misanocircuit · 2 months
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CEV Moto3 2012; Catalunya GP, Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya • Pecco Bagnaia wins at the photo finish after a tight battle against his Junior Team CatalunyaCaixa Repsol teammate Àlex Márquez • [2/2]
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nco05 · 1 year
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whatodoo-spain · 1 year
Camela - Montmeló, Spain | 5 May, 2023.
Find out more / Get your Tickets here.
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#sopresa! Encara sou a temps de fer els vostres encàrrecs de #ramsdeglobus 🎈per #santvalentí ♥️ Els podeu recollir a la nostra nau de #Montmeló i també us ho portem #adomicili . #regalspersonalitzats #ramsdeglobuspersonalitzats #regalosconglobospersonalizados #sorpresasconglobos #sanvalentin Contacta con nosotros! 👇 Contacta amb nosaltres! 👇 ☎️ 935684094 📬 [email protected] (at Giramón. Decoración con globos , confeti, y servicios educativos.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXkXgJIie5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charlespecco · 6 days
The mental strength and tyre management from Pecco today >>>>>>>>
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ehcahache · 4 months
Madrid: the GP won't be paid with public money, the promoters are private investors, the main one being IFEMA
Also Madrid: *owns more than 90% of IFEMA, meaning the GP will be payed with public money 🤡
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42bakery · 6 days
Once again, where is my podium free of Ducatis?
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pecco bagnaia in montmeló
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feraltwinkseb · 11 months
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February 27, 2010 - Montmeló, Spain Source: JOSEP LAGO/AFP via Getty Images
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misanocircuit · 2 months
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CEV Moto3 2012; Catalunya GP, Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya • Pecco Bagnaia wins at the photo finish after a tight battle against his Junior Team CatalunyaCaixa Repsol teammate Àlex Márquez • [1/2]
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vettelsvee · 30 days
SO... YOU'RE LEAVING? | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | history series masterlist | season 1
history series season 2: part 1 | part 2.1 | part 2.2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
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summary: diana is about to finish her third year of university, which means that she has to say goodbye to seb for now... especially after she realizes that yes, she might be in love with red bull's golden boy
word count: 4319
warnings: not actually! first seb and di "date", and last chapter with them just being the happy friends they seemed to be. pay attention to future chapters' trigger warnings because there will be many of them that might be hard to read for some of you
taglist: [@theseerbetweenus @annewithaneofthegreengable @vincentvanshoe @formulaonebuff @roisinivy] if you wanna be tagged in each part just tell me in the comments <3
a/n: the best is about to come omg. i'm so happy and so scared at the same time because the next two chapters are gonna be THE ONES (everything is going to hell)
feedback, as well as reblogs and comments, are truly appreciated!
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Spanish Grand Prix Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Spain
May 9th Saturday
It was Friday, the day of free practice sessions, and the circuit in Montmeló was bustling with activity.
Diana was in one of the quieter corners of the paddock, near a catering area. The table in front of her was cluttered with textbooks, notes and an open laptop displaying several documents, all filled with complex formulas that would be completely indecipherable to anyone without at least some knowledge of Mechanical Engineering even for the blonde-haired girl, who was already halfway through her university studies and, unfortunately, becoming increasingly demotivated.
Amidst the mix of noises from fans, journalists and engines, Wagner was engrossed in trying to review all the content she had learned since March. She was tackling problems that seemed to make no sense while taking small sips of her iced coffee, lovingly prepared by the girl who was serving her. Valentina, she thought her name tag said.
The morning progressed, so did her study session. The girl hadn't noticed, but when she did, it was already two-thirty in the afternoon. The pain in her head was so intense that she just wanted to stop and take a well-deserved break. Her ambition, however, made her want to keep her head down and push through to ensure that the results were better than they already were.
Sebastian, after finishing the first free practice session, wasted no time in rushing out as soon as he stepped out of his vehicle. Still in his racing suit and his helmet resting under his arm, the German headed out for a walk, hoping to grab something to eat that didn't involve vegetables without his trainer, Edward, catching him red-handed.
He just wanted to clear his head before the second practice session, but his mind played against him again as he spotted a familiar figure.
The Red Bull Racing intern was sitting at a slightly secluded table. Her blonde hair, slightly tousled, fell over her shoulders, while her gaze was absorbed by the screen of a laptop, although occasionally she would glance down at some papers in front of her, covering the entire surface.
