gabrielokun · 2 years
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geekygirl24 · 2 years
Prompt from Anonymous: I don't think we've seen a Mil/Phukong smut yet. Maybe one where they have their first time on the beach trip? 
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pondphuwin · 1 year
listen i am as much of an earnpear shipper as the next person but i would pay money to watch a full series of silly ot3 khaotung/jj/film
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Been talking about 2gether here-and-there for a while but seeing your attitude towards it has got me itching to talk a bit about my thoughts on it. Because god, do I have thoughts.
So, I went into 2gether with low expectations. I heard it was subpar from MDL and I don’t like fake dating that much. But with a combination of curiosity over one of the biggest BLs historically and my personal interest in Bright and Win coming off the Bright cameo in Enigma and my enjoyment of Good Old Days, I went into the show. (Probably a different path from most to go from the non-BL to the BL but ahaha)
First thing. The show is very cheap. This shows even moreso because it’s BrightWin? Like, this was their first GMMTV show (and first for Win) so the company definitely didn’t have the drive to put as much money behind the show as they would for a show like F4 Thailand, but goddamn. Second thing. The music in this show was… huh. Were the guitars just not tuned sometimes? What are some of these? I say this as someone who actually loved BL singing, so it was a massive letdown I only enjoyed a few of the (very numerous) musical scenes. The OST for the show was great! But.
Sarawatine are character archetypes I really enjoy in general. I like weird, panicking, cheery bisexual losers (got me through Kiekoi!) and kind of grumpy and cold but devoted to their love interest guys. But the way the show wrote them was so disappointing? I would have expected so much more from the show for its main couple? Like, make me care about the characters, not just hope I’ll ogle at the hot actors and get through the show thanks to the scenarios, please. I usually don’t harp on physical intimacy between characters, also, but 2gether was so uncomfortable. And it sticks out like a sore thumb when the famous line of the show mentions kissing until dropping. There is NO kissing until dropping going on in the Sarawatine apartment, that’s for sure. And seeing some of the subpar acting between them just generally… I wasn’t enjoying myself much.
I actually found the show quite funny in certain scenes. Comedy is hard to judge a show on objectively, but I’ll say I did laugh. But I did not get emotional with the show, even when it wanted me to be. The Mil nonsense was hard to forgive, as was the “girl Sarawat liked!” Oh no! (My sarcasm could not be more embedded here) I genuinely started to feel pain watching the show because of how frustrating I found how Sarawat was dealing with the situation and how Tine was reacting. Like, I don’t care. Please. No one here wanted this cheap emotional climax. Especially after the weird time skip post-getting together.
And. The portrayal of women and the stereotyping of Green. All the women in this show are bland (but cute, thanks to the actresses, at the very least) or actively such a “girl who gets in the way of our BL boys!” that it hurts. And Green. I don’t enjoy when a show uses a feminine gay character as a source of ridicule. Green is seen as lesser by Tine and the others, and yeah, he acts like kind of a creep sometimes in the beginning. But the show writes him like that with a purpose. Of course the one who is openly gay and feminine is also the one pushing boundaries and being a predator. Amazing representation, 2gether. It got worse when it turned out Dim was abusive, and Tine just lets him in? And they get back together? No???? Like. Why. What. Who? Watching Still 2gether, I tried to pretend that whole scene never happened and DimGreen was just a tumultuous on-again off-again relationship, because I actually did find some of their Still 2gether scenes funny, but no. I could not forget. I appreciate the attempts at saving them by Aof, but no. Could not be undone. Green was funny as hell in the second season for me, though, so I’m hoping he dumped that abuser’s ass for good after the show ended.
MilPhukong was… fine. I felt absolutely nothing for them, despite the time invested. I actually quite enjoyed s2 ManType, just for the established relationship of it all and seeing them get along well, so I forgive them, but the s1 plotlines for them were questionable (Man, stop being a creep. Type, what are you doing with irt your brother? Really?)
I think Still2gether was an improvement (director change, yay!) but the emotions still didn’t work for me. I enjoyed the more slice-of-life style of the series and I felt the characters were more likable, but it was a short series with little actually going on. It did leave me off with a much better taste in my mouth, and better scenes all around, though. I imagine I could watch this season again and not groan my way through it. I’d probably even enjoy it if I take it as it is. The foundation can’t be forgotten, though. It is ever-present as a problem.
Oh, and here are some of my (very ineloquent) thoughts on 2gether as I live-blogged it:
This is stupid. Side couple on screen rn is stupid. Tine being a crying cannot communicate uke is stupid. Sarawat is being stupid.
Do not enjoy this simplification but I was very frustrated at the time. I still am.
