#Media Placements
Mogul Press: Unveiling the Power of B2B Content Marketing in Business Growth
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In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to stand out amidst the noise and capture the attention of their target audience. One such powerful tool that has emerged in recent years is B2B content marketing. And when it comes to mastering this art, Mogul Press leads the way.
Introduction: Navigating the Landscape of B2B Content Marketing
B2B content marketing has revolutionized the way businesses engage with their audience, offering a more personalized and informative approach to building relationships and driving conversions. Mogul Press, with its expertise in media placements, personal branding, and marketing strategy, harnesses the true potential of content marketing to propel businesses towards success.
The Dynamics of B2B Content Marketing
In today's digital ecosystem, where competition is fierce and attention spans are fleeting, businesses need to adopt a proactive approach to content marketing. Mogul Press understands this dynamic landscape and crafts tailored content strategies that resonate with target audiences, driving brand awareness and fostering trust.
Crafting Compelling Content: Mogul Press's Approach
At Mogul Press, content creation is not just about churning out generic pieces of information; it's about telling compelling stories that captivate and inspire. Through meticulous research and creative flair, Mogul Press delivers content that not only educates but also entertains, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
The Role of Personal Branding in B2B Content Marketing
In an age where consumers crave authenticity and connection, personal branding has become a cornerstone of effective content marketing. Mogul Press specializes in helping businesses and individuals develop a strong personal brand that resonates with their target audience, ultimately driving engagement and loyalty.
Navigating the Media Landscape: Mogul Press's Expertise
In today's hyperconnected world, securing media placements is essential for establishing credibility and reaching a wider audience. Mogul Press leverages its extensive network of media contacts and industry expertise to secure high-impact placements that elevate brand visibility and reputation.
Measuring Success: The Metrics that Matter
In the realm of B2B content marketing, success is not just about generating likes and shares; it's about driving tangible business outcomes. Mogul Press employs a data-driven approach to measure the effectiveness of its content strategies, tracking key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is B2B content marketing, and why is it important? B2B content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage a specific business audience. It's important because it helps businesses build brand awareness, establish credibility, and drive conversions.
2. How does Mogul Press help businesses with their content marketing strategies? Mogul Press specializes in crafting personalized content strategies tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client. From media placements to personal branding, Mogul Press offers a comprehensive suite of services to drive business growth.
3. What sets Mogul Press apart from other content marketing agencies? Mogul Press stands out for its deep understanding of the media landscape, creative storytelling abilities, and commitment to delivering tangible results for clients. With a focus on quality over quantity, Mogul Press ensures that every piece of content is impactful and effective.
4. How does personal branding tie into B2B content marketing? Personal branding plays a crucial role in B2B content marketing by humanizing the brand and establishing trust with the audience. Mogul Press helps businesses and individuals develop a strong personal brand that resonates with their target audience, driving engagement and loyalty.
5. How does Mogul Press measure the success of its content marketing strategies? Mogul Press employs a data-driven approach to measure the effectiveness of its content strategies, tracking key metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, Mogul Press can optimize strategies for maximum impact.
6. Can businesses of all sizes benefit from B2B content marketing? Absolutely! Whether you're a startup or a Fortune 500 company, B2B content marketing can help you connect with your audience, build brand credibility, and drive business growth. Mogul Press offers tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.
7. How long does it take to see results from B2B content marketing efforts? The timeline for seeing results from B2B content marketing efforts can vary depending on factors such as industry, competition, and the quality of content. However, with a strategic approach and consistent effort, businesses can start to see positive outcomes within a few months.
8. What types of content does Mogul Press specialize in creating? Mogul Press specializes in creating a wide range of content, including articles, blog posts, press releases, social media posts, videos, and more. Whatever your content needs may be, Mogul Press has the expertise to deliver impactful and engaging content that resonates with your audience.
9. How does Mogul Press stay ahead of the latest trends in content marketing? Mogul Press is committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and innovations in content marketing. Through ongoing research, professional development, and collaboration with industry experts, Mogul Press ensures that its strategies are always fresh, relevant, and effective.