Sebastian knew Diana had been studying hard for weeks, but things seemed to have gotten worse. They had spent a lot of time together for Sebastian to know perfectly well that Diana Wagner was the epitome of academic excellence and perfection. She studied on every flight and free hour she had, regardless of where she was, who she was with, and what noise surrounded her. Every time she had a gap, she used it to get ahead with her studies or any work assigned to her due to her "job" situation.
The boy was afraid to approach the girl because he didn't want to bother her, but much to his regret, he decided to do so when he heard, from just a couple of meters behind her, her murmurs of frustration and, surely, overwhelm. After a brief greeting that startled her, making her even jump slightly in her seat, her eyes met the pilot's:
"Seb! Hey, I didn't expect to see you here."
The girl greeted him with a smile, setting her pen aside and closing her electronic device. Her eyes filled with excitement upon seeing Sebastian, who had caught her off guard: she didn't expect to see him there, especially with the second practice of the day scheduled to start in less than an hour.
"I'm doing some exercises to review all the content for the exam I have on Monday," the Austrian explained, pointing to the pile of notes on the table. "I'm a little nervous, and I'm studying everything in Catalan, so sorry if I say a word you don't understand..."
"It's tough being multilingual, isn't it?" Vettel said ironically, trying to change the subject to help the young woman forget about her studies. "You know German, English, Spanish, and, from what I can see, Catalan," he enumerated with his fingers. "Any more languages?"
"No," she quickly replied, "but I'd like to learn to speak a language you don't know so I can say things to you without you knowing what I'm saying."
After saying that, Diana quickly got up from her seat to approach her friend, taking him by the arm and kissing him on the cheek. Although it was somewhat contradictory on Sebastian's part, who hadn't been completely honest with the twenty-something, they had gotten used to this type of greeting. Sometimes desperation gnawed at him because their lips ended up so close to each other that, let's not deny it, he had been about to try to kiss her on more than one occasion.
"I don't know Spanish," the boy complained. "The only things I know are gracias, lo siento, and no."
"Perfect, although no is an universal word," Diana responded in perfect Spanish. "Anything else?"
"Te quiero," he told her with horrible pronunciation. "Is that right?"
Diana laughed, completely ignoring him as her cheeks turned a much too bright red, which, out of nowhere, had begun to embarrass her a lot. Sebastian simply lowered his gaze and regretted the last thing he had said.
He had to stop being an idiot not for Hanna or for Di, but for himself.
"I'm sure you'll do great on the exam," he resumed the previous conversation, more nervous than he had expected. "You work hard day in and day out. In fact, sometimes, more than Rocky, I hear you reciting things that make no sense."
The blonde nodded. However, a feeling of doubt and, at the same time, guilt, invaded her.
"I hope so," she replied sincerely. "The first year of university was really tough for me. I had trouble with some subjects," she confessed, "and I even had to retake exams because I failed more than I would have liked."
"And now look where you are. You don't have to worry so much about this, Di," the boy replied. "You're intelligent, and you're capable of this and much more. Trust me: everything is going to be better than you think."
Despite his reassuring words, the blonde noticed that the lack of confidence persisted in the eyes of the girl in front of him.
"When do you have exams?" the boy wanted to know. "Are you going to continue with us, or...?"
"No, not for now… I mean, not for the moment," Diana clarified before Seb could finish speaking. "I'll stay here, in Barcelona," she said with determination, although deep down, it made her sad. "I start on Monday, and with that and the final project submissions for the end of the semester, Helmut suggested that I should stay home and focus on my studies."
Sebastian nodded, understanding what the girl meant. He was relieved that she was staying in the city where she grew up but, at the same time, he was a little disheartened because he didn't know exactly how long he would see her.
Diana Wagner had become a fundamental part of his life, and although he knew they would talk every day as they had been doing since the beginning of that season, it wouldn't be the same as being able to spend physical time with her.
Although maybe it would help him to set aside his obsession and start focusing a little more on his girlfriend, whom he seemed to have neglected in his mind and feelings.
"Di, seriously, you shouldn't worry so much," the blonde insisted again with a smile. "I've been seeing you study more and more, especially in recent weeks."
"That's what I told you before, Seb. I don't want to fail again. I can't disappoint my father..."
Sebastian could hear how his friend's voice trembled after mentioning the man who gave her life. He didn't know if it was exhaustion, overwhelm, or how undervalued she felt in those moments: Vettel had no doubt that Diana was on the verge of a mental breakdown and needed to get out of the loop of physics, mathematics, and engineering as soon as possible.
