The time has come... for the Limited Life Predicted Winner's Bracket!
(It's like the mcytblr sexyman bracket, but for actually trying to predict the final winner of Limited Life... more or less.)
Hi everyone!! For the start of this lovely new Life Season, I thought it'd be fun to run a little bracket here on Trafficblr!
The purpose is to "accurately" predict the final champion of the series, but based on the nominations I get, there may be a chaos/honorary mentions bracket as well!
Here's the form to nominate your winner!
I'll leave the form open until next weekish, at which point I'll make the bracket and start the polls!
Cheers, everyone!
(Master Post in the works o7)
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ryanthel0ser · 2 months
Tokyo Ghoul Re volume 6 my beloved
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e-adlirez · 1 year
I trust David Soren because CU was a pretty solid movie and a faithful adaptation at that. In a perfect world, I would like it to be 2-D, but maybe we can compromise with a hybrid style BUT IF THERE'S NO MARVEL AFTER CREDIST SCENE TEASING THE THEA SISTERS I'M BOYCOTTING THE MOVIE- /j
David Soren is a solid movie director if CU is anything to go by. 2D would be cool but at the same time style consistency and model sheets might be a nightmare, so I can understand why they're probably gonna do 3D animation instead. Look, if they use stylized 3D animation it'd be so cool--
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sidsinning · 4 months
Apothecary Diaries is pog as fuck bc serious political issues and dynamics from a woman's POV are rarely depicted in ANY form of media
It's always a man's world where women's issues surround him. Even if we get a female perspective once in awhile- it all comes back to how it facilitates his game in the end. She's a footnote in the overarching scheme of things. Misogyny exists. Back to the real plot.
Apothecary Diaries is strictly from a female perspective and how each class of woman has to act, what limits they have, what rights they have and don't have between each class, etc. These women have to behave a certain way under a patriarchy, which you would think makes it a man's story, but it never is. The women are THE focus of this show, their struggles are THE plot. The focus is about how the patriarch effects them.
Take the concubines for example. The show dives into how bearing a child affects their rank, how traumatizing it is to lose that child, the consequences of that, etc. We have barely seen the emperor who sired all these kids because this is not about him.
Jinshi's personal plot is secondary to Mao Mao's journey- he is mostly there to provide new cases for Mao Mao to solve and to learn more about the shortcomings of his class when taking care of citizens like Mao Mao.
Jinshi is not a bad person, but by virtue of his position in the higher classes, he cannot understand how harsh life as a poor WOMAN is specifically- he can only catch glimpses of it from what Mao Mao tells him and feel outrage but powerless in his wealth and luxury
Mao Mao is a fortunate commoner woman for what privileges someone in her class should and shouldn't have. She happened to be adopted by a knowledgeable man. She is allowed to read, write, learn, and has enough skill to be a poison tester and have a job EXTREMELY out of her class limit as an apothecary, also a job not traditionally meant for women
Mao Mao is not a "noT lIkE oThER gIrLs" protagonist, she is FOR THE GIRLIES. She only wants to help the women around her, and women are whom she has the closest relationships to. She sees a woman being harassed and can't let it stand. She sees a frail, traumatized woman dying from the recklessness of those who should be caring for her and spends day and night nursing her back to health, while also punishing the people who were so careless with her needs.
My girl has STUDIED UP on THE BODY to TEACH these upper class ladies on how to really HEAT things up in the BEDROOM
Sex depicted in Apothecary Diaries is both something women are not shamed to be enjoying, while at the same time being acknowledged as an unfortunately huge economic necessity to market themselves.
Like shit is just so real in this series???
Listen, I can go on and on about how GOATED the series and especially Mao Mao is but you get the picture
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brujitaadinbo · 6 months
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This image does not belong to me… it is from Sopita Pog and you can follow it on Instagram.
If there is something that as humans identifies us as such; It is the fact that thanks to our emotions and feelings we can recognize our own humanity. A person in constant growth must know that this is elementary. This and the fact that being sociable beings and living in a community (it's not my thing, look for related information and you'll have to agree with me) we have that tendency and need to live in groups, live with others, relate technically.
All this forms that inevitable process; growing up And although this is palpable, it has been part of many stories, part of the narrative from reading, cinema, series, etc… I explain this so that you understand my point. If we live it, it is nothing out of the ordinary, it is not wrong, nor is it bad, that growth is experienced by the characters that we like so much. A growth that allows them to improve or worsen. In the case of Din, Grogu and Bo, it's a blessing that this growth goes straight to something positive.
It irritates me that they want to deny that possibility to these characters and continue pigeonholing them into "I'm the tough one, the tough one, the one who's never going to get better and that's fine."
It is definitely throwing away the entire process experienced in the seasons or the content. It is not understanding that "being someone powerful" does not only consist of an important position, having a lot of money, causing fear in others, etc etc… the true intention of having power, of being powerful, of feeling fulfilled is to be happy, to live a change, having friends or a partner or family, not always ending up alone, having others who contribute to you, and that you know that empowers you, enriches you, not only materially.
Well, it is appreciated that Din and Grogu are together because that was always the purpose, denying Grogu or wanting to throw him away is ruining the series, it is wanting to spoil Din and his new path. Now to say that Bo Katan, they only want to pigeonhole her into being Din's girlfriend or just being Grogu's mom… it seems ridiculous to me and a pathetic and meaningless argument.
If you know Bo's story, everything she has experienced and that she has always been surrounded by war, you will understand her point when she said it in "Clone Wars" "I would like to be good at something else, not just fighting."
