#If the lolcalisation lolcalised the game so fans are missing the point of said game
randomnameless · 7 months
Ignatz's English VA unironically said Edelgard is right. Are there any VAs that are not for Edelgard?
I wouldn't pay too much attention to what VA are saying, because :
1/ between word of God, the script and a VA, it's clear who has more authority on the matter (in this case, the plot),
2/ eng!VA dub FE Treehouse and we know Pat's* stance on some parts of the source material,
3/ I thought VAs thrived on popularity and engaging with the fans is a way to raise it ? So, since it's clear that VA is most likely not engaging with fans from a certain part of the world, he has to cater to the tastes of his audience.
Like, if you order a pasta carbonara in France, you will get crème fraîche in your sauce. Sure, it's not the traditional way to cook pasta carbonara, but if you're in France, and have to run a restaurant, then you have to adapt your stuff to the local tastes.
Tldr : VAs' opinions don't reflect on what the game is about, especially when they contradict said game and moreover the devs themselves.
*Pat here refers to Pat, but, in general, the lolcalisation team.
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randomnameless · 2 years
The fact that there are tons of people who refuses to see the original Japanese script as Canon really pisses me off. For bloody sake. It's a damn Japanese game. It's like if that certain version is more favored to their palates they'll just take it and insists that's the Canon one. Sounds like a whole lot of copium to me. Or the only language that exists for them is English. Ugh... Screw localisation issues
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IDK if you're the same anon -
Ultimately I think everyone can enjoy the game they like and all, but when we're trying to write meta or discuss about meta related things...
That's where it fails.
Pat'n'pals's FE16 and 3 Nopes lean heavily in a "Church BaD" narrative, even if they couldn't outright erase and supress some lines due to "creative writing" or something.
But some people will try to extrapolate and analyse a lolcalisation exclusive line, and see what it brings to the game - that has never been written with the lolcalised line in mind.
Remember that line about Supreme Leader and the Slithers and who was supposed to be the puppet or the other? JP version of Tru Piss has Cornelia express surprise at Supreme Leader manipulating the Slithers, launching torpedos at the "uwu small girl was forced to do bad things bcs mole people bad" ship.
But too late, that ship already sailed anf fueled a long ass fic, thousand of takes and trillions of words about... fanon!Supreme Leader. Rather, lolcalised!fanon!Supreme Leader.
That post I rb'd today?
While I was still browsing redshit, many people said Clout offered a chance to surrender to Rhea (despite, you know, he and Supreme Leader's support or his earlier lines) and lo! This "maybe you could run away" was a lolcalisation exclusive line - should we be happy that the og game doesn't bring out (this time) the old'n'tried victim blaming "She forces me to kill her bcs she doesn't want to run away" ??
Maybe... or maybe not, since og!Clout instead double downs on the "if i'm killing you it's just because I want to see the world change lel" knowing well there's no option where she gets out of this place alive (rather, where Clout lets her get out of this place alive).
Back to redshit, we have people who wrote 50k words about the game, how deep and interesting it is and how it has ~meaningful themes~ only to discover that those themes and things they love about the game...
Were add-ons from the lolcalisation team.
The thing they love is not FE16, but lolcalised!FE16 - pointing it out will make some people rage because hey, they spent 800 hours talking about this game and the realisation that their discourse and walls of text are actually talking about the loLcalised copy pisses people.
Take it with a grain of salt, as a french loser who always switch to JP audio when available, but I have the feeling redshit and some fans really love "their game" and not "the game". Like, idk, maybe to the point of criticising Kikuko Inoue thinking she should act more like "Rhea" when she voices the character.
Is it entitlement because some people refuse to consider/interact with something that wasn't made "for" them?
Can you imagine, in this day and age, someone modifying/replacing ATLA's OST to make it more "palatable" to a french audience, and french people insisting that this "French OST" is a better fit for the scenes and conveys themes better than the original OST?
Tl; Dr : Anyone can have their favored version of pizza crust.
But when you start to develop theories about Naples’s cuisine and the importance of the thick crust in this cuisine based on the pizzas you find in Pizza Hut, you shouldn’t feel offended when people remind you that, no, Neapolitan pizza is something specific and it doesn’t have a thick, Pizza Hut crust.
So the previous essay is... well, completely missing the point, because you’re not talking about the topic of your essay, but talking about a “copy” of the main subject of your essay.
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