#Natural remedies for bloating
surinderbhalla · 26 days
Beat Bloating Fast- Top Tips
Bloating is a common gastrointestinal issue that many individuals experience at some point in their lives. It occurs when the abdomen feels full, tight, and swollen, often accompanied by discomfort or pain. While occasional bloating is usually benign and may result from overeating or consuming certain foods, persistent or severe bloating may indicate an underlying health condition. This article:…
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thevedicalchemist · 2 years
Rapid remedy for constipation.
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Sour buttermilk is laxative. The individual will pass the bowel freely, next day morning.
Also, common complaint which are persisting in case of other laxative drugs like abdominal cramps. pain, twitching sensation will not be there. In addition, digestive and carminative benefits are also contributed well and immediately after defecation person will feel good hunger and taste. Meanwhile rate of absorption of micro-nutrients is also significantly increased. The flatus also fully relieved.
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healthremedyhub · 27 days
💨🌱 I Finally Waved Bye to Bloating, Gas & Other Gut Issues With These Probiotic Gut Fixers!
Was constantly battling embarrassing gas, painful bloating, diarrhoea and constipation leaving you feeling defeated? 😖 I was there too until I let probiotics work their gut-healing magic!
Probiotics are the "good" bacteria that create a healthy, balanced gut. But things like antibiotics, stress, and poor diet can deplete these essential helpers, leading to major digestive woes. That's where adding probiotic foods and supplements can be game-changers! 🙌🏼
Here are the probiotic gut fixers that finally calmed my belly madness:
🥛 Yogurt: Not just for breakfast! Yogurts with live and active cultures like acidophilus replenish good bacteria to ease bloating and get things moving regularly.
🥬 Sauerkraut: This fermented cabbage is teeming with gut-friendly probiotics like Lactobacillus. I started piling it on at meals for a digestion boost.
💊 Probiotic Supplements: For an extra punch of potent strains like bifidobacterium, I took a daily high-quality probiotic pill.
Within just a couple weeks, rebalancing my gut with these probiotic heroes got my embarrassing gas, bloating and bathroom issues under control! No more discomfort or running to the restroom. 🚽⛔
Ready to experience the gut-calming benefits of probiotics yourself? Click the link in my bio for my full probiotic routine! 👈 Then like and share this post to spread the good gut vibes!
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#ProbioticGutFix #ByeBloating #ByeGasPains #GutRebalance #GoodBacteriaBFFs #YogurtForGutHealth #FermentedFoodsFTW #SauerkrautIsSavior #ProbioticPillsWork #GutRebootTreatment #DigestionTransformation #HealthyGutHappyLife #NoMoreBelly Woes
The information and content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The remedies and strategies discussed are based on research and traditional use, but individual results may vary. We do not claim that these natural remedies can cure or treat any specific medical condition.
The images, graphics, and video content used in this production are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We have made every effort to properly attribute and credit all sources, but if there are any inadvertent omissions or infringements, please let us know, and we will address them immediately.
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gauravfitness-123 · 2 months
Welcome to our channel! In this video, we're going to talk about simple ways to improve your digestion for a happier tummy. We'll cover easy tips like eating more fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, and taking regular walks.
SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT 👉 https://www.youtube.com/ @GauravRaiFitness 📸 INSTAGRAM: Follow us for more interesting fitness, wellness and lifestyle content 👉 https://bit.ly/Gauravrai_fitness
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nipcohomeo · 3 months
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curaehealth · 2 years
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wellnessjoy · 2 years
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(via 5 Signs of Bloating: Eliminate the Cause with Simple Cures)  Understanding the 5 Signs of Bloating and eliminating the underlying cause with simple home remedies to relieve the bloated feeling.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Herbal tea basics -
Herbal teas can help with a wide range of health issues, depending on the type of tea and the specific properties of the herbs used.
Here are a few examples:
Digestive issues: Ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea can help soothe an upset stomach, relieve bloating, and aid digestion.
Anxiety & stress: Chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm tea are known for their calming and relaxing properties, and can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
Insomnia: Valerian root, passionflower, and chamomile tea can help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, making them useful for treating insomnia.
Cold & flu symptoms: Echinacea, elderflower, and ginger tea can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms of colds and flu.
Menstrual cramps: Ginger and chamomile tea can help relieve menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Headaches: Peppermint and ginger tea can help relieve headaches and migraines, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
It's important to note that while herbal teas can be helpful for many health issues, they are not a substitute for proper medical care.
