#Oh God I have feeling that I will finish this episode only by watching 10 min at time
pambwitch · 2 years
I have tried to watch to Ep5 atleast 3 times so far but oh my God I keep having to stop coz I'm getting so angry, I still stuck around 10 min
Fuck you Kwon Min Woo. When he said I'm sorry I wanted to choke him.
God I haven't hated a character like this in ages, I seeing so much red. Him complaining about Woo Young woo getting special treatment while he is going around putting extra special obstacles in front of her. Eff u.
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enkas-illusion · 3 months
Better Than Your 2D Men
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Fandom / Pairing: Attack On Titan / Eren x f!reader
Rating: SFW / Fluff
Genre/Theme: Established relationship; non-titan au
Content warning: fluff, teasing, language, suggestive (?), they make out a little.
Summary: When you crush over your fav anime men, Eren gets jealous cause homeboy wants all the attention to himself.
Author's Note: Hello, here’s a short fluffy one-shot with my fav 2D man cause I wanted to have an ambitious crossover of my fav animes. Thank you for reading <3
~ Eren’s Birdie
Song Dedication: 3D (Alternate Ver.) by Jung Kook
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“Baby… pay attention to me…”
You ignore your boyfriend's pouty voice as he lies across the bed, near your feet – instead, you focus on the laptop screen on your lap.
“How much longerrrr?” You hear him sigh and feel fingers caressing the bottom of your feet.
“You know I'm not ticklish,” you reply plainly, eyes still glued to the screen.
“Hmm, that's why…” you hear him mumble before you feel a set of teeth bite around your right foot toes.
“Eren, ew… what the fuck,” you cringe, pulling your foot away from him as you slide the laptop to your side, abruptly halting the anime you were watching to finally look at him.
Your boyfriend smiles ingeniously, proud of his accomplishment at finally getting your attention redirected towards him.
“So that’s what it takes for you to finally pay attention to what really matters,” he ponders as he crawls up to lie between your legs, tilting his head to rest his face on your right thigh.
“I was focusing on what really matters,” you roll your eyes as you grab your laptop once again to rest it on your other thigh. However, Eren’s quick to move further up till his torso is splayed over you, almost like a lizard trying to cover as much surface area of a wall it possibly can.
“Rennie, please let me finish these episodes, I haven’t had the time to watch them for like… weeks now,” you sigh as you try to move his heavy body to the side.
He doesn't budge but simply wraps his arms around your waist, tucking his hands into the gap between your body and the mattress, resting his cheek on your belly, “Okay, you can continue watching.” 
You sigh in defeat as you tilt your laptop screen, pressing play and focusing your attention back on the show despite the awkward position you’re in. 
It isn’t another 10 minutes into the episode before you hear your boyfriend speak again, “Sometimes I wonder if the only reason you watch this show is cause the men are attractive. There’s no way a slice-of-life person like you enjoys such violence and death.”
You don’t reply, trying your best to ignore his commentary and focusing on the fight scene.
“Oh my god, I’m right! Who is it? Do you like Gojo? Or Nanami? Or who– what are the names of other hot men in this one?” Eren chuckles in disbelief, looking up to scan your face to see if you give away anything.
“Shh, let me concentrate… it’s an important fight,” you mumble without looking at him and the scene is almost over.
“Yeah right,” he scoffs as he pauses the episode right when Choso enters the frame, “tell me, do you find this guy hot?”
“Eren, are you seriously jealous of a 2D character?” you counter, trying not to laugh at his actions.
“Well, if he’s stealing my precious time with my girl then ye–”
“We’ve literally been in bed the whole day,” you interrupt him.
“And is it so wrong to want to be closer to my girlfriend?” he gasps.
“Yes, you were lying around, scrolling on your phone… doing random shit the whole day but the minute I decided to watch JJK, you suddenly want my attention,” you roll your eyes at him.
“Don’t change the topic– who’s your fav among them?” he dodges your accusations.
A smile creeps up on your lips as you decide to indulge him, “Well, they’re all so hot, it’s hard to choose really. There’s this guy, Choso… and Geto, and Toji! Now that I think about it, all of them are equally attractive.”
“All brunettes,” he notes.
“What?” you ask, confused.
“All the men you just named have dark hair,” he states.
“Yes… so?” 
“I’m basically like the real-life version of them – I have long, dark hair, a good physique, handsome face–”
“Okay, Narcissus, chill,” you snort. Eren pulls away from you to move further up till he’s hovering over you, caging your head between his arms.
“No, my point being… if you have all of this right here,” he points at himself as he smirks, “why waste your time on some stupid anime?”
“I can have both,” you grin, pressing your palms over his chest.
“One is clearly better than the other,” he dips his head down for a peck.
“I seriously can’t believe you’re jealous of a bunch of sexy 2D men,” you giggle once again.
“No, I'm not… Can your 2D men do this?” he whispers, tilting your face and burying his face into your neck. He licks your skin before sucking on it roughly, causing goosebumps to rise all over your body.
“Can they?” he asks once again as his hand glides under your t-shirt to cup one of your breasts, playing with the nipple. Eren nibs at the spot behind your ear and you let out a soft moan. “Yes?” 
“No,” you huff, closing your eyes at the feeling.
“So, am I not better than your 2D men?” he whispers in your ear before biting your earlobe. His hand abandons your tit, instead travelling down to dip into the waistband of your shorts, pressing two fingers over your mound.
“Y-yes,” you sigh. He laughs at how desperate your voice comes out and you tilt your head to kiss him on the lips to end this awkward conversation. 
And Eren, being the good boyfriend that he is, lets you mask your embarrassment into his embrace – delighted at being the centre of your attention once again.
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dandyleyen · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi - My Thoughts (Ch1-10)
Each section gets written out as I am reading. Keep in mind that I have finished episodes 1-12 of Cooking in Dungeon and that I have read chapters 27-31 (excluding 28.5)
Chapter 1.
I assume we’ll get info in this later on but I wonder why the country was sealed away in the first place.
“I bestow my entire kingdom upon the one who defeats the magician." - The King (presumably) I know that the anime does get into this a bit more as we go on and that a new king (or queen ?) would be crowned eventually but I wonder why it is that the king (if he is who he says he is) wants to allow his kingdom to be given away. Curious.
Side note, but I adore Laios talking about the dungeon ecosystem and food chain. Would love to seen an in-depth trophic web with different ecosystems of the dungeon. You could also include the factors that aren’t natural to the ecosystem, so like,,, the various races that go into the dungeon and how they effect the environment around them with adventuring and other things. I wonder if there are any concept maps made already for this type of thing. We’re seeing a basic food chain but I want it in depth !!
