#Logan Tremblay
lumosinlove · 24 days
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same arms but they hold you in a new way
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fruitcoops · 5 months
can you write something with this quote I found? It’s so fitting for coops !
“I hope the most beautiful thing you ever see if another human”
In honor of final exams, here's some Harvard FinnLo fluff to share in the suffering--or, you're in a library with a beautiful boy...
Character credit goes to @lumosinlove , who shattered me into a thousand pieces with the new art and will be receiving a UPS box containing my entire heart soon. It's just easier that way.
(and to my friends, who do not know this blog exists but have spent their night/ early morning sitting across from me while we work, I love you v much)
“I’m gonna die.”
“I’m going to fail out of Harvard.”
Logan’s eyes flicked up over the edge of the wooden table divider and narrowed, the green made bright by the black band of his chunky headphones. “You’re not failing out.”
“Might.” Finn slumped further into the palm of his hand. Another half-inch of Logan disappeared on the opposite side of their table. They had been here for hours. His body ached. His mind fizzled softly, like bacon fried so long it crumbled at the first touch.
Huh. Maybe he could use that in his paper. Reformation-era literary techniques had to fit somewhere in there.
A sigh gusted out of Logan; Finn straightened just enough to peek over the mahogany separating them. Blunt fingertips pressed against the inner corners of his eyes and turned the skin white, then dragged along the first hints of exhausted shadows before pulling down until Logan had to blink. He caught Finn watching and the almost of a smile shimmered across his face before he pointedly pulled his headphones back over his ears and bent his head to his notebook.
They had learned their lesson from midterms season—any tables where they could see each other only led to hours upon hours of talking instead of studying. But working alone was not an option (not that Finn had ever suggested it), so. Dividers. They had blinders on the sides, too. Finn sort of felt like he had been put in a filing box when they worked here.
“Lo,” he hissed. The scratch of a mechanical pencil answered. “Logan.”
A girl at the table next to them shot him an unamused look. Finn hoped his smile seemed apologetic, or at least sincere.
The toe of a worn-out sneaker found his ankle. Solid, but gentle.
“Fucker,” Finn whispered, hiding his grin behind their divider.
A puff of air would have rustled his notes if they had been studying at their usual place at the dining room table. He listened to Logan scribble; always stilted when his hands got tired. Their room would smell like Tiger Balm tonight. He’d get to see the funny little wrinkle of Logan’s nose, too. Warm light from the swirling green lamps beside them made his hair glow chestnut and maple. It curled at the ends from his shower after practice, now far enough gone that each thick lock was mostly dry. He hated going to bed damp.
A faint ripping noise made the girl next to them glance over. Something gave a faint plastic rattle.  Finn had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep his laugh back when Logan’s hand appeared over the divider and haphazardly taped a torn corner of notebook paper to Finn’s side.
Reformation literature could wait.
Finn’s pen smudged blue streaks across the side of his palm. He took Logan’s note and carefully peeled the tape off, then smoothed the curling edge over the section he had torn from his own notes.
On what?????
The sliver of Logan’s back he could see heaved.
Finn waited for a long moment.
The tape came free with a nigh-imperceptible snick.
Econ. Logan’s fingernails were ragged at the edges from biting.
The crumpled-up note came sailing back over without a response—he caught it half an inch from his forehead and tucked it into the waterbottle pouch of his backpack before carefully sliding his chair back and leaning forward, far enough to rest his chin on top of the divider.
Logan’s work station was a disaster. Hurricane Tremblay has entered the building, he thought as Logan’s marking of a demand curve slowed to a stop. Highlighters of three different sizes were scattered among half a dozen pens and dull pencils. A thin layer of used-eraser confetti littered every page and worksheet.
Logan had switched to a blue pen—one of Finn’s, he realized. Likely borrowed during their last study session. Finn pressed his chin harder to the wooden edge and waited. Always patient. Logan would crack soon.
Ever so slowly, Logan looked up at him from under his lashes. His hands flattened over his notes. He would have looked immensely unimpressed if Finn didn’t know better.
The cold press of a ballpoint to the tip of his nose was…not unwelcome, but not unexpected. Finn scrunched his face up and heard a short, amused exhale. The pen retreated. Logan was really smiling now, tiny and mischievous. “There.” He was always better at whispering than Finn. “Rudolph’s fucked-up cousin.”
