#Maya Bon
thepermanentrainpress · 8 months
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Gallery: Babehoven @ The Pearl - Vancouver, BC Date: October 13, 2023 Photographed by: Danielle Costelo
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jmflowers · 2 months
MayaxCarina. Canon? Out and about. Calm. Casual intimacy. Soft. Really whatever else you want to add to that. I’ll take any crumb you offer from your nice brain. (Mighty one of the few real humans that is an adult and writes characters like real adult people) have a good night! Or whatever it is where you are in the world
You are very kind! I didn't always write with an understanding of real adult reactions and feelings, but thankfully I grew into an adult myself and that's made things a lot easier.
We're rocking canon-compliant with this one, with a dash of Big Feelings to go with all the soft and safe. Hopefully you're pleased with the outcome!
Liam had fallen asleep in the stroller before they’d even rounded the block, fresh air and the noises of their new neighbourhood lulling him into a much-needed calm. He sighs as they pass the sign and the newly-sprouting cherry blossom trees on their way into the park.
They’re all still adjusting to the new house. To the new commutes to work and the continuous unpacking of boxes and the proximity of new neighbours who wave across driveways as they arrive home each night.
It’s quaint, to find themselves fully submersed in the suburban life. To see kids riding their bikes along the sidewalk and hear dogs barking in nearby backyards.
Maya can only dream of what’s ahead: trick-or-treaters at Halloween and Christmas lights strung up at the holidays, Easter egg hunts in the backyard and fireworks on the 4th of July. There’s a whole community around them now, just waiting to be discovered.
Families with kids that Liam will grow up with, if they’re given the chance to adopt him.
The thought causes a familiar pang in her chest, the tug of a want so deep and so desperate it makes her gasp for breath in the middle of the night.
She instinctively reaches for Carina’s hand, lacing their fingers together to ground herself back into reality. They are together, now – all three of them. Liam is safe and happy and sleeping. In an hour, he will snuffle as he always does before he begins to cry, and his nose will scrunch the same as always when he accepts a bottle.
And Carina will smile that soft, loving smile that she reserves specifically for their son.
“We should plant some flowers in the yard,” Carina suggests, looking up at the burgeoning blooms on the trees overhead.
“Okay,” Maya agrees immediately, already picturing a sea of colour spread across the garden beds situated against the back fence. They’ll have to take a trip to the garden center – get some soil and some bulbs and maybe a few hanging planters for the front porch, too.
“Bambina,” Carina laughs, dragging her back into the present with a gentle tug on their joined hands. She’s getting even better at that, lately, recognizing when Maya’s fallen down a hole in her own thoughts.
It’s just another chapter of their relationship, Maya knows. The story they’d started building years ago, boxes spread about their shared apartment, conversations happening without any words at all. Carina can read the drift of her eyes, can spot the racing thoughts from a mile away.
“I love you,” Maya whispers, suddenly at a loss for anything else to say. It doesn’t feel like quite enough to explain the feelings swirling in her chest, but it makes Carina smile just the same.
“I love you, too,” Carina promises, leaning forward for a gentle kiss.
And somehow, that’s enough, too. The now, for a second, is plenty.
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lovestryke · 1 year
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bless you
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agnetafrieberg · 2 years
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palo alto high school 1997 yearbook, featuring the donnas. it’s currently up for sale on ebay.
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Some more out of context quotes from Amy Poehler’s book, because it is dabomb.com:
“The school called us The Handcuff Girls, which will be my band’s name when I become a rockstar in my mid-sixties”.
“He offered to help and pulled ten loose pills out of his pocket before realizing none of them were painkillers”.
“I like to refer to the transition period of any new job as “finding out where the bathrooms are”.
“She put her hand on Maya’s shoulder and in a thick Spanish accent said, “don’t cry, sexy”.
“Horatio was sweet but fearless. He once walked through a sliding glass door on a dare”.
“No more movies about people’s mouths being sewn onto people’s butts”.
“We look out the windows and see the sky and are reminded of how amazing it is to get in a giant steel bird and not have to die on the trail like our forefathers”.
“Recent movies I have cried to include 21 Jump Street, That’s My Boy, The Taking of Pelham 123 and Jackass 2”.
“Jon Bon Jovi went into his own archives and got out the actual outfit he had worn twenty years before during the Slippery When Wet tour; it still fit. Jon Bon keeps it TIGHT”.