Laios is very cute, send tweet !
Chapter 2.
I do find it very sweet that Laios is asking Marcille if she wants anything specific to eat.
Laios is such a little weirdo. God, I love him. This was also the first occasion of me wanting to try one of the foods they made. The tart looks really good and I'm currently regretting reading this before dinner :|
Chapter 3.
I had it in my mind that chimeras were like a very specific animal combo, but hearing Laios calling the basilisk a chimera put that into perspective for me. Like,, yeah no that makes sense. Interesting.
Chapter 4.
Marcille and Falin on the front page :( Guys.
The episode for this was a rough watch for me because of how Marcille was getting treated tbh, and it's similar now while reading but I did feel more with the show. I get the concerns that the party has, because they need to hurry (mind you, Laios literally holds them up down the line with the painting stuff in the other level), but implying she is already being a bit of a burden by saying she'll be "more of a burden" if she collapses is,,,, not Chilchuck's best moment.
"Not being useful to anyone makes me feel so lonely..." - Marcille I liked her already leading up to this but this was one of this things that got me to latch onto her so quickly. I do appreciate that Chilchuck did initially go to apologize for having called her a burden, and that Laios pointed out that everyone was useful in the team but with different strengths. Them :(
Chapter 5.
Chilchuck fighting for his life and trying not to get his shit rocked by the traps going off is incredibly funny and I feel for him. My neurotic little guy,,, love him.
Laios wanting to take the bones home is incredibly endearing. Me too, buddy, me too.
Chapter 6.
Touden siblings flashback !! I care about them so much, you guys.
Laios looks so dejected about not being able to eat living armor,,, what a freak /pos. He isn't wrong though, if you can beat it you can probably also eat it.
Chapter 7.
MARCILLE WEARING THE ARMOR IN THE FRONT PAGE ??? Oh my god . Christ. Not even a warning ? God. Oh my god. I'm kicking my feet and giggling, y'all she is so,, . Christ.
Love that Laios got to discover something that likely no one else knew about just because he was soo hell-bent on eating different monsters.
Downside: I couldn't rock with the meal in this chapter. Too... mollusk-y. Mollusks freak me out.
Chapter 7.5.
Ohhh this is everything to me. Monster biology !! We get to learn more about how monsters are seen and spoken about in-universe. I adore this. I can't remember if the anime shows any of this section, but I think it's an incredibly fun part of the world-building. It makes it feel real.
Chapter 8.
This is incredibly nitpicky but it's a little annoying when people use "symbiotic relationship" to ONLY mean a beneficial relationship on both ends. Chilchuck asks if the vegetables act as parasites to the golems and Senshi says that it's the opposite and then proceeds to call it a symbiotic relationship because they help one another. He's not entirely wrong, but symbiotic relationships include parasitism ! Mutualism (the relationship between the golems and the vegetables), commensalism, parasitism, and competition are all symbiotic relationships. Again, incredibly nitpicky but this always bothers me.
"It's a crime to tamper with magical creatures without permission" - Marcille Girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't even talk about crimes rn when you know damn well what you're getting up to in your free time*
On another note, I love how we learn more about Senshi's motivations in staying down there and all he does to protect the ecosystem functions.
Chapter 9.
One of the first signs, to my knowledge, that the dungeon is acting strange. The red dragon itself (himself ? herself ? theirself ?) is acting a bit strangely ! We learn earlier on that red dragons aren't very mobile and the characters assume (hope, really) it would be resting after such activity, but here we learn that it's on the move and showing up closer to the orcs. The orcs have pretty much been here the longest and even they see that as odd. Makes you wonder.
The baby orc ! What a cutie. I love that the kid is the one to suggest they share the meal and that Marcille tries to smooth the situation over. I like how fuzzy the orcs are. It caught me off guard in the anime but the fur is a neat touch.
Laios not really considering the possibility of defeating the mad sorcerer and becoming king. Pretty boys are often allergic to thinking.
ALSO, Laios talking about Falin always gets to me :(
Chapter 10.
Is it even necessary to tell y'all that I immediately latched onto Kabru ? I'm transmasc, ofc I latched onto him. Same with the anime. It was funny to get invested in him only to see him and his party immediately getting their shit rocked.
We're being told again that the dungeon has been acting strangely, which is not new info to us but it does help to build a case for it. Kabru points out that he's been told about the dungeon layout changing day-by-day* and the monsters becoming more aggressive.
Ah. Marcille essentially flash-banging the group (and the bugs) is incredibly relatable. I can't do bugs. I cannot and I will not. I know the meal looks incredibly pretty, but I physically would not be able to consume it knowing that it's just,,, bugs. I don't even eat lobster and shrimp due to how bug-like they are. It's bugs !
---- *Asterisks-marked comments are marked because they are points I know that become relevant down the line because I've either seen it already or read about it already. I will wait to get there in the chronology to speak more on it, but this is my way to point out some foreshadowing that I am aware of.
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hils79 · 9 months
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 1
Okay, I really shouldn't be doing this, but I keep seeing gifs and how am I supposed to resist two of my DMBJ boys in the same drama. Especially when one of them is Cheng Yi who I love.
Also, I promised @xantissa I would check it out and report back.
I'm only going to be watching this in slow time because I really want to finish The King's Avatar, but on a weekend when I have a bit more free time I can squeeze in an ep here or there. So there won't be regular updates for this one.
Also, I don't have a VIP iqiyi account so I can't watch it too fast anyway :D
I think I read that people involved Blood of Youth and Love and Redemption were involved in this? Or it has similar vibes to them? Either way I loved both of those dramas so I am hopeful for this one
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I'm only on the opening credits but, god, look at him. He's so good at looking tortured and pretty
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Oh no I am having traumatic Heroes flashbacks. Hopefully this will be less sad.
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He always looks so good when he's getting whumped and I'm glad whoever made this realised that
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God to love a drama that starts with an establishing backstory
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At 17 I was still in school and had no idea what to do with my life
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Very much enjoying this dramatic boat fight
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Oh no has he been poisoned? That's fighting dirty!
