#Marvel Tales Vol. 2
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 800x1164 -- Spotlight on textless cover art [later used for a poster design] to "Marvel Tales" Vol. 2 #235 [The Uncanny X-Men + Spider-Man!]. March, 1990. Marvel Comics. Artwork by Todd McFarlane.
Sources: https://marvelousnews.com/252-26905.
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shung-chai · 6 months
Secret Origins of the Mohawk Folklore of Kahhori in Marvel Comics!
Strange Tales (vol. 3) #1 (1994) shows the mythological origin of the world as told by the Keewazi Tribe of Oklahoma. It describes how Manitou, the Great Spirit, emerged from the Sky World known as Giizhigong and created light. But when this light created an evil shadow of Manitou known as KhLΘG that sought to undo everything Manitou had created, it was banished.
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In Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #25 (1990), the Native American mischief spirit Nanabozho gathered a coalition of indigenous gods intent on punishing Europeans for their treatment of the native population and desecration of the sacred land that jeopardized the stability of Orenda, the spiritual energy which existed within the inhabitants and environment of Giizhigong. When the hunting spirit Owayodata and his mortal champion Red Wolf refused to help, Nanabozho took them to Giizhigong for punishment, where they were rescued by Dr. Strange.
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Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica #1 (2009) explained that the Sky World of Giizhigong was connected to the Earth realm via interdimensional portals hidden across the North American continent, and that the Manidoog (the god-like spirits revered by the indigenous population) utilized the mystical energy of Giizhigong known as Orenda to perform a variety of superhuman feats!
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Marvel Studios' "What If?..." Season 2, Episode 6, "What If Kahhori Reshaped the World?" (2023) explored an alternate reality where the Tesseract housing the Space Stone arrived on Earth in the 16th century and enchanted a lake in Haudenosaunee Territory. A young Mohawk woman named Kahhori falls into the lake and finds herself transported to Sky World, a heavenly realm much like Giizhigong where the inhabitants appear to use a mystical power in the environment similar to Orenda to perform superhuman feats like super speed, element manipulation, and energy projection!
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xmencovered · 9 months
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Marvel Tales Vol 2 237 / Published: May 1990 / Artist: Todd McFarlane
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eschergirls · 10 months
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Her torso literally looks like a bent stick of gum.
"Does whatever a spider can" apparently includes being able to make yourself thin enough to squeeze under a door.
(Cover of Astonishing Tales vol. 2 #3, Marvel Comics)
Originally posted at EscherGirls.com
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ohfugecannada · 3 months
Groot’s many backstories
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So earlier I saw this post by @alastorgould where he over some of the many versions of Rocket’s backstories, eventually writing his own take on it that combined elements of all of them. It’s a pretty good summary of Rocket’s past and it’s many incarnations in the comics, cartoons and MCU etc and I highly recommend you check it out along with his rocket and halfworld related art/fics.
Anyway, It inspired to make my own post going over some of the backstories/incarnations of my personal favourite gotg character: Groot. Because A) as mentioned, he’s my fave, and imo one of the more underrated Guardians members out of the core 5, and B) Groot actually has quite a few takes on his backstory already through not only multiple retcons in the 616 comics continuity but also through several multi-media adaptations of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. And I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you all.
Obviously, this isn’t gonna cover every single piece of media Groot has been in/has had his backstory mentioned etc. But I did my research and tried my best to cover a good chunk of the most notable continuities and adaptations.
Also, I haven’t read the entirety of every comic Groot is in ever (I.E. the latest gotg Grootfall/Grootrise story arc) so forgive me if I get a few details wrong. If there are any die hard gotg/Groot comic readers out there, feel free to politely and respectfully correct me on a few things.
The Comics
In the main marvel 616 comics there have been at least 3 different versions of Groot’s backstory and origins. 4 if you count his very first incarnation…
Tales to astonish #13 (+ other King Groot appearances)
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King Groot is the giant tree like ruler of Planet-X, and an alien invader who lands on earth to kidnap the humans from a small town in order to take them back to his home planet and experiment on them. Conventional weapons used by the towns military don’t work as this groot is immune to fire and explosives. But thanks to the quick thinking of protagonist human scientist Leslie Evens, king groot is taken down by genetically bred super termites. He seemingly dies in this story but later makes appearances in comics like the Howling Commandos, aiding the team. Most commonly being seen as an inhabitant of Monster Isle. There was a time where it was thought the groot on the guardians of the galaxy was the same groot as king groot (mainly the annihilation: conquest series), but this was later retconned as a different Groot impersonating King Groot. Which brings us to…
Guardians of the Galaxy #14 (2013)/Annihilators #1 and 2 (2012)
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Groot was a flora colossus sapling who along with his fellow saplings (also all called groot) were looked after by a group of elder flora colossus called the Arbor Masters. This groot was different from the others as he often brefirended the maintenance mammals; small intelligent mammal like beings who most other flora colossus looked down on as inferior. One day, another group of flora colossai were bulling a squirrel-like maintenance mammal and groot steps in to defend it. After one of the more violent flora colossus nearly kills the mammal, groot snaps and tears the other colossus apart. Presumably killing him. This catches the attention of the Arbor masters, who then have groot banished from the planet via a space ship.