“Sometimes I would fantasize about answering the question “how do you do it?” With quick one word answers; ambivalence. Drugs. Robots”.
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sialaterornever · 4 months
anyways come see what the humble realm has to offer we have;
god who just wants friends
small child of god
a very normal farmer npc who totally isnt hiding their true self from everyone and only remembered how they got here AFTER losing their first life
magical tv box guy who keeps on experiemnting on themself and doesnt realize they came here unwillingly
just some random guy but they're from another reality and completely forgot their entire identity and their code, clashing with this realm's, is slowly deteriorating their body
cat ender thing without memories of how they got here
random ass guy who's hiding out on a mooshroom island but doesnt know that they were magic-ed over here
enderian leader person who workers under the ender dragon but got magicked over to the realm
oh and also like everyone was teleported here and memories of being taken were magicked away unless otherwise they willingly came or they remembered :)
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Listed: Lake Mary
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An avid outdoorsperson, Chaz Prymek releases his musical output under the name Lake Mary in honor of the eponymous reservoir in Big Cottonwood Canyon, located in his birth state of Utah.  Being somewhat of a nomad, he has called many American states home, and currently resides in Missouri.  Over the course of his travels, Prymek has collected friends and collaborators, such that Lake Mary evolved from a solo undertaking into a loose collective of like-minded souls.  On Slow Grass, he enlisted a trio of his closest musical companions to honor the life of his recently departed dog, Favorite. In a recent review, Bryon Hayes commented that the record was “[a] graceful and endearing suite, it is a testament to the bond between human and dog, a rumination on the life of a loved one.”  For this edition of Listed, Prymek explores the songs and poems that inspire him to reflect on life, love, and loss.    
Airport People “From Morning no. 1” 
from nine mornings by airport people
There is a quiet revolution happening of more and more people putting sincerity into music again, I know it's always been there, in the way that everything has always been everything, but it seems like either it's becoming easier to find, or maybe I'm softening as I age, or sincerity is in, either way... You can hear the heart of Leon in this album, it feels so sincere to me and found me at the perfect time. I didn't know I needed this album so I could do a lot of healing work, it made space for me to grow into the changes that were happening in my life at the time, it quickly became one of my all time favorite and deeply important records. I got to play with them over this summer and I swear to you the whole room turned shades of violet and yellows and red, like the sun was rising right inside that venue.
Quelle Chris “Ain't Always Living”
DEATHFAME by Quelle Chris
This song stayed on in my car for months this summer. It made its way into my world at just the right time. Learning to love yourself and develop self-worth is an epic journey, especially under capitalism. With what little time we have between work and sleep, we try our best to love and accept love, it doesn't always stick though. We all go through so much in our home lives, we fall in love, we make new friends, we end relationships, we die, our friends die, lose jobs, we protest, we make art we want to share with the world, we plant gardens, we build communities, we cook for our friends and families, we sing songs, we dance, we exhaust ourselves trying to be alive outside work. This song became a constant reminder to look around at what and who is in my life, and to cherish that while it's here.
Ben Seretan “Light Leaks” 
Ben Seretan by Ben Seretan
Ben has made so much music since this came out. All of it is mind blowing and life affirming. However, this song has got me through so many big transitions in my life, over and over. I've learned time and time again from Ben's music, that the heart has to break to let the light in. That's what this song can do, break your heart and put it back together again. This track is a part of me now.
I got to sing this song with him at a show in Brooklyn and sobbed the whole time.
Vera Jean “New Sleep” 
Door 1995 by Louise DeCramer
Sometimes you meet someone once who sticks with you forever. They make their way into your heart quickly and softly, and they make a home there. Sometimes you don't even notice until it's already happened. It's not anyone's purposeful doing, it's not anyone's fault or intent. It's just one of those things. Vera Jean (Louise) has done just that. These albums have soundtracked many long drives back from the farm or swimming holes, the car is silent and grinning with exhaustion... 
There is a different kind of way joy hits when you've lost.
Maya Weeks “Tethers” 
Tethers by Maya Weeks
This album took me back to when I lived on the north coast. It feels like the walk to the coast, over shrubs and between conifers and pillows of fog, revealing a cold, wild and welcoming ocean. Exploring tide pools, poking at urchins, skipping rocks and harvesting kelp and mussels for dinner. It floored me when I first heard it, still does.
Ross Gay & Bon Iver “Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” 
Dilate Your Heart by Ross Gay
I haven't listened to this without weeping.
