#OC: Arbor
puppypop5 · 10 months
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I made a Handful of zilly little thingz
Might make more......
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neverniko101 · 2 months
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I couldn’t leave Nightmare without his brother, could I?
Krxkentale Dream! Tentatively nicknamed Arbor.
✨Rambling ✨ ⬇️
- 6’6! Tall boy!
- Sometimes when he gets frustrated, he’ll just. Scream
- The marks on his face are scars from him and NM’s first battle
- Gave him some proper vaguely medieval archer attire
- About his wings- hip wings? butt wings? Idk what they’re called- so basically I saw @bunningchaos ‘s post about their OC Mirza and went “hey don’t I have a sketch of Dream with wings like that” and I found it and it was good so here we are
- He can’t fly, but his wings can slow most falls to be nonlethal and basically give him a double jump
- Those claws are sharp! They act as built-in weapons if needed, but also lead to Dream scratching up furniture and dropping pencils
- he gets feathers absolutely everywhere
- He is almost always warm and can burst into flame if his emotions are strong enough
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unsanctitude · 11 months
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NEW awful awful disgusting cruel woman oc..😁
she is a pine marten, she grew out her tail to be like a whip/garrote so she can beat the truth out of people :]
no name for her (yet?) but i refer to her as spine marten HAH
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wormthing · 2 months
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i am a simple man
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iso-draws · 2 months
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Raaaahhh new Iso art dropped!! Please reblog my work it would be greatly appreciated thank you!! ^_^.
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commander-gloryforge · 5 months
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they are everything bad in the world
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noir-drabbles · 2 months
Drafts 1
Summary: Just an unfinished solo writing thing while playing Iron Valley. Basically it was just me testing out what it is I wanted, trying to create my own setting and characters, but then my brain got bored of it. So, I figured I may as well dump it here.
(I said I was going to start dumping my drafts here and I am going to commit to it. Drafts will be half actual prose writing and rambles on the side because I want people to enjoy the ideas and characters I have in my head. Hope this is fun!)
(Oh yeah, here's the link to the game I was playing. Lot of reading but it's easy to start and understand. Really does test out one's creative muscles.)
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Today’s Spring pick for the Luminariae Post is as follows:
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When a new branch grows, I always worry for what it may carry. The bark upon the trunk is many years old and yet it still insists on growing new leaves, new buds, and new fruits. A large and wise old tree, and yet it didn’t know age. It didn’t know where it should draw its limits. It simply grew and produced, as it always has, even when the threat of disease was always there.
But I’m not scornful. I’ll simply grab my polished clippers and snap off whatever rot has caught onto the leaves, onto the branches. I’ll eat the fruit it gives me, and carve a flute out of the wood I snipped off.
I’ve been there when you were young, when each new leaf would make me dance in the mud because I keep forgetting not to over water you. When your fruits would spawn out of seemingly nowhere, like your love for the world could not be contained, so you had to give it back as much and as fast as you could.
You’ve long outgrown me. I can’t even climb up to the very top of you as I once used to with my own little sister. You could still support me, but the youth in your new branches are not what they used to be. And yet, you still try and grow just as much fruit as you can, even when it’s no longer anything anyone can eat.
You’re just an old fool. You and I are two of a kind. And that it why you will always be one of my dearest friends.
And every day, I thank you for being who you are.
– Carmen
Heyo, author Noir here. So, the idea I had for this little segment is that every start of the new season, the Luminariae Post would post a submission that was sent to them by one of the residents in this small town of Arbor Hills. Typically they pick submissions that have something to do with the current season, or just a general connection to nature that can be connected to said season. It's also meant for the regular folk to take a peek into a small part of that resident that wrote the piece. Just fluff writing things.
Oh, and Carmen is a big ol dragon man, the one that basically provides the Reader with a house and a job, a nice bouncing point since the Reader starts off with literally nothing, not even clothes. He's a nice man, good roommate and clearly misses having other people live in his house. There's this big tree that the whole town pays their respects towards because of the sheer size and reach of its roots. In fact, most of the plants and trees you find often end up connecting their roots to that big tree, as it provides nutrients to said plants, leading to them weathering even the toughest of disasters. Rumor has it that Carmen was the one that planted that tree when it was a sapling, but that's just a rumor.
