#Lun Feng (PKWSW)
kiwikipedia · 2 years
From an outside perspective, one could assume that the Koon Siblings were rather different.
Plo was knows to the public as wise, calm, collected, and kind.
Saf, his younger sister, was not at all known to the public— to Lun’s knowledge. But she was just as kind but less outspoken, less likely to speak her mind in circles that she wasn’t comfortable with.
Lun Feng knew both of them, they had grown up with Saf as a friend and went through years of Baran Do training with Plo. And while their external personalities were certainly a part of their character, every time that someone offhandedly talked about “Wise and Stately Master Plo Koon”, the Senator of Dorin just had to hide a chuckle.
Plo Koon was just as much as a bastard snarker as they were. He was someone who loved the thrill of a fight just as much as they did. With lighting at his fingertips and a barbed insult on his tongue when they fought.
And Lun hadn’t even bothered hiding the laugh when they were told that Saf and her husband— and their two other children— would be coming to Coruscant.
There were several reasons, they had been told. Nar Yilk, the former Senator before them, had been the one to tell them this.
First of all, Little Dorin on Coruscant had recently requested for Saf’s husband— Cas Yilk, Nar’s nephew, coincidentally— to work there. Healers off Dorin who knew Kel Dor anatomy we’re in short supply now days, and Cas was always one to help others so of course he had said yes.
Saf, on the other hand, would be joining Lun as a part of the senatorial contingent of Dorin.
Because despite Saf’s quiet and more sickly nature, she was just a s sharp tongued as her brother and just as analytical. And Lun knew more than anyone that her assessment of a political field was a terrifyingly amazing thing.
It wasn’t a secret to say that Dorin was stuck in a rather interesting position. Dorin backed the Republic but for one reason and it was because they didn’t back Satine and her Neutral Party.
Satine Kryze was alright with sitting back and waiting, Dorin and her people were not. But the Republic was going to bleed them dry if they didn’t put a fight up.
That was why Lun was there as a wartime senator, but even they would admit that there was only so much a Senator and two aides could do alone. A third set of eyes would be welcome help.
Especially if a fourth faction in the senate was going to be formed between Dorin and a few others who were of like mind.
And besides, Lun would have fun surprising Plo with this. They doubt that Plo was able to get the news, since it was supposed to be kept a secret. He suspected that was Saf’s doing.
Perhaps she could help them in getting Bail Organa in the political alliance. Glee Ansalem and Kashyyyk were already on board, as was Unvena Prime
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Fandom(s): Star Wars
Rating: K/T
Summary: (N.) Beautiful thinking. A well mind
The Gala would always be an interesting affair with the Jedi there— this year, some waves are made. And some learn that it’s rather hard to gang up on a Kel Dor.
Aka: The sequel that connects Novaturient and Euphoria that no one asked for
As per usual, Lun Feng had outdone themselves when it came to dressing up their Aides.
It was a bit euphoric to see Ath so comfortable in the silky robes of Dorin, rather than the stiff suit that they had been forced into the previous Gala— Plo had met with the three afterward, dropping off the casualty numbers from the recent campaigns before heading out to the front once again. It had been a ridiculous affair, and not just for the Dorin Senatorial contingent. A number of other non-human Senators had been quite put off at the fact that they were unable to wear their traditional formal-wear that year.
Nonetheless, Ath’s robes were intricate and specifically styled with a deeper meaning. For those who knew Kel Dor culture and for those who dared to look closely at the embroidered crest that was on the robes Lun Feng normally donned for meetings, the sign was clear. The Sage was claiming Ath Lirn as their own heir to their Senatorial Position.
“Someone must have harassed Ath again,” Kit murmured as his hand wrapped around Plo’s waist. Plo simply inclined his head as they stepped into the large hall, Adi and Agen behind them with Fox on Agen’s other side.
“Lun normally isn’t so brazen with showing their support, so it must have been recent too,” he murmured, not batting an eye at the looks the two of them garnered. “They’re normally much more subtle.”
“Is this the same Lun we’re talking about?” Kit asked, lips twitching upwards. “I recall you told me that they used to try and pick fights with your uncle, who happens to be only a few hundred years younger than Grandmaster Yoda.”
Plo snorted. “Well, I never said that they were subtle when it came to fighting, dear,” he said, tipping his head to Senator Organa and Senator Amidala as they walked past. And also promptly ignored Senator Orn Free Taa before Fox slid up next to them.