This groot would later go on to impersonate king Groot and join the team that would become the Guardians of the galaxy, in Annihilation Conquest: Starlord #1, where he’d first meet his teammate and future bff Rocket Raccoon. The way he was written in annihilation conquest made it seem like he was the same character as King Groot, but this was later retconned in Annihilators #1 and 2 as well as Guardians of the Galaxy #14.
Groot vol.1 (2015)
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My personal favourite comic origin for groot. (Also literally the best version of Groot in any media ever dont @ me)
Groot is born on Planet X, where the flora colossus are towering giants who regularly kidnap beings from other planets to preform experiments on them. Groot is disturbed and appalled by the actions of his people but feels powerless to do anything… until one night where he discovers a little human girl, Hannah, being held prisoner in one of the holding pods and decides to help her escape.
After teleporting Hannah away back to Earth, Groot remains behind and destroys the teleportation pad, presumably cutting the flora colossus off from earth, and he is banished by his elders. Groot then wanders the universe for a while, taking in all its wonders and sights, before being thrown in a kree prison where he meets Rocket for the first time. Rocket can’t understand Groot at first, but over the course of months sharing a cell with him, does. After this the two form a fast friendship and break out of prison, becoming bounty hunters/criminals and eventually joining the Guardians.
Groot vol.2 (2023)
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One of the most recent and drastically different origins presented in the comics so far.
In this miniseries, Planet-X is a lush forest covered planet and the flora colossus, unlike the other comic origins, are a benevolent and peaceful race of sentient plants ruled over by a giant matriarch tree called Granopy. She looks after and tells stories to a child groot and his two friends Tweeg and Gleef.
One day their forest gets burnt by a gang of mercenaries known as The Spoilers, led by an evil Flora colossus named Agz, and the three get kidnapped. But are freed by a young Mar-vel. Together the four of them, along with an Alpha Centurion hunter called Yondar, fight against the Spoilers and save Planet X. As of writing this, the Grootfall/grootrise arc, which references this miniseries, has only just wrapped up. So It’s not clear if this story is supposed to be a prequel to the 2015 Groot origin or if it’s a full on retcon of it. (Im gonna assume the latter, given how different Flora Colossai are in this compared to the previous origins. Unless Flora Collossus society/planet X as a whole really went down hill after Groot grew up, somehow going from the peaceful forest utopia we see in vol. 2 to the desolate wasteland ruled by an evil king groot in tales to astonish/groot number 6 but I digress) so it’s up in the air for now if/how they connect to each-other…
Origins in other media
As a Marvel multi-media franchise, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and by extension Groot, have had a number of different adaptations and interpretations across various non-comic book mediums including movies, games, tv shows etc. so let’s take a look at four of the most famous ones.
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Weirdly enough, despite this version of Groot (and his son Groot ii aka baby groot) being the most widely known by general audiences thanks to the popularity of the MCU, MCU Groot is the most mysterious when it comes to his origin story. We never get any implications or mentions of it in the entire gotg franchise (outside of a mention of Planet X in the nova police lineup scene in vol.1). The closest we get is an idea James Gunn had planned for a short film about how Groot and Rocket met and a few very brief mentions about it in interviews. In the tweet about the short film idea, James explains Groot was caged up at an intergalactic zoo housing exotic alien creatures and was treated like an animal. Until a worker at the zoo, a robot/cyborg named Tibus Lark, became attached to Groot and helped him escape, becoming his closest friend. Until they found themselves in a hole/prison where Lark and groot would meet Rocket. Being mortally injured, Tibus would explain his and Groot’s story to Rocket before entrusting Groot with Rocket and dying. Rocket would then use the robotic parts of Lark’s body to build his big gun seen in the first gotg and break out of the pit with Groot. Beginning their criminal partnership and (dysfunctional) friendship.