Finn had to duck into his sweater at that, shoulders shaking with the force of a contained bark of laughter. The girl next to them made a show of turning up her music in her earbuds. God, he should feel bad, shouldn’t he? They should go home—go to their room and try one more time to be productive without the laws of Harvard’s libraries looming over them. Percy had been trying to convince him to bring one of the library lamps home for ages.
Logan finally looked away from his notebook, grinning wildly as he shook his head and gave Finn’s forehead a light push. The chair creaked when Finn sat again and scooted forward. He didn’t even want to think about how old these things were, or he’d start getting philosophical. It was much more fun to wax poetic about the importance of Harvard history regarding antique chairs when he was drunk and in Will’s care for the evening.
Logan would listen, Finn thought as he woke his computer up and flexed his hands over the keyboard. Some of the letters were worn nearly bare from his fingers. Logan would laugh at him, but he would listen. He could hear it now. Okay, Harz. Uh-huh. Oh, really? Should I leave you and the chairs alone for a while?
No, no, he would say. I gotta show you. You gotta know.
Logan would shake his head again. Finn figured he’d have a fifty-fifty chance of getting Logan to come with him on a late-night library run versus letting him wrangle him back to bed. He’d be happy either way.
For now, Microsoft Word was waiting with a heading, six sources, and an impatient cursor tapping its foot over his bolded [TITLE!!!!] notation.
Midnight came and went between paragraphs four and five. The girl next to them packed her things five minutes later, slinging her satchel over her shoulder as if it weighed eight hundred pounds.
Logan dropped a pen—black, this time—just after one o’clock.
The library lights flickered when the clock hit 1:30. They gathered their things, not bothering to pack their bags, and relocated to the first floor’s 24-hour room with the rest of the pitiful souls relinquishing their night to the altar of academia.
Finn’s eyes began to burn at 2:37.
The first soft snore sounded at 2:51.
He had been so good. So good. He hadn’t bothered Logan at all, not counting the friendly slap to the back of his head when he came back from the bathroom. Nine glorious pages of semi-decent analysis were finally in existence.
The next snore was a touch louder, like Logan had breathed away whatever muffled it before. Finn leaned up on his elbows to see over the edge and smiled to himself at the curls pressed flat to spiraled aluminum. Logan’s lips were parted on the paper. His pencil—back to the pencil? Finn would never understand him—hung limp in the valley of his thumb. His other hand rested on the back of his neck, like he had been supporting himself on it before sleep made him slump right over.
“Tremz. Logan. Hey, number ten.”
Logan’s finger twitched.
Finn sat back, stretched his leg out, and landed a light kick on Logan’s shin. He heard a snort before Logan’s jolt reached his foot. “Calice de crisse—”
“Good morning.”
Logan was blinking hard and slow when Finn leaned up again, both hands wrapped around the table edge and maybe, maybe, one foot on earth. “When time?”
“It’s three o’clock.”
“In the morning.”
Logan nodded, slothlike, eyelids drooping. Graphite stamped the round part of his cheek; he scratched at it, yawned, and stretched both arms out in front of himself in an Oscar-worthy performance of someone who was any kind of awake.
“We should go back,” Finn suggested.
“Non. All-nighter.”
“It’s officially morning.”
Logan exhaled through his nose for several seconds. He was staring into the middle distance again, right along the seam of their barrier. “I have another chapter.”
I ‘ave anuzzer shapter. Soft, and low, and raspy. So close to his morning voice, but not quite. Finn nudged him with his toe. His heart gave a flip at Logan’s light frown. “I’m going to run through my paper one more time,” he offered. “We can head out after that.”
Logan looked up at him, the picture of confusion. “You’re going running?”
“Oh.” He nodded. “Okay.”
“Finish your chapter.”
He cracked his knuckles twice before bending over his notes. One hand rubbed through the back of his hair, left long for the end of the season. He’d probably get it cut over winter break. Finn sort of didn’t want him to.
There was a throbbing behind Finn’s eye that had started somewhere around his first attempt at a concluding paragraph. His fingertips were numb and his wrists were sure to hurt as soon as he stopped writing. He wasn’t sure when exactly his mouth had gone so dry, but it had, and he spared a moment’s thought toward the drink station in the lobby. They always had coffee around finals—it was decent, if a little burnt. He wondered if they’d have mint tea.
