twafordizzy · 2 years
Dirk van Bastelaere Dicht de Dag
Dirk van Bastelaere Dicht de Dag
Turkooizen scheepje Het is al dag. Maar wie maakt dat / Waar? Niet de vrouw met haar hand / Bij een lichtknop. In die gang ook / De rode trui om een lichaam niet. / Wat is niet ooit onklaar geraakt? Tot dan weer, op mijn mouw gebreid, / Het ding zich uit een draad bevrijdt / Dat kruipt alsof het aan komt varen: / Turkooizen scheepje op een rode trui. / Een wollen schoorsteen en niet daar. / En…
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König smutty Drabble:
18+ MDNI, as if my whole blog. NSFW CONTENT AHEAD. Somno, Somnophilia, sleepy sex, masturbation mention
He’s too tired and falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
It was a long mission, longer than any other so far. You’re not mad. You’re glad he’s able to sleep, that’s healthy, it’s good.
But you’re just so damned horny.
You slip in your headphones and bring up your favourite audio erotica VA and slide over to the far side of your super king bed.
You get off a few times to the filth pouring in your ears. Trembling so hard you worry you’ll wake him.
But you finish up after over an hour of audio and multiple orgasms. You clean up in the bathroom and slip back into bed.
Kö stirs as you settle, pulling your back flush against his chest as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck.
You’re drifting off as a large, warm hand palms your breast and the rather obvious press of Kö’s erection against your ass. You groan and arch into his touch, grinding back against his cock.
In minutes you’ve fumbled around, moving your hips to accommodate him.
You’re gushing on his cock as he pounds up into you from behind as you work your clit. It’s ecstasy as you clench around his thick length.
He comes hard inside you with a low whine and you see stars as you plummet into the depths of yet another orgasm.
You’re left panting and whining as you feel his spend leaking from your cunt as he slowly softens within you.
“Need to get up Biene, or I’m going to fall asleep.”
You peel yourself away, peeing and cleaning up before settling back down into bed with your love.
“So,” he grumbles sleepily, “How did that start?”
“What?” You ask, incredulous.
“Well, I woke up with my tip pressing into you,” he says with a blush prickling over his cheeks.
You balk as you realise he was asleep for most of the build up, a dash of shame dampening your mood.
“Fuck, I thought you were awake the whole time,” you admit as you chew on your bottom lip, “sorry Kö.”
“Sorry? No don’t be sorry that was so good,” he hums as his eyes flutter shut, “Was very sexy to wake up to.”
You shake your head, snuggling in closer as you try not to overthink it all.
Maybe you need to discuss somnophilia more firmly with him now. Because that was really fucking hot.
(shout out to this happening almost word for word the other night to me listening to Badjhur audio 🫠)
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0bticeo · 3 months
oooh but to be pinned down against the panel control by alastor during that one scene in stayed gone. maybe you're one of his contracted souls. maybe you're one of the poor souls seeking redemption. maybe you're one of his friends, if the radio demon has such a thing. maybe you're playing spy for vox. doesn't matter - you're here during his showdown with vox.
his façade drops. you take a step back, until your hip hits the control panels. there's nowhere to run. not with him looming over you. his ever-present smile stretches impossibly wide, fangs bared, hot breath fanning your skin. saliva trickles down his gaping maw. your breath hitches when it hits the tender skin of your neck, lips parting in a silent gasp.
"i'm gonna make you wish that i'd stayed gone."
his body contorts and stretches, limbs elongating until he encases you, studies you - pupils like radio dials emerging from a pool of black. he's close. too close. oh, and he's pissed.
you've never seen something as terribly beautiful as him.
his claws dig in your chin, craning up your neck just short of humanely possible until you meet his stare. he sings, still, static digging into your very bones until it steals your breath away, until it's only you and the radio demon watching you like you're his last meal. oh, and he's snarling his verse, voice dripping with venom as he goes, as you drown into him.
there's a distorted chuckle in his voice, the richness of his laughter merging with that of his audience's.
"oh, this will be fun."
