#Matt Gourley
factoseintolerant · 11 months
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How come you're not still on television? | Harrison Ford on Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend
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paulftompkins · 10 months
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SUPEREGO: FORGOTTEN CLASSICS is a bold interpretation of the great works of literature. So bold in fact, nobody at Superego even bothered to read them. In this live and live-streamed show our players will improvise a famous work of fiction, one with which they’re not at all familiar. They’ll be given only the book’s title, its first and last lines, and the names of its characters. The rest is up to them.
This time out, Superego reimagines James Joyce’s Ulysses!
James Bladon
Jeremy Carter
Matt Gourley
Mark McConville
Paul F. Tompkins
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stalebagels · 5 months
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Just hot people green screen activities
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thesarahshay · 8 months
Me: I listen to a totally normal amount of podcasts Also me: Oh no, the new Matt Gourley/Amanda Lund project used the same stock music that Mary Kate Wiles used as the theme music for her Anne of Green Gables audiobook series, if they keep using it throughout the show it's going to be really distracting
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Matt Gourley & Margaux The Fat Guy
Photo by Luke Fontana
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fandomtransmandom · 1 year
Sixty and Sexy
Happy birthday Conan🧡
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mortifiedandawesome · 6 months
Superego - H.R. Giger at the Drive Thru
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hasansyndicate · 6 months
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stephaniejuhnay · 7 months
Gourley’s Disneyland podcast, Keys to the Kingdom, is already so fascinating to me. And he and his wife are cutie pies 😂
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fibrefox · 2 years
Conan: Also, um, have you seen me? I am jacked.
Matt: Do you mean like put up on cinder blocks and raised like a car? Is that what you mean?
Conan: Oh yeah, I didn't mean working out. Yeah, no, I am jacked. I'm... they're working on my undercarriage. There's fluids leaking all over the floor. Uhh, they thought they knew what the problem was, but they can still hear the buzzing sound. And there's just just spare parts all over the place.
Matt: How's your piston?
Sona: Come on, Matt!
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cromulentbookreview · 2 years
Lost in a Cheese Trance
*wakes up*
*looks at internet*
Maybe I should check that book review blog I’m supposed to be working on. Huh, looks like I haven’t updated this book review blog since *shuffles papers* last November?
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Wait, what is it now? 
July? Oh. Shit. 
I’d like to say my absence was for a good reason. But there wasn’t. I’m just lazy. Plus, there were so many digital advanced review copies for me to choose from and along with those are the already released books that I need to read...that and I just didn’t feel like it. I do that sometimes. One minute I’ll tell myself I’ll write one review a month and the next minute it’s been eight months of “...I’ll get to that later.”
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And I never got to it. Until now! Yay!
(all those crickets and tumbleweeds you’re hearing are because nobody reads this, but I’m going to keep writing these anyway).
If there was any book that could bring me out of my laziness-induced hiatus, it is Sona Movsesian’s hilarious memoir detailing the downfall of her own ambition.
And by that, I mean: The World’s Worst Assistant by Sona Movsesian!
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How does someone who worked so hard to get her foot in the door end up as the World’s Worst Assistant? Keep reading and I’ll show you a brand-new world, one where deadlines are spurned, professionalism is seldom upheld, and you’ll never have to miss an episode of your favorite TV show.
-From the uncorrected copy of The World’s Worst Assistant.
Sona Movsesian is the first to admit she isn’t great at her job. Which is a bit of a problem when you’re the assistant to comedy legend Conan O’Brien.
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Sona is a boss who doesn’t give a single fuck. But she didn’t start out that way. She came into her job as Conan’s assistant as someone eager to do a good job. But, like so many of us, as the years passed, she got comfortable in her job. 
Comfortable enough to no longer give a shit.
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Now, before I get into Sona’s book I should explain: I’ve been a fan of Conan O’Brien practically since birth.