I said it before, I say it now and I will continue to say it; If by her own decision she wanted to continue as Mandalore, retire, be alone, or be with Din, her right is and she has it and has earned it. Taking care of Grogu, being his friend and betting on the role of mother does not make her weaker or less important; on the contrary, the desired motherhood is a blessing, a right that many people like to minimize. A very important act of love and responsibility, a high position that not everyone fulfills and the fact that she decides and applies it does not make her any less and it is very wrong that people take it that way, interpret it that way and want to impose it. as such. Mothers have an important role in our lives, in our environment, obviously in this content, if you don't believe me, just go check out this great character from Hera Syndulla. I applaud the fact that this line of growth is visible.
I applaud you for bringing Din and Bo closer and making the possibility of them being together, walking and continuing to grow together visible and palpable. Because growing is an internal process but there is always the option of not experiencing this process alone. And with Grogu by the hand, what better
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tev-the-random · 2 years
So far, we've got Tango in Gobland, Scar in Tumble Town, Pearl and Joe in Chromia, Cleo and Xisuma in Eversea, Keralis and Jevin in Sanctuary. Impulse and Grian are kind of making their own places. Did I miss anyone?
There are two kinds of emperors in this crossover: the ones who stick to the lore and claim they don't know the Hermits and the ones who drop everything and yell "MY RANCHER!".
Pix fits the second category, though a lot quieter.
Pearl fits the first, which is strange, considering her role as Literally God. At this point we really can't be sure of what exactly this means for Pearl or for Sausage. What is she?
Gem is her own category. There's something very sus going on with her.
Jimmy absolutely freaking out over seeing Tango again though-
I think at this point it's canon that either people have nametags floating above their heads or everyone is wearing an actual name tag and that's how they all know each other's names even though they never met.
Scott just got a magical flash grenade to the eye. How is this man seeing anything after the entire sky erupted in magic light-
Sausage. I'm not surprised. Not even disappointed. Xisuma most certainly is, though.
Is it a custom in Sanctuary to kiss people on the cheeks or is Sausage like... actively making out with newcomers? I know this is a very weird question, but it's Sausage we're talking about.
Joel adopted the one night armour stand joke lmao-
Tango freaking out over every little thing he sees.
Murder is canonically legal in Empires.
Grian is a force of chaos, as expected.
Rancher duo collabs again, pog? With horns and everything?
And Tango is now an engineer in Gobland, which means Fwhip might have some more to do other than poke the Sheriff. This crossover is a win all around for Jimmy, except for the toy jokes, which may increase, but I will thoroughly ignore that-
There's No Curse In Glimmer Grove.
Sausage keeping tabs on all the Hermits. That' either means that he's not as unsuspecting of them as he may seem or it implies that all Hermits are now their own empiresonas-
Grian's appearance in Tumble Town was so incredibly ominous, holy sh-
Shelby trying to be hospitable but at the same time being a witch inviting unsuspecting people into her hut in the cursed swamp after claiming the fog eats souls and pulling out a scythe. I'd be terrified.
Hats and mounts get passed all around. Is this a crime?
Why does only Pearl get an outfit change? I mean, I know why, but like, canonically speaking, why did it happen?
Still, I felt a bit teary-eyed upon seeing the Arena Duo together again, the Gilded Helianthia dress only made it better. I missed these guys interacting so much, and I don't know if I'm in denial like Sausage or if I'm just about to open a Word document to write an entire one shot about it-
Sausage had a vision of Gilded Helianthia, I'm not ok
Oh god, now we have both Joel and Scar yelling LORE in the same place, save us-
So convenient that E!False decided to travel far away right when HC!False shows up. Smart decision, yes, but at the same time, the fanfic writers must now assemble to make the two of them meet.
Ok, so apparently some people remember the Life series and some people don't. I guess that means that some of the characters, such as Jimmy, Joel and Scar, are the same characters from the Life series after they lost their third life. Other characters, such as Scott and Pearl, are not. But what does this mean?
Fwhip sounded so hurt for a moment when he thought Jimmy made Scar his new deputy. This man is not ok.
Soup Group? Soup Group.
Big ears Scar is cursed.
Sausage is too hospitable for his own good.
Scar's deputy and moral support arc. I'm happy for it, but at the same time, I don't trust it.
On one hand, I do think the wallpaper in Tumble Town looks very pretty and it would be so sad to destroy it. On the other hand, Jimmy deserves some dignity and shouldn't take this slander anymore, I swear to god-
Poor Impulse is so confused, why is this cat lady yelling at him, why are animals walking on two legs, where is he, he's having a crisis-
Stratos' class system gets called out, finally.
Just when Joel was so close to convincing the fandom that he's tall, the Empires' folk shut it down and confirm that they're only playing along and he is not, in fact, tall. Short king is back?
Katherine, when you go around telling everyone, including literal strangers your secret, I don't think it can be considered a secret anymore.
Fwhip encourages crime, such a good deputy of the law.
But then again, it's not stealing, it's borrowing-
Seeing the empires from the Hermits' perspectives is crazy, I hadn't realised just how massive these empires got.
The Hermits are staying for a while. I'm so happy this isn't going to be a one-episode thing, I'm dying to see where this goes!
(I'm trying to watch as many perspectives as I can. Some of them haven't come out yet, and I don't feel like watching Keralis' hour long episode. Can someone tell me what happens there?)
