#Octane Verse
voltaage · 9 months
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Please Dont Leave My Side Prompts
@deathchasing asked: things are easier with you.
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      It helped that the engineer was something of a genius. Anything that worked with electricity-- which was most things-- could be understood by Wattson, given enough time. Any technical problem suddenly became nothing but a minor hiccup once within her grasp, and this time was no different.
      "I try my best, mon ami! Always happy to help!" Natalie cheerfully replied as she crawled back out from under Octavio's desk, dragging her travel tool box belatedly behind her. Once she was free to stand without fear of hitting her head, she did so, and turned to her fellow Legend with a wide, sparkling grin.
      "It seems the wiring in your outlet came loose. It's fixed now, so you should be able to game uninterrupted again." Natalie explained cheerfully as she glanced back to the set up in question. She didn't know how Octavio fit so many monitors into such a small space on the drop ship.
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falskihundr · 9 months
[ bloody ] !
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This was . . . a shock. Not that Octavio had managed to get himself into some situation that resulted in personal injury. No, that was a daily--if not hourly--occurrence.
But that he had sought Bloodhound, of all people, out for aid? That was unexpected. Neither of them were particularly close, and Bloodhound's feelings were . . . complicated. They did not blame the son for the sins of the father, but- well, it was impossible to ignore Octavio's involvement with the Syndicate.
"Ah, Octane," they stammered, after a moment of staring from their doorway. "Here, félagi, let me assist you."
Quickly, the hunter pulled a roll of gauze from one of the satchels draped across their chest, moving closer to staunch however much of the bleeding that they could. "Are you in trouble? Is there anything I can do?"
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levelslevels · 1 year
sorry i can’t believe i am about to stand here and defend pdogg’s autotune when i love slagging the man’s production off on a normal day BUT i am obsessed with the vocal production on set me free pt. 2 it’s so fucking high octane and abrasive and unhinged. which is sooooo perfect for the song and so in tune with the way jimin is performing it — visceral and in-your-face but not in a sexy way in a grotesque defiant way. i keep seeing people say they hate the song because of the vocal processing or they like it in spite of it and i am sat here like. if you get it you get it if you don’t you don’t but i got it immediately we r not the same. the second verse especially oh my god he sounds like he’s losing his fucking mind. the way he sings “just let me flow” is soooo hyperpop girlie. it sounds like there’s like four people screaming at once. what a fucking freakshow of a song and mv i am OBSESSED !!
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
I dont usually talk about music in a critical sense but Bury the Light fucking slaps. While the song as a whole is great, what part really gets me are these two verses:
Lurking in the shadows under veil of night Constellations of blood pirouette Dancing through the graves of those who stand at my feet Dreams of the black throne I keep on repeat A derelict of darkness, summoned from the ashes The puppet master congregates all the masses Pulling strings, twisting minds as blades hit You want this power? Then come try and take it
For this verse, the song changes from a high octane metal guitar deathcore ballad to a quiet and muffled monotone speech, the singer is practically low-growling his lyrics. Its eerie and immediately off-putting, like somethings lurking in the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike. This is especially true since this is Vergil's theme, one of the main bad guys of the DMC games. But here's where it gets interesting.
Beyond the tree, fire burns Secret love, bloodline yearns Dark minds embrace, crimson joy Does your dim heart heal or destroy?
And in the second verse, the singer changes key to a higher, softer pitch for the first two lines, singing each lyric slowly to accentuate tension and suspense. Then at the third line: Dark minds embrace the harsh loud sounds of the guitar and drums kick in, building up more and more tension as the singer still performs in that same lilting key. The lyrics imply a sense of longing and the question does your dim heart heal or destroy implies Vergil is at war with himself over his human side cos he views it as a weakness and only causes him pain. But Vergil's whole arc is about accepting his human side. Then at the last lyric: Does your dim heart heal or destroy? all the instruments sync up with the vocals and his pauses to amp things up until it reaches the climax at "destroy?"
Like... jesus. That always gives me goosebumps. What a marvellous piece of musical buildup
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no-gorms · 5 months
Just reread the 'A Furious Vexation' verse, and have a brainworm over how- as their relationship grows -their domestic PDA would grow. Obvs the verse has a vastly different take on acceptable PDA, like how being all sweet with each other would raise more eyebrows than fucking, and I wouldn't expect either Steve or Tony to be too fond of that type of PDA anyway (at least in this verse) but I wanted to ask you if you had any Oh They're Domestic headcanons about how their relationship progresses? Does Steve's constant staring yield? Does the "Stark" name get thrown around more & does it cause a little chaos as people react to Tony's reappearance? Sorry to bring back an old verse but it's got me totally hooked again! Really really well-written- all the emotional beats are so accurately pinned down -with the fight scene between Thor and Steve being an absolute masterclass for writers in the fandom.
Ooooh thank you! Gosh okay, I'm very fond of that universe with that high octane possessiveness etc, though I haven't thought as much about their future, just little bits of maybe here and there as their attachment deepens and Steve's gang accepts that Tony's part of it, and Tony accepts his part in the gang.
