#Lolcalisation woes
randomnameless · 2 months
Fun with the lolcalisation!
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Lolcalised!Catherine : Your nickname's cool, but not as cool as mine!
Og!Cat : Wow, your nickname's pretty cool!
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Lolcalised!Cat : My eyes are there, duh!
Og!Cat : I cut my hair hazaphardly and just tie it because it's more practical?
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Lolcalised!Cat : I never wear make-up, I don't need it.
Og!Cat : I don't weak make up, wouldn't you prefer someone who wears some?
As for the endings -
Byleth announced his/her marriage to Catherine shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. While the king focused on the rebuilding effort, Catherine worked as his bodyguard, and when the situation called for military force, she mobilized the troops and went to battle. Under her watchful eye, Fódlan entered a new era of peace. A common saying among the people was that the king of Fódlan had two weapons: the Sword of the Creator, and his fearsome wife.
OG!ending between Byleth and Cat :
ベレトは、フォドラ統一王国の初代王 座に就くと同時に、カトリーヌとの婚姻を発 表した。国王がフォドラ全土の復興と発展に 尽力する一方、カトリーヌはその護衛として 働き、武力が必要になった時には軍を率いて 戦場に向かった。向かうところ敵なしの二人 の活躍で、各地の賊や不穏分子は掃討され、 真に平和な時代が訪れたという。 フォドラに次のような言葉が残されている。 「フォドラの初代国王に2本の剣あり。1本 は王の敵を討った天帝の剣であり、もう1本 は王の身を守った王妃自身である」
Googled it gives :
Byleth announced his marriage to Catherine at the same time he assumed the first throne of the unified kingdom of Fódlan. While the king worked to rebuild and develop all of Fódlan, Catherine served as his personal bodyguard, leading her army into battle when force was needed. It is said that thanks to the efforts of these two people, who have no enemies in their path, bandits and unscrupulous elements in various places were wiped out, and an era of true peace ushered in. The following words are left in Fódlan: ``The first king of Fódlan has two swords. One is the sword of the Emperor who killed the king's enemies, and the other is the queen herself who protected the king.''
"Sword Lady BaD bcs she zealot she will always kill teh people and not protecc bcs chivalry BaD"
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"she ZeAlOt and can only think things happen because of the goddess, i mean, people who are part of the Church can't rely on themselves, that's why Supreme Leader has to bring ReFoRmS to free them from their pitiful mindset, right?"
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randomnameless · 7 months
From Tru Piss' explore chapters :
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Pat : "uh... let's say they want to "ask" Rhea for details about... Linhardt's researches on the Holy Mausoleum. Yeah, that sounds nice."
Og!Linhardt : "Let's capture Rhea and..." I guess the script left out the "ask" part because they had limitations on the number of characters or something?
Manu :
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Pat : "Rhea turning into a dragon is horrifying, I mean, have you seen her claws? She's a monster to that poor Manuela!"
Og!Manu a pious woman who might have seen pictures of the Immaculate One "Rhea can turn in a giant beast!" tfw no monster here or there :(
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Pat : "Dimitri is a stubborn monster!"
OG!Felix : "Dimitri is the kind of man who will fight even if he is the last one standing because that is the strength of his will."
GFDI this game and its lolcalisation :(
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randomnameless · 1 month
Sorry for this ask being a little out-of-nowhere, but in regards to Ryoma being jealous of Corrin's leadership skills, i do think there's more evidence in favor of Corrin being decently old when they were kidnapped than against; the afterlife section at the end of Conquest confirms that Corrin and Ryoma used to have full-on sparring matches together, meaning that Corrin was being constantly trained in how to fight while living in Hoshido, which would very likely only happen when they were in their early-to-mid-teens at the youngest, given how there's no implication anywhere in the game that Hoshidan soldiers start their training at a very young age.
The only thing that implies they do is Hinoka stating in her support with Camilla that she was 6 years old when she first started training to rescue Corrin (meaning the latter would also have to be 6 at the oldest due to being younger than her), but that line is a mistranslation; JP!Hinoka just states that she's been training to rescue Corrin for a long time.
No worries!
I know I ranted about FE16's lolcalisation, but FE14 takes the cake though - every single piece of intel seems to have been lolcalised.
With FE16 you can safely assume anything regarding Supreme Leader/Rhea was lolcalised to make one worse than she should to prop the other, but with FE14? Why the fuck did they need to lolcalise Corrin's age, which in turn creates this weird line from lolcalised!Ryoma ?
Corrin being older than what the loc implied would make more sense regarding the events that happened - granted, afair, FE14 doesn't reveal character ages or something?