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Not only is he responsible for some of the best episodes of The Simpsons, ever, (Marge vs. The Monorail, Homer Goes to College and New Kid on the Block), he’s also my favorite ever Late Night host. Growing up, they’d play last night’s Conan at 6 PM and we’d watch it religiously. In high school, we’d watch the monologue, the post-monologue bit, and then, during the interviews, my dad would try to help me do my math homework. Unfortunately, I’m both easily distracted and terrible at math. 
Now, I’m not saying Conan O’Brien is the reason why I did so poorly in math during high school but, I mean...
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Who could possibly focus with that going on in the background?
I still remember being heartbroken when Andy left the original Late Night show, and how elated I was to see him come back for The Tonight Show.
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And as for that debacle, well...let’s just say that was my entire sophomore year of college and I even wrote a term paper about it. I am not kidding. 
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Anyway! I’ve been a Conan fan forever. I have a Late Night shot glass, a Tonight Show T-Shirt, the OG I’m With Coco shirt from back in 2010, and I went to the very first Legally Prohibited from Being Funny On Television Tour show because, lucky for me, it was held in Eugene, Oregon. I mean, major tours almost never stop within driving distance of me, but oh man. I still have merch from that tour, but they’re a bit beat up now (my Team Coco bottle opener has long since lost all its orange lettering so it’s just a plain black bottle opener now) but still. 
Fun fact: for roughly half a second you can see actual human me in the Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop documentary waiting outside of the Hult Center. That ticket was the best money I, as a broke college student with exactly zero dollars to spare, ever spent.
Anyway: big Conan fan. Cried when he ended his show on TBS but I listen to Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend every day during my morning commute. 
But enough about Conan.
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Let’s talk about the Queen herself: Sona Movsesian.
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Sona has been part of some of the best bits of Conan’s TBS show and on his podcast. If you haven’t seen some of the bits they’ve done together, I highly suggest you stop reading now and watch a few. Or just leave this page altogether, watch the Conan Without Borders they did in Armenia. 
As you can see from some of the bits they do together, Conan and Sona exist as foils for one another: Conan is the anxious, highly-strung workaholic, and Sona is the chill assistant who shrugs and goes “eh” and figures everything will work out fine in the end. Hilarity inevitably ensues. Throw in Matt Gourley, the podcast producer who exists somewhere in the middle ground between Conan and Sona, and you’ve got one of the top 50 podcasts ever! 
At number 46. 
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Honestly, my favorite bits of the podcast are when the trio of Conan, Sona and Matt just BS amongst themselves. Together, the three of them are absolutely hilarious. I’ve always found Conan to be at his most hilarious to be when he’s interacting with others, and Sona and Gourley are perfect foils. Also, listening to them just reminds me so much of me and my siblings talking together - where we’ll banter and rag on each other and make sure one is taken down a peg when they need to be, just as Sona, Conan and Gourley interact with one another. And it’s never mean, either, it’s in that way that you see with siblings - everyone cares about each other, but by God they will poke fun when there is fun to be poked. 
Fun to be poked? Sounds disgusting, but whatever. At least I’m writing and not sitting around for eight months going “...yeah, I’ll write another post later...”
What was I talking about?
Oh, right, The World’s Worst Assistant!
Sona’s memoir isn’t just a book about being a terrible assistant. It’s a manifesto against the shitty working conditions lower-level employees face on a daily basis. Sona encourages her readers not to take shit - she uses a pretty apt Human Centipede metaphor to describe how mistreatment in the workplace is often perpetuated: the lowest employees are treated like shit, they eventually get promoted and then they treat those below them like shit…shit rolls downhill, the abused always kick downwards, etc. etc. But, as Sona points out, the way to stop this cycle is to STOP TREATING PEOPLE LIKE SHIT. Employers, quit treating your employees like shit. Employees, quit taking your employers’ shit. It’s not worth it. And, if you’ve taken shit from your employer and got promoted? Don’t immediately start treating those below you like shit. 
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Reviewer, you probably aren’t asking, do you have to keep using the word shit? 