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titikawai · 1 year
My DinBo headcanons for the rest of the series
•Din is impressed by her fighting and how much of a good leader she is
•He loves her hair
•One day he burges in on a cute talk between Grogu and Bo and can’t help but appreciate how motherly she is to him
•he sees her training Grogu / the foundlings
•Din reacts to her beskar pauldron
•they train together / she teaches him how to wield the darksaber
•Bo saying sth flirty mid fight to catch him off guard and win
•she teaches him how to make Pog soup
•they eat together while sitting back to back not to see each other’s face (I stole this one from: @pieshot56)
•stargazing at night while they have a deep convo
•« I never know if you’re staring at me or just zoned out »
•talk about family or in their case the lack there off and their wish to create their own (foundlings or true Mando community)
•him placing a hand on hero’s when she mentions Satine
•Bo confessing what she did while in Death Watch and Din taking a burden off her shoulder because she was « just an influential kid who wanted to do good »
•she rests her head on his shoulder and Din has a silent mental breakdown
•he also tells her about how he didn’t like just being a bounty hunter and wished he « was good at something else than violence » before he met Grogu and everything changed
•she reacts to his words and remembers she did say something similar once and how when she met him and grogu she did feel a switch (but doesn’t tell him)
•she tells him about the mythosaur and how she thought she had gone mad and « you’re gonna think I’m crazy » and he answer : « there is nothing that you will ever say to me that will make you sound crazy » (quoting Stiles Stilinski ik)
•him saying he will help her tame it and bring it back
•both saying they trust each other
•Korkie survived and is allowed as a guest on the moon
•He meets Din : « Auntie, your new boyfriend is so badass »
• Bo : « he’s not my … » Din: « we’re not… »
•Korkie’s knowing look
•They finally go back to Mandalore and she gives him a tout of the ruins and tells him her childhood memories
•They tame the mythosaur together but Bo is the one actually giving him the last hit to make it pass out
•Bo trying to hide her injuries from Din but ends up fainting in front of him
•he saves her for once and catches her before she hits the floor
•she wakes up and he’s taking care off her, lying her down : « Let me take care of you for once, please just let me »
•washing off the blood from her body and noticing a broken rib
•Bandages her saying « I should have been more careful, I didn’t want you to get hurt »
• noticing an old scar and staring at it till Bo eventually tells him the story behind it
•Din stays up all night by the fire to make sure she is safe
•they go back to mandalore: her on the mythosaure and him with the light saber in hand. All the children of the watch and Korkie kneel in front of them
•One night around the fire, Din confessed how he was scared she would die and how much he cares about her
•Din: « I know we have our differences and you might still want to kill me after I took the darksaber from you but… I like you… you really don’t have to like me back but … »
•Bo slowly but surely goes for a Keldabe kiss. They stand helmet to helmet while also holding each other’s hands
•Grogu is not far… smiling cause his mom and dad are finally a sailing ship
•Same with the armourer who the next day suggests a mandalorian political wedding to unite all clans
•Bo wants to think about it alone and leaves for Mandalore again and finds herself in the mines all over again. She’s scared of her feelings
•Din is scared he did something wrong and texts her asking if everything is alright but she doesn’t answer for days
• she eventually does, sharing her location
•he rushes there and finds her by the water in which he bathed back in episode 2
•she tells him about her feelings and how scary all of this is to her
•Din confesses he feels the same way but doesn’t want to lose her because he is too afraid
• they are alone in the mines, he takes off his helmet
•she’s like « Why are you doing this? You don’t have to! »
•and he answers : « I want you to see the truth in my eyes when I say I will never leave your side »
•she tears up and eventually takes off her helmet and tell him the same applies to her
•they both smile, he washes off her tears and they slowly kiss
•Then R-rated scene involving scar and forehead kissing, hair caressing…
•They eventually come back to the children of the watch and accept the « political marriage » that actually isn’t one
•they have the cutest intimate wedding (kind of like Anakin and Padmé in Episode II)
Season 4 :
•They both start rebuilding Mandalore
•Mandalorian from every clan meet and do feasts together, a real sense of community emerges
•Paz Vizla and Din become BFF and the same thing happens with Grogu and Ragnar
•Bo and Sabine reunite
•Ahsoka and Luke often visit Mandalore to see Bo, Din and Grogu
•Din and Bo still parent Grogu
•Din is the sword of Mandalore and Bo does the ruling and the administrative work = Dream team work
•maybe they find a new foundling they name Satine
•post wedding : DinBo isn’t scared to take off their helmets when they are just the two of them. Often, when Din goes and look for injuries on his wife’s face, he’d notice how pretty her eyes are, causing him to blush
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viky-somebody · 1 year
pretty cool fic list
dog at the door - fluffy_papaya (absolute fave. Red King)
I still Bleed When i Fall Down - Paranoid_Pug (MCC gets attacked by watcher hunters)
And The Universe Shifts - aayaptre (fandom history)
this is about a stuffed bird - Bee_4 (apocalypse, Mumbo and EX dynamic)
fixed and dilated - iamsolarflare (Hypno & xB special hybrid powers shenanigans) 
Cause We Are Whole - ooFFFF (Tango becomes a robot and finds a new friend)
Nothing But Flowers - nho (Etho & myceluim resistance +nho references, sadly unfinished)
Still the Echoes Give Us Light - doctortrekkie (VERY good watcher grian series, HC + Traffic life series events.)
Eldritch Horror Keralis - MawoftheMagnetar (exactly what it says. but also oh so much more)
prometheus and the livewire - storm_warning (Ren the king is struggling. Doc is quiet and theres no news from him)
They say that the world was built for two - GardenerGulfie (Ren and Martyn keep meeting in different lives. also aromantic Ren pog)
Torchlight - Skelew (Ren is a god of a dead city stuck in the form of a torchlight and Martyn is his only follower)
the last days of the free angel of carrows - Bee_4 (Joe Hills and Zombie Cleo run a paranormal activity agency in a modern city. Cleo is a literal undead, Joe is a renowned angel, and together they get tied with a conspiracy against the city mayor.)