Like there'd be more of Tony casually crawling into Steve's lap whenever and wherever (just to sit there and be held!) and Steve physically picking Tony up whenever and wherever he wants Tony's company, and for Tony a big moment is when he accepts his status within Steve's gang -- which means that his opinions matter. His orders matter. The others slowly start to turn to him to instruction and Tony, despite his still-present anxieties about his supposedly destructive nature, comes into his own and takes that shared leadership role at Steve's side.
Also Tony gets overwhelmed whenever Steve, standing stern and arms crossed as he thinks about some problem then just silently looks at Tony to get his opinion. It's probably not meant to be sexy! But it is! Steve can still pin Tony in place with just a glance!
Meanwhile Steve finds it so so sexy when Tony finally speaks up out of turn to drop some snarky thought that their gang actually listens to, even if they grumble about it. Dropping the Stark name (that's a good one, anon!) in public is also a useful too, isn't it -- like even though Tony winces sometimes, the fearful reaction it gets out of other people makes Steve so proud.
Oh! I may have mentioned before but I just remembered, I also figure that Steve and Tony will wear each other's marks. Like Steve already gave Tony that leather piece with a star to wear on his wrist, but Tony will give something to Steve in return and Steve is so verklempt (in his post-apocalyptic gang leader way) that he temporarily devolves the leadership role to Sam for a few days while Steve takes Tony away for some alone time. (Tony: 🤷‍♀️)
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
Favorite Albums of 2023 ^_^
To celebrate the coming of a new year, I wanted to spend this first week looking back a bit at the things I enjoyed both old and new. So I put together a little list of albums I spent a lot of time with this year, for a bit of personal posterity, a little of getting into the groove with music writing on a very conversational but nonetheless sincere level, and also just because I enjoy, on a base level, the exchange of music. So hopefully one person will give a new album a try, or somebody will tell me their favorite thing they listened to in 2023. That's all you can ever hope for <3
Here's the albums I loved that came out in 2023 itself:
100 gecs 10,000 gecs: If I’m honest with myself- my album of the year, both in what I spent the most time with and the tracks I’d hold up the most fondly by the end of the year. the high-octane blast of creativity in these short, sweet, never dull, and always inventive bursts made listening a very joyful experience. Hollywood Baby and Dumbest Girl Alive bangers of the year though one million dollars just oooozes and chirps sounds in the most satisfying way.
 Paramore This is Why: very much preaching to the choir with this one. undeniable groove through everything– the whole thing brims with contained energy- like trapping a storm cloud in a bottle and displaying it like it's no big deal and then, every once in a while, electricity arcs through the room. The only issue is it ends on a bit of a weak note, with back-to-back ballads I don’t revisit often. but it's a minor quibble, they’re both distinct enough to stand on their own and neither is insufferably long. forgivable transgression.
Kesha Gag Order: This is self-explanatory, to me. Kesha was the first artist I ever truly fell in love with and everything she makes is like watching a flower bloom over and over again as I grow and change and wither and regrow right alongside. But on top of that, the record itself is so. powerful. Not in the cheap, congratulatory “you’re so brave way” but in the energy it radiates, in the way it stands its ground over and over. the way it grasps its own story by the throat and still lets you peak into all the messy pieces sliding out over the knuckles. Happy is one of those truly great album closers, but the whole album is so solid. 
Vastum Inward to Gethsemane: Absolutely crushing in just about every way, This is like, the platonic ideal of death metal for me. Dense and malevolent as fuck, but there’s still room for these nasty riffs buried deep in all the disgusting muck. That opening guitar on Priapic Chasm is the sickest 8 seconds of the year. 
The Gauntlet Dark Steel and Fire: At first glance, this seems like a textbook Bathory clone. And even if it was just that it’d still be amazing, I love that sound. But there’s space! and dynamic growth! And a growling echoing personality that every other standard in this space just never attempts. Even the hints of black ‘n’ roll and thrash are expanding a series of very narrow spaces– there are these mid-tempo stadium rippers scattered throughout the album that give the whole project gravitas which loops around and gives the faster stuff more swagger and aggression. really cool record.
McKinley Dixon Beloved! Paradise! Jazz?: I checked this out because McKinley Dixon has a great featured verse on Soul Glo’s Spiritual Level of Gang Shit. To make matters worse (or better, in terms of Shit I Am Interested In), the record’s named after Toni Morrison novels. To make it even crazier Hanif Abdurraqib opens the record (he reads this really beautiful passage of Jazz that's sampled later). An album so supremely up my alley I was almost scared the pieces wouldn’t fall together– they did! It's incredible! it's short but each second is purposeful and lush in a way that speaks to measure and care. the jazz isn’t just beautiful, it's a full embracing of the album’s central conceits (not just the Morrison, but the typography of cities, the people in them and the lives they live) and Dixon just oozes poetic ingenuity. Repetition is one of the best devices in his toolkit and nowhere is that more apparent than Tyler Forever which. man.... really really good project.  
Tresspasser Αποκάλυψισ: catchy-as-fuck. not what you’d expect from an album which is very explicitly about debt strikes and anarchy. usually RABM (red and anarchist black metal) leaves me a little cold, a lot of bands in this loose conglomerate aren’t musically inventive. rabm isn't just a stand-in for anti-fascist bands, the projects associated with the label are usually politically lyrically explicit (sometimes in ways that are overtly shocking or simply following a trend). which is nice! and necessary in black metal. but it doesn't automatically make it… good. trespasser have always stood out within that paradigm. clearly grounded in what actually works in black metal (the drumming across their albums is crazy kick ass in particular) and i find myself humming some of these tracks which is such a hard skill to pull off in melodic black metal without being dull or predictable.  
