#Nobunny Cares
tokyotowerboy · 2 years
Closure and Vindication
Today brought up events I’m glad to say I don’t really think on much anymore. While it was painful to speak on again, I got a lot of closure out of it. I figured it was worth sharing here, as some of my followers were there for the shitshow that was the fall of 2015.  If you weren’t, however, the gist is that I made a friend via a sub-unit student org my freshman year. We became tumblr mutuals and, at their* suggestion, roommates for our sophomore year. They lovebombed me, but I was vulnerable and unaware of the red flags being presented. Once we began living together, they became very controlling and would sui/sh bait me when I would make plans with others or even when I would be headed to class. They would frequently express sexual/romantic interest in me and would pressure me into sharing intimate details of my love life. I constantly felt I needed to treat them with upmost care, as one bad thing in their day would turn into my fault. One day everything I’d been bottling up burst out and I yelled at them. They left screaming and after  several manipulative texts and false wellness reports sent to my door, they moved out. At this point they began a slander campaign against me, most aggregusly going to parties and saying everything from stories of things they did to me but with our roles swapped, to personal things I shared about past trauma, to sexual things. I was left afraid, isolated from the one friend group I had, and barred from the sub-unit of our shared student org - the only place I’d ever felt I’d really belonged in college.
Of course, I’m not innocent. I was a terrible roommate (in normal roommate ways: forgetting to do chores, multiple alarm clocks, the usual). I was horrible at communicating and often was passive aggressive. On rare occasion, I even lashed out verbally. And though I always apologized quickly after, that does not absolve me of my actions. I was immature and I’ll own that. But it took years of therapy for me to learn that while what I did was wrong, it did not make me deserve what was done to me. I’ve also learned that they likely needed a lot of help, and while that doesn’t mean they deserve forgiveness, it has helped me begin to heal and let go of some of my resentment. Some. I mean, I’m still pissed, and I mourn the time and ability to live my life life this trauma took from me, but getting triggered by their appearance into a dissociate flashback episode while crossing a busy street lead to me getting diagnosed with cPTSD! And I’ve made so, so much progress since.  Anyways, to the point
I now work with this student org in a professional capacity, and at one point I expressed how I’d wished I had come forward with what was going on then. I was then asked to clarify (and then today asked to provide this same context to leader of the sub-unit). They were absolutely shocked. It turns out that they had been under the impression that it was a normal falling out between friends, and as such both of us would have been barred from sub-unit: both to prevent fighting if both were in or to not pick favorites if only one was allowed back in. Remorse was expressed that I hadn’t come to them, as it turns out if they knew then what was going on, they would have expelled the individual from the student org. 
It sucks that I’ll never get that time back... woulda shoulda coulda and all that... yet I feel... more at peace with things now than ever before. TBH I can’t even understand why. I think it’s like... like I know now that they have no more power. They can’t hurt me anymore. TBH I doubt they could have done anything more to me anyways, but this was the last untied end. I’d removed most thoughts of them from my life once I’d put all my feelings into the song I’d released and told myself that was the end. Then I moved back and was given an amazing job that lead to me working with the student-org... which brought up the memories. But now the air is cleared with them and I think the book can finally, finally close.  And to my former roommate, where ever you are: I am sorry for my failings. I really, truly am. I hope you are supported and have received any help you needed. Sometimes I do feel anger bubble up within, but I’m trying to not hold ill will against you. In fact, I wish you a happy life. That being said, I hope our paths never cross again. Farewell. 
... * A once mutual friend who, at the time, sided with the ex-roommate approached me about a year or two ago telling me they were no longer in contact with ex-roommate and were sorry they never let me tell my side.. At this time I was informed that the ex-roommate was going by they/them. I have not confirmed this nor do I have any desire to know anything about their current life, but I wouldn’t want to misgender anyone, regardless of our past history. 