10. How can businesses get started with B2B content marketing with Mogul Press? Getting started with B2B content marketing with Mogul Press is easy! Simply reach out to our team to schedule a consultation, and we'll work with you to develop a customized content strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives. From there, we'll handle the rest, helping you navigate the world of content marketing with confidence and ease.
Conclusion: Elevating Your Business with Mogul Press
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B content marketing, Mogul Press stands as a beacon of innovation and expertise. With its unparalleled understanding of the media landscape, creative storytelling prowess, and commitment to driving tangible results, Mogul Press empowers businesses to unlock their full potential and achieve lasting success. Whether you're looking to build brand credibility, expand your audience reach, or drive conversions, Mogul Press is your trusted partner in navigating the journey to business growth and prosperity.
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“Brand safety” killed Jezebel
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I'll be at the Studio City branch of the LA Public Library this Monday, November 13 at 1830hPT to launch my new novel, The Lost Cause. There'll be a reading, a talk, a surprise guest (!!) and a signing, with books on sale. Tell your friends! Come on down!
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Progressives: if you want to lose to conservatives, all you need to do is reflexively praise and support everything conservatives turn into a culture-war issue, without considering whether they might be right. Because sometimes…they're right.
Remember early in the Trump presidency, when conservatives all woke up and discovered that America's spy agencies – excuse me, "the intelligence community" – were dirty-tricking psychos who run amok, lawlessly sabotaging democracy? Progressives have been shouting this ever since Hoover's FBI tried to blackmail MLK into killing himself:
But millions of progressives forgot about COINTELPRO, CIA dirty tricks and CIA mass spying when this "intelligence community" temporarily set out to wrong-foot Trump. Remember James Comey votive candles?
Anthropologists have a name for this phenomenon, in which one side reverses its positions because their sworn enemies have done so. It's called schizmogenesis, and it goes like this: "If they hate it, we love it":
Schizmogenesis is an equal-opportunity delusion. Within living memory, white evangelicals supported abortion, because their sworn enemies – Catholics – opposed it. Some of those white Boomer women who voted Trump because abortion was literally the only issue they cared about held the opposite position on abortion not so long ago – and completely forgot about it:
The main purpose of the culture war isn't immiserating marginalized people – that's its effect, but its purpose is to distract low-information turkeys (working people) so they'll vote for Christmas (the ongoing seizure of power by American oligarchs). For the funders of conservative movement politics, the cruelty isn't the point, it's merely the tactic. The point is power:
Which brings me to "woke capitalism." Conservative string-pullers have whipped up their base about the threat of companies embracing social causes. They (erroneously) claim that corporations have progressive values, and that big business is thumbing the scales for causes they despise. The purpose here isn't to sow distrust of capitalism per se. Rather, it's to stampede talk-radio-addled supporters into backing the oligarchy's agenda. Remember when culture war leaders told their base to support being gouged on credit-card junk fees "to own the libs?"
That's schizmogenesis working against the conservative rank-and-file, tricking them into taking the side of a cartel of wildly profitable payment processors who are making billions by picking their pockets (credit card fees are up 40% since the covid lockdowns), because (checks notes), Target pays these profiteers a lot to process its payments, and Target sells Pride merch (no, really):
It's easy to point and laugh at conservative dopes when they're tricked into shooting themselves in the balls to own the libs. This is not a hypothetical example:
But progressives do it, too, particularly when they embrace monopolies as a force for positive social change. Remember 2019, when people got excited about playing loud pop music at Nazi rallies in the hopes that the monopoly video platforms' copyright filters would make any video from that rally impossible to post?
