#Maxiel AU
somerandommess · 9 days
Maxiel au
Bookstore owner Max/ Famous Daniel, just an idea
Something Max owns a bookstore and does well for himself. He lives above it with his roommate who forces Max to watch movies with him. Jimmy and Sassy frequent the bookstore and the customers love them. Often times Jimmy is perched by the cash register and the regulars bring treats.
One day this new guy (Daniel) walks in and starts looking around. Max knows he’s new and probably not from around the neighborhood (the shorts, the shades, the very ugly hat) cause he walks around looking lost before stopping in the fiction section. His eyes scan the shelves for maybe 20 seconds before he picks up a book and heads to the counter. Max recognizes the spine as a book from this fantasy series that he’s read.
Max, friendly blunt as always, asks him if he’s read the other books in the series before.
The guy (Daniel) looks at him and raises his eyebrows before spitting out some answer like “Of course I have. Duh” (liar)
Max nods his head obviously not believing him before ringing him up.
Jimmy jumps down from his perch on the shelf behind and walks along the counter infront of Daniel, who brings his hands down to his sides immediately.
“Don’t like cats?” Max finds himself asking.
“I’m not fond of them,” Daniel responds.
Max hands him his change and Daniel heads out.
Max thinks that’s the last he’ll see of him so he goes about the rest of his day.
2 days later Daniel comes back in with power in his steps, demanding for the books in the series.
Max raises an eyebrow and guides him to the shelf where Daniel grabs the first book and heads to the register.
Max follows and smirks when he asks “I thought you said you read all the books already”
Daniel rubs the back of his neck before laughing, “I kind of, maybe, possibly, lied. I needed a break from…stuff, and your shop was the first one I walked into”
Max nods and doesn’t ask about what the ‘stuff’ may be. When he hands him his change (because he always pays in big bills), Max introduces himself and Daniel does the same.
Daniel places a tip in the jar and is on his way.
He shows up again at the end of the week asking for the next book.
When Max rings him up Daniel hesitates at the door and Max finds himself asking what’s wrong.
He explains that he has a pretty long break and that Blake told him to explore and have fun (Max assumes Blake is his friend? Partner?) (He’ll later find out that he’s wrong)
“So you decided to come to the bookstore?” Max says
“Yeah?” Daniel responds shyly.
“No judgement. Come, there’s a reading space near the back”
Max takes him there and sets him up on the couch near the stairs to his apartment. Daniel thanks him and starts reading his book.
Customers come and go, and Max checks on Daniel when he gets the time.
At some point Max went upstairs and made tea for him and brought it down.
“You make tea for all your customers?” Daniel asks.
Max blushes and runs off.
At some point his roommate comes back and as he’s going up the stairs he greets Daniel with wide eyes and shock.
Max is confused and his roommate pulls him upstairs in a frenzy.
“Why is Daniel Ricciardo here drinking tea?!”
Max is even more confused.
His roommate pulls up a picture on his phone of Daniel on the red carpet. He looks…good.
“I don’t get it” Max says.
He explains that Daniel is this super famous movie star who’s doing press/filming right now.
Max and his roommate slowly turn and head back down to see Daniel stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“Please don’t call the paparazzi” he says sheepishly.
They don’t end up calling the paps and Daniel explains himself. Everyone is cool and Max helps him hide from fans or his manager Blake.
They fall in love. Obviously.
Daniel keeps coming back and Max keeps making him tea before Daniel confesses he actually hates it but drinks it anyway cause it’s Max.
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maxcuntstappen · 6 months
anyways i wrote this months ago after being exposed to the idea of alien max through brilliant @yekoc and their brilliant anons. alien max in this is completely different and definitely struggling but i love him
and now u can have him
Max had really really wanted to like it on earth. He really did it. After all, it was a part of his legacy, to spend years on the planet to collect data on technologies and resource to send back to his home planet. It’s what his mother had done. It’s what his father had done. 
They had differing opinions on it though. His mother had loved it here. Max grew up hearing stories about self replenishing waterfalls and skies that seemed to change colours from one moment to next. His home planet wasn’t very colourful; primarily made up of red, blue and white. They were nice colours. They reminded Max of home. But he loved how purples and pinks looked in the books he was given on life on Earth for Dummies when he first started training. He loved how his mother described them too. How pink felt like softness to her, like Max’s baby blanket he slept with, which used to be his mom’s dress. Like how his cheeks felt when his trainer told him he had done a good job. How purple felt like licking at something tart, the dual feeling of unease and joy the accompanies it. His mother loved her time on Earth and Max loved hearing about it, dreaming and waiting for his turn to go make his own memories and stories to bring back home. 