“General Kolar wandered off and General Gallia went to go talk to a few Senators,” the Commander of the Guard said softly and Plo gently placed a hand on his arm.
“At ease, Commander,” he said, chuckling. “We are at a Gala, a party, there is no need to report every move our friends make to us.”
“Kit and Plo,” Kit cut in, tresses flicking in amusement. “As Plo said, this is a party, the Senators might have this for a formality, but for us, it’s rather informal.”
The Clone looked rather uncomfortable, glancing around a bit. “I’m afraid I don’t follow...”
Plo chuckled a bit. “Relax, Commander,” he translated, “I understand that being around so many Senators, their aides, and family is nerve wracking, but you needn’t be on guard the entire time.”
Fox’s brows furrowed, but he nodded slowly. “You’re free to stay with us, or you can go join Adi, or when Agen returns, you’re free to join him as well,” Kit added before his tresses flicked and the Chancellor walked up to them, with Mas Amedda behind him.
“Generals Fisto, Koon, thank you for coming on such short notice,” the Chancellor greeted before his brows furrowed, glancing over him. Plo raised a brow and he felt Kit’s tresses flick in irritation, the emotion felt through their bond. “I was... unaware of your...”
He made a hand motion. Amedda barely hid a sneer, but at least the Chancellor was making an attempt to be cordial, but Plo knew when it was just politics ensuring politeness. He simply inclined his head.
“Ah, well, the requirements were for two pairs of a man and a woman, your excellency,” he said coolly. “From the council. Unfortunately, Master Ti was unavailable, and Master Biliba was off-planet, so we couldn’t ask her to stand in.”
“I understand, General, but I fail to see why...?”
Kit’s grip on his waist tightened. “Your excellency,” he said, the Nautolan’s tone too cheery. “It is a simple matter of looking the part. Quite stunning, wouldn’t you say? I fear that neither Master Kolar nor I could pull off a dress this well.”
“Master Fisto flatters me,” Plo said calmly and Fox shifted a bit, stiff and having stepped just a few steps behind them. The Chancellor seemed to be looking for the right words to say but Amedda, the blue bastard, spoke first.
“Surely you cannot be comfortable, Master Jedi?” he drawled, raising a brow and from the corner of his eye, he could see Lun sweeping across the floor towards him, their long, formal, black and blue robes fluttering behind them but he sent a careful pulse through the bond they shared and the other Kel Dor slowed their stride.
“I can assure you, Senator Amedda, I am more than comfortable in the attire I have chosen,” Plo stated. “I am simply going along with what was requested of us.”
“Certainly, though, Master Jedi, you realize that it’s hardly appropriate among men to wear such a thing,” another Senator cut in, Mee Deechi from Umbra, if he recalled correctly. “Though I’m well aware that your Jedi Robes are—”
“Is this Senator bothering you, Master Koon?” Agen’s voice suddenly spoke up as the Zabrak made his way over, hand reaching into the coat of his suit to most likely draw his lightsaber hidden there. Agen was always an ask questions a bit later and attack first kind of person.
“Not at all,” Plo assured the younger Master, “I was just telling Senators Deechi and Amedda, and the Chancellor, about how wonderful Cultures across our Galaxy are. Because surely I hardly need to go into a lecture about how many there are and how so many of them have different views on what is normal.”
His tone was polite, but almost too much so and he saw Senator Deechi twitch. He had spent much time donning Lun’s face before the War when his duties hadn’t called him away, he knew his way around politics. Kit’s hand tightened on his waist, excitement pulsing through their bond, while the familial bond between him and Lun was filled with amusement. Agen didn’t look convinced but he dropped his hand back to his side.
Lun stepped over a moment later.
“Koh-to-yah, Master Koon!” the Senator and Sage greeted, bowing as they stepped in front of Amedda. “It has been a long time, has it not? The Feng Clan sharpens its talons in anticipation for when the Winds lead you home. And you, Master Fisto, Master Kolar, Commander Fox, it is good to see you are all in good health.”
Plo chuckled, bowing in return as Deechi scowled and turned, stalking off— though Amedda stayed where he was, as the Chancellor had decided that he wasn't leaving just yet.
“And to you my friend, I am certain the Koon Clan watches the horizon for when the Winds return you home as well,” Plo greeted in return, “Indeed, though, we are all in quite good health and in one peace. Though I had no idea you knew Commander Fox, my friend.”
