help you. 
In secret he is fan of Vicente Fernández, so after a few songs he started to feel that he was home. 
He is in duty of knead the dough, even if he doesn´t like it, he is happy to help you out if you paraise him constantly. 
He might even start a tamal business in the Devildom.
He does not like christmas, well maybe he only likes it for the events in his games, and the presents and discounts in the things he want. 
After actually begging him to help out, and giving him a Ruri chan appron he will gladdly help you out.
He laughs at Asmo while he is being yelled. He is in dough coloring, the sweet ones are pink?! And they can have  raisins or cream?! You humans are so werid. 
What is a guajolota?! 
Like in the novela of *Beeeeeeep* (Sorry Satan, you can´t say it, it´s a spoiler for the next headcannon)  He is so into, He even read a book on “How to make tamales if you are a demon?” and “Tamales 101″ 
Those books were burnt by Mc, when they saw all the fallacies. 
He is in duty of the Arroz con leche and the champurrado.  He is a happy demon after you explain everything to him! 
He is making the best drinks for you, he even undertsood the cornstarch would help him out. 
 Just like Lucifer he doesn´t like to have sticky hands, or even hands full of oil not today Mc, but maybe tomorrow.  
He saw them in Devilgram and he screamed, you obviously yelled at him that those were not tamales, how does that demon even dare to present it? Someone that grabs you because you are on fire, and ready to kick some demon ass. 
He is in duty of puting the tamales in the pot, they are like babies, MC!!! Let´s make more of them pleasee!!!
He takes tons of photos for his fans, and he even made his fans cursed the demon that made you mad. 
Are you doing tamales?! Happy baby boi. He is the one that smelled at first, he needs to taste them. 
Search for banana leaves? No problem he will find them! Searching for corn leaves? No worries he knows a guy that knows a guy that will give them to him. 
He is the muscle in the opperation tamales for tomorrow, One thousand tamales in three large pots? He can lift them without problems. 
He eats and eats, and he does not even have a bite of the dough or fillings, he is a good boi. 
He tries to help you with Beel but after watching that he is not even eating the dough or the fillings he is helping you to make the Tortas and bolillos. 
Just for Beel he is helping, as twins he can feel when Beel is so hungry or he have some food cravings. 
He needs his twin to help him knead the dough, Beel broke the table. But it was worth it. 
He sleeps while the tortas and bolillos are ready, after that and after the tamales are ready he feels sick, Beel ate too much. 
I´ll find the pot even if is the last thing I do. Mood.
He is over the roof of happines, he even helps you with the flavours, and the things you need. 
Barbatos Mc! Needs human food and their grandmother, please go for them!!! 
He will eat every type of tamal and he will make a festive day for them. 
My lord I can´t bring Mc grandma, she is with their family and her house seems to me like a war filled. 
He will go for all the ingredients, and will help Satan with the atole and arroz con leche.
Yes my lord, we will have a festive day for this, no my lord you may not eat tamales your whole life. 
He liked the mole ones. 
Move aside demons! I Luke, and Barbatos will make the pastry cream for the sweet ones. 
Baby angel tried to help Beel kneald the dough, fails in the action. 
Mc, is scolding everyone in the room for not watching Luke, they got their mood from their mother. 
He is shocked from Mc´s hability to using a flip flop like a mortal weapon (If someones now how to draw please draw this scene and tag me on pleasseee!!!)
He is helping with the wrapping, and he is happy! 
Not even him could ran away from Mc´s furious and he got a chanclazo. Not even the celestial war punches hurted him as that flip flop did. 
He takes the bolillos and tortas out of the oven and have an splendind dinner with the demons, his grandson and even you. 
He will write about this expirience in his new book “How to survive with a Latin Mc!”
He can´t touch the food nor breath near them, he is with Asmo making a curse into the demon and theri miserably idea of tamales. 
He eats along with all of you, but after this he will make some by his own. 
He likes the idea, he will make potions with the form of a tamal. 
New Character?! Or is this de MC?! it´s the MC. 
They had a crisis every single minute of the day. 
Let´s learn some Spanish: 
Tortas: Bread
 Bolillos: Bolillo, white bread, loaf or French bread is, in Mexico and Central America, an inexpensive and quite popular type of bread made with wheat flour, which is not considered sweet. It is about six inches long and has an oval shape with a longitudinal cut at the top, on the outside it is golden and crisp, on the inside it is white and soft, this part is known as a migajón. Bolillo is similar to French bread. With it, the molletes and Mexican cakes are prepared
Arroz con leche: Rice with milk, it may be a dessert or a drink. 
Champurrado: Champurrado is a typical Mexican preparation of atole, made from crushed corn dough, dark chocolate and water with cinnamon, boiled until thick. It is usually served with another typical Mexican dish, tamales.
Guajolota: Is a torta or bolillo with the insides of a tamal and you might find them in tamales carts, if you come to Mexico, I recommend you eating them in the CDMX or in the capital of the country. 
Mole: The term mole refers to various types of highly seasoned Mexican sauces made mainly from chili peppers and spices, and which are thickened with corn dough, tortilla or bread; it also refers to the same meat or vegetable stews that are often made with these thick sauces.
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