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Spring 2
Time: [0/4]
| Forecast: Sunny | Luck: Neutral | Lucky Color: Lemon |
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“Did you hear? Apparently our dear local baker has been in need of a new recipe to put as a potential special.”
“Oh? Which one? Is it that sweetie Ivory or that nutty Obsidian?”
“Don’t be mean Martha. But it is nutty Obsidian. Apparently he’s going a little crazy from lack of inspiration and just wants something new to really make his day pop from grays to happy pinks.”
“Hehehe, well in that case, you think he’ll want to try out some of my homemade cookies? Maybe that’ll perk him right up and get his head out of the pizza oven ashes?”
“Bleh, if you want to kill him… But yes, let’s. I’ll be the merciful one and bring him some of my delicious tea.”
“Let’s poison him together, Lily.”
The idea I had here is basically a cutscene being played out every day, where a couple of characters do something or have a conversation that implies a very long request. The town bulletin is still a thing, but those quests will end up being pretty short. The short requests do change often, I'd say once every two days, while the longer requests are more persistent, changing once every five days. Obsidian is basically this mad scientist-like baker that loves to go crazy with the designs and flavors of his baked goods. And, well, he's prone to losing inspiration and just wants something to get that flow going. He's a pretty intense cosmic star dude, the kind of energy that easy to be overwhelmed with. He has a sister named Ivory who helps out in the bakery, but is mostly found working with wood as the local carpenter. She's not gentle, she has that quiet intensity about her, and is just as wacky with her woods craft. She will get the request done, and will probably add some else to it. A weird feature that you probably won't notice until you accidentally activate it. Like a table that can convert itself into a suit of wood armor. You never know with these two.
Oh, and I have no clue who Martha and Lily are. Just that they're best friends who love to gossip, and were once very competitive rivals in school before someone tried to accuse them of cheating so they'd be unable to participate in theater. Yeah, those two were theater kids, and their rivalry, for the most part, was a fun exaggerated thing on their part that got a liiiiittle too real, but they're good now. They're middle-aged and married to their respective spouses.
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“You doing alright?”
You snapped out of your reverie by a rumbling voice that’s not quite meant to overpower the general noise, so much as it should rumble underneath one’s feet.
You didn’t look at Carmen. You looked at his horns instead, all scratched up and chipped at in all their ridged and curling glory. It’s hard to look at him in the eyes. They aren’t particularly piercing, they’re just filled with a love for the world around him. A gentle and boundless love that he’s willing to share with you, a fellow roommate but a stranger still.
It’s… a lot. Too much. But it’s fine. He’s good and nice. He makes you all those warm and filling meals, and lets you take up a room in his house. You had nowhere else to go, but he gave you a hand anyway.
So, are you doing alright? He did ask.
You hummed out a yes. Because words would be too much in all this noise. The sensation of your throat rumbling, of moving your lips and making a conscious effort not to stutter. You’re already a little on edge as is.
“Hmm,” he copied your tone, though you didn’t know if that meant he believed you or not, “I know there’s a lot of little noises, but a small outing like this is good. It is something to get used to, that’s for certain.”
It’s… yeah, he’s right. It is a lot. Carmen’s farm isn’t exactly all the quiet either, with all the cows, chickens and bees he has, but there’s a different quality to the noise of people. It’s a… a rhythm, of sorts. The livestock back home are always keeping out a listening ear to the nature around them, so their own noises follow that beat, usually. But people… don’t really care, nor can they truly listen.
The rhythm isn’t bad, in the sense that it’s wrong and that people should pay more attention. It’s just… different. Absorbed in their own little pocket of time. And those pockets just, overlap in your ears.
You’ll probably get used to it, in the same way you got used to Carmen when you first woke up to his face looming right over under the arbor. It was an adjustment. The man’s over seven feet tall with a broad frame to fit, built over the years from heavy farm work. But, you suppose that’s the average height of all dragons. Well, his specific branch of dragon anyway. You don’t know any other dragon.
You nodded and let your eyes wander over the sparse crowd around you, to the area you’re both sitting on a bench in.
The village’s center, built around a pretty fountain that’s filled with little seashells, all in various pastel colors of white, blue and pink. One little kid in white sandals had to lay her belly on the ledge of the fountain just to reach in and drop her shell. Her little transparent wings fluttered with her excitement, dropping flecks of pink dust here and there.
