thecrowsnestp5 · 8 days
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akechi's confidants
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kiyovazquez · 4 months
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megasocky · 20 days
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Sorry for not posting ive been obsessed w someones monkey oc.......
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Posted this on Twitter, but I'm gonna post this here too
A wolqtd I've been thinking about for a while, so I'm curious - when did your WoL/OC's first break past their limits? (activated Limit Break)
Putting my answer under here
To answer this myself, it depends on the universe. In just Kiyo's regular canon, it happened during the Dragonsong War when she was caught in a pretty dire situation with her brother and a good chunk of Ishgardian knights. Watching everyone falling all around her as they struggled to just survive against a force of dragons pushed her to her breaking point. After watching her own brother nearly die, that's when it finally broke
HOWEVER in my own "Haurchefant is totally alive" AU, it was of course after the events of the Vault. Seeing Haurchefant literally at death's door made her healing go beyond what it was capable of. She managed to bring him back at the cost of being unconscious for a few days
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coffeepotcat · 9 months
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kiyo made a mistake
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kotopeachii · 6 months
my persona 5 ocs: the crow's nest (aka a glorified pthieves hate club)
this post contains spoilers, as well as every other post related to this one.
by clicking the "read more" button, you are agreeing to spend a good few minutes reading my walls of text and thus giving your soul to me forever and being forced to read even more text in the future.
will you sign the contract?
cool, thanks.
the crow's nest is an au of mine featuring my (very cool!) ocs about our favourite goro akechi creating and leading his own ragtag group of outcasted teenagers to help take down the phantom thieves! through a bit of online chatting and human experimentation, akechi manages to gather SIX whole allies!
let's start with the first one, who isn't actually an adolescent outsider, but akechi's cute coworker.
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that's right. a robot cat. with cannons built into his arms. akechi felt the same way, don't worry.
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his name is lysander. like akechi, he was made to be a hitman sneaking around in the metaverse. but unlike akechi, he was made by rich people. then he was given to even richer people to turn him into a killing machine that makes snide comments every now and then.
as you might expect from a robot, lysander is very robotic. unemotive, dedicated to his routine, unable to grasp concepts like wordplay and human phrases, starts speaking in a southern american accent when magnets are brought near him-- that's just a lysander thing, actually.
akechi's not the biggest fan of his new coworker. he's a great assassin, so akechi's just a bit jealous of him. he's not a very good conversation partner, so akechi's rather bored of him. but he's a cute kitty, and you wouldn't hurt one of those, would you?
lysander uses both weapons and a persona in the metaverse, and for the people who have absolutely no clue as to how a robot could have a persona (probably because they haven't played the earlier games. no shame to you), i have an explanation.
but i don't remember it. whoops. maybe when i make the post about the infodump about their deal in the metaverse, i'll have recalled it. for now, just trust me, there is canon lore that supports this possibility.
it's not like they're ALL robots anyway. onto our next—fleshy—ally!
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this is roxy okanoue. the witty and playful yet formal and intellectual girl akechi met on a forum, the leader of the Official Phantom Investigation Team (the lame OLD name), and the most passive aggressive asswad you will ever meet.
roxy puts up the front of a fun-loving, good-natured girl who's just living out her youth, but it's a little too late for that to be her truth. around her team, which she considers private time, she's much more jaded and quick to irritate. she really values her role as a leader, but any criticism towards her, genuine or not, will get a "haha, you're so funny" or a slight jab at your self-image.
her and akechi verbally agreed that they would both lead the crow's nest, but neither of them actually do. it's a subtle back-and-forth consisting of backhanded comments and not-really-compliments that tend to derail the serious group discussions.
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meet bunki kuboyama, the shujin academy newspaper club member so unpleasant that the only other member considers him dead to her.
bunki is the one with all the attitude. where roxy is subtly malicious, he will not hold back on ranting to you about just how unflattering those colours are on you. he's very keen on voicing every thought of his, actually, which means he expresses a lot of—frankly, unwanted—opinions. it doesn't even matter if he wasn't in the conversation before, because he is now. and god he will not shut up.
akechi isn't fond of bunki's nosy nature, and especially not how much he insists he tells him about his private life outside . but bunki's failure to grasp the concept of fun makes him good for serious discussions where he brings in his actually good ideas, and he's within literal inches of the real phantom thieves, so akechi won't curbstomp him. not today, at least.
another one of bunki's good traits is that he's observant with a good eye for details, which makes him a plausible navigator in the metaverse. but that's another post for another day.