If you have a serious health condition or are taking medication, it's always best to talk to your healthcare provider before using herbal teas or other natural remedies.
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starryeyedadmirer · 7 months
Who’d you rather take in a all you can eat buffet. Kit Connor or Joe Locke?
I feel like Kit can probably eat a lot of food, which is incredibly sexy to me. I love a man with a big appetite! He’d definitely down a couple of hefty plates before calling it quits… and, even then, he’ll probably push for another helping or two, if the food tastes good enough. Once all is said and done, and he’s eaten every morsel that he could, I think his belly would be massive! He’d be super bloated and gassy, like a ginger-haired blimp. I don’t think that Kit would complain too much about how full he is, or anything like that, but he’d let out a few labored breaths, or maybe groan a bit… and he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of his gut. He’d definitely get a ton of belly rubs on the way back home, if he’s coming back with me. Extra points if he’s a messy eater… the kind of guy who eats as though he just can’t find his mouth, and end up with food all over his face and belly. Just the thought of it is driving me nuts!
Joe would definitely struggle to keep eating after, like, a plate-and-a-half’s worth of food. He seems like the kind of guy who you’d have to encourage to keep going, because he’s too nervous to eat in front of other people… and then, once he’s had his fill, you’d have to pressure him to continue. I doubt he’d eat a lot, but he’d definitely be bloated out of his mind — even more than Kit would be. Joe is the kind of guy who you’d have to take care of after taking him to a buffet, and getting him to stuff himself. He’d beg you to drive slowly after leaving the place, hold your hand to his stomach for hours, and medicate himself with every remedy that he could to settle his tummy. To make things even better, he’d be blowing gas out of both ends… and it would be awful. I can already see him blushing and retreating into himself as the farts and burps forcefully erupt from the depths of his gut… sitting there, as small as an ant, just dropping bombs and apologizing profusely. I love it when a guy as little as him ends up in that predicament… shows just how natural and gross he can be, behind all of that prettiness.
This is definitely a close call… but I’ll have to go with Joe on this one. I think that Kit would be able to handle himself, and have me there to comfort him… but he wouldn’t depend on me the way that I’d want him to. Joe would definitely need a lot of care… and I’d love to take care of him after pushing him past his limits. What an honor that would be.
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tarzantips · 3 months
Magic in Your Pantry: Everyday Items, Extraordinary Remedies
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it is easy to overlook the hidden treasures that lie within the confines of our kitchen.
Beyond the daily rituals of cooking and meal preparation, our pantry holds a secret arsenal of everyday items that double as extraordinary remedies.
Let’s discover into the enchanting world of common kitchen ingredients that possess magical properties for health, beauty, and overall well-being.
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Magic in Your Pantry
Healing Elixirs
Your pantry might just be the potion cabinet you never knew you had. Explore the healing wonders of ginger, honey, and lemon, a trio that works like magic to soothe sore throats and boost the immune system.
Uncover the ancient remedy of turmeric for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, turning your kitchen into a wellness haven.
Beauty Spells with Kitchen Staples
Step into the world of beauty magic as your pantry unlock ingredients that can transform your skincare routine.
Discover the exfoliating powers of oats, the moisturizing charm of coconut oil, and the blemish-banishing qualities of tea tree oil.
These simple yet powerful concoctions will leave your skin radiant and refreshed.
Culinary Charms for Digestive Harmony
Beyond their culinary uses, everyday spices can work wonders for your digestive system.
Explore into the enchanting world of cumin, fennel seeds, and peppermint, as they cast spells to alleviate indigestion and bloating.
Your pantry becomes a potion master's workshop, home remedies for anything that not only satisfy the taste buds but also nurture your gut.
The Sleep Elixir
Bid farewell to sleepless nights with the magical sleep elixirs tucked away in your pantry.
Unlock the calming properties of chamomile tea, the tranquilizing effects of warm milk, and the hypnotic allure of lavender.
Transform your bedtime routine into a peaceful ritual, grasping the restorative power of these simple ingredients.
Read: 7 Pain-Relieving Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Warding Off the Common Cold
With seasonal changes often comes the unwelcome guest that is the common cold.
Fear not, for your pantry holds the key to a potent potion that can help ward off sniffles and sneezes.
Include the power of garlic, honey, and apple cider vinegar; a triumphant trio that can boost your immune system and keep those pesky cold germs at bay.