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wedbetter · 9 months
doing magic of cinema lighting and perspextive tricks to continually lie to my followers about whether or not gheres a weird natural bald spot in the middle of my pubes
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liveleaker · 7 months
nobunny will ever care about me in a real way so i lol about it, kick back, and turn on the family guy B)
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candydollita · 2 years
i tink i might go back 2 do diary posts of me ranting abt random stuff dat nobunny but me cares abt more often cuz dats 1 of ma fav tings abt tumblr
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boooy · 8 months
nobunny cares but im playing toy if anybunny care
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asydicsydney · 1 year
In lieu of the soon to be anniversary of me getting serious with writing, here is one of my first full fanfics (dated March 10th, 2022)
Context: Our school production of Alice in Wonderland that fall had original characters that soon became my own as I extended the story (and wrote way too many fics)
Spots is about 6 here, they are the adopted child of Black and Brown (also the Blue Borogove is mentioned here before his name was updated)
This is written as a script because that was the only way I could write back then, also it has small suggestive connotations. Enjoy :)
S: *Struggling to put on their other sock, bandana backwards, and only one overall strap on, running to the kitchen*
Bl: "Woahwoahwoah, slow down gingerbread bunny, why're you in such a ru-"
S: *Grabs Brown's leg*
Br: "*Oomph*" *He stumbles a back a little*
Br: "You're.. welcome.. Spot. Now can you let go of my leg? 'Else your ears will be covered in egg."
S + Bl: "Rhyme dime!"
Br: "Alright, alright, I'll put a dime in the jar, *after* breakfast. Now go sit down and let your father fix your clothes."
S: *Nods, releases Brown, and shuffles over to where Black is sitting at the table*
Bl: "Alright kit, up we go!" *He picks up Spots and sits them on the table next to the soon-to-be-filled plates and proceeds to fix Spots' clothes*
Br: "Off! Off of the table! Unless we're eating the kit for breakfast, there shall be no bunnies on my table!"
S: *Giggles and jumps off the table, letting Black fix their clothes on the floor*
Br: "Food's ready!"
S: "Yayyy!!!" *Runs away from Black's grasp to their chair, while their bandana gets pulled off*
Bl: *sigh* "I'll fix it later, kit."
Br: "Who's ready for SSSCRAMbled Egg Surprise?"
S: "Me, me, me!!"
Br: "Then here you go, kit." *Dishes out the eggs to Spots' plate, then Black's, then his own*
Bl: "Thank you, hun." *Kisses Brown on the cheek* "It looks amazing."
S: "Thanks, Poppa!"
Br: "Alright you two, just eat your food." *He giggles slightly and sits down*
*Everyone starts eating*
Br: "So, what are my favorite rabbits up to today?"
Bl: "I gotta help White draft some escape routes for the castle, like for if there was a fire. Poor kit is too scared someone will burn a cake *before* he finishes."
Br: "Wow, how noble of you to help your brother." /s
Bl: "I can't be fighting beasts all the time, besides, a little security never hurt nobunny."
Br: "True, true. And what's on the docket for you today, Spots?"
S: "Blue asked me do go mome rath hunning!"
Br: "Now *that* is an adventure! You should learn from them, Black."
Bl: *Not paying attention* "What?"
S + Br: *Laughter*
Br: "Nothing, hun."
Bl: "Hmph, keep your secrets then."
S: "Hey, Poppa?"
Br: "Ya, kit?"
S: "Who Awah?"
Bl: "Spot, you gotta swallow your food, kit."
S: *swallows* "Who's Alex?"
Br: "Oh um.." *catches a side glance from Black* "Where'd you hear that, kit?"
S: "From you!"
Br: "Fro-from me!? Nonono, couldn'tve been me." *Looks to Black for support*
Bl: "Shrugs and pours more coffee in his cup*
S: "Uh huh! I woke up super lae las nigh, and I heard you yelling 'Alex! Alex!'"
Bl: *Spits out his coffee* "O-oh! Well that's interesting! Care to explain, *hun*?"
Br: "Oh! Yyyup I remember that now. Sorry I woke you, kit. I was just yelling at Dad because he was... stealing all of the blanket!"
Bl: *mouths "good save"*
S: "Oh! Ok!"
Br: *phew*
S: "One more question."
Br: "Ya, kit?"
S: "Why did you call Dad 'Alex'?"
Bl: "I can take this one, Brown."
Br: "Thanks." *He picks up their plates and kisses Black on the cheek, then walks to the kitchen to wash up*
Bl: "Ok, kit. You know how you call me Dad?"
S: "Uh huh?"
Bl: "And how sometimes you're Poppa calls me Black?"
S: "Hehe, ya. Jus like your fur!"
