camelliacats · 2 years
A Flight of Fancy
Aaaand this is what happens when you get to thinking about your freckled favs. XD
Fic: "A Flight of Fancy" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley
Rating: K+
Words: ~2,490
Additional info: romance, slash, barely anyangst, fluff, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Oliver's got something plaguing his thoughts, so he drags Percy out for a flight around the pitch with him.
       Oliver Wood was certain he was not going to need History of Magic when playing professionally for England's Quidditch team in a year or two. That was why he closed his year-seven text with an audible thump in the library, risking Madam Pince's ire from up the aisle.
      …well, that wasn't quite true. He knew the national team was a long shot, so it'd be something more local. Puddlemere, perhaps? Yes, Puddlemere would suit him. Puddlemere sounded nice. His parents would like that.
      (But, no, this wasn't true, either, that thoughts of Quidditch kept him from his studies, and Oliver made a show of packing up his things that afternoon all in an effort to avoid the fact that he was lying to himself of the real reason for why he couldn't concentrate on goblin wars and haggish inventions of the last five decades.)
      He tried reorganizing his thoughts, skipping the checkout desk and leaving behind the usual Quidditch magazines. Truth be told, Oliver couldn't recall the last time he'd studied on his own like this, though it'd been happening more often since the previous school year…
      …but such thoughts about studying together brought to mind a face and a voice Oliver couldn't get out of his head. He attempted to bury them under memories of team practice and team shenanigans, but that was of little use. After all, teammates came and went.
      But Percy Weasley had been his roommate, his friend, all seven years here at Hogwarts.
      Oliver ground to a halt out in the corridor. The harder he avoided thoughts of Percy, the easier it was for the mere name-drop of the bespectacled wizard to summon his freckled face to the forefront of Oliver's mind. Almost as though Percy stood right before him…
      But he didn't. Not actually. No, Oliver was all alone today.
      A pair of witches up ahead chatted and giggled, breaking Oliver's reverie. He caught their eyes and politely smiled, though his eyes lingered on the blonde for half a second longer than necessary. He only moved on when he realized neither witch was familiar to him.
      Ah. That had to be it. The blond girl just now reminded him of one very vivid, Percy-adjacent fact: One Penelope Clearwater, of Ravenclaw House, existed, and she was Percy's girlfriend, no matter how poorly the two tried to keep it quiet. But Clearwater—she had to be it. Percy occupying Oliver's thoughts was a simple matter of…well, it were as though having Clearwater by his side highlighted Percy's presence, made him more noticeable to Oliver, in some strange sense. Now, between last year and this year, Percy spent less time with Oliver, and that was because he had Clearwater's company. So it was as simple as that: Clearwater highlighted the fact that Percy was no longer at Oliver's side.
      Oliver mustered a smile for his friend as he went downstairs to survey the weather. He hated catching his reflection in the windows as he passed the glass—did his smile really look that fake? But his Quidditch studies had given him excellent bluffing skills!—and set aside the mental images of Percy and Clearwater as the overcast skies caught his attention. But they weren't what held his attention the longest.
      Ah, Dementors, right.
      Though the school had assured the students that the Dementors would behave in their hunt for Sirius Black, it was no pleasant sight to see manifestations of dread shadowing the clouds. Worse still, though they'd yet to impede a Quidditch match, Oliver didn't like the way the skies darkened with the creatures above the pitch. Any chance for some solo practice today was nixed by their presence.
      Nevertheless, Oliver's legs itched to be active. And if he couldn't sit still long enough to study, then what else was there save for flying?
      He made his way upstairs and to Gryffindor Tower, if only to exchange his things for his broom and a warmer cloak. He passed dozens more windows, giving him ample time to practice his happy-for-you-Perce smile while trying not to think that perhaps Percy and Clearwater mightn't last forever. (…huh. That dreary effect the Dementors had on people worked quite well, even at a distance.)
      "Other people are trying to study, so no need to stomp into the common—oh, Oliver," Percy said, lifting his head from the fireside couch. He pushed his glasses up from the end of his nose. "You're not usually worked up into a tizzy unless—no, don't tell me Slytherin's stolen Gryffindor's practice time again?"