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7 minutes into the first episode and he's spitting blood. That might be a new record for him
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Flashfoward 10 years and Cheng Yi is now a doctor and apparently mpreg is a thing
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I love his doggo already
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I'm assuming there's a reason he's wearing this mask beyond The Aesthetic
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Lady, it is rude to just rip a dude's mask off without his consent
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Ah, that's why he was wearing the mask. He wanted to be a cop so badly he went to cop school undercover
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Well, Zeng Shunxi does have experience playing the only heir to a wealthy family whose parents don't approve of the line of work he's gone into
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Not sure that's true given Li Xiangyi 'died' 10 years ago when Zeng Shunxi will have been about 10
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God, you can see why he was cast as Wu Xie
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Ehehe! I knew he was lying
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God, he's so cute
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I love that they keep cutting to random shots of the dog. The editor clearly knows what's important
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Yes, good. He's already vowing to marry Li Xiangyi
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Wow they literally just met
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Congrats you now have a sugar baby
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Yep. Cool.
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Aww they were getting along so well and then Li Xiangyi drugged him and told him he was a useless detective
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Well, he brought the dead back to life so I guess Fang Duobing has to marry him now
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I really hope that he actually said that
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Yes, please do slam him into a tree and then feel him up
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YAY! Soon they will solve crime together
That was a lot of fun. I'm not used to seeing Cheng Yi in a more comedic role. I'm used to him being all stoic and pining
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likeysoob · 2 months
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I’m so blind by likeysoob
Episode 1
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“You ever thought high school would be easy?” My mom looked up from her phone to answer me. “Oh no sweetheart. I always thought it was going to be hard.” At least I’m tying to look for some hope before high school starts. I look down at the table just being lost in my thoughts until my mom puts a plate of food in front of my face. “Thanks mom.” I said then begun to eat.
When I finished with my food, I went upstairs to lay in my bed. My eyes started to burn but I didn’t really feel sleepy. As the time rolls around 9pm, i decided to go on my laptop and watch some videos. I really dont have friends. They all left me for some reason. I guess i was boring? They were bad friends anyways. I have online friends but I dont want to talk to them right now.
My cat just lays on the floor by my feet. 2 hours pass by and i start to feel tired. I get up and change into my pjs then lay in my bed. My eyes slowly began to fall as i feel my cat snuggle by my feet. I hope that tomorrow will be a good first day of high school.
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Well, i woke up not good. My body hurts and i really dont know why. My mom was yelling at me saying i was late and now…“ I CANT BELIEVE YOU SLEPT THROUGH 3 OF YOUR ALARMS Y/N!” Yeah…she still is. I didn’t say nothing back and just let her continue. Soon, we were close the school and she was talking about basic high school stuff. Once we’re here, i unbuckle my seat belt and open the door to leave. “Oh and! No talking to boys! No boys!” I turn around towards her and smirk, “wasn’t planning on to mom!” I watch her drive off and smile to myself. “That’s because i like girls…”
When i reached the main doors, i took a look around. “Why is this school so big?” “I know right!?” I jump back in fear. I turn my full view onto the person next to me. Holy shit. Who sneaks up on someone like that? “Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” The random girl apologized. I dont give 2 shits though. “Um yeah…it’s whatever.” I say, the girl smiles at me, man she’s pretty. “I’m Ning Yi Zhuo but just call me Ning!” She takes out her hand for me to shake and i do. “This is my 2nd year here and I’m still not use to how big it is…are you new here?” Ning asks me. “Um yeah actually, i just got here and yes, i do know where my classes are.” She smiles at me. “Great! I’ll see you around! The bell is about to ring!” Ning runs off. I actually don’t know where my classes are, i just don’t want to talk to people right now. I walk inside the school doors and turn the corner to see some boys already fighting. “Man it’s too early for this shit..”
After running around this whole school, i bump into someone who was clearly right in front of me…why am i so blind? I should really get glasses. I look up and see this girl with short hair. Damn, shes cute, why are there so many cute girls here?! “Oh im so sorry!” She said and i shake my head, “no it’s my fault, I wasn’t watching where i was going!” God this is embarrassing. “It’s fine!” She says, we stand there in silence. “Uh, sorry i got to go!” I ran out of that situation the fastest i can. Where the fuck can I find this class?
I soon found the class. Should i go in? Class ends in 10 minutes. As I’m deciding, the door swings open and a student walks by me. I look inside and the teacher is staring at me. “Sorry I’m…late?” You know, it really looks like i was skipping from the teachers point of view. “I’m sorry, im new here? I was having trouble finding my class…” the teacher only looks at me. The fuck? Bitch speak. I give him a side eye and go sit on an empty desk, hopefully it wasn’t that persons desk that just left right now. The teacher continues on with his lesson, im not sure what class this even is. I turn to the right of me a see this girl with light pinkish hair. All she does is smile at me and looks up to the teacher.
The bell rings, i get up from my chair and grab my bag. Before i could take a step out the classroom, someone calls for me. “Hey! You!” I turn around to see that pinkish haired girl from before. “Yeah?” I respond to her, “I’m Rei, what’s your name?” Her voice is pretty, “oh um im y/n!” I say awkwardly. Omg my voice cracked, im going to die now. “Pretty name, you’re like really pretty! You like to sing or dance?” It feels so overwhelming what she just said, my name pretty? me being pretty? “Yeah i really love singing!” I itched my neck. Great i look like a fool who doesn’t know how to talk. “That’s great! Me and my friends are trying to gain members for this music competition and id like for you to join!” She says while pulling something out of her backpack to give it to me, it’s a flyer. “See you around!” She walks off. I look down at the flyer she gave me.
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Wow…the girl on the flyer is really beautiful….like really. Wait, they don’t even have what day!? I guess I’m going to have to message them. I put the flyer into my backpack and go to my next class.
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The rest of the day was boring. No one interesting in my classes, rude ass teachers, and nasty lunch. Didn’t expect to the lunch to be this shit when this school is so big. So now I’m in my bed just laying down waiting for my mom to come home. I think high school will be easy, like what’s even going to happen this year? My life is boring.
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see all episodes | next episode ->
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katethevampire · 3 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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o0e3ww · 6 months
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Finished Strangers From Hell/Hell is Other People
Well, I'll give it a 7, overall it was a good experience. Such a mix of Hannibal and the 5th season of AHS (not in terms of quality, character interaction reminded me)
I didn't like the way the nature of characters were revealed. The villain is an artist, but mostly in the dialogues, it was hinted at but not shown properly. Yeah, for me two pretentious statements and a bracelet made of teeth is not enough. The motivation isn't quite clear to me either, like it's not serious enough. Are they bad because they're bad? Because they lived with a person who encouraged their illness? Well then devote some dialogue to that, otherwise they only slip in scenes with the victims being abused. I really missed the personality of the hostess aka the creator. Maniac mum.