His father wasn’t impressed by Earth. He found humans irritating and gross and he said he couldn’t wait for his time on Earth to be done so he could leave the disgusting creatures and come back, to silence and routine and order.
Max always thought he’d be like his Mom; liking the planet, liking what he was learning about it, wanting to keep digging and researching everything about it. He wanted to be like his mother, he always did. 
But so far, he wasn’t coming close. 
Humans were so LOUD. Max didn’t necessarily have any particular issues with sound. But he believes there should at least be a reason for making painfully loud sounds? 
Like back home, when a part of the surface is weak and needs tending to, it screeches and vibrates.
But humans were loud just for the sake of being loud. There were horns going off everywhere, people shouting with no reason, they walked around talking on their phones but people six miles away could hear them. 
Max is exaggerating of course. That is one thing he did like about humans, their dramatics.  Only if they could do them without being painfully LOUD, he’d have something to add to his list. 
He was sitting in a cafe, trying out the hot chocolate his mother had told him he must try when he gets a chance, when he first heard the noise. 
It was loud, bellowing. Max noticed how it wasn’t just his attention that had been captured. Several heads were turned towards the human. 
He wanted to be annoyed. It was yet another sound on an already long and hard day. But when the man’s mouth opened, only for more laughs to tumble out, he realised he didn’t really mind it all that much. 
Max of course knew what laughs sounded like. They had had a whole course on it back in the academy. On the different kinds of laughs and what they can mean. They had clips that researchers had recorded through the years. 
None of them sounded like this though. Max wondered if he should be recording this for data. Maybe it would be a helpful addition to the human studies programme. 
He couldn’t make himself do it. It felt like something he was meant to keep as his own. The very first thing he fell in love with on earth. 
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fromwarmclimate · 1 month
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highly maxiel coded
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barbagallo-raceway · 1 year
Originally posted on main but- Not sure it was the right place. Anyway, I am in no way capable of writing a full blown fic right now, so please enjoy this The Bear/Chef-inspired Maxiel AU drabble instead. Maybe one day I'll write that F1/Restaurant AU I've been daydreaming about..
Technically Daniel has a strict 'Don't shit where you eat' policy, but- But. Max.
Because Daniel doesn't really think much of it, the first time it happens. It's a small kitchen, there's not nearly enough space for all of them to move around without bumping into each other, and so, when Max's fingers tap lightly against Daniel's hips while Max whispers a throaty, "Behind," as he passes Daniel, Daniel simply presses himself against the stove to give Max more room, not taking his eyes off the red wine reduction he's been trying to get just right for the better part of the afternoon. Technically Max is still a rookie, only on his second day, and the weird kitchen sub culture Daniel never really has taken part in probably dictates that if anything he shouldn't yield for Max, only because Daniel has worked here longer, but fuck it. They're both sous chefs. And from what he's seen so far, Max is pretty talented, the grilled artichoke he made for his job interview one of the best Daniel has ever tasted, even earning Max a, "Well done, kid," from Chef. Plus, he's sort of good looking in that weird kind of way Daniel likes. So. 
The twelfth time it happens, exactly one week after Max joined the team, not that- Daniel definitely isn't counting but. The twelfth time it happens, Max holds onto Daniel's waist as he passes him, the even more raspy, "Behind," hot and heavy against the skin just below Daniel's ear. Daniel takes a step forward almost automatically and bumps into the tray of prepped scallops, watching in horror as the tray flips over on itself and sends at least a dozen of them somersaulting through the air before they land on the kitchen floor in an echo of wet thuds. Yuki glares, Carlos shakes his head and mutters something in Spanish that can only be an insult, and Max- Max acts if nothing happened and complains to Chef about the oven being too old and losing too much temperature instead.
It happens again, and again, and each time Max's fingers linger just a little longer and his grip gets a little tighter and in a moment of drunken clarity after a night out with some of the front of house staff Daniel quietly wonders if he should get the outline of Max's hand tattooed where Daniel can feel his fingers burn into his skin everytime Max touches him. Charles, the maître D' tells him he shouldn't. Well, actually Charles says, "Are you insane, Daniel?" in that thick French accent he has and it's only then Daniel realizes he might not have been using his inner dialogue for this.
And so the fiftieth time- Daniel still isn't counting, thankyouverymuch. But the fiftieth time it happens, when it's just Max and him in the kitchen while the rest of the crew enjoy their lunch break, and the fingers of Max's left hand squeeze Daniel's side teasingly as he tries to get past him, the all too familiar, "Behind," spoken softly, Daniel doesn't step forward. Instead he steps back, trapping Max between the workbench and his ass, not missing the way Max is half hard against him and Daniel can't help but wonder if this is what he's been missing out on those previous forty-nine times. Before Daniel has a chance to do anything else, Max lets out a throaty laugh and regains control by sneaking his hand across Daniel's stomach and pulling him even closer, whispering a low, "Hot behind," that makes Daniel reconsider his current policy right then and there.