Logan’s pencil moved audibly slower than before. Loops and swirls and scratches, a language Finn would never understand. Words were his place: endless white pages and safe letters to curl up in. But numbers and statistics, the things with straight answers, were all for Logan’s clever mind.
Those same words echoed in his head and blurred as he scrolled through a halfhearted read-through. It wasn’t long before he shut his dying laptop and finally let it rest, sagging low in his chair. He turned his face to the ceiling and closed his eyes. It would be easy to fall asleep here, with Logan’s foot against his and the gentle sounds of the library wrapping him up.
“ ‘m awake.”
“I’m not.” Something tapped the back of Finn’s hand. “Allez, or I’m leaving without you.”
As if. Finn took the proffered hand without opening his eyes and let Logan pull him up, groaning at the pinch in his legs. The crinkle of paper as he shoved it into his bag made him wince, but that was a problem for the morning. It looked like Logan hadn’t bothered to organize, either.
“Zipper,” Logan reminded him, not looking up from his phone. “I don’t want to hear you complain about more lost pens.”
“That’s why you have me.”
How Finn wished that was true.
“You know, I read something kind of neat earlier,” he said as they left the study room. At Logan’s hum of mild interest, he turned to walk backward for a few steps. “I hope the most beautiful thing you ever see is another human. Kinda nice to think about, huh?”
“I dunno.” Logan tapped them out of the library with his ID. Finn hadn’t bothered to reach for his own in a long time. He smiled to himself as December bit their cheeks, jostling Logan’s shoulder at the first scrape of brick below their feet. “I like it.”
“You would.”
“Shut up.”
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marmarifer · 4 months
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Happy christmas everyone! I wanted to share my secret santa present for the lovely @peggyrose19
The cubs are having a New York, ugly sweater type of christmas ❤️🎄
Characters belong to the one and only @lumosinlove
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under-theweirwood · 11 months
thinking about harvard-era finnlo: 
logan coming back during the first chilly night of the fall to the warm amber light of finn’s lamp while he reads in bed, their shared room soft and safe and home. bleary mornings before early practices stumbling out the door in each other's sweatshirts, stopping at dunkin’ on the way to the rink and eating donuts in hazy golden silence. the first time finn falls asleep in logan’s bed, watching a movie on a too-small laptop screen squished together on the twin-sized regulation mattress smelling like snow and deodorant and coffee. knees knocking together in the library late at night, and logan letting his legs linger there a little longer to feel the sure steady weight of finn pressed back against him.
anyway this is the only thing in my head these days, all credit for everything to @lumosinlove :)
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tea-moon-ster · 9 months
O'Knutzy week day 1
character credits to @lumosinlove, prompt credit to @oknutzyweek2023 . Also thanks to the wonderful beta @boredbook .
Prompts: Tomato Soup/Bucket hat/Mail/Gardening/Treat
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“See, honey bug? That’s our first strawberries.”
“The ones from the plant?”
“The very ones.”
Leo suppressed a laugh. Tristan was in full ‘why, how, who, when, and where’ phase. All the previous shyness that had made them think he was a quiet kid had disappeared but, Leo couldn’t bring himself to mind. He readjusted the bucket hat on the kid’s head, a sky-blue thing and with goldfish and carrots floating around. Just like Finn, one minute too long under the sun would have resulted in cute, but nevertheless tomato red, cheeks. Freckles were already spreading on his nose, and Leo had to restrain himself from scooping the kid in his arms and drown him in kisses. I’m a big boy now, Dada, he’d insisted that morning, as he tried to put on his shoes on his own. On the wrong feet. Leo limited himself to cleaning the little chin from soil -he didn’t know how it had ended there.
“Well, we planted the seeds, gave them some water and sunlight, and they grew into fruit.”
“Sunlight like you?”
It took a few moments for Leo to understand what the toddler said. He let a delighted laugh out. “Oh. Oh, my baby.” Tristan’s lower lip fell into a pout, looking away with blushed cheeks. Leo had to lean and kiss him on the head, right in the middle of the little hat. “Honey, sunshine is a name your Daddy calls me. The plants need the sunlight from the sun to grow.”
“Oh. But how?”
“Because sunlight gives them nutrients.”
“Says who?”
“The circle of life.”
“Like the movie with Simba?”
“But we don’t have lions, or birds, or zebras, or…”
“I know, but-”
“No, Dada, lemme finish please.”
“Yeah, sorry. Go on.”
