ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
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28 July 1996, with Percy in muggle London a little drunk, but happy
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver was used to the Wizarding part of London, Diagon Alley and The Leaky Cauldron. The muggle part of London was amazing as well. He glanced over at Percy and gave him a smile. "See, I'm fine to walk." With that last word, he stumbled on a crack in the street. He latched onto Percy's arm, chucking a little. "Sorry." He straightened up and let go of Percy. It was unusually quiet.
"I want to go on the muggle Tube." He said suddenly, seeing a sign above a stairwell going underground. "Will you?" He asked, grinning.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy rolled his eyes. “Definitely not the wisest.” Still, he rose and followed Oliver, sighing the whole way. He buttoned his travel cloak tighter as they stepped closer to the door. Outside, the rain had stopped. It was dark and cold though. He walked a step behind Oliver, near his left side. London was beautiful at night, he thought. It was nice to have another person to enjoy that with. He quickened his pace to be next to Oliver… and also to make sure that he didn’t stumble or walk diagonally.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver chuckled. "Just a little..." He mumbled. He was surprised that Percy was even taking any of that into consideration. He knew how prideful Percy could be. He licked his lips and sat back. "I'm glad."
He nodded, "Yes, Percy Weasley, a walk!" He grinned. "I'm not that bad!" He stood up. "I think it is the wisest idea that I ever had." He stepped away from the table, waiting for Percy to follow. He wanted to be a little more alone with Percy.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy raised an inquisitive eyebrow as Oliver spoke. He sighed. “Look, it’s alright. I know you’re a little… loose at the tongue right now.” He looked down at his drink. “I just, I don’t know what I would say to them if I were to ‘be the bigger man’, as you said.” He looked back up at Oliver. “I will take your thoughts on the subject into consideration…”
He smiled, half outraged at the suggestion. “A walk?” He let out a huff. “Oliver, you’re fairly intoxicated.” He shook his head. “You think this is a wise idea?”
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver leaned back in his chair. "I didn't mean to..." He sighed. "Alright, so I don't know the whole situation. Just everything you told me after it happened..." He shook his head. "Shit, I'm sorry. I don't want to argue about it. I just don't like seeing you live alone." He looked into Percy's eyes. "Just... I know it's not all your fault. Think about being the bigger man, for me." He added the last part with a sincere look.
He relaxed a little in his chair, sipping his last few drinks. "Want to go for a walk?"
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy felt his blush spread along the back of his neck. He looked down at the table top, mumbling, “Yeah…I miss spending time with you too.” He glanced back up at Oliver, catching his gaze for just a moment.
Suddenly, Percy’s position changed entirely;  he sat up straight in his seat, with his chest puffed out. “Oliver, first of all, call me by my proper name.” His blush had gone entirely. “Second, you do not know the situation. It’s not that simple. I wasn’t the only one who did things wrong.” He had too much pride to admit that the Ministry was wrong.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver grinned. "Good. Sunday at 2 o'clock. Early dinner." He enjoyed Percy's blush and found it extremely endearing. He found himself leaning closer over the table. "Also, like I said, I miss spending time with you." As the drinks went down, Oliver's shame disappeared entirely. He took another sip.
"Perce..." He started, unsure of himself for once that night. "Don't ya think, with everything going on, you know... we could all die at any moment. Don't ya think you should make amends with your family?" He suggested, with a small hiccup.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy was a couple of drinks in as well. He wasn’t as giggly as Oliver, obviously, because Percy Weasley did not get giggly. He was starting to blush a little, however. With his fair skin, his blush showed up so easily. He hated it.
He looked down, blushing a little. “I mean, I don’t have any other arrangements.” He smiled a little. It would be kind of nice to have someone else cook for once. He sighed and sipped his drink. Oliver was making him blush and smile, like when he was in school. He could’ve kicked himself.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver raised his eyebrows playfully, and smirked. "Always full of jokes." He laughed a little and smiled softly at Percy. He continued to chuckle at Percy's grumbles. "Probably, but I'm not gonna." He finished his glass, and went to fill up another.
A drink or two later, Oliver was still full of smiles. He was enjoying Percy's company. He didn't know why, but he always had enjoyed Percy, and his structure. Maybe it was part of the challenge, in getting Percy to laugh and smile.