Bl: "That's right, kit. Well, I also go by Alex. It's like my.. adult name."
S: "Wow! Thah's so cool!"
Bl: "Uh huh, Sir Alexander Black Rabbit!" *He strikes a pose*
Br: *coming back from the kitchen* "The adorkable knight!"
Bl: "Hey!"
Br: "Just telling it how it is, hun."
Bl: "Is that all, Spot?" *He ruffles their hair and kisses their forehead* "Come on, we gotta get our boots on, or we'll both be running 'late, late, late for an important date!'"
S + Br: "Rhyme dime!"
Bl: "I was quoting my brother! You two are no fun!" /lh
S: "Dad?"
Bl: "Ya, Spot?"
S: "Does Poppa have an adul name?"
Bl: "Hahaa, well, do you, hunnybun?"
Br: "As a matter of fact, I do. It's Arthur. Are all your questions answered now, kit? You two gotta get moving or you'll actually be late."
S: "Thah's all the questions I had, Poppa!"
Br: "Alright, now let your father help you get your boots on while I finish cleaning up."
S: "Ok, Poppa!"
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nobunny even cares that i changed my hair parting
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miss-mossball · 4 years
I didn't even realize you were multiple! I followed you after ordering an adopt cuz your art was fantabulous but knowing you're multiple is wonderful! I have DID myself! -🎀🌸
Aaah a lovely coincidence, not many people notice! 💛 I’m really glad yall liked my adopts too!
I tend to be very quiet about my DID because I dont have a diagnosis yet, but I like to browse through the tags to see some helpful healing advice people tend to share.
Anyway, we’re happy to have you here<3
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wildwaxshows · 6 years
Get your tickets for GET LOST! FEST 6 now and see NOBUNNY on 01.09. at HAFENKLANG!!!
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics with himbo/lovingly dumb Harry! We hope you love the fics on this list. If you enjoy our rec lists, please show support by liking and reblogging this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) My Ugly Mouth Kept Running | Explicit | 4005 words
Another seed, another try except they know what caused the first wilt. They will be careful, they will be kind and together they will nurture it to life.
2) Dancing In The Moonlight | Explicit | 4587 words
Something weird twisted inside Louis’ belly, he looked again at Harry and noticed how hard he was trying to dismiss the omega without looking like a complete asshole. “We have a few classes together and sometimes we go out, I wouldn’t call him my bestie.”
Not when his cum was probably still dripping from inside of him and his belly was all marked by his mouth. They weren’t friends, they just developed a nice routine over the last few months where they helped each other with their classes—for almost two or three days—and then they fucked each other senseless as a reward. There was some take-out food and really bad movies in between but still, Louis was sure they weren’t friends.
3) The Truth Is, The Stars Are Falling | Explicit | 4636 words
Harry knows Louis is gay. Hell, he came out to Harry exactly two months ago (when the dreadful dry spell started) because it was becoming increasingly hard to hide the fact that his one night stands were men. And, you know, they’re best friends so there aren’t supposed to be secrets and all that.
Thing is, Louis told Harry he’s gay ergo, Harry is aware that Louis likes men. Why the fuck did he act so normal while fingering him three days ago, then? Is this something straight guys do to their gay best friends in Harry’s world?
Louis would really like to know.
4) "Why WAS There a Street Sign on the Floor?" | Explicit | 5761 words
Louis Tomlinson's been pining after his high school sweetheart Harry Styles ever since their painful split before the two went their separate ways for college. Will they let the Gator/'Noles rivalry keep them apart? Or will one night of football change the course for them in this game we call love?
5) Nobunny Like You | General Audiences | 5576 words
"Bunnies often get restless staying in one place for too long, so after many broken glasses and bruised knees, Louis regularly practices yoga to relieve some of the tension. Harry was glad Louis was relieving his tension—yoga made him even more flexible than he already was- but the tension in Harry’s pants was only building up, seeing that supple bum being presented so deliciously in front of him. If he could just reach out and—no. Louis is his best friend, Louis trusts him. He shouldn’t be thinking like that, Harry thought to himself."
6) On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine | Explicit | 9621 words
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
7) Butterfly Kisses | Mature | 11832 words
Prompt #11: Himbo Harry is smitten with stem cell researcher Louis, who only dates smart people.