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randomnameless · 2 months
Do you have a line from the localisation you prefer over the japanese script?
I can't read the japanese script, that's why I ask friends/read posts people who are fluent made to rant about the lolcalisation.
But if you're asking about a lolcalisation exclusive line...
I'm really fond of this one :
Should the one leading the people of the world be someone with humanity or a creature that can merely masquerade as a human at will?
In a rare instance of Pat's need to make the dialogue more flowery, this change here, imo, makes Supreme Leader more... uh, biased against Nabateans than the jp script just going "should they be human or non human?".
The "masquerading as a human" part is beautiful - as in it really reminds me of Port Toha in FE9 with the "how dare they pretend to be human" undertones (in Port Toha, random Crimeans are pissed at Ranulf for, well, existing as a Laguz, but also, for pretending to be one of "them" aka Beorcs when he was wearing his cloak of absolute concealment...), something that just "pretending" doesn't convey.
Rare Pat win here, conveying with this change Supreme Leader's, uh, opinions about Nabateans more clearly than the base script, which is very funny in itself because Pat later tries to erase every mention that could even suggest that Supreme Leader doesn't like Nabateans because, well, they are Nabateans (aka they BaD bcs they exist, and not because they did things she disagrees with).
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randomnameless · 10 months
Considering that the English translation prettied up Caspar's endings for Flower (changing "often out of control to "sometimes reckless" and removing the text confirmed Caspar's career involves invading other countries), while vilifying his non-CF ending (saying he had victims), yeah. Same with turning Rhea restoring the Church to her rehabilitating it. There's definitely reason to side-eye the changes made by the translation team.
(bcs i didn't enjoy FE14)
FE16 and Nopes (and all Fodlan content) seriously made me reconsider my stance on the localisation.
After FE Tellius I knew (I mean after FE10) that changes/omissions existed but never thought they were deliberately made to push one character by destroying others, the general feeling was the same at the end of the game (we are supposed to worship Ike, the localisation played it up to 11, but FE10 does it on its own).
Now, FE16 ?
I was pleasantly surprised with FE15's voice acting so I thought the dark eras of lolcalisation were behind us...
But then Rhage popped up.
And with Rhage, I started to notice all little tweaks here and there made in the localised (some at least) scripts, that added end up with the result that "maybe Supreme Leader isn't that bad" that is pretty different from the JP/og version.
When FE10's loc said "Ike is the most awesome dude ever" instead of the jp FE10 saying "Ike is the most awesome dude", the Fodlan lolcalisation tries to give a different meaning to the solution/story given by the game!
As you pointed out, Caspar doesn't invade countries and is "sometimes" reckless, instead of being "out of control while invading the rest of the known world", his non uwu endings are worsened, Rhea was swapped by Rhage, the church needs to be "rehabilited" instead of "restored"...
I don't want to be overly critical and dissect everything when I'm playing a game, I'm playing first and foremost to enjoy myself but when I listen to Leigh's voiced lines and see this :
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or this :
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even if you're not thinking about localisation too much, you can see there is an issue in voice direction, which leads to discovering issues in script localisation and then... you start to ask "why", and come up with sad answers.
So, because Fodlan verse really disappointed me lolcalisation wise, even if I made exceptions earlier for FE14 and FE15, I can't be assed to trust the lolcalisation at all, so if a game has audio but no dual audio, it will be a hard pass.
Even if a kind soul, like the ones who made the FE Datamine site, compile and upload the script with the different audios to compare, it's a big no-no.
I know jp audio will not solve everything (especially if i still don't understand the jp script lol) but at least when the localised script tries to sell me the apple that is orange in the original script is akshually purple I'd have some clues about something being wrong.
More power to you if you like purple apples, but if I was supposed to get an orange apple, I would like to get this orange apple (or maybe red or yellow if needed), and not another product.
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randomnameless · 7 months
Supreme Leader and Clout's support in Zahrofl was translated !
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Lolcalised Supreme Leader wonders if Clout is serious about killing Dimitri, because she doesn't want to do it sad uwus
Og!Supreme Leader doesn't deny the plan, just thinks Clout could have used other words for his plan, but the substance is the same. Getting rid of Dimitri!
I wonder why the lolcalisation changed it :)
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Pat nuked the "her ilk" mention :)
And added the "and we force her to dismantle the Church, we won't do it ourselves uwu" because it sounds better?
or because if what she means by arrest is the same arrest she pulled off in Nopes, Rhea "and her ilk" won't be in any condition to do anything else than, I guess, dance zumba.
