#Mr. Greedy
amfmrdo · 1 year
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thesweetnessofspring · 8 months
Wishing we could have gotten to hear Mr. Everdeen singing The Hanging Tree while little Peeta listened to see if the birds stopped to hear him sing. Just imagine a clear tenor singing it in acapella, only the sound of his footsteps accompanying him and it echoing between the town building in the middle of winter.
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maddie-grove · 6 months
I don’t mind per se that the adaptations generally make Mr. Collins purely comic and/or less malicious, but it does annoy me that people would probably think it was untrue to the book if someone made an adaptation where he’s genuinely mean-spirited.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
mc: *texting* staying at thirteen's place tonight ^_^
solomon, slightly jealous: okay ^_^
(next morning)
mc: *comes back with hickeys and hair a little messed up*
solomon, extremely jealous: okay ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Solomon: This is fine, everything is fine.
MC: Oh? Then why is the book you're holding on fire?
Solomon: Ah, is it? How silly of me. *attempts to put out the flames without giving himself away*
MC: You're not fooling anybody, you know.
He's doing his best to act like nothing is bothering him and not doing a very good job.
However, I can also imagine him being deliberately troublesome and he knows exactly what he's doing. He's gonna make you forget all about Thirteen and you won't even realize what's happening until it's too late. It all starts so innocently with a soft touch here and there, maybe a brief press of lips against your neck. A few specific words and fleeting glances and suggestive smiles. You get to decide if you give in or not.
What can I say, I love a jealous-prone trouble making sorcerer. Though I also love a sweet beautiful reaper. I would like to have both, personally.
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ravenpuffheadcanons · 1 month
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Only about 10% in, but so far this is a strong contender for (fiction) book of the year for me.
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mrdizzy · 1 month
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Official wallpapers part 11/?
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lunalockley · 2 years
Body and soul
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff and more fluff
Summary: After a long day you get home to watch your favorite movie with your favorite soft boy
Words: 800, working on making them longer
Notes: There's some rain, some Pride and Prejudice, some kisses and some fluffy Steven <3
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It’s raining on your way back home. The city lights reflect a dazzling echo on the wet pavement, raindrops looking like sparkles on the ground. It’s magical. But you feel too exhausted to appreciate it.
You had too much work to get done today, having barely a few minutes to have a snack every now and then and now you are starving. Your head is pounding at your temples. Your hands are numb and your feet are creeping cold despite the warm socks you’re wearing under your shoes. Even your ears hurt from the chilling air.
All you can think is to put yourself under a stream of hot water and lay on the sofa wearing the comfiest sweatsuit you own with a big cup of hot tea. You don’t even feel like cooking, you’ll order some dinner while you wait for Steven to get home.
That’s what you are thinking when you open your flat’s door and the smell of your favorite soup feels so good that almost makes you cry. As soon as he sees you Steven rushes to kiss you, taking care of your umbrella and coat while he tells you they closed the museum early for lack of visitors.
But instead of answering you only react by holding him as close as you can. His embrace instantly makes you feel better.
You’d think your cold nose against his neck would make him flinch but he only hugs you tighter. Like he knew the warmth of his body has the power to soothe any pain.
“It’s freezing cold, isn’t love?” he asks, smoothing your hair and brushing his fingers in your neck, realizing the tension effortlessly. “I wanted to surprise you by picking you up at work but then I thought that waiting for you with some warm food was better”.
At your lack of words, he backs up a little to look at your face. And he doesn’t even need to ask, he already knows. That’s how much in sync he is with you. You could bet even your heartbeats pound in perfect harmonization.
“What if you change into some comfortable clothes and we have dinner watching whatever you feel like watching? Hmm? What'd you think, love?”
Yet, it still astonishes you how he always knows exactly what to say and what to do to make you feel better. You think he doesn’t even notice it because that’s who he is. Being this kind, considerate, and thoughtful is a second nature to him. It’s as natural to him as breathing.
So later, even when Pride and Prejudice it’s one of your favorite movies, you spent half of the time watching him instead. You’re hypnotized by his genuine reactions, despite the fact he must have watched the movie as many times as you have. You’re absorbed by how he’s not scared of showing his emotions. Completely caught up by the strength behind his open vulnerability.
You melt when he says he gets Darcy’s hand flex because that’s how he feels every time he touches you, when he shakes his head in disapproval at the appearance of Mr. Wickham, when he softly hums the melody of the dancing scene into your neck, when he laughs at the one flower Collin uses to propose, when he holds you closer at Darcy’s confession, when he caresses your hands holding them to his chest at the dawn scene, when he gets teary watching the emotion on Mr. Bennet's face at the end of the movie, and when he helps you get up from the couch, saying he can’t offer you half of Pemberley but all of his heart.
But then he makes you weak on the knees by repeating Darcy’s words in between kisses while leading your way to the bed: “You have bewitched me,” the gentle caresses of his palms on your cheeks, the breathlessness of his low voice sending goosebumps all over your skin, “body and soul”.
You turn around and push him into the mattress. Climbing onto him and easing with your lips that point where his brows meet sometimes, pronouncing the words as a veneration: “And I love,” a fluttering kiss on his eyelids that steal him a soft sight. “I love,” gentle kisses on his flushed cheekbones. Then you back up a little to look him in the eyes, your heart hammering in your chest and all the discomforts of the day long-forgotten as you whisper “I love you”.
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He's one elegant man.
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moonopulent · 23 days
Do you have any headcannons of Mr. Greedy
Yes I do🩷 (btw I’m terribly sorry that it took me this long to answer your ask 😭😭)
His Birthday is on thanksgiving (November 24th).
He’s around 25-30.
He binge watches cook shows
He eats at least 10 meals a day
He’s best friends with Mr Skinny
I might add some more later on, thx for the ask ☺️
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yumaisbored · 11 months
Mr. Spider just did not understand the concept of British hospitality, and that is the real problem here.
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
I'm writing a Dastan x Reader where she is the daughter of Sheik Amar and, while the idea was at first just context for the actions to develop, I wasn't expecting I would actually root for him this much imagining him as a dad.
@axelwolf8109 @halesfavoriteharlot
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gorillaxyz · 12 days
lasr day of school tomorrow before half term.. i see my amhis teacher
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mrdizzy · 3 months
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agoldengalaxy · 1 year
tfw you get owned by a ten year old
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lorax-god1315 · 10 months
SNW Finale
Spoilers below:
MR SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been wondering if we were going to get another TOS legend appearance. (Waiting for Bones, I don’t think Sulu is likely but I still have hope, and I know we won’t get Chekov, little gremlin man.)
I’m not surprised of the Gorn shit, don’t have any strong opinions about it. It’s interesting, I like the horror aspect as it’s new. (It’s nice, it’s different, it’s unusual.)
Totally won’t be surprised if they kill off a character in part 2. (I have a feeling, don’t know what it is but it’s there)
(Actually don’t mind, keep things interesting and it gives me Legacy Trek vibes)
Overall top tier, enjoyable, good finale.
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sophieswundergarten · 11 months
I really like how pretty much all the "good" characters in MBS have proper names that, while they may have symbolic etymology, just sound like names
However, the trend in the villain names is that they are very thinly-veiled puns about what horrible people they are
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