8) Got Me Feelin’ Like | Explicit | 12306 words
Harry flushes and gestures to the fairy’s face with his cup weakly, “You’re just like — really pretty.” The fairy bites the side of his cheeks, trying to hide a grin and the way his face blushes, humming. “Sweet talking me won’t distract me from how massive of an obstruction you are. I’ve never seen a green refrigerator before, by the way. Very inventive.” Harry gapes at him while he pours tequila in his cup. “I’m not a refrigerator, I’m—” “—Peter Pan. Yeah, I heard.” The fairy waves his free hand and sips the tequila straight. Better yet, he doesn’t make a disgusted face, no full body shivers that Harry experiences when he drinks neat tequila. If Harry wasn’t devising a plan to marry this man when he saw him (he was), he definitely is now. “I’m in love with you,” Harry says shamelessly.
9) Tennis Court | Explicit | 18285 words
Louis and Harry are co-workers and Louis is sure Harry hates him because he always refuses to help him with his heats.
10) Fairy Tales Of Yesterday Will Grow But Never Die | Mature | 20522 words
Louis purchased an old house that’s on the historic registry and needs a lot of work. As he uncovers its years of use and abuse, he finds messages on the walls that appear and disappear, even though he’s the only one living there. He asks a nearby handyman (Harry) for help in deciphering the mystery and romance ensues.
11) Cut the Sides, Don’t Touch the Back | Explicit | 21596 words
Prompt 87: Harry’s been talking about getting a mullet for so long and Louis hates how good he pulls it off.
Aka The Mullet Fic.
12) Player | Explicit | 28284 words
Louis’ job should be simple. Harry Styles, one of the top ranking tennis players in the world, is every publicist’s perfect client. He’s charismatic, enigmatic, and fit as fuck. The darling of the media, a national treasure, and a sponsor’s wet dream. He’s also a goofball with the kindest heart, sweet, and polite, and singularly focused on achieving his goals.
There are just two minor problems. Firstly, Louis’ debilitating crush on said client. And secondly, Harry has just accidentally Instagrammed a picture of his dick to his 18 million followers. So no, Louis’ job is anything but simple.
13) Fake It Til You Make It | Explicit | 28745 words
After a serious error in judgement causes Harry to lie to his frat brothers about being in a relationship, he begrudgingly enlists his best friend’s omega roommate to help keep up the charade. There’s only one small issue…
14) Fly On, Maybe One Day I'll Fly Next To You | Mature | 29545 words
The one where Harry is Peter Pan and Louis is his lost Tinker Bell.
15) Cold As Ice And Everything Nice | Mature | 40793 words
A young boy about Harry’s age was zoomed into the camera, blushing a bright red and breathing heavily and as he bowed. The crowd was cheering for him loudly and every movement he made was bashful and flustered. He had on a very nice skate dress that was purple. His name, hometown, skate scores, and all sorts of information was in a banner on the bottom half of the screen. He was really young, especially compared to all the other competitors, which was the second thing he noticed.
The first was that the boy was easily the prettiest in the entire world, the prettiest boy Harry’s ever seen. He felt his asthma squeeze his throat and his heart beat faster and his hands get a little more clammy.
16) Slow Dance In The Dark | Explicit | 52533 words
Louis dances around and Harry takes a leap of faith. Eventually, they fall.
17) Through The Wheatfields And The Coastlines | Explicit | 52855 words
The one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
Could you write a blurb with pregnant reader feeling emotional and insecure about her body? Thank you 🤗
"Nobunny is gonna love me more than my dad"
Warning: None!
Word count: 1k
Pregnancy was hard. Of course, creating a new baby human was beautiful, it will forever be one of the most amazing things women can do. But at the same time, it was hard and painful.
Giving your body permission to be home for another little person was the most selfless act, being a mother was a selfless act overall.
The body goes through changes most moms don't even mention, the skin can get drier, the amount of body hair increases due to the estrogen, you can't even get bleeding gums for God's sake!
The path until you have your baby in your arms is tough, that's why having a supportive partner is so important for the mother's mental health.
And (Y/n) has that.
Harry was way more than supportive, sometimes (Y/n) thought he was gonna suggest that he could give birth to the baby for her.
