oceanremnants · 4 months
<BVQT> That fact is known. But you already know all he knew of you was that you were a violent and usually cruel person. You made no attempt to get to know him beforehand regardless, and his worries surrounding you caused him to do the same.
<BVQT> I see...
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 4 months
<APIS> Well I mean yeah but also. Weirdo. A little bit.
<APIS> Honestly? Probably, yeah. But it's been so long and nobody really cares about it, so I doubt we'll ever find out why. I mean, it's funny how easily people will protect literally anything iterator-related, but it's not something we really like researching, y'know?
<APIS> They probably would've. Being forced into that kind of thing really sucks.
<APIS> Yeah, that's Emblems. He knows, like, basically everything. About iterators, I mean. But it's Amber who actually knows about, like, culture. Out of the two head leads, I mean. Ivy probably knows more than those two put together...
<APIS> Yep. Though Sunrise never got the hang of cooking, literally everything... poor guy lol
<APIS> We wouldn't have, like, DIED, from poison. Just been lethargic and prone to getting sick all the time. Since our gut flora would be, like, way too busy breaking down the poison, to actually make sure we got any nutrients.
PRIVATE - A Golden Rock within a Pebble; [APIS]; No Reluctant Epiphany.
<GRP> ......
<GRP> .........:}
<APIS> ...
<APIS> ...Uh.
<APIS> Hey, there, Goldy's best friend guy???
NRE: Hi!
NRE: im NRE, as you can see from the username
NRE: its very nice to meet you!
51 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 4 months
<BVQT> Of course! But he knows nothing about you outside of your more violently tendencies. So I believe he was not at the time aware of the fact that you had the ability to be... kind. To Sunrise specifically.
<BVQT> Ah. Well.
<BVQT> I will admit it is a trauma disorder. I do not know your history so I am not sure if you could have even acquired it but.
<BVQT> It is narcissistic personality disorder. Are you aware of it?
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 4 months
<BVQT> That is one good thing. But again Winter does not know you and has no way of knowing this directly.
<BVQT> erm
<BVQT> We manage. With the closeness.
<BVQT> Was that offensive? My apologies if so. I am just a tad overexcited.;;
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> ...wow okay. Big weirdo behavior.
<APIS> Probably because he was meant to be built at the very edge of the shore like the rest of us outskirters but the fact he might sink in made people believe that A. the wind would come inland and destroy everyting and B. his weight would help sink the rest of the land . So, not only would the wind fuck everything up, but the already droning country would fall into itself. So.
<APIS> Yeah, that sounds like a recipe for disaster...
<APIS> Maybe they were, actually. I know Emblems was a bit... uh, worldly, is the word? He was more or less the main designer for most of us, most of the time.
<APIS> Well, we kinda knew how to cook, and I'm pretty sure Feathers got a LOT of recipes from his admin, but... he taught us how to cook, without burning everything, by ourselves.
<APIS> And Quiet made sure we didn't eat anything poisonous... props to em.
PRIVATE - A Golden Rock within a Pebble; [APIS]; No Reluctant Epiphany.
<GRP> ......
<GRP> .........:}
<APIS> ...
<APIS> ...Uh.
<APIS> Hey, there, Goldy's best friend guy???
NRE: Hi!
NRE: im NRE, as you can see from the username
NRE: its very nice to meet you!
51 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<BVQT> Well. I do not think he knows you would not go all the way to his regions to kill a few slugpups. Considering we are all deeply aware of the fact that Sunrise most likely will be inviting you over here himself.
<BVQT> Our regions are. all one area. We are all very close to each other.
<BVQT> Well for one. Forgive me if this is a bit forward but. I see part of myself in you.
<BVQT> We have similar symptoms of a very specific condition. I only know one other person that has it. And I just find it sort of funny that you exhibit parts of it.
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> Gweh.
<APIS> ...I guess I can see where blood's coming from, but, like,
<APIS> In order to maintain the species here, we gotta make sure they have an environment to actually, y'know, live in.
<APIS> I don't really get it, either. The only outskirters that had anyone living on them are me and Upsilon. I guess it probably had something to do with the fact that our regions were, literally sinking.
<APIS> ...
<APIS> Yeah. Our architects tried making us in pairs, to see if we could get along better if we were all around the same age as each other. I guess it kind of worked? i really doubt they wanted us to start dating though. (>人<;)
<APIS> that line of thinking probably didn't make anything better later also.