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next is chifuyu oishi. he was born in a back alley dumpster and raised by feral dogs.
okay, not actually, but it would explain a lot about him. chifuyu is loud, aggressive, and his temper is as foul as spoiled milk. however, if you're trustworthy in his eyes, he'll have an undying and unconditional loyalty to you, as well as the impression that you'll always answer his pleas when he pesters you about his latest big bang burger craving.
unfortunately, akechi turns out to be the main target of said pestering because he's a "rich, famous celebrity or some shit like that, yeah?", and thus has to pay for his meals. akechi feels like he could really be doing something better with his time, but... whatever stops the bomb from going off, i guess.
chifuyu's fixation on combat makes him a useful asset in battle, at least. he's good at following commands, except for the ones telling him to take it easy, meaning he gets injured. a lot. nothing he's not used to, though.
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introducing the girl who would probably be very upset to learn that she needs an introduction since she expects everyone to know her already, kiyoe hino!
kiyoe comes from a family of old wealth. you can tell, because she brings it up in every sentence. she's excessively prideful with lots of badges and trophies and medals in all kind of competitions to justify it. kiyoe likes to believe that she's composed and elegant like a princess would be, but if one dares to question her she will become extremely upset and petty.
akechi finds that she's rather hard to work with, seeing she has a tendency to follow commands from nobody but herself, but all it takes is a bit of bargaining and boot-kissing and she's willing to help out. it's not something akechi wants to do, but he has to, otherwise he's lost an ally. and knowing kiyoe, if she's not in the crow's nest, she'll probably try to find some way to take the phantom thieves down herself, disrupting the others' plans in the process.
that said, she definitely could if she tried hard enough. kiyoe isn't the best at managing her emotions, but she is cunning, calculated, and a good strategist. her intelligence is a great weapon if used correctly.
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and last, but not least, is etsumi fukunaga. she's an ex-ballerina with a personality as fragile as a flower, making you wonder how she wound up with these guys in the first place.
well... "fragile" can mean two things in her case. either delicate, dainty, and precious... or very, very unstable.
etsumi is a sweet girl, sure. she's soft-spoken and a good listener and an obedient teammate. but put any pressure on her, and she will crack. it's difficult to have a productive conversation with her because it can never be her fault, she's the victim, and she only ever does good. etsumi also has a tendency to think aloud, and her thoughts are... violent. graphically so.
but akechi actually likes her. her crying can be annoying at times, but she's extremely dedicated to eradicating the phantom thieves, follows orders without resistance, and it's quite obvious she looks up to him.
etsumi's previous experience in the art of dance makes her a capable fighter (and an elegant one, at that) as well. she also offers good morale, seeing as she's the only one on the team without a stick up her ass.
if you've read this far, it means you gave me enough time to suck your soul from your body. it's mine now, and now you have to read more oc posts in the future.
i sure hope that's not something you'll complain about. i hope you enjoyed learning about them, and thank you for your time! bye now
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kieradumpzz081927 · 18 days
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Another which I made a OC named Kiyo as a God brother for Ben since I made a story where Ben's parents are trusted by the mother of Kiyo to be taken care as God parents to Kiyo because Kiyo's mom is a one busy mother who lost her husband after Kiyo became 11 months old. When Kiyo was taken in by her new God parents around 12 months old. He later met Ben who is 5 years old, so in my opinion, I'd say Ben was happy and surprised which he runs around outside by the baby room in circles waiting to meet his brother inside. Once he finally met Kiyo, he became too jolly and smiley to have a new brother.
Skipping to the part where Kiyo learned how to walk. Upon, Ben is playing his favorite game (Sumo slammers). Kiyo wanted him to play but Ben is too busy to notice, resulted for Kiyo to stand up and failed a few times before successfully doing so as he then walked to Ben who was surprised when he heard his brother calling in bubbly words.