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harley-sunday · 8 months
Maxiel Heist AU
Originally posted this on the sideblog but figured it might as well go up here. Wrote this in one go because I needed some sort of Maxiel robbery/heist AU in my life. There's a more elaborate fic in here somewhere but for now I hope you enjoy this drabble/set up (1.7k) even though this is not what I normally write at all. Also, I know this is not factually accurate but...
The thing is- Max Verstappen likes to be prepared. Likes to leave nothing to chance, likes to plan ahead, and likes to know exactly what to expect at any given time. 
Which is why, from Monday to Friday, his days are pretty much carbon copies of each other. He wakes up five minutes before his seven AM alarm, gets up, showers, and puts on his clothes - a dark navy suit with a white dress shirt and a pair of brown leather shoes that he only wears for a year before he replaces them. The same goes for his suit by the way. Every year, during the mandatory break his boss makes him take between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, he goes to the same tailor he’s been going to ever since he started his job two years ago and gets a new suit and ten new dress shirts. Last year his sister went along and pressured him into buying a navy tie she said would bring out the color of his eyes but that still lays of course untouched in the back of his closet somewhere.
Max still styles his hair the same way he's done ever since he was old enough to do it himself and then puts on the same cologne he’s used since he turned eighteen, when his sister gifted him a bottle of Tom Ford Azure Lime for his birthday, which, unlike the tie, he does like. He kisses his, barely awake, boyfriend of two years goodbye before he heads to the kitchen and makes himself the same breakfast he’s been having ever since he moved out of his mother’s home. Two pieces of toast with a slice of cheese on each and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Simple, but it does the trick.
Once he's had breakfast, he tends to his two cats, Jimmy and Sassy, who get some cuddles before Max changes their water, tops up their bowls with some cat food, and cleans out their litter boxes. He always checks his weather app right as he grabs his car keys, to see if he needs to bring his coat, before he heads out the door and takes the elevator down to the parking area of his apartment building and fires up his Porsche 911, a birthday gift from his boyfriend when he turned twenty-five last year. He drives out onto Fremont Street at exactly seven fifty because leaving early only means he’ll spend more time at work than he intends to and leaving late means he’ll be stuck behind a school bus most of the way. 
He’s been working as a financial advisor for the past year, moved up through the ranks pretty quickly once the bank’s manager saw his potential and made him his protegé. Max is still not sure the regional manager, a certain Dr. Helmut Marko he's only met once, agrees with this decision, but then again Max doesn't really care what the weird old Austrian guy has to say. He won't be working here much longer anyway.
The branch of Wells Fargo he works at is on the smaller side, ten or so employees in total, located on the outskirts of a mall in one of the city’s more wealthier suburbs, but Max likes it. Likes how, even though he meets different clients throughout the week, there still is a certain familiar rhythm to his day. He knows that when he gets in at eight-fifteen, Damian, the security guard, will greet him from behind the morning newspaper with a curt nod and a, “Morning, Mr Verstappen.” Knows that Bea, one of the bank tellers, will be standing at the coffee machine in the break room and will either complain about the weather or the traffic she was faced with that morning, while Portia, the other bank teller, will have her hands folded around a mug of steaming hot tea and nod in agreement. He doesn't care much for Bea or Portia, the two middle aged women far too nosy and invested in his private life for his liking, and so Max sticks to smalltalk mostly.
The thing is- Max Verstappen likes to be prepared. Likes to leave nothing to chance and likes to plan ahead.
Which is why his first client of the day always comes in at eight forty-five, because Max knows by now a meeting usually takes no longer than fifty minutes, and knows not to schedule another meeting right after because there’s a coffee break at ten. And because he of course doesn't drink coffee he takes a Red Bull instead. The first of four he'll have throughout the day- Five if it's the weekend.
His next meeting is always at ten-thirty and then another one at twelve, allowing for a lunch break at one. Max gets made fun of by Bea and Portia, and sometimes Damian too, because his lunch is just as varied as his breakfasts - a tomato soup and a carpaccio sandwich from the bodega around the corner he has been buying ever since he started working here. After a month of ordering the same lunch, Andy, the shop owner, stopped asking Max for his order and simply made sure he had his food ready to go at one o’clock. 