Stress-Relieving Brews
In the mid of a hectic day you can find solace in the stress-relieving brews concealed within your pantry.
Chamomile tea, known for its calming properties, can be your go-to elixir for moments of tension.
Green tea, rich in antioxidants, not only promotes relaxation but also brings a myriad of health benefits.
Transform your pantry into a sanctuary, where a soothing cup of tea becomes your remedy for stress and anxiety.
Cleaning Concoctions
Your pantry is not just a source of nourishment for your body; it is also a treasure trove for keeping your living spaces pristine.
Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can work in tandem to create powerful and natural cleaning concoctions.
Bid farewell to harsh chemicals as you embark on a journey to transform your pantry into a sustainable cleaning arsenal, contributing to a healthier home and environment.
more >>>
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sp-epari-digitalmedia · 5 months
Critical Analysis
Nardone, V. et al. (2023) 'Video game Bad Smells: What they are and How developers perceive them,' ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 32(4), pp. 9-12. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563214.
The abstract presents an in-depth analysis of video game's "bad smells," categorizing issues into five distinct groups that include design, game logic, multiplayer, animation, physics, and rendering. It presents a methodical examination of every category, going over particular bad smells and offering instances from pertinent conversations. Using information from survey participants, the paper provides workable ways to reduce these bad smells. To ensure traceability, the study connects every "bad smell" and its remedy directly to discussion boards or poll results, enhancing the legitimacy of the suggested fixes.
Bad Smells
According to the authors, this dual approach in the study, strengthens the paper's overall reliability, making it a valuable resource for both game developers and researchers. One noteworthy finding is the fact that respondents disagreed on how important some issues are. A few perspectives present the idea that the impact of a particular challenge can change depending on the project's size and how much moderation is used. This highlights how game development challenges are subjective and that the importance of a problem varies depending on the context.
Weak temporization strategies are a major focus of the analysis, with 80% of respondents rating them as critical or extremely critical. In particular, when it comes to frame-based updates, the highlighted issue involves incorrect assumptions about the amount of time that has passed between game object updates. To provide a consistent gaming experience, it is crucial to address this issue as it may lead to differences in animation speed among devices.
Respondents offer workable solutions to address these inadequate temporization strategies and lessen the problems noted. Typical errors such as frame-based updates affecting animation speed, are identified and workable fixes are proposed. Time-based updates, like the FixedUpdate method in Unity, should be implemented. Additionally, movement should be proportionate to the intervals between frames. A few respondents' emphasis on these solutions lends credibility to their efficacy in addressing common game development pitfalls. The analysis also emphasizes how crucial early intervention is in resolving temporization issues. one of the respondents makes it clear that the longer these issues persist, the more difficult it is to address them. This insight highlights how proactive developers should be in spotting and fixing important problems early on in the process to avoid problems later.
A real-world example from the Unreal Engine forum provides tangible evidence of developers grappling with temporization issues in a racing multiplayer game. The discussion highlights the practical application of "delta time scaling" as a solution to address input responsiveness, illustrating how these challenges manifest in real projects.
Focusing on the lack of separation of concerns and the issue of bloated assets. While these challenges may not be unique to the gaming industry, they are pertinent in the context of game development due to the specific characteristics of game engines.
One sign of poor design that can appear in a variety of software programs, including video games, is the inability to separate concerns. The observation that game engines may naturally lead developers to write code that exhibits this problem led to the decision to keep this "smell" in the catalog. In the example given, source code for object animations is mixed with code handling controller inputs; this practice was deemed critical or extremely critical by 77% of respondents.
The significance of this design challenge is further highlighted by the discussion on StackExchange's Game Development section. Logic and data in the same object or class, according to platform developers, is bad practice that can result in hacking that creates more problems than it fixes. It is recommended that game logic and game data be kept apart, and that a modular approach be used, with different classes handling different concerns like movement, firing, and defense. Notably, Unity and other contemporary game engines are taking proactive measures to address this problem by including features like an updated input system. Bloated assets, or reusable assets like complicated game objects that bring along different elements like textures and predefined animations, are the subject of the second design challenge that was discussed. Sixty-three percent of respondents rated this "smell" as critical or extremely critical. Real-world examples are given in the Stack Exchange game development discussion, including scenes with superfluous art assets and scripts. Not only do developers advise eliminating unnecessary assets to conserve space, but they also point out potential problems like mismatched names and superfluous animations if this is overlooked.