Lun chuckled as Ath and Tep joined them at their side. “Of course! Commander Fox is well-liked among the Dorin contingent, though we haven’t talked more than a handful of times, I’m afraid. The good Commander helped my dear Ath when they were running late.”
“I slipped on the stairs up to the Senate building,” Ath admitted, bowing slightly to Fox as Agen lightly tugged him into the small circle they had made. Adi had slipped over to them silently, standing on Kit’s other side looking amused as she held a glass lightly between her fingers.
“I saw from the top of the stairs,” Tep teased lightly. “The good Commander caught you by the arm.”
Fox shifted, clearing his throat. “Just doing my job,” he said, eyes flickering between the four Kel Dor. Lun laughed a bit.
“And he’s modest. Yes, your brothers speak highly of you, lad,” they said, resting their chin in their hand as they tilted their head. “I see why.”
Fox’s face went red and Plo stifled a slight laugh, patting the Commander on the shoulder.
“You have many good people looking out for you, it seems, my boy,” he said before Palpatine cleared his throat.
“I do say, though, and I apologize for returning to a topic that we have already passed over,” the Chancellor started, “But I am personally... curious on the culture of the Kel Dor. Dorin is quite closed off despite the position in the Senate. And I’m afraid that I have not had the chance to talk to Senator Lun, as much as I wish to have been able to pick his mind for stories. I am curious about your scarring as well, Master Koon, certainly, those have to do with your culture as well?"
Lun rolled their eyes behind their mask at the blatant use of ‘he’ before answering.
“Yes, well, Dorin prefers to stay isolated,” the Feng Clan Kel Dor admitted. “Kel Dor are communal, yes, but as a whole, we much prefer to keep our affairs to ourselves and rarely get involved in the affairs of others.”
“The only reason why we’re not among the neutral faction,” Tep added. “Is because the Kel Dor do not believe that Satine Kryze should be the voice for us.”
“At least with the republic, people listen when we speak, no?” Lun continued loftily. “However, this is relatively irrelevant to our conversation. You wished to learn more about Kel Dor culture, Chancellor?”
The old politician nodded, hands clasped politely in front of him. “Indeed,” he said with a smile, “It would be quite... illuminating.”
“Kel Dor culture is certainly interesting,” Adi spoke up, voice even. “Though, I admit that I don’t know much. I never did get around to studying what I’ve stumbled across in the Archives. Though Master Fey Koon did his best to try and teach me some while I was in the Crèche still.”
Plo chuckled at that. “He is quite the teacher,” he mused before shaking his head. “I’m afraid there isn’t much to tell that would be that interesting, however, Chancellor. We still revere the Wind Spirits, and the Baran Do make up the majority of Dorin’s Governing Body, once they reach a certain position, or achieve certain things, their skin is engraved to show their feats and rank among the Sage Order.”
“And the... gender presentation?”
If Lun had teeth, their expression would’ve been a smile full of them Plo mused as the Senator and Sage inclined their head. “Ah, yes, we always return to that,” Lun said, tone lofty again.
“Your excellency,” Amedda cut in before either of them could speak further on the topic. “Senator Dod seems to be trying to get your attention.”
The Chancellor blinked, and Plo decided that this was the only time he would ever thank Mas Amedda for anything.
“I see,” Palpatine sighed, “I had been meaning to talk to him, so I’m afraid we will have to cut our conversation short.”
Agen looked like he wanted to roll his eyes desperately as the two politicians turned, walking off. A collective breath was let out.
“Could they be any more obvious?” Adi sighed, finishing her drink. “I could feel Amedda biting his tongue.”
“He always has been like that,” Lun mused before they bowed slightly to her and Agen. “Lun Feng, Dorin’s Senator and Sage of the Baran Do and Feng Clan. These are my aides, Ath Lirn and Tep Raal...”
Plo smiled behind his mask as Lun and his fellow Masters started to talk, gently squeezing Kit’s arm before he slipped from his hold. Fox’s brows furrowed as he slipped away from the group, but he waved the Trooper off as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
The halls were quiet as he walked, slowly loosening the tight hold on his emotions. Truly, between him and Lun, he had always been the more likely one to lash out when someone intentionally ignored his friend and sibling’s identity. Perhaps it was an instinctual reaction after so many of his children in the 104th had come to him asking if there was something wrong with them— after the gentle chides he gave to their siblings outside of the 104th when they misused their Children's pronouns.