<APIS> Hah, yeah. I can definitely say that the majority of us knowing how to cook really really well is better than just hoping to figure it out ourselves from the ground up.
<APIS> I'm not sure we would've survived without any surviving knowledge on how to spice stuff.
PRIVATE - A Golden Rock within a Pebble; [APIS]; No Reluctant Epiphany.
<GRP> ......
<GRP> .........:}
<APIS> ...
<APIS> ...Uh.
<APIS> Hey, there, Goldy's best friend guy???
NRE: Hi!
NRE: im NRE, as you can see from the username
NRE: its very nice to meet you!
51 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> Void, I know what you mean.
<APIS> I have no idea how to help with, your regions specifically... but, if there's anything I can do, I offer my hand in helping.
<APIS> Y eah.
<APIS> I mean tbf there were a LOT. of protests against him being made. apparently. or so ive heard. But he was like, half commissioned by this one guy and their family, and his proposed admin was, like, super popular, and, like, they were trying out "pre-made pairs" and stuff, so, like,
<APIS> ...To be honest, I wouldn't be able to see a good future for our group without him. so i'm glad he's here.
PRIVATE - A Golden Rock within a Pebble; [APIS]; No Reluctant Epiphany.
<GRP> ......
<GRP> .........:}
<APIS> ...
<APIS> ...Uh.
<APIS> Hey, there, Goldy's best friend guy???
NRE: Hi!
NRE: im NRE, as you can see from the username
NRE: its very nice to meet you!
51 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<BVQT> That is indeed how it seems.
<BVQT> I believe he feels that what you were doing may have effected him somehow or potentially would effect him in the future. Therefore you two are similar in that aspect at least.
<BVQT> ...I see.
<BVQT> I was wrong about you.
<BVQT> You are more similar to us than any of us know.
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<BVQT> Your point of view makes sense considering the limited information you have been given... though I am not sure if you are very interested in learning more about Winter.
<BVQT> Partners cannot always take care of each other so directly. Or indeed they are terrible and actively refuse to. Thank you for being a good partner to my brother.
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> ..............Annoyance.
<APIS> Well, me and this guy have one thing in common, at least.
<TSF> ...?
<TSF> may i ask, what that is?
2 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> Well, me and this guy have one thing in common, at least.
<TSF> ...?
<TSF> may i ask, what that is?
2 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<BVQT> ...Ah. Of course. He must have been upset y your insistence on destroying modified creatures.
<BVQT> Right.
<BVQT> Thank you. For taking care of Sunrise.
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<TSF> n no;;;
<TSF> quickly forgotten, monsoon,
<TSF> from, the sky group? our, surviving neighbors.
<TSF> someone, let it access, our anonymous inbox, thing,
<TSF> uh
<TSF> respectfully,
<TSF> who, the hell, allowed monsoon, direct access, to our inbox?
<TSF> and, why? the hell? did this happen?
4 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<APIS> Monsoon?
<APIS> ...I'm gonna assume you don't mean, like, our Monsoon???????????????????
<TSF> uh
<TSF> respectfully,
<TSF> who, the hell, allowed monsoon, direct access, to our inbox?
<TSF> and, why? the hell? did this happen?
4 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<TSF> uh
<TSF> respectfully,
<TSF> who, the hell, allowed monsoon, direct access, to our inbox?
<TSF> and, why? the hell? did this happen?
4 notes · View notes
oceanremnants · 5 months
<BVQT> ...That does not sound like the Winter I have known.
<BVQT> He holds great respect for these regions and has converted his entire can into a reserve for native wildlife. He was the one who started this entire thing and I only lead it due to my at the time great power over everyone else. He only does not lead the project now because Tabby is more familiar with the creatures themselves and he trusts her enough to follow her lead.
<BVQT> Are you sure we are speaking of the same man? Winter's Monsoon?
<BVQT> Of course.
<BVQT> I am very glad to hear that Sunrise will be helping you. As long as he is not pushing himself too far I permit it.
imagine being forced to constantly keep antigrav off inside of your structure...
that sounds miserable
how do you think like that? wouldnt that make you collapse?
having no antigravity is the main reason not having rarefaction cells is bad, after all
-eternal anomaly
108 notes · View notes