MEURTRIERES Ronde de Nuit: very surprisingly, a lot of this list ended up including black metal, which is uncharacteristic of me. but thankfully, MEURTRIERES is much more aligned with my tastes– epic old-school heavy metal with that galloping Maiden-esque bass and fiery, straining vocals that sit so expertly in the groove and then just push and push and push against it. simple, enjoyable, energetic.
Home Is Where the whaler: At its most basic level this is like. what emo can pull off when it wants to sound incredible. The swirling layers, the inclusion of shit like horns, the abrasive but catchy screams, crashes in and out of earshot, the rhythms!!! this is a very 2023 album, thematically and that's important and immediately apparent, but it's going to last much longer just with how the sound works and works and works until you find yourself continuously coming back, listening to it out of the blue.
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis: quote-unquote dissonant metal is so hit or miss for me. dissonance is oft a cover for boring, or unoriginal material that hangs its lapels on being disorienting or impenetrable. but when the tone is just right it swallows you up. Thantifaxath got the tone right; I was listening to this a lot while reading or writing during the latter half of the year because it just becomes a part of your world in such a wonderful, subsuming way. I really love these vocals too, they’re vaguely inhuman in a way that pairs so exactly with the balance of spacey and gross earthy magic, outside the world and grounded in flesh simultaneously. 
Crotaline The Hemipenes Demo: This is my friends’ band. They are cool and talented and I love first-wave black metal. They are also people whose projects I listen to in a fundamentally different way; when they pull something off it's a little bit life-changing because you know that person, you’ve seen them do human things! And then they are capable of great art. It's weird and disorienting and one of the best parts of being alive. But I do also think their demo is good without quantifiers, it's exactly what they wanted, it's got riffs that sound gnarly on tape, and it's dedicated to salamanders. like what else could you need in life?
Dawn’s Reflection Demo MMXXIII: This short little demo is a perfect burst of raw-ass lo-fi black metal. Which I usually cannot stand. but for some reason is just incredible here. I think it's the way the riffs and vocals interact– there’s these really solid, almost crust-punky guitar lines that shine perfectly in this kind of (basically non-existent) production. And then the vocals just completely rip over them in the loudest most batshit way possible, but there are always pauses that allow the instrumental to recalibrate. The synths are just a fun touch that drone in the back until they’re pulled to the fore which makes for these great, dense peaks instead of overwhelming the balance. It works! I am always hooked! 
And here are some new-to-me albums I listened to for the first time in 2023:
Nuclear Death …For Our Dead: Nuclear Death is already a favorite of mine (I feel like I never stop talking about them) but I finally got around to their demos/EPs this year. this one takes the cake, easily. Topping out at under 10 minutes, this record achieves a kind of demented brutality other death metal bands would kill for in a fourth of the time. It's a miasmic stormcloud of a project that proves (as everything they recorded did) that nobody can out-sick Lori Bravo.
Moral Decay To Build an End: This is a couple of kids in the 1990s writing a thrash record. Not notable in and of itself. However, it becomes clear immediately that these technically proficient metalheads are obsessed with emo. Like oldschool dc emocore. And it is thrown into their mix of sonic influences plainly and obviously. It is one of a kind. It shouldn’t work. It probably doesn’t, unless, of course, you are me and obsessed with it. The vocals on this are punky as hell and they work surprisingly well over these speedy, late-stage neoclassical thrash riffs. It's wild. I love it; the gem of the year!
Little Teeth Child Bearing Man: you will either love this or find it insufferable. Mathy emo-y touches, but this is freaky folk through and through. Flits in and out these crazy choral vocal moments and harmonies that fall in and out of comfort-level– lots of borderline screaming (or just gives up the ghost and becomes screaming). Everything devolves but the sense of melody is always lurking out of frame and comes back around to quiet and confessional. Manages artful and cathartic with a lack of grace and a hell of a conviction.
Helen Love Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Musik: the best punk understands punk is pop music. This is why I love this record. Helen Love loooovvess The Ramones, she does. And since she loves them so much she wrote dance music in their honor and got Joey Ramone to feature on the record. Incredible. 
The BellRays Black Lightning: Soul-filled garage punky rock that’s just masterfully loud, catchy, and full of unlimited swagger. Lisa Kekaula’s vocals are clearly grounded in a long, long line of rockers and soul-stirrers but what stands out is her maturity and control which allows for the slow-burners to feel huge and impressive– she’s the center, the burning star of the whole enterprise. 
Chinchilla 101 Italian Hits: this album is weird and, obviously, I love weird. Situated in the already weird San Diego post-hardcore scene, Chinchilla still stand out with their epic song lengths, murky 90s alt-rock depths, and the way Sioban Dixon’s vocals shift endlessly between a distorted fry, throaty shouts, and sweet elongated falsetto. So fun to get lost in these songs. 
Heaven’s Gate Livin’ in Hysteria: German power metal is always good. Heaven’s Gate is so obviously following in Helloween’s footsteps but Helloween is one of the greatest metal bands on planet earth and they execute that Keepers era sound so well they make a little magic themselves. Add onto that an album cover with a dragon smoking a pipe… it's over, it was love at first sight. 