“Thank you. Lions, birds, zebras, elephants, antelopes, cheetahs, gnus…” Tristan continued to list all the animals from the movie, counting them on his little fingers in a focused frown. He’d been obsessed with the movie for weeks. Leo let him ramble as he finished covering the freshly transplanted herbs with new soil.
“Did I get them all?”
“I think you did, honey pie. Good job.”
“But how does the circle of life work?”
“Huh, everyone has a role to play and it doesn’t work if you don’t do your part.”
“Oh.” The answer seemed to satisfy Tristan, who nodded seriously, and leaned in to poke one of the small, newborn berries.
Leo thought he looked unbearably cute like that, crouched in front of the plants in his overalls. Leo could scream, cry, and sing of happiness while watching Tristan with his small fingers stroking the leaves with big, curious eyes. That was his kid, their kid, to love and raise and take care of. He wanted a picture of him like that. He’d send it to his mother for her birthday. Where was Finn with his camera?
Leo got back on his knees, cleaning his hands on his gardening jeans, and looked around for him. He’d been right there with them, videotaping everything for the memories, Peanut, just a second ago. Leo squinted his eyes in the sun, scanning their yard, and shook his head affectionately when he found his husband. Finn was leaning on the fence, some envelopes in hand and the old camera in the other. He was chatting with Ryan, the new neighbor- probably about golf again.
Leo nudged Tristan gently. “Are you gonna show our new strawberries to Daddy?”
That seemed to do the trick. The next second, the toddler was scrambling to his feet and sprinting. A series of Daddy, daddy, filled the yard, and Leo got to treasure the moment Finn turned around, already smiling radiantly at the name, and bent for the impact. Tristan jumped at full speed into open arms, which lifted him with a little hop, before he was eased on the redhead’s hip. Finn chuckled, adjusting the bucket hat again. He pointed at Ryan, and the kid politely said hi, before filling Finn in with the gardening news. Leo sat back down into the soft grass, taking a moment to look at them. He watched Finn lean down for Tristan to whisper something in his ear, watched the way he looked down at their son with that heart written all over his face. Leo should have taken the camera, he thought. If only he’d kept his own hands clean. Every interaction his husbands had with Tristan was a wonder. A treasure to behold, protect, and replay forever.
“I hear we have strawberries in our lands.”
Leo looked up at Finn, a shield in between him and the sun. He smiled.
“This way, Daddy!” Tristan took Finn’s finger to make him sit with them –which he did, without worrying about his good pants getting dirty. Finn looked the right amount of amazed and curious as their kid pointed at the little berries and explained to him his very own version of the circle of life. And when he turned to Leo for confirmation, the blond made sure to look serious enough while nodding.
Finn let out a low whistle. “Well, that’s impressive, little man. That was all you and Dada, hmm?”
“And the sunshine and the water and the circle of life,” Tristan clarified. “But not the sunshine like Dada. It’s a different kind of sunshine.”
“Oh, got it. Thanks, bud, I won’t get confused now.”
Finn glanced at Leo as the toddler threw himself into a conversation with the little strawberries. They shared a sun-warmed smile. And, damn, if in his twenties, Leo had thought that Heartthrob O’Hara couldn’t get any more charming, he hadn’t considered Finn as a dad. The light in his eyes every time their kid called for Daddy, and the energy he put to make Tristan feel listened to, loved, and to play with him until they got him a sibling. The more pronounced lines at the corner of his eyes, mixing with his lopsided smile, that Leo knew existed for the sole purpose of making him melt.
Finn nudged at the front door behind him. “Why don’t you go inside for a bit, baby? Drink some water, see what’s for lunch. I’ll stay here with our garden gnome.”
“Am not!” Tristan called out from his spot next to the plants.
“You sure?” Leo whispered. Finn nodded.
“I don’t wanna lose the third explanation of the circle of life. Or the fourth. Oh, here-” he added, leaning to push the envelopes into Leo’s jeans pocket. “Just bills. And the thing for the charity event.”
“Did you call Noelle to ask if they can babysit that night?”
Finn’s smile faltered for a second. “I…said I would.”
“You did.”
“I will.”
“I know. Possibly before the charity night, darling.”
Leo was welcomed by the chill air inside and low music coming from the kitchen. It was some old, French song about love and spring. Leo could relate. He wasn’t surprised to hear Logan singing along as he would’ve been fifteen years ago, but it was always a welcomed melody.