A water spout spat right up her nose and the little fairy girl snorted then gave a big powerful sneeze. She launched herself right into the air. Luckily, before you or Carmen could rush right over, her father was right there to catch her.
Chuckling, her fairy father said, “I got a precious gift from the heavens!”
“No!” She yelled, raising her arms high like claws, “I am your worst nightmare! I eat your dreams and your banana splits!”
He gasped, “A monster! Oh no!”
She kicked her feet and lost a sandal in her giggles.
You jumped when Carmen gave chuckles of his own. The sheer volume of his voice never ceases to surprise you, that his happiness can be something so… loud? Strong? It’s solid. Which is kind of dumb now that you think about it. You’ve seen him lift an entire tree trunk with his arms and shoulder alone. It shouldn’t be shocking at all to find that his laugh has just as much power behind it.
But it is, because he would always bend down just so people could hear him. He didn’t like raising his voice just as much as he hated going into the details of his private life.
And with a flinch, Carmen realized as much. He looked to the side, scratched the back of his neck, and sighed out, “Sorry.”
Did you look bug-eyed? You probably did.
You shook your head at Carmen. He doesn’t need to apologize to you. It’s not his fault that you’re easily startled. Besides, he’s the one going out of his way to get you situated in this place. He didn’t have to do it, but he did anyway.
He nodded to you then hovered a hand right over your shoulder. He stopped, waited, and when you shifted closer, he patted you. The weight and strength of his bones alone almost made your joint creak.
“I’ll be going on ahead. I need to buy some things for the gardening day this week.” Carmen reached into his pocket and took out a few notes that you don’t really need. He pays you plenty for your services, but saying no to him–especially when he wants to spoil or be nice–just leaves a sour taste in your mouth. He stuffed them in your hands. “Go around, explore. Or relax by the community garden if you’d like. I’ll be by Peach’s place for the most part. I won’t go home unless you want to, okay?”
Ah, here it is, the big send off. You can’t really complain since you asked for this kind of time for yourself, but augh… It’s difficult all the same. You’ve been here for the better part of one year and you’ve yet to make a single friend. You haven’t really been trying, to be perfectly honest. Whenever you go out into the village on your moped, you’re strictly in working mode, schedule and time all planned out. Whenever people would try and talk to you during those hours, you get antsy and anxious.
You hate being off schedule. On top of that, if you weren’t working, you were around Carmen all the time. He’s a friendly and well known face. It’s only natural for people to gravitate towards him rather than you, especially when you would rather hide in his shadow than look at anyone.
You weren’t trying to make friends. Everything was just too unfamiliar for you to do that, or even think of it. And nobody pushed you to do that. In a way, you’re grateful for that, that the people here left you alone for the most part. A nice respect of your time and attention. They made attempts to talk to you, certainly, but that was about where the pushiness ended.
And, now, you’re calmer-ish. You can take the time and try.
You can go anywhere and make a friend.
Augh, you still can’t talk. Words just really don’t want to come out.
Well, baby steps, baby steps.
Carmen has since left you to yourself, with money in your hands. A nice sizable amount. Can’t buy a microwave with it, but you can grab a while feast of pastries if you wanted to.
…you know what? That sounds like a good idea. Having something to munch on while trying to make a friend would help calm you down some. Besides, a lot of people frequent the bakery. Surely you’ll be able to find someone who wants to befriend you.
That and you’ve heard of the gossip between those two women over there. Apparently the local baker needs some help. You don’t have any ideas, but maybe you’ll come up with something by the time you get there?
The crowd didn’t really get any thinner as you walked down the white stone path. Lots of people were gathered in small packs, but they were polite enough to shift slightly out of your way. You followed the scent of bread and soon enough found yourself inside the cozy atmosphere of a bakery.
Honestly, it seemed more like a home than it did a bakery, which makes sense since it looked like a store/home hybrid from the outside. But, rather than a home that seeks to hide emptiness with store bought furniture the owner vaguely likes, each table, chair and even the frame of the mirrors in this place were clearly handmade.
It was small though, and all the furniture had people either gathering or sitting on it. There wasn’t anywhere you could just pick and sit down for an hour or two while you mindlessly pick at your pastry and watch the people go by.
A healthy routine makes for a good base for potential friendships. At least that’s how Carmen puts it. You’re not sure if it’s true, but you may as well try, right?