Gotg Disney XD cartoon season 1
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In the Disney XD cartoon, Groot grew up on an idyllic and serene Planet X ruled by his father(?), both coming from a long line of flora colossus spanning billions of years who, along with all life on Planet X, all grew from an object known as the world pod. A source of power that exists within groot. Shortly after a day of battle training with his father, the Kree and their leader Ronan invade the planet to mine it of its resources. Dispute the protest of its natives, the planet is burnt to ashes, leaving groot the lone survivor. He’s then taken by the kree and experimented on, along with other kidnapped Earth animals. This is where he meets a newly anthro-ified Rocket, and the two break out together and eventually join the guardians.
Gotg Telltale Game
Like the MCU version, we unfortunately don’t get a look into his backstory, but what we do know from the alternate story path where Rocket stays with Quill and Groot goes with Mantis when the team break up is he is the last of his kind and empathises with mantis greatly because of it.
Gotg Eidos Game
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Through conversations with Groot (with Rocket, and later in the game Mantis, translating for Quill), and a few parts of rocket’s conversations, we learn that Groot’s father was the king of Taluhnia (the original native name of Planet X) as well as the other branch worlds. Groot himself wanted to be a forest caretaker so he could care for the plants of Taluhina. In contrast, his father and the arbor masters were corrupt and favoured the needs of the few over the many, and enslaved the sapient animals on Taluhnia. With some saplings even hurting these mammals for fun. Groot however, preferred thier company over the others of his kind due to how nice and smart they were, comparing them to rocket in his convo with Quill and Mantis.
Unfortunately, however, they along with the rest of Taluhnia, would perish after the Chitari would test an experimental doomsday device on the planet. After the planets destruction, the other branch worlds would mobilise an attack, but they were no match for the Chitari and were destroyed as well. Fortunately, groot was able to regrow himself into a smaller sapling form. Making him, as far as he knows, the only survivor. In his smaller form, he would eventually be sold to the collector, but would later be stolen by rocket who raided the whole place while drunk. It’s kind of a mix of the maintenance mammal stuff from the gotg issue 14 story and the general flora Collossus are corrupt stuff from that and groot issue 6, with the alien race wipe out the flora colossus part from the cartoon (though swapping out the Kree for the Chitari this time).
…And that’s it for the most famous Groot origins! Again, this doesn’t include every incarnation of Groot ever, but I think I covered my bases with the most notable continuities. Maybe I’ll have a go at writing my own take on the origin at some point, but for now, I just hope you all enjoyed learning about Groot’s different pasts as much as I did researching them…
Also let me know if there are other, more obscure versions of Groot and his backstory I missed here. I’m always down to learning more Groot lore.
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balu8 · 8 months
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Marvel Tales Vol.2 #26 (The Amazing Spider-Man #33)
by Stan Lee; Steve Ditko and Artie Simek
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dnangelic · 2 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
biting the bullet and saying why not! i usually avoid protagonist types because i get intimidated by the amount of detail and canon i feel like i have to memorize in order to properly do them justice, same with more 'popular' charas/muses giving me more personal pressure to be a portrayal worth.... something?? respect and validity?? attention and friendship from my mutuals lmao 😭 but considering dnangel was painfully niche (despite the way everybody and their mom at least recognizes it) and about half the series was only in japanese anyways, (let's see you try to find full-length dnangel LN translations that aren't mine) AND it's been like 30 years since the series started, i figured i'd have nothing to lose if my tried my best with daisuke. dai's always basically been my first magical girl (boy-) exposure and for that i'm very grateful. i still remember how beautiful sugisaki's art was to me even while being shook that dai was falling off a cliff in vol 2. my whole life might as well have led up to this point is basically what i'm saying-
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
nothing much beyond the obvious taboos/what's in my rules. although, i don't really like if it a muse relationship doesn't go anywhere and stagnates at something like making fun of dark or daisuke nonstop. yeah they can be your funny guys, but don't suddenly ditch me or go off in an ooc post rant if that funny stuff takes an actual serious turn. i try to incorporate a lot of facets into dark and daisuke both, so i get frustrated when people solely try to force them into shallow facades of themselves. humor's great, but there's a point where people have to take daisuke and dark's feelings seriously too, or else i won't feel reciprocated, and i'll start losing respect for portrayals and muses.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
