#Nen OC
nen-k0 · 1 year
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[OC Doodle] it’s my ruffian bounty hunter elf girl Mika UwU
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yinza · 1 year
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Updated commission info! All prices listed in USD.
Flat Color: $65 for half-body, $85 for full-body
Full Color: $95 for half-body, $130 for full-body
Lineless Painting: $125 for half-body, $170 for full-body
A discount of 20% or more may apply to additional characters. Complex designs may increase the price.
Please contact me via email at [email protected]!
Additional details under the cut. You can send me an ask if you have any general questions, but please submit serious inquiries by email!
When you contact me, please provide the following:
For fan art: the full names of characters and their fandoms
For OCs: a simple description, e.g., “a human woman in plate armor”
A brief description of the interaction (kissing, riding a bike, etc) and any background elements
Your desired style (e.g., full-body flat color, etc). If there are specific pictures in my gallery that you like, please tell me! This is especially helpful, and I’m happy to give price quotes for styles that don’t quite fit my commission examples.
Any deadlines you may have; I will let you know whether or not I can meet them.
If you need specific dimensions, let me know! By default I work at 2550x3300px (8.5x11″).
If you would prefer your commission to remain private, please let me know up-front.
Once I accept the commission, you should be ready to provide reference images and details about character expressions and poses, etc.
I WILL draw:
Fandom characters, including those from fandoms I am unfamiliar with.
OCs and fandom OCs, including OC x canon character pairings. If you have no art/reference sheets, I can work from descriptions. Just please don’t give me their life story, only what’s visually relevant!
Anthro, armor, mecha, animals - these are all fine, but more complicated designs may increase the price.
Real people that you personally know, e.g., you and your friend hanging out or a portrait of your mom.
I will NOT draw:
Crisis Core fanart.
Anything of a sexual nature, including fetish art of fully-clothed characters. I will consider waist-up nudity provided it is not sexualized.
Excessive violence or gore.
Anything bigoted or mean-spirited towards real people.
I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason.
I use Square invoices to request payment. Accepted payment methods include: credit/debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or ACH. No Square account is required.
I accept payment up-front. I will not begin work until I have received payment. I may accept partial payment up-front for commissions of $200 or more, but you will not receive the completed piece until it has been paid in full.
Copyright & Sharing
By commissioning me, you are purchasing my services. You may share the completed commission with attribution, but you may NOT use it to sell prints or otherwise turn a profit. If you would like to purchase the rights to use my artwork commercially, I will require a written contract and it will affect the price.
Otherwise, I retain copyright over the work, and may choose to post it on my portfolio and social media. I will not post artwork of real people without permission from the subject(s).
How It Works
You email me with a commission request.
I will confirm whether or not I can take on the project, and may ask clarifying questions about your request. (I typically respond within a few days, so if you don’t hear back, check your spam filter!)
Once I have a clear understanding of what you want, I will provide you with a price quote and an estimated completion date.
If you agree to the price, I will then send you an invoice.
You pay the invoice.
Depending on the complexity of the piece, I will send you at least one WIP so that you can confirm the work is progressing according to your wishes.
Once I have completed your commission, I will send you the finished artwork.
At this point, you may request minor tweaks to the artwork, but I will not make any major changes.
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girljimmyenjoyer · 4 months
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New brand of jimmy to populate my sketchbook pages. I call it "recovery jimmy" and she's trying so fucking hard.
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jayday-art · 3 days
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Before she makes her stand, I turn to her and kiss her, and while I do I cast Warding Bond.
Kai: Don't go too far from me.
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nenhuggie · 20 days
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my girl
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lady-sleepless-gaming · 9 months
My Baldur's Gate Teams
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Team Friendship 💜
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Team spooky bitches 💀
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Team enablers ❤
(Or team "we can make you worse... and Gale". Minthara will be joining this team 🖤)
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pieces-of-memories · 1 year
hey you lot, important question. are you gay? please this is for pom's sake
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vellatra · 8 months
For Nehn Krahm, cherries, "Has your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?"
And for Rajag, donut, "What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime their most likely to get arrested for?" >:)
Vexina: "So does his grandma count or-?"