"So, Sunday are you going to come for dinner? My Ma really wants you to." She had also suggested that Percy probably missed having a home-cooked meal. Little did she know, Percy was quite the cook. He didn't want to burst his Ma's bubble.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy snorted. “What a shock.” He smiled a little and kept his eyes on Oliver. “Just full of jokes, are we?” He studied Oliver’s eyes. His golden-brown eyes were lit up, with a slight bit of mischief, like they always used to be. He wanted to keep Oliver in a good mood. He just didn’t know what else to say.
He rolled his eyes and grumbled something about ‘you better not’. He watched Oliver. “You think you should slow down, that glass is close to empty, and you’re drinking hard?”
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver shrugged it off. He took a quick drink.
He smiled sadly at Percy's kindness. "I've been doing the same. I don't pass by muggle homes often, but if I do. I read the Prophet." He added, as a tease. He sighed and looked serious again. "I was afraid that it was the same. I want to do something, but there's nothing I can do. Ya know?" He took another quick drink. "I suppose working in the International Department was a bit of a world of complaints." He laughed a little. "Pun intended."
He grinned at Percy's annoyance. "Fine... I won't call you Perce." He took another drink and looked up at Percy. "Much."
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy shook his head. “That still doesn’t make it okay, Oliver.” He was not only annoyed by the fact that he’d just told him he’d done something illegal, but also by the fact that Oliver still didn’t realize that stupid nickname annoyed him.
He sighed. “I’m afraid it might be. All the signs sound the same.” He lowered his eyes and sipped his drink. “All sorts of attacks on muggleborns and muggles alike. I’ve been doing my best to slip a few protective spells around muggle dwellings if I’m walking through the city.” He looked back up at Oliver. “Ah, don’t worry… It all comes with my position. I’ve been dealing with complaints since I’ve been working! Assistant to Mr. Crouch was worse…” His mind drifted back to those days, and all the embarrassment that followed.
He cleared his throat. “And also, that is not my name.” He sat up straight and puffed his chest out. “My name is Percy, not ‘Perce’. You know how badly that annoys me.” He huffed.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Perce. I put it back right." He could help smiling to himself. Okay, Percy hadn't changed at all over the course of a couple of years. He figured that he didn't. The confirmation was nice though.
He grimaced. "You think... you think this is like the First War?" His eyes widened, innocently. He'd heard so many stories and it scared him. He worried about his family, about Percy being so close to the Ministry. It wouldn't be long until the Ministry was in danger. He listened carefully to Percy, in case he missed a breath. "I'm sorry, Perce." All the stress must have been coming from work.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
Percy furrowed his eyebrows and sat up a little straighter. “Oliver! You aren’t supposed to put any kind of spells on muggle items!” He huffed and took a sip of his drink. He couldn’t remember the amount of times he’d told his father the same thing in the past… That was nothing to think about now though…
He had relaxed in his chair a little more. “Well…” He glanced around and lowered his voice. “No one actually has any idea of You-Know-Who’s whereabouts. It’s getting more worrisome as the days go on…” He bit his bottom lip, unsure of whether or not he should be speaking of this. However, it was his latest burden. “Every department is on my case about it.” He paused. Yes, that was all the detail that needed to be spoken of.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Oliver kept his eyes at his drink, trying not to spend too long staring as Percy let out a chuckle. Percy Weasley just chuckled. Oliver knew at this moment that life was grand and great. He sipped his drink and grinned.
He couldn't believe that Percy was asking him about it. "I sure did." His lip turned up into a smile. "I flew circles around the field, bewitched a muggle soccer ball to act as a quaffle." His mind wandered back to that warm, sweet smelling field. All of the world should experience that amount of tranquility. By 'all of the world', he meant Percy. He knew that Percy had no moments of peace working at the Ministry.
He crossed his ankle under his seat. "What's the latest at work? That you can speak of, of course." He lowered his voice at the last sentence and glanced around the bar. There were shady characters around lately. You really never knew who to trust around The Leaky Cauldron. It was nearly as bad as the Hogs Head these days.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
 Percy breathed in the familiar scent of Oliver. His legs almost gave out, just at Oliver’s scent. He remembered back in sixth year when his damn love potion smelled like Oliver. He’d been so embarrassed until he found out Oliver’s had a scent the reminded him of Percy too. He was upset at the short amount of contact.
He sat down and got himself back collected and his head on straight. He was no longer a schoolboy. He couldn’t act that way. He was almost twenty and he was supposed to be a professional. He settled back in his chair and waited for Oliver to return.