i just like writing in general really. if you write with me i really enjoy it. thank u so much💐✨. being able to take dark and daisuke out of their somewhat limited canon and put them through certain experiences or in front of certain personalities that i'd otherwise never ever get to see is very fulfilling for me, especially since the series probably won't get anymore updates in the future (holding out for an anime revival but for now i'll take the brand new 2024 drama cd.) if we're talking deepest indulgences... off the top of my head, i really like it when dark gets to be actually intimate with others without worrying over the curse or keeping any secrets for daisuke, which includes him being with even younger muses who just kind of marvel at him and look up to him be it as an older brother type figure or not. on daisuke's side of things, i'm just like sugisaki lmfao- i like it when he gets to do things and actually prove to muses that he's a) capable and unstoppable when he tries and b) actually kind of an impulsive hothead underneath all the anxiety dkjfkgjk.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
i wish i was the sort of person to spitball silly little headcanons out one after another but i'm not. most headcanons i have usually fulfill some kind of thematic or relate directly to canon; dark's skin being ice-cold and marble-smooth is all headcanon, him having fangs (sharp teeth) and claws is very very arguably headcanon, (as in, canon never comments on either or, but let it me known my dark absolutely does have these features,) all to better suit and exaggerate his role as 'the beast' and something inhuman, on the scarier and supernatural side of things. daisuke tumbling locks as a (quite telling to the perceptive) habit with his hands is headcanon, and so is his and dark's shared appreciation for fruits/sweets --- it's part of the fractured fairy-tale motif, but also the biblical, which both often have overlapping dealings and warnings in regards to sins, temptations, and pride, a la eating the apple / the gingerbread house. dark and dai are both the tempers and the ones tempted, but they're also thieves and possessive saviors; their eyes are kind but covet, their hands are cold but their smiles are warm, they clutch at and take anything that isn't theirs but often for the sole sake of keeping and protecting it. most of my headcanons end up revolving around that sort of thing.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
my surroundings are endlessly noisy so i usually have something playing. it's also why i write better at night during dead hours because it's quietest, but by then i'm usually worn out and just want to sleep 😂
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
i'm a winger. if i focus too long on quality for literally every single interaction i'd never get any replies out, but i do enjoy writing more complex/dramatic replies for mutuals whose styles better suit it. this is why my writing style shifts around between asks/responses/mutuals sometimes, although sometimes it's on purpose. dark's responses can seem far more complex and grandiose than daisuke's at times, but that's because mentally, daisuke's much younger and simpler and much more emotional/energetic. if i'm really inspired by a response but don't have the immediate time to sit and focus on a full length reply, sometimes i'll just jot down a sentence or two i want to use so i don't forget into my notes app, and it's usually smooth sailing from there.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
romantic? it's not my priority, especially since my standards are very strict. i refuse to get into a ship that feels empty because forcing something i don't actually feel for is the fastest way to kill off my muse. idc about kisses and i sure as hell don't do smut, my muse (both of them, dark included at least physically) is a minor, but if something happens naturally (which isn't at all impossible, this is daisuke i'm writing here,) then i'll roll with it and see where it goes. really it's not daisuke developing an attraction to another muse that i'm afraid of, just annoying muns or getting a negative reaction to potentially introducing any kind of narrative conflict. i like some drama. i like some figuring it out. i like depth touching depth. daisuke's entire life/series begins with him literally being rejected by his first crush on his birthday and he's part of a buy one boyfriend get one free package alongside dark; he's always got a lot to figure out. so i guess my advice is really don't ask me to ship unless you're fully prepared to understand what exactly that means with daisuke.
romance aside? i love daisuke having mentors. or rivals. or people he attaches to as a sibling or some kind, given he's a lonely single child already used to being immensely responsible. or i like seeing him being stuck in complicated situations and putting other people into complicated dilemmas because his alignments are all over the place. he works with criminal muses, law-enforcement related muses, magical-related muses, inter-dimensional related muses, art-related muses, older or younger, nobility, there's sm you can do with him, he can go just about anywhere. i enjoy this.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
💀 im getting older....
mar 20th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
black, red, hey wait a minute-
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
i'll talk about for dark and daisuke specifically - dark is always those moody, weepy sounding vkei or jrock (duh) songs while daisuke gets all the cutesy, lovey-dovey, high-energy jpop music. throw in the occasional mix of the two (like metal covers of high energy pop songs) and i've got all the vibes i need. go into my audio tag and maybe then you will Understand
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
half of sonic 2 (i didn't get to finish it because it was on a plane flight ---)
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i haven't watched any shows in FOREVER 😭
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
halyosy's snowman (the rerec ver) (thank you project sekai)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
fall right when it's riiiiiight before winter.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
mutuals that have stuck with me for yrs are all my best friends. mutuals that are nice to me now are also my best friends
tagged by @primordyalsoul ty sumin!!!!!!