A Few Honorable Mentions (if you've made it this far):
-Corinne Bailey Ray Black Rainbows (mostly here because I got to it wayy late in the year and haven’t sat with it long enough. but this was incredible all the way through)
-Smoulder Violent Creed of Vengence (was initially disappointed by this one and then I finally got a tape player for Christmas and it just… clicked in the new format)
-Be Your Own Pet Mommy (i love, love, loved be your own pet as a teen and seeing them return to music after so long with the same blast of energy is so cool. I just think the album overstays its welcome; the EP they released with just a handful of tracks just puts it into sharper relief too)
-Melissa II (incredible it was just such a good year for black metal it didn’t quite squeeze up there for me)
and that's it for me; Happy New Year may we all find new music to fall in love with in 2024 <3
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laracrofted · 10 months
wip poll game
thank you millie @roosterbruiser and helena @bobfloydsbabe for the tags 🩵
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got.
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thelensofyashunews · 28 days
The Chainsmokers Promise No Hard Feelings On New EP, Out Now
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Today, GRAMMY® Award-winning and chart-topping artist/producer duo The Chainsmokers proudly present their brand new No Hard Feelings EP, out now via DISRUPTOR/Columbia Records. With No Hard Feelings, Alex and Drew made a conscious decision to hyper focus on the dancefloor and leveled up once again with a set of 6 club-ready anthems. Throughout the project, they conjure the high-octane energy of their early days with a keen sense of refinement and experience.
Celebrating the new EP, the guys have released official videos for new tracks “Bad Advice” with Elio, “Tennis Court” and “Green Lights (demo)”, all of which bring them back to the snowy mountain landscape. Plus, a special lyric video for new single “No Shade at Pitti” also arrives today.
The Chainsmokers set the scene for No Hard Feelings with “Addicted” (with Zerb and Ink), which has over 37 Million streams to date and currently sits at #5 on the Dance Airplay chart. They followed with the release of “Friday” with GRAMMY® nominated R&B singer and songwriter Fridayy, which UPROXX said “feels like waking up on a Friday morning and remembering it’s Friday”, and added that “The Chainsmokers still know how to make a banger.”
On the single “No Shade At Pitti,” neon keys chime above the murmur of a warbling bassline and nostalgic verses before a frenetic dancefloor-ready beat takes hold. On the other end of the spectrum, guitars and smoky keys simmer beneath the surface of the buoyant “Bad Advice”, which features ethereal vocals from Canadian pop artist Elio.Glitchy claps and a glistening loop volley across “Tennis Court”, while warm lo-fi electro tones glow through emotionally charged verses on “Green Lights.”
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Welcome to The Chainsmokers’ next era with No Hard Feelings. Stay tuned for more very soon!
Follow The Chainsmokers Instagram | Twitter | TikTok
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hungwy · 1 year
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gibby kind of "hot dropped" us (immediately left the ship but only one other team landed with us) and octane decided he'd land with the ONE other enemy team and immediately died and said "what a bad landing spot" and ragequit. so me and gibby got geared up peacefully and quite well (gibby killed most of them) and then we 2v3d the team that killed our silly little octane. and then we were looting and gibby got 3-2-1'd by a mysterious third party. and i 1v3d the entire team by just holding my little fenced up wattson building with an r99 and eva and i rezzed. and we rotated and third partied another fight (gibby killed a few and i did too) and won that so easily and sweetly (ok not really see i revived gibby) but then we were against the final squad. so we rotated into a building and simply easily and sweetly (truthfully since no revive this time) murdered each enemy one at a time because they did the worst push in the world at us. very fun game and i wrote a verse for it:
i win my game by shooting at // the gamers just before they bat // i flank and spray with all my might // until the win screen is in sight // my fences block all kinds of doors // my pylon heals and helps use score // so lovely wattson is to play // i wish to apex every day
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voltaage · 2 years
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@octaane​ asked:  " hey chica, what's the difference between lightning and electricity? for electricity, you gotta pay, but lightning kills for free! "
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      Wattson blinked, slightly taken aback by the sudden approach and slightly morbid joke. But, after a brief pause, her lips split into a lopsided smile, seemingly finding the humor in it. A light giggle even slipped past her lips.       "Now who did you learn that one from?" Natalie asked teasingly then faked some sense of innocence as she tilted her head up and away-- like she didn't send such violent currents into people's systems to kill them and make little quips while doing so. "Certainly not me, hehe!"
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representshinjuku · 4 months
Rep Squad – Matenrou Ver.– 
[Matenrou] What’s the time? Rep Squad It’s time to get live! Rep Squad This city’s reps take center stage, watch us closely now We’ll take this burning venue and throw oil on the flames H. Y. P. N. O. S. I. S. MIC We’re ready go now Are U ready for “Rep”?