I warned then that if this tactic worked, it would be used by cops to prevent you from recording them when they're macing you or splitting your skull with a billyclub, and yup, within a couple years, cops were blaring Taylor Swift music in hopes of preventing the public from posting videos of their illegal conduct:
Conservatives are (partially) right about woke capitalism. It is a threat to democracy. Concentrating the power to decide who gets to speak and what they get to say into the hands of five or six corporations, mostly run by mediocre billionaires, is bad for society. The moderation decisions of giant platforms are a form of (commercial) censorship, even these don't violate the First Amendment:
(The progressive delusion that censorship only occurs when the First Amendment is violated is a wild own-goal, one that excuses, for example, the decision by school book-fair monopolist Scholastic to remove books about queers and Black and brown people from its offerings as a purely private matter without consequences for free speech):
Conservatives are only partially right about woke capitalism, though. Here's what they're wrong about: corporations don't have values. Target isn't selling Pride tees because they support progressive causes, they're selling them because it seems like a good way to increase returns to their shareholders. Individuals – even top executives – at Target might endorse the cause, but the company will only durably support the cause if that endorsement is profitable, which means that when it stops being profitable, the company will stop supporting the cause:
The idea that corporations have values isn't merely stupid, it's very dangerous. The Hobby Lobby decision – which allows corporations to deny basic health-care expenses for women on the basis that a Bronze Age mystic wouldn't approve of an IUD – rests on the ideological foundation that corporate personhood includes corporate values:
Citizens United – the idea that corporations should be allowed to funnel unlimited funds to politicians who'll sell out the public good in favor of investor profits – also depends on a form of corporate personhood that includes values:
There are undeniably instances in which corporate monopoly power benefits progressive causes, but these are side-effects of corporate power's main purpose, namely: taking money and power away from working people and giving it to rich people. That is what monopoly power is for.
Which brings me to ad-tech, "brand safety," and the demise of Jezebel, the 16 year old feminist website whose shuttering was just announced by its latest owner, G/O Media:
Jezebel's demise is the direct result of monopoly power. Jezebel writes about current affairs – sex, politics, abortion, and other important issues of great moment and significance. When we talk about journalism as a public good, necessary for a healthy civic life, this is what we mean. But unfortunately for Jezebel – and any other news outlet covering current events – there are vast, invisible forces that exist solely to starve this kind of coverage of advertising revenue.
Writing for the independent news site 404 Media, reporter Emanuel Maiberg and former Motherboard editor-in-chief Jason Koebler go deep on the "brand safety" industry, whose mission is to assist corporations in blocking their ads from showing up alongside real news:
Maiberg and Koebler explain how industry associations like the World Federation of Marketers' Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) promulgate "frameworks" to help advertisers automatically detect and exclude real news from consideration when their ads are placed:
This boycott makes use of scammy "AI" technology like "sentiment and emotional analysis" to determine whether an article is suitable for monetization. These parameters are then fed to the ad-tech duopoly's ad auction system, so Google and Meta (who control the vast majority of online advertising) can ensure that real news is starved of cash.
But reality is not brand-safe, and high quality, reputable journalistic outlets are concerned with reality, which means that the "brand safe" outlets that attract the most revenue are garbage websites that haven't yet been blacklisted by the ad-safety cartel, leading to major brands' ads showing up alongside notorious internet gross-out images like "goatse":
More than a fifth of "brand safe" ad placements end up on "made for advertising" sites, which 404 Media describe as "trash websites that plagiarize content, are literally spam, pay for fake traffic, or are autogenerated websites that serve no other purpose than capturing ad dollars":
Despite all this, many progressives have become cheerleaders for "brand safety," as a countervailing force to the drawdown of trust and safety at online platforms, which led to the re-platforming of Nazis, QAnon conspiratorialists, TERFs, and other overt elements of the reactionary movement's vanguard on Twitter and Facebook. Articles about ads for major brands showing up alongside Nazi content on Twitter are now a staple of progressive reporting, presented as evidence of Elon Musk's lack of business acumen. The message of these stories is "Musk is bad at business because he's allowing Nazis on his platform, which will send advertisers bolting for the exits to avoid brand-safety crises."