Some kind of simplistic approach, as if they have watched TV series and decided to make a Frankenstein's monster out of the types of killers. The actions of the villainous villains didn't give me the feeling of some skillful manipulations, they are rather clumsy.
The mc's girlfriend doesn't have time for him? Really? She doesn't have time to talk to him when they see each other several times in 10 episodes and each time she refuses to listen to him? They're actively chatting, you can share your experiences there too. I know the whole "don't burden your neighbour" thing, but they're not school friends, they're not colleagues, they didn't just start dating, they're in a relationship and complaining about life to loved ones is commonplace for everyone in general.
80% of their dialogue:
-Hey, what's going on with you?
-Hi, I'm having a rough time and…
-Oh, my God, shut up. Why can't you be normal?!?!!!! * running away *
here I'm getting more and more angry B!tch, listen to him for like 2 minutes, he doesn't say anything weird or scary, YOU ASKED HIM. And it's not the idiocy of the characters or "problems of modern society" it's the bullshit that's necessary for the script to work. Honestly, this whole love line doesn't make any sense at all. It's a function. I didn't get into the girlfriend character, I don't find their relationship pleasant, I don't believe that "it" could be a pressure point on protagonist. The main villain has more chemistry with the main character. And here you could say "that's the point, his priorities change, the villain lures him" BUT! To justify mc's mental anguish, the bond between him and his girlfriend must also be strong. He has to have something he can lose.
The ending is just… "yeah, not everyone will understand." The whole thing with popular "highly intelligent" literature and games of who's crazy – doesn't work for me. It looks like a fanfiction by a 16 year old schoolboy. Honestly, mentioning Kafka so much lowered quality of the series for me. I understand where you got inspiration from, ok? The plot of "The Metamorphosis" is on the surface, mc himself says so, and not once. Why explain the things we understand? Better explain the things we don't.
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chungledown-bimothy · 10 months
Are you still doing d20 hot takes? These are admittedly lukewarm (some salsa that everyone at the table can enjoy).
1) I watch for the character arcs/development, not the story, so I really enjoyed Neverafter.
2) Both campaigns set in Calorum have been really hard to get into, even though they’re really good. But I also don’t like GoT so maybe that’s on me.
3) Hard agree with everyone who said they don’t really want sequel campaigns. I would, however, be down for the odd one shot a la holiday MisMag or Boys’ Night.
4) Coffin Run is so slept on, it’s not even funny. Jasmine’s props, the letters, the Dracula wings lighting, gorgeous sets & minis, incredible RP all around, great bits, all the campy horror movie references… Truly one of my faves.
5) I really wanna see Aabria or another guest DM do a full length/over 10 eps season. I feel like Aabria’s DM style would do well with a few more eps so she can explore more. And it would just be nice to hang out with a guest DM a bit more.
6) Confession: Never finished UC2 or Pirates =< UC2 was hard to pick up with less likeable characters (to me) + feeling like Chap 1 wrapped up so nicely + I’m bad with interpersonal conflict. And then I never got past the start of ep 1 of Pirates cause bad British accents is my pet peeve and B Dave’s character was first introduced 😭
oh i'm ALWAYS here for d20 hot takes. (god i love sam says that was so fucking funny, especially because what lou then gave was the most mild gossip i've ever heard)
1- completely valid. and to a large extent, i do too- i did ultimately enjoy the season, primarily because i love the characters so much.
2- skill issue. calorum campaigns slay absolute penis. (for real though totally fair, they're not for everyone. but i do think it's interesting in conjunction with watching for character arcs/development, bc i think acoc in particular is one of the best with that)
3- ooh yes one-shots are a different thing entirely, always a fun time.
4- coffin run FUCKS. my favorite non-intrepid heroes campaign, and it's only acofaf that comes sort of close. everyone needs to watch it, and if they've already watched it and don't appreciate it, they should try again. i could talk forever about it and how great it is.
5- yes. a million times yes please give us 20 episodes with aabria gming i'm begging. and in general yeah i'd love to see a guest dm have more time and space to flex. (except mercer please no more mercer in the dome)
6- i feel you. it took me a long time to get through tuc 2, this is a cody walsh hate account (half joking). and it took 3 attempts to get through pirates as well. honestly what got me through it was myrtle, cheese, and the little bit of garthy that we got. i found the other characters kinda annoying, big same on that accent, bob's was grating, too.
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sweetmariihs2 · 6 months
List of inspirations that I noticed in ✨️The Amazing Digital Circus✨️
an almost-essay (PART 1)
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When I watched the first episode for the first time I started to notice several similarities to other subjects that I also like and know, other fandoms and popular things on the internet, and I soon thought about sharing them on Tumblr (which I'm doing now).
I know there will be things that other people have noticed that will be missing from the blog, but I will try to include all the things that I remember recognizing at that moment. Feel free to share them, though!
I don't know the formal names of some things I'm gonna mention, and also my english It's not the best, I'm trying to practice my writing <3
I'll have to divide this blog into two parts because Tumblr doesn't support more than 10 images per blog. grrgrrgr I really wanted to put everything together but I can't. At the end of the blog I will put a link to part 2 and you can continue reading [when i finish the part 2 of course]
1 - Popee the Perfomer
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Popee the Performer is a low-budget animation made in 2000, at the time when 3d animation was still a new technology. It's a collection of shorts and they talk about three circus performers' interactions. People found this on the internet in 2021 and they started a new fandom on top of it. What makes this show talked about it's the disturbing situations the characters put themselves through. There are a lot of violent scenes and sometimes the characters die by the end of the episode, but when we go to the next one they're just alive again, and that makes us question if they are living stuck in an eternal loop with no way of getting out of that small circus setting.
The 3d is pretty simple, mostly because it's old, but that makes me think about the connections between PTP and TADG are the aesthetics, the whole "disturbing adult cartoon about serious topics with a children's colorful aesthetic" thing, and also those connections with the Nintendo 64 graphics. I'M GONNA MENTION IT TOO!!
And a part of this fandom also it's part of Raggedy Ann and Andy's fandom. They were pretty close in 2021.