Lady Cleo, King Ren, and the Trials of The Midwest - storm_warning (Cleo and King Ren get teleported to Ohio)
Against The Clock - Leopardmask (Set in season 8, Evil X got possessed and the Horse Head Farms plus Wels and Jevin decide to deal with that) (Jevin is a slime & vex hybrid)
The Sky Weighs Heavy Tonight - MaoftheMagnetar (pilot au, set in a world with genetic mutations caused by a past war. gone emotional)
Joehills' Moderately Haunted House - zombiiehorse (Modern au, Joe buys a new house for a suspiciosly low price)
Monsters Splitting Hairs - Silverskye13 (Ren, Doc and Gem live in a village, forced to disguise as humans, bc of the history of the town) (great worldbuilding)
Lonesome Dreams - doctorletmebebrave (Jimmy Solidarity gets separated after the dragon fights and accepts a deal from the Listeners)
Lend Me A Hand - SolSearchingNights (Ponk sneaks onto hermitcraft and vents to Doc about their relationship with Sam)
Redstone and Skulk - Silverskye13 (Tango's helsmit Tanguish & Helsknight, delicious hels worlduilding)
Åttiofem - MawoftheMagnetar (Iskall has a terrible day getting kidnapped and finally discovers something about his past) (slight Stresskall shipping)
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist - donnerstag (modern day au with hybrids, Doc is a scientist studying a siren!Martyn whos been newly caught for their facility) (DOCMARTYN FISH YAOI LETS GO)
Ad Nauseam - mycelium_menace (Dawndragon) (Joe Hills is stuck in a timeloop. One day, a wild Cleo appears to shake him out of his apathy)
Black skies have changed into blue - GoodTimesWithScar (Oli Orionsound finds a wild Martyn, whos been reverse isekai'ed back from the datastream)
(i'll tend to the flames you can worship the) ashes - darubyprincxx (amazing post-rapture season 1 empires work. Fwhip and Gem survived and are on the run. They find a Pixlriffs, who's been missing for 8 years.)
Ad Astra - Moonsetvoid (Secret Life, the Watchers take a special interest in Scar. He ends up teaming up with Grian again.)
misc., *mostly* smaller fics
Empires & related
Ghosts in the Sky - trafficpose (space au Martyn/Docm)
Kids in empires, what will they do?  - Faffodill (Hermes, Michael and Grumbot messing around)
food IS a love language and i will fight you on this - darubyprincxx (Hermes overhears a discussion between his parents)
Empires Strike Back - Leopardmask (A retelling of the Hermempires crossover)
Count fWhip Fails a Blood Test - darubyprincxx (set in empires season 1)
survivorship bias - Bee_4 (Jimmy wakes up in a city of New Pixandria, after the season 1 Rapture, with little to no memory of who he was before)
Fuck Around and Find Out - Moonstone_Kat (Sheriff Jimmy wants to finally end all the jokes about him being a toy and decides to pull off the most elaborate prank on his friends)
a not so calculated catch - vexberries (Mermaid Scar and a sceptic Cub, who does not believe in mermaids but gets a crush)
Four Hearts - PieOfDeath (Jlethubs valentines day fluff)
Wind Back The Clock - guy56 (Bdubs and Etho have existed in many worlds and timelines yet they still keep meeting each other)
Hermit City Heroes series - 2point5 (Superhero AU) (actually pretty long)
What's The Letter That Starts The Alphabet (Ayy!) - Darubyprincxx (Team STAR look at Rens Very Bad presentation)
Joe Hills, Joe Hills, Joe Hills - leopardmask (the guy gets possessed)
The Rising Moon, The Setting Sun (series) - Dillbug (Watcher Grian, worshipper Xisuma, runaway s9 Pearl + Bonus Drista)
We're not that different, you and I - swemae (grian and scar talk about vex magic)
cmon mumbo dont tell me youve never heard of a stable time loop - Sixteenthdays (Mumbo gets his soul back)
bad things come in small packages - kiwinatorwaffles (Jimmy is a Watcher and vouches for Grian to become one as well)
Found - sparxwrites (Grian saves Scar from the Boatem hole)
I lost the old, guess I need something new - SkyWillSomeTimesWrite (Grian needs glasses)
What Does It Mean To Truly Live? - Wrenny_Fang_03 (an okay Watcher Grian thing where Xisuma is also an ex-Watcher. not my thing tbh but it was alright)
A Dog's Nose - dontrollthedice (Ren asks about Etho and Beefs relationship)
Guys and Dolls - Leopardmask (cool Doll Grian concept)
Sticker War - darkleweather
Name-Calling is NOT supposed to suck this badly (One chapter with a cool concept. Grian hears everyone who says his true name)
Buddy System - (Ren & Grian in the End)
Healing Is a Four Letter Word - Hypno_cat (Grian is a cryptid, joins hc in secret and hides in the woods)
an observer in a land of none - jaysflight (vague fantasy, watcher Grian (Veld) and Scar) (really loved this)
Inversing Allocation - Interjection (5+1 watcher Grian stuff)
Following in Pandoras footsteps - Paranoid_Pug (Grian gets a surprise present)
send me a wave via subspace - FangirlOfPower (Joe is stuck and communicates with Cleo via voicemail)
When This World Is No More (The Moon is All We'll See) - Silverskye13 (Season 8 moon crush, sad)
To Convey a Certain Brilliance - Bee_4 (Joe dies repeatedly while trying to find hermits after the moon fell)
An Inhuman Waltz - MawoftheMagnetar (Jev stole one of Cleo's armor stands for unknown reasons)
It Takes Two to Tango - EyelessFog (Tango realizes he might be a system)
The Guppy Geiser's Miraculous Return - simplydm (the guppy geiser returns!)