This isn't wrong. Musk is a bad businessman (he's a good scam artist, though). Twitter is hemorrhaging advertisers, notwithstanding the desperate (and easily debunked) stats-juking its "CEO," Linda Yaccarino, floats onstage at tech conferences:
But progressives are out of their minds if they think the primary effect of the brand safety industry is punishing Elon Musk for secretly loving Nazis. The primary effect of brand safety is killing reality-based coverage of the news of the day, and since reality has a well-known anti-conservative bias, anything that works against the reality-based community is ultimately good for oligarchy:
We can't afford to let schizmogenesis stampede us into loving things just because conservative culture warriors have been momentarily tricked into hating them as part of oligarchs' turkeys-voting-for-Christmas project. "Swivel-eyed loons hate it, so it must be good," is a worse-than-useless heuristic for navigating complex issues:
A much better rule of thumb is "If oligarchs love something, it's probably bad." Almost without exception, things that are good for oligarchs are bad for the rest of us. I mean, this whole shuttering of Jezebel starts with an oligarch imposing his will on millions of other people. Jezebel began life as a Gawker Media site, beloved of millions of readers, destroyed when FBI informant Peter Thiel secretly funded Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against the publisher in a successful bid to put them out of business to retaliate for their unfavorable coverage of Thiel:
This, in turn, put Jezebel under the ownership of G/O Media, who are unwilling to pay for a human salesforce that would – for example – sell advertising space on Jezebel to sex-toy companies or pro-abortion groups. G/O has been on a killing spree, shuttering beloved news outlets like Deadspin:
G/O's top exec, an oligarch named Jim Spanfeller who answers to the private equity looters at Great Hill Partners, is bent on ending reality-based coverage in favor of "letting robots shit out brand safe AI-assisted articles about generic topics":
Three quarters of a century ago, Orwell coined a term to describe this kind of news: duckspeak,
It was not the man’s brain that was speaking it was his larynx. The stuff that was coming out of him consisted of words but it was not speech in true sense: it was a noise uttered in unconsciousness like the quacking of a duck.
When investors and analysts speak of "content" (rather than, say, "journalism"), this is what they mean – a warm slurry of platitudes, purged of any jagged-edged fragments to render it a perfectly suitable carrier for commercial messages targeted based on surveillance data about the "consumer" whose eyeballs are upon it.
This aversion to reality has been present among corporate decisionmakers since the earliest days, but the consolidation of power among large firms – ad-tech firms, online platforms, and "brands" themselves – makes corporate realityphobia much easier to turn into, well, reality, giving advertisers the fine-grained power to put Jezebel and every site like it out of business.
As Koebler and Maiberg's headliine so aptly puts it, "Advertisers Don’t Want Sites Like Jezebel to Exist."
The reason to deplore Nazis on Twitter is because they are Nazis, not because their content isn't brand-safe. The short-term wins progressives gain by legitimizing a corporate veto over what we see online are vastly overshadowed by the most important consequence of brand safety: the mass extinction of reality-based reporting. Reality isn't brand safe. If you're in the reality based community, brand safety should be your sworn enemy, even if they help you temporarily get a couple of Nazis kicked off Twitter.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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strawberrybyers · 1 month
the duffers really said “we have TWO opportunities to do something really funny with camera and actor placement”
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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✦ Mercury in the 3rd/10th house
✦ Uranus in the 10th/11th house
✦ North Node in the 3rd/11th house
✦ 3rd house ruler in 1st house
✦ 10th house ruler in 3rd/11th house
✦ 11th house ruler in the 1st/11th house
✦ Part of fortune in 3rd/11th house
✦ Placements at 11°
✦ The 1st house represents our identity/self
✦ Mercury/3rd house represent social media
✦ 10th house represents fame
✦ Uranus represents technology
✦ 11th house represents technology/gains
✦ Part of fortune shows your prophesied fortune in life
✦ 11° is the social media fame degree -> more info
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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gaylactic-fire · 9 months
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 days
a little snippet about joe's contributions to heaven iowa that i thought was actually rlly sweet in its own way.. (from tape notes 128)
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mantisgodsart · 7 months
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so very small Worm (Wildbow), Bug Fables Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Skitter | Weaver | Taylor Hebert, Post-GM, Transmigration, Spiders, Bugs & Insects, Canon-Typical Violence
Taylor Hebert wakes up in the middle of a grassy field with an aching head, a massive blank in her memory, and approximately four more limbs than she remembers having. Approximately, of course, because one of her original four limbs appeared to be gone, and she wasn't sure how to qualify an entire abdomen suddenly spawning off of her backside. Something ingrained deeply into her skull told her she should be blaming someone, but she couldn't quite remember who.
