biomorphi · 1 year
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i found another specimen of a super rare organism yesterday!
this is a rare and remarkable ciliate, a single-celled organism called Metopus verrucosus.
a few neat facts about it:
it’s an anaerobic organism! this means it prefers to live without oxygen
it lives deep in the mud of sulfur- & methane-rich bodies of saltwater. this one was found in the salt marsh estuary on the side of the garden state pkwy in south New Jersey!
it couldn’t survive in these noxious conditions by itself, though! the fuzzyness covering it’s cell is actually a type of bacteria that symbiotically lives on M. verrucosus.
this bacteria has the ability to metabolize sulfur and/or methane, processing these volatile stinky chemicals and turning it into energy, that it then shares with M. verrucosus!
i’m the only known person with this kind of footage of M. verrucosus! the paper The Santa Barbara Basin is an Oasis of Symbiosis has the only other photo i’ve seen of this organism, and it’s actually an HVEM (electron microscope) photo of a cross-section of the cell showing it’s endosymbiotic bacteria.
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here are some more photos i took of other specimens:
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wodeworm · 4 months
Microcosmic Dragon Lacrymaria Draco 50
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sublecturas · 21 days
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"Microcosmos", de Claudio Magris
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sarahalainn · 1 year
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#サラバンド 、サポーターに感謝
私もアナタも大事な only one。
My final show in Tokyo! It was in the beautiful (gosh the acoustics..really, the perfect classical shoebox hall) Hamarikyu Asahi hall, so my theme was based on the kanji 朝日新聞 (The Asahi newspaper) , the first character meaning “new” and the second “hear” (makes sense!). The first half was full of new repertoire as well as familiar pieces but with a modern twist. The second was set in a musical style, where I used a newspaper as a prop to talk about important news - including the ones that don’t make the paper. “One-ness”, again, was the overall theme for this year.
今回使った楽器達や機材! Instruments I used in my final Tokyo Show
Voice/Whistle 声 /ホイッスル
Violin ヴァイオリン
Electric Violin エレキヴァイオリン
Anklet Bells アンクレット鈴
Piano ピアノ
Looper ルーパー
Kalimba + effect pedals カリンバ + エフェクトペダル
2022.11.29 「新しく聞く」
1st stage 
1. 二人の天使 Concerto Pour Une Voix
2. Riverdance/Drowsy Maggie
~ Season Medley ~
3. Spring: Caresse Sur l’Ocean
4. Summer: Vivaldi
5. Autumn: Autumn Leaves
6. Winter: Vivaldi’s Rain 
~ Rock ~
7. The Stranger (Whistle)
8. Misty
9. Spain
2nd stage 〜The Musical
~ voice-over whilst walking with newspaper ~
* Newspaper - don’t believe in everything you read - 「これは現実なの?ファンタジーなの?」
1. Bohemian Rhapsody
2. Calling You
3. Airmail Special 〜男はつらいよ〜浜離宮朝日ホール30th Anniversary Vers.
4. The Winner Takes It All
5. Kalimba Improv - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
6. 無限に広がる大宇宙
7. Diva Dance
8. ひこうき雲
9. Ave Maria
10. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
11. Comme d'habitude/My Way
12. Nessun Dorma
【LIVE DIGEST】Kalimba, whistle, alien?! Sarah Àlainn | カリンバ、口笛、宇宙人⁈ サラ・オレイン | Diva Dance
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Free speech. 自由の言論。
The Winner Takes It All?
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今回カットした曲も多く、加わった曲も(入れて良かった〜)。Calling You ( Bagdad Café) は当初リストに入ってなく、八ヶ岳で初披露してから関係者の方や友人から、これはもう一度聴きたいとのことで、どうやってストーリーに取り入れるか、楽しく前日頭を悩ませました。
ハマジャズで突然スキャットすることになったAirmail Special 。あの日から自分の中でJazzの魂が騒ぎ、大好きな曲に!今回は東京ということで〜男はつらいよ〜浜離宮朝日ホール30th Anniversary Vers.をお届けしました!
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クリスマスには new flavourと送り先も!「新しく味わう」。
菓子 x 歌詞🐯生産者と地球環境に優しいをお届け🤍サラからの直筆メッセージ入り。
▪シナモン オートミール
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完売御礼 🈵
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【TV】『サラ・オレイン コンサート “One” 2022 10th Anniversary』BSフジにて放送決定!!
2022年12月30日(金) 12:45~14:00
『10th Anniversary~One』の模様をお届けします🎻🎤✨
10周年記念アルバム ONE 中心
Monster Hunter モンハン SUNBREAK
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‘SARAH ÀLAINN 10th Anniversary ONE’
will air on BS FUJI TV!
What a way to end 2022!
30 December 2022
Stay tuned!!