By now he also knows that the hours between one and three are relatively calm and that Bea and Portia have come to take turns going outside for a short walk after their lunch break, leaving only one teller out front for about half an hour at a time. Every day at exactly one-fifty, Damian disappears for ten minutes or so, for his after-lunch toilet break. On Thursdays there’s a Brinks truck that comes in at two to pick up the money deposited to the bank the week prior and Max knows that even though technically Damian should be present for the exchange, the Brinks’ guys know their way around the building and usually finish up before Damian even comes back.  
Max schedules his third client of the day at three, leaving him some time to catch up on emails and administrative tasks he thinks are the most dreadful part of his job. His last client of the day comes in at four and by five he’s ready to head home and settle into his evening routine of a workout, a shower, dinner, and some Fifa or Call of Duty on his Playstation before he goes to bed at ten. His days blend together seamlessly, his almost every waking minute accounted for in a carefully constructed regimen that he’s perfected over the years. 
The thing is- Max Verstappen likes to be prepared. Likes to leave nothing to chance.
Which is why it is weird that at one-fifty two on a random Thursday afternoon in November he remains seemingly calm when three masked men walk into the building and try to rob the bank, disturbing an otherwise quiet afternoon. Portia panics and starts screaming before they shut her up by gagging her and tying her to her chair in a haphazard way. Before Christian or Max have time to respond, two of the men make their way to Christian’s office while the other one barricades the door to the staff bathroom, locking in Damian. Christian gets held at gunpoint and is made to open the safe that holds the money Brinks is supposed to pick up in eight minutes. Christian tries to tell the men he doesn’t have the code, that only Brinks can open the safe, and for a moment it looks like the robbers believe him but then one of them catches Max’s eye and throws him a wink before he cocks his gun, puts it against Christian’s temple, finger on the trigger, and says, “Didn’t your momma teach you not to lie, boss?” 
It’s then Max remembers he’s supposed to have pushed the panic button located on the side of his desk the minute these guys walked in and he does so at one fifty-six, right as Christian gives in and opens the safe. He watches in silence as at least four or five bags filled with bank notes get taken out of the safe and get put into a large black duffel bag that one of the guys hoists onto his shoulder. Just as quickly as they entered the men start to retreat but not before one of them points a finger gun at Max and pretends to shoot him. Max doesn’t say anything and waits until the men have disappeared before he rushes to Christian who tells him to check on Portia first. 
Max knows it will take another two or three minutes before the police arrive and later he’ll explain to them that he blacked out for a second, too shocked by what was going on to think logically and apologizing for not pushing the button sooner. The detective he gives his statement to will nod and tell him, “Don’t worry, son. It’s hard to predict how we will act in stressful situations.” Max has to bite his tongue to not tell the detective that, “I of course knew how I was going to react.” 
He spends longer than he wants talking to the police, repeating his statement over and over again, his dinner a box of Chinese takeout one of the officers picked up for him and the detective. 
The thing is- Max Verstappen likes to be prepared. 
Which is why, when he finally makes it home later that night he can’t help but smile when he finds his boyfriend standing in the kitchen, whipping up what looks to be like a late-night snack. Max sneaks his arms around Daniel's waist and hooks his chin over his shoulder, voice raspy from talking all evening, "Hey."
"Hey," Daniel replies, putting his hand over Max's where it rests on Daniel's stomach and intertwining their fingers. "You had a good day at work?"
Max scoffs but chuckles, "I did."
"Yeah," Max echoes, letting go of Daniel so he can spin his boyfriend around and finally kiss him. With his lips still ghosting over Daniel's he returns the question, "Did you?"
Daniel pulls back a little, eyes darting to the living room where Max knows there's a now-empty black duffel bag hidden away somewhere, and points a one-handed finger gun at Max, clicking his tongue to mimic the shot, "I did."
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panevanbuckley · 5 months
soulmate au where your soulmate's thoughts appear on your skin except your soulmate has adhd and your body becomes a living canvas of nonsensical, never-ending, constantly entertaining trails of thought
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adimouze · 3 months
Interviewer: where would you take Max on a date, Daniel?
Daniel, immediately sweating: oh woah a FRIENDLY date!!! As FRIENDS!!!! We’re competitors!!!! We can’t DATE-
Max: ✨🥰✨I want to go to your farm, Daniel 🥰🥰❤️❤️ and we can go dirt bike racing 🥺❤️🥰❤️🎀 and then not go to the next four races ❤️❤️🥰 cause we’re together 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and you broke your collarbone 😈😈😈
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overtake · 2 months
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2022 // 2024
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arturleclerc-archive · 8 months
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It's an Aussie quiz, hence why I'm hosting it and not a part of it.
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rickybaby · 29 days
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Who’s your best friend inside the paddock?