Mostly Ben took care of him even his parents told him, they'd change his diapers or bathe him. Ben simply says he'd be doing it for his baby brother. Fun fact, Ben was the one who taught Kiyo how to say his name "Ben" and his second word for Grandpa Max is "Grand-grand" where Ben was 10 years old and Kiyo was 5 years old ( Because Kiyo hasn't speak for 5 years because he has a condition and phobia which I'll explain soon. ) and that part where Ben refuses to let gwen play with Kiyo because Ben is too protective since he thinks Kiyo would replace him with gwen.
Ben and Kiyo has similar personality like show off, weird smoothie combinations, plays soccer ball, and how they do jokes. Kiyo can copy powers from Ben's aliens asides those, Kiyo controls all different kinds of elements and has a powered form which he hasn't unlocked yet. Also, Kiyo was born from a star called Sirius B.
For Kenny aka Spanner's own Kiyo name Kofu which I'll explain soon since its going to be 12 PM soon. SO THAT'S ALL BYEEEE
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dullorangepulp · 23 days
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The crow's nest AU fanart
Characters are not mine!! they belong to @kotopeachii
(doodle reqs open!)
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tomorobo-illust · 2 years
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See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/67673311
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thecrowsnestp5 · 1 day
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happy (belated) birthday go-rin
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kiyovazquez · 4 months
Little rainbow (Wukong x Kiyo)
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Los cálidos rayos del sol se filtraban en la habitación del hospital, donde dos dioses contemplaban a su pequeña criatura. Kiyo se encontraba recostada sobre blancas almohadas, con el monito acurrucado en sus brazos maternales.
El recién nacido dormía plácidamente, ajeno al mundo, apenas unas horas después de ver la luz por primera vez. Kiyo lo miraba enamorada, olvidando el cansancio de tantas horas de parto.
Con delicadeza, deslizó sus dedos por la espalda del bebé, conteniendo a duras penas las lágrimas que amenazaban por escapar. A su lado, su amado esposo la miraba en silencio, compartiendo aquel momento de gracia.
—Es tan pequeño...— musitó Kiyo, derritiéndose de ternura. Su criatura era aún más diminuta que los niños humanos, siendo tan pequeño y delgado.
—Los monos son más pequeños que los bebés humanos— observó Wukong con sabiduría, recordando a los pequeños monitos de su montaña.
Con suma delicadeza, envolvió a Kiyo en un cálido abrazo, cuidando de no causarle el menor malestar tras las horas de parto. Recargó su mentón en el hombro de su amada, uniéndose a ella en la contemplación del pequeño milagro entre sus brazos.
Sus toscas manos, endurecidas por las batallas, rozaron con infinita ternura la mejilla del bebé. Sus deditos eran más frágiles que el pétalo de una flor, y su boquita y sonrosadas mejillas despertaban una oleada de amor en lo más hondo de su alma.
—¿Has pensado ya en un nombre para él? —preguntó Kiyo después de unos minutos de silencio, buscando la mirada dorada de su amado.
—Eso es fácil —rio Wukong entre dientes, estrechando con más fuerza a su familia—. Claramente se llamará Wukong Jr, es mi viva imagen— expresó con orgullo.
La pelinegra frunció el entrecejo al escuchar tal ocurrencia. Con delicadeza acunó al bebé entre sus brazos, como protegiéndolo de aquel nombre.
—Nuestro hijo no llevará tu nombre —se negó con suavidad—. Él es su propia persona y merece un nombre propio
—Pero, mi lluvia... —se quejó Wukong con un puchero, antes de dejar escapar un suspiro resignado—. Bien, dime qué nombres tienes en mente. Espero al menos que sean más bonitos o será Wukong jr —soltó con una sonrisa burlona.
Kiyo sonrió, preparándose para crear unos segundos de suspenso antes de hablar.
—Se llamará Mixtli —anunció con orgullo. Un bufido escapó de los labios de Wukong.
—¿Mixtli? ¿Qué clase de nombre es ese?
—Significa "nube" en náhuatl —explicó Kiyo mirándolo con dulzura. — Nuestro hijo no será solo chino, también llevará en sí las raíces de mi cultura.
—Lo sé, lo sé —concedió Wukong haciendo muecas. — pero no estoy seguro...