2 - Raggedy Ann And Andy
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Ragatha, next one
I'm kidding there's more
Their fandom started around 2021 because the YouTube algorythm just decided that it was time to recommend a video about Raggedy Andy to EVERYONE! And that's how I discovered them too <3 (I WAS THEREEE I WAS THERE). Andy got the main focus and he was everyone's dream boyfriend lol
Also that's completely unrelated but I wanted to say that I'm one of the people whose video was recommended to everyone through YouTube algorythm and helped the fandom to grow even more (I'm so proud of myself guys I'm sorry awnqbehdjwndbwjdnh)
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I believe that if that first video that helped me (and more people) to discover them were never recommended to us, maybe Ragatha wouldn't even have that design!! It's alright that Ann is a doll from the 1900s, but the whole "Raggedy Ann And Andy" thing wasn't a fandom topic, they were just normal ragdolls and they were recognized only by grannies and "the anabelle doll" (this one makes me pissed)
3 - Nintendo 64 (and old 3d art)
And this recognition that it is a fandom united this subject to other famous fandoms, leading to the same audience, and this audience is also TADG's audience. I'll talk more about this at the end of the blog! (Edit: Part 2 of the blog. *silently cries*)
And there's this blog:
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That low budget 3d aesthetic it's turning really popular recently. I'm not much of an expert on the subject since I don't know much about games, but I recognize it from the old graphics and my biggest reference is Mario 64. There's a good explanation for it being so popular, I have a theory that it's related to liminal spaces, but I'm not sure. Still, it's worth mentioning.... and also that bubble character really looks like chain chomp!!
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They're besties
4 - liminal spaces (backrooms and the "dreamcore" aesthetic)
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happy balloons because the backrooms scare me (i hate it)
I think if you're on Tumblr it's very likely that you already know what the backrooms are. A part of our reality, but outside of it. There are floors and floors of eternal levels, where you wander in the same place and don't go anywhere. As if you had broken the matrix and were trapped outside, in a bug. This has become very popular on the internet and it's interesting that it is being used as inspiration for creating a show.
Furthermore, there was also the popularization of aesthetics such as dreamcore, traumacore and weirdcore, which consist of images that look like they came out of a dream. Things that you recognize, but don't know where they came from, like a deja vu, which makes you uncomfortable. It's extremely linked to the backrooms, since it's the same feeling. Many of the images are things that take us back to childhood, to the past, but they are not right, as if they were corrupted. Old 3D is also used a lot to make some of these images, like the example I gave of the Nintendo 64. The fandoms are all interconnected!
In this whole concept they also like to be inspired by childhood characteristics, such as old images of toys, empty birthday parties, playgrounds, and it also takes us to that famous sensation on the internet that I don't remember the name of, but it is basically feeling afraid of a place where people should be going, but they aren't. Abandoned places. The fear of being alone. All those topics revolve around each other. They makes us question abour reality, "do I even exist?" (I know I do, but writing characters that way and exploring the possibilities is kinda nice)
I know a brazillian youtuber that made a good video about it, her name is Replai and in the video she talks about how Poppy Playtime's art was made, but I know that most of the people reading this don't know how to speak in portuguese so... yeah. It's a good video.
5 - Children's aesthetics (but something's off)
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This gif speaks for itself. It's that traumacore/dreamcore/weirdcore thing that I was talking about.
Still talking about that empty feeling of knowing that something it's familiar but don't knowing where it came from, childhood memories can be related to this, as they are vague, distant and sometimes carry a feeling of sadness. I'm not a great expert on the subject, but somehow the way that's explored scares us, I know there's a good explanation on the internet. This reminds me of the reason why people are afraid of clowns: they wear this fixed smile on their face and try to appear friendly, but it's this frozen, empty expression that leaves us afraid that there are other intentions underneath. And the fact that they are so related to childhood and children's innocence makes us fearful, because we don't know if they can do any harm to them. (of course, this all happens subconsciously, you don't think about it that way but your brain activates this instinct of fear) (not you YOU, people with that phobia)
I refuse to believe that these things are not interconnected. There is a strange feeling that can be explored from this childish aesthetic and connection to childhood.
Many media are using this aesthetic as part of their stories, especially horror ones. Five Nights At Freddy's was a pioneer, exploring this in the early 2010s, and then there were other franchises like Poppy Playtime, Bendy And The Ink Machine, other FNAF games (and there are also discoveries of things that do this unintentionally and that were created before this popularization, like Popee the Performer. In music we also have great examples like Melanie Martinez's old albums, during the Cry Baby era. There are also other aesthetics who like to explore this childlike-creepy vibe, and they're a little unrelated to all this stuff, like Morute/Dollcore). Whenever I talk about this I remember FNAF SB Daycare, as it is the result of all these topics we have talked about so far. The Security Breach DLC "Ruin" decided to explore this fear of empty, abandoned places, but which once had happy children walking through the corridors. This feeling is very scary.
Do you remember when I gave clowns as an example? The circus is also a way to explore this scary+childhood feeling. A place where there should be lots of games, but which only causes fear, as in the case of those scary clowns. It's quite common in the media for the circus to be used as a focus of terror, however in the internet version we were talking about just now, it doesn't have to be directly a horror circus, just feeling that childish sensation and feeling that something is wrong is enough. Enough to make us feel uncomfortable. It's like the characters were suffering, but they can't scream for help, and it's a disorted vision of how a circus should look like. Hi Pomni!!
The Daycare Attendant also explores that.
6 - Bendy and Fnaf (for the same reasons I already told you all, but one more)
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Jax it's Bendy's and William Afton's lost son. We don't need no DNA test.
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(I'm obviously just kidding btw, his design was probably inspired by them, MOST ESPECIALLY BENDY and maybe the Cheshire Cat from Alice because of his smile??? Idk)
stay tuned for part 2 <3
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mo-ok · 4 days
Top 5 WORST sentais you’ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know you’re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list 😂😂😭
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away 😂😂 again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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hughungrybear · 7 months
Me watching Only Friends Ep. 9:
1. For this ep, I just want Sand to run as far away as possible from Ray (although based on previous ep's preview, I know that wouldn't happen) 😔
2. I don't know, it's too unrealistic for Top to change that fast. I do think that he is just not used to losing anything, which is why he is trying hard to win Mew back. As for Mew, I guess it is also the first time that he was wrong about someone (although, I pretty much doubt that) especially when he prides himself of "knowing how to accurately read" people (see episodes 1 and 2). I still see these two people trying to prove to themselves that their sense of self is not entirely wrong.
3. I'm beginning to think that Sand is either a hopeless romantic or an effing masochist. Wtf. He already knows Ray is toxic. He KNOWS RAY WILL CONTINUE TO HURT HIM (and himself). If he has any self-respect, he will walk away.
4. <on videoing Ray making out with Sand) There's the Top I know.