He quietly stepped into the open space that was their kitchen and first dining room and stopped for a moment to take it all in. Logan’s shoulders were still broad and strong, even years after his retirement. His edges were softer, both in his body and his temper. But the fire was always there, warming their home like he always had.
Logan was busy stirring the pot, mumbling the song to himself, when long arms circled his waist and a head rested on his shoulder. He smiled as he added cream to the mix. For the next song, they didn’t move at all. Leo adjusted himself so his back wouldn’t be so crooked, and Logan fetched a spoon to taste the red, boiling soup.
“Ah, ouais,” he nodded, satisfied, lifting the spoon to let Leo take a sip. “You’re in for a treat, mon amour.”
Leo hummed. “Tomato soup, the fanciest lunch of them all.” He received a weak, affectionate slap on the shoulder, accompanied by a chuckling sound that vibrated against his chest.
“It’s made with love. Secret ingredient that makes it fancy. It’s a treat.”
“It’s always a treat if you’re making it.”
Logan had to tilt his head for the next kiss.
Leo changed out of his gardening clothes to help Logan fix lunch. He’d taken a sense of pride, in the last few years, in preparing meals for Leo, Finn and now Tristan. He wouldn’t ask for help, so Leo always made sure to stick around. Just in case. But Logan, with his romantic music and the recipe book neatly displayed next to Leo’s spices, was doing a good job.
Once they were all sat down, Leo watched Logan’s satisfied smile being kissed by Finn, thanking him for lunch. Finn told them about the mail, and about Ryan inviting them to golf next weekend, and all the neighborhood’s gossip he’d heard. Then, Tristan decided it was time to go through the circle of life one more time. Papa still hadn’t heard it, after all. Leo nodded along as he placed peas in Tristan’s plate, which immediately summoned a pout capable of melting Logan. He intercepted it with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t wanna hear it, young man. We need the peas to grow. Just like plants need sunlight.”
Tristan seemed to consider the idea. “Is sunlight the veggie for plants?”
“Sure is.”
“Then why isn’t it green?”
A few beats of silence followed. Finn, mouth full, lifted his spoon towards the kid, in a mock toast. “Valid point, kiddo.”
“…And when your strawberries will be ready, we can pick them and make something yummy with them,” Leo explained.
Tristan gasped. “For dinner?”
Logan swiped off some tomato soup at the corner of his mouth. “They need to grow, mon ange.”
“Tomorrow’s dinner?”
“Maybe in a few weeks.”
“Aw, man.”
Logan turned fast enough to catch the pride in Finn’s eyes at the exclamation. He saw Leo do the same and smiled even more. It was the most wonderful thing to see little bits of them mixing in their child. Logan wanted more than a lifetime of this.
“But they’ll be so good, mon cœur,” he added. “Then we can use them for baking.”
“Yeah, there’s so much you can do,” Finn backed him up. “Jam, pie, cheesecake…”
“Strawberry shortcakes.”
Leo and Finn looked up at him. Logan smiled, involuntary and sweet. A flash of tangled, young bodies on a boat, and the golden sunset in the bayou surfaced. His smile matched theirs. Sweet and not quite nostalgic. Remembering. No matter how many times Leo had prepared that dessert over the years, they’d always associated it to their first night in New Orleans.
“Yeah,” Finn breathed. “That’s a good one.”
Looking up at the clear night sky, drunk on love and pleasure and adrenaline, the Finn from all those years ago would have never dared to imagine a future like this. Made of strawberries in the garden, a fourth chair at the table and wedding photos in the hallway. He remembered the first kisses, soft and hard, because they’d all needed kindness, but also a tangible proof of being wanted and needed. The utter wonder in seeing his hand tangled with the other two. But he hadn’t pictured this. Not back then.
“And you know what? Whatever you make, it’ll be extra good because it’ll come from you,” Leo added with a wink.
Tristan giggled, and Logan rubbed a hand through his soft curls. Finn was amazed to learn that his hair would turn lighter during summer. And a thousand other things, all about a little human being they were raising together. He watched Leo smile at them as he rested his chin on a fist. He had to blink fast a few times. Take a deep breath. Just to take it all in.