He was the sweetest husband and dad-to-be ever to exist, it was like his love for her doubled. He indeed acted like he was drunk in love.
She knew how he always dreamed of being a dad. Since he was a teen he always had a way with babies and kids. So when (Y/n) gave Harry a different gift for Easter, a shirt saying 'Nobunny is gonna love me more than my dad' Harry broke down crying and kissed her belly, and told the little baby in there how much he loved their mommy.
After that day Harry started to take care of (Y/n) even more. He made sure she had all the vitamins, she started drinking his horrible green juice in the morning and went for walks with Harry every afternoon.
He was also there whenever the hormones took the best of her. For instance, right now:
"I look huge, Harry, my feet are huge and it hurts to walk, and my boobs are sore and I still haven't even started breastfeeding," Cried the 6-month pregnant woman. "Look at my skin, it's so dry, I think it's gonna crack."
Harry sighed, cuddling in bed closer to his wife, her head met his collarbone. "Lovie, your skin won't crack, no need to cry, yeah? I bought you a new strawberry lotion. What about I put it on you? Give you a foot massage too? Will that make you feel better?"
"Don't want you touching me, I feel so hideous."
Harry was a really patient guy, and he had been really patient throughout the whole pregnancy, but it was really hard to keep his composure hearing the love of his life saying things like that about herself.
This week was especially hard, she had found a stretch mark on her hips and decided that was a good reason to be gloomy. He knew the hormones and the end of summer also made her feel a bit sad, it was October and the sun wasn't as shiny.
But he just wanted her to feel happy, happy like he was for having their little family, happy for being just the three of them for now and forever.
A sob made Harry realize she was still crying.
"–And did you see the fridge today? No cheese Harry, not even one little slice of cheese for the baby"
'For the baby' that's what she's been using as an excuse to eat whatever she wants any time she wants.
'Harry, the baby wants ice cream.'
'I think the baby needs white chocolate.'
'Your child is the one asking for McDonald's, Harry, not me.'
Of course, he would give whatever she wanted, he just needed to be careful with her and the baby’s health! He sure as hell wasn't going to buy McDonald’s 4 times a week because their little bean was feeling like poisoning their body even before they were born.
"I'm gonna go to the store tomorrow and buy you cheese, ok? Gonna buy all the cheeses just for you,” said Harry, giving a kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek, feeling the salty taste of her tears on his lips. "And of course to my other love too" Now Harry went down on her belly, kissing the little bump.
"Now stop crying, angel, you look too pretty to be crying" Harry was going in the direction of the bathroom where they kept their toiletries, finding the one lotion he mentioned before. "Now I want you to sit still alright? Gonna give you a massage."
The girl had stopped crying, she was just cuddled up to her pillows waiting for her husband to come back, a massage wouldn't be that bad…
(Y/n) then felt cold hands on her feet, shivers coming up her spine when she saw it was just Harry.
"Don't like when you talk like that, darling." Scolded Harry, applying pressure to her skin, strawberry sense filling the air. "Don't know what else to do to make you see how pretty you are, especially now that you are home for our little angel."
“I know, I’m sorry, It’s just hard to feel like you are not in control of your own body.” Explained the woman.
“Just three more months, ok?” cooed Harry, kissing her hip, right on her stretch marks. “I’m in love with your stretch marks, they are like mother nature’s tattoos, and I love them regardless of your pregnancy or not.”
His hands were now applying pressure on her ankle, lips on her lower stomach.
“Are you there, angel? Can you hear daddy?” Asked Harry to the belly, he was such an adorable dad. “Can you tell mom how much I love her, please? I don’t think she listens to me, she is a stubborn little thing.’
“Hey, I’m not stub-”
“Darling, where are your manners? We are in the middle of a conversation here.” Said Harry dramatically.
“See angel, that was your mama, she is a challenge but she is also full of love for you, so can you please be a little nice to her? There is no need to make her skin dry, baby” He was now laying on the bed, head on the mattress right on the side of the tummy. “She also told me you have a weird obsession with cheese.”
(Y/n) laughed at his last sentence.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your dad time, but you did promise me a massage.”
“Alright alright, so demanding ya’ are,” smiled Harry, getting back to her poor ankles. “After I’m done here, I’m gonna give you more love.” A grin appeared on his face.
