#MDZS spoiler
still-snowing · 1 year
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violetscanfly · 2 months
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Art inspired by a tangled/mdzs fusion fic called the rivers start to sing by fruitys on ao3! Rapunzel-xian with his Xiao Pingguo crow just wouldn't leave my brain :'D
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Swapping tips on how to be a bestie in the bath.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 5 months
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sibling bonding moment!
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sukizula · 10 months
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thinking about the shi wudu-he xuan-shi qingxuan conflict in TGCF and realizing their characters are just nie huaisang split into three. a nhs deluxe edition if you will
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pillow-boi · 8 months
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“I’ve lied countless times, ki||ed countless times. But I’ve never even thought about harming you.”
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enlightningbugs · 8 months
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When Jiang Cheng stabbed the Yiling Patriarch in the gut, 2020.
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benevolenterrancy · 9 months
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finally in the process of reading the Guanyin Temple scene and holy shit if WWX isn't the protagonist of all time. We're in the Big Final Confrontation and so far my man has done fuck all except cuddle in LWJ's lap while everyone else is losing their shit and when he DOES finally do something he summons an army of naked, writhing, moaning sex corpses that even his allies just desperately wish Were Not There. stupendous, no notes
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catkindness · 1 year
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good for you, you look happy and healthy
not me, if you ever cared to ask
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glitteringpoet1685 · 5 months
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how Sizhui is the embodiment of the Lan principles despite not being Lan by blood, exactly how Wei Wuxian was the embodiment of the Jiang principles despite not being a Jiang by blood. God I forgot how tragic this show was.
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khattikeri · 4 months
one of my favorite things about mdzs is that for how heavily its plot involves politics of classism and misogyny... even the characters most directly impacted by it can't and don't free themselves from it. literally the closest exception is mianmian.
meng yao being the "son of a whore" wasn't some sort of commie awakening for him that led him to wanting everyone to be socially equal. he played the political game, climbed the ladders, sucked up to and backstabbed and murdered people, including other prostitutes who actually had nothing to do with how he and his mother were treated at the brothel he grew up in.
he put in so much extra excessive effort for even a fraction of the same respect that members of gentry cultivation clans got. and he did deserve to be treated more humanely! but he feeds into the exact same system that created him, leading to his own undoing.
his efforts were for a fragile upward mobility that was never going to hold up. he never surpassed his origins nor did he empower others in similar stations, because the society he lives in is not one that would accept that.
the second he got caught and all those crimes exposed, he was scapegoated to hell and back, replacing wei wuxian as society's terrible one-sidedly evil boogeyman overnight.
speaking of not-quite male gentry, i think it's interesting that wei wuxian explicitly doesn't try to climb the ladders in BOTH lives, knowing full well that anything he does will be punished just for the sheer fact that he is wei wuxian.
wei wuxian is scolded for giving intelligent and correct answers in school. lan wangji does the same and is praised.
wei wuxian occasionally lounges around with fellow disciples and is punished. jiang cheng does the same and mostly escapes.
wei wuxian refuses to carry his sword around in public (after losing his golden core, which nobody knows) and is scorned as an arrogant upstart. nie huaisang has been doing the EXACT SAME THING for YEARS and nobody bats an eye.
unlike jin guangyao, wei wuxian knew subconsciously from the start that his acceptance was superficial and that he could be cast out any time. when he was 10 and recently taken in by the jiangs, he canonically would not eat or use "too much" food and water because he thought they'd find him a nuisance for "wasting their things" and kick him back out.
now away from just the classism, yu ziyuan is a proud and strong noblewoman in a society that belittles and derides women for everything they do. her strong cultivation doesn't matter. she's victim to the vicious rumors of her husband loving another woman who is strong like her but apparently had a more likeable personality.
it doesn't matter even if jiang fengmian didn't cheat or that wei wuxian is wei changze's son with cangse sanren; yu ziyuan can't bear with the humiliation of herself (and by extension her children) not being "good enough". she's ridiculed for "failing" in that one duty as a wife, mother, and woman.
she lashes out and takes out that anger on everyone present for years, giving her children lasting trauma and also being a key element in how the jiang family and yunmeng jiang sect are effectively wiped out at the hands of the wen clan.
madam jin doesn't even have a name outside of the fact that she's married to jin guangshan. i don't even remember reading anything that indicates if she's a strong or weak cultivator, or what, which in itself proves that to most people, it doesn't matter. she's "just" a woman.
of course she's angry at her husband's affairs and all the bastard children they bring in. but she also can't do anything about them, so she lashes out at the few people she can: servants. non-cultivators, probably. those very same bastard children.
shoutout to meng yao getting shoved down a flight of stairs at age fourteen, because if madam jin tried that move against her husband instead, it would make her lose even more face, which as a noblewoman she'd never do.
and that's not getting into how jiang yanli is consistently sidelined for being physically weak.
that's not getting into how mianmian was actually a good cultivator, but was mocked by everyone around her for trying to stand up for wei wuxian when everyone was turning on him. how everyone scoffed at luo qingyang's words as "just some lovesick woman" who "obviously wants to marry or bed him since he saved her".
luo qingyang is the only one of these characters who HASN'T died. she didn't play society's games like jin guangyao. she didn't dig her heels in confidence of her own abilities like wei wuxian.
she didn't bitterly lash out like yu ziyuan and madam jin. she didn't gently accept it like jiang yanli.
she just LEFT.
she married an ordinary merchant and cultivates separately from mainstream cultivation society, and therein found her own peace and happiness.
mxtx doesn't bother with particularly class conscious or feminist vocabulary to hand-hold readers into understanding these disparities, but that choice highlights them & the deeply entrenched politics of their society even more. i really love it.
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naehja · 2 months
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Xichen, please...
That's your little brother's privacy.
I'm sure it's against the Lan rules
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tossawary · 4 months
Sometimes I think about an interpretation of Liu Mingyan in SVSSS as a Nie Huaisang who didn't have to go on a crazy vengeance plot. All she wants to do is sit on the sidelines of wild drama and engage in her little hobbies! She apparently doesn't really want to be in charge of anything! She mostly just wants to gossip and write and hang out with her besties!
As long as Liu Qingge is still alive, everything is fine and Liu Mingyan doesn't have to enter Murder At All Costs Mode. She can be silly! She has a comfortable position and no ambitions beyond her art! Unlike PIDW Mingyan, who probably believes that Shen Qingqiu murdered her beloved older brother (who may have helped to raise her, given the apparent age difference), SVSSS Mingyan doesn't have to experience life-changing and eye-opening heartbreak, start scheming, and throw everything else in her life aside to get blood for blood. SVSSS Liu Qingge is fine, so it's not a problem here! And as long as he continues to be fine, it's all good!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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Unsolved Mysteries.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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getting back into the untamed and i had a thought. / follow for more yllz babygirlism
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frankencanon · 1 year
you ever think about the fact that nie huaisang's father and brother both died the exact same way — forced into qi deviation via a third party
you ever think about how nie mingjue's obsession with getting revenge for his father's murder might have been foreshadowing for nie huaisang's own obsession with avenging his brother and utterly destroying jin guangyao
you ever think about how nie huaisang is a lot more like nie mingjue than most people realize
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