You walk to the back of the line and wait. At the front, behind the register was someone that you can only describe as a galactic black hole. The white light that makes up what you think is hair slowly swirls around in a clock-wise motion, collecting light like a vent does smoke as it slowly gathers in some dark center you can’t make out. The white light hair fades into a dark shadow dappled with white little star pinpricks, doing nothing to to take away from the bright eyes that look around this way and that.
This person had no mouth to speak of as he nodded and packaged a new box of pan dulce. It’s interesting to you, watching the way their body never quite stabilized into something truly solid, but it was enough for his clothes to hang on. He didn’t have a uniform, it was just a set of comfy billowing clothes that had little tears and big patches over what was probably holes.
His form stretched up, bending in ways a shadow would as he gave the box to the person waiting in line.
“You wanted a surprise and a surprise is what you’ll get!”
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Aaaand this is where I lost my steam, and I had a pretty good pace going too.
Reader is basically this dryad person that was born from the big tree(of which I have yet to name, eh) and as such, has little to no knowledge of many things beyond the general basics. Socializing is obviously not their thing. Many of the towns people just think they're a traveler from afar that suffers from amnesia, but since nobody witnesses the Reader coming out of the tree, it can't really be disputed that they're not a traveler.
There's a biblically accurate angel just, hanging out in Arbor Hills. He's the current master carpenter and boss of Ivory. He spends most of his time sleeping, and in the rare times one manages to make a request to him, you can be sure that whatever furniture he makes will never break, and will even have a little buff to them.
The angel's name is Peach, because someone called him "an absolute peach." With the last name Angel for the sake of simplicity. No matter how you poke and prod at him, you can't get details about his past, you'll just get references about how empty of an existence he was living before coming here. Now he can dream all he likes.
There's a tradition at the start of a new year to share stories you may have or have written. Arbor Hills is all about communal story crafting, so often the whole town will come together to either craft a new fairy tale, or add on to another existing tale. The only rule is that it has to have at least one true event in there, or be based on a true event. So you could have witnessed a bug trip over grass and flip itself over and craft a tale about a malicious weed that seeks to grow and prank all the bugs that nipped at it. That kind of thing. So, one of the Promises is to get ideas and make a story before Spring 1 rolls around. There are usually two groups, one group that's full of people that have written their stories on their own, and the other group that shares their ideas for a group story making session. Perfection is not expected. Just have fun. And if you don't want to make a story, just be a listening ear.
There's also another tradition where, after reaching a certain age, kiddos go to the community garden to pick out a seed they like and plant it somewhere in the town. This tradition does stretch out beyond just for the kids, you can do this as a new adult, or when you reach a huge milestone in your life. Don't worry about having to take incredible care of it, these seeds are magical and are often deeply connected to you. They grow as you grow, and if they get sick, you can be assured that they'll be taken care of by the garden spirits of the forest.
There aren't many dragons to be found. There be different types of dragons, but their lifespan varies quite a bit between them.
Same for the dryad. There's nobody else quite like you, and if there is, they're usually no bigger than the size of your palm. Tiny, squeaky things.
I know I have more things sitting in the brain, but I need to prodded at to really remember. So, if you want to poke at my brain, be my guest!
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Arbor noooo leave her alone.
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skittles-the-whumpee · 5 months
The ride took a day and a half- the drive in the rental car to a nearby lake, the flight up northwest. I brought you onto a private plane, which isn’t nearly as fancy as it sounds- a small seaplane that I can fly myself. You get one of two seats in the back, along with a small grocery bag of snacks and drinks, and a blanket.
By the time we’re at the island, you’re fast asleep. Humans are so adorable, always needing to sleep- so helpless and vulnerable. I could do whatever I wanted to you… for now though, what I want is to get you situated at your new home.
You wake up in a bed, large, like a master bedroom. I might not need sleep, but it’s relaxing sometimes, and there’s plenty of uses for a bed otherwise.
You’re laying in my arms, as I watch you, having just finished changing out the bandage on your neck.
“Wake up, sleepy head are you glad to finally be home?”
The entire trip feels like a blur, it still feels weird to be stolen just like that...the life of property, I guess.
Even though I was loyal to my now previous owner, I belong to someone else entirely now...another vampire...I'm still food. At least I know my purpose already, right?
Waking up in your arms in such a large bed feels surreal...I can't remember the last time I slept as hard as I just did. I nod and lovingly nuzzle your shoulder despite barely even knowing you, every good pet loves their owner, no matter what. I just hope showing affection is allowed...