Investigative Journalism - jaz_it_up (Pix and Sloy explore ruins of the season 8 world to find if anyone survived)
Heart Storm - Duchess_Of_Dumpsters (one cool chapter of Joe and Wels shipping)
The guy who conquers death- ooFFFF (Zedeath tries to hunt down Joe)
The Orange Promise - bloop_im_a_frog_now (Cub and Scar are forced to get engaged by Cub's rich parents)
dream smp~
passerine - blujamas, thcscus
His Curse of Binding - bari_astralis (greek mythology themed au with reincarnation into modern times. the events of the early dream smp seasons are ancient history) (cried my eyes out)
Incarnate Inchoate - underoriginal (Dream is sent to hermitcraft and is forced to rethink his life choices)
Up For a Fight? (Tommy escapes the server to live a life by a fighting arena, changes in a lot of ways) (some typos in the text)
Black Bird Fly - MollyPollyKinz (everybody has wings and magic powers and tommy is a kidnapped prince)
It Feels Like Murder (Dream finds Sams body in the prison)
something you can’t bottle up - doingthewritethings (Tommy is slowly dealing with trauma)
Watch Untill The End - Noem (Dsmp fic in czech, a small reimagining of how the server was created, tied in with Evo and Tekkit lore)
that one time aztro went to space and came back with an alien - SDMP Backstory
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pokemonfangame · 11 months
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Pokémon: The Mythical Berries
People and Pokémon were once friends, but times change. In a world where Pokémon are rather treated as lab rats and test subjects, one small group of Pokémon have decided enough is enough! After escaping from a lab, Ethan finds himself as the leader in the middle of a war between people and Pokémon, hoping to claim back the freedom of Pokémon around the world. However, humanity won't go down without a fight and they use the power of these mysterious berries. What do they do and where did they come from? Join Ethan and his team on their quest to free the Pokémon, repair the relationship between Pokémon and people, and learn about the mysteries of the berries in a Pokémon fangame like you've never played before!
​Pokémon: The Mythical Berries is a game inspired by Strategy RPG games like Fire Emblem that was made in only one week for Thundaga's Pog Jam 3. In this game, you can take control of Ethan and his group of rebels as they journey across the region to take down the mastermind behind the Pokémon enslavement.
Classic SRPG turn based gameplay, similar to that of the Fire Emblem series
The gameplay has been adapted to fit in line with Pokémon, allowing for different types of attacks with weaknesses in line with Pokémon's
Multiple chapters to play through to experience the story of Ethan's journey
Side missions to recruit new members to the team and a post game bonus map
The popular Support system from the Fire Emblem series is included
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dreamofdawn · 1 year
Hi I saw your requests are open and since I’m new to this and I like your work I thought I’d ask for a simple hc with the luxiem boys and their ideal Christmas date?? If it’s too complicated you don’t have to do this, tbh I don’t know how I came up with this😅 ❤️🧡💛💙💜🎄also I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 🎄🎄🎄
✧✧You ask and you shall receive✧✧
Main pairing: Luxiem x Reader/You (separately)
Au: none
Genre: fluff
Type: [HEADCANON], One shot, or Series
Characters: Vox Akuma, Ike Eveland, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Luca Kaneshiro, Reader
A/n: Heyo! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you too, and don't worry it wasn't complected at all. Thank you for the request and don't worry you will get used to this eventually!!
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Luxiem and their ideal Christmas date.
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A romantic night out in a restaurant
I see Vox taking to a restaurant after the Christmas party! Just imagine sitting on each end of the table with some candles lit and dinner being serve to both of you! Vox is very romantic so he'd like to take you out where the place is very romantic.
He could also take the dinner home, and by that I mean he would set up a table with candles with delicious food and some roses around the place.
Overall like I said Vox Akuma is very very romantic.
"I hope you enjoy this dinner my dear, and merry Christmas to you."
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A cafe! Ike would take you out for a cafe date for Christmas, because the atmosphere is so warm and cozy imagine just sitting there while taking a sip of your hot drink of choice with some desserts.
Ike loves the atmosphere in the cafe and especially loves it since his with you spending Christmas together!
Also he will bring some books so both of you can read together your favorite books or some novel he made.
Overall it's so wholesome.
"Älskling, thank you for spending this Christmas with me, merry Christmas."
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Shu Yamino would take you out for an ice skating date!
He doesn't know how to ice skate but his a fast learner! If you do know how he would love for you to teach him how to skate, if you don't then don't worry he would help you. (Although you both slip many many times.)
It was fun but romantic for both of you because you both managed to skate together. Overall very Sweet and fun.
"Spending this Christmas with you is the best thing that happened this year babe."
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Mister Rias would like to just stay indoors with you!
He just like being with you so anything you would like to go, he would of course join you. But if you'd ask him, he wyjust like to stay indoors.
Imagine just sitting near the fireplace, all cozy up and maybe playing some games or watching some YouTube with snacks on the side.
Overall very cozy and warm.
"I know staying isn't really that much, but I hope that this will be a special Christmas to you love."
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I think Luca would also take you out for a romantic dinner date, and after that he would take you out for a nice night walk.
He would take you to a very fancy and expensive restaurant, ordering your favorite food with lit candles and a very calm and romantic atmosphere. While waiting for your food both of you would talk about things.
After dinner he would take you to a nice walk, either in the park or just strolling around the city whatever you prefer.
At the end of the beautiful night he would cuddle you in your house while the fireplace is lit.
"I hope you enjoy this Christmas. This was a very POG date, thank you for spending this Christmas with me, honey."