He hated that Diana was so insecure. If only she knew her worth...
"We all have tough times, Di, but that doesn't define who we are, what we're capable of, and certainly not our worth as a person," he tried to clarify, putting his hands on her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes.
The blonde smiled gratefully at him, although she still carried that persistent concern on her shoulders. Studying was the only thing she had had under control in her life, but her desire to give up was growing stronger when she had to face an increase in the difficulty of the material and the multiple rejections she received for being a woman trying to live a "man's life."
"Why don't you leave this for a while, and we go for lunch?" Seb suddenly suggested.
Diana glanced at the makeshift library that had been created on the metal table, not entirely sure of what she should do.
"I'm not sure if it's the best idea, Seb. I have so much to study and review..."
Sebastian, however, wasn't going to take no for an answer: carefully, he began to tidy up the chaos the girl had created, trying to organize the neatly numbered notes and the books, as if they were treasures.
"Your studies can wait a bit," he muttered as he dismantled all the mess. "A meal with me, before Free Practice 2, can't."
"Okay, Seb. You win again."
The driver smiled triumphantly and immediately tried to pack Diana's belongings as best as he could into his backpack. Then, he extended his hand to her, which she gladly took, and they headed towards one of the nearby restaurants.
In the end, lack of time consumed them, so they ended up sharing a salad in the Red Bull hospitality area. Although it was filled with a positive and welcoming atmosphere, the somewhat curious looks focused on them bothered them, especially Sebastian, who knew they were already speculating in their heads about whether he had ended his relationship with his girlfriend.
Couldn't a boy and a girl just be friends?
"I've been watching Formula 1 since I can remember. My favorite has always been, and will be, Michael. I hope he returns someday."
The blonde took a sip of her water bottle and smiled nostalgically. To her surprise, she ended up telling the German more than she had intended, and she had given a much longer account than she had time for about her parents, her sister, and the majority of her family members who, luckily, no longer seemed to be.
"My mother died when I was 14," Wagner recounted carefully as she remembered the image of her deceased mother. "It was a very difficult time for our family, so my father suddenly decided that moving to Spain was the best thing to start over and distance ourselves from the pain."
Sebastian didn't know what to say. He had a lump in his throat, and all he wanted to do was run away from there.
"I'm sorry, Di."
"No, don't be," she replied kindly, swallowing back the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. "It was a complicated time, and my relationship with my father changed a lot after that. We had a hard time moving forward," she continued, "but I'm almost ready to leave home."
Immediately, Diana regretted what she had said, even though that was all she wanted. She couldn't think that way, especially when her father was in a rather delicate state of health, and her sister was just a teenager who still had a lot to learn.
The conversation continued, and Sebastian tried to avoid those delicate topics for the girl. Quickly, he asked Di about her likes: he found out that she was a big fan of Spider-Man and of comics and superhero movies in general. She loved food, although most of the times she had to control herself because, otherwise, her weight would skyrocket at lightning speed. He also told her a little about his family and how the adoption of Lara went, whose biological parents gave her up for adoption because they were just teenagers who had made the mistake of conceiving her.
They didn't have time for much more because Britta, twenty minutes later, appeared, demanding Seb's presence in the garage at the request of Rocky and Christian. Diana ended up staying there, finishing what was left of her plate, and she bid the boy farewell cheerfully, wishing him luck.
An hour later, Diana, who was with some mechanics discussing some improvements to the car of the number 5 driver, saw Vettel appear, a little tired, immediately heading towards his engineer while wiping the sweat from his forehead. She decided to approach him as soon as he finished talking to the Frenchman; his fatigue seemed to still be present, and from what she could see, he had already drunk almost three small bottles of water and a bit of isotonic drink.
"I think I'm going to go home now," she began to say, knowing that the young man wouldn't mind in the slightest. "I need to rest for tomorrow, and you should be doing the same."
She knew that if she told him that as soon as she opened the door of her house, she was going to go to her bedroom to continue studying, he wouldn't leave her alone. A little white lie didn't hurt anyone.
After all, everyone lied, right?
Sebastian looked at her, slightly frowning. He could boast of knowing their facial expressions and reactions quite well, and he knew perfectly well that what she was saying might not be as true as she made herself believe.
"Di... I know you're worried about university, but you also need to relax and rest. We could go for a walk, if you want."