Okay, now to pull back a little. I can totally understand why people would’ve loved this show. Because I’m 100% sure if I had watched 2gether before other shows, back in 2020, I’d have ignored most of the flaws out of my excitement for a show with cute scenes and pretty boys. Especially at the beginning of the pandemic, and especially if this was my first BL drama. I think that if you just settle into it with that mindset, you can find enjoyment in the show. And honestly, I’m very happy about that. That we’re at this point, with shows like Not Me, Last Twilight, etc. If 2gether is a show that seems horribly outdated now, in just a few years, I think that spells great things for the future of GMMTV BL, even if it isn’t a steady thing (looks at the tournament we’re in). And despite my words on them, I did in fact end up with a soft spot for Sarawatine. I think they’re neat in theory. In practice, not so much, but here I am anyway. The two of them definitely are important to BL, especially in GMMTV, and I respect them for that.
Don’t think I’ll ever rewatch 2gether, though.
I wanna preface this by saying that even though I really don't like 2gether, I don't rembember it in nearly as much detail as you do. I know I don't like it 'cause I immediately didn't while I was watching it and right after when it was still fresh in my mind.
Now, that said, some of the things you mentioned did spark recognition and in general I tend to agree with you. The Green thing, oh Iord! And the guitar........ Unlike you, I tend to shudder when BL boys bring out the guitar so for me that whole show was a real test.
Honestly, I don't need to go into detail more than this 'cause you already put it so eloquently yourself and I also understand what you mean about watching it back when it aired. I'm probably going to regret mentioning it but TharnType also aired in 2019 and is extremely beloved by some. I'm not saying I agree - and I'm generally wary of people who say it's their favorite BL ever - but I certainly understand it and my personal feelings about it too are so complicated I don't even know if I'd be able to put them into words.
What I'm trying to say is that while I have specific preferences and opinions on every BL in this list and many others not on this list, I respect that some of the judgements others have on them come from a very contextual and personal place. As is also the way I feel about the shows I hold dearest! Still, I appreciate the conversations we've been having on all of them 🩷
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the-happy-fujoshi · 2 years
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Ok but This guy 👇 is from Architecture too..
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Lmao I'm not sorry..
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nubsibs · 3 years
Mil: Sometimes, I think Phukong and I should kiss.
Sarawat: And sometimes I think I should do crystal meth. I guess we all have bad ideas.
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
the stages of Sarawat realizing that 95% of the music and cheerleader club is gay now 
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geminifourth · 4 years
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big bro sarawat
bonus: big bro sarawat vs big bros manboss
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seatawinan · 3 years
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Sam’s / kaonoppakao’s 1 year blog anniversary celebration
→ 2gether the Series
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juneviews · 4 years
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“Am I still a brother to you now?”
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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geekygirl24 · 2 years
Prompt from Stars_For_Jazz: Hi! If there are still spots available could I request Phukong x Mil, with Mil reacting to seeing his boyfriend in red lipstick for the first time? (explicit or not, either is ok) 
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pondphuwin · 7 months
for the ask game 4, 1, 8, 11 and 18
thank you kali <3
1. favorite main couple
once again i have a few but i'll say kinguea (bed friend)!! their dynamic is perfect, bickering and horny and obsessed with each other, yes to all of it. watching the development of their relationship was such a joy, and netjames were made to play these characters.
4. favorite side character
i'll say thua (the eclipse) now! akk is ayan's cancelled wife and thua is MINE!! i truly love his complexities and his questionable morality and the way he protects himself and the development of his relationship with kan. louis did such a great job depicting him.
8. first bl
2gether! do i remember any of what actually happens in it? not really. do i still have a fondness for sarawat? yes. are milphukong still one of my all-time favorite side couples? yes. (the bl that properly got me into bl last year though was the eclipse.)
11. most anticipated upcoming bl
i have a whole blog dedicated to we are, so i would say that one. also since i talked about netjames, i need domundi to start production on love upon a time IMMEDIATELY.
18. favorite male actor
[tosses aside the obvious answers because you all already know] i would say definitely one of my favorite bl actors is fourth! his performance as li ming in moonlight chicken has stuck with me this whole time. there's a rawness and an earnestness to fourth's performances. i think he brings out the best in every single role, even his little one in f4 thailand. i hope he gets to do a lot of different kinds of roles in the future!
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myshipshipsitself · 2 years
I saw a post yesterday, of someone saying that side ships ruin a show. And I just. Don’t understand? Like, I am a sucker for supportive siblings and/or besties. The main couple can be PERFECT in every way, wonderful plot and everything, but if there is no Good, Solid bestie that is there helping stuff along, and making sure the dumbass main characters get their shit together, then I feel like I’ve been cheated. And if that character IS there, and they don’t get their own happy ending ship, then I feel like THEY got cheated. 
Give me the Supportive Siblings and Best Friends, and Give Them Happiness, They Deserve it for the Shit They Went Through
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jaehwany · 4 years
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ahxiang · 4 years
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Still 2gether + AO3 Tags: Ep. 4
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