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A/n: sorry its short and for any grammar mistakes.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
God I love seeing people drift into other fandoms after leaving DSMP (as long as they do it positively and don’t do the “well that was always cringe/bad” thing. New fandom, pog, hating on the old fandom, not fun). It’s always so interesting to go “oh, i see what drew you to the source material, Godspeed”. To date, I have noticed people end up in:
Homestuck (lots of homestuck)
Hockey RPF
Critical Role
Dimension 20 (lots of dimension 20)
Harry Potter (but specifically Marauders)
Broader MCYT (lots of empires, lots of hermitcraft, so much traffic series, lots of rats SMP, the current one is witchcraft)
The Owl House
Pokémon (a lot of Pokémon)
Karmaland (this one gets its own bullet point cause Spanish mcyt is its own community)
Stranger Things
Sherlock Holmes (yes, multiple people)
Puss In Boots/Shrek
The Priory Of The Orange Tree
Persona 5
Star Trek
My dash is so full of so many different fandoms now, and it's so fun to see. (And you're always welcome to come back if you want, but if you don't, like— I hope you're having a great time.)
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rata2ouillegame · 2 years
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You’re probably wondering, “what the hell?” Honestly so am I, as not even I can fully process what I’ve done. Rata2ouille: The Perfect Dish (AKA Funny Ratgame) is a satirical, freeware indie platformer, social simulation, full length role-playing hybrid game. Following the events of Ratatouille for Wii and its sequel Ratatouille PSP, a new adventure unfolds after a series of events leads to the protagonist discovering a mysterious world known as the Food Network. Partnering up with an odd naked mole rat named Twinkles, the protagonist forms the Rodent Risers, braving the Food Network to find the mythical Perfect Ingredients and defeat the brutally evil rat Knox. Along the way, the player will have to develop Companion Syncs with both coworkers and customers, craft and obtain Persona to wield in combat, manage their restaurant, cook food that will assist them on their journey, and more.
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itch.io page: Click Here
Google Drive: Download Link
Archive.org: Download Link
Please feel free to upload and share with your friends wherever you feel like if they have trouble with either of these links!!!
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Unravel a grandiose conspiracy involving the amnesiac Twinkles, the evil rat Knox, the mysterious Food Network, the labyrinthine Hyperstream, fast food delivery apps, and an impending visit from the food critic Guy Fieri that could make-or-break your restaurant!
Fight intense battles with Shadows that you can also wield as Persona. Use them to best your enemies and rivals, like Ratatoing!
Form various Companion Syncs to deepen your bond with important figures in your life to unlock skills and gameplay perks!
Date various cute boyfriends! Only one girlfriend included.
Over 100 characters from various different media properties appear as customers in your restaurant, including... Sans Undertale, Peter Griffin, Yu Narukami, Kazuma Kiryu, Joseph Joestar, Bayonetta, and many, many, many more!
Customize your hero! Set pronouns and unlock over thirty unique costumes that appear both in cutscenes and gameplay!
Obtain all seven of the legendary Chaos Emeralds by succeeding in target breaking minigames hidden throughout the Food Network!
Difficulty adjustments and options, such as the “Skip Battles” pog item that can be equipped to skip all battles and focus purely on the story! Perfect for players that do not care for combat.
Create your own “My Food Network” where you can set your own favorite song to play, choose your color palette, create a food exhibit, and set posters that can be unlocked using points earned from in-game achievements!
Super cool players that 100% the game can view a Secret Ending that plays upon clearing the epilogue or talking to a certain friend in My Food Network...
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This game is in no way, shape, or form an actual Disney, Pixar, or Atlus product. It is an independently developed satirical game. It is parody and no profit is being made from it.
Check out more down below for a little Q&A
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Q: Is this really a full length Persona style RPG? A: Yes. I’m sorry, I don’t know why. It’s about 60 Hours long.
Q: How long did this take to make? A: About two and a half years, though I took many breaks from working on it due to being a full time college student (after some gap years) and having other projects I’ve been working on.
Q: Who made this? What kind of person makes this? Can you tell us about yourself because I need to know what’s wrong with you??? A: I’m very sorry to tell you that a very hot goth artsy nonbinary femboy made this game. I hope that makes the game more intimidatingly powerful.
Q: If this is a heavily Persona inspired game will it be re-released with a single new dungeon in a few years with a new marketable character tacked on? A: Buddy if enough people find this funny and enjoy playing it, you know it! That and if enough people would like to help me add full blown voice acting in a re-release, which would be one of my major focuses for an enhanced version.
Q: Why did you make this? A: I was really bored during the pandemic. Originally this was a small crude gag game I was making years and years and years ago that I scrapped, but I completely revamped it into something much more elaborate and surreal as a little distraction to keep me busy while quarantining. It sort-of functioned as a low stakes testing ground for less facetious games I plan on releasing in the near future. There’s also an underlying commentary on how obnoxious and outlandish unnecessary sequels to self-contained and subdued stories are, which can be seen in how ridiculously unhinged the game is with constantly recontextualizing various minute-details of the original movie and retconning things as if it was all deep foreshadowing.
Q: Why are you acting like Ratatouille is some kind of game series? A: In the past, in the really early beginnings of making this game, I had this whole elaborate ARG thing I would often joke about with friends where I would insist the movie was just a really bad faithless adaption of a video game series developed by Platinum Games and published by Atlus. There were jokes about the name “Remy” being a “dumb movie adaption thing” and that Ratatouille is in fact the proper name. The implication was that the “Disney movie adaption” was so bad it killed off the game series until this sequel came out well over a decade later due to “vocal fan support.” This eventually died down a bit, but some of the ironic ARG stuff has lingered. One part of the ARG was originally going to be that there were two people working on this game instead of one and that they’d have a messy public falling out on the game’s tumblr blog, but this was scrapped because it felt too explosive lol.