Yes. Yes I do. If you don’t like it you can leave. 
Wait, no, don’t leave! How else will I get people to read this dumb review blog? No! Come back! 
Aside from her hilarious, but very, very real take on how bosses often abuse their power when it comes to the staff who work below them, Sona also details the best ways for an assistant to get away with doing as little as possible. As someone who has worked their fair share of admin jobs (my boss referred to me the other day as their “assistant” and I was like...fair...) I am definitely familiar with some of Sona’s methods, but some are just next level. Being able to pull off a nap at work? That is the absolute dream. Alas, my current workplace has no sofas to crash on. Also I don’t believe in sleeping during the day, nighttime is for sleep, sleeping during the day wastes daylight hours that could be spent toiling in the fields. Sorry, my ancestors were all dirt farmers and I’m convinced that this is the reason why I don’t like napping during the day. But having spent so many years having to be up at, like, 4 AM to get to work on time, sometimes you need a nap around noon so you don’t fall asleep during the drive home. Someday I hope to use Sona’s nap-during-work-hours secret. Someday.
If you think that these methods are a sure way to get fired, don’t worry! Sona has a solution for that. She details all the ways you can make yourself indispensable at work while also gathering up all the things you need to make yourself unfireable. Is unfireable a word? There’s no red underline on in my google doc, so it is now. We lowly admin types are often under-paid and neglected, but, as Sona reminds us, our power lies in the fact that we know everything. Credit card numbers, where the good office supplies are kept, all the passwords, everybody’s schedule...of course, we’d never actually use any of this as a weapon, but sometimes it helps to hint that we could. Maybe. 
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In all, The World’s Worst Assistant was an absolute joy to read. Sona’s writing is uproariously funny and her stories are incredibly relatable, especially if you (like me) have ever been an admin or someone’s assistant. The only criticism I can think of is that if you come into this book blind, you will have no idea what is going on. You have to be familiar with Conan O’Brien, his shows and his podcast to know a lot of what Sona is talking about - as a lifelong fan, I loved it. However, if you are like “Conan O’Who now?” then you’re probably not going to be too geared up to read a book by his assistant, even if it is one of the funniest books I’ve read in a long time. 
RECOMMENDED FOR: Fans of Conan O’Brien needs a friend, anyone who has ever worked as an assistant or any sort of admin position, anyone who has ever worked in or wanted to work in entertainment.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: people who have never watched Conan, people with no sense of humor, bosses, people who inherited all the money and have never had to work a day in their life, people who have ever even thought the phrase “Jay Leno is funny”, people who have something against fun and joy.
RELEASE DATE: July 19, 2022
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factoseintolerant · 11 months
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When was the last time you bought a ticket and went into a movie theater?
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paulftompkins · 8 months
Improv entities Wild Horses and Superego once again join forces to improvise a MURDER MYSTERY.
Starring: Stephanie Allynne • Jeremy Carter • Matt Gourley • Mary Holland • Lauren Lapkus • Mark McConville • Paul F. Tompkins • Erin Whitehead
Streaming LIVE to The World! TICKETS
Poster art: Nathan Diffee Opening image from "Horse Brain Human Brain" Trailer music: Eban Schletter
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chris-makes-art · 2 years
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Matt Gourley - co-host of the awesome podcast "With Gourley and Rust" - Colored Pencils on Paper - 9" by 12"
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thesarahshay · 5 months
I don't know if anyone is still following the Pistol Shrimps Radio tag on here, but I was on the bus listening to old PSR episodes, specifically the episode from 5/3/16 where Amanda first tells them about the Shrimps trying out a new play called "Goldfish," and I decided to do one of my daily word puzzles, so I fired it up on my phone and...
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If that isn't a hell of a coincidence then you can horseshoe my carrot and call me a pumpkin, this is Pistol Shrimps Radio. Referee Rod Triangle with the call.
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Matt Gourley performing with his band Townland
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