#NATO Member countries
timesofocean · 2 years
NATO commits to defending territory of alliance: Scholz
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/nato-commits-to-defending-every-centimeter-of-territory-of-alliance-scholz/
NATO commits to defending territory of alliance: Scholz
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Brussels (The Times Groupe)- Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz said Tuesday that the military alliance (NATO) is committed to defending every inch of its territory.
Olaf Scholz said Germany would bolster NATO’s eastern flank through its contribution.
“We will create a strong brigade, we discussed that with each other and will have to work on that,” Scholz said at a news conference alongside Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda, Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins, and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.
Scholz said that Germany’s decision to allocate a $107.3 billion (€100 billion) “special fund” to modernize its armed forces will strengthen NATO and make the country “the strongest armed forces in Europe and one of the strongest in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).”
EU countries and Germany will continue to support Ukraine as long as it is needed.
“Germany is one of the main supporters of Ukraine in terms of military, and probably only the United States provides greater support than us,” said Scholz.
Nauseda said the leaders discussed Russia’s war on Ukraine and how Europe should respond.
“We must build a strong response and strengthen our defenses in the face of Russian aggression,” said Nauseda, adding “we agreed on the need to reinforce defense capabilities in the Baltic states by increasing the number of deployed troops, strengthening air and sea defense.”
We must realize that Russia’s military threat won’t go away. It will remain a long-term threat to the entire Euro-Atlantic area,” he said.
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
I appreciate your little news updates so much, because sorting through the news really messes with my mental health, but I can read your little blurbs and then go find an article or two about each topic without having to scroll through every single bad thing that's happened in the last 24 hours. So like, I know it's just you posting about your personal political interests but I really appreciate that you do it 💚
Yeah, I can definitely understand that. Looking through certain topics of news does that to me too, which is why I don't include certain major news events.
Also, some more news I meant to include but missed or forgot:
A French journalist (doing journalism, not a volunteer fighter) was killed in Ukraine. this is the 15th journalist to be killed in Ukraine so far, and the third French journalist, which seems to have sufficiently pissed off France because they pretty much immediately opened a war crime investigation and are moving with the UK to label Wagner Group a terrorist organization. hopefully they can push Biden into picking up his balls and doing so as well.
Japan is in talks to open a NATO liaison office because "since the aggression by Russia to Ukraine, the world (has) become more unstable." It's just [chef's kiss]. I'm absolutely losing my shit. Russia is about to be surrounded on the west AND east by NATO and they did it to themselves! amazing! not only did they prompt Finland and Sweden to break their legendary neutrality, but JAPAN??? absolutely losing it over this. Putin spent two decades on policy designed to contain NATO expansion and the direct result is that he's spread it not only in Europe but also the Pacific. That's not even supposed to happen! It's the NORTH ATLANTIC Treaty Alliance! and yet, here we are. truly amazing. shoutout to Putin for being NATO's biggest supporter of all time. Once again, Luigi wins by doing nothing.
Much more lighthearted: so there's an international competition to see what kind of tank (well, "armored gunnery") performs the best, and heartfelt shoutout to Britain on winning first place. Apparently this Iron Spear had the most competitors to date, too. The Brits may have lost their empire, their naval superiority, and they never really had air superiority to begin with but at least they still have the best tanks. so that's something!
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zoraradenkovic · 2 years
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swamyworld · 1 month
Asian Nato Members, how close to the reality is 'Asian NATO', fear is haunting China, America's bat-bat - is asian nato become a reality against china, us invites philippines japan and australia
Washington: These days, China is scared of the Quad called ‘Asian NATO’. This group includes America, India, Japan and Australia. America has gathered these major countries of Asia on one platform. Its main objective is to reduce China’s aggression in the Indo-Pacific. However, one of the primary objectives of the Quad is to work for a free, open, prosperous and inclusive Indo-Pacific region.…
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thejuniorage · 11 months
Get All About NATO, NATO Countries, NATO founders, NATO History, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, What is NATO.