The guy I spend most time with is Blake [my manager] and his last name is ironically Friend. I would say that’s probably an obvious one because we spend a lot of time together. Lando [Norris] is one where like, our first year at McLaren, it definitely took us a little bit of time to probably get to know each other and warm to each other a bit. It’s probably no secret that it took us a little bit to become, let’s say, mates.
Who’s your best friend outside the paddock?
Actually, it’s funny. I laugh because I’ve got two Blakes who are very close in my life. Blake who works with me and probably my best friend is Blake who I raced go-karts with…
Do you call them Blake 1 and Blake 2?
Ha. He’s really tall so I’ve called them ‘Tall Blake’ and ‘Manager Blake’. But I raced go-karts with Blake so we’ve known each other since we were like nine years old and we always competed against each other for a long time. He’s always visited me, come to races, visited me when I was living in Italy and wherever I was, and remained a really close friend. I think in those friendships it was easy for him to be like, ‘S**t, you made it, I didn’t’, and there could be like this weird kind of envy or jealousy, and he never had that, he always just stayed a really honest and true friend. We were coming up together and we were both trying to make it ultimately, and I think just the way he handled me kind of living our dream careers, that also could have made our friendship turn and it never did. I also really valued him for not letting that get in the way and we’re super-close.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 8 months
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more of this maxiel parents + fankids au................im more emotionally invested in them than i would care to admit
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somerandommess · 2 months
Maxiel au 1400 words
Spies? Hitman? one of them. Idk where this came from but I really want to see what happens next, sadly I’m the one who has to write what happens next. Also, the maxiel is kind of implied…imaginary, almost. Pre relationship kind of. Squint while using a magnifying glass and you’ll see it.
inspired by the adore you verse (@onboardsorasora ) literally so good.
Max walked through the hotel corridors, tapping an envelope in his hand as he went. He kept his head on a swivel mainly to check if anyone was following him, but also to keep an eye out for the room he was looking for.
Suddenly a door opened behind him and he immediately tensed, turning his head around to see who it was. A man in a grey suit walked out talking loudly into his phone. The guy paid him no mind, but he still watched as he made sure he got into the elevator and the doors closed.
A minute passed and he tried to make himself relax. He brought his shoulders down from his ears and removed his hand that, on reflex, went to his gun holster.
He hadn’t always been like this. Two years ago you wouldn’t catch him using a gun. It made things too easy. However, recent events made him pick it up again. That, and the bullet wound in his arm made him decide that he doesn’t care if guns made things easy; getting shot fucking hurt.
He shook out his arms and continued walking.
He stopped infront the door.
He looked down at himself, his dress shoes had flecks of blood on them and his pants were a little dusty. He frowned but decided he looked good enough. He had stolen a shirt from house keeping earlier, but threw away the nameplate.
Sorry Jerry D. , but he needed to look presentable for what he was about to do.
He knocked on the door.
No answer.
He waited and leaned closer to try and hear if anyone was moving around.
He knows that there’s someone in there because the front desk said they hadn’t checked out yet.
He realizes now that the front desk could have been lying.
He knocks again. This time he hears a thud and mumbling. No one opens the door.
Max has had enough of this.
“Listen I know you’re in there. I have something you want,” he hears the click of a lock, and smiles a bit, “Daniel-“
The door flies open and he’s pulled inside and thrown face first to the floor. He couldn’t catch himself as it was so unexpected and he curses himself for it.
He rolls onto his back and reaches for his gun to shoot-
The gun isn’t there. It’s being pointed in his face.
He leans back on his elbows, “Daniel”
The click of the safety goes off.
Max gulps.
Daniel is in jeans and nothing else. His chest is badly bruised (broken ribs?) and he’s sporting a black eye. He holds the gun in his left hand while the right stays at his side, his trigger and middle finger bandaged together.
With his injuries Max expects his hand to shake, it remains steady.
“Did Zak send you?” Daniel asks.
“No one sent me. I came looking for you.”
Max tries to get up, but Daniel fires a shot in the space between his legs.
“What the fuck” he scoots back till he hits the wall, “Do you know whose hotel this is? You can’t shoot me!”
Daniel scoffs, “I didn’t shoot you. I almost shot you, there’s a difference. And Toto knows I’m here, he won’t mind” he waves the gun around before sighing.
He tucks the gun into the waistband of his jeans and sits on the bed. He passes a hand through his hair and looks at the floor.
“What are you doing here Max?”
Max gets to his feet and walks over to the doorway where the envelope he was carrying fell. He picks it up and hands it to Daniel. He doesn’t take it so he rests it next to him on the bed.
“Sebastian has an offer for you. A way out… Revenge.”