      Oliver blinked, his irritation from earlier cooling as Percy's wild guess caught him off-guard. "Er, what? Oh, no, nothing like that." He shook his head. "Actually, I don't think anyone will be practicing today, scheduled or not."
      Percy furrowed his brow, a familiar sight which made Oliver chuckle for a second before the Weasley caught on to this school year's reality. "Ah. Right. Our unwelcome guests."
      "At least they're not houseguests, right?"
      "They never will be, Oliver. I can assure you of that. The Ministry has full control of the Dementors."
      Oliver turned to spare Percy his eye roll since he didn't share that opinion. "Yes, well. They might mess with Quidditch, but they can't keep me from flying," he said as he disappeared upstairs.
      Percy's scrambling footfall echoed behind Oliver as Percy hurried after him. "You can't be serious! Oliver, just wait until the headmaster intervenes or the teachers clear them out. It won't kill you to stay indoors for a day."
      But Oliver had tossed his school things aside and yanked on one of his team jumpers already. He cocked his head at Percy, prepped to bicker or debate as usual—
      —but the vision of Percy by the doorway, with concern worrying lines into his face and what little stark light there was from outside the tower coming in to highlight his eyes and make his freckles pop, erased the tiniest of quips from the tip of his tongue.
      Oliver's throat went dry, and he shook his head, partly in answer to Percy, mostly to snap himself out of it. The motion also bought him time since his mind had gone blank for a moment. But, the next thing he knew, he blurted out, "Then come outside with me, Perce."
      Half expecting snark, Oliver raised a curious eyebrow when Percy spluttered and waved a shaky hand at him. "Outside?! With everything that's going on?! And in seventh year, no less, Oliver."
      "It won't kill you to leave your books inside for one day," the Quidditch captain returned, bolstered by the chance to turn Percy's own prod on him.
      Percy narrowed his eyes at him. "…it might," he huffed.
      Oliver raised both his eyebrows now, although he wasn't yet up to imploring the other wizard.
      Percy turned heel, descending the stairs to return to his abandoned belongings on the couch and the table in front of the common room's fire. He sat and acted as though he hadn't been disturbed to begin with, even though Oliver rested his arms on the back of the couch.
      "Go for a fly with me, Percy."
      "I've already wasted enough time this afternoon. No one pries me from my studies, Oliver."
      "Usually no one," Oliver retorted. This time, he knew his grin was genuine when Percy faced him—genuine and a tad cheeky.
      It only lasted for half a second until Oliver recalled that he used to be the only one able to pry Percy Weasley from schoolwork.
      But thoughts of Percy and his eagle witch didn't shake Oliver's resolve, though some of the jauntiness of his tone from their typical exchange escaped him as he insisted, "Look, just. Come on, yeah? Just a flight. No harm done, Percy."
      Percy's fluster returned in the form of a shaky hand that adjusted his glasses. His words, too, weren't so evenly annunciated as he replied, "F-Fine. But only because I've undoubtedly read more about the Patronus Charm than you have, so I can do something about any Dementor that might wander onto school grounds."
      Oliver settled him with a dry stare. "Whatever happened to 'the Ministry has full control of' them?"
      Percy spluttered some more and snatched up his Gryffindor cloak, but that was that.
      Oliver began to regret asking Percy along by the time they reached the ground floor. Seven flights of stairs and all they had between them was awkward silence—how unusual. It were as if Percy had been affected by Oliver's strange mood of the day, too.
      Yet Percy didn't linger in Oliver's footsteps once they were outside proper. No, he fell into step with Oliver as they traced the path to the paved courtyard. A time or two, Oliver even glanced Percy taking in large gulps of the refreshing, crisp autumn air.
      His teammates were always teasing Oliver that he had no sense of time, place, or occasion, but that wasn't the case when it came to him and Percy. He knew not to poke Percy over every little last thing; that was how two nutters like them stood each other long enough to befriend each other, even if they were friends more of circumstance because others in their year and House found them to be different kinds of extreme. But, really, he liked to think he knew Percy as well as the bloke would allow. So…perhaps this hadn't been the worst idea, for them both?