[Jakurai] A dark gaseous fog descends over disorderly night The unending wail of the sirens interweave illusions Within the flickering traffic lights comes the signal Absorbing all that loiter; Pushing aside the warmongers Walk against the flow of the crowd That is this city’s status quo Endless strife (struggles), repeating cycles of violence Even god could not visualize the violence of his dear lambs (rebellion) Yet I will embody the anti-war stance Now we stand at the vanguard, Shinjuku, representatives of a new fate
[Hifumi] In high spirits as the champagne pop pop pop pops Tonight I take the tres bon you and L-L-Lock on! (Welcome!) All the lonely hearts and all the trendy crowds, I’ll have you on my terms, this is Hifumi’s invite! Matenrou gives you the beat With me now – “Pop! Pop!” Bare your heart naked for me too One more time - “Pop pop pop!” Every weekend grows more endearing This party will have you hooked Doctor and Doppo-kun join the festivities in this Special night
[Doppo] Everything low carb, days repeating like a forced diet Steady progress? Hell if I know, Doppo-san’s begging on his hands and knees Ignoring compliance and laws; The hay fever gets worse as I get older; Soaked ‘cuz someone stole my umbrella– “Okay, fine then.” If you think I’m scared of a crowd, gonna piss myself Laughing at me blind then I’ll show you my technics Even I can make the light shine; Shinjuku kicks it to the curb Spitting verses; causing a chain reaction (Hey!) We’re jacking this place
[Matenrou] Rep squad! Boom! Boom! Radiating three unique kinds of cool, burning up! Rep squad! Boom! Boom! Matenrou, the strongest Squad
Are U ready for? What’s the time? This’s our triumphant return It’s time to get live! Let ‘em hear our Anthem
This city’s reps take center stage, watch us closely now We’ll take this burning venue and throw oil on the flames Keep outta our Division Ride the beat to freedom Rule the Stage’s high-octane Show We’re ready go!
Are U ready for “Rep”? Welcome to our hood Beating through you low Time to stir up trouble Are you ready for “Rep”? Get out of here outsiders With a swipe from this microphone Heads put your hands up
Rep squad! Boom! Boom! Our local live style shoots through you distinctive Rep squad! Boom! Boom! Stabbed through you at the turnabout comes the punchline
Radiating three unique kinds of cool, burning up and Ready to fire through the venue–Hypnosis Mic
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nooneasgood · 11 days
nooneasgood ;; || Independent, semi-selective, medium activity, dash based, heavy smut rp blog featuring original characters. Mature and triggering content featured. Follow at your discretion. Must be 21 or older to interact. Minors and personal blogs do not interact.
Penned by Octane, 33, they/them. 13+ years experience. est.
Est May 2024. Muses and some kinks under the cut for quick mobile viewing.
No gifs seen here are my own.
Quick Guide: Rules | Muses | Kinks | Starters | Memes
Draft count: 3 Memes owed: 1 Starters owed: 0 (05/31/24)
Also find me: @dcviousintcntions || @fiinewine
Jamison Bell: Detective. Bisexual, dominant, top. Eldest twin, twin to Nicholas (Chris Evans)
Nicholas Bell: Mechanic. Bisexual, switch, versatile. Younger twin to Jamison (Oliver Jackson-Cohen)
Kaiden Bell: Enforcer. Bisexual, dominant, top. Youngest Bell sibling. (Dacre Montgomery)
Christina Morgan: Nanny. Pansexual, submissive. Elder sister to Charlotte and Cassandra (Taylor Swift)
Charlotte Morgan: Lounge singer. Exotic dancer. Pansexual, switch. Younger sister to Christina, twin to Cassandra (Sydney Sweeney)
Cassandra Morgan: Photographer, amateur hockey player. Bisexual, submissive. Younger sister to Christina, twin to Charlotte. (Kathryn Newton)
Vincent Hunter: Retired adult film star. Pansexual, soft dom top. Father of Roderick and Benjamin (David Harbour)
Roderick Hunter: Adult film star. Pansexual, dom, top. Eldest son of Vincent, older brother of Benjamin. (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Benjamin Hunter: Adult content creator. Bisexual, switch, verse. Youngest son of Vincent, younger brother of Roderick. (Drew Starkey)
Colette Parrish: Professor. Bisexual, submissive. Mother of Kinsley, sister to Danielle. (Gillian Anderson)
Danielle Parrish: Casting director. Bisexual, switch. Sister of Colette, aunt to Kinsley. (Rachel McAdams)
Kinsley Parrish: Stunt woman. Bisexual, submissive, Daughter of Colette, niece of Danielle (Lucy Boynton)
Kinks: Exhibitionism, public play, orgasm control, orgasm denial, overstimulation, anal, cockwarming, rimming, watersports, breeding/impregnation, toys, gang bangs, threesomes, double penetration, face fucking, collars, somnophilia, consensual non-con, free use, cum marking, t*aboo relationships
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double-j · 2 years
*reminder to please heed the author’s warnings on individual fics!*
~ splitting the list up into weeks this month because the post editor has been giving me a hard time ~
what to expect p. 3 from @topguncortez
i can make it from @thedroneranger
hate loving you (from the to have and to hold series) from @ohtobeleah
prompt 16 (from the house we share series, it is perfection, do yourself a huge favor and read it immediately, and if you already have, do yourself a favor and re-read it immediately) from @rolycolysficrecs
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas (from the take me home for christmas series) from @madsnowstorm
fire away snippet (never have so few words made me feel so much, do yourselves a favor and read this!!) from @fuckyeahhangman
what to expect p. 4 from @topguncortez
baby, i'm high octane p. 2 (y'all read this series, it is SO. GOOD.) from @laracrofted
plane doctor from @reaperintheroses
last hurrah p. 2 from @cherrycola27
you deserve an overachiever from @roosterforme
a whole new ball game (from the curveball series) from @jupitercomet
the nap date from @writercole (mickey fanboy garcia)
seven o'clock news/silent night from @hufflepuffprincesse (from the same mistakes-verse, aka heaven on earth!! mentions of rooster but not explicitly in a romantic sense so i've placed it here instead of in that category. seriously though if you have not read this series, DO IT.)
coming home from @eightmakar (jt compher)
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georgi-girl · 1 year
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Fury Road
Original meme belongs to Archangel470
I really wanted to do a Fury Road recast and since I couldn't any official ones, I used the Action Movie Cast meme (which was inspired by Fury Road)
The cast is this...