Daniel takes the envelope, “Revenge? Last time I tried that they broke my jaw”
Max puts his hands in his pockets, “You won’t be the only one. Fernando went rogue, took Stroll with him. Even George left. He blew up HQ to show he was serious”
He looks at Max surprised. “Russell George…” he murmurs.
Max turns and watches Daniel through the mirror by the door. He watches as he opens the envelope and pulls the paper out halfway. He averts his eyes from the paper but he doesn’t miss the fond look Daniel gives as he reads the letter. Seb has always shown his love for Daniel in his own way.
Daniel puts the letter back and closes the envelope.
“So, what do you want revenge for?”
Max blinks, “Pardon?”
Daniel gets up and stands just behind him.
“I know why I want revenge, and I'm assuming everyone is either getting out or wants revenge. Which one is on your to-do list?”
Max turns and faces him, “You know what they say about assuming,”
Daniel hums and turns to get a shirt from his duffel on the floor. He groans as he stoops and Max wills himself to stay put.
He pulls out a blue party shirt with pineapples and struggles to put it on.
Max can’t take it anymore so he helps him get it over his head. Focusing his eyes on anywhere but Daniels exposed body. When he’s done they’re standing eye to eye and he tries to convince himself that Daniel did not just look at his lips.
Max breaks the silence, “You getting your revenge is enough for me.”
They stand there before Daniel blinks like he remembers something.
“How long ago did George blow up HQ?”
“You think since he you know…that Toto…” he trails off and looks around the hotel room.
“Might try and kill you? Yes” Max finishes.
“We should leave”
They move around the room like a well oiled machine. Max gathering anything belonging to Daniel and shoving it into his suitcase, and Daniel taking note of his various IDs in his duffel.
They leave the room in a hurry, and Daniel is still shoving his feet into sneakers when they reach the stairwell.
They reach downstairs to the car park and Daniel whistles when he sees Maxs car.
Max rolls his eyes and shoves the suitcase onto the backseat with his own.
When he gets in, Daniel is running his hands on every surface.
“It’s just car Daniel”
“A very nice car. Stolen?”
“Rental” he starts it and revs it just to see Daniels reaction.
Daniel laughs and leans back. Max peels out of there with a drift.
A few minutes into the ride, Daniel takes the gun from his pants and tosses it into Maxs lap.
Max tries not to swerve, “It could have gone off!” he curses in Dutch.
“Safety was on”
Max takes the gun and puts it in between them next to the gear stick.
He takes the next left to the airport and Daniel freezes.
“I can’t exactly get on a plane right now. I have people looking for me”
Max rolls his eyes, “Everyone’s looking for you,”
Daniel tenses, “I mean more recently. They’re kind of upset that I stole from them. I can’t fly commercial”
“We’re not” Max says simply.
Daniel goes for the gun and points it at him. Max isn’t fazed.
“We’re flying private”
“Since when did you get a jet?” Daniel watches in shock and awe as they pull up to the aircraft.
“It wasn’t my idea.” They both watch as the door opens and someone comes down the steps.
Max barely has time to put the vehicle into park before Daniel opens the door and steps out.
Charles turns his head, “Daniel!”
They run and hug each other while Max rolls his eyes for what feels like the twentieth time today.
“Where have you been? Last I heard you were in Canada doing wet-work with Scotty”
“That was a year ago”
Charles sighs, “It’s been hard to keep in touch with you,”
Daniel feels guilty, and it must show because then Charles pats him on the back and shoves him up the stairs of the plane.
Max follows carrying two suitcases and a duffel bag.
They get settled and Daniel drinks two glasses of champagne.
Charles comes back from speaking with the captain and sits across from him and Max.
“I’m sure you have questions-“
Daniel cuts him off,
“Just one for now,” he taps the window, “where are we going?”
“London” Max answers easily.
“London? What’s in London?”
Not beta read
What’s in London? We may never know.
it’s Lewis. He’s in London and he brings them to a base, explanations happen, flashbacks. We find out- [gunshot]
I’ll stop
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maxcuntstappen · 7 months
Title: hex code: F09834, name: furry lion
Relationship: Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen
Max can’t believe it sometimes. That Lando and fucking George and for God’s sake, Toto get to wear Daniel’s merch and take pictures and be like ‘haha everyone loves Daniel’ and it’s true, everyone does love Daniel and he fucking deserves all of it and more but Max loves Daniel too and he never gets to fucking show it and it’s annoying, okay?
It sucks because although they have been dating for five years now, Max can’t wear his boyfriend’s merch (Label? Brand? Max is not completely sure what Enchanté is to be honest) because it would be a scandal, and something they’d have to answer questions about for a million years.