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
I really really REALLY need to see more people makimg the connection between trump and his russian handlers tbh.......like i know we've somehow gone through the looking glass of putin apologia but that piece abt the NYT you just posted, the bots, the interference: in the bag for trump? Yes. But i dont believe its due to his or even republican power or popularity or forcefulness.......this is a man with so much debt and kompromat thats only getting worse!! Not to sound kwazy BUT WE ARE BEING FULLY INFLITRATED and at the risk of conspiracizing i think the russians are ALSO behind the Times's demise along with so many other information centers etc. Like i KNOW these leftists love him but like. Wouldnt they care a LITTLE abt being manipulated like this???
Trump is 100% an active, willing, and eager Russian agent. That's not even paranoid conspiracy theory, that's just the only reasonable interpretation of the facts:
NOT TO MENTION that in the next two years after the Helsinki conference where Trump kowtowed to Putin in every way, the CIA admitted to losing huge and unusually high numbers of classified informants around the world (not CIA agents, but people secretly working for the American government in often-hostile countries):
Once again, this all happened when Trump was in office, when he was actively handing over CIA intel to the Kremlin against the wishes of the entire national security establishment, and which other experts have suggested was directly as a result of Trump handing over the identities of American informants to Russia, including those stationed in Russia itself:
Now, I could go on, but you get the point. Not to mention that Trump just lost a major UK-based lawsuit against Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who was the first to provide documents linking Trump to Russia in the controversial "Steele dossier":
And now: Trump is deeply in hock for hundreds of millions in legal fees and punitive judgments that are only increasing by the day, he somehow just came up with $90 million to appeal the judgment against E. Jean Carroll (nobody knows where he got this money either), and Russian state TV spends all their time openly salivating for Trump's return to the presidency (so he can hand over Ukraine and the rest of NATO and, as he literally said, "let Russia do whatever the hell they want.") I know we're largely numb to all the awful treasonous shit that Trump does, but like. This isn't a conspiracy theory, this is just what's going on in plain sight, and while the Online Leftists have recently become so stupid that I honestly can't tell if it's just terminal brainworms or active Russian psyops, it's strongly indicated that it is in fact a mix of both:
So, like. Just some food for thought.
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thecapitolradar · 2 years
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[The Washington Post] Senate votes to approve NATO membership for Sweden and Finland
Thank you, senators, for upholding and strengthening an honorable alliance. Long may it continue.
Welcome, Finland and Sweden. We're so glad to have you with us.
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thegatemech · 2 years
परिचय उत्तर अटलांटिक संधि संगठन (नाटो) सोवियत संघ के खिलाफ सामूहिक सुरक्षा प्रदान करने के लिये संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, कनाडा और कई पश्चिमी यूरोपीय देशों द्वारा अप्रैल, 1949 की उत्तरी अटलांटिक संधि (जिसे वाशिंगटन संधि भी कहा जाता है) द्वारा स्थापित एक सैन्य गठबंधन है। वर्तमान में इसमें 30 सदस्य राज्य शामिल हैं। इसके मूल सदस्य बेल्जियम, कनाडा, डेनमार्क, फ्राँस, आइसलैंड, इटली, लक्ज़मबर्ग,…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
NATO vs Russia: NATO से आमने-सामने की जंग के मूड में पुतिन, इन तीन देशों पर रूसी हमले खतरा बढ़ा, पढ़िए डिटेल
NATO vs Russia: NATO से आमने-सामने की जंग के मूड में पुतिन, इन तीन देशों पर रूसी हमले खतरा बढ़ा, पढ़िए डिटेल
Image Source : PTI FILE PHOTO NATO vs Russia NATO vs Russia: यूक्रेन और रूस के बीच चल रहे भीषण युद्ध के कारण नाटो देशों के साथ भी रूस का तनाव अब बढ़ता जा रहा है। रूस ने लड़ाई तेज कर दी है और वह लातविया,  लिथुआनिया और एस्टोनिया पर हमला करके उन पर भी कब्जा करना चाहता है। यही नहीं, रूस स्वीडन के कुछ इलाकों को भी ​हथियाना चाहता है। दरअसल, NATO में शामिल होने को लेकर पुतिन स्वीडन को धमकी दे चुके हैं। …
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
1. New Jersey Governor Declares State a 'Safe Haven' for Gender-Affirming Care
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New Jersey’s Democratic governor has a message for the LGBTQ+ community. He issued an executive order on Tuesday indicating that, unlike in some Republican-controlled states, New Jersey is open and welcoming to everybody regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. In addition, he says New Jersey is a “safe haven” for those seeking gender-affirming care.