Comprehending the issues raised, specifically the inability to distinguish between different concerns and the problem of excessively large assets, provides game designers looking to improve their work with insightful knowledge. Not only do these detected "smells" diagnose possible problems, but they also act as a helpful roadmap for better game design. Recognizing the inability to separate concerns as a design challenge invites a game designer to take a more modular and structured approach. The division of various game elements, like controller inputs and object animations, into discrete areas allows designers to simplify code, lower complexity, and improve maintainability. The Stack Exchange discussion on game development, which is cited, emphasizes how crucial this division is to preventing potential problems and unethical behavior. This realization can serve as inspiration for designers of video games, who can use it to create modular systems that support a variety of features.
The issue of bloated assets provides another avenue for constructive improvement. Game designers can leverage the awareness that excessively large assets, containing elements rarely used, are viewed critically by developers. By adopting a more discerning approach to asset creation and management, designers can optimize game performance and streamline the development process. The practical recommendations from developers on Stack Exchange Game Development, emphasizing the removal of unnecessary assets for both space-saving and organizational cleanliness, can guide game designers in creating more efficient and polished games.
It gives game designers more options because it acknowledges that some game engines are actively resolving these problems, as demonstrated by Unity's new input system. Designers can ensure that their games follow industry best practices and utilize state-of-the-art tools by keeping up with evolving engine features and adapting their practices accordingly. The study overall is relevant as it recognizes the bad indications in game designs and therefore validate a better quality of games if these problems are avoided.
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thevedicalchemist · 2 years
Quick fix for tummy problems...💊
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ohnomytummy · 11 months
Hi! Thia is the mexican food anon.
So let say... hypothetically... if I was really really constipated and I had a huge gurgling achy tummy... what would you do? Asking for a friend ofc
(Also can I have this emoji 🍓 so yk when it's me?)
Well…hypothetically…your constipated belly ache would be the center of my attention. Any belly ache would be, but a constipated one has solutions and some very fun things to try ;)
First, I’d go natural. Of course the first try would be long deep belly rubs to try to encourage natural movement. You’d have to be comfortable letting all that gas out, so I’d get us a little stoned and giggly (if that’s your thing otherwise belly rubs are fantastic sober too) and start pushing my palms into your lower belly and sides. Trying to get your insides moving without any drugs is always a good idea. Your belly would feel a bit less achy from the weed, and I’d hold you so you could lay your head on my shoulder and moan through the ache in your belly.
If you still had horrid cramps of bloated constipation, you’d still get rubs but I’d move to at home remedies. High fiber, a spoon full of olive oil, other natural laxatives that won’t wreck your belly but should help move things along. The final move would be laxatives, of course.
And until you felt your belly able to push all that old digested food through, you’d be in my lap or cuddled up on the couch or in bed, my hands glued to your belly, massaging every cramp and gurgle until you finally are desperate for the bathroom. And even then, I’d be just outside the door, or rubbing your back if you were okay with that. Letting you know I was there for you and your tummy.
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randomboo256 · 22 days
BotW and TotK, Revisited
So it's Tears of the Kingdom's anniversary already.
I ended up replaying the game a few months ago. I'm not sure if I've ever played a game so rife with good ideas and great potential that failed so hard to take advantage of any of it.
This will be long, please stay with me.
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Before we talk about TotK, we need to talk about it's predecessor: Breath of the Wild.
I played this game when it came out, and for what it's worth I thought it was decently fun. However it lacks a lot of the design that made previous games work. Before you ask, no I'm not nostalgia blind. I played the entire Zelda series for the first time in 2016, and I played BotW just a year later. If anything, I'm just as nostalgic for old Zelda as I am for BotW itself. This is just an honest critique of the game's design.
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BotW is a game that felt like a rough draft of what a modernized 3D Zelda game could be. The idea of making the world larger, more open, and more inspired by the 2D games is a brilliant one. The execution however felt less like 2D Zelda and more like every other open world game.
What BotW mainly suffered from was bloat. The world was too large and less rewarding. Your main reward for exploring a Zelda game are new items and heart pieces. When you relegate all of those to copy/paste shrines, you're removing the main incentive to actually engage with the world.
In old Zelda, you had no idea what you could find! Any random chest could have a heart piece or even a brand new item. Any sidequest could give you an awesome reward. That's what made it so much fun and so compelling to do everything you can! Old Zelda also loved to show you something you wanted, without telling you how to get it. Often you'd have to come back WAY later. It makes you remember that location, and when you can grab it it's so satisfying. Metroidvanias are like entirely built on this principle.