“I will be happy to receive it.” She whispered.
Please like, reblog, and come talk to me <3
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jimlingss · 5 years
I rarely see any hybrid aus where the reader is also a hybrid so can u maybe do one of those u can choose if u want it to be angsty or fluffy or both ASLONG AS THE ENDING IS A HAPPY ENDING !!! as for a member either hoseok or jungkook c: or if u think a different member would fit this type of au then u can choose. this was all over the place I'm so sorry oof
↳ NoBunny But You
1.2k words || 100% Fluff || Hybrid!AU || Jeon Jungkook
The Easter Bunny is insulting. What kind of rabbit goes around during the beginning of spring hiding chocolate eggs for human children to find?! It’s an absurd idea that boggles your mind. But it goes to show the city’s skewed views on the other half of you. Sure it’s harmless fun and annoying at best, but it’s the foundation of everything else wrong. It’s patronizing when people think they can just come up to you and pet you, comment on how you’re so cute and cuddly. Maybe you shouldn’t care so much. But you hate it.  You hate being a hybrid. Neither fully human nor fully rabbit. It’s like your DNA makeup couldn’t decide on which one to be and ended up half-assing each of it. “Why are you thinking so hard?” Someone’s finger lightly pushes against your head, breaking you out your trance. But when you realize who it is, you jump up, eyes glimmering. “Jungkook!” “You were pouting.” He flops down on the couch and pulls on your arm so you collapse next to him, cuddled by his side. The brunette rabbit hybrid wraps his arm around your shoulders, doe eyes searching your expression. “What’s wrong now?” “I’m just annoyed,” you huff before it melts into a laugh as he nuzzles into your neck, hair brushing against your skin. “Jungkook, that tickles!” He hums a low note from his chest and goosebumps rise all over the back of your arms with his mouth right on your flesh, breath hot as he speaks. “What are you annoyed about? Did hat shopping go so badly?” “No….there were hats that were cute, but I knew it would get destroyed the minute I cut slits into them,” you sigh. Why didn’t hats in the city ever account for hybrids like you with long ears. It’s not like you can smother them underneath the hat. Your ears needed to pop out somewhere.  It’s a terrible inconvenience. Especially with dresses and skirts that are instantly ruined once you bring scissors to them to cut a slit for your cotton ball tail.  The sole person who seemed to understand your predicament was Jungkook. He was the only rabbit hybrid around you now. For a long time you wanted to move away from the farm to the city. Your parents didn’t let you until the minute they heard Jungkook was coming up here. Then they happily let you go, entrusting you to him, saying something about how reliable he was. It was fine by you. You liked being his roommate. He is your best friend after all. “I’m sure the hat still would’ve looked cute if you cut slits into them.” His finger raise to pet your ears and you snuggle into him. What a nice, friendly thing to do! He always knows how to comfort you. “Yeah, but it still sucks that we have to do that. I wish I was just full human.” “Why would you wish something like that, silly? “ “Well, doesn’t it bother you that we have to alter our clothes all the time?” “Not really.” That’s true — Jungkook seldom wears hats and he always dresses in loose gym shorts that never smother his tail. “What about when you run into predator hybrids?” The boy holds you closer, his eyes flickering to your mouth for a moment. You wonder if you left jam at the corners of it again. “They don’t bother me too much.” “How about our breeding season?” You blink at him, lashes fluttering. “How do you survive three quarters of the year?” “I...uh….” His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. Jungkook’s eyes flicker down to the swell of your chest for a mere second. You wonder if there’s a stain on your pajamas again. “I get...by…” “But it’s still annoying.” You sigh once more. “At least cats and dogs go into heat, so they only experience once every so often. And apparently humans don’t feel as strong of an urge as we do. Our breeding season lasts nine months.” Jungkook swallows hard. “I know right….what a bother….mating every….single….day for nine months…..” “You know exactly how I feel!” You grin and your ears quirk when you hear his heartbeat suddenly pick up. He must really agree with you to have such a bodily reaction. “No one understands me as much as you do.” Jungkook boyishly smiles and leans in, nosing that spot on your neck again. You giggle, finding it ticklish and you playfully push his head away. His strength easily overpowers yours and it proves futile. “Why are you scenting me again?” “It’s a bonding activity,” he mutters. You hum. He was right. You do feel closer to Jungkook when you constantly smell like him. It’s a nice reminder that he has your back wherever you go. He’s always looking out for you. He’s the best best-friend in the world. “You’re so nice, Jungkook.” Once satisfied, he pulls away and stares into your eyes intensely. The two of you are so close that you foreheads can brush one another’s. “You don’t need to change anything about yourself, Y/N. You don’t need to be a full human or a full rabbit. I like you as you are now. Trust me.” You give the cheesiest grin as more giggles spill and bubble from your lips. Suddenly, you feel so much better about things.  “You’re right! I should have a more positive attitude!” You contemplate, tapping your chin. “Maybe I’ll try going hat shopping with Jimin again.” “Wait.” Jungkook pauses. His eyes darken. His mouth pulls into a tight line. “You went with Jimin?” “Yeah! He so nice,” you emphasize, trying to explain just how much you meant it. “I thought going shopping with a human would be scary, and when he asked me to go, I wasn’t so sure. But he’s actually really kind. And smart. And he’s kind of cute.” You giggle again, feeling fluttery. “You should’ve introduced me to him sooner! He even wanted to invite me back to his dorm room, but it’s our movie night tonight, so I couldn’t.” There’s a held silence before he gives a long sigh.  You wait expectantly. Jungkook smiles at you. “You know what? You should invite him over tomorrow for dinner.” “Really?” Your irises glimmer, eyes widening. “I think it would be...so much fun if all three of us could hang out. Play some games. Eat some food. Maybe watch a movie. I don’t think I’ve ever really sat down and talked to him….properly. He doesn’t know we live together, does he?” “I don’t think so.” You grin again. “But it sounds like a great idea. I’ll go text him right now!”
“Alright.” Jungkook smiles again and you wonder if he’s as excited as you are. “Make sure to tell him I’m looking...forward to it.” You get up, running to your room, but another thought pops into your mind and you pause on your heel, quickly hopping around. “Are you still getting nightmares? Want me to sleep in your room again?” Jungkook bobs his head. “If that’s okay with you.” “Sure. I don’t mind. I love sleeping in your bed!” And with that, you go humming and hopping away. You love Jungkook. You love his cuddles. Love his kisses. Love the way he holds you, understands you, listens to you. You would never trade him in for the entire world or even a lifetime worth of fresh carrots. He’s your bestest best friend.
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liveleaker · 1 year
Im back nobunny even cared 🙄
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Save a Life, Adopt a Car
So I was listening to Pandora this morning, as I do most mornings, and since I don’t pay for it I must occasionally deal with ads.  This doesn’t really bother me; I use Pandora to discover new bands(the Nobunny station being a current favorite), and I use Spotify to get deeper into them.
But today an ad came on for Mercedes Benz.  Well, actually it was for certified, pre-owned Mercedes Benzes.  The ad was playing this really sappy piano music, like something I’d expect to hear in an ad for adopting amputee dogs or feeding kids who live somewhere that isn’t very nice.
“Find these poor luxury automobiles a home,” the music seemed to implore, “or we’re gonna have to put them down.”
My inner punk was laughing cruelly at the presumption. 
I was led to imagining a heartless rich man coldly turning away from the sad-eye headlights of his Benz, the crisp sleeves of his pinstripe suit jacket immaculate in the harsh, florescent light,”Trading her in for a new model.”
Or a wanna-be upwardly mobile type, tearfully patting his Mercedes on the hood as he starts to leave the dealership, “Sorry girl, we just can’t afford to keep you anymore.”
Ads are weird.  They ask us to attach emotion to things that deserve no feeling and importance to things that aren’t real.  And for a self-obsessed artist-type like myself, constantly evaluating my thoughts and emotions, it makes for a deep deep well of absurdity which can quickly become a deep deep well of misanthropic judgement.
Ads create wants.  I need to be careful about the things I deem desirable.
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pastabot · 7 years
Ramona's playlist
(Do the) Fuck Yourself // Nobunny
I Don’t Think She Cares // White Reaper
Psycho Killer // Talking Heads
Stabbing A Star // Guided By Voices
Wave of Mutilation // Pixies 
Demons Are Real // Guided By Voices
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miss-mossball · 6 years
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Shred of Joy
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