soullessjack · 10 months
“I’ve never claimed to speak for women or women’s experiences, but I just don’t understand how they could’ve found Bundy attractive.”
- AlCal, Momento Con 2023
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years
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I wanted to edit a photo of Ruth for my #FemaleFriday, and ever since I stumbled onto this shot, I can't stop giggling! They're making the same face! #CoupleGoals 😜🤣🤣🤣
Ruth Connell and Rob Benedict, MomentoCon 2021, Sunday panel.
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hawkland · 10 months
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Home from MomentoCon, it was definitely nowhere near the energy and attendance of the first year, without Misha this time around, and the organization was a clusterfuck. BUT I still managed to have a mostly good time even while doing an artist's table all weekend. I basically was the only vendor with specifically Destiel art & merch (including a giant banner/scarf of my Nov 5 piece from last year) that was like a beacon to all Hellers to come by. Sold some stuff (including 3 originals!) but more than that it was such a boost to the confidence to hear so many encouraging and lovely things about my art. I struggle a lot with feeling "seen" after some of my early experiences at conventions with my art were a lot less positive...guess I've finally hit my stride and found my niche, y'know? Nicest guest experiences were with DJ Qualls and Lauren Tom, both had such wonderful things to say about my art - DJ literally asked if HE could come hug me after seeing my Garth painting! He's so adorable. Rob's rooftop acoustic concert was very chill and I got goosebumps hearing him play "Fare thee well" live. Oh and the hubster and I did a Mark S meet & greet Sunday before packing up, so that's another off my bucketlist.
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Now to decide if I'm going to DC or not.
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paintingdragonfeathers · 10 months
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All set up at Momentocon! Stop on by and say hi—we still got terrariums and all kinds of dragon merch looking for homes.
#momentocon #mementocon2023 #artist #artistalley #convention #paintingdragonfeathers #dragon #creature #art
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spnfanficpond · 10 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
Admin Michelle is at MomentoCon, so this will be short and sweet! You know, like Rob Benedict. ♥
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Old Business:
Fishing for Treasures at the @fanficocean is happening right now! August is all about original characters, to head over there to read some awesome non-SPN fics with characters you've never met before!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt was:
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New Business:
Manta Ray in the discord server! In about twelve hours or so, Admin MJ will be hanging out in the discord server, available to chat with you!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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incarnateirony · 6 months
Update on the ask I sent you the other day, questioning whether it was potentially TAW-like tactics from a DHJ fan: https://x.com/superspntrash/status/1735318206787575982?s=46
MomentoCon in 2021 was during COVID era for cons. Misha was literally in a box for photo ops and made no contact with fans, not even for M&G selfies.
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nickelkeep · 10 months
I will be at MomentoCon this weekend. I'll be wearing my name badge (the awesome ones that @dustyl makes!). If you see me, say hi! I like it when people say hi. (Totally stole that from Aaron Mahnke. Don't care. :P)
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sailorsally · 2 years
Makes me kind of sad to think that maybe Misha feels like he can't celebrate with us, especially when he's expressed how deeply meaningful 15x18 is to him... there's something to be said about fandom responsibility and about pushing away kind, supportive people when they don't live up to your expectations 100% of the time
Anon why did you have to make me think about this :( He really said that! And he said he was so excited to finally talk about the confession (it was at momentocon I think) & maybe he now think he no longer can. And not because C/W but because people who call themsemves fans will accuse him of queerbaiting while at the same time harassing him online.
I agree, we all have to take responsibility. Fandom is meant for be lighthearted fun but once you start sending out death treats, the fun part ends there and you are actively making decisions that harm others.
Originally,I, too, was upset about Misha's straight tweet. So I stepped away for a day or so to organize my thoughts and figured out it was a me problem and not a Misha problem. With SM everything tends to happen instantly so it's our reponsibility we try and regulate our emotions and take some time to "cool down".
To end this on a positive note, I remember I was scared Misha was never gonna mention destiel or make any jokes after the biasco but he did at the next con! So lets hope him not posting is due to being busy with recruting people to vote and filming GK 💙
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mom-and-popcosmic · 1 year
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New batch of 5x7 canvas autograph board paintings for MomentoCon. Been working non stop on these.
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soullessjack · 10 months
Oh my god how did I forget. Alex said he’d read the Unabomber Manifesto recently and that Ted Kaczynski made some good points too
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 10 months
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Alex Calvert is here!
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hawkland · 17 days
I am home from spnnj2024, I am exhausted but my heart is full!
I didn't get to see any panels with working the vendors area but I did get to chat a bit with DJ, Tamoh and Richard (who remembered us unprompted from MomentoCon, which was sweet!), got some AMAZING photo ops I'm gonna scan to share tomorrow, went to Misha's insane "Good Idea" show, got picked by Sam Smith to go up and an idiot of myself during karaoke, and saw a bunch of folks I know including meeting another author I've done art for (bodyandsoul, who got to go home with the original painting that inspired our DCRB collab!)
I'm actually a little freaked out over how well my art and merch went over. I actually sold I think 13-14 original paintings? (I need to check receipts) And tons of cards and prints and basically all the tote bags I had. I heard so many wonderful comments about my work that I'm actually a little emotional about it now. IDK how to explain except it's been a long road fighting imposter syndrome and never really having much success with my art until I landed here. With inspiration that's just clicked for me and for all the issues SPN fandom may have, there's a real support and love for fan artists that means a lot.
Anyway. I'm definitely going to be doing more of the circuit after this. I'm taking what I learned about what people were interested in and see how I can work on more of that along with keeping up with bang art and such! I'm thinking I might do Indianapolis in August as I'll have enough time to work on stuff for it through the summer, or if not then DC for sure. Beyond that I'll figure out what works in the schedule.
Now I need to try to unwind enough to sleep.
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paintingdragonfeathers · 10 months
Cosplayers assemble! Momentocon was a bit on the slow side this year, so the parade is kindof short. Tag yourselves or anyone you recgonize #momentocon #momentocon2023 #cosplay #cosplayparade #paintingdragonfeathers #artistalley #convention
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saileen-away · 3 years
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holycafe · 3 years
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sailorsally · 3 years
"I'm happy that the show end- no, I'm happy that MY character arc ended where it did"
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