      "A quick zip around the courtyard, then?" Percy suggested.
      "If you want to frighten the underclassmen or get caught in one of your twin brothers' schemes, then that sounds grand," Oliver said. He gestured to the far corner from where they stood, and Percy squinted where he pointed.
      "Oh, Godric. Fred, George, and Lee. Up, it is."
      Oliver swung his broom into position with practiced ease. He needn't wait long for Percy to join him, and Percy wrapped both arms around his torso. Oliver took that as his signal to kick off.
      Stunningly, though, Percy relaxed behind Oliver. They hovered above the lowest roof while Oliver did a mild circle. He leaned forward so Oliver could hear him. "I forgot how nice it could be, up here."
      "Well, you never bring a broom to school—" Oliver stopped short when Percy purposefully gave him a squeeze to interrupt. He risked a glance over his shoulder at his passenger.
      "It's all right to fly higher!" Percy insisted. He jerked his head towards the nearer turrets.
      Oliver blinked, distracted by the wind in those red curls, and reacted half a second too slow. He managed not to crash into any part of the castle, but he could've sworn he heard the twins' howling laughter far below them as they flew just out of sight of any interested audience.
      Percy relaxed once more, or perhaps studying had at last drained him, for he pressed his cheek against Oliver's right shoulder. "I do enjoy the view from up here with you, Oliver," he said.
      "And, as I said, you never bring a broom to school. We could always fly together, Percy." (AGH! Stupid, stupid—it wouldn't be the same, though!)
      Percy shook his head. "It wouldn't be the same. 'Sides, it's not as though I could have Charlie's old broom. He needs it for work. I don't really need a broom."
      Briefly, Oliver wondered how long Charlie's old model would keep up with the variety of dragons in Romania. But he quickly returned his attention to Percy. "Well, I'm glad you like it up here."
      "You're just glad you got me outside."
      "That, too. But I can make this happen anytime, Perce." …yeah, the more he lingered on the thought, the more he liked the idea. He glanced at Percy. "You say the word, and I'll bring you up here."
      To his surprise, Percy grimaced. "I doubt that. Maybe if I remained at the Burrow after school, Oliver, but…"
      Ah, of course. The one fact everyone knew about and which tended to push others away from Percy Weasley. Oliver returned his grimace. "Still think it's best to move out if you get any of the Ministry jobs you're eyeing?" He tried to lessen his grimace, but all Oliver succeeded in doing was gritting his teeth. In the end, he faced forward and made a loose eight-figure around Gryffindor Tower.
      Percy sighed and hugged him tighter. "Well, home isn't always one place to every person. Things change."
      "Not everything has to, Percy."
      The bespectacled Weasley son paused. When he next spoke, his chin was tucked back by Oliver's shoulder and his tone was oddly fond. "No…not everything has to."
      Things…didn't have to change? He agreed? Oliver understood Percy's words and yet he didn't. If anything, his response made the Keeper fret a bit. He quite liked his time spent with Percy (why else would he have been so aggravated to begin with lately…!), but Percy—
      Percy was someone who was very careful about change. Percy was someone with a plan in place and contingencies for that plan and contingencies for those contingencies. So if he didn't want to hear about these thoughts and feeling Oliver had been juggling…
      Lost in thought and taking the quiet as a subconscious cue, Oliver hooked his broom around the tower and flew a few minutes longer, taking them past the Clock Tower and beyond the covered bridge. Only the looming presence of the living, breathing, darkened sky far beyond (and yet too close to) them by the Quidditch pitch brought Oliver back to his senses, and he landed safely far away on the path to the Stone Circle. He turned to Percy, figuring he had a few seconds before all of today, all of the past year exploded from him—
      He never had the chance to explode. Percy, facing Oliver, removed his glasses and buried his face by his friend's shoulder, sighing contently. "To expound on what I was saying: Having you around… I don't want that to change, Oliver." Percy leaned into him after.