He couldn’t help chuckle at Oliver. “Hi.” He replied. He watched Oliver take a sip of his drink. “So, did you get to fly the other day?” He didn’t know what to say, really. He just wanted Oliver to be happy, to speak of happy things.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
For once, it wasn’t raining. It was still cold for late July. There was a definite chill in the air that called for warmer robes. Percy pulled his cloak closer around him as a chilly wind blew. He made his way down the crowded Charing Cross Road toward The Leaky Cauldron. He knew he shouldn’t be too early, Oliver was more likely to be late than early. Around ten ‘til eight, he stepped inside.
The atmosphere inside the pub wasn’t nearly as warm and friendly as one would think on a Friday night. People were in huddles, whispering. The bar tender wore a grimace. Percy approached the bar, cautiously, ordered a glass of wine and got a table. He was anxious to see Oliver. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was hoping that their previous realtionship would rekindle. He pushed that thought very, very far away.
 Oliver was so anxious to see Percy, his heart was racing and his head was buzzing. He was quickly making his way up to the hidden Leaky Cauldron. He rushed inside, on time, actually. He saw Percy sitting alone near the fire. "Perce..." He said. He could hardly believe it. It had been far too long. He was stuck on the spot. He picked his heavy feet up slowly and made his way over to his friend. When Percy stood to meet him, he held out his hand for a shake. Oliver pulled his old friend into a hug.
"I'm gonna get myself a firewhiskey." He went over to the bar and did just that. He sat back down with Percy. His mind was buzzing with questions, things to talk about. He stared at the familiar face covered in freckles, at his green eyes through the horn-rimmed glasses. He looked worn and tired. There were so many things he wanted to say. "Hi."
Bullocks. Hi was all that he managed.
Around eight o'clock, Friday
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
25 July 1996
Dear Percy,
Eight o'clock Friday. Sounds like a plan.
Ma is glad to know that I'm going to see you. She misses you too. Which means, soon you'll be invited to Sunday dinner, and all of that fun stuff. So, yes, we'll be seeing each other more frequently.
I can't believe you have a cat. We have a dog.
And on a side note, yes, Hermes is extremely high maintenance. He will only take toast crumbs that have jam on them.
Short and sweet because I'll see you soon.
- Ollie
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
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23 July 1996, Flying makes me feel better, or maybe plans to see Percy do.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
23 July 1996
Dear Percy,
I told you, mate, I'm free all the time. Next time that you're off work, we're meeting at The Leaky Cauldron for a drink. Let me know when, and I'll be there.
I hate that you feel that way about your family. I guess some people just don't get on with their family like others do.
Speaking of family, it's not really Dad's fault that he doesn't understand. He thinks of the worst in every situation. He thinks I'm covering for Mom, or something. I really don't know what he thinks, actually. Mom just misses him like crazy. You're right, they were very much in love. It just bothers me so much that the whole thing roots back to You-Know-Who. Why does it have to be like this? Can't we all just live safe and sound with our families? What does blood status matter?
Sorry, I kind of got carried away in my rant. You know me.
I guess we have a lot of different feelings about our families... Maybe that's why I got so mad in the first place. I wasn't looking at things from your perspective. I just... miss you so much now that we don't see each other all the time. Maybe it's a good thing we're planning a drink?
Luckily, the sun is shining this morning. After breakfast, I'm going to take advantage of it and take my broom around the field. I better get on with all that.
Your signature is much better!
See ya, Ollie 
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
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20 July 1996, After writing Percy back I saw a fucking rainbow. How queer.
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ollie-wood-blog · 13 years
Letter to Percy:
((reply to))
20 July 1996
Dear Percy,
Or should I say 'Percy I. Weasley'
Come on Perce, it's me you're talking to. You don't have to sign 'Sincerely' with your middle initial. Merlin, you haven't changed a damn bit.
It's rainy here too. I'm at home. Ma's doing the dishes by hand, which means that she's really bored. I feel obligated to stay with her. With all the news about You-Know-Who she sent Dad off with my sister, both being muggles and all... I write to my sister, because she understands. Dad doesn't, but he still writes sometimes.
Quidditch is slow too. No one really wants to play a sport with all this gloom in the air. I think it's more of the danger... but either way, it's bullocks. I haven't been on my broom in weeks.
It's nice to hear from you, Perce. I miss you. I just have one question: Have you made up with your family yet? I've decided that it shouldn't effect our friendship anymore, I'd just like to know.
It's dreary as can be here too. Be jealous though, my tea is steaming hot.
I'd love to meet up with you sometime when you're not too busy.
L Hope to see you soon, Ollie
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