2. Watch Ocean Cleanup remove the 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
3. Finland becomes 31st member of NATO, doubling the alliance's border with Russia
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Finland has become the 31st member of the Nato security alliance, doubling the length of member states' borders with Russia.The Finnish foreign minister handed the accession document to the US secretary of state who declared Finland a member.
Then in bright sunshine in front of Nato's gleaming new headquarters, Finland's white-and-blue flag joined a circle of 30 other flags.Finland's accession is a setback for Russia's Vladimir Putin. He had repeatedly complained of Nato's expansion before his full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
4. Captive orca Lolita set for release into 'home waters' after 50 years at Miami Seaquarium
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The killer whale known as Lolita appears one step closer to returning to its natural habitat of the Pacific Northwest, after performing at a Miami tourist attraction for decades. It was taken from the ocean in 1970. But after a long-running dispute over where Lolita belongs, officials from various parties announced Thursday a "binding agreement" to take Lolita -- also known as Tokitae or Toki -- to its "home waters."
"Lolita will receive the highest quality care as the team works to make relocation possible in the next 18 to 24 months," Miami Seaquarium said in a statement Thursday.
5. Nature prescriptions shown to reduce blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and loneliness
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A new study published in The Lancet Planetary Health suggests that nature prescriptions, which recommend spending time in nature, can provide both physical and mental health benefits. Patients who followed these prescriptions had reduced blood pressure, lower depression and anxiety scores, and a higher daily step count.
Research shows that contact with nature reduces harms, including those from poor air quality, heatwaves, and chronic stress, while encouraging healthy behaviours such as socialising and physical activity. This can help to prevent issues including loneliness, depression and cardiovascular disease.
6. Library Receives Flood Of Donations For Beloved Cat
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The Ashville Free Library recently began a fundraiser to help pay for the aging cat’s veterinary care. After a story on Libby was published, donations to the library poured in. Director Kristina Benson called the community response overwhelming. As of Thursday, more than $2,900 had been raised.
Benson reported that Libby, the cat — who has recently been suffering from a cold — is now doing much better now that she has her medicine. Benson expects to keep the GoFundMe up until sometime next week.
7. Mother and baby reunited in Turkey nearly two months after earthquake
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A mother has been reunited with her baby in southern Turkey after a DNA test confirmed it was her daughter, almost two months after the devastating earthquake, the country's family ministry said.
The three-and-a-half-month old "miracle baby", called Vetin, was pulled out of the rubble of a building in the province of Hatay more than five days after the Feb. 6 quake with no health problems.
That's it for this week :)
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“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump said.
“You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills,” he added.
Moron doesn’t understand how NATO works. Each member country is “encouraged” to pay 2% of GDP on their military. The US doesn’t pay for other members defense budgets. No matter how many times it’s explained to the f—king moron he just doesn’t get it. He mistakenly thinks it’s like the UN where wealthy states contribute more.
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communist-ojou-sama · 14 days
Anyway the PRC and the DPRK are two of the most democratic countries in the world, far moreso than any NATO member, and unlike western hellholes they enjoy the support of the vast majority of their respective populations. If you don't like that, cry about it.
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 months
[Sweden's] accession has been delayed but Turkey raised objections over what it said was the two countries’ protection of groups that Ankara deems terrorists.[...]
Ankara asked Stockholm to toughen its stance on local members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which the EU and US also describe as a terrorist group.
Sweden has introduced a new anti-terrorism bill that makes being a member of a terrorist organisation illegal.
Turkish Parliament Votes to Ratify Sweden’s Entry Into NATO - Bloomberg
Turkey’s parliament approved Sweden’s accession to NATO after months of deliberations, leaving Hungary as the lone holdout to the defense alliance’s northern expansion.
23 Jan 24
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yourtongzhihazel · 8 days
okay i feel like i missed something important here (i saw that one graphic you posted a bit ago), why are chinese netizens supporting russia in the russsian-ukraine war?
isn't russia a dotb? aren't russian mercenaries and weapons being deployed in the civil conflict in sudan as part of a land-and-resource-grab move?
what are the consequences of ukraine winning that supporting russia in this particular war is preferable to supporting ukraine?