Sometimes he’d still get that lump in his throat from all the love and wonder he felt for his husbands. And the little fireworks in the eyes of his younger self at the word husbands. Oh, if twenty-five-year-old Finn could see how good they had it coming. How a rookie entering his frat house and another one in his big, empty apartment would end in this. Sometimes he wished he could talk to younger Finn. Just to let him know that the silence, the tears and the keeping it all inside would be worth it. As Logan had written in his vows, they’d met so many bumps along the way that could have split them out. Fights, trades, the intricate webs that were their minds. But they’d chosen each other over every single issue. And they’d continue to do so.
Finn leaned back on his chair, watching Tristan use Logan’s fingers to count all the animals again because he’d run out of his own. He felt a gentle thumb on his cheek. Leo’s smile warmed him like the sun in the garden.
“Where did you go just now, cher?”
“You’ll teach him how to make the shortcakes?”
Leo’s eyes softened, and the thumb on his cheek pressed a little harder. “Sure thing, strawberry.”
Finn noticed Logan glancing at them with a dopey smile, and had to nudge his feet under the table. He let Tristan pull his hand closer so he could continue his counting as he leaned to rest his head on Leo’s shoulder and exhaled.
“Cheers, sunshine.”
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kaysthename · 6 months
@lumosinlove sweather weather and vaincre characters as nhl clips... i could make a thousand of these... bet you can't tell who my favorite is
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remuslupininskirts · 8 months
I need Wolfstar recs! Please. I can never find good fics.
Wait give me a minute to compile.
*Me takes ages to get list then forgets about ask by accident*
Me: shit.
Okay here we go
Storms and stress
Sirius is a student at durmstrang and comes to hogwarts then meets the boys
Forever is a state of mind
Deaf dance choreographer remus with young teddy meets make-up artist sirius.
Red, White & Royal Annoyance
Rwrb au for wolfstar (the garden kiss)
Siriusly? The moon!? Okay i went through a period of really liking social media aus so this is another
Hunger games au.
Literally read anything by athenowl and you should be good so hears some of their other stuffs
Axe and sword
Royal au -athenowl
The secret garden
A secret garden au -athenowl
Okay i will stop with the athenowl love now
Turn on my charm
Oh wait another fuckin YouTuber au i promise i dont have a problem
.You’re my kaleidoscope
Raising teddy au after he was left on remus’s doorstep. James and sirius step up to the plate to help
The kitchens
Will you accept another royal au?
Sweater weather
Ice hockey au. It has the best fandom ever around it with loads of other fics.
My favourites being written by @/fruitcoops
Who may or may not also be athenowl
Their fics are just crazy good okay.
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splendidlyinlove · 9 months
O’Knutzy Week Day 1!!!!!
I’m not late because I said so also time is a concept. A huge thank you to @oknutzyweek2023 for organizing this fest and to the lovely @lumosinlove for the creation of these characters!!! 
Day 1 Prompt: Smile 
CW for mentions of food/drink and depictions of internalized homophobia/negative self talk
When Logan was four years old smiles were as simple as breathing. He was all scraped knees and grubby fingers, trailing behind his three (which comes after two and before five…he thinks) older sisters. All he knew was dress up and pirates and that was enough for him.  
He had lost his first tooth last Tuesday, La Petite Souris had reimbursed him kindly with several shiny new coins. He had run down the stairs with them clasped in his hand and shouted “Look!” at his maman. His cheeks were round and rosy, indents from the pillowcase still stretching across them, and smiling so hard it almost hurt. There was still blue on his lips from where he had accidentally drawn on his mouth with a marker while rubbing his eye and his mouth made a faint whistling sound when he exhaled through his teeth. His maman smiled back. And that was how life worked at four. 
Smiling was a language like French or English. On humid summer days in France, he and his sisters would sit on sticky hardwood floors and sound out vowels through box fans. The giggles and smiles were I love yous, just with fewer syllables. His sisters forced him into dresses and called him gross, but it was okay. They smiled at him like he was theirs forever and he trusted them enough to know it was true. 
Smiles were opening presents on Christmas and jumping through the sprinkler outside. They were storytime and birthday cakes and good night kisses. They were stitched onto his favorite stuffed animals and frozen in time in pictures covering the wall on their stairway. 
One time he snuck out of bed to sit on the stairs and watch TV through the railing over the backs of his parents’ heads. The man on the TV looked sad and said a lot of big words. He didn’t smile much, he said something about life not making sense. Logan didn’t understand that. Living was about love and love was where home was and home was where he smiled most. 