Nen: "Hush, you!" >:(
Alas, Nen Krahm has not had much success with the womenfolk. ;)
Oh dear. On the one hand, Rajag is literally the law! He's supposed to be fighting crime - that's his official job when he's not on the battlefield, since the military and the police force are one and the same in the Merfaen. But on the OTHER hand... we know our boy's getting into mischief and shenanigans left and right, don't we? XD For most likely to commit, probably vandalism or small-scale thievery (can't you just imagine him running around with spray paint, putting mustaches on judges' houses and writing dad jokes on the public bath walls?) For most likely to be arrested for... if we're being perfectly honest, probably a drunk and disorderly charge XP ;)
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nen-k0 · 1 year
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I’ll post a couple of doodles of my OCs
This is sky, he’s only smiling because he didn’t sleep in 3 days and doesn’t perceive reality anymore :3
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yinza · 9 months
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Kicking off Sketchtember with a scene sketch!
[Image Description: A rough greyscale digital painting of a group of people facing a dragon on a wooded path. The dragon stands to the right, turned slightly away from the viewer, only visible from its chest up. It has black scales and a series of spines along its head and neck. Almost directly in front of the dragon's head stands a black man, his hands up in front of him. Several paces behind him is a heavyset brown woman, a petite light-skinned woman holding her arm, and behind both of them a tall black man. All three stare at the dragon. /end ID]
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jayday-art · 3 days
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Finally, a moment alone.
Maybe one day it will be under better circumstances!
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nenhuggie · 2 months
FRUIT TAUR FRUIT TAUR!! The name is Berry!!!!! ^_^
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she got her own place!! give the artfan! i accept!
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lady-sleepless-gaming · 9 months
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Edits for my character playlists 💜
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elmarcyarka · 1 year
{HxH OC}
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Name: Tollui Zoldyck Age: 26 (2 years older than Illumi)
Gender: Male
Nen Type: Manipulation
Occupation: Assassin, Hunter
Tollui Zoldyck stands tall (6'5) and lean with a striking physical appearance. His jet black hair flows down his back in untamed locks, while his pure black eyes lack pupils, giving him a somewhat trance-like expression. His oval-shaped face features sharp angles and contours, adding to his enigmatic aura. Tollui is known for constantly wearing an empty smile, concealing his emotions. He typically dons a jet black cloak that drapes to the ground and merges with his shadow, intensifying his already menacing presence.
Tollui Zoldyck is a reserved individual with a calm and serious demeanor. He speaks sparingly and often wears an empty smile that makes it difficult to discern his emotions. Tollui has a peculiar fascination with shadows, which he finds endlessly fascinating, spending hours watching them move and change. He even developed a personal theory that shadows are a manifestation of the human soul. Tollui can often be found playing with shadows absentmindedly, shaping them into different forms or creating shadow puppets.
Despite his serious demeanor, Tollui has a mischievous side, finding joy in causing discomfort to others. He is not above using his Nen ability to scare or intimidate people for fun. Tollui's acute observational skills allow him to quickly evaluate his surroundings, making it difficult to catch him off guard. Additionally, Tollui's sense of presence is almost non-existent, often causing people to forget he exists even when he's standing right beside them.
Unlike most of his family, Tollui leans towards a business-oriented mindset and follows in the footsteps of his grandfather, Zeno Zoldyck. He recognizes the value of financial gain and seeks ways to enhance the family's wealth and influence. However, Tollui has his own set of principles and is extremely pragmatic. He will not resort to killing unless it can bring him some sort of benefit, whether financial or strategic.
Tollui is most comfortable and effective when operating in the dark, surrounded by shadows. He has a habit of humming a tune or melody whenever he uses his Nen ability, which adds to his enigmatic presence. Despite his eccentricities, Tollui has a softer side, demonstrating his affection and respect for his family members by bringing them thoughtful and meaningful gifts whenever he visits. Gift-giving is Tollui's love language, and he values it as a way to show his affection for his loved ones.
Tollui's background is a mystery that only adds to his elusive nature. Trained by his grandfather Zeno Zoldyck, Tollui learned to cultivate a sharp mind for business and strategy, as well as an unwavering sense of pragmatism. His grandfather's teachings had a profound impact on Tollui, shaping him into the person he is today.