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froggynelson · 2 years
So I decided, after literal years of relying on places like the marvel wiki and comicvine to look for and double check Foggy Nelson's appearances throughout the marvel universe, to go and make a comprehensive list of his appearances outside of the main Daredevil title, counting Daredevil limited series and one off stories, along with cameos and alternate universes. The intention was to streamline the process for myself so i dont have to scour through pages and pages every time I wanna remember which comic that one thing happened, but hey, why not make the process of finding comics easier for people who aren't as deranged as I am? So here I made this post, from a real Fog-head to other Fog-heads out there, listing every issue outside of the Daredevil title (as it is more straightforward to find him, and extremely long to type on this list) he appears in, from barely there cameos to central roles, sorted by whether they are set in Earth 616 or not, and in no particular order. This is simply a list to serve as a guide to find him, it is not a curated list so the quality varies wildly, but I hope you're all as curious as I was to find all the most obscure and niche Foggies out there. Enjoy :)
EDIT 1: The original post had been published without one of my alterations to the draft saving, so if you reblogged it without this edit, the list was missing 14 titles.
Daredevil (1964) Annuals: #1, #2, #3, #4, #8, #9
Daredevil (1998) Annuals: #1
Daredevil: Yellow: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Daredevil: Redemption: #1, #6
Marvel Graphic Novel: #24 (Daredevil: Love and war)
Daredevil: Cage Match: #1
Daredevil: Man Without Fear (2019): #1, #2, #5
Daredevil: Dark Nights: #3
Shadowland: #5
Shadowland: After the Fall: #1
Black Panther: Man Without Fear: #513, #521, #522
Daredevil vs Punisher: #2
Daredevil/Spider-Man: #2, #3, #4
Punisher Kill Krew: #2, #3, #4, #5
Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock: #2
Daredevil: Blood of the Tarantula: #1
Daredevil: Reborn: #3, #4
Daredevil: Father: #1, #2, #5, #6
Daredevil/Deadpool: Annual '97
Devil's Reign: #3, #4
Devil's Reign Omega: #1
Elektra Lives Again: #1
Dark Reign: Elektra: #2
Uncanny Origins: #13
Power Man and Iron Fist (1978): #77
The Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #16, #42, #43, #65, #218, #429, #438
Spectacular Spider-Man (1978): #240, #242, #250
Spider-Man (1990): #75
Spider-Man Unlimited (1993): #13
Spider-Man/Kingpin: To the Death: #1
Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Annual '97
Uncanny X-Men (1963): #46
The New Warriors: #21, #23, #24, #25
Marvels: #2
Captain Universe: Daredevil
White Tiger: #1
Marvel Fanfare (1982): #1, #27
Marvel Team-up (1972): #25, #107, #141
Marvel Team-up (2004): #9
Marvel Two in one (1974): #37, #38, #78
Marvel Age: Annual #1
Avengers (1998): #26
New Avengers (2005): #1, #2, #3
Iron Man (1968): #35, #327, #328
Iron Man (1998): #1
Captain America (1968): #234
The Incredible Hulk (1968): #153
Superior Iron Man: #3
Ka-Zar (1997): #15, #17
Over the Edge: #6, #10
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack: #23, #28
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History: #6
Onslaught: Marvel Universe: #1
X-Man: #21
Fantastic Four (1961): Annual #3
Fantastic Four (1998): #35, #47, #48
Fantastic Four: The Wedding Special 2006: #1
Thunderstrike (1993): #16
Spider-Man/Black Cat: #4
The Marvel Saga: #1, #13
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Daredevil 2004: #1
Marvel Encyclopedia: #5
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Update '89: #5
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: #8
Daredevil Noir: #1, #3, #4
Daredevil: End of days: #1, #5, #8
Daredevil: Man Without Fear (1992): #2, #3, #4, #5
Daredevil: Season One (2012): #1
Spider Gwen (2015, vol. 1): #1
Spider Gwen (2015, vol 2): #9, #20, #21, #22, #24, #27, #33
Powerless: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra: #1, #2, #3, #4
Ultimate Elektra: #1, #2
Ultimate Spider-Man (2000): #109, Annual #2
Survive!: #1
The Ultimates 2: #3
Spidey Super Stories: #43, #50
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes: #9
Marvel Age Spider-Man: #15
Not Brand Echh (1967): #2, #4, #9
What the--?!: #3, #11
Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham: #7
Marvel Hostess ads vol.1 #7
Secret Wars, too: #1
Secret Wars: Secret love: #1
Dark Ages: #2
Marvel Knights: 20th: #1
Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects: #2
Avengers Halloween Special: #1
Contest of Champions (2015): #4
1602: #1
1872: #2
Paradise X: #10
Marvels X: #2
What if? Daredevil: #1
What if? Daredevil vs Elektra: #1
What if Karen Page had lived?: #1
What if? (1977): #8, #35, #38
What if...? (1989): #26, #73, #89, #102, #105
Spider Girl: #0, #17, #63, #74, #82, #85
Spider-Man: Chapter One: #9
Mutant X: Annual #3
Daredevil/Batman: #1
Daredevil/Shi: #1
Daredevil: The Movie Adaptation: #1
Sins of Sinister: #1
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What are some good older iron man comics. I would love to read them. I am not too fond of heavy abuse depictions so I prefer the lighter stuff. I read the civil war comics but I didn’t like it so much. As for Maria, I read few comics with her and she was a good mother to Tony. I wish we see more of her. Maybe after the I AM IRONMAN, other writers start to include her.