Mas Amedda was someone that he was not likely to ever wish to be in the presence of again if he could help it.
He sighed softly as he stopped at one of the large windows that looked out over Coruscant. The building that had been chosen for this event did have a spectacular view, though it did very little for his current mood.
Politics off of Dorin were frustrating and peculiar at times, and Master Tyvokka would certainly have scolded him for becoming riled so easily— despite the fact that he was the same way as well when it came down to human politics. They always demanded so much from someone. Dorin politics were so much more straightforward— there was no need for the polite pretense when talking outside of the debate floor. Things were spoken plainly, dislike and ire between two Sages clear as day before they left to settle it in their own way.
Gentle hands were placed on his hips, breaking him from his musings, and Kit leaned down, resting his chin on his shoulder.
“Saw you slip away,” the Nautolan murmured, “Lun said you might be cooling off somewhere.”
Plo hummed, tilting his head and resting it against his Chosen’s. “Yes...” he said after a moment. “Amedda always manages to get under my skin.”
“Agen still looks ready to gut him,” Kit agreed, “Though Fox managed to distract him for now with asking about chokeholds of all thing.“
He let out a soft laugh, leaning back into Kit’s hold as the Nautolan began to sway. “That sounds like something the two can talk over,” he mused. “I worry for Fox and the rest of the Guard. Force knows that over half the Senators view them as nothing more than objects.”
His brows furrowed and he shook his head. “When the War is over, I’m going to make them all relax for once.”
Kit laughed at that, pressing a gentle kiss against his neck. “Speaking of Senators,” he murmured, “Watching you tear into Deechi was pretty hot, you know? Even if you weren’t outwardly angry, it was amazing. Very sexy.”
Plo smacked his hand lightly as it started to trail lower. “Not here, Kit,” he chided, heat creeping across his face despite his lighter tone. “Behave.”
The Nautolan just laughed, kissing the side of his mask. “Fine, fine,” he relented, “Still, dance with me?”
“Of course,” Plo murmured before he turned in Kit’s hold, taking one of his hands into his own as Kit’s other one remained on his waist. Plo’s other hand rested on the Nautolan’s shoulder and the two of them fell into familiar steps together.
“You look stunning, by the way,” Kit said quietly, leaning down and pressing their foreheads together. “Always so beautiful when you dress up— suit or dress, it’s mesmerizing.”
Plo let out a soft laugh. “You, my husband, are a sap.”
“Me? Never!”
The two dissolved into soft laughter as they danced in the hall— in a small world of their own making
And later, Agen and Fox would join them in the hall, sitting against the windows. Adi was more versed in politics than they were, it seemed, as she remained to talk with the Senators.
And later, Bail Organa, Lun, and a few others would trickle out of the Gala, joining them as well as they talked and Plo instructed Fox how to dance, Agen looking more or less bored with the activity, but willing to let the Clone use him as a partner.
And then Fox’s face would go bright red when Ath offered to dance with him, since Agen was quite a bit taller than Fox was and perhaps a smaller partner would be easier—Fox could weave in and out of blaster fire, but flustered at his own awkwardness of dancing.
And it was nice, a beautiful thing. The Senators, Aides, Jedi, and a Clone lowering the barriers between them— if only for a single night, out of sight from the rest of the Senate and the Chancellor.
not shipping ath and fox. ath is like 16 standard and aroace. fox just emberassed because he's bad at dancing 
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
For the ask game, could you share a bit about your WIP "New Face, Old Family"?
Absolutely i can!
There’s a new member of the Dorin Senatorial Contingent, Bail takes note of them the moment he sees the extra figure walking along with the other three. Senator Lun Feng is tall, standing shorter than he, but still towering over most— but this newcomer was taller. Just by a few inches, but nonetheless. They stood taller than Bail.
“Senator Organa,” Feng greets, bowing a bit and Bail takes note of their intricate robes. There were always many layers of cloth, normally neutral or dark in color, save for Feng’s bright red sash that wrapped around their middle and closed the outer most robe. Today was no different.
“Senator Feng,” he greets in return, smiling before bowing to their companion. “A new aide?”
“Ah, no, Lady Koon was sent by the heads of the Sage Order to observe,” Feng said and Organa had to hide his shock. Another Koon? He had only met the Jedi Master Plo Koon once or twice.
Bail bowed to the taller Kel Dor nonetheless. “A pleasure to meet you then, Lady Koon. Are you, perhaps, related to the Jedi Master?”