What I Didn’t Know Before by Ada Limón 
was how horses simply give birth to other
horses. Not a baby by any means, not
a creature of liminal spaces, but already
a four-legged beast hellbent on walking,
scrambling after the mother. A horse gives way
to another horse and then suddenly there are
two horses, just like that. That’s how I loved you.
You, off the long train from Red Bank carrying
a coffee as big as your arm, a bag with two
computers swinging in it unwieldily at your
side. I remember we broke into laughter
when we saw each other. What was between
us wasn’t a fragile thing to be coddled, cooed
over. It came out fully formed, ready to run.
This poem has been read back and forth between myself and some friends as a way to say I'm thinking of you or taking you with me.
Reconocimiento // Acknowledgement by Alejandra Pizarnik 
Tu haces el silencio de las lilas que aletean
en mi tragedia del viento en el corazón.
Tu hiciste de mi vida un cuento para niños
en donde naufragios y muertes
son pretextos de ceremonias adorables 
You made the silence of the lilacs fluttering
in the tragedy of wind that is in my heart.
You turned my life into a children's tale
where shipwrecks and death
are an excuse for a beloved ceremonies. 
When I read this once, it clicked and this book opened up to me. I read this poem aloud to Emma in the park the other day and it silenced us both. I could write many records about what this paints in my head.
People by Yevgeny Yevtushenko  
No people are uninteresting.
Their fate is like the chronicle of planets.
 Nothing in them is not particular,
and planet is dissimilar from planet.
 And if a man lived in obscurity
making his friends in that obscurity
obscurity is not uninteresting.
 To each his world is private,
and in that world one excellent minute.
 And in that world one tragic minute.
These are private.
 In any man who dies there dies with him
his first snow and kiss and fight.
It goes with him.
 There are left books and bridges
and painted canvas and machinery.
Whose fate is to survive.
 But what has gone is also not nothing:
by the rule of the game something has gone.
Not people die but worlds die in them.
 Whom we knew as faulty, the earth’s creatures
Of whom, essentially, what did we know?
 Brother of a brother? Friend of friends?
Lover of lover?
 We who knew our fathers
in everything, in nothing.
 They perish. They cannot be brought back.
The secret worlds are not regenerated.
 And every time again and again
I make my lament against destruction. 
I have been thinking about this poem for years. You can think you know most things about somebody, until their funeral. As you watch people you've never met come and say how much this same person meant to them, stories you've never heard, then sharing making friends because you have lived on two sides of the same world. You can start to see one world fade and a new one begin in the light still shining from this person's universe that was and is much bigger than you ever expected.
Mary Oliver— Dog Songs
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“You may not agree, you may not care, but
if you are holding this book you should know that of all the sights I love in this world,
and there are plenty,
very near the top of the list is this one:
dogs without leashes.” 
This book is so special to me. I would read this aloud to my pup for years before she passed away. 
Thank ya'll for having me. 
I hope someone can find something in here to resonate with.
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breathingsong · 2 years
losing my cringe little mind
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im--visible · 2 years
please check out this new playlist I made! 🤍
it has the softest vibes and I’m really in love with it 🥹
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esperanzaspeaking · 1 month
Avoir posté sur prd une recherche de forum fantastique ou du moins avec la possibilité d'avoir des pouvoirs (que ce soit de naissance ou une mutation à la X-Men ou Teen titans - oui ici on est Marvel et DC- ) avec pour seule condition pouvoir jouer un personnage handicapé ( les 3 FC que j'ai proposé était toutes atteinte de handicap différents, très visible pour 2 d'entre elle, invisible pour la 3 ème) je n'ai pas trouvé mon bonheur dans les 3 propositions qui ont été faites, ce n'est rien vraiment au pire je jouerai ce personnage sur mon forum quand il ouvrira.
Cependant, qu'elle ne fut pas ma surprise de recevoir un mp (alors que j'avais dit non aux propositions en mps ) me disant (je paraphrase) : "Pourquoi vouloir jouer un personnage handicapé dans un univers magique, alors qu'on peut les guérir comme Alba baptista dans Warrior Nun ou Yennefer dans the Witcher, si tu veux jouer un personnage handicapé inutile à la société faut aller sur un vie réelle de merde"
So :
Professeur X, Scott (qui est tout de même malvoyant hein ), Tirésias (mythologie grecque) Toph ( le dernier maître de l'air) Maugrey Foloeil (oui Rowling est validiste mais au moins ce personnage existe) Daredevil, Barbara Gordon, ,Maya Lopez (allez regarder Écho l'actrice est réellement handicapée et est vraiment géniale) ou encore Tyrion Lannister ainsi que Bran, n'ont aucun droit de représentation dîtes-moi ? Parce que bon ... Il y a probablement d'autres personnages handicapés auxquels je ne pense pas ou que je ne connais pas (si vous avez des recommandations séries/films ou même livres je suis toute ouïe) et quoi ? on est "inutile" donc on a pas droit à nos super-héros ? Ça va on vous dérange pas ?!