5. I still don't know Atom's angle in this scene. I mean from being in a cis relationship then jumping straight to gay s*x. With Boston, of all people. Why? I don't think he is fuelled with plain ole curiosity. He practically seduced Boston (although let's face it, it doesn't take much to get Boston h*rny)
6. I think I can recognise Pisaeng's (BMF) campervan lol. Hurray, for Team Second Option! Get an effing move on, gods dammit. Well, at least Sand is aware he is a masochist lol 😅
7. Yo and Mew. Really, don't start relationships that you actually don't want. The fvck. 😑
8. I love Khaotung, but Ray. Ray is trash. At this point, he is using his pain as excuse to be a manipulative, little sh*t to everyone. Also, I guess Mew's brain has been addled badly with drugs and alcohol to believe that Ray's "the word love makes most sense with you" is anything but a confession of Ray's toxic dependency on him.
9. Frankly, I don't think these kids should have romantic relationships. Especially Ray. Ray should just stop dragging everyone to his personal hell.
10. Atom is acting like a possessive bf. AFTER AN EXPERIMENTAL ONE-NIGHT STAND. I can't believe I am siding with Boston in this argument 😂😂😂😂 but fvck, here we are.
11. Maybe Sand and Nick could try it as a couple. I mean, they are both decent people. Maybe they can work it out. 😅 <after 5 seconds> ooof, Nick read my mind lol. Too bad, the kiss started nothing 😅😅😅😅
12. I just want the mums to smack some sense into Mew. Maybe, it would also get rid some of his self-righteousness and feelings of moral superiority 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
13. No, Nick. You left Sand to be fed to a smug, manipulative wolf.
14. Can I push Ray in to that lake? Right now, I have a strong urge to drown Ray and leave his dead body in that mountain top. I mean, Ray is making Top looked good IN MY EYES. Pretty sure the mums prefer Top at this point too. The fvck.
15. Is it just me, or Dan just feels creepy? This show is triggering all my paranoid senses lol 😅😅😅 Also, Nick is not known for his good judgement, he lets his hormones lead the way.
16. Oh, Nick. You poor, crazy sod. Why are you still following Boston??? Your need for closure is driving me nuts. 😑
17. Waiiit. Is Boston actually regretful? Really? Boston? Or is the sight of Nick smiling with somebody else triggering him too?
18. Is this a premonition? Will Ray die at the end of this series? 🤔🤔🤔 I mean, Ray is perpertually high, drunk, and destructive. Pretty sure he is heading to an early death at this rate.
19. Ah, Sand. You really should stop sticking your d*ck in crazy.
20. Ray, Mew looks okay even though you technically cheated on him. Should be your cue to understanding that only you thought you were boyfriends. Mew just needed a rebound.
21. Ngl, I was expecting Mixx in that elevator, not Mond! What is he doing here anyway? Is he another one of Top's exes???
We are almost at the finish line and I'm undecided who needs a sharp smack in the head the most lol. I guess, with Mew and Ray 'breaking up', there's a chance that Sand will not be a sad boy anymore. Although, I still have a strong urge to m*rder Ray after all was said and done.
I still don't know what Atom's deal is. It just seems so sudden that he is in "love" with Boston. Looks like Boston will do some self-reflection but why is Nick still there? I guess, the man just loves the hurt. Also, looks like Mond will play the ex, Boeing. I always thought it was gonna be Mixx.
Well, one thing's for sure — the show is about to get messier. I think Im'ma need to go to church now 😂😂😂😂
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ellzilla · 3 months
Finally finished watched Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Good god this is the most mixed feelings I've felt after watching something. Spoiler warning ig if you care about the almost 10 hour long show that has 5 minutes of total godzilla but If you don't want spoilers, I rate the 60's segments an 8/10 and the 2015 plot a 3/10 I really REALLY wish the whole show was about the trio in the 60s, that or they were the main focus and not the 2015 group. Cate was good at first bc I liked the angle of "G-Day PTSD and survivor's guilt" because it was cool! And then I found the plot of the Dual Families super interesting but then. It felt like nothing happened. And also she went from enjoyable to annoying because she started acting like a teenager and not the almost 30's she's supposed to be Kentaro was just kinda there but yknow what, I relate to being a tired sad artist who's dragged into family tragedy so whatever. His mom was also super sweet and I felt so, so, SO bad for her. May uh. Yeah she's there. I guess. It feels like she's just there to be [maybe?] Cate's slow burn love interest and is there so someone can betray the mcs. In the last few episodes it feels like she's only there for Apex to be connected to the show in some way and it's like? Okay? I guess this is happening. Pretty cool that she's Bi tho. Bill, Kei and Shaw on the other hand? Oh my GOD I LOVE THEM. I love Bill and Kei's relationship so much. I love how sweet Shaw and Kei were and made me actually care about a LOVE SUBPLOT!!! Which I always find boring or forced!! But they were sweet!! I love how the writers were a little too accurate with how the uh.. social climate? was back in the 60's. I think it was also smart to have Kei's kid be neither Bill or Shaw's, but instead her husband who died in the bombings, although I do NOT like the man he grew into. Really wish they didn't 'sacrifice' Shaw in the way they did because it was really stupid imo. Like bro, how aren't you being dragged towards the portal? The GIANT METAL BALL was, how are you not? I would have preferred he simply sacrificed himself while trying to plug the machines again. The way I would of written it is that prior to getting out the Orb, he and Kei have their sweet n' sad final moment together while in the safety of the metal coffin. He jumps out and has his struggle with the cables, only to be eaten by the Ion Dragon the very moment he succeeds. The machines get tossed around by Ion flying with the cables in his mouth, only for Godzilla to legitimately save the day and knock Ion tf out the way he does regularly and The Gang gets thrown into the portal that way. Also I'd make the fight scene last longer than like. 1 minute. It was over before I realized it and I was so bwomp :( Also I liked the ice dog thing earlier in the show. uh yeah that's it from me.
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neo-neos · 1 year
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
tagged by the lovely @chimerasinourskyline - and @aleng-neng and @dont---just-dont Thank you so much for this <3 It's my first time really interacting with the community in this way and I feel legit honored <3
DISCLAIMER -> I started watching BL literally last month, I am fully 110% new and have been literally binging everything I can get my hands on to get on everyones level of knowledge and passion. If I fuck up a date (aka: came out last year or something) pls do not lynch me it is hard to keep up. I also have not seen everything yet, I am trying to keep up but I can only watch so much in a day. Okay thank you &lt;;3
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
To be fair, ChocoMilkShake -> (I am aware it is still airing but I am pretty sure it will finish airing before the year is over) When I heard the concept I was kinda like ???? Dog??? Cat??? BL???? But I was so happily surprised omg.