Yes, modern day Russia is a DOTB.
The PRC supports Russia the same way many global south nations do and the same way they support Iran. We no longer live in a world with a clear and powerful socialist block to throw our support behind. Now is the time of monsters. Thus we must make critical support whenever that stands.
In ukraine, the expansion of NATO eastwards should alarm you. NATO is the largest imperialist block on the planet, incorporating nearly all of the imperial core. This is a block which military backs each other and their actions and who bombed former Yugoslavia to the stone age. Their members are essentially granted full amnesty and immunity through its association with the global hegemon, the united states.
This is not to mention ukraine's rapid turn to fascism and their entire banning of the communist party, workers unions, socialist elements, and the selling off of the country to the west.
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anastasiareyreed · 1 year
russia be like: we did it → Ukraine did it → it happened by itself.
and the world swallows it.
every time someone, sitting thousands of km from Ukraine, in safety and comfort, starts spreading theories in which "not everything is so clear-cut" and "it is not known who is guilty and who is lying", I lose faith in humanity.
nine years ago, russia said that it was not russian troops that invaded Ukraine. today the whole world knows that it was the russians, and the russians do not even deny it anymore.
last year, russia said that it would not launch a full-scale invasion, but we can all see that russia lied. again.
russia justified the invasion by "denazification of Ukrainians", although it is the russians who are known for the phrase "we can repeat" addressing to the Germans in relation to World War II. it is the russians who created the cult of the leader, spread their Z V swastika all over the world and promote the greatness of war.
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russia justified the invasion as a "preemptive strike" so that Ukraine would not join NATO and NATO would not attack russia. although there were already NATO member countries on the border with russia. another cheap lie.
russia justified the invasion by the fact that in Ukraine "the russian-speaking population is oppressed". although even our president spoke russian before the invasion.
meanwhile, russian state channels simply say that Ukrainians annoy them, so Ukrainians must be destroyed.
russia said that it would not shell civilians, but russia began the invasion by shelling houses in the middle of the night and dropping bombs on sleeping civilians. on all of us.
russia said that its targets are only military facilities, but russia destroys entire cities and villages along with the population, killing Ukrainians every day.
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since the beginning of the war, only Ukrainians have suffered. russians forcibly take Ukrainian children to the territory of russia, where the children are subjected to physical and psychological violence. with hard efforts, Ukraine managed to return a few, but currently about 30,000 Ukrainian children (only those who could be counted) are still in russia.
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first the russians drowned the Ukrainians, and then they began a massive shelling of the flooded cities in order to kill those who survived and those who came to the rescue.
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this is a full-scale invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainians are dying. Ukraine's ecology is suffering. the russians openly declare that all of Ukraine must be destroyed. they talk about it every day on state channels, their politicians call for the extermination of Ukrainians.
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russians set up torture chambers for Ukrainians, execute Ukrainians, cut off the heads, hands and legs of our people, rape children, film all of this and show off. the whole Tumblr would not be enough to list all the tragedies that russia has caused and for which we cry every day, commemorate the victims every day, mourn every day.
now the russians blew up the dam and flooded dozens of Ukrainian towns and villages. these are terrible consequences for Ukraine first of all. then for the world and environment. but not for russia.
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and while the Ukrainians were left alone with another russian war crime, with a crime against humanity, against the environment, russia simply says "it's not us" and people still believe it, and russia gets away with a tragic crime again.
please be sensible, russia has been at war with all its neighbors, russia is still at war in Syria, russia has been shelling Syrians even when there was an earthquake! now that russia caused the flood in Ukraine, russians are shelling Ukrainians, trying to finish off the wounded and those who did not manage to evacuate.
russia is evil and russia always lies. these are long proven facts, and if you have never delved into the topic of russian wars before, listen to the victims, listen to those whose lives russia is trying to take away.
everything is very simple right now — take the side of Ukraine. of Syria. support good.
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
Atrocities US committed against AFRICA
In early 2017, the US began conducting drone strikes in Somalia against Al Shabab militants. An attack on July 16th killed 8 people.