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nanagloom55 · 1 month
idfk but one my of moots talked abt freaky stable so i made a list of NPCs i could smash (or could smash me)
zero: Aideen (she smash me girl)
one: Katja
two: Imane Highcantle
three: Anne Bon blyssen
four: Linda Chanda
five: Big Bonny
six: Sive
seven: Farah
eight: Rania Varanger
nine: Sigry Varanger and her girlfriend (at the same time)
ten: Raptor
eleven: Gavin
twelve: Josh (ik he's gentle)
thirteen: Carl Peterson (tbh old or new design, he so fine)
fourteen: Mrs Drake
fifteen: Ricky Winterwell
sixteen: Syntaxe
seventeen: Maya
eighteen: Rhiannon
nineteen: Evergray
twenty: Anastasia Silverglade (ik she good)
twenty one: Sabine
Hope this help !! 🫡
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lovestryke · 1 year
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crack sniffle snarl
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omnicviolence · 2 months
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@daintykill ‘s EVENT POST BELOW!
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Day 1 - April 2nd; A character that is related to cats in some way! Ou a character that is related to dogs in some way
MEW ICHIGO themed ID pack ;
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
Maya, Reina, Regina, Mia, Momo (桃/Peach), Ribbon, Bon-Bon, Lolita, Dollita, Charlotte/Lottie, Mimi, Tulip, Ramona, Kitty/Kittie, Belle/Bella
Heart/Hearts || Sh♡/H♡r || Mew/Mews || Me/Meows || Neko/Nekos || Paw/Paws || Kyu/Kyutes || Straw/Strawberry || Berry/Berrys || Lauv/Lauvs || Sweet/Hearts || Cheer/Cheerful || Happy/Happys
 ◞◟ TITLES ✦
She Who Saves The World ! || She Who Spreads Cheer ! || She Who Is Adorned In Lace ! || She Adorned In Pink ! || She Who’s Blood Is Filled With Magic ! || Magical Girl Mew [Name] ! || She Who Lays In The Strawberry Fields ! || She Who’s Head Is Full Of Love !
 ◞◟ IDs ✦
Magicalgirlgender || Magicadored || Magicattic || Strawberrycatgender || Mewbellic || Strawberryfoodic || Strawbfrilled || Lacedecorated || Darlingadored
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april-is · 1 year
April 29, 2023: June, Alex Dimitrov
June Alex Dimitrov
There will never be more of summer than there is now. Walking alone through Union Square I am carrying flowers and the first rosé to a party where I’m expected. It’s Sunday and the trains run on time but today death feels so far, it’s impossible to go underground. I would like to say something to everyone I see (an entire city) but I’m unsure what it is yet. Each time I leave my apartment there’s at least one person crying, reading, or shouting after a stranger anywhere along my commute. It’s possible to be happy alone, I say out loud and to no one so it’s obvious, and now here in the middle of this poem. Rarely have I felt more charmed than on Ninth Street, watching a woman stop in the middle of the sidewalk to pull up her hair like it’s an emergency—and it is. People do know they’re alive. They hardly know what to do with themselves. I almost want to invite her with me but I’ve passed and yes it’d be crazy like trying to be a poet, trying to be anyone here. How do you continue to love New York, my friend who left for California asks me. It’s awful in the summer and winter, and spring and fall last maybe two weeks. This is true. It’s all true, of course, like my preference for difficult men which I had until recently because at last, for one summer the only difficulty I’m willing to imagine is walking through this first humid day with my hands full, not at all peaceful but entirely possible and real.
(June is my birthday month and also the best month. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.)