      Percy's words and actions were more than enough to get Oliver's hopes up. And, with a lighter heart and clearer mind, finally Oliver recalled one of his other sources of irritation: Angelina and Alicia had been chatting this week about whether they'd seen Percy and Clearwater have a very discreet breakup. It would, of course, explain the couple's bickering this school year. But the news also had led to Oliver's dwelling on Percy's absence in his life, his circling, evolving thoughts…and his brooding over whether to shoot his shot. The Quidditch metaphor didn't escape him, though he'd never been so worried not to have a Chaser's aim until now.
      But it didn't seem he needed Chaser skills nor to worry about exploding in front of Percy. No, not with Percy leaning against him…looking up at him…leaving his glasses off a smidge longer to scooch an inch closer….
Just a mini idea that sprang up from a play on words, hence the title. Not much to say here except, as usual, the angst creeped in, but I did my best to beat it back with fluff, *LOL*. Also, I actually quite like Penny and PercyPenny, tho I ship Olivercy/Perciver more, so it was a bit tough for me to write Ollie being jealous of her. :') (Ngl, writing's ships can be hard when you love nearly everyone involved. X'D) Also I never rly stopped to think about how Oliver might feel about Percy's Ministry ambitions, so it was fun to explore some potential headcanons here. :O Aghhhhh, I kinda just wanna write more of them, *lol*.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
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currypuff · 5 years
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top literature ships ( 6/15 ): ↳ Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley [Oliver Wood] was sorted into Gryffindor and presumably shared a dormitory with Percy Weasley.
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ficsforfangirls · 6 years
I didn’t even know i could ship Percy and Oliver, but now that I’ve read this author’s wonderful drabble - I can’t believe I didn’t before!
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dicktozier · 11 years
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TPGC → 2 ships: fav unpopular ship: Perciver
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
25 July 1996
Dear Percy,
Eight o'clock Friday. Sounds like a plan.
Ma is glad to know that I'm going to see you. She misses you too. Which means, soon you'll be invited to Sunday dinner, and all of that fun stuff. So, yes, we'll be seeing each other more frequently.
I can't believe you have a cat. We have a dog.
And on a side note, yes, Hermes is extremely high maintenance. He will only take toast crumbs that have jam on them.
Short and sweet because I'll see you soon.
- Ollie
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moonsfilledup-blog · 13 years
okay, going to try and finish this canon list then do alicia's app.
and then attempt to find the interview where apparently chris rankin says he ships oliver wood/percy weasley. TUMBLR, YOU NEED TO PROVIDE LINKS TO INTERVIEWS WHEN YOU SAY HAVE THESE THINGS POSTED.
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camelliacats · 4 years
you're nobody until somebody loves you (141-150/∞)
100-word drabbles for a range of ships. *Requests always welcome! Repeats allowed~*
Chapters 141-150: [FFN] [AO3] | ←   → | start from the beginning
Pairings/Characters: Zacharias Smith/Justin Finch–Fletchley, Lily Luna Potter/Minerva McGonagall, Bellatrix Lestrange/Molly Weasley, Gideon Prewett/Regulus Arcturus Black, Lily Evans/Voldemort, Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger, Lily Evans/Sirius Black, Rabastan Lestrange/James Potter, Dean Thomas/Parvati Patil, & Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley
Rating: K
Words: 1,000 collectively
Additional info: romance, slash, femslash, cross gen, angst, fluff, Marauder era, Harry's era, Next Gen era, 2nd person POV, 3rd person POV
Summary: Song by Sammy Davis, Jr., 100-word drabbles by mew. So is unrequited love always unrequited? | Various pairings, eras, etc. Includes het, slash, femslash, cross-gen, next-gen, but nothing too bad. Read it all or only what you like!
141: ZachariasJustin
                He's sweet.
                "I'm Justin—that's Hannah and Ernie," he introduces when you join everyone for the first time at the Hufflepuff table. You're the last one Sorted, but it doesn't feel that way with a friend like Justin.
                He's soft.
                "If you really hate the D.A., I won't make you join us." He frowns when he says this, but he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. You're fifteen, and you don't want to let that hand go.
                He's stubborn.
                After the battle, he finds you and kisses you because he doesn't care that you ran—he cares that you lived.
142: LilylunaMinerva
                Lily sees in her bravery she thinks skipped a generation in her own family.
                James is all kindness and cockiness, but he can't admit he graduated without confessing to the man he loved.