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
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She held herself in her arms and rocked back and forth, feeling so trapped within herself. Mikasa truly couldn't tell if it would've been more selfish to stay with him, or to have left and hurt him. Because what a mess Mikasa was right now. 
And yet somehow none of that mattered right now. Because right now Mikasa still wanted Levi. She wanted him to stay. Levi was most precious to her. She would give anything to hold him just one more time like that night in the castle.
"Oi. Brat." 
Shit... Another daydream, another memory creeping up on her. There were only so many memories of Levi that her frail heart could handle right now. No more... No more. 
"You can ignore me all you want, Ackerman. I'm still here." 
A low and husky voice sent Mikasa backwards as she fell on her palms in the dirt at the very sight of Levi — actual Levi — squatting on the floor with her. He stood, brushing off his trousers and shirt, before reaching out a hand for her to stand.
Her stare revealed her disbelief; mouth agape as leftover tears continued flowing from her still widened eyes. The stunned woman finally hesitantly took his hand, and Levi braced for her to yell at him again, push him — hell, maybe even punch him — for going against her orders to go back to Paradis. Whatever it was going to be, Levi was willing to endure it.
But as he peeked at Mikasa, her scrunched face fell into an even heavier sob than before. She crashed into the safety of his body and threw her arms around his neck, endlessly crying out his name as her face desperately pressed into him. "Levi... Levi, you're here." She clutched on tighter, heaving as she soaked in this feeling of holding him closely once again. The lump in her throat grew. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Levi. This was too much. It was too much without you. Levi, I—"
"Did you really expect me to follow your shitty orders, gloomy brat?" Levi had both arms around her waist, fighting tears of his own. "You can't get rid of me that easy." He closed his eyes. Only the floral scent of Mikasa filled his lungs; a breath of fresh air he'd missed. The sound of her breathing in his arms erased the tiredness of the journey behind him to find the woman he loved. 
I want the girl to choose love for once. I want her to hold onto it.  And I want you to choose the same.
Kiyomi's words continued to ring in his ears. Levi pulled away from Mikasa for a moment; her alluring face now revealed to him once again. Her eyes were puffy and swollen, her nose was sore and red, and there were tears all over her face. Mikasa withdrew her arms back to herself and covered her face with trembling hands in embarrassment; it was the first time she'd ever felt self-conscious in front of Levi. 
Levi took hold of both soft hands and brought them down, caressing them for a moment before raising his right hand to carefully wipe her tears with his calloused thumb. There weren't enough words to describe how beautiful Mikasa looked to him at that moment as she stared back into his eyes; dewdrops of a cry still resting on her long dark eyelashes. Levi placed a gentle palm on Mikasa's pale cheek and began to pull her closer to himself. Her breath hitched, and her eyes began to slowly close.
He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
What am I to you? 
At that moment, Mikasa knew she'd have a clear answer if Levi was the one to ask.
-- Microcosmos, Chapter 5
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Hehe it's been awhile since drawing anything!! I've been so focused on writing but I feel like I got re-inspired by art this past day. Here's a quick one I conjured up. I wanted the sweet forehead kiss to be drawn and I took it upon myself to quickly draw it. Enjoy! <3
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glogobaba · 1 year
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Art by me; acrylics on round canvas, 20 cm ø
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breezybeej · 1 year
Here's some random movie recommendations for you accursed beafts:
Ginger Snaps (2000): if you liked Jennifer's Body, you'll probably like this. It has a lot of the same themes but with a more sisterly bonding bend. Personally I liked it more than JB.
Being John Malkovich (1999): Okay so you want to talk about Ego Death? You want to meditate on identity? This movie assaults you with so much absurdity that the overarching message is the only thing that makes sense.
La Llorona (2019) ((NOT the Curse of La Llorona, we are talking about the Guatemalan film)): This movie is very slow, still, and steady. There are no jump scares, really. The film is a long slow build up of dread but in like a positive way? It's a horror movie about women and the power structures men put them into.
Smoke Signals (1998): You ever have complicated feelings about your dad, lol? Watch this. Bonus points for being a film made by indigenous americans
Sound of Metal (2020): Man loses a connection to something he built his life around so it all starts crumbling. You'll cry.
Perfect Blue (1997, yes the anime movie): I know, Satoshi Kon yadda yadda it's already a well known movie. This psych thriller anime is yet another meditation on identity and how we try to change ourselves to please others or change others to please ourselves.
Microcosmos (1996): This is the single best insect documentary I have ever seen. There is no narration after the first minute, you real close macro footage of bugs. Even without words, you can watch their world unfold before you and it just Makes sense.
Samsara (2011): In the same vein as microcosmos, this doc is a wordless meditation on humanity. You'll see all kinds of fascinating cultural events unfold before you. It really makes you feel connected to other humans.