Author's Note: Bugtober, Day 19 - Mimic. We think that Taylor would be a mimic spider if we swapped her over to BF. We have no major justification for this, but we are open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea, seeing as it's been nearly three years (we think) since we've read Worm and there are likely people on this website who are not operating on three years of character drift.
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chronic-invisibility · 11 months
I really resent all the people saying “oh, the Barbie movie is just one big ad, don’t go see it” like, OF COURSE it’s an ad! Most pieces of media these days are! You think the DND movie wasn’t an ad? The Last of Us show? Any Marvel or DC movies or show? What about every single product placement in basically every single piece of radio, TV, movie, etc? All those Apple products you see in shows or movies? The branded food products? The recognizable fashion brands? Do you seriously think none of that is an ad, and the Barbie movie is the first and only piece of media that’s selling you something? Grow up. We live in a capitalist world, everybody’s selling you something, you’re just so desensitized to it you don’t notice anymore.
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nebulous-nevermore · 6 months
im actually going to commit crimes with this new discord layout it sucks. and i hate that every article that i looked up trying to see if i could get the old layout back was trying to hype up how good these changes are for the service and how wonderful it is that we’re moving forwards. NO you lukewarm refrigerator i specifically looked up how to go back!!! why can’t i even just have the option to use the old layout. like if people want the new layout fine whatever but why not just??? make it a new option??
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reachingworldlive · 3 months
Significance of Product Placement: How to Get It
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jrueships · 6 months
is that tags post about zach wilson or joe burrow I can't tell 😭
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any! and all of them !
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historyhermann · 9 months
Kizuna no Allele Spoiler-Filled Review
Kizuna no Allele is an idolish music series directed by Kenichiro Komaya. Wit Studio and Signal.MD produce the series. The latter is known for series such as The Ancient Magus’ Bride and Spy x Family, and the former for FLCL Progressive and Atom: The Beginning. In addition, Deko Akao wrote the show’s scripts. Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-sixth article…
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View On WordPress
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Product placement is literally winning
i got an oishi green tea drink cause even if it isn’t the exact drink it’s still the Thai BL brand
Bonus points for having Zoro from One Piece on it
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hosticaaa · 5 months
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𝕯𝖆𝖇𝖎 ; Fandom stuff.
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How do I tell the fandom that Dabi was a useless, weepy, ill adjusted little runt ( AFFECTIONATE ) who wasn't allowed anywhere near Shoto and not a tall, responsible but troubled older brother figure who mother hen'd his younger siblings, especially Shoto, and that Dabi wasn't close to Shoto or particularly close to Fuyumi either but him and Natsu had a toxic codependent sibling thing going on hard core and I'm so sick of the Natsuo erasure and/or Shoto being put in Natsuo's place when that makes no fucking sense w/o pissing off the Horny Dabi simps who cant let go of bad/outdated flavorless wooby fanon characterization. How do I tell the fandom that their portrayal of the Todoroki family dynamic is severely wrong but can be drastically improved by understanding that while Endeavor ( and to a much lesser extent Rei ) were not actually narcissists, the parenting style at the forefront of the family is almost identical to narcissistic parental abuse and looking into this, along with things such as "Narcissistic devaluation" and the "Scapegoat" and the "Golden Child" explains so much that this fandom can't wrap its head around in regard to the extreme emotional / psychological abuse suffered by the Todoroki children without pissing off the Enji simps neck deep in abuse apology cause their fav has fat dilf tits.
Anyway on that subject children who grew up in households that were heavy on the narcissistic parental abuse often fall into "types" with particular traits and heres the Todorokis to a T ( Not including Shoto because his role is very obviously golden child (Masterpiece) and wasn't ever one of the Scapegoats ("failed creations") I mean I could def put him under "Problem Solver" but since he was never actually a scapegoat child its more complex than that for him so heres just my fav little failures ):
Fuyumi - the caretaker
Scapegoated children may provide emotional and/or physical caretaking to one or more parent/stepparent, functioning as a stand-in best friend, spouse, therapist, or nurse. They may be given household responsibilities such as cleaning, cooking, and caring for siblings, while also being targeted with anger and blame for the family's woes. Often intuitive and empathetic, caretaker scapegoats can become powerful healers as adults. But if they continue to prioritize the needs of others over their own they are likely to experience anxiety, poor self-care, resentment, and burnout.