"I don't want Rocky or Britta to get mad at you for seeing you leave when you should be focusing on tomorrow's qualifying," the blonde stated. "We have to be responsible, but..."
"But what, Diana?"
Little by little, the German approached Wagner, who began to tense up for no reason. She knew that Seb was right: her obsession with studying had been increasing lately, and maybe she needed a little break.
"Don't worry about them, Di," Vettel continued, gently caressing the girl's shoulder. "I'll take care of them later. Now it's our turn to relax a bit and forget about everything. We deserve it."
The afternoon passed peacefully but, to the surprise of both young people, much faster than they thought. They enjoyed the warm sound of the Catalan capital and its overwhelming atmosphere. Although Diana was uneasy during the first few hours and felt guilty for enjoying herself and not studying, she gradually let herself be carried away by the German, realizing that she needed to disconnect from everything, even beyond her studies, more than she initially thought.
They started by strolling through some of the city's most renowned streets, not forgetting to take a look at the Sagrada Familia and stopping to enjoy the ice creams from one of the girl's favorite places, which the driver insisted on paying for. While they enjoyed the refreshing taste of mint and the sweetness of chocolate, they headed, at Diana's request, to a quiet park she used to go to when she needed to leave her house. Sitting on a bench, they continued the conversation they had started at noon, discovering more about each other if that was possible.
Well, except that Sebastian had been dating a girl named Hanna Prater for about three years.
By the time they realized the night was starting to get late, it was already nine o'clock. When Diana saw the hands of her watch pointing to that hour, she started to feel uneasy because she knew her sister would be home alone. She didn't want the day to end, let alone say goodbye to Sebastian, but the responsibility of acting like a mother to the youngest in the family called her.
"Seb, I think I should go back home," the young woman interrupted the moment when Vettel approached to read the menu of a restaurant even though it was written in Spanish.
The boy lifted his gaze from the sign and fixed it on the blonde, who looked somewhat uneasy.
"Don't worry, I'll accompany you," Vettel saw Diana was about to speak to refuse again, so he anticipated her, "and before you say anything, yes, I'm going to take you even if you tell me not to because my hotel is not very far away," he lied as best as he could.
Diana tried to object, still insisting that Sebastian needed to rest for the qualifying race the next day, but it was all in vain because the German was too stubborn, causing the Austrian to eventually accept.
After parking the car in a parking lot near the building where the blonde lived, Sebastian asked the girl, in a friendly tone, if he could come up to her house. Saying that he was curious to meet her family was a bit rushed, but he really wanted to know more, as much as he could, about her.
Obviously, Diana didn't refuse.
When they entered the building, they took the stairs to the second floor and, as soon as the university student opened the door, the lively sounds of Mario Kart coming from the living room started to be heard. They entered the room and saw Amelie, Diana's younger sister, immersed in a race, with Yoshi in the lead, and she kept moving the controller with enthusiasm. When she glanced at Sebastian, she immediately stopped the game, surprising her sister.
"Wow, hi, you're Sebastian!"
The mentioned nodded and greeted her back, letting the teenager continue playing the video game. With curiosity, he turned to Diana and blurted out, suddenly, where their father was.
"He's at the hospital... working," the blonde assured, trying to hide the truth as calmly as she could.
"What are you saying, sister? But if dad is..."
"He's working at the hospital, Ame! Don’t you remember?"
After the shout of reply from the older of the sisters, a kind of tension in the living room began to be palpable. Shaking her head, and trying to control her breathing while counting backward from ten, Wagner left the living room and headed to the kitchen, leaving her sister immersed in a game with the driver.
As she began to prepare dinner, and as angry as she was with her sister at that moment for almost jeopardizing her position as an intern.
Sebastian was so focused on the game that he didn't realize that the vibrations of his phone were becoming more and more frequent until a loud ringtone started to sound. He took his phone out of his pocket and, seeing who was calling, he sighed; as much as he was having a good time in the company of the Wagner sisters, he forced the girl to stop the game so he could answer it.
"Yes, Rocky?"
The driver replied a bit more gruffly than usual, but he couldn't help it: he was havinga great time in the company of the Wagner sisters for someone to ruin his party. He could see how, at the same time he headed to the hallway to speak more privately, Diana appeared at the kitchen door, with one eyebrow raised, and her hands and face covered in flour, just like the apron she was wearing.
"I need you to come back to the hotel immediately. We need to go over the strategies for the qualifying, but I didn't want to bother you because I knew you needed this day to relax."