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
To be very very honest... And hear me out here... Big Dragon -> The first episode I was like: OH SHIT LET'S GO??? The spice, the drama the bdsm... but then I was like... Where...Where did that go? I LOVE the couple, like MosBank are hawt... But I feel like MosBank has more chemistry than MangkornYai does and... Idk? Season 2 redemption????? Idk
Cutie Pie -> was a little hard to get through for me at times... Sorry? The couple is great, the story wasn't my fav
The rest of the slightly more disappointing shows are from before 2022 so I won't go on a rant lmfao
What has been your favourite BL this year?
KINNPORSCHE -> Oh my god, this show changed me... Like, I can't even explain in words how... But I literally consume every piece of content I can about the cast because I cannot get enough. I'm gonna rewatch it another 10 times probably?
Love in the Air -> I don't even know how to explain this one tbh, I just love the cast, the characters, the storyline didn't even matter that much to me as long as I got to see them doing their thing.. It had some deeper messages here and there too which I loved.
Blueming -> Do I need to explain this one?
Semantic error -> My first BL, again do I need to explain this one?
(I know it's not done airing but...) Between Us -> as long as it does not take some really hectic turns... It's def a fav for this year at least!
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
MileApo, Payurain, Prapaisky, WinTeam... I am not really big on remembering ship names yet.. I am trying but I legit forget names in daily life too, and then having to remember IN SHOW ship names and then they also come up with REAL NAME ship names and I have 2 working braincells pls do not do this to me lmfao
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
(This didn't have to be 2022 right??? I'm just going to go with no)
Kinnporsche -> this one is mainly a little selfish because I just want more people to see it so I can make more friends lmfao
Not me -> I mean come on... That shit was a masterpiece
Blueming -> Good story fr fr fr
Life - Love on the Line -> Look I loved this so much and I kinda related a lot to this show and that shit HURT but also brought so much comfort????
My beautiful man -> Same as above really lmao
Bad buddy -> I mean it's just good
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
OH MY GOD this show has me in a fucking chokehold and I want to consume everything that has even a VAGUE mention to this show
It is so insanely good
It has some bromance going on so not fully "non-bl" but still.
AnYWAY any questions about this feel free to hit up my askbox or the comments to this thing. Again excuse the noob mistakes if there are any, feel free to point them out kindly to teach me because I love to learn but pls don't come for my throat lmao &lt;;3
I would like to tag: @sunf10wer8 @irishtwinmags @keithblguy
(If ^^^^ any of you already did this and I missed it, I am very sorry, feel free to @ me on the post so I can see it! <3)
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thewanderingmask · 10 months
oh hey is it time to go watch old media until the writer's strike is over
welp here's my list, i highly recommend adding onto it or making your own
Better Off Ted (office comedy about a pretty decent guy who manages the R&D department of your standard big capitalist (evil) company. absurd, sincere, and blessedly not nihilistic.)
Golden Girls (four older women living together. openly touched upon topics like gay people are human beings actually and so are people without houses. and this was in the 80s.)
Murphy Brown (Reporter/news presenter workplace comedy. i like eldin)
WKRP (set in a radio station, this one is a pain to find unedited anywhere because of music licensing nonsense)
Designing Women (i haven't actually watched much of this yet but i heard it's pretty good so i'm listing it here in hopes i'll remember to check it out)
british panel / comedy shows (ok so they're like game shows, except the prizes range from useless to nonexistent, all the contestants are comedians, and nobody really cares that much who wins. ,fair warning though, these are british. so you're just gonna get a certain amount of jokes that are like "yup an old cishet white dude sure did write that")
Would I Lie to You (contestants make ridiculous claims and the opposing team has to guess if it's real or not)
8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown (not "8 out of 10 Cats". not "Countdown". specifically "8 out of 10 cats does countdown". yes this is important)
Taskmaster (five contestants perform a series of increasingly silly tasks to try to score points)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year / Decade (a series of long quiz specials where comedians often fail, intentionally or otherwise, to answer questions)
crime/detective/spy shows (cw copaganda. bc that's the entire genre)
Columbo (did you know it's ALL on the internet archive? for FREE?)
Simon and Simon (private investigators who are also brothers, a bit more on the fun side. pretty good for the 80s, but be warned you're still gonna get some dopey tropes like ableism in certain episodes.)
Rockford Files (ex-convict PI. doesn't like guns, friends with his dad. cynical but can't help helping people most of the time. we love to see it. like the two above, it's older but it holds up)
Brooklyn 99 (much like columbo, everybody already knows this one)
Burn Notice (recent ex-spy stuck in miami tries to get his job back. an unfortunate amount of ogle-y filler shots. I liked the first 4 seasons and low key recommend stopping after it, but everybody's mileage varies.)
and finally, because i know who i a:
Motorcity (what if the only answer to an oppressive conformist society was UNDERGROUND TEENS WITH CARS and it looked AMAZING and it was KILLED AFTER 20 EPISODES BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD)
Storm Hawks (what if the only answer to a returning evil empire was SKY TEENS WITH AIRPLANE MOTORCYCLES, side note this is like the only time i've ever seen stylized 3D animation in a way that just looks? good?? i would love to see more stuff try this kind of direction instead of aiming for anime or realism)
Generator Rex (a teen with TRANSFORMING MUTANT MACHINE POWERS fights alongside a kinda sus organization to try to save others who have transformed into dangerous mutants. i haven't finished this one and im not a fan of the monkey character but dam this show kinda slaps)
Teen Titans (TEEN SUPERHEROES. i have a soft spot for this show. it was my first superhero show as a kid and still mostly holds up as good fun)
Spectacular Spider-Man (spider-man has a lotta cartoons by now but this is up there near the top i feel)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (it's PRETTY it's CUTE it's FUNNY and only has a few episodes i would outright skip. i stopped enjoying it by the last couple seasons but i still think it's worth a watch if you haven't yet)
and Bluey. watch Bluey.