A soft trill of laughter escaped her. “Ah, Plo, yes,” she mused, “He is my brother,” she told him. “I did not realize you knew him.”
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
do you happen to have any spare kel Dor headcanons? not on any particular subject, i just really like yours.
Here are only some of them because I have many and these are the ones I have on hand atm. There are some things from Legends that I’ve mixed in, mostly just to tie some headcanons together. im also compiling a fan made index of words for the kel dor that i can post at a later date hahaha
- A Kel Dor’s first name holds no major meaning like most other species' names would, but is an onomatopoeia from the various noises that the storms and planetary noises that are made on Dorin (this is partially canon but then again Legends is just not canon now so whatever). What is important are the last names, as those are attached to Clans and have actual meaning to them.
- Kel Dor Clan Names are based on the Clan's original trade or job. The Koon family name, for example, meant 'explorer' while the Raal name means 'reader' and Keevil is one of many ways that had been used to say 'navigator' in the ancient days
- Often a Kel Dor's given name is single syllabled but there are those who expand to up to three, however those are rare. One and two syllabled names are more common and recognized. 
-This is due to an ancient superstition about the "wind spirits" of Dorin. Upon hearing the sustained wind-sound of a long name, so the story went, the wind spirits would have mistaken the child for one of their own, and carried him or her off to be raised as a wind-child.
- Though depending on where you are on the planet, the superstition can change to where children who didn’t have short names that matched the noises were spirited away because the spirits believed, as the Kel Dor were seen as the “children” of the spirits, that those children with names that were too long were not their “children” and took it upon themselves to “rid” their “children” of the imposters.
(More under the cut)
- The Spirits, in Kel Dor culture, love to play and Wind Chimes will keep them busy in general. Having a wind chime near your bed or the bed of the child with the longer name kept you or them safe from being stolen away because the spirits were too busy playing with the chimes to even think about taking the person away.
- The tradition of using the sounds of planetary phenomena mean that Kel Dor given names appear to have almost no meaning to an outsider, but another Kel Dor who had heard the sound in question and could identify the phenomenon would understand the significance and meaning of the name. But still, the Kel Dor don’t hinge their lives or any sort of care on that name. For them it is the Clan name that holds importance, as many name meanings do overlap
-For example, Ban Sult's name has next to no meaning to a human, but to the Kel Dor they know that Ban comes from the Dorin equivalent to a Skyquake and for the Sult Clan that signifies one who is courageous and spontaneous
- Plo’s name corresponds to the thunder and is given to one who will become wise and strong. Sha’s is in reverence to the sound of the rain when wind blows it around, and has the same root meaning of Plo’s.
- Saf Koon’s— Sha’s Mother and Plo’s sister— is similar to Sha’s in that it is the noise that is created when rain comes down in sheets but is blown by the wind. Saf has the meaning of new beginnings.
- Fae Koon’s is in reference to the wind that goes through the mountains while Ath Lirn’s to the wind that goes through the valley— both share the same meaning of one who is of compassion and joy.
- Tep Raal is the noise rain makes when it hits the ground and is the name of one who is also strong and wise.
- Lun Feng’s name comes from the echo of thunder that is in the mountain valleys— a thing that is felt more than heard, and thus the meaning is so.
- It is considered it very bad luck to name a child away from Dorin. In the event that a hatchling is born off of Dorin, it is simply called as "An'ak'na" or "Child" until the parents can return to Dorin to name them.
- Kel Dor that are off planet and are meeting for the first time will introduce themselves as their Clan before they use their first name.
Usually it would go something like:
“I am of the Koon Clan Line, well met.” 
“Ah, an explorer. Well met, I am of Eerm.” 
“A Hunter then! Koh-to-yah, my friend. Your Clan is well, and wait for the days the winds bring you back home.”
- If a Kel Dor is greeting another in a formal setting and they do know one another, Clan names are still often brought into the greeting
“Koh-to-yah, Master Koon! It has been a long time, has it not? The Feng Clan sharpens its talons in anticipation for when the Winds lead you home."
“And to you my friend, I am certain the Koon Clan watches the horizon for when the Winds return you home as well."