The boy put on a rather unfriendly face when he heard his engineer speaking in plural, but he knew he was right. After exchanging a few meaningless sentences, especially about how he had spent his afternoon, he hung up and returned to the living room, where the little redhead was looking at him with quite intimidating eyes.
"What's wrong, Sebastian?" Amelie's curiosity was impossible to control.
"I have to go back to my hotel to talk to my engineer," he smiled, crouching down to be at the girl's height, sitting on the couch. "I promise that as soon as I can, I'll come back and we'll play all the games you want. And, if you want," he added, "we can convince Di to join us."
She nodded with an understanding smile despite her disappointment.
"I like that you call my sister Di," she revealed, leaving Vettel completely stunned. "I wish everyone had the affection for her that you have."
“Why do you say that?” Now, Sebastian was overtaken by curiosity.
"Because I've read with dad some really mean things people say on the internet about her."
Sebastian was intrigued by Amelie's words, and he wanted to know more about it, but he knew it wasn't the right time to delve into the subject; he would investigate it on his own. He said goodbye to the girl with a smile and headed to the kitchen, where Diana was still immersed in the preparation of a dinner that, more than that, seemed like a banquet.
"Di, I have to go. Rocky called me saying that if I'm not there in an hour, he's going to break the brakes of the car so I crash tomorrow," he joked in bad taste, causing the girl to scream at him.
"Don't say that, idiot!" she hit him on the arm forcefully. Immediately, she worried if his words were true. "Did he really say that?"
The German couldn't help but laugh. He loved Diana's innocence, and he would never stop loving her no matter what happened between them.
"Shall we meet tomorrow then so you can guide me when I realize the brakes aren't working properly?" he continued in an ironic tone to try to make the girl laugh.
"Of course, Mr. Vettel."
Diana accompanied Sebastian to the door with a kind of mixed feelings that she couldn't explain. Surprisingly, the driver felt the same. Neither of them wanted to be apart from the other, but neither was brave enough to say it, let alone show it.
When they reached the door, she instinctively opened her arms to give the boy a hug, who was leaning against the door frame.
"Thank you for making me feel better today, Seb," a shy smile appeared on her lips. "It's been a wonderful day, and I'll definitely start reading the Spider-Man comics you bought me totoday. Really, there was no need for you to buy them!"
Sebastian reciprocated the hug whispering in her ear "You're welcome, Gwen Stacy." After they separated, Diana made a gesture as if she was about to say something else. Sebastian just leaned forward, seeking the lips of the girl who had him so confused. She didn't know what to do, so she closed her eyes as calmly as she could in anticipation, so that just before their lips met, the German abruptly withdrew, regretting what he had just been about to do.
Confusion and rejection began to show on Diana, who felt pretty bad about herself at that moment.
The girl's voice trembled like it had never done before. Sebastian took a step back, stumbling as he tried not to fall down the stairs; his gaze was fixed on the ground, trying to find the right words to apologize.
"I'm sorry, Di," he tried to express himself as best as he could. "It was a mistake… I shouldn't have done it..."
Diana, even though she knew it didn't make sense, felt hurt and, above all, vulnerable. She just swallowed and nodded, downplaying it even though she wished things were different.
"It's okay, Sebastian," she murmured bittersweetly. "There's nothing to worry about. After all, we all make mistakes."
Sebastian, without responding to that, turned around and quickly left the apartment, leaving Diana completely alone at the door, trying to fight back the tears that were already coming, and a feeling of rejection that she had never felt before.
She just wanted the ground to swallow her up at that moment; the slightly open door of the apartment across the hall, which allowed her neighbor to clearly want to know more about the scene she had just witnessed, seemed to say otherwise.
"Well, my dear! Who is that handsome boy I saw leaving your house and who has left you like this?" 
The woman, about forty years old, had stopped hiding behind her door and had decided to come out just to point and laugh quietly at the sight that, surely, Diana had.
"It's none of your business, Chari," the Austrian snapped rather sharply. 
"My dear, I'm sorry if I bothered you..." she pretended to be surprised, "I just wanted..."
"No, that's enough. Stop being so annoying!" the girl interrupted, already tired of the woman.
After saying that, Diana entered her house and slammed the door aggressively. She hated Chari, her demanding studies, that her father was getting closer to death, and above all, that her head was lost in thoughts that made no sense.
Lost in her thoughts, the dyed blonde didn't realize that Amelie was looking at her with curiosity, a little surprised by the bipolar behavior that her older sister seemed to be having that day.