Hero: Larn (Fire and Ice) in the role of Max. He was separated from his tribe and was trying to find them when a posse of war boys captured him. Now he's caught up in a high-octane power struggle.
Hero's Love Interest (platonic, not romantic) : Marina (Sinbad; Legend of the Seven Seas) in the role of Furiosa. She was stuck working for the Warlord and plans to get the hell back to her ancestral home The Green Place. And she's bringing some friends with her.
The Villain: Jafar (Aladdin) in the role of Immorton Joe. He's the tyrannical Warlord ruling over a canyon oasis. His prized possessions are the unfortunate women he's chosen as his brides.
The Sidekick: Taron (The Black Cauldron) in the role of Nux. In this verse, he's called Tarry Black due to his black hair. He adores the Warlord with all his soul, and is distraught when he constantly fails him. Being with the freedom convoy gives him a new, better purpose in life.
The Traitor: Snow White (Happily Ever After) in the role of Cheedo. One of Jafars' former brides, she's called Snowflake due to her pale skin and fragile demeaner. When a big chase kills one of her fellow escapees, she panics and tries to run back to Jafar. (She's stopped though)
The Villains' Bodyguard: Mr. Hyde (The Pagemaster) in the role of Rictus Erectus. Jafar's oldest son, deform in body and mind, his one purpose in life is to lead his father's army.
The Hero's Superiors: Amalthia (Last Unicorn) and Yum-Yum (The Thief and the Cobbler) in the roles of Dag and Toast respectively. Called Shiny and Yummy, they adapt to life outside the quickest. When Snowflake tries to run back, they tackle her together. They've never met a man like Larn; when they tell him to do something, he does it with no argument. They quite enjoy that.
The Redeemer: Kaley (Quest for Camelot) in the role of Capable. Everyone calls her Dame. When she sees Tarry Black crying in the back of the rig. She comforts him and encourages him to keep living.
The Villains' Henchman: Dr. Vigglestien (Nightmare Before Christmas) in the role of the Organic Mechanic. Jafar's private doctor, and the only other man allowed to touch the brides.
The One Who Dies First: Odette (The Swan Princess) in the role of Splendid: Jafars' favorite bride and carrier of his next child. known as Golden, she's the bravest of the escapees. She's killed during the chase that freaks out Snowflake and strands Tar on the rig, and her baby dies with her.
Also starring...
Grumpy (Snow White) in the role of Corpus Colossus
Tala (Brother Bear) as the Keeper of the Seeds
Grandma Fa (Mulan) as Miss Giddy
All characters belong to their respective companies.
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patricksmusicblog · 8 months
24 Tracks of my absolute favorite songs and artist from the first year of the 2020's. Meant to be played in order.
Alchemist & Freddie Gibbs-God is Perfect: Track 2 and the most hard-nosed track from Freddie Gibbs and Alchemist's acclaimed album Alfredo. Alchemist's beat is menacing and hypnotic, Gibbs's rapping is nimble, and his lyrics are as cold-blooded as you'll hear from him, not to mention the hook is a bit of an earworm.
Westside Gunn- $500 Onces ft Freddie Gibbs & Roc Marciano: My favorite track off what is Westside Gunn's best project in Pray for Paris. Produced by Alchemist, whose beat is a perfect mixture of classy and sinister and the perfect for street-wise MCs to speak to their lifestyles. All have great verses here, with Freddie and Roc shining on the track.
Conway The Machine- Dough and Damani: Produced by Alchemist, he laced the fourth track off Conway's from King to a God, with one side feeling light and opulent and the other grimy and hard-nosed. Conway's normal, braggadocious, somewhat humorous, and always street-oriented style carries the track.
 Benny The Butcher-Legend: Produced by Hit-Boy, the Buffalo rapper self-cements his legacy on the triumphant track. He touches on making to where his from where he came also, makes references to himself, and compares himself to NBA legends. It's one of the best tracks on Burden of Proof.
Princess Nokia- Wash & Set: On this track, Princess Nokia faces adulthood head-on. She speaks to the weight of dealing with taxes, rent, and college debt and melancholically reminisces on the more innocent times in childhood. It's a wildly relatable track to me. 
Logic- Dadbod: My favorite track off Logic's album No Pressure. It is a track with a smooth jazz-rap feel that speaks to Logic, maturity, fatherhood, and the beautiful mundane minutia that comes with it. It's one of his sharper hooks on that project.