- Kel Dor are basically immortal when it comes to age. They just. keep existing. They can be killed, obviously, but dying of old age was an unknown to them until they started interacting with people outside of Dorin. They just... released themselves into the force once they were ready. Though they didn’t call it the Force, they called it “returning to the winds”
- Back on the topic of the Wind Spirits for a moment, but belief of them ranges from Kel Dor to Kel Dor. Nonetheless, the Kel Dor don’t exactly worship the wind spirits as fervently anymore but they certainly believe in their existence still. They have a healthy respect for them and still keep with a lot of their traditions from the ancient days.
- Nearly every Kel Dor is force sensitive, but not all of them meet the requirements to be taken note of by the Jedi Order. Even those who would often do not go, though it varies from family unit within Clans. The Koon Clan sends some, most steamming from Plo, Fae, and Sha's direct relative line, along with Dural, Braga, and Kowa Clans having their own Jedi within the Order through out the millennia
- It's not actually rare for Kel Dor to be off of Dorin, but a lot like Shistavanens, it's harder to find them off Planet. Many will stick to Atmosphere type III planets. Keevil, Koon, and Kowa are the most likely to be seen off planet— affectionately called the wandering Ks among the Kel Dor— as they are navigators, explorers, and merchants. 
- That said, the most insufferable of the Kel Dor that was off planet at during the twilight years of the Republic was their last Senator before 19 BBY— Sage and Senator Lun Feng.
- Lun Feng is a living terror to the Senate whenever anything towards the Order, the GAR, Dorin, or Dorin’s Allies are brought up and the Senate Lives In Fear™ 
- You know how Plo Koon asks the Council chamber to lower oxygen? Lun does that in the middle of Senatorial Meetings if he feels as if someone's bigoted rant needs to be interrupted.
- Whenever Lun Feng brought up to the Council by the Senate, Plo just wheezes because yeah, they should’ve known better than to expect anything but difficulty to the Kel Dor.
- Before Feng, Nir Yilk was the Senatorial Representative with four aides, two of which were Dural and one was a Braga. The fourth was of Raal, much like one of Feng's aides— Tep Raal.
- Kel Dor gender is a very wide spectrum but have been boxed into three possibles due to outside culture while they’re off world. Kel Dor gender is based off of their minds. (we’re not gonna talk about physical differences because I have words about it)
- They have a fifteen click system that they use off Dorin, but Plo does state that there are far more than 15 genders among the Kel Dor because Gender is more or less something that just doesn't matter to them. All Kel Dor can bear and sire children, so why does it matter?
- As Kel Dor are not a mammalian species, if they were to cross species reproductively there is a much higher chance of crossing with other non mammals. However, cross species children are very rare no matter if the other partner is or isnt a non mammalian. This is in part that Kel Dor reproduction in general is somewhat difficult— the act isn't its just that no one is sure why there is a low hatch rate / low number of children who survive.
- Kel Dor in the Order aren't exactly exempt from the No Attachment Rule, unlike Cereans, but this is simply due to the population numbers of the Kel Dor being much higher than the Cereans. Sure a good chunk of them are hundreds of years old, but there's no urgency to reproduce— aside from the fact that Kel Dor adore children. 
- Speaking of No Attachment, it gets rather difficult because the Kel Dor view attachment a bit differently than many other sentients. This is because the Kel Dor are a very communal species that creates emotional ties and mental 'webs' of connections with both friend and family.
- They thrive off of those connections and webs that they create and should their web be destroyed all at once, the psychic damage is very damaging to the point of a Kel Dor possibly dying. The damage can be controlled in one of two ways— entering a state of self induced Coma to heal slowly over time usually with the Kel Dor working mentally through the damage as well, or by another Kel Dor throwing up very, very strong walls to minimize the damage and assist in healing. The Kigh Clan specializes in this, though Fae Koon has some skill there as well.
- Should only a portion of the web or connections get destroyed at once, it is a bit easier to deal with. After Order 66 Saa Kowa and Fae Koon both managed to sustain minimal damage due to their larger web of connections with the Sages back on Dorin.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Until the Winds Let Us Meet Again
Fandom(s): Star Wars
Rating: T (Violence)
Summary: A choce is made when Order 66 is enacted, save a child or save themselves. Lun Feng knows what to do.
Angst Warning :)
The Force was screaming but Lun was shutting it out as they ran through the streets of Coruscant, Tep and Ath along side of them.
The Force was screaming and Lun wanted to as well because they could still feel it— fire on their skin, the hurt, the fear, the betrayal, the death that tinged their senses just before Plo’s brother-bond with them snapped.