However, BotW's map is simply too large to be constantly engaging like this. The devs can't ensure you'll find the upgrades, important NPCs, and discoveries without just telling you. In old Zelda, the devs can naturally guide you to all of that with level design. To remedy this, BotW tries to give you items and upgrades constantly, but they do so in a way to make sure that it makes no difference if you missed them. That's how we get things like interchangeable swords that break instead a permanent sword upgrades (I'll get back to that).
It doesn't help that BotW pushed it's nonlinearity too hard. It wanted to make everything in the game accessible immediately as well as completely skippable, which ruins most sense of player progress as well as obliterating any form of a difficulty curve. BotW never has that "Oh, I can get that now!" moment. You know, I actually don't mind the weapon system in concept. I love resource management in games. The problem is that enemies are optional, and killing them is rarely ever worth the swords you broke. Other games with resource management don't allow to just effortlessly ignore every enemy. The worst part of BotW's over-nonlinearity is the dungeons. Dungeons have always been the heart of this series, even in the original game. In BotW, they were simplified down to "do these 5 points in any order" and it's just really boring and underwhelming.
On top of all of this, I haven't mentioned the stamina system, which quite literally just exists to waste your fucking time. By stripping out so much of Zelda's game design in favor of interchangeable everything, it just all adds up to a game that's very repetitive, often boring, and not as satisfying to play as the older titles. If BotW had a map half the size, it could let Nintendo actually pack it to the brim with something interesting and engaging to find in every step you take. Combine that with a return of the old item/heart piece system and a bit of linearity, and it could be great. The happy medium between old and new Zelda is basically just giving the game a more Metroidvania-esc game design logic, as I alluded to earlier. It's a simple fix, but I think it would make everyone happy.
However, TotK took a different route....
Finally, the topic of the today's post. I played Tears of the Kingdom right around launch, and again for what's worth I thought it too was decently fun. However while I could be a little forgiving of BotW for its various missteps, this game doubled down on all of BotW's worst issues.
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Instead of removing bloat, TotK TRIPLED it. We have a mostly empty and boring sky and a mostly boring and empty depths. What's left is the shamelessly reused map from BotW. So now everything in the game is either something you've already seen or something you don't care about. This choice is baffling, to be frank. Of all Zelda games, BotW especially is all about exploring the map.
Like, it literally didn't have anything else!!! Why would I want to explore this map again?!!! I've seen it already!!! There wasn't that much there the first time!!!
cough cough
Getting back ahold of myself....
TotK's main excuse to explore the map is the introduction of caves (which somehow weren't in BotW). Caves certainly add a ton of life to the world design, but we still run into a problem of them too getting very stale by the end. On top of that, they removed any challenge in the physical effort of exploring the world. While the stamina system in BotW mostly sucks, it's main strength is that you can't just climb to the top of every mountain. You gotta look around and be a bit more clever. In TotK, towers alone shoot you up a million feet, so you can just glide everywhere. It's faster, I guess, but what's the point of having world map if it's smarter to just fly over it? It's like they knew that exploring again would be boring so they just let you skip over it.
Well exploration is mostly a bust, but what else changed?
Well to start out positive, I adore the weapon fusing system. I already enjoy resource management, so adding whole fusing layer on top of it is super fun. However, I still rarely have a reason to actually fight. By far the most fun part of TotK were the Proving Ground shrines. When I walk into one of these shrines, it's like the game comes to life with so much fun and energy. It's like I'm teleported to a world where the combat clicks and is insanely fun and in-depth. It's funny, because all those shrines did was limit my weapons, limit my healing, make enemies more punishing, and forced me to actually beat them.
Well we know why. By making the enemies unrelenting, the weapons and healing limited, and forcing you to fight, the game is limiting what you're capable of. Working around and with limitations are the core of what makes, not just video games, ALL games fun. However, the modern Zelda games are so allergic to the idea of limitations in general that they're sabotaging their own carefully designed combat system at pretty much all times. The only way to enjoy it is for the player to decide to place the limit themself, which is a lot to ask of us.