                Al is smart but looking for peace and quiet, not fame and fortune, and knows he'd have been content in Hufflepuff.
                Then there is Lily, another in a sea of Weasley faces.
                She broaches this over tea one afternoon, but McGonagall corrects her that no, Lily is brash but unforgettable.
                Lily takes that as the hope to ask for tea—and more—in the years to come.
143: BellatrixMolly
                She had a family because she couldn't keep waiting for Bellatrix. It's a target that Bellatrix, even in her psychosis, won't stop hunting.
                Every time she patrols for the Dark Lord, Bellatrix spies someone that reminds her of Molly, and it's a cruel reminder. Of what Bellatrix couldn't give her, of how Molly pulled away until Rodolphus seemed passable, of a fascination that's not obsession just the only time she's felt love, loathe as she is to admit it.
                Bellatrix feels her heart shatter before Molly's wand, but she can hold on if only Molly will put her back together.
144: GideonRegulus
                It's not the curiosity of him being Sirius' younger brother.
                It's not that, for being related to Sirius, Regulus has stuck closer to family traditions than Sirius has.
                It's not the draw of him being renowned at school for his Quidditch skills, although Gideon would be lying if he said he didn't find that attractive.
                It's the times he snatches Regulus' attention in the corridors, locking eyes for a few heartbeats. Gideon's given the chance then to read him and find that, despite how hard Regulus tries to hide it, he isn't dead on the inside.
                And that's a start.
145: LilyVoldemort
                She had a choice that night. By the time the Dark Lord made it up the stairs, she knew her old life lay dead in his wake. So, if she could make a barter…
                "You're scared of my child," she reminded Voldemort.
                He narrowed his eyes. They were eerily red, but his face was otherwise handsome.
                "Doesn't the magic intrigue you? Take us with you instead." Lily and Harry were a two-for-one deal.
                And Tom Riddle took that gambit.
                (Lily just never thought saving her life would have her reaping the benefits of ruling the Wizarding world at his side.)
146: FleurHermione
                Across the courtyard, beyond the azure-clad shoulders of her friends, Fleur spied her, each and every time.
                The bushy brown hair. The worried wrinkle between her eyebrows as she poured over something she rarely didn't understand in her texts. The exasperated smile she gave when her two best mates were around. The secret smile she wore when a passing daydream snatched her up.
                Fleur had almost worked up the courage to ask Hermione, the cute-as-a-baby-unicorn thing that she was, to the Yule Ball when Viktor's friendship began to work—then he, not Fleur, was the next to snatch her up.
147: LilySirius
                "You're really never going to give Prongs a chance, are you?"
                Lily shrugged as she and Marlene plaited Sirius' hair in the common room. While she didn't understand the boys' nicknames for each other, she knew he meant James. "Nah. He's an okay bloke at times, just…" Lily wiggled her fingers dismissively, earning a snort from Marlene.
                "I see," Sirius thought aloud.
                "What do you see?" Lily asked. Marlene got bored and shoved the rest of his tresses into Lily's hands before leaving.
                Sirius chuckled and leaned against her legs, reaching up to tug one of Lily's hands into his.
148: RabastanJames
                He knew Potter spotted him the instant the Chaser's head swiveled his way. Rabastan grimaced. It was one thing to look; it was another to grab the younger wizard's attention.
                Rabastan had just turned on his heel to leave the pitch when Potter pulled up short behind him, dropped off his broom, and jogged the rest of the way to fall into step beside him. Rabastan huffed but ignored him.
                Potter grinned. "Didn't know I had any fans."
                "You don't."
                Potter raised his eyebrows, and his spectacles fell down his nose, eyes appraising. "…mind if I become one of yours?"
149: DeanParvati
                Those rare moments that find them in the common room, detached from their best mates' hips, are moments of commiseration.
                Parvati shakes her head. "I can't believe Seamus picked a fight with Lav. About Quidditch, no less."
                Dean opens his mouth but silently acquiesces, because Seamus is likely to do that without thinking of the consequences, and it's known that Lavender's a closet fan. He offers up a smile. "They're…opinionated," he says.