Natsuo - the protector
Children in the protector role step in to defend a parent and/or younger sibling(s) from the dominant narcissist's verbal and/or physical abuse. Such children may be driven to try to protect family members because of their own experience with being scapegoated, or they may become scapegoated in the family system as a result of standing up to the abuse. As adults, children who have confronted the aggression of abusers may become fierce and compassionate advocates for justice and the underprivileged. But they often struggle to recognize their own limits, vulnerability, and need for support.
Toya - the collapsed
Some scapegoated children experience such harsh neglect and abuse, with few sources of support to build resiliency, that they fail to thrive and become mentally unstable, chronically ill, suicidal, institutionalized, homeless, consumed by addiction, and/or incarcerated. As adults, they may experience a trajectory of low functioning, repeated crises, or collapse that ends tragically in early death by illness, addiction, suicide, or violence. Kids who are "different" in some way, such as queer or neuro-atypical, are often targets of extreme scapegoating, both within their family and society at large.
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the difference between the fourth wall breaks of something like the Deadpool movies compared to something like Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn and She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is that every joke in Deadpool feels masturbatory like the writers think they're so hilarious for doing a fourth wall break like that's never been done before whereas both of the other two not only feel right at home with the characters' personalities but are much more natural and much more well done compared to the jokes in Deadpool or its sequel. (do not get me started on Deadpool 2, the movie sucks ass in basically every way except for the characters of Domino and Yukio. every single joke in it was outdated before it was even written. they were making fucking dubstep jokes in 2018. it was a 2012-ass script made way too late and riding on the coattails of the first with even less effort into being actually good.)
but the difference between those properties is that Deadpool wants to be congratulated for being some insanely crazy shocking movie that's pissing off the studio system or whatever but every single joke in it was approved by those people because it makes them money like it's so antithetical to the entire point they're trying to make and it makes for a very infuriating watching experience sometimes. the cognitive dissonance is hard to swallow with that one. but the way BOPATFEOOHQ and She-Hulk do their bits feels so much more authentic and less self-congratulatory and also just like they're clearly done with so much more passion and effort and care? when I watch either of the Deadpool movies, I feel like I'm watching a bunch of executives jerking themselves off. when I watch the other two, I feel like I'm watching a passion project that the executives clearly didn't give a shit about and thus the creative team were actually allowed genuine creative freedom with not a lot of oversight. that's a little less true with She-Hulk (especially in terms of that glorious finale although even that feels more authentic and artist-driven than most things in either Deadpool movie. Kevin Feige's boring, sanitized ass does not have the range to do that finale) being a MCU property although Phase 4 was so fucking experimental and it was a joy to behold even if not everything hit but it's still true and more authentic for the most part. with Deadpool it feels like the only person who really really cared about it was Ryan and like maybe a few of the other actors who actually did do commendable work with what they were given but with the other two projects, it feels way more collaborative because every single person showed up and cared deeply about what they were making.
(this is an addition to the tags bc I ran out [apparently i forgot there was a 30 tag limit] but. anyway the point is. Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is a phenomenal movie in basically every single way and you should watch it.)