In 1998, the US bombed the Al Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, killing one employee and wounding 11. It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, producing medicine both for human and veterinary use. The US had acted on false evidence of a VX nerve agent from a single soil sample, and later used a false witness to cover for the attack. It was the only pharmaceutical factory in Africa not under US control.
In June 1982, with the help of CIA money and arms, Hissene Habre , dubbed Africa’s Pinochet, takes power in Chad. His secret police, use methods of torture including the burning the body of the detainee with incandescent objects, spraying gas into their eyes, ears and nose, forced swallowing of water, and forcing the mouths of detainees around the exhaust pipes of running cars. Habré’s government also periodically engaged in ethnic cleansing against groups such as the Sara, Hadjerai and the Zaghawa, killing and arresting group members en masse when it was perceived that their leaders posed a threat to the regime. Human Rights Watch claimed that Habre was responsible for thousands of killings. In 2001, while living in Senegal, he was almost tried for crimes committed by him in Chad. However, a court there blocked these proceedings. Then human rights people decided to pursue the case in Belgium, because some of Habre’s torture victims lived there. The U.S., in June 2003, told Belgium that it risked losing its status as host to NATO’s headquarters if it allowed such a legal proceeding to happen. So the result was that the law that allowed victims to file complaints in Belgium for atrocities committed abroad was repealed. However, two months later a new law was passed which made special provision for the continuation of the case against Habre. In May 2016 he was found guilty of human-rights abuses, including rape, sexual slavery and ordering the killing of 40,000 people, and sentenced to life in prison.
In the 1980s, Reagan maintains a close relationship with the Apartheid South african government, called constructive engagement, while secretly funding it in the hopes of creating a bulwark of anti-communism and preventing a marxist party from taking power, as happened in angola. Later on, in the wars against Apartheid in South Africa and Angola, in which cuban and anti-apartheid forces fought the white south african government, the US supplied south africa with nuclear weapons via Israel.
In 1975, Henry Kissinger launches a CIA-backed war in Angola, backing the brutal anti-communist leader of UNITAS, Jonas Savimbi, against Agostinho Neto and his Marxist-Leninst MPLA party, creating a civil war lasting for 30 years. The CIA financed a covert invasion via neighboring Zaire and a drive on the Angolan capital by the U.S. ally, South Africa. Congress continues to fund UNITAS, and their south-african apartheid allies until the late 1980s. By the end of the war, more than 500,000 people had died and over one million had been internally displaced.
In 1966, a CIA-backed military coup overthrows he widely popular Pan-Africanist and Marxist leader Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana, inviting the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to take a lead role in managing the economy. With this reversal, accentuated by the expulsion of immigrants and a new willingness to negotiate with apartheid South Africa, Ghana lost a good deal of its stature in the eyes of African nationalists.
In 1965, a CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko, described as the “archetypal African dictator” in Congo. The hated and repressive Mobutu exploits his desperately poor country for billions.
In 1962, a tip from a CIA spy in South Africa lead to the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, due to his pro-USSR leanings. This began his 27-year-long imprisonment.
In 1961, the CIA assists in the assassination of the democratically elected congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, throwing the country into years of turmoil. Before his assassination the CIA sent one of its scientists, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to the Congo carrying “lethal biological material” intended for use in Lumumba’s assassination. This virus would have been able to produce a fatal disease indigenous to the Congo area of Africa and was transported in a diplomatic pouch.
In 1801, and again in 1815, the US aided Sweden in subjugating a series of coastal towns in North Africa, in the Barbary Wars. The stated reason was to crack down on pirates, but the wars destroyed the navies of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco, and secured European and US shipping routes for goods and slaves in North Africa. US Representatives stated: “When we can appear in the Ports of the various Powers, or on the Coast, of Barbary, with Ships of such force as to convince those nations that We are able to protect our trade, and to compel them if necessary to keep faith with Us, then, and not before, We may probably secure a large share of the Meditn trade, which would largely and speedily compensate the U. S. for the Cost of a maritime force amply sufficient to keep all those Pirates in Awe, and also make it their interest to keep faith.” Thomas Jefferson echoed and carried out the war, saying that war was essential to securing markets along the Barbary Coast.
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