—Pero solecito, a mí me encanta Mixtli —insistió Kiyo con un puchero. Tras reflexionar un momento, propuso. — ¿Qué tal si tiene dos nombres? elige tú su otro nombre, pero no Wukong Jr
Wukong frunció el ceño, sumido en reflexiones. Jamás había pensado en tener que nombrar a un hijo, acostumbrado a la idea de llamarlo como él. Pero deseaba honrar los orígenes de Kiyo también.
Se apartó un poco y contempló al bebé en silencio, analizando sus delicados rasgos en busca de la esencia oculta tras ellos. Poco a poco, una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro.
���Creo que tiene cara de Kai ─declaró con orgullo.
─ ¿Kai? Podrías haber elegido algo más corto ─bromeó Kiyo con tono sarcástico.
─Oye, Kai es un nombre noble... ─se quejó con dulzura─ Además, dijiste que serían dos. Kai Mixtli suena armonioso, ¿no crees?
—Pero solecito, el punto no es...
Kiyo no alcanzó a terminar cuando un llanto interrumpió sus palabras. Con delicadeza acunó a Kai, susurrándole cálidas palabras mientras lo mecía.
—Tranquilo, mami y papi están aquí... —musitaba arrullándolo. Pero los sollozos del bebé no cesaban.
Wukong los contempló en silencio y un semblante serio. Con suavidad acarició los finos cabellos del pequeño, calmando su llanto para sorpresa de todos. El silencio reino en la habitación unos momentos.
—¿Pensaste alguna vez en ser madre? —preguntó Wukong en tono reflexivo, sin apartar la vista del niño.
—No realmente, al menos no tan pronto —confesó Kiyo confundida—. Cuando nos casamos comencé a imaginarlo, pero nuestro hijo fue... Una sorpresa.
—Y... ¿No te molesta? — murmuró Wukong con una vulnerabilidad poco común en él.
Kiyo lo miró con ternura, intuyendo sus inquietudes. Sostuvo al bebé con una mano mientras la otra tomaba la mejilla de su amado.
—¿Qué es lo que realmente te preocupa, cariño? — inquirió acariciando su rostro.
Wukong suspiró hondo.
—Tengo miedo de ser mal padre —confesó al fin. — Yo no tengo padres, nací de una roca, sólo estuvieron mis maestros, pero jamás los vi como figuras paternas. Sé que podría cometer errores y lastimar a Kai sin querer. No quiero defraudarlo...— decía, alzando su mirada al pequeño fruto de su amor. Sus ojos se entrecerraron un poco. — tengo miedo de lastimarlo o ponerlo en peligro como he hecho con MK, Macaque... Con todos. No quiero que él pase por todo eso y mucho menos por mi culpa...
—Wukong, no puedo asegurarte de que serás el mejor padre, el futuro es incierto —susurró Kiyo acariciando su rostro con dulzura. — Tampoco yo sé si estaré a la altura, pero una cosa sí puedo prometerte: estaremos juntos en esto...— sonrió, buscando confortar a su esposo. — Tus dudas y temores demuestran que realmente lo amas y quieres lo mejor para él. Eso es lo verdaderamente importante. No necesitas ser el padre perfecto, sólo ser el padre que Kai merece: aquel que lo ame incondicionalmente, lo escuche, lo guíe y proteja. Y de eso estoy segura de que eres capaz...
Wukong sintió que sus miedos comenzaban a disolverse ante la mirada llena de fe y confianza de Kiyo. Ella creía en él aun cuando él mismo no lo hacía. Y si ella confiaba en que juntos podrían ser buenos padres, él también empezaba a creerlo. Sus labios se curvaron en una sincera sonrisa, entregándose de lleno a su nueva misión como protector de aquella preciosa vida que había creado junto a su esposa.
—Gracias, mi amor— murmuró, estrechándola entre sus brazos con cuidado de no aplastar al bebé. — Estar juntos es todo lo que necesito. Haré lo mejor por nuestro hijo, te lo prometo.