AIGHT THAT'S IT FOR NOW honestly i could add more to this but my memory ain't that good
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granitenotgranted · 1 year
I'm gonna need ur reaction and thoughts about the RaM finale once you've watched it
I only watched it yesterday so im not gonna have any hot and spicy new takes for yall but ya girl DID have some thoughts lets go (obviously spoiler warning)
thank you SO SO much for asking!! I’m honored that you want my takes<33
Listen I hate to say it but I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! GOD!!! 😭😭😭
I just need to come out here and say this but first of all I dont think Rick replacing himself was really a bad thing,,,, like at all LMAO especially knowing that it was Rick who made him I mean it was more than just a replacement he was made to be the grandpa he wants for morty but he just knows he can’t be right now.
I can fully understand how it would absolutely feel like a betrayal to Morty but looking at it as a viewer I mean Rick was fully spiraling, to me his intentions were completely pure. Also I thik im just grateful they gave us a time stamp for when the swap was made so we didnt have to wonder forever how much of Rick this season was Rick. He still did piss master, he still kept Jerry blissfully ignorant just out of good will, he STILL WILLINGLY WENT TO THERAPY. All these wouldve been out the window if theyd overlooked that detail. 
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Him recognizing that he was starting to go off the deep end again and not only removing himself but having his familys best interest in mind ( “Im no good to anyone until I resolve this” ) while doing so AND literally while mad at Morty is still INSANE character growth from where we started but this way is REALISTIC character growth. It was WEIRD how black and white the difference between literally yhe last two episodes and even just the rest of the season (which has famously been Rick in his peak good grandpa career) was. At some points it felt like I was reading fanfiction.
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(Why do his knees look like that oh my god) Rick is fully capable of recognizing where he can be better, he always has been, he is not stupid *however* he is CLUTCHING onto the idea of being more logical than sentimental by the fucking neck rn. Men will literally build an anatomically flawless ai to be the perfectly calculated percentage nicer to their grandson and to be the man they wish they were before just going back to therapy.
Someone else mentioned this but ill also point out how much I appreciated just seeing Rick working? Like just in his space completely focused building shit with his brain and hands that hit the fucking spot. 9/10 times we only get the finished product and idk if its just me but I love when we SEE Rick living up to the Rick Sanchez tm reputation.
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And Morty... my sweet summer child. It is not at all a shiny new take to say oh he’s so done with ricks shit we all know that but I really really want to point out something that I’m not really sure what point I’m trying to make with but have we noticed almost a switch morty flips when on adventures? He cried because Christmas was ruined like not even a full 6 hours before he was fully ready to kill a man while looking him in the eyes. Maybe the two were cause and effect idk bht I think that’s definitely something present in other episodes too this sorta “just get it done” attitude.
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Also how much he sounded like rick this ep? That whole “don’t be too flattered he’s been actively trying to die” sounded EXACTLY like a Rick line I literally had to play it again. And the complete apathy for robo rick wanting to die until he ACTUALLY lunged himself into the void was also just textbook rick bullshit. Like grandfather like goddamn grandson.
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The ending to me was a little disappointing tbh I think I was hoping for a more,,, structured? Cliffhanger? Like we dk what’s gonna happen in this storyline instead of the introduction to a new storyline yk? MAYBEEE I’m just salty we have to wait another year for more you can’t prove anything.
Rick being borderline manic ab RP at the end was my favorite it’s nice to see him just rant ab anything really and like not make some bullshit elaborate Halloween house to take his anger out but just legit vent ab what this guys been doing to him for the past fucking 40 years. I didn’t even notice the ep was over when the credits rolled in my mind we were only like 10 minutes in and I lost my MIND when mr poopy butthole pulled up again good to see he’s thriving (kinda)
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On a final note when he called him Rick prime please let me know if I’m off but is that not an internet term for him? Like the fandom came up with it? Rick and morty writers are tumblerinas confirmed question mark?
And lastly: Neurotypical. Cooties.
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Okay, I just finished Wednesday and I have a couple of thoughts. Spoiler free (well, there's a minor one on point 4 and 11), but they're gonna be a little whiny because it's my blog after all
1. That was really good. I was so invested in it even though I wasn't sure I wanted to watch it since I'm so fed up with hetero stuff.
2. The boys are so ugly. They're supposed to be heartthrobs? The only thing throbbing is my fucking head.
3. They're SO weird with Wednesday. "I thought you liked me" why? She gives you literally no special treatment. What is wrong with you? A girl talking to you means she's interested?
4. Wednesday is so fucking adorable when she smiles. I know I just said that the guys are annoying, but her kisses with Tyler in episode 7 are so fucking cute. When she tilts her head to kiss him? Adorable. Her smile after her second kiss with him? JESUS, bro. Her facial expression and eyes make me want to hug her
5. I'm so sick of hetero crap lmao. Enid is right fucking there. They're parallels of each other. But noooo, we gotta have hetero shit.
6. I'm a little annoyed they threw in "who's the lucky guy... Or girl?" I don't understand why shows do that? I can't quite articulate my thoughts, but supergirl also did the same thing with that one guy being like "oh my god you're a lesbian" when he got Kara on the roof. Kara wasn't a lesbian. She wasn't even bi. Wednesday isn't a lesbian or bi. WHY do shows throw that shit in? It's so odd, and it feels like they want inclusivity points, but... You don't get to claim inclusivity while not making your story inclusive? It's not inclusive to insinuate Wednesday likes girls just to then have her NOT like girls 😭.
7. Enid is so fucking adorable. I feel like I've met girls like her before. She's (literally) a puppy. I love her. She deserves better than some ridiculous boy.
8. It should've been gay. I'm kinda sad it's not. I really am SO tired of heterosexuality. It's so boring, and it's gross for me to watch girls making out with boys. Especially when the boys aren't even good characters lmao. At least develop them.
9. It's annoying that I know wenclair is likely never going to be canon. However, it wouldn't be NEARLY as annoying if the network and the actors weren't doing that annoying thing where they pretend like it's TOTALLY there even though the writers have literally no intention of ever pursuing it.
10. All in all a great show I recommend despite the annoying straight shit. Ten out of ten. It was an enthralling mystery show tbh. The last 2 episodes held moments where I questioned if Wednesday was the good guy. Like, that's fucking amazing and I was actually filled with dread and felt a little uncomfortable watching because of what Wednesday was doing.
11. Why has no one brought up that Tyler was groomed? Laurel was doing some weird inappropriate shit with him and I was so shocked to see it because I hadn't heard it talked about. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough but Christ. That just makes the show darker.
12. Excited for season 2 if there is one.
13. The whole mommy issues thing was SO good. I loved it. It felt realistic. That being said, I love that Wednesday and Morticia's relationship didn't feel abusive. They just felt like different people.
I'll probably write more on this as this show settles. I finished it only 20 minutes ago so 😭
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