So, no, Max doesn’t get to wear Daniel’s clothes and on most days, he is chill about it. An adult. A grown up man. On most days.
Not today though. Today, he is lying on a lounge chair, sipping on his Mai-Tai and sulking.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 months
I have a flower shop/tattoo parlor maxiel + loscar AU building from a tropical storm into a hurricane in my head so here are some thoughts
+ When Max hires him, this is what he says to Logan’s arrangement: “It is not the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I can make it better.” What he really meant was that Max could make Logan better, but he wouldn’t come to understand that until later.
+ There’s a phone that sits on the back wall of Max’s shop. The first time it rang while Logan was working, he’d mistakenly answered it. He’d watched Max’s face go bleach white from across the shop as Logan answered “Hello, this is Verstappen’s Floral, how can I help you?” The barrage of angry Dutch he’d gotten back in return had shocked Logan into silence, making it easier for Max to steal the receiver from his hand. Now, Logan knows to just let it ring.
+ Oscar is pretty sure Daniel only gave him an interview because their moms are in a book club together. The owner of Honey Badger Tattoos was always friendly and outgoing but he was notoriously possessive about his art. In the ten years the shop has been open, it’s had four employees. Daniel Ricciardo, the founder, Daniel Kvyat, Daniel’s partner who he bought out after the first year, Lando Norris who worked part-time at the front desk, and now Oscar.
“I’ve never had an apprentice before, I probably wouldn’t be very good at it,” Daniel says during his interview. He’d said he liked Oscar’s work and already showed an interest in teaching Oscar more of his signature American style. But the guy was still hesitant, fidgeting with excess nerves. “Just ask Lando.
Lando nods from his seat at the front desk which Oscar can see from the open door of Daniel’s office. “He doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time, I wouldn’t trust him to teach other people.”
Daniel does not look like that’s the support he was going for, wincing at the dry criticism but not arguing.
“That’s fine,” Oscar confirms with a shrug. He’s already done the majority of his apprenticeship under Mark Webber. But when the man decided he’d had enough of the South of France and was selling the shop and moving back to Australia, Oscar had to look for somewhere else to work. “I only have six months left before I can get my certification.”
Daniel doesn’t look very reassured. Oscar can take a hint so he decides to get out before he’s kicked out.
“Hey, it’s cool, mate, thanks for meeting with me anyway-”
“Can you start next week?” Daniel asks, leg bouncing up and down and rocking the desk he’s sitting behind. He sees Oscar’s confused expression and sighs. “I really need more help here.”
“Yeah,” Oscar decides, not looking a gift horse in the mouth. “I’ll text you my schedule.”
And that’s how he starts working for the Honey Badger.
+ “This is a tulip,” Max is saying in French, word draw out and pointing at the multi-colored bulbs. Logan has tried telling him that he’s lived in Europe for the majority of his life at this point and can do his job in English, French, and Spanish but Max doesn’t believe him. At least Logan’s starting to pick up more Dutch.
Logan is rescued from his impromptu language lesson by the bell on the door ringing. He turns towards the sound, customer service smile already in place.
“Hi, welcome to Verstappen Floral, how can I-”
“Oh, it is you again.”
Logan stops and looks at Max who is frowning at the guy who just came in. The man is curly-haired and tanned, with tattoos scrawled over the majority of visible skin. His grin is big and toothy when he shoots it at Max.
“Hey, Maxy, aren’t you happy to see me?”
Logan blinks in shock at the nickname. Even their regular customers don’t get to act that familiar with Max. Logan doesn’t get to act that familiar with Max.
Max crosses his arms, lips pursing. “For the last time, I do not know what these flowers mean. I speak four languages and plant is not one of them.”
“Always a ray of sunshine, aren’t you, Max?” The man asks, unphased by Max’s grouchy demeanor. He leans forward onto the glass counter, certainly leaving smudges behind, but Max surprisingly doesn’t yell at him about it. “Lando sent me to pick up his order.”
Lando is someone Logan knows. He comes in about every other week and talks to Max about streaming and video games that partly goes over Logan’s head. He always leaves with a red and white bouquet, though the flowers change each time.
“Why could he not come get them himself?” Max grumbles, heading in the direction of the cooler where they kept to-go orders. Daniel shrugs and wraps his knuckles against the glass.
"He was late for a meeting or something, you know I don’t ask about his other job,” Daniel supplies. He changes his focus to Logan and the blond is met with the full force of the man’s mega-watt smile. Logan blames his mom’s genes for how easily he blushes. “Hey, you’re the new guy, right?”
Logan opens his mouth to answer but Max is suddenly im between them, Lando’s bouquet in his hands.