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We know that's not "good enough" for her at least, from FE16 - Rhea is jailed in her zumba resort for 5 years, effectively not having any military nor political power, and yet, Supreme Leader is still warring her war on the Church and its members (the faithful in Adrestia aren't heard of anymore?).
It's kind of telling when she said this earlier :
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Supreme Leader in Pat's version wants to "match" Clout's honesty, but she doesnt' say anything like this in the original version - she is merely surprised how he is being honest with her, and not, apparently, giving her his PR speech.
But she doesn't say she'll give him a real piece of her mind, or, drop her own PR speech.
Back to the "what to do with Rhea" speech, we see how both sort of misjudged what the other would want :
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Rather, Claude thought Supreme Leader wants something more "severe" regarding Rhea... and he is not that wrong, remember how in her Big B support, and in SB in general, Supreme Leader's motto is either bend the knee or die? Rhea would never bend the knee (and even if her knees are broken, it's not enough for Supreme Leader, see the zumba resort), so the pretty "losing military and political power" words hide what Tru Piss reveals : Rhea "and her ilk" must be obliterated for Fodlan, I mean, Humanity, to thrive.
Supreme Leader thought Clout wanted to reconcile... but Golden Shower Clout thinks reconciliation can happen with swords and bows, so she thought he would have been his schooled FE16 self.
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Again, Supreme Leader is fishing for intel - the same thing she does in FE16 in VW, when she basically asks Claude if he's a bastard or how he became the heir of House Riegan.
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Here Supreme Leader reveals her plan : to destroy Fodlan's "absurdity"...
But what is this so-called absurdity? We know Supreme Leader is Supremely Aware, so she might not really know that Almyra or even Brigid has a system of nobility with kings and peons - but giving her the benefit of doubt and at least a modicum of common sense, what is different between Fodlan and the rest of the world?
It cannot be the nobility system, so... does it has something to do with what Pat tried to nuke, non-humans living in Fodlan? What is so "absurd" in Fodlan that doesn't exist, as far as she know, in other places like Almyra or Brigid, bar Nabateans?
Also, note how Clout, who is supposed to be very preoccupied by the Fate of the Alliance/Federation, doesn't react at Supreme Leader's statement that she wants to do something for "Fodlan", and not only the place she is ruling over...
Imo, this support reads as Clout being completely misled by Supreme Leader, sure, he keeps his "ambitions" to himself, and if he might had a correct first guess about Supreme Leader's plans, he ultimately buys her PR bullshit excuse.
Granted, this Clout (rather Barney?) also pulls the race card in Golden Shower to justify going after the evil lizard lady, so I doubt he would have shown any opposition to Supreme Leader's, hm, plans to "destroy" Nabateans.
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randomnameless · 5 months
Looking at a support chain :
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This support can only be achieved in Supreme Bullshit, of course.
But WTF is this "the emperor's people turned against her"???
It's as if to Supreme Leader, the Kingdom peons daring to fight against her unification are already "her people" but they don't know it yet.
However, in the JP version :
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It's just people who blame her for instigating a civil war (we don't see/hear of) and dying in a "foreign" war, because Faerghus is still not Adrestia yet.
TFW Pat painted her as more imperialist as she is lol
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randomnameless · 5 months
Thinking about shows for children, I remembered how I liked to watch crayon shin chan a long time ago, when it was still airing there.
But then I made the mistake of going on the wiki
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Wtf Funanimation ?
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How the fuck did they manage to miss the essence of a character that much to swap it for a racist stereotype ?? The principal looks like a yakuza but he's one of the sweetest dudes on this show, he never killed anyone ?!
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... This isn't even lolcalisation, this is "I'm going to write my character over this template and fuck y'all"
Maybe I'm stuck in 2006, but given the lolcalisation Fates and the Fodlan games got, I wonder if I'm the only one.
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randomnameless · 5 months
Funnily enough, the criticism of "why did Xander put Hans in jail but keep Peri as his vassal" is based off a mistranslation lol; Xander only warns Corrin that Hans was a convicted criminal and to watch out for him just in case he falls back into old habits in JP, and Treehouse created the "i arrested him personally" line, presumably to try and make him more "heroic" or something.
Ah, I knew there was some lolcalisation at play regarding this scene, but never got the answer lol
If this was supposed to make him look more heroic... it backfired lol
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randomnameless · 6 months
This anon looked through the winter banners jp text, and the eng translation is suprisingly accurate - except for one teeny tiny little thing that made me lol. Edelgards final confession line ('One final push to protect this night and ensure the tradition shines on.') in japanese is actually '聖夜の輝きがいつまでも続くよう… 人の手で守っていきましょう。' - 'So that the brilliance of the Holy Night can last forever... lets protect it with 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨.' Just... lmao.