                Parvati guffaws and falls into him on the couch. "I think you mean 'bombastic'…!"
                He laughs, too, nervously; it's nice when Parvati comes to him for consolation….
150: OliverPercy
                "I have a lot riding on your final match, Oliver. You've got to win tomorrow."
                "Percy, just change already and get to bed—you're keeping everyone up. Don't gnash your teeth at me. I didn't make you place that bet with Clearwater."
                "Don't you sigh at me! It's just something Penny and I—get heated about. …oh, who am I kidding? That's what our relationship is nowadays. Gripes about Quidditch bets."
                "…make a bet with me, too."
                "What?! No, why?"
                "If I win for you, then I'll tell you something good. I promise. Goodnight, Percy."
                "? …goodnight, Oliver."
Remarks for—
Ch142: Requested by Guest on FFN. Considering one of my fav Lilu ships is Remlilu (her with Remus), I approached this quite happily since age gaps don't intimidate me. Deffo something of a crush on Lilu's side…but maybe not, considering that tiny opening at the end? ;)
Ch143: Requested by HereIam101 on FFN, who wanted this to be during the war or post-war with Bellatrix living, hence the final line here. When the final movie went the extra mile and had Molly literally shatter her to pieces, I always thought it was over-the-top…and yet (Killing Curse aside) it makes me wonder if Bellatrix could have a Humpty Dumpty moment, *lol*. Ahh, that'd be interesting to explore…
Ch145: Requested by Guest on FFN. Definitely have never considered this ship before, but this premise intrigues me. If Lily could've been savvy enough and Voldy curious enough, this would've made for quite the story, *LOL*. That is, of course, if he were willing to set aside her lineage the way he set aside his own.
Ch147: Requested by Guest on FFN. Ahhh, I love moments like these, where one charrie's answer isn't words but an action. -w- It's been years since I last wrote them, but I quite like the premise here. The addition of Marlene was purely for my own entertainment. XD Ty, Guest, for continuing to review as well as request! :3
Ch148: XD That one-liner sure feels like a James line if I've ever read one. Ahhh, I miss RabJames. ;w; Need to write more for them, *LOL*.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
And if you want to support ynusly, please swing by its FFN and AO3 versions and consider liking and reblogging these posts on my HariPo fic tumblr!
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dicktozier · 12 years
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28 -  A ship you wish everyone else was into ↳Oliver/Percy There was Percy, jumping up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten.
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dicktozier · 12 years
Olivercy or Perciver
who cooks normally?: Percy
how often do they fight?: Percy gets mad at Oliver a lot. He does things to purposely annoy Percy. They only ever seriously fight when Percy is being difficult or Oliver comes home drunk. Also, when Percy wasn't speaking to his family, he wasn't speaking to Oliver much either.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?: Percy tries to focus on other things, and gets annoyed that he misses Oliver so much. Oliver has one of Percy's sweaters.
nicknames for each other?: Perce (which Percy hates so much), love, babe, sweetie, cute pet names that Percy can't stand. Ollie, darling, love.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Mm, it's probably mutual. They take turns or something.
who steals the covers at night?: Oliver
what would they get each other for gifts?: Oliver gets Percy quills or books, and Percy is always pleasantly surprised that Oliver listens to what he's talking about. I don't know what Percy would get Oliver omg
who kissed who first?: Oliver kissed Percy first.
who made the first move?: Oliver
who remembers things?: Percy
who started the relationship?: Percy
who cusses more?: Oliver
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: Percy would be way too serious about it and worry. Oliver would just hold Percy.
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smorgensternn · 13 years
wizardswheezes replied to your post: OLICIAAAAAAA.
WEEPING BECAUSE I LOVE THIS. percy is like their marriage godmother EVERYTHING IS PERFECT.
I'M SO HAPPY YOU LOVE THIS. he is. he has a spare key to their flat and everything, so when they travel for quidditch percy comes and cleans their disgusting flat and they get back and are all ~~~WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?
percy knows they'd die without him. (because alicia is more than a little bit stupid.)
i need a friendship name for percy/alicia and percy/alicia/oliver.