More like this:   » Steps, Frank O'Hara   » After Work, Richard Jones   » Dolores Park, Keetje Kuipers   » Awaking in New York, Maya Angelou   » A Step Away From Them, Frank O'Hara
Today in: 
2022: Poem to My Child, If Ever You Shall Be, Ross Gay 2021: Choi Jeong Min, Franny Choi 2020: Earl, Louis Jenkins 2019: Kul, Fatimah Asghar 2018: My Life Was the Size of My Life, Jane Hirshfield 2017: I Would Ask You To Reconsider The Idea That Things Are As Bad As They’ve Ever Been, Hanif Abdurraqib 2016: Tired, Langston Hughes 2015: Democracy, Langston Hughes 2014: Postscript, Seamus Heaney 2013: The Ghost of Frank O’Hara, John Yohe 2012: All Objects Reveal Something About the Body, Catie Rosemurgy 2011: Prayer, Marie Howe 2010: The Talker, Chelsea Rathburn 2009: There Are Many Theories About What Happened, John Gallagher 2008: bon bon il est un pays, Samuel Beckett 2007: Root root root for the home team, Bob Hicok 2006: Fever 103°, Sylvia Plath 2005: King Lear Considers What He’s Wrought, Melissa Kirsch
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some songs i recently suggested to @ang3lic-t3ars bc i might as well get my music taste judged (or introduce people to some new music)
if anyone on here is problematic, idk, this is just the music i found on spotify
Fade into you - Mazzy star Twilight - Boa Duvet - Boa Within the depths of a darkened forest - Autumn’s grey solace Criminal - Fiona apple (or anything by Fiona apple) True Romance - She Wants Revenge (or anything by She Wants Revenge) Zero - The Smashing Pumpkins Anything by Ethel Cain Andromeda - Weyes Blood She’s in parties - Bauhaus SpellBound - Siouxie And The Banshees Arabian Knights - Siouxie and the banshees (honestly anything by SATB) Kiss me until my lips fall off - Lebanon Hanover Sacrifice - London after midnight Losing My Religion - R.E.M Hotel California - Eagles House of the rising sun - The Animals Californication - Red Hot Chilli Peppers The Chain - Fleetwood Mac (or anything by Fleetwood Mac) Wanted Dead or alive - Bon Jovi To love a boy - Maya Hawke No Return - Anna Waronker Bad Things - Jace Everett Fear of Dying + My Cat - Jack Off Jill Only happy when it rains - Garbage Army Dreamers - Kate Bush Jennifer’s Body - Hole Star Man, Space Oddity, Life on Mars - David Bowie (or anything Bowie) Let’s go to bed - the cure Gallowdance - Lebanon Hanover Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division Dark Entries - Bauhaus The Passion of lovers - Bauhaus Fantasmas- Twin Tribes Heaven Knows I’m miserable now - The Smiths The Sanity Assassin - Bauhaus Bela Lugosi’s Dead - Bauhaus Happy House - Siouxie and the banshees Lucretia my reflection - Sisters of Mercy Rape me - Nirvana Nothing matters - The Last Dinner Party Paper bag - Fiona apple I love my boyfriend - Princess Chelsea death of the phone call - Whatever, dad I threw glass at my friends eyes and now I’m on probation - Destroy Boys We’ll never have sex - Leith Ross Kingslayer - Bring Me The Horizon (ft. BABYMETAL) Nobody - Skindred Make me wanna die - the pretty reckless These things - she wants revenge Red flags and long nights - she wants revenge Dark entries - Bauhaus I don’t wanna fall in love - she wants revenge Rachael - she wants revenge Human fly - the cramps A little bit harder now - she wants revenge All wound up - she wants revenge Black Sheep - poor man’s poison Time in a bottle - Jim Croce Fish in a birdcage - Fish in a birdcage Feed the machine - poor man’s poison My alcoholic friends - the Dresden dolls Twin size mattress - the front bottoms Snake dance - March violets She will always be a broken girl - she wants revenge Lonely day - System of a down Black Cathedral - This cold night In the room where you sleep - Dead man’s bones Casualty - Snake River conspiracy The Killing Moon - Echo & The Bunnymen
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lo and behold, I present you:
maya sakamaki in her birthday suit (kanato's pov edition)
based on her birthday headcanons 🎂🎉🎊
(art made by @moodygen aka my fiance who's unfortunately inactive here but hey got his permission to post this stuff)
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a/n: he went crazy with the shadings tho but he made maya look taller here by bcos it's her bday ✨✨✨ and yes maya has big boobs pls she ain't chichinashi.
"Happy birthday, Maya-san. Bon appetit!"
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