The Force was screaming and the only thing Lun could do was hold the tiny child that had been shoved into their arms by a dying Trandoshan Jedi to their chest as they fled Coruscant with their Aides and the child who was clinging to their robes. As they outran, out paced, the vod and Lun didn’t understand.
Were these the men that Lun had spent defending with all they could? That they had happily allowed Plo to don thier mask and robes to tear into the Senate when he needed an outlet to explain that the Clones weren’t just objects? If they were killing the Jedi in Coruscant, were they killing the Jedi across the Galaxy?
Had it been these Men that Lun had defended with Plo who had killed him?
Lun did not know, and they could not take the time to ponder as they reached the landing ports. Sal was waiting, their Sal, their Chosen. Sal was waiting and Lun knew that there was no choice as white armor flickered in and out of their peripheral vision.
“Tep,” they breathed, shifting the Child in their arms. “Tep, take the baby.”
Tep gave them a look as they ran, robes fluttering behind them. “With all due respect, Sage Feng, whatever you’re about to do, I’m going to have to say that you’re not allowed to,” she hissed. They shook their head.
“Tep, if they are killing Jedi they are killing Force Sensitives,” they told her and Ath cursed softly as they spotted the Clones enter the landing platform. It wasn’t a surprise that they would be a target. They were a Force Sensitive connected with Plo Koon and who had been against the Separatists from the beginning.
But was this a Separatist move? They did not know.
But they were nearing the ship, and Lun knew that they were placing a target on Tep, on Ath, on Sal. They did not know where Sha was, where Fey was. They did not know if the rest of their Brothers, and Sisters, and Siblings on Dorin knew of what was going on, but they needed to.
“You two must get back to Dorin,” they told the two Aides, slowing down and gently passing the child— a green, tiny thing, in truth, very similar to the Old Grandmaster of the Jedi—to Tep. “You must tell them what has happened.”
They looked up, seeing Sal waiting for them, worry pulsing over their bond and their chest ached. They wanted nothing more than to escape with their One. But they couldn’t.
Tep looked torn, but nodded, grabbing Ath’s hand and pulling them after her. Lun looked up, looked at Sal and gently tapped their talon guard to their mask.
“Until the Winds allow us to meet again,” they murmured and Sal stiffened, but touched his own to his mask, eyes certainly sad behind his goggles but he turned, pulling Ath and Tep up into the ship. Lun turned, reaching into their robes and pulling a metal cylinder out before tossing it up. With a click, it expanded into a full staff and they stood, silent as the soldiers in white armor approached.
Blasters trained on them.
And Lun almost didn’t feel the blaster bolts as they entered into battle, defending the tiny Jedi Child that had been entrusted to the Kel Dor to get off planet, defending the ship that held Sal, that held Tep and Ath, and others who were leaving Coruscant.
Because until the Winds allowed them to meet their people again, they would fight to defend— because they were a Feng Clan Warrior first, a Baran Do Sage next, and a Senator Last. And the Feng’s never turned tail and ran.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Fandom(s): Star Wars
Rating: K/T
Summery: (ADJ.) A desire for powerful change in one’s life or situation.
The Dorin Senator is acting a bit strange in the Senate meeting today.
Thinking about the Dorin senator and representing some NB Kel Dor
There was something strange about the Senator from Dorin, Bail noticed as he watched the normally neutral-voting, neutral-speaking Kel Dor tear into the Trade federation representative who was pushing a bill for more control over the Order, more Clones, more war. War meant profit for them, of course, but the usually silent forms of the Dorin Senator and their aides had spoken up suddenly.
( Bail knew that Senator and Sage Lun Feng did not fit into the common gender boxes that humans had despite their deep voice, but had resigned themselves to their title of ‘man’ to many others. Bail respected the Dorin people’s no-nonsense view of politics and justice, even if it did get quite a bit more violent and vindictive, and he respected Senator Feng. He resorted to using ‘they’ and ‘them’ and had laughed when Feng’s aide let out a very happy trill at that idea. The aide was young and also did not fit in the boxes, and was happy to know there was another option.)
Now, it wasn’t as if Senator Lun Feng had simply stayed silent during these matters. Their vote had always been a firm ‘no’ when it came to control over Jedi and from what the rumors stated, they were working on a bill to give the GAR Clones their rights alongside of the Kashyyyk representatives.