"What's wrong, Diana?"
The innocent look of the youngest, combined with her curiosity, broke the silence that had settled in the house. The eldest, still lost in her thoughts, completely confused about what she was feeling, tried to bring to light, as best as she could, the words she had been holding back for too long and that she was eager to share with someone:
"I think I like him, Ame. I think I like Sebastian Vettel."
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nco05 · 1 year
2nd time this season everyone on the starter list finished the race
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whatodoo-spain · 1 year
Camela - Montmeló, Spain | 5 May, 2023.
Find out more / Get Tickets.
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anitalianfrie · 8 days
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
A good call early in the morning
-> Word Count: almost 2000 :)
-> Warnings: very fluff, SMUT +16 (petnames, cocky Logan...)
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It was 9 am when Logan's phone started ringing, and I immediately felt Logan groaning and twirling in bed.
-Baby, pick it up or turn it off- I groaned in a whisper, too tired to speak louder.
-Sorry sweetie, I have to attend, it's from Williams.
I feel him getting up and going to the kitchen. After what I think there was about 15 minutes he comes back with the most beautiful smile I have seen.
-I can see it was a good call- I tease him, still in bed, but spurred on it.
-Baby, come here - He invited me to cuddle while coming back to bed.
-Well, are you gonna tell me what it was about?- I ask him with curiosity.
-Maybe, maybe not the Williams seat is mine next season - he says as if it was something that happens normally.
-WHAT THE HELL LO!? -I ask jumping from the bed
-NO WAY, congratulations baby- I say throwing myself at him, filling his face with kisses and hugging him like a koala.
We spend the next hours cuddling in bed , eating breakfast and drinking our coffee. -I will be the next champion- I say certain. -I hope so baby, but Williams it's not in the best moment, we're barely in points - he says serious as always. -But you are going to make much progress, you will see, and no one is as beautiful as you - I whisper in his ear, making him smile and kiss me.
- How about going to the beach? We have to celebrate it- He suggests with a smile on his face. We get ready for a relaxing evening, we take our swimsuits and a bag with our favourite snacks and drinks and spend 2 hours sitting on the sand watching the sunset in silence until it gets dark, and we decide to go back home to get dressed as we're going to his favourite restaurant with his family to celebrate the announcement.
He puts a shirt and some shorts and I dress up in a floral dress I know he loves besides it's summer and it's hot even at night. Although he takes a jacket just in case because he knows I'm always cold. We go to the restaurant in his car, his family is already there, when we get there we hug and kiss everyone and sit down at the table to have dinner, after a while the conversation turns to me as we establish a conversation about my life.
-So you are from Spain, aren't you?- His dad asks me with interest.
-Yes, I'm from Barcelona-I respond with a smile.
-So how did the two of you met?-His brother gets into the conversation.
-I was a marshal on the Montmeló track this year and we met there and the rest is history.
-I saw her when I was going back from the podium and I had the courage to ask her out, she was confused because I was talking too fast according to her but she accepted - Logan says with a smile on his face.
-It's true! I talk too fast for me to understand- I grumble back and he hugs me a little bit while mocking me. -Next time I'll start speaking Spanish or Catalan - I say smiling to him.
 We all sit down to have dinner together and we talk, I answer all the questions they ask me and I also ask some, the main thing is that I'm enjoying myself, and I love the fact that Logan likes it when his family makes fun of him so does he with them.
-Ok now seriously, let us talk about the wedding - his mum says, gaining Logan's full attention. -Oh yeah! When will it be?- His brother asks from the other side of the table.
-Well I don't know yet, we are very Ing and we want to see where life gets us, but I'm very clear that she is the love of my life.-he tells them while holding my hand.
-Excellent said son - his dad says.
We finish our dinner and go on to have dessert but soon Logan tells me that he wants to get out of there because it's getting late. After saying goodbye we go home; the trip is very pleasant, with my Taylor Swift playlist in the speakers and us discussing and talking about the most random things we can think, but it's something normal about us.
Once at home, he couldn't wait anymore to kiss me so he started a steamy make-out session in the living room.
-Logan, bedroom please - I whimper with shaky voice.
-As I ask baby - he smirks as he throws me over his shoulder and makes his way up to our bedroom.
Logan leaned, grinding against Ir core, Ir hips moving impatiently against him in return.
-I’re so sexy in that dress.-, he whispered into my ear, making me shiver.