Outside the upgraded combat system, the main difference between BotW and TotK is a new move called Ultrahand, which strangely a reference to an old Nintendo toy. Ultrahand "functions" by letting you grab any physics object, twist it around, and then stick it to other physics objects. If you're thinking "that just sounds like the fucking Psychics Gun from Garry's Mod", then correct! The only difference is that the Physgun actually works properly. For what it's worth, it's pretty impressive technology, however that doesn't mean much when it's not actually fun to play. Moving an object around with Ultrahand feels extremely stiff and awkward. As for the glueing aspect, it's even worse. With the controls alone it's hard to make anything, but what's worse is that you can't detach one item at a time. If you glue one thing on wrong, shaking it loose will probably make it all fall apart. As you might imagine from a system where any two things can be glued in any way, it's all extremely fucking janky.
When the game's systems for Ultrahand are properly flowing and working properly, it can be pretty fun, but for every "pretty fun" Ultrahand moment, there's a thousand annoying moments.
In a way, Ultrahand is basically just an upgraded and reskinned Magnesis, a move from BotW. Magnesis also barely worked, but it wasn't used nearly as much. Ultrahand meanwhile is literally the entire game. I'm not exaggerating. Pretty much every puzzle and a majority of side missions are about Ultrahand. Ultrahand is this game's gimmick. You know, like how Ocarina of Time's gimmick was time periods, Majora's Mask's was a time loop, Wind Waker's was the ocean, Twilight Princess was the wolf, Skyward Sword's was motion controls, and Breath of the Wild's was extreme nonlinearity. Tears of the Kingdom's gimmick is Ultrahand, and wow holy shit is it the worst 3D Zelda gimmick so far.
Honestly what sucks is that Ultrahand could've been a lot better. On occasion, they do have some really fun puzzles with it. However, because these modern Zelda games don't have difficulty curves, the Ultrahand puzzles won't get more challenging over time. The majority are just too easy, and I'm spending more time thinking about how awful the controls are at doing what I want.
As for the dungeons, well don't get your hopes up. They're identical to BotW, except now with Ultrahand gimmicks! Well, that's not totally true. They do have two big changes. Firstly, every dungeon has a long linear segment leading up to it. These sections are genuinely great, and they feel more like Zelda dungeons than the actual dungeons. However they are just short preludes to the lackluster main event. As for the other change, this game reintroduces companions.
Companions are classic aspect of Zelda that BotW sorely missed. They're usually small and out of the way. They exist for three important reasons: For one, player guidance. They'll occasionally chime in with hints on where to go and what to do. For two, they add worldbuilding. You can freely talk to them and sometimes you can learn some interesting details from them. For three, they give Link a voice. Link is barely a character, so having another character follow him around and speak for him in cutscenes is a great way to remedy that. Of course, they could just... let Link talk but HEY HEY let's not get too crazy.
Unfortunately TotK once again dropped the ball on this. This game has four companions that you unlock over the story, and they're not small. They're full human sized NPCs that constantly follow you around and get in your way. Now honestly, I could forgive that. I love Final Fantasy VII Remake, and those games have that issue. I don't really care that my party members get in my way in those games, because they're great characters and they're constantly chiming in with fun dialogue. However TotK somehow didn't think to do that. Your "party" never chimes in at any point. Neither in gameplay OR cutscenes. What a huge missed opportunity! They're just lifeless robots that follow you around.
You might be thinking, "I thought the whole point of Zelda companions was that they'd talk. If they don't talk in TotK, what do they do?" and that's a good question hypothetical-person-I-made-up. For one, they fight in combat with you. That sounds fun, but you can't control them at all. They're completely AI. For two, each one has a special move you can use by walking up to them and pressing A. This means they essentially act like a dungeon item. That's a huge improvement for the quality of the dungeons. But remember, they get in the way constantly. Combine that with the strange controls, and you will be constantly setting off your partners without wanting to. Did nobody playtest this???
Giving Link party members is a fucking amazing idea, but they botched the execution of this so hard that most people just turn the party members off. What a waste of an idea. I hope they revisit this concept. I'll be really sad if they don't.
So all in all, Tears of the Kingdom is a really upsetting video game to me. It didn't do the one thing I was hoping, and that was "make a version of Breath of the Wild that took more advantage of it's concept".
On top of that, it kept piling on new great ideas that they also fucked up. Like adding caves, sky islands, and depths to an open world Zelda. Yes! Great idea! However, they were really fucking boring and repetitive. They gave the game an amazing combat system, and then punished you for using it. They gave the game a complicated physics puzzle gimmick, but it was really fucking janky and overused. The added fun build ups to dungeons, but still skimped out on making the actual dungeon part. They gave Link party members, but they're boring and get in your way.