But this was new. This was a verbal ripping-into, reminding the Senate of their own faults— the Jedi took up arms because they had been strong-armed into taking the Clones, the Jedi were dying for them with the Clones on the field while the Senators stayed cushy and warm behind the lines. Jedi names that Bail hadn’t heard before had been brought up: Master Ima-Gun Di on Ryloth, defending the people until his last breath right alongside Commander Keeli, Master Even Piel who had kept the secrets of the Hyperspace lanes until his death even under torture. The numbers of the battalions lost for the Senate per the Senate’s Orders and there was a bitter note in the mechanical voice, Bail noticed.
And Senator Yarua seemed very amused from their pod, the rest of the Kashyyyk senatorial group as well.
Feng was ruthless, striking where it hurt, and Bail couldn’t help but be awed by how his eyes were beginning to open. Had the Dorin Senatorial group been waiting, biding their time, for this? Or had a Jedi approached them, breaching the usual code in order to aid their fellow Jedi and the Clones dying for them?
When the decision to vote on what the Trade Federation was proposing was counted, it was a nearly unanimous ‘no’— and the Dorin Senator seemed very pleased.
“I’m quite surprised, my old friend,” Lun Feng commented as the other Kel Dor leaned back on the Sofa in the Dorin Senator’s office, the atmospheric shields up, allowing for the both of them to remove their masks safely. “Who knew you had such a vicious streak in you?”
A laugh came from the other Kel Dor, dressed in the Baran Do traditional robes, though as he shifted, a glint of metal could be seen on his belt.
“Why of course,” he said back, placing a hand against his chest, as if surprised that Lun would think anything else of him. “How do you think I managed to become a Jedi under Master Tyvokka without having a bit of a vicious streak?”
Lun just shook their head, chuckling and tusks flexing in amusement. “Still, you are certain that this will not put you under fire with the Jedi Order?”
Plo Koon gave Lun the equivalent of a grim smile. “Masters Windu and Yoda knew what I was doing,” he admitted. “The Jedi do not like to resort to lies, but we are desperate. Our only other choice is to grit our teeth as we head into the front again, with Padawans too young to be there. With young men who should not be bred to serve us.”
Lun nodded, fingers steepled. “Indeed, something that our siblings back on Dorin would be horrified to learn. They are all just children. How could we allow children to fight our wars for us? If I could, I would like nothing more than to don my old robes and staff and join you and your Wolffepack on the front.”
Plo snorted. “And let you show me up out there? I think not. I’d rather you join the 501st and cause chaos there when they ask why ‘Master Koon’ is with them and not using his lightsaber, instead.”
Lun just laughed at that, gently reaching over and patting Plo’s shoulder. “Perhaps I will, my Exploring friend.”
“I’m certain the Order would welcome a Feng in their ranks,” the Jedi Master drawled, but there was no bite to his tone. “It astounds me to this day that you and your battle-hungry ways were appointed our people’s senator. Lun Feng, the Sage who preferred to pick fights with Fae Koon and Ban Sult, than direct the weather.”
He shook his head, but smiled as he stood, checking his Chrono. “I must get going, my friend. Thank you for allowing me to don your face for a while and speak my mind.”
Lun waved him off as they stood as well, reaching out and lightly touching the back of their talon guard to the other’s chest. “Your Wolffepack and your Order are your family, Plo, that makes them the Koon Clan’s family, which makes them mine. The Feng Clan’s warriors and the Koon Clan’s explorers have been family for ages, I would gladly drop all my duties to aid you, my friend and brother.”
Plo mirrored the gesture, a gesture that signified family between two Clans. “And I for your own wars on the Senate floor. But be careful, the Federation will not take this slight well,” he murmured and Lun just laughed.
“My friend, I am a Feng! Well versed in politics, yes, but my talons are sharp and the Force within me sings for battle!”
Plo chuckled as the two put their masks back in place, walking from the Office. “Of course, a Feng never loses their blade, is that it?”
“Precisely, my friend. Just like how a Koon never misses a chance to adopt an entire platoon, it seems.”
The Jedi gave him an amused look. “It keeps others in the Clan from constantly asking when the war is ending so that I  come back and settle down with my mate and have children.”
Lun just made a face at that. “A Koon settling down? Impossible. You lot always exploring new places. And adopting new children.”
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Senator: are you a boy?
Ath: no
Senator: are you a girl?
Ath: nope
Senator: what are you then?
Tep, turning to Senator Chuchi: Anyone who thinks the Dorin contingent is serious and mysterious all the time is stupid
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