“Yes, this is Logan, no, he does not want any of your garish tattoos.”
Daniel pouts at Logan’s boss. He wonders how it doesn’t look strange for a guy who’s at least 30 to be pouting.
“Don’t be mean, Maxy. I wasn’t even going to mention the tattoos.”
Logan racks his brain for tattoo shops nearby. They obviously have a close relationship outside of just Lando. And Lando did say he worked for an artist…
“Oh hey, are you the Honey Badger?” Logan asks, moving his head to be seen around Max’s wider frame. Daniel jerks his eyes away from Max’s, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. “I pass by there all the time. Not a lot of shops do American style out here.”
Daniel’s face lights up, looking between Logan and Max. “Max, you hired an American?”
Max sighs, more long-suffering than Logan thinks is necessary. “This is why I did not want you to speak with him. I knew you were going to be weird about it.”
“I’m not being weird!” Daniel argues. “I’m just surprised!”
Max and Daniel have another weird silent staring contest. Logan clears his throat reluctantly and they both snap to him.
“Um, where’d you learn to do that style?”
Daniel looks ready to excitedly burst into the story of his tattooing style and his interest in America, but Max cuts him off by pushing the bouquet into his chest.
“We do not have time for that, these are going to wilt. Take these to Lando.”
“Bossy, bossy,” Daniel murmurs, picking up the bouquet gently. He doesn’t sound annoyed by Max’s demands. Rather amused, actually. He shoots Logan another grin over Max’s shoulder. “I don’t envy you, mate. But hey if you want to talk tattoos, come by the shop sometime.”
“Definitely!” Logan agrees before Max can say anything else on his behalf. Daniel shoots him a one-handed finger gun before turning back to Max. His smile becomes a lot less joking and more sincere.
“See you later, Maximus”
Max loses some of his prickliness, voice soft when he says, “Goodbye, Daniel.”
+ There’s a man talking to Lando at the front desk when Oscar comes in that day. It’s neither of the two Oscar is used to seeing who come talk to Lando pretty regularly. Oscar’s pretty sure one of them’s his boyfriend and the other is his business partner but he can never tell which is which.
“Did you leave Logan alone at the shop?” Lando is asking while Oscar sets his station up.
“Well, I had to do it at some point,” the guy says, his accent reminiscent of German or Dutch. “What is the point of hiring another employee if I cannot leave for a few minutes?"
“Daniel never leaves me alone here,” Lando points out, a tad resentful. Oscar snorts.
“That’s because he has control issues,” Oscar claims. Both of the men look at him, one in amusement and one in confusion.
“Who are you?” The mystery guy asks. Weird, Oscar was going to ask him the same thing. He looks to Lando who makes the introductions.
"Max, this is Oscar, Daniel's new apprentice. Oscar, this is Max, one of our neighbors."
Oscar frowns. "I thought Max was your..." he trails off, leaving space for Lando to fill in the blank. He waves his hand.
"Different Max. This is Max Verstappen, he run's Verstappen Floral."
The new Max is still looking at him strangely. "Daniel does not take apprentices. He says he is a bad teacher."
Oscar shrugs, not sure what to tell him. He doesn't know how he got the job either. Luckily, he's saved from having to respond by Daniel coming out of the back office.
"Oscar, good, you're here, I wanted to talk about-" Daniel stops abruptly when he sees Max standing in the lobby. His entire demeanor shifts when he says, "Max, hey! What are you doing here?"
Daniel is normally a friendly guy, sometimes too much in Oscar's opinion, but he's practically glowing as he bounds over to Max. While Max's expression doesn't shift, his body language opens up to Daniel like one of his blooming flowers.
"I am talking to Lando about our stream tonight," Max answers. "He has not been very forthcoming with the details."
Lando tries to protest but even Oscar can see that it's a lost cause. This new guy showed up and suddenly it's like nothing else exists to Daniel. His boss giggles at nothing and that's when Oscar decides to get back to work.
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j-ustkeepdriving · 1 year
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fiveredlights · 22 days
old habits die screaming - chapter 1
(alternatively known as the daniel team principal au)
Visa Cash App RB @/VisaCashAppRB • 1 Nov 2027 Ricciardo Returns! Visa Cash App RB is excited to announce that former Red Bull & RB driver Daniel Ricciardo will be taking up the helm as team boss from 2028, following current team boss Laurent Mekies reduction into a part time role. Read more at the 🔗 in bio.
When Daniel’s Zandvoort injury turns out to be much worse than it first seems he officially retires at the end of the 2023 season. Five years later, he’s announced as the new team boss of RB and many people in and out of the paddock have lots of thoughts.
Told through social media integrated through work skins.
(read here)
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