Q: What do you mean by this being a sequel to Ratatouille for Wii and Ratatouille PSP? Aren’t those the same game? A:  While the Ratatouille tie-in game on most consoles was just a movie adaption, the PSP version was one of those weird tie-in games that takes place after the movie. I never beat the game but the plot entails Chef Skinner stealing all the recipe cards from the new restaurant around the time of their grand opening, and Rem- Ratatouille having to retrieve them. This is recited as some sort of major, melodramatic event in Rata2ouille. Ratatouille PSP has a lot of scrapped side-characters from the movie appear (such as rats named Celine, Dodo, Twitchy all of whom were meant to appear in the movie and were in the official art book) in addition to very odd new characters such as Teen Rat, who is seemingly a Sonic the Hedgehog pastiche that challenges Remy to races. These game-exclusive characters are all treated as if they’re established characters from the movie that we should know and recognize so when I discovered they exist halfway through development, I retroactively added a bunch of them into this game and treated them exactly the same here. I did a lot of deep diving into the production of the movie and its tie-in material while making this game and referenced a lot of niche stuff -- in order to be as bizarre as possible, I also needed to be as “authentic” as possible.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 2 months
Oh hi Bean!!! :D
LOL I have not watched s3 yet but I saw you brainrotting, I'm assuming it was great!👍
Okay okay okay so!!! Brief recap bc I need to refresh my memory:
Tommy as Alex, Techno as Yassen, Uhhhhh Phil as John and Kristin as Ian I think???
Dream as "a younger, greener Blunt" to quote myself, uhhh I think Mrs. Jones was Puffy?????
Jack Niki Sapnap Eret as K-Unit/K-Squad! Code names Thunder, Arson, Animal Abuse, and Tax Fraud!!!😃 (I believe Tommy was Drug Abuse lol)
Quackity as Ash, Hannah and Punz as [Point Blanc] with Purpled & Enderboo as two of the clones, Ranboo Aimsey and Eryn as the [PB] kids, with Ranboo(in the role of Kyra) later transferring to Tommy and Tubbo's school. Kyranboo pog!
Tubbo was Tom!! As he should be!!!
Uhhh okay I think that's about as far as we got???
AR!Wilbur was Jack(the Starbright variety not the Manifold variety) but I think we might want to change that particular bit...😅 I suggest Charlie or Schlatt!! If it's Schlatt then Tubbo could also be Tommy's pseudo-brother?? Yknow since Schlatt is usually Tubbo's dad in these things. Charlie would be funnier though, considering Ash and Jack canonically went on a few dates in AR.
"Oh yeah Quackity from Las Nevadas, we f*cked a few times!" "Charlie-" "He made real nice noises when-" "CHARLIE STOP-"
Awesamdad would be nice too, but I think Sam was Smithers??? Or maybe it was Foolish, idk.
Uuuuhhhh Point Blanc!! Still needs a name!!! It's just Hannah and Punz (+Purpled) so... uh.
....Academy Bedwars????
idk what to call them OTL, I'm saving Skephalo/Eggpire for Scorpia, I can't call PB the Eggpire...
Uuuuhhhh anyway!! Bedrock Bros bc we love Bedrock Bros in this house!!! Phil got discovered/fought his prodigy/got betrayed a little later than John did in AR canon, so Techno met baby Tommy a few times. Tommy's blue sweater coming from Techno was what we agreed on I think!
Anyway even though Techno felt betrayed by Phil being a spy, I think his feelings are a little different than Yassen. With Yassen it was pretty complicated, with him already being committed to Scorpia/the morally grey(like, really really dark grey) side, still being grateful to John for saving his life, etc. Meanwhile Techno would betray the Eggpire for one corn chip- if said corn chip was Phil. He was just angry Phil never told him.
"You're a spy????" "Techno I can explain-*" "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA TAKE ME WITH YOU???!?!!! I thought we were a team, smh! S M f*cking H!!!"
(*: he cannot)
Anyway after Phil "dies"(I don't think he's actually dead, I feel like a major deviation from AR canon is bound to happen sometime and I think Phil returning would be an important plot point), Techno just. Stays with the Eggpire. He doesn't know how to contact MI6 anyway, and he doesn't really see the point when Phil isn't gonna be there. Also, staying with the Eggpire means he can keep an eye out for Phil's remaining family, so that's what he does till one day he sees Tommy(Techno had been keeping track of him so he knows what Tommy looks like, but the kid looks exactly like Phil anyway) in a... rich kid boarding school?? And he's going by Tommy Outit(/ref)??? Bruh???
Tommy, of course does NOT recognize Techno and he's like Why is that guy looking at me like he recognizes me. Meanwhile Techno is bluescreening bc Hey. Hey Kristin? Why is your son doing spy work? Kristin???
Okay Imma pass the baton onto you now, feel free to add on lol.
-Lilly xx
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liketheinferno2 · 5 months
Dawntrail/fanfest presentation comments:
Both my predictions for new classes were correct down to the name so I'm pogging. Gonna get Patchi a battle morb. Pogging harder at the reveal of Solution 9 being the minor city instead of an endgame area. Always loved Final Fantasy as a series for that blend of sci fi flavour with "multicultural city of humans and mishmash monster people just chilling together" type fantasy but this looks like it's going really hard on both sides of that. Pogging ALSO at justice for Elezen face polygons and dark skin shines and Viera bunny nosies.