I didn't like Civil War (the main event) either. I thought the tie-ins and Iron Man's solo series are fairer to the character, but it was a terrible event for him overall.
Iron Man reading list:
⎊ Tales of Suspense (1959) #39 - Iron Man's origin story
You can read tales of suspense #40 - #99 if you can tolerate the sexism, racism etc. of that era. This series is the one that introduced Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan, and they're honestly a lot of fun sometimes, despite not always having the best quality of writing.
⎊ Iron Man vol 1:
This volume has 324 issues and it can get intimidating (I avoided reading it for years) so I'll try to list the best runs.
Gerry Conway (35–43, 91–97) He has a great voice for Tony and I love the characterization.
Bill Mantlo (78, 86–87, 95–115, Annual #4) - this is a very good run - a must read, in my opinion, and extremely underrated. Issue #78 tells us the story of why Tony stopped making weapons. Mantlo put in a lot of work to humanize Tony & his relationship with Whitney Frost (Madame Masque) is amazing.
David Michelinie (116–157) - he introduced Rhodey (issue #144 tells us the story of how he met Tony) and a bunch of great characters like Bethany Cabe, Mrs. Arbogast and Justin Hammer. He also established Tony's alcoholism in Demon in a Bottle and made him travel to the past & the future with Doctor Doom (#150 and #250). His run also has some light-hearted moments and you can start with this one - a lot of people do.
Dennis O'Neil (160–208) - he explored Tony's alcoholism in much more detail than Michelinie and his run gets very heavy at times (especially issue #182) (tw for suicidal ideation, depression and alcoholism) but Tony's recovery is depicted very well, too, and his portrayal of Tony, even at his worst, is very empathetic and respectful. Also, Rhodey becomes Iron Man in this run and O'Neil characterizes him very well. This is a very important Iron Man run.
David Michelinie (again) (215–250) - If you liked his writing, you can check this run out as well. It contains the Armor Wars storyline, which is a very important arc that contributed to Tony's character a lot (It's also the first time he clashed with Steve Rogers over differing ideals).
Len Kaminski (278–318) - This is the run in which Rhodey became War Machine (he even got a solo series by the same writer, which is very good). This is also the run which established Tony as a (verbal and emotional) childhood abuse survivor and the issues that depict it are issues #285 - #288 (Tony relives his childhood memories, which include memories of his father's abuse and I'm not sure how heavy it can be classified as, but it can be triggering to some people, certainly) and #313 (This one is more disturbing as it features Tony telling the story of how Howard made him drink alcohol as a very young child at an AA meeting - it's also immensely satisfying and it's a great issue, overall).
⎊ Tony is a major part of Avengers vol 1 and West Coast Avengers (1985) as well.
⎊ Marvel Graphic Novel - Emperor Doom
⎊ Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) - issues 2, 8 (Squirrel Girl's first appearance!), 9, 12-15 (issue #13 is especially good)
⎊ Marvel Fanfare #4
⎊ Iron Man vol 3 (1998)
Kurt Busiek (1-25, Annual 1999) - This is one of the best Iron Man runs ever. You could totally start with this one if you want to- Tony's characterization is amazing in this run, Happy and Pepper are part of the main cast again and they got some great development in it, Carol Danvers is featured heavily in it and this run has some of the best writing she's got and this run has some very good Black Widow moments as well. If you've heard of Rumiko Fujikawa, this is the run that introduced her.
Frank Tieri (31–35, 37–49, Annual 2001) - Tiberius Stone is a very fun character and this is the run in which he was introduced. It's very good.
Mike Grell (50-66) - This run shows us more of Tony's philanthropist side and I think it's essential reading for Iron Man fans. This is also the run in which he reveals his secret identity in order to save a dog.