 His hands gripped the fabric of Ir dress needily until they got a hold of Ir ass. 
Then he picked I up and carried I to his bedroom without interrupting the fiery kiss between the two of I. Ir legs wrapped around him, giving I more stability to grind Ir core against his crotch. 
When he’d reached his room he laid me down on the mattress. 
Instead of following I though, he stood over I and took I in as he admires my beauty, lying there on the bed only for him. 
-What is it?-, I asked breathlessly, Ir mind racing with the wildest thoughts of his lips on Ir skin. 
-Nothing.-, he shrugged, a smile creeping onto his face. 
-Just think that you're beautiful.-, he explained, before he crouched down to take off Ir heels. 
At a loss for words, I sat up on my elbows, watching as he carefully freed me from the uncomfortable shoes. 
Once he’d succeeded, he pulled me towards the edge of the bed by my legs, making me gasp. 
His face was now directly in front of I.  I sucked in air loudly in anticipation. 
-Logan..-, I panted, feeling his breath against I as he pushes Ir dress up
I was so wet by now that I was desperately craving Ir release. 
-All in good time, pretty girl.-, he smirked, spreading my legs to give him more room.
His hands slowly crept up Ir thighs while he kissed his way up from Ir inner thigh to Ir core. 
It was so slow and sensual that I couldn’t help but moan again, my hips bucking up in need for some friction. 
-Someone’s impatient -, he laughed when I huffed. 
-Don’t worry, baby. I'll get there, I promise-
His words sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.
Then finally his tongue flicked at Ir core, making Ir mouth fall open for a silent moan. 
I writhed under the sensation until his arm came up to my waist to hold me in place while his tongue made me see stars. 
-Logan..-, I moaned again, my mind not able to function properly. 
-Tell me what I want.-, he replied, not stopping. 
-I want..-, I tried to speak, but was interrupted by a moan falling from my lips. 
-I want..-, I began again, but the rest of my sentence was lost in yet another moan because he started sucking on Ir clit. 
-If I want my fingers just say so baby.-, he whispered, two of his fingers slipping into I with ease. 
Ir hips bucked up uncontrollably, Ir high building up rather rapidly. 
-I’m gonna cum..-, I whined when he sped up his fingers and curled them inside I perfectly. 
-Good. Want I to make a mess all over my fingers.-, he panted, his tongue circling at Ir clit continuously.
His words were all I needed to send I over the edge. 
With a few more thrusts from his fingers I clenched around them, coming undone while moaning his name. 
While I was still coming down from Ir high, Logan freed himself of his shirt and pants before he crawled on top of I. He pulled Ir dress up and over Ir head.
- You’re ready, sweetie? - he asked, engaging me in another passionate kiss.
When he moved his hips against I, his dick slid through Ir folds, leaving I wanting more once again.
-Fuck me, Lo -  I breathed out, keeping the intense eye contact with him as he aligned himself at Ir entrance.
Slowly, slowly, he pushed into I, enjoying the way Ir walls clenched around him. 
I gasped at the feeling of him inside me, filling me up completely.
-You're so pretty - he smirks, then picked up his pace. 
His fast and deep thrusts immediately hit all the right spots inside of I, causing a string of curse words to fall from Ir lips. 
Ir legs wrapped around his hips and Ir eyes were screwed shut, simply enjoying his touch. However, he didn’t like that. 
-Look at me when I’m inside I.-, he commanded with a deep voice, not stopping his movements. 
-I… can’t-  I replied with a whine, which only made him even more annoyed. 
Quickly his hand came to Ir neck, squeezing rather harshly. 
I squealed, opening my eyes in shock. Logan smiled, satisfied again.
-Not so hard, is it?- he asked with a confident grin, leaning down to give me a sloppy kiss. 
His thrusts were still fast and hard, making me go insane. 
I made sure to keep my eyes focussed on him, even though I almost melted under his gaze.
When he filled I up and rested his hips against Irs for a second, my mouth hung agape, my mind not able to cope with the sensation. 
He pushed his hips further against Irs, pushing I up on the bed.   
-I fuck me so good!-, I praised, remembering last second that I were supposed to leave Ir eyes open. 
-Such a good girl for me.- 
Logan continued his thrusts, bringing I to the edge once again. 
-I’m close…-, I gasped between constant moans. 
-Let go, baby.-, he encouraged, his fingers finding Ir clit to press down on it.