But really Solution 9 looks like it should have been a secret ancient thing so the idea that you go there as a hubtown is fascinating. Thinking about how a lot of Allag's horrors were based on defending themselves or crushing enemies so there are explicitly other acnient powers in this setting we haven't gotten into yet. Would be extremely down for either an exploration into old ruins with new friends stumbling upon all this and setting up post? But would also be down for once-rivals of the Allagans outlasting them on account of not being self-destroying conquerors and going underground. Wouldn't even be the only group that did it because the Steppe Xaela are also ancient.
After writing all that I remembered Solution 9 is one of Zidane's Trance abilities. Maybe a terrible anicent lab then I'm always down for those. While enjoying the FF4 tributes recently I love 9 a lot so I hope they bring more from it. YoshiP playable Genomes when
Also yippeee yay Erenville and Krile :D
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ploppythespaceship · 2 years
I’ve hardly seen anyone talking about Star Trek: Prodigy, and I have to assume that people either don’t know that it exists or don’t know that it came back, so! Star Trek: Prodigy is back! The second half of season one has just started airing. It’s a good little show that isn’t getting nearly the attention it deserves.
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Prodigy follows a group of teens that steal a Starfleet ship, the Protostar, in order to flee the colony where they have all been enslaved. When they learn about the Federation, they form a makeshift crew and take their new ship towards the Alpha Quadrant in hopes of joining up. Along the way, they do their best to follow Starfleet’s missions as they understand them. They also learn that their new ship isn’t quite what they expect.
The characters include!
Dal R’El -- cocky kid from an unknown race, just trying to figure out who he is
Gwyndala -- daughter of the prison colony’s leader, a tactical/linguistic genius
Rok-Tahk -- looks like a giant rock monster, is actually an adorable eight-year-old girl (has a pet blob named Murf)
Jankom Pog -- loud, excitable, and argumentative Tellarite engineer
Zero -- Medusan living in a spacesuit so corporeals can view them without going insane
Janeway -- hologram based on the original captain, guiding the young the crew
The show is well-made. It looks gorgeous. The characters are diverse and interesting. It covers surprisingly dark themes in a respectful and nuanced manner. It’s co-produced by Nickelodeon and is intended for a younger audience, but that doesn’t make it unapproachable for adults. And it’s made by people who clearly know and love the Trek franchise and want to introduce it to a new generation. There have been several loving homages to previous Treks, and the plot directly ties into Voyager. (J/C shippers will be thriving. That’s all I will say.)
It’s not as big or flashy as some of the other Treks on right now, and for whatever reason it hasn’t been as well-promoted. But it’s a good little series, and if you’re a fan of the Trek universe, it’s well worth your time. And if you’re not a Trekkie, this show isn’t a half-bad introduction to the universe. It’s available to stream on Paramount+ and Nick.com, the first of which requires an account and the second of which requires signing in with your TV provider.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 7 months
how's the smurfing going?
it's going good! my google doc is at over 5 pages, I got some nice sketches and the responses have been very helpful and fun >:D (shout out to isopod guy) the only problem is trying to not make my bias of who's my favorite smurf to be tooo obvious fndkjsa
plus the constant struggle between needing to do research and rewatch episodes and read wikipedia articles and the fact that i get what i call 'withdraw-l'... bassically I can only go so long before I just gotta doodle fdnjak
anyway: I SUPPOSE i might as well explain what the fuck I've been doing (if anyones noticed a lack of posts in the past handufl od days: the reason for my absence is that I was busy iwth my smurfing fdja )
bassically I've always had a LOT of questions regarding the smurfs, (many of which I've had sense childhood) and it's been plaguing me because nobody else seems to care to answer these questions, I'll be like 'what chemichal do you think makes them blue?' and 'what form of asexual reproduction do you assume they use' and 'i don't think it makes sense that they'd crush on smurfette, i'd imagine their mono-sex mono-gender society wouldn't really have those concepts or well, be heterosexual for that matter' and everyone responds with 'what aere you on' (the autism spectrum) 'why are you asking me this?' (i want to here your answer) and 'it's just a cartoon' (AND SOMETIEMS YOU GOTTA ASK SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CARTOONS) so I decided if I must do everything myself so be-it.
essentially I'm planning to make a very silly half video essay half my nonsense 'if i was in charge of a smurfs reboot' video. heres some of the doodles so far!
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vanity's always been my favorite so i'm having a hard time convincing myself to draw some smurf other than him fndasjkfnask (Azrael has always been my second favorite lol) I'm really excited to draw more fo smurf village! mushrooms houses my beloved <3 tbh the village is def a plus for the live action films, while giving the smurfs eyelids and lashes and pecs did not work I do enjoy seeing cute fantasy mushroom village in a photorealistic style <3
anyway one very fun thing i learned about while researching is about these really pretty very epic and pog mushrooms that are native to new zealend and just the most brilliant shade of blue
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these things are blue-tiful! And there are actually pigmented! (a lot of things in nature aren't actually blue and rather the structure of it refelcts light and shit to give it a blue appearance) the thing that gives em the blue pigment is a kind of 'azulene' but somehow just a brighter varient: they're so whimsical looking!
a funny thing I've found just through research is that a LOT of people aren't aware of smurfettes origin story, or thought that the origin story was from the live action films, this is so strange to me cause like ????? it's been there sense the begining comics, and theres plenty of episodes where it's mentioned
I'm also suprised by how many people seem to be fond of the new female smurfs: so I guess I'm on the unpopular side here, I've always imagined them as sorta sexless and generless, and that female smurfs (excluding artificially made ones like smurfette) just discovered and decided they preferred feminine gender expression/presentation. (i do wish i included a question asking if people as kids assumed them sexless, cause i always have)
idk I'm still working through the new cgi series and my cartoon pirating site doesn't have the second season, so maybe I'll change my mind on them
ufdnsjafnsdk sorry for rambling the hyperfixation has taken hold lmao
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