Warsha (2022): This one's a short film. There is something about finding bliss even in the face of oppression
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979): The poster is literally the pride flag. The pride flag which came out one year before thin movie did. But really, this movie is VERY slow. Which is to its benefit. They really let you sit and think about what is happening in front of you. I don't know, the performances in this film are immaculate. It gets a lot of hate for how slow it is but if you let the movie take over, it WILL fill you with the intended sense of simultaneous fear of the unknown and curiosity about that unknown. Trepidation? Also it's a very good love story about two parallel romances.
Pig (2021): Nicholas Cage in a slow burner about the past and how we try to run from it. About how we can never escape it either. How to we cope with that? Maybe Nic can show us.
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massimolanzi · 2 years
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Anche un #bomba si affida sul nostro #mandarinocinese #microcosmos #insects #insectsofinstagram #bombuslatreille #tangerintree #pollination #naturephotography #naturegeography #macrophotography #macro #originalphotographer #lensbrnetwork #lensculture #mobilephotography #samsungmobile #samsunga51 #italiapm (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgETAyhMZFx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nugs-kush · 9 months
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hrisrizz · 1 year
I made a new poster, it's a tardigrade studying microbiology! If you're like me and love science and animals, or have a super cool kid who is into science, go check out my other posters in my Displate shop. I draw various animals that study different fields of science, they are professionals! Big thank you to James Weiss for reference photos for this poster and for just being out there doing what he does! 💖🔬 • Thank you for watching and reading! Music: Mad Steampunk Scientist's Lab by NaturesEye
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
Mujer observa las cenizas de su padre bajo el microscopio y se encuentra con un microcosmos
La artista mexicana Gabriela Fuchs tuvo el impulso de observar las cenizas pocos días después de su fallecimiento, sin saber el conmovedor espectáculo que le esperaba.
Según cuenta en el video que compartimos a continuación Fuchs llevó las cenizas de su padre a un laboratorio de la UNAM, donde los doctores le habían anticipado una gama de colores apagados: blanco, gris, "sólo cenizas" y no mucho más que ver…
Al parecer, las "sólo cenizas" contienen nebulosas, discos galácticos en estado embrionario, protoestrellas, microcosmos.
Gabriela dice que esto "prueba visualmente que estamos hechos de estrellas", con cierta licencia poética, pero coincidiendo con unas de las más populares ideas de divulgación científica, a la cual han recurrido desde Carl Sagan hasta Neil deGrasse: "somos polvo de estrellas".
La posibilidad de estar literalmente conformados por "polvo de estrellas" es una de las ideas más científicamente poéticas que se hayan cultivado.
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xivartref · 1 year
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grushenko · 2 years
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In 1960, #davidlatimer planted a tiny #garden inside of a large glass bottle and sealed it shut. He opened the bottle 12 years later in 1972 to add some water and then sealed it for good. The self contained ecosystem has flourished for nearly 60 years.
For those who are wondering how this is even possible: the garden is a perfectly balanced and self-sufficient ecosystem. The bacteria in the compost eats the dead plants and breaks down the oxygen that is released by the plants, turning it into carbon dioxide, which is needed for #photosynthesis . The bottle is essentially a #microcosm of #earth. #terrarium
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Chapter Title: Written in the Stars
Summary: After their travels, Levi and Mikasa have a hard time adjusting to normal life in Paradis. Armin and Mikasa reminisce about Eren. The Scouts receive an unexpected letter from Marley, and Levi feels he has no more time to spare.
Word Count: 6,460
Tag List: @stalactice​ @rivaille-13​ @your-lavender-dreams​ @dinhaprince​ @levi4mikasa​ @ash-aot​ @melancholykeys​ @warbarbie​ @levimikasa​ @reikasart​ @rivamikaworld2​ @moonlightsonata9​ @ackermanshoe​ @ficphobia​ @alvoron17​ @gojosbloglol​ @chaosisbeauty23​ @blogfamousturtlecollector​​ @bryhaven​ @nuri148​ 
Omg. Guys.
Final Chapter is officially out. I’m in disbelief, but I’m also excited and satisfied and happy and sad and thankful to have reached the end. I love this story so much. It was definitely a passion fic. Again, I’m sorry it took me the longest to get this chapter out compared to any other chapter! There were so many hurdles!! But I hope it was worth the wait and it doesn’t disappoint you. <3
Thank you once again to every single person who has ever read this story or taken interest in this story, and especially thank you to all who have and will read to the end!! I have all of my sappy thank you’s at the end notes of this chapter, but I want to express it here too. I am insanely thankful for all of you!! You gave me excitement and motivation to see this story through til the very end. Thank you endlessly!! Please please please enjoy!!!
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cupatty · 2 years
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untempspourrever · 2 years
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Bon week-end 🌿🍀🍃 #polymerclay #miniatureart #plantes #artminiature #microcosmos #cactus #succulents #untempspourrever (à Meudon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cja6nQus61c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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