 It made me clench around his dick, pulling an animalistic groan from him. -Fuck, you’re so tight.-
I’m not gonna last much longer.- He let out breathily. -Cum in me.- my words switched something inside him, his hips setting a ruthless pace, wanting nothing more than to grant me desire as soon as he possibly could. His change in pace was getting me there even quicker. My eyes rolled back, as I was back arching off the mattress. -Shit, you look so fucking pretty.- Even with the anticipation of his imminent release he couldn’t help but take a second to appreciate how good I looked beneath him. He was broken away from his thoughts as he felt my walls tighten around him. It only took a few more thrusts until we were both reaching our highs simultaneously. He continued his thrusts, although now a lot more sloppily, until we were both through Ir highs before pulling out and his body collapsing beside mine as he lay on my chest breathing.
After getting clean and comfy in our bed, we decide to put a film on TV, but only for the purpose of having noise on the back as neither of us make an effort of see it. We only want to be as close as posibly with each other.
-You are the one I want, Logan. I tell him and he looks at me, smiling with that face that makes me love him even more. He leans down and kisses me on the lips, letting our bodies fit perfectly together and enjoying every moment we can spend with each other. When we finish we lay in each other's arms with an expression of happiness.
-You are the one I want too.
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My first Smut i hope you like it
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umseb · 5 months
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Let’s be honest, I didn’t exactly jump for joy when they told me I’d have to stay on an extra day in Montmeló to shoot a video for the new car Ferrari was launching at the Paris Motor Show. I know, I know, some of you will wonder exactly what I had to complain about. And you’d be right. But, in my defence, we’d had the Italian Grand Prix the previous weekend, which is always a big deal for Ferrari. I’d also been tyre-testing on the track at Barcelona, and then I was scheduled to leave for the Ferrari Racing Days at Hockenheim. After that, I’d be flying out to Singapore with the rest of the team for the 15th grand prix in the Formula One World Championship. Basically, I had a string of commitments that involved a lot of travel and very little rest.
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However, that all changed when I got to the track and saw the car in the flesh. This was the first time I’d got up close to the new LaFerrari Aperta. I’d driven the LaFerrari several times, of course. In fact, just after I first arrived at Maranello, I was lucky enough to drive the extraordinary FXX K around Fiorano [TOFM, issue 28].
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Some of you may even remember that I was so blown away when I’d finished, all I could say was ‘Mamma Mia!’ But I’d only seen photographs of the Aperta, so seeing it right there in front of me, I felt a thrill. Plus it was red, which I like because I prefer classic colours and configurations when it comes to Ferraris. To begin with, however, I really had to hold myself back. And I really had to hold the car back too.
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In the first phase of the shoot, the Ferrari’s exterior was covered in video cameras, which were only held in place by suckers, so the technicians had to keep reminding me not to exceed 100km/h or they could fly off. That was tough. Put yourself in my shoes: being out on the track means speed to me. There’s no point in being out there if you’re not really opening it up. So this was torture. I had to lift my foot off the accelerator every time I saw the speedometer getting to 120-130km/h. I finally got to floor it in the second part of the shoot when the video cameras were removed and I just had a vehicle with a camera on a Russian arm [a purpose-built piece of hardware mounted on the back of an SUV for high-speed tracking shots] driving beside me. That’s when I really got to let rip. Driving that fast in an open car is just incredible! The sound of that big 12-cylinder engine was music to my ears. The regular car is sensational enough, but with the roof panel removed it’s an even more intense and emotional experience. Like the coupé version, the Aperta has all the power of an F1 car, but the electronic differential makes it much easier to control the oversteer. It’s a spectacular supercar with incredible acceleration and excellent handling.
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In a car with this much power you need to have total confidence in the chassis, to be in perfect tune with its responses. The LaFerrari Aperta uses all the latest technology to do that, but I found the steering to be precise and the car perfectly balanced. Initially I put it in Race mode but it wasn’t long before I deactivated the stability control using the Manettino and unleashed all 963 horses! It was fantastic, a true driver’s car. To use one of the first Italian expressions I ever learnt: Che figata! [So cool!] It’s not very poetic but it gets the message across. I suppose you want to know how fast I went, but I swore I wouldn’t say. However, just pull a nice big number out of the air and add a bit on top, then you’ll have an idea. So that’s the story of a very special day for me. I got to do a job I’m not used to – acting – but I also got to do what I do best and love most: driving on a circuit. And all in the LaFerrari Aperta, an absolutely fantastic car. I’m a lucky guy.
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