—Confía en mí, también tengo mucho miedo... —susurró Kiyo separándose lentamente de su abrazo para mirar el rostro de su esposo. — Pero ¿sabes qué es lo que me da fuerzas? Ver tus ojos dorados. Al mirar en ellos cada día recuerdo todo mi pasado y veo todo lo que hemos recorrido juntos. Ya no soy aquella chica triste y sola que una vez fui, ahora soy tu esposa, la madre de nuestro pequeño hijo y la diosa de la lluvia. No podría desear un futuro mejor. Tú salvaste mi vida tan solo con tu mirada...y seguir viendo esos lindos ojos todos los días solo me recuerdan lo feliz que soy actualmente y lo feliz que seguiré siendo a tu lado.
Wukong acarició su mejilla con ternura y la estrechó de nuevo entre sus brazos, ocultando el rostro en su cuello y respirando su aroma.
—Creo que en realidad nos hemos salvado mutuamente sin darnos cuenta —susurró, con la voz quebrada por la emoción, soltando un pequeño suspiro como si de esa forma, sus miedos se borran para siempre.
Kiyo sonrió dulcemente, entregándose al abrazo de Wukong con calma. Unas lágrimas de profunda felicidad se deslizaron por sus mejillas al recordar el largo camino recorrido para llegar a este momento de felicidad junto al amor de su vida. Había valido cada tropiezo, cada lágrima derramada.
Pocos segundos después, como si supiera que era el centro de atención, Kai volvió a despertar sollozando bajito y removiéndose entre sus mantas. Sus padres se separaron despacio, mirando al pequeño niño envuelto en mantas azules demandando atención.
—Creo que un buen comienzo para cualquier padre es cargar a su hijo entre sus brazos— susurró Kiyo con ternura, trasmitiéndole toda la confianza que él aún no se atrevía a darse. Extendió al pequeño bultito que sollozaba, acunándolo un instante más entre sus manos antes de depositarlo con cuidado en el pecho de Wukong.
—K-Kiyo, no creo poder...— murmuro Wukong nervioso, cortando sus palabras de inmediato cuando sintió el menudo cuerpecito de Kai acurrucarse con confianza sobre su pecho.
En silencio, el mono naranja miró con asombro al fruto de su amor. Cada respiración y movimiento del bebé lo absorbían por completo, logrando que su corazón latiera como loco. Las pequeñas manitas de Kai se agitaron buscando aferrarse a la ropa paterna, hallando en ese simple gesto el consuelo que demandaba.
Wukong contuvo el aliento, admirado por la fragilidad y perfección de tan pequeño ser. Sus miedos se desvanecieron al comprender que aquel niño ahora formaba parte de su alma. Lo envolvió con infinito cuidado entre sus brazos, maravillado al contemplarlo moverse plácidamente sobre su pecho.
—Será un honor y un privilegio ser tu padre, Kai Mixtli— susurró conmovido, sin apartar la mirada de su rostro. En ese instante supo que haría cualquier cosa con tal de verlo feliz y protegerlo por siempre. Finalmente conocía aquella palabra tan desconocida para él, paternidad.
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kikorenart · 6 months
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Just two siblings making up for lost time 💜
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the-unending-journey · 10 months
So the volunteer work I do on the weekends actually reminded me of a WoL/OC question I've been wanting to ask - does your character (or even characters) do anything outside of their adventuring/doing hero work? Any odd jobs? Charity work? Day jobs?
To answer this myself - Kiyo runs an apothecary out in the Shroud that also has a meager walk-in clinic attached to it (though the clinic services are free. She never charges for her healing work). She also offers clothing mending services for a small fee and, if she's able to spare any time for it, she'll do some bits of volunteer work here and there
As for her brother - when he wasn't joining his sister on her missions, he did mercenary work. His fees would depend on who was asking for his services to begin with. Were you a stuffy noble or snooty merchant? You're getting charged a lot. Traveling families or just merchants trying to make ends meet? He'd hardly charge you anything, if at all. After the whole thing with his sister saving the entire world, he puts a lot of his focus into being a sellsword, but will also train anyone willing in the ways of being a true samurai
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coffeepotcat · 4 months
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Kiyo in watermelon for the palette meme~
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kotopeachii · 5 months
an even better introduction to the crows nest
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mossyriverrocks · 2 months
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I love them
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