#James talks#sorry I just wanna scream about how much I love BOPATFEOOHQ again#the first CBM since 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that felt more like the voice of artists than the voice of a studio.#I love Shazam but even that felt like it was a little studio driven instead of being a David F. Sandberg movie.#like BOPATFEOOHQ feels artist driven the same way The Batman does and the TASM movies do.#not to derail this tag rant but the TASM movies are Marc Webb movies through and through.#yes they have Sony's grubby hands on them with the product placement and shit but they are inseparable from Marc's vision#they are what Marc cares about more than what the studio cares about. the thematic interests are all Marc Webb.#anyway point is: more art like BOPATFEOOHQ bc it actually cares and less shit like Deadpool that is just pointing and laughing.#Deadpool feels like it's laughing at the concept of superhero media and it's a horrible boring deconstruction of it bc it doesn't get it.#it feels bad to the psyche the same way those meme disney show record scratches do—#like 'my life is kinda crazy' but it's 'ironic' now so it's 'funny'.#'see it's funny bc they're self-aware!' okay but what are they doing by being self aware???#I'm not saying every piece of art has to be some profound exploration of whatever but Deadpool feels bad to watch in a way the others don't#BOPATFEOOHQ is actually fucking commenting on something using its gags!#the fucking 'they call her... the crossbow killer gag' is actually thematically relevant!! women telling their own stories!!#a subversive joke actually playing into the themes of the project!! imagine that! care ajf effort put into saying something!!#anyway Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is phenomenal.#genuinely one of the greatest CBMs out there. also just a phenomenal time. even tho Parasite is a better movie overall#— BOPATFEOOHQ was my favorite movie of 2020.#some of the best action around with a great script with amazing pacing and phenomenal acting and a great score and soundtrack!!#literally nothing more to ask for.#one of my usual criteria for evaluating how good a piece of art is how much I'd add to it to help it do what it was trying to do.#like not cutting anything from it unless absolutely absolutely necessary. just adding like maybe 10-15 minutes to the runtime and—#helping maybe a few weaker elements shine more. with BOPATFEOOHQ the only change I'd make is to have more of the characters.#let us see more of Cassandra and Black Canary. more of their inner lives and backstories.#Christina Hodson tells us their stories with great efficiency and it's done really well but visually I'd just like to do more with them.#give them each maybe a 2-3 minute scene with what their daily routine is like.#maybe explore Canary's history with her mother more. see how it ties into the GCPD more effectively.#maybe actually see Cassandra's parents and how she deals with them daily instead of hearing about it from her hiding outside
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Mogul Press Reviews: Strategic Engagement of Stakeholders Through PR
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In today’s fast-paced digital age, the importance of strategic public relations (PR) cannot be overstated. Companies like Mogul Press have mastered the art of leveraging PR to engage stakeholders effectively. Through targeted media placements, personal branding, and innovative marketing strategies, Mogul Press helps its clients navigate the ever-changing media landscape and stand out in their respective industries.
The Power of Strategic PR
Strategic PR goes beyond simply getting media coverage; it's about crafting compelling narratives, building meaningful relationships, and shaping public perception. Mogul Press understands that every interaction with the media is an opportunity to strengthen a brand's reputation and influence.
Media Placements: Putting Brands in the Spotlight
One of the key services offered by Mogul Press is securing strategic media placements for its clients. Whether it's a feature in a prestigious publication, a guest appearance on a popular podcast, or a mention in a trending online article, these placements help brands increase their visibility and credibility in the eyes of their target audience.
Personal Branding: Amplifying the Voice of Thought Leaders
In today's digital world, personal branding is more important than ever. Mogul Press works closely with entrepreneurs, influencers, and industry experts to develop and amplify their personal brands. By crafting compelling narratives and leveraging various media channels, Mogul Press helps these thought leaders establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields.
Marketing Strategy: Building Strong Brand Presence
Effective marketing strategy is at the core of Mogul Press's approach to PR. From developing comprehensive communication plans to executing innovative campaigns, Mogul Press helps brands build and maintain a strong presence across multiple channels. Whether it's social media, email marketing, or influencer partnerships, Mogul Press knows how to reach and engage target audiences effectively.
The Role of Stakeholders in PR
Stakeholders play a crucial role in the success of any PR campaign. From investors and employees to customers and the media, engaging stakeholders effectively is essential for building trust and credibility. Mogul Press understands the importance of cultivating positive relationships with stakeholders and works tirelessly to ensure that its clients' messages are heard and understood.
Measuring Success: Metrics that Matter
In the world of PR, measuring success is not always straightforward. While traditional metrics like media coverage and website traffic are important, Mogul Press believes in going beyond vanity metrics to measure the true impact of PR efforts. Whether it's tracking brand sentiment, monitoring social media engagement, or conducting audience surveys, Mogul Press uses data-driven insights to continually optimize its PR strategies.