Despite being a member of the illustrious Zoldyck family, Tollui spends most of his time outside of Kukuroo Mountain, pursuing his own clandestine agenda. His family is largely unaware of his activities, which only adds to his enigmatic persona.
With his extremely low sense of presence, Tollui can easily fade into the background and be forgotten by his own family if they are not paying close attention. He is even able to conceal himself from the watchful eye of his grandfather Zeno.
Tollui's mastery of concealment is unparalleled among his family, making him the go-to person for stealth missions. His unparalleled ability to blend in with his surroundings and disappear without a trace has earned him a reputation as the best in concealment among his family. However, his low sense of presence can also be a double-edged sword, as it makes him vulnerable to being overlooked by those who know him well.
Skills and Abilities:
Stealth and Assassination: Tollui is a master of stealth and assassination, with unparalleled skills in both areas.
Hand-to-Hand Combat and Weapons: Tollui is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and weapons, able to wield any type of weapon with deadly precision.
Resilience to Poisons, Electricity, and Pain: Tollui has an incredibly high tolerance to poisons, electricity, and pain, making it almost impossible to incapacitate him.
Unmatched Flexibility: Tollui can bend his body to unnatural proportions, allowing him to fit through extremely tight spaces and move undetected.
Enhanced Speed and Stamina: Tollui has enhanced speed and an exceptional level of stamina, enabling him to outrun and outlast his opponents with ease.
Infiltration Techniques: Tollui is a master of infiltration techniques and possesses extreme physical conditioning and endurance, allowing him to carry out missions under the harshest conditions.
Expertise in Poisons and Chemical Agents: Tollui possesses extensive knowledge of poisons and other chemical agents for use in assassinations.
Surveillance and Reconnaissance: Tollui is proficient in surveillance and reconnaissance techniques, enabling him to gather intelligence and monitor targets.
Multilingualism: Tollui is adept in various cultures and languages, allowing him to operate seamlessly in different regions of the world.
Name: Shadow Manipulation (type: Manipulation)
Description: Tollui is a Manipulator who can manipulate shadows with his aura, allowing him to control and move them as he wishes. The shadows Tollui controls are usually in the form of tentacles or tendrils.
Conditions and Limitations:
Tollui must have a direct line of sight to the shadow he wishes to manipulate.
Tollui's manipulation range is limited by the amount of aura he has. He can extend his range by emitting more aura, but this consumes more of his Nen capacity. The complexity and size of the shadow will determine the amount of aura required to manipulate it.
Tollui can create and manipulate simple shadow shapes with minimal aura consumption, while more complex and larger shadows require greater expenditure.
Tollui's ability is most effective in darker environments, where shadows are more abundant and easier to manipulate. In bright, well-lit areas, his ability is limited and requires more aura consumption.
Tollui's emotional state greatly influences his ability to manipulate shadows. He is most effective when he is emotionally clear and focused. Conversely, if he is emotionally unstable or distracted, his ability is weakened, and he risks losing control of the shadows he is manipulating
Applications:  .
[Figure in The Dark] (Manipulation): Tollui can cloak himself in shadows to move undetected, making it difficult to sense his presence even when passing by. He can emerge and blend into shadows. This only works in shadowy areas, and he can hide even in someone's En if he remains still.
[Shadow Footbind] (Manipulation): Tollui is able to manipulate his own shadow and connect it to an opponent's shadow. Once the connection is established, the opponent will feel as if their feet are glued to the ground, restricting their movement and making it difficult for them to escape.
[Shadow Stitch] (Manipulation): Tollui can manipulate shadows to create sharp tendrils that can pierce through an opponent's body, causing intense pain and potentially lethal damage.
[Shadow Decoy] (Manipulation): Tollui creates a shadowy copy of himself that can move independently of his real body. The decoy can distract opponents and draw their attention away from Tollui's real location, allowing him to attack or escape unnoticed.
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theredbiscuits · 6 months
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HxH OC! Been dreaming of her for so long now, I think it's time to show her to the world! Her name is Alizée and she's a nen exorcist.
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vellatra · 3 months
Vexina and Nehn Krahm, have any family back home? Also, what's your relationship? You just co-workers, or? 😏
-Super Professional Foreign Interviewer
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