There was a creak from behind him and when he turned around he saw Noelle smiling while holding her finger up to her mouth with a silent shh. Logan smiled back when she sat down next to him. Yeah, it all seemed pretty simple to him. 
At thirteen years old the world was not simple. It was messy and confusing, it was like someone had paint splattered across walls and asked him what the shapes spelled out. Logan didn't know, and they would smile. But not the smiles that he was used to, no, smiles were different now. 
Smiles could be sharp, pointed weapons. Looks shared between boys with letterman jackets across the halls, the ringing laughter after a slam against lockers. Dirty jokes, ego, us vs. them politics, mental gymnastics, I know you are but what am I?, thinly veiled insults, banter, and “locker room talk.” 
There was a sense of panic building up inside Logan that he couldn’t pinpoint. He smiled along, though he could feel it not reaching his eyes. Did they see it not reaching his eyes? Is his hair weird? His shirt feels too small, why’d he wear this today? Purple is a stupid color. Stupid. This is stupid. He’s stupid. 
He walked into his algebra class and sat down next to some boy he didn't recognize with a huff. 
“Bad day?” 
Logan’s head snapped to look at him. “Huh?” 
“I was just wondering if you were okay. You seem…grumpy.” 
And then the boy smiled at him. He smiled. 
His eyes crinkled up at the corners and the freckles on his cheeks stretched out. There was a light that seemed to shine outwards from his irises, his hair looked soft and his jaw was somewhere between round and angular. Logan wanted to reach out and touch, and why did his stomach feel like-? 
Oh no. 
Smiles always had teeth, but they had never bitten until then. Logan didn't smile back, he clenched the feeling between his fists and made it as small as it could be. 
Finn was something impossible. He was a broken clock right three times a day, a city with no people, lightning in a bottle, a tsunami with no casualties, dressed in socks with Adidas slides and brown eyes that felt like a sacrament.  
He gave smiles away like old furniture. Here, you’ll get more use out of this than I will. He was unguarded and open and free and if Logan was honest Finn terrified him. Finn was the sun. Logan could already feel his eyes burning, he really should look away, but oh, didn’t it feel so good to be warm?  
Logan was cool green stares with walls miles high surrounding them. But, Finn was well equipped with inside jokes, memorized coffee orders, delirious late nights, no-look passes, adrenaline highs, and shared greasy breakfasts. Finn poked and prodded at the hard shell Logan had so carefully put together over four years. Slowly, piece by piece it wore down, floating like wilted flower petals to the floor. Logan could feel himself loosen, feel the tense muscles relax, his fists unclench. 
At seventeen, inside a rundown frat house, in their messy, poorly decorated room, Logan couldn't help himself. He smiled, but he swore it didn't mean I love you. It didn’t.  
Leo was simple. He was like thunder after lightning and the rainbow after a storm. He made sense, slotted into place like he always belonged. He was loud sort of quiet, he had a presence about him that you didn't realize how much room it encompassed until it wasn’t there. 
Leo let Logan talk. Just talk. And the best part is he would listen. Logan felt heard when Leo was around, Finn listened too but sometimes he didn’t understand. Maybe it was because, for Logan, English never seemed to be a good medium for explanation, it always seemed one size too small. Leo understood, though, both in English and French. Leo could read between the lines, sometimes Logan didn't have to say anything at all. And that, that was ecstasy in itself. Logan could get so tired of explaining, sometimes he just wanted to be. 
If Finn was the sun and Logan was the moon, then Leo was the night sky. Vast and all-consuming in a quiet sort of way, comforting like a blanket, pretty to look at. God, was he pretty to look at. 
In a hotel room in a city that Logan had visited several times but never got to know, Leo answered a knock on the door and brought in a tray. He picked a mug up off of it and handed it to Logan. 
“Here, I got you some mint tea.” 
Logan smiled. He couldn’t lie to himself this time, he knew it meant I love you. And didn’t that just make it all the more tragic? 
Smiles weren’t as simple as breathing, they were as simple as atoms. They made up everything around Logan and were everywhere. Logan would wake up and smile, eat breakfast and smile, pay taxes and smile. He would stay up late in the night with Leo, fighting with insomnia together and he would wake up sleep deprived and the happiest he's ever been.  Finn would come home from a run sweaty and hug him and it would be gross, and disgusting, and really, Logan should be screaming in terror but, against all odds there he was smiling. 