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smorgensternn · 13 years
who is the big spoon/little spoonoliver/alicia
what is their favorite non-sexual activitydo you even have to ask? fucking quidditch. DUH. (and drinking and dancing. and drinking while dancing.)
who uses all the hot water in the morningalicia. on her hair. IT NEEDS TO BE WASHED THREE TIMES, OLLIE.
what they order from take outalicia likes everything. really. usually they get chinese, though, and alicia orders beef and broccoli and oliver's switches up pretty consistantly. but alice always winds up eating what he gets, so oliver usually winds up with alicia's, which is fine because he likes it anyway
what is the most trivial thing they fight overto most people it would be their favorite team, but it's oliver and alicia so it's not that. what color bed they'd get cinnamon. (it was blue.)
who does most of the cleaningoliver, alicia tries but she gets distracted. (read: percy.)
what has a season pass in their DVRwarehouse 13. (if we're going with ~~real shows. alicia would watch the shit out of warehouse 13.... and probably soaps. alicia would probably start off ~~making fun of soaps but then really get addicted and OLIVER, SHE'S MARRYING HER BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER AND HER BEST FRIEND IS MARRING HER EX AND IT'S ALL SO DRAMATIC.)
who controls the netflix queueJOINT. they basically like the same things anyway.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not workingoliver, alicia is happy enough bundling up in sweaters so she's ~~fine. but oliver knows better because she sits around shivering but IT'S OKAY, I HAVE SWEATERS is stupid.
who steals the blanketsalicia. she steals all the things.
who leaves their stuff aroundthey have quidditch supplies laying around everywhere, it's kind of a problem. (they're both quite slobbish.)
who remembers to buy the milkpercy oliver, but only after not having milk for a few weeks. percy always reminds them.
who remembers anniversariesthey both do, but alica remembers all of the ~~mundane ones. oliver remembers the major one. alicia is the one who is all OH, IT'S THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST TIME WE PLAYED QUIDDITCH or whatever.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
23 July 1996
Dear Percy,
I told you, mate, I'm free all the time. Next time that you're off work, we're meeting at The Leaky Cauldron for a drink. Let me know when, and I'll be there.
I hate that you feel that way about your family. I guess some people just don't get on with their family like others do.
Speaking of family, it's not really Dad's fault that he doesn't understand. He thinks of the worst in every situation. He thinks I'm covering for Mom, or something. I really don't know what he thinks, actually. Mom just misses him like crazy. You're right, they were very much in love. It just bothers me so much that the whole thing roots back to You-Know-Who. Why does it have to be like this? Can't we all just live safe and sound with our families? What does blood status matter?
Sorry, I kind of got carried away in my rant. You know me.
I guess we have a lot of different feelings about our families... Maybe that's why I got so mad in the first place. I wasn't looking at things from your perspective. I just... miss you so much now that we don't see each other all the time. Maybe it's a good thing we're planning a drink?
Luckily, the sun is shining this morning. After breakfast, I'm going to take advantage of it and take my broom around the field. I better get on with all that.
Your signature is much better!
See ya, Ollie 
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
20 July 1996
Dear Percy,
Or should I say 'Percy I. Weasley'
Come on Perce, it's me you're talking to. You don't have to sign 'Sincerely' with your middle initial. Merlin, you haven't changed a damn bit.
It's rainy here too. I'm at home. Ma's doing the dishes by hand, which means that she's really bored. I feel obligated to stay with her. With all the news about You-Know-Who she sent Dad off with my sister, both being muggles and all... I write to my sister, because she understands. Dad doesn't, but he still writes sometimes.
Quidditch is slow too. No one really wants to play a sport with all this gloom in the air. I think it's more of the danger... but either way, it's bullocks. I haven't been on my broom in weeks.
It's nice to hear from you, Perce. I miss you. I just have one question: Have you made up with your family yet? I've decided that it shouldn't effect our friendship anymore, I'd just like to know.
It's dreary as can be here too. Be jealous though, my tea is steaming hot.
I'd love to meet up with you sometime when you're not too busy.
L Hope to see you soon, Ollie
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moonsfilledup-blog · 13 years
there better be a percy on dimm. who is bffs with oliver. or i'll be upset.
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