When I look at Tears of the Kingdom, all I can see is the insane amount of missed potential this game had. They could've done so much. They TRIED to do so much. But they didn't do any well at any of them! I can't help but think this all just comes down to a case of some extreme overambition. They tried to do so many things, on top of having an insanely large open world. BotW's map was way too big. TotK's map is insanely oversized. That's why my number one prayer for the next Zelda is that they SCALE THIS SHIT DOWN!!
Overall, Tears of the Kingdom isn't a bad game. When it works, it works very well. However it works so occasionally that I really wish Nintendo stops doing this new modern formula. It seems like Nintendo just doesn't know how to improve upon BotW. With TotK, they just figured "Well if we take BotW and just shove more shit into it, it'd be good right?". Well, it's not good. It's fucking mid.
As for what I want Nintendo to do instead? Well I hope that the next Zelda is just something that's radically new. You might not have expected me to say that, huh? Well honestly, I don't really care if old Zelda ever returns. If it ever did, I'd be happy for sure, but it's not like those old games are perfect either. The reason we're even in this mess is because Skyward Sword was so hated that Nintendo backpedalled so hard in the opposite direction that they fell off a cliff.
At this point, all I want is a new Zelda game that I can love again, and these modern ones just aren't it.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Benefits of herbal teas
Herbal teas offer a range of benefits depending on the specific herbs used.
Here are some common benefits associated with herbal teas:
Hydration: Herbal teas, like any other type of tea, provide hydration to the body. Staying properly hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being.
Antioxidant properties: Many herbal teas contain antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals, which can contribute to aging and various diseases. Antioxidants support cellular health and strengthen the immune system.
Digestive support: Certain herbal teas, such as peppermint, ginger, and fennel, can aid digestion, relieve bloating, and soothe an upset stomach. They may help alleviate symptoms of indigestion and promote a healthy digestive system.
Calming and stress relief: Several herbal teas, including chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm, have calming properties that can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. They can be a soothing beverage to enjoy before bed or during stressful moments.
Sleep aid: Some herbal teas, like chamomile and valerian root, are known for their sleep-enhancing properties. They can help relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
Immune support: Certain herbs, such as echinacea, elderberry, and rosehip, found in herbal teas, can support the immune system and help prevent or alleviate symptoms of the common cold or flu.
Herbal remedies: Traditional herbal teas have been used for centuries as natural remedies for various ailments. For example, ginger tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and may help alleviate nausea and menstrual cramps.
It's important to note that while herbal teas can provide benefits, they should not replace medical advice or treatment.
If you have specific health concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
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yakool-foolio · 9 months
Opinion on TinyLeaf’s video on Rain Code? (Specifically what they think of the characters)
I saw this ask pop up and instinctively went to go listen to the video. FYI: I haven't watched the full video; I wanted to mainly stick to your request of what TinyLeaf and Phos thought of the characters, so I watched up to the ending of that section. I feel like this video's (or at least what I've watched up to) unscripted nature really pulls down at any point they try to make about the characters they bring up. It also hurt to hear that they experienced the game with barely any audio, as the voice acting and music in this game really improves the experience, especially since this game isn't a visual novel and shouldn't be treated as one.
For a section talking about Rain Code's cast, it hardly felt like they discussed them with any greater detail. They kept bringing up characters from other games instead, making the discussion feel bloated. Their main point is that the cast is boring, but they rarely give reasons as to why they think so, with the only characters they really delved into being Yuma, Shinigami, and Kurumi. I do actually agree with their thoughts about Kurumi being bland. She really did feel like a 'nothing' character where her main purpose was to provide information unknown to Yuma when necessary for the plot. She's cute, sure, but it doesn't remedy how forced she felt in the story. As for the NDA detectives, TinyLeaf and Phos hardly spoke of them at all, Halara and Vivia being almost completely left out of their discussion. I think the point they tried to make is that the NDA detectives having their own focus for one chapter each is why they think they're boring, but that message didn't completely fall through.
If TinyLeaf is to ever make a scripted video in the future, it'll be a lot less like sifting through filler. But for now, this video serves as an opinion piece I don't really jive with. And that's fine! They needed to get out their unfiltered thoughts and feelings out and they did exactly that! But as a form of discussion, there isn't much I can really talk about since a lot of their points can be summarized as 'it was boring.'
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