Expanding Global Reach: Mogul Press Goes International
As businesses increasingly operate on a global scale, the need for international PR expertise has never been greater. Mogul Press has expanded its reach beyond borders, helping clients navigate diverse cultural landscapes and connect with audiences around the world. With a network of media contacts and cultural insights, Mogul Press is equipped to launch successful PR campaigns on a global scale.
Innovative Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Narratives That Resonate
At the heart of every successful PR campaign is a compelling story. Mogul Press specializes in innovative storytelling, helping clients craft narratives that resonate with their target audience and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's through thought-provoking articles, captivating videos, or engaging social media posts, Mogul Press knows how to capture attention and drive meaningful engagement.
Thought Leadership: Establishing Authority in Your Industry
In today's competitive marketplace, establishing thought leadership is key to standing out from the crowd. Mogul Press works closely with clients to position them as experts in their respective industries, whether through speaking engagements, guest blogging opportunities, or industry awards. By leveraging the power of thought leadership, Mogul Press helps clients build trust, credibility, and influence among their peers and customers.
Building Brand Resilience: Navigating Challenges with Confidence
In an age of constant scrutiny and rapid change, brand resilience is more important than ever. Mogul Press helps clients build resilience by proactively managing their reputations, preparing for crises, and responding swiftly and effectively to challenges as they arise. By building strong foundations and fostering open communication, Mogul Press helps clients weather the storms and emerge stronger than ever.
Measuring Impact: The ROI of Strategic PR
While the value of strategic PR is undeniable, measuring its impact can be challenging. Mogul Press takes a data-driven approach to measuring ROI, tracking key metrics such as brand sentiment, website traffic, and lead generation. By providing clients with clear, actionable insights, Mogul Press demonstrates the tangible impact of its PR efforts and helps clients make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
1. What sets Mogul Press apart from other PR agencies?
Mogul Press stands out for its innovative approach to PR, its focus on building meaningful relationships, and its track record of delivering results.
2. How does Mogul Press work with clients to develop PR strategies?
Mogul Press takes a collaborative approach to developing PR strategies, working closely with clients to understand their goals, target audience, and unique selling points.
3. Can Mogul Press help with crisis management?
Yes, Mogul Press has extensive experience in crisis management and can help clients navigate challenging situations with professionalism and sensitivity.
4. How does Mogul Press measure the success of its PR campaigns?
Mogul Press uses a variety of metrics to measure the success of its PR campaigns, including media coverage, brand sentiment, social media engagement, and audience surveys.
5. What industries does Mogul Press specialize in?
Mogul Press works with clients across a wide range of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, entertainment, and more.
6. How long does it take to see results from a PR campaign with Mogul Press?
The timeline for seeing results from a PR campaign can vary depending on factors such as the client's goals, target audience, and the complexity of the campaign. However, clients can typically expect to see tangible results within a few months of launching a campaign.
7. Does Mogul Press offer ongoing PR support?
Yes, Mogul Press offers ongoing PR support to help clients maintain and strengthen their media presence over time.
8. How does Mogul Press stay ahead of the latest PR trends and developments?
Mogul Press has a team of seasoned PR professionals who are constantly monitoring industry trends, attending conferences, and staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the media landscape.
9. Can Mogul Press help with social media management?
Yes, Mogul Press offers social media management services to help clients build and maintain a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
10. How can I get started with Mogul Press?
Getting started with Mogul Press is easy! Simply reach out to our team to schedule a consultation, and we'll work with you to develop a customized PR strategy that meets your needs and goals.
In conclusion, strategic PR is essential for engaging stakeholders, building brand credibility, and driving business growth. Companies like Mogul Press understand the power of effective PR and are committed to helping their clients navigate the ever-changing media landscape with confidence. Whether it's securing strategic media placements, amplifying personal brands, or developing innovative marketing strategies, Mogul Press has the expertise and experience to deliver results. By focusing on building meaningful relationships and delivering measurable results, Mogul Press continues to set the standard for excellence in the world of PR.
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