TOPS-Colder & Closer: A brisk synth-pop tune from indie-pop/dream pop band TOPS off I Feel Alive. It is a song about nostalgic love that looks at you with rose-tinted glasses, and no matter how things go, they can't get over you or vice versa. The relationship grows colder, yet they get closer. Great track. 
Megan Thee Stallion-Captin Hook: A high-octane raunchy track from Megan The Stallion off her EP Fever. Megan speaks to taking the dominant role and getting what he wants out of any situation, sexual or otherwise. Her flow is sharp here, and her charisma is always magnetizing. Liljumadethebeat does the Beat it's interesting; it's has a thumping bass and bounce and sword slice through it that gives it punch.
City Girls ft Doja Cat-Pussy Talk: A catchy tune from Miami Duo the City Girls with help from Doja Cat. It's a 3 verse track about how money Will go long way toward sexual advancement with them. Jt has the best verse here, and Yung Miami's hook sells the track. 
Cardi B ft Megan Thee Stallion-Wap: "Wap" A sex rap anthem by two of the biggest personalities in rap. It's fun, funny and was surprisingly a little controversial in the summer of 2020. The best verses belong to Megan, who's just a more fluid flower than Cardi(not that Cardi doesn't do her thing on the song). I really like the beat and sample choice on the track produced by Ayo the Producer and Keyz. It's a joyously raunchy tune that holds up today. 
Noname- Song 33: On much more grounded and serious areas of Summer 2020, you had the back and forth between J. Cole and Noname. This was sparked in the wake of the tragic events of George Floyds murder as Noname got on Twitter to criticize rappers who speak on black struggles in their music but were silent online during the protests. This prompted a response from J. Cole, who was essentially saying he wasn't as deep and educated as people may think and that instead of criticizing, she could be helping him to find a way. Hence we got Song 33, a rebuttal to the notion J. Cole even decided to write a song about her in times like these when there were bigger issues.
Princess Nokia- Just a Kid: Princess Nokia recounts the childhood trauma she experienced, going from a broken home to foster care to eventually being abused by her caretaker. It's a dark track that's sure to be relatable to those who go through similar issues. 
Lady Gaga-Stupid Love: "Stupid Love" is a big booming pop song from Lady Gaga off one of her best albums in Chromatica. Produced by Bloodpop, it has a hard-driving beat, Gaga's typical dramatic flair, and a catchy hook. It's one of the better pop songs of 2020 and, to that point, one of the best from Lady Gaga in a while.  
Drake & Future-Life is Good: Released at the top of 2020, Drake and Future's "Life is Good" kicked the year off properly with a track that felt two bangers stitched together to create a whole banger. The first side is Drake's who comes in a smooth, nocturnal beat as he speaks to grinding, considering his 2018 L an inconsequential slip-up and other braggadociousness. Future, as you'd expect, takes you right to the trap, speaking to drug dealing, guns, promethazine and Percocet consumption. Both are on point here. 
Future & Uzi Vert- That's It: One of the most fun songs of that year and one the best on Future and Lil Uzi Verts joint album. This is because Future is so passionate on this and so serious about being the flyest in the game on this. Not to mention he finds a perfect groove and melody on this one. 
Lady Gaga & Arianna Grande-Rain On Me: Such a great pop duet between Gaga and Grande here. Arianna brings smooth-tinged vocals, and Lady Gaga brings the concept and is also strong vocally. It's a great get-through-it song that says, " hey, things aren't perfect, but I'm still here and pushing forward. I love it. 
TOPS-I Feel Alive: I love the warmth of this track; it's a warm Sunday morning of a track. It's a Dream pop track about what it feels like to be in love. Lead vocalist Jane Penny is great on the song and switching her pitch on the record.
Megan Thee Stallion-Circles: The second track on Megan Thee Stallion's debut album and one of the better songs on the album. She speaks to haters she got and addresses things that happened between her and rapper/singer Tory Lanez. I like the production on this one Prod. Cool N Dre & Rick Starr Did. 
Freddie Gibbs & Alchemist- 1985: 1985 is the opening to Freddie Gibb & Alchemist's Alfredo. It's a great tone setter with those epic guitars and light percussion giving Freddie Gibbs a space to be gangsta Gibbs as Freddie Speaks and referencing Michael Jordan's 85' team being reported as a cocaine circus. Gibbs flow is great here, it's an essential listen on Alfredo. 
Westside Gunn-Shawn Vs Flair: From the Premo produced beat to the Prodigy sample opening up the track, the song screams 90's east coast boom bap nostalgia. It's great, at once artistsy and gritty.
Mozzy-The Homies Wanna Know: Mozzy gets reflective and speaks to the reality of the streets and checking those who may or not be of the life comes of the weight of what comes with being a part of it. It has a chill piano laden backgroud I've always enjoyed.
Westside Gunn Ft Benny The Butcher & Conway The Machine: Daringer went crazy productionwise on this one. Beautifully methodical and dark beat here. Griselda could do no wrong in 2020. Benny, Conway and Westside on a beat in 2020....*Chefs Kiss*.
Freddie Gibbs & Alchemist ft Conway The Machine-Babies & Fools: A Smooth beat from Alchemist lays the canvas for Gibbs and the Machine to wax reflective about their past, they sound like uncles at the cookout just trading stories about how their past and how it effects them now. One of my favorites on Alfredo.