I already noticed it earlier, but yep, Pat still gotta Pat, even if he left the earlier suspicious "Every glimmer of light on this eve is a dream, a radiance produced by the ceaseless efforts of humankind."
tfw Supreme Leader thinks W!Fae is a chicken and not a lizard even if both are non humans?
Why the need to mention the efforts of "humankind" and not, say, of everyone?
All things considered, I like this Supreme Leader alt, it has her dork moments (when she had Hubert map the gift delivering itinerary), her Adrestian nationalism (Askr's Winter Festival will be so splendid that it will rival Adrestia's lol) and her bias against non-humans.
Compared to the entire bunch of nothing that were her summer alt's lines (you could lit swap her with Nyna and nothing would change) this alt here feels like Supreme Leader.
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randomnameless · 7 months
Ignatz's English VA unironically said Edelgard is right. Are there any VAs that are not for Edelgard?
I wouldn't pay too much attention to what VA are saying, because :
1/ between word of God, the script and a VA, it's clear who has more authority on the matter (in this case, the plot),
2/ eng!VA dub FE Treehouse and we know Pat's* stance on some parts of the source material,
3/ I thought VAs thrived on popularity and engaging with the fans is a way to raise it ? So, since it's clear that VA is most likely not engaging with fans from a certain part of the world, he has to cater to the tastes of his audience.
Like, if you order a pasta carbonara in France, you will get crème fraîche in your sauce. Sure, it's not the traditional way to cook pasta carbonara, but if you're in France, and have to run a restaurant, then you have to adapt your stuff to the local tastes.
Tldr : VAs' opinions don't reflect on what the game is about, especially when they contradict said game and moreover the devs themselves.
*Pat here refers to Pat, but, in general, the lolcalisation team.
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randomnameless · 11 months
So I looked up the JP version of the parley scene on datamine and one thing I found interesting (your mileage might vary) is that the line where Supreme Leader is like "if people are weak then that's because they're too used to relying on others rather than themselves" is instead "if people are weak then that's just being spoiled".
At the end of the day I suppose the meaning is the same where Supreme Leader is basically saying bootstrap mentality = best mentality and it's in line with how she treats Billy when Jerry dies, but still, very strange wording.
Jp line for context: それでも弱者が変わらず弱者であろうと いうのであれば、それは、ただの甘えだわ。
I wonder why this was changed...
or not actually, some people in the world prefer a lot of sugar in their early grey, and some people will just pour an entire sugar factory in a cup of earl grey to make it "palatable" to certain audiences, even if said audiences never asked for a sugar rush.
I wouldn't say it's the same, for sure the meaning is the same, but I mean, calling people weak because they are "spoiled" is still way more harsh than calling people weak because "they rely too much on others", in the first situation you're borderline insulting them, in the second it's not as sure, it can be turned into something positive like "people must have faith in themselves".
It's still the bootstraps mentality, but the second one can be spinned in a poorly worded way of encouraging people to have faith in themselves, whereas in the first line it's more like the traditional "lol git gud".
Imo, it demonstrates, again, how Supreme Leader is out of touch with the concepts/things she is talking about and doesn't really want to think about it, to the "why are people weak" her only answer is very ASOIAF!Cersei-like, "because they are weak and spoiled, bootstraps 4 the win!" with the perfect double standard considering her own position.
That's not the answer one would get when they think a lot about those issues in general.
In the lolcalised situation, it's more like "people should have faith in themselves" (instead of faith led by the evil lizard lady ?) which is, while also being bonkers regarding who she's talking about (Joe the Carpenter from Remire might have had faith in himself or in his abilities to become the best carpenter ever, it didn't help him when his son was subjected to Solon's science project and slaughtered him), more noble as a sentiment than "lol git gud".
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randomnameless · 7 months
Something weird I've noticed about Tru Piss in the Explore section of chapter 13.
Petra goes :
Empire and religion are at open war. It will be... difficult for us at first. But corrupt nobles are many. That means the common people will rebel and be joining our side.
Teaspoon translated this as :
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So she's basically the "masses" who revolted against the "corrupt" nobles are support Supreme Leader in her war against the CoS.
But, in the very same chapter, we have this dude :
By making an enemy of the church, disorder is running rampant among the populace. It's quieted down over these last five years though. The well-being of Her Majesty is steadily improving.
We know that's Pat's lolcalisation at play :) what this loldier really says is :
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The "information campaign"!
So, Petra says Nobles BaD and CoRrUpT (save for Bergliez for some reason uwu) but the good "masses"are rebelling against them to support Supreme Leader's war, and that's GoOd.