⎊ Iron Man: Bad Blood is a great mini-series by David Michelinie that also features Rhodey (he isn't a huge part of Iron Man vol 3, unfortunately) and Justin Hammer.
⎊ Iron Man: Legacy of Doom is another great mini-series by David Michelinie and is the final story in the Camelot trilogy (featuring Doctor Doom).
⎊ Avengers vol 3, Avengers/Squadron Supreme '98 and Avengers/Thunderbolts #1–6 (2004)
⎊ Iron Man/Captain America (1998 Annual)
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visionsthatdance · 4 months
Matt Hawk/Leibowicz Reading List
I've made a list like this before, but the blog I made it on got shadowbanned or something and none of my original posts are showing in the tags.
Matt Hawk/Matt Leibowicz is a gunslinger from 1873 who is also a defense lawyer. He's best known for his gay little situationship with Hawkeye/Clint Barton, but he's an interesting, fascinating, layered character in his own right.
This list, specifically, is aimed at people who just want to know what to read if they want to know more about Matt. My other list examines every single appearance of Matt's, while this one will only list issues I considered at least decent or are essential to understand his history. (accounting for period-typical nonsense). This list doesn't include content warnings, and some of the issues I list here go into some heavy topics, so if you need content warnings, check out my more in depth list here (x)
Issues marked with * are issues that are bare-bones necessary to understand his basic history, ! marks my personal favorites. Italicized entries are one where Matt only appears in a couple pages.
This list is in roughly chronological order.
!*Two-Gun Kid #60-62 (Kirby-Lee run)
Two-Gun Kid #63-64, 65D, 68, 69
Rawhide Kid #40
Two-Gun Kid #70-71, 73-74, 76
*Kid Colt #125
Two-Gun Kid #77, 81, 84
!Two-Gun Kid #85
Two-Gun Kid #87A, 88A, 90
Rawhide Kid #66B
Two-Gun Kid #103A
*Avengers Forever #4, 6
*Avengers Vol 1: 142-144, 147 (hawkeye)
Marvel Tales Vol 1: 100B (hawkeye)
!Ghost Rider Vol 2: 27 (hawkeye)
*Avengers 168, 175 (hawkeye)
!Indestructible Hulk Vol 1 12
Hulked Out Heroes 1
!*Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 49B
*West Coast Avengers 18-19, 20-21, 22, 23 (hawkeye)
Thor Corps Vol 1: 3
!Black Panther Vol 3: 46-47
!*Two-Gun Kid: The Sunset Riders
!*Blaze of Glory
*She-Hulk Vol 2: 3, 5
*Marvels Project Vol 1: 1, 8
you can find me at @cosmiccowboycomics, where I still perform my Cowboy Posting while I wait for staff to get back to me on yet another sideblog that's not showing up in the tags lmao
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jaysterg5 · 1 month
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Xenozoic Tales Vol 2
By Mark Schultz
Jack Tenrec's life is in danger. But who's behind the attempts on his life and why?
The story deepens in this volume of Schultz's epic series. But I'll warn you up front, you're in for a permanent cliffhanger at the end of this one! So far, Mark Schultz has yet to create or release an issue #15 in this series, so everything has been in limbo since 1996. There are always rumors swirling that there will be an original graphic novel or something that will wrap up the story, but so far there's nothing on the horizon.
The story really gets moving in this collection. Jack's role, along with all of the Old Bloods, is further defined and we get to see how important those old mechanics are to the new world. Hannah gets a more in depth back story and additional mystery about who she is and where she really comes from. And the whole world grows as the story changes venue to the lands of Wassom and how that tribe deals with surviving in the New World. Lots of interesting hooks for the future, but we only get to see a trifling of Schultz's ideas.
Most of the themes from the first volume are continued here. Thoughts on the environment, polution, man's invasion of nature, and the role politics plays in all of it feature heavily. Only once in a while is it heavy-handed, but much of it is just part of the story where the readers can extrapolate things back into the real world.
The artwork remains stunning and alone is enough reason to seek out this collection. From intense action panels to broad seascapes to a little cheesecake here and there, every page is a marvel. Heroic poses abound and the animals themselves are majestic and beautiful. The details make every panel pull you into this world and get lost completely. Schultz's love for the characters and material comes through with every stroke of the pen.
If you are a fan of this style pulp adventure, you owe it to yourself to read this book, if not own it so you can revisit it over and over again. It's definitely a series I'll return to sooner than later!