Y-Yes...th-thank you for letting me s-sleep...um...wh-what do you wish t-to be called?
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montagne-russe · 6 months
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um. i forgot i drew this
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puppypop5 · 2 years
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Not me makin a new zona moztly for twitter!!!!!!!!
Thiz iz Arbor, hez my trafficzona!! Hez a kind hearted ent that getz more batzhit the more livez he lozez. Feel free 2 azk abt him im more than hapy 2 talk abt him :]
[ plz reblog my art ]
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neverniko101 · 2 months
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Just a wip for now!
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geminired · 1 year
The Splat Chat and Other Stories
Main Fic:
The Splat Chat (incomplete)
Q&A Events 1 and 2:
Splat Chat Q&As (complete)
Multi-Chapter Side Stories:
Raid Under Storm and Stress (complete) *READ BETWEEN CHAPTERS 29 AND 30 OF THE MAIN FIC*
Agent Four the Comedian (complete)
Amaranthine (complete)
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (in-progress)
Triple Tempest (in-progress)
SC Ficlet Collection (in-progress)
Canon One-Shots:
Proceed With Caution
Suds of Love
Big Run
Alias Grimm
Reaching Into Empty Air
The Wrath of Momarina
Thou Shalt Not Squidbag
And I’m Not Coming Back
The Octarian Support Group (considered canon for now)
Dear Zenni
Cold Feet
Still a Kid
Two Shadows in the Sun
Non-Canon Stories:
Bad Ending
No Escape (Bad Ending #2)
In Another Universe… (We’ll Still Find Each Other)
Someone politely requested that I do this because there are a lot of characters in the Splat Chat, so here you all go. Let me know if you want any other information about the characters or some of the characters that I left out added onto this post. It’s my first time doing one of these so it’s not like I really know what to put on here lol. Hopefully it helps!
Captain 3 (Former Agent 3)
Name: Aspen Arbor
Chat ID: CapIII
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: Great Barrier
Agent 8
Name: Solace Houzuki-Ida (Bi’terives Sovachi)
Chat ID: Agnt8
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: The Domes
Agent 4
Name: Zenni Vortex
Chat ID: 4gent
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Hometown: Sterling Butte
Neo Agent 3
Name: Yasmín del Mar
Chat ID: Neo3
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 14
Hometown: Valle del Sol
Non-OCs: Callie, Marie, Sheldon, Pearl, Marina, Shiver, Frye, Big Man
Name: Bines Fucholn (Bi’nes Fucholn)
Chat ID: Carabine
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 22
Hometown: The Domes
Name: Juno Viles
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 21
Hometown: Headwaters
Name: Trevix Saltstream
Chat ID: Trip
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Rifa Saltstream
Chat ID: Rip
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Sparky Joy (Harthekao os Hinido)
Chat ID: Sparks
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18 Hometown: The Domes
*There’s a lot of them so I only did the most important ones*
Name: Evergreen Arbor
Pronouns: She/her
Relation to Aspen: Sister
Age: 28
Status: Dead
Name: Ash Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 27
Status: Alive/In custody
Name: Sycamore Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 20
Status: Alive/On the run
Name: Crystal-Jade “CJ” Lepa
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
Who: Bines and Juno’s friend, captain of the Man I Love Flingzas (TWSH’s friendly rivals)
Name: Kia’tana Etho (Kia’tana os Etho)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Who: Neo’s friend from back when she was a Splatlands wanderer
Name: Tycho Finch
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 18
Who: Another one of Neo’s old friends from the same Splatlands alliance
Name: Lourdes Sorbete
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 42
Who: Chief of Splatsville security, someone give this woman a break
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coreen0 · 2 months
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Ehehe as anyone who saw the last post I reblogged would know, today's Arbor's birthday!!!! (March 21st) He's still the newest main cast member I've made but he's my boy regardless :)))
(Third image by @krystalphantasm)
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macksarts · 10 months
Remember when I predicted a character's death? Thankfully it wasn't my man's Quamar even though this is how he'd react to his own death probably. But damn someone did end up dying in the Deadwoods and its rough.
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mewtatedbunniesart · 3 months
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Nathaniel's reference is finally finished!
If you looked real close you can see what he did with the fang Dorian gave him ;)
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