But a loldier - who suprisingly knows more about the state of the country than Supreme Leader's own friend - is saying the "masses" were fed propaganda for 5 years, and that's why they now accept the War
Ergo, it has never been an issue of Nobles being BaD and CoRrUpT that made the "masses" rebel against them to support the War of the Church, but Supreme Leader's propaganda that ultimately brainwashed the "masses" to turn against the Nobles who were against the War.
Tl;Dr : this explore section is Tru Piss in a nutshell (it's also fitting how this is in Chapter 13, aka the first Tru Piss chapter) : you are told a thing by a "named" and supposed to be "relevant" character, that is immediately challenged and revealed to be wrong by the lore/NPCs.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Remember the heavy lolcalisation bias regarding the Fodlan games because of tea bags?
It was to be expected, as soon as we heard Supreme Leader and her two sidekicks were added as DLC, we knew the game would include heavy lolcalisation to keep the, uh, “Pat continuity” from FE16/Nopes/FeH.
And we weren’t wrong!!
In Zelestia and Blue Edlegard convo (I mean this sidekick has no name!) we have this in japanese :
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Google-ised, it goes :
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We already see there is something wrong here - a mention that cannot ever be mentionned in the lolcalised FE16.
And thanks to my good friend @renisfan​, just in case someone is out here to remind us that mechanical translations should never be used to understand a text in a different language, especially in japanese, jp!Zelestia effectively uses those kanjis 種族 which mean “race”, and it’s very different from the kanjis 人種 that refer to “human race”.
Jp!Zelestia is thus saying that despite their ears, scales or lack of, people here are family.
To which Blue!Edlegard replies :
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The traditional answer one would expect of that unit, save for the fact that he is the only lord in his base games to never react to the fact (or even learn) that some people in Fodlan have pointy ears and aren’t human.
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Dimitri - I mean Blue!Edlegard uses the 種族 kanjis just in case someone was wondering - so no he doesn’t mean different races like different races within the human races, but talks about pointy ears, round ears, laguz, etc etc. All races.
“Random, you’re making this up, surely the global version wouldn’t have edited this, it’s not even the same game, you’re seeing conspiracies everywhere!”
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What is this even supposed to mean? Where’s the race mention, given how Zelestia is a mage dragon and managed to become friends’n’family with non dragon people or even non mage dragon people?
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“Dimitri no! Read your lolcalised script damn it! We erase the word “race” don’t bring it back! Are you listening???”
Now, who can hazard a guess as to why Zelestia’s line was lolcalised? Does it has anything to do with bags of tea? 
Or it was just a coincidence? 
Is there anyone in Dimitri’s circle of acquaintances who doesn’t consider people as beings - i mean friends - i mean beings able of feelings and being inherently banned from certain positions because of their race?
But you know what, it’s tea time.
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randomnameless · 11 months
More Fe16!lolcalisation for Billy :
For Yuri and AM!M!Billy's ending :
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There's a word missing in the lolcalised version. Hm. It starts with a C and ends up with -urch.
And the "sheltering the poor" mention was also obliterated. Is it because it was what that thing starting with a C did in the game, so removing it also removes what they did ?
Church BaD
Billy and the lizard man
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"The citizens were surprised", no, let's lolcalise it with "shock" instead.
Also, remove mention of their "achievements", it's useless. I know ! Let's make people support them not because they're grateful for their achievements, but only because they are religious (seriously why mention the "faithful felt blessed" instead of "the grateful citizens blessed them"??).
Religion BaD
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Jp!Billy is the one who wishes for a world where everyone can hold hands ? But it was lolcalised at Claude's wish, with a little "extra" on top that totally fits in this route after playing Claude's paralogue and learning the truth from Rhea
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AM and CF wise
"think of the children Susan ! We cannot let this video game mention Constance developing magic sextoys through spells !"
Susan then changed the mention of "blushing" to "charming but unnerving anecdotes".
VW/SS wise
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"We must erase mention of them having descendants, else it means they did the *thing* and that's not acceptable !"
Billy'n'Supreme Leader
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"They snucked out of the palace using Rhea's old tunnels to enjoy their honeymoon and fuck a lot"
They did it to change the world for dah best, so their ending WILL reflect it ! Billy obviously picked this route because they believed in her words and path, and not because the player found her pretty or wanted their avatar to uwu with her at the end of the story !!!
"They left the palace to enjoy world free of TYRANNY they created and we will NEVER know what they did during those times but it was OBVIOUSLY not fucking !"
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randomnameless · 1 year
I was just checking some stuff about the meet your heroes page
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From the :
Morale of the story : fig Pat/Treehouse, I mean-
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