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catfindr · 5 months
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newgroundstier · 1 year
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lamina-tsrif · 2 years
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girl help my brain is boku wa doctor
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xai-kyuu · 4 months
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Jax and N-
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fortunelowtier · 6 months
People seemed to enjoy the last post I did where I really hastily voiced over Starlo so I did it again with some more funnies this time
(thanks to @furythemadman and @marshber for giving me permission to use their art!)
(once again I am not a VA so these are a tad scuffed)
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konig hc’s for plus sized reader:
a/n: I don’t usually write headcannons for specific body-types cuz I want all people to enjoy what I write BUT since Konigs VA is a massive jerk and projects onto his character in the worst ways, I’ve decided to write this
-this man loves, no ADORES using your lap and tighs as a pillow, his large hands wrapping around your waist and cuddling up softly
-would, should, and does spend hours complementing you in the mirror. Every last detail catches his eyes and makes him like a big love-sick puppy
-“more places to kiss” is his all time favorite cheesy response when you tell him that you feel self-conscious about your weight
-would spend days just picking you up and cuddling you everywhere he went if he could cuz he has missions he sadly can’t
-most lovesick, heart shattering, sad puppy dog eyes whenever you say something bad about yourself. He couldn’t let his schatz think of themselves that way!!
-the most side eye he has ever given to someone was one of his teammates when they commented on someone else’s weight. Especially if it was yours
-my man’s would PUNCH his VA if he ever met him. Square in the face with a knee-kick square in the junk
-can easily pick you up over his shoulder CUZ HES FRICKING HUGE. Don’t deny that he could. >:/
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caelos-legacy · 9 months
so then! it was brought to my attention @supershadicx250 did actually dub the comic!! this is really good, check this out!!
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starrbitez · 1 month
I like the new va’s way more than roiland,, like beyond the fact that he’s a freak I think the voices just scratch my brain harder,,, controversial opinion tho I guess
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vanityangel · 2 months
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marstectomy · 5 months
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pls i need more actors and actresses to join us in class
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nerophobiic · 1 year
perv!bestfriend!kevin <33
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cw: groping(?), somnophilia??(i'm not sure if it counts, better be safe though), dry humping, pillow humping, masturbation, oblivious!reader
around 0,4k words :)
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he feels ashamed for being this way, but he just cannot help it. you're perfect in each way; smart, pretty, intelligent. you even have the same interests, how cool is that? and you also happen to be his best friend! he's not sure why, but if there's one thing he's sure about it's that he's happy that you are his best friend.
you tell eachother everything, well, almost everything. he couldn't just tell you that he had jerked off to pictures or that he had rutted against a pillow before, imagining that i was you, that'd be just plain weird and he probably would ruin everything. so he kept it to himself.
you had sleepovers, movie nights and you even were then when they had band practice. hunter thought you were okay, so he didn't mind. emily liked you, you didn't treat her different than others did. she was always happy when you came to practice.
when the two of you had sleepovers, neither of you minded sleeping in the same bed. no, you two even cuddled. because that's what normal friends do, right?
kevin always took this as chance, his hand always "accidentally" grazing over your chest & butt, mumbling "sorry's" that had no meaning in it but you didn't know that. hand when he was sure you were asleep, his hand rested on your chest. when it got too much, he stood up, careful not to wake you so he could make his way to the bathroom and masturbate.
one night something happened and kevin thought your friendship was over. he had a heated dream and was unconciously grinding against your ass, wich woke you up. as a result you woke him up, overwhelmed with what to do in such a situation. when he woke up and realized what happened, he started mumbling "i'm so sorry oh god" and "it'll never happen again i swear" and similiar things. as he continued to apologize you interrupted him; "it's okay, kev" you said. "what?" he stared at you in disblief. "it's okay." you said again "it can happen, and it's uh...not like you meant to do it." you averted your gaze, looking away from him. "b-but i just-" he started but you looked at him in a "i said, it's okay way" and he stilled. "y'know..." you started "i could, uh.. help you? if you want to, of course" pointing at his (obvious) boner.
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darlin-collins · 2 months
hot take: the main reason why nomads tales and audios' channel doesn't get the attention it deserves, is that the videos are not organized into playlists
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catfindr · 2 years
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