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agentxthirteen · 7 months
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On this day (November 2, late) in Sharon Carter history, Sharon appeared in:
Tales of Suspense #98 (1967)
Fear Itself: The Fearless #2 (2011)
Fear Itself: The Fearless #2 [Variant] (2011)
Essential Marvel Two-in-One Vol. 1 TPB (Reprint Marvel Two-In-One #4-#5) (2005)
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xdelouloux · 1 year
hello i am hawkeye fan by which i mean "a fan of what hawkeye could be but seldom is" and i've read all of the fraction/aja run but haven't really read many other hawkeye comics!! what do you think are the best ones that showcase him? especially if there are others that have characterization in line with the fraction ones 👀
most ppl who love the fraction characterization end up loving Thompson and Rosenburg runs so I'm gonna start there and add some personal recommendations at the end
•Tales of Suspense #100-104 (Rosenburg, 2017) Clint and Bucky team up!! Very fun, weird but fun
•West Coast Avengers (Thompson, 2018) Clint leading the West Coast Avengers, another fun comic
•Hawkeye Freefall #1-6 (Rosenberg 2020) first Clint solo in years, extremely well received, much more serious and a good character study for current clint imo
•Black Widow #1-15 (Thompson, 2021) has Clint in it post-freefall up to like issue 10 I believe? Not my personal favorite but im not gonna get into that
Additional recs:
•Secret Avengers vol 1&2 (I haven't read this yet bc collecting it is a pain since multiple volumes with the same name but if you use marvel unlimited it's easier, but I've heard it's good, it has Deadpool and I've seen the screenshots and there is a huge Clint secret spy focus, but very heavy, set after fractions run)
•Hawkeye vs Deadpool (2014) my first and personal favorite Clint comic even if he's a grumpy boy the whole time
•Thunderbolts (2022) careful w this bc Clint has led two thunderbolts teams at this point but since it's recent it should be easier to find. Better follow up to freefall than Black Widow was, but it's a team centric comic more than a Clint centric comic but nice to know how the guy is doing after freefall tbh
Anyways I'm gonna stop there bc there are very many Clint comics but these are the ones that fraction fans tend to generally like from what I've seen?? Honestly you don't have to read all of them, just picking one and jumping in is probably fine, most writers lately don't need a lot of context to get the general gist of what's going on
Hope you enjoy!!!
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xmencovered · 1 year
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Marvel Tales Vol 2 238 / Published: June 1990 / Artist: Todd McFarlane
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smashedpages · 1 year
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Titan Comics will release a second Conan the Barbarian omnibus in May, featuring classic Conan stories originally published by Marvel. The cover art for the regular edition is by Neal Adams and by John Buscema for the direct market edition.
Here’s the solicitation info:
CONAN THE BARBARIAN: THE ORIGINAL COMICS OMNIBUS VOL. 2 Writer: Roy Thomas Artists: John Buscema, Gil Kane Publisher: Titan Comics, Heroic Signatures HC, 7.25" x 10.875", 856pp,  $125.00, On Sale: August 9, 2023
Tired of the thieving life, Conan signs on as a mercenary for the warring kingdom of Turan. The enemy will tell of Conan’s legendary skill in battle — if any of them live to tell the tale — but palace intrigue may prove more dangerous to the barbarian.
Collecting CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1970) #27-51 and ANNUAL #1; GIANT-SIZE CONAN #1-4 and material from SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN (1974) #1, #8 and #10.
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adamwarlock · 2 years
do you have any panels of Adam smiling?
OF COURSE!!! I've got them all babyyy behold my prized collection
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Wildly out of order since I had to glue these together to try and squeeze everything in lol. Forcing you all to look at him :^)))
Incredible Hulk vol1 #177 / Strange Tales #179, 180 / Warlock vol1 #9, 12, 13 / Avengers Annual #7 / Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2 / The Infinity Gauntlet #3, 6 / Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme Vol1 #36 / The Infinity War #1, 5 / Warlock and The Infinity Watch #1, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 29, 33, 35, 41 / Warlock Chronicles #2-6 / The Infinity Crusade #1, 4, 6 / Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection #1, 2 / Silver Surfer Vol 3 #87 / Rune (1995) #2 / Ultraverse Unlimited #1 / Warlock (1998) #4 / Warlock (2004) #4 / Thanos: The Infinity Abyss #1 / Thanos: Redemption #1, 4, 6 / Annihilation: Conquest #4, 6 / Guardians of the Galaxy Vol2 #8 / Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock / Infinity Countdown #1, 3 / Infinity Wars #6 / Thanos: The Infinity Revelation / Thanos: The Infinity Relativity / Thanos: The Infinity Finale / The Infinity Entity #3 / Thanos: The Infinity Conflict / Thanos: The Infinity Ending
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