Conway The Machine ft Westside Gunn & Benny The Butcher- Spurs 3: Beat Butcha cooks up a beat that feels methodical almost meandering really but it's brooding enough to work for me. Conway and Westside are nice here but I like Benny's verse the best he brings the agression the track needs.
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void-magician · 1 year
RUSH! - Måneskin album review
pretty fresh drop here, fellas! i will say that personally i've been looking forward to this album since the first single dropped wayyyy back in october 2021, and it absolutely does not disappoint. since being introduced to these guys by their eurovision win, i've come to love their hard-hitting instrumentation, cutting lyricism, and generally hard-rock-angry-horny vibe, and this record delivers all of that without missing a beat! overall, i'm ranking this one a 9/10, because it is a FANTASTIC record, and i think you all should listen to it. track-by-track review under the cut.
Track by Track review:
OWN MY MIND - strong opener. love the crunchy guitars and the drumline, and putting the lo-fi effect on damiano's already gravelly vocals is a beautiful sonic touch on the rest of the track. the bars in this track cut deeper than i was originally expecting, given that this track is in english, but you won't hear me complaining.
GOSSIP feat. Tom Morello - lord already knows i'm gonna love something that known That Guy Tom Morello puts his guitars on, but this track is TRULY something else. as usual, damiano's fast-paced vocals make this a high-octane banger with a sweet message to boot - i really love the note of cutting out all the instrumentation in the first two lines of the chorus before everything comes crashing back together.
TIMEZONE - the tonal whiplash of the previous track into this one hit me like a truck, so already i'm partial to it. the slow, dragging bassline helps carry damiano's swooning vocals to that place of distant longing that he's clearly in. i love how his voice loses its grittiness in this track, because. he's sad, and longing. no need for those rough edges. definitely a fav from this record.
BLA BLA BLA - this one's silly, and i do like it for that. the opening verse with just the drums behind it is a great starter, followed in by this mildly crunchy bassline to lay the foundation of a brain-off, hands-in-the-air banger. it's not my favorite off the record, but it's definitely fun as just a noisy song.
BABY SAID - this one's FUN you guys. this one definitely hit for me, telling this story about wanting even a slightly involved connection and only running into someone who wants something raw and physical and not much more. the swimmy guitars in the bridge really help take us to this place of unfulfillment before grounding us back between this lover's legs. definite fav.
GASOLINE - ngl, kinda shocked this track wasn't the tom morello feature, because it feels like it's following in RAtM's footsteps. bold, cutting commentary about the world state of affairs over these crunchy guitars and aggressive drums makes for a fantastic expression of rage at totalitarian regimes and selfish dictators. another definite fav.
FEEL - ooooooo baby when i say i like horny rock this is what i'm TALKIN about! every part of the instrumentation on this feels like it's lifting damiano's vocals as he sweet-talks the listener into his bed. or the nearest closed door. i'm getting distracted. solid banger, very fun.
DON'T WANNA SLEEP - another fantastic high-energy, quick lyrics-focused banger, and i love the drive on this one. the sentiment of not wanting to sleep is particularly relatable to me, as is the drive to do irresponsible shit just to feel something.
KOOL KIDS - as a fan of the mountain goats, "white boy mad as hell screaming into the mic" is a favorite niche category of songs, and this one is no exception. love this on-top-of-the-world vibe with damiano just screaming down the mic. according to artist interviews, he was near-blackout drunk recording this one, and i think that just makes the vibe so much better.
IF NOT FOR YOU - i'm always a sucker for a good power ballad, and this one checks all the boxes. extremely yearny lyrics, pithy but cutting chorus, and smooth, weepy guitars.
READ YOUR DIARY - evocative imagery about a fucked up kind of person really send this track home. you can feel the obsessiveness rolling off of damiano's delivery of these lyrics, repeating those key phrases and slurring some of the chorus. loved this one a lot
MARK CHAPMAN - fast-paced banger in their native italian means this one was an immediate fav. lyric translation really locked this one in as a fav, and the chorus is a complete earworm. definitely top fav from this record.
LA FINE - hands down, without question, my favorite track off this album. another earworm, but of a much more righteous and angry bent. everything hits the gas on this track, and doesn't let off till the end, and i LOVE it. imo, best track on this record, and one of their best songs in a while.
IL DONO DELLA VITA - this one slows down the flow of the album, a welcome respite after three hard-driving tracks back to back. the vocals start on this one sounding kind of tired, but it picks up into a robust exaltation of life and joy. fantastic message for the times we find ourselves in, and an all around fantastic track.
MAMMAMIA - gotta be honest, i didn't listen to this one when it dropped as a single, but i LOVE it. another real horny song and this one definitely feels like it was written for the kind of guy that i am. it's a little crazy, a little bit fast, and a whole lotta hot. another big fav.
SUPERMODEL - the sound and the single cover of this song are obviously meant to evoke thoughts of Nirvana, and that's never gonna go wrong. i like the slightly peppier, slightly cleaner sound of this song in contrast to the rest of the grunge and the crunch on this album, but don't take that to mean this song isn't grungy itself. it knows its inspirations and pays beautiful homage to them.
THE LONELIEST - holy mother of god. early 2000s sad rock ass song and boy does it hit you like a truck. this one's a really fantastic endcap to this whole album, even if it did nearly make me cry.
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