It was convoluted, but then again, it was the most understandable thing to ever happen. He was right when he was four, smiles meant I love you and there was so much love to give. In the dead of night, in the blazing afternoon, love was exchanged like playground, pinky-swear promises. Logan would keep every one. 
He had been planning it for months, he nearly wore a hole in the rug from the pacing back and forth. He sat in front of them on a blanket in the middle of a field and pushed two small velvet boxes toward each of them, along with letters that bared his soul. He had opted for letters instead of some big speech, he was terrified of not getting the words out right and of switching to French halfway through. Words had always been Finn’s department anyway. 
They both looked back up at him with tears in their eyes.
Logan smiled and said, “I love you.” 
They knew, of course they knew. Logan said it out loud anyway. 
The wedding was a summer affair, chairs were set outside by a big tree. Finn had put on sunscreen in preparation. 
“This is a setup” he had said. Logan and Leo had laughed so hard that they almost fell off the bed. 
“I don’t see what’s so funny about it.” It would have sounded serious if Finn wasn’t smiling, and he was smiling. 
After a coughing fit Leo gathered himself enough to say, “You don’t want to marry us outside, Finn?” 
Finn paused at that. He was still smiling but it changed into something soft yet sure, like faith. 
“I’d marry you anywhere and nowhere at all.” 
So it was settled. The wedding would be outside, and if Finn had more freckles on his nose during their honeymoon, it would be a burden Logan and Leo would gladly carry. However, the sunscreen turned out to be unnecessary. Dark clouds had rolled in and rain trickled down around them. 
It was perfect, unexpected, but perfect. Like a child, they loved the moment anyway. There was no world where it could be bad, because it was theirs, and it was them, and they were together, and wouldn’t that always be beautiful? 
They got married in the rain with wet hair in front of all of their friends and family. Their smiles said I do well before their mouths did, and though Leo and Logan would miss Finn’s extra freckles, it was a small sacrifice. 
The hospital room was white and smelled sterile. It was much different from the shade of pink that the guest bedroom in their house had been painted. 
You’re having a daughter. 
Logan had been drowning in shades of pink for four months and he never wanted it to stop. He wanted tea parties, and race cars, and doll houses, and dress up, and pirates, and math homework, and sleepless nights, and play pretend. He wanted it all. He put all of his excited energy into planning the nursery and buying toys. Now, sitting between Finn and Leo in hospital room chairs, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He bounced his leg up and down and tapped his fingers on the armrest, Finn and Leo had grabbed his hands several times to get him to stop. 
Time seemed to stop when the door opened. A nurse walked in holding a bundle of blankets. 
“You ready to hold your baby girl?” 
Before Logan could process, the baby was placed into his arms. She was the tiniest thing he’d ever seen, with a button nose and round cheeks. She fussed a bit, her arms wiggling and feet kicking, and for a moment her eyes opened the smallest amount. 
Two pairs of green eyes met.
And Logan cried.
But mostly he just smiled. 
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xxxregulusblackxxx · 3 months
Anyone else want more Leo Knut and Regulus content? Like PLEASE there always said to be hanging out, show me them! We already know Regulus wears his jersey to games, show me them fake flirting in front of the team, show me Regulus having his gay realization one of those times and show me Remus picking up on it. Show me big Brother Remus Lupin to Regulus and show me Regulus having a breakdown over a crush that's forming show me him TRYING to distance himself from Leo but there so co dependent at that point he can't. Show me Logan realizing Regulus feelings and telling him it's okay and he gets it. Show me Regulus falling for the Cubs and them falling back but not saying anything to each till Logan says something to Finn and Leo. Show me Leo inviting Regulus over and confessioning then his other 2 confesse after and Regulus is so overwhelmed but it's good and show me Regulus just kissing Leo then kissing Finnlo.
OR Show be best friends Regulus and Leo. Show me Regulus ranting about Barty and possibly Evan to Leo and trying to decide if he wants to ask them out or not. Show me Regulus showing up at halftime to a game the Lions are losing and just saying to Leo. "My boyfriend's are here do better Knut. They can't be thinking my best friends is a loser" In his super sarcastic tone that he only uses with Leo and Rosekiller and then show me Leo getting super excited because "You asked them out?" And it just boosting his mood so much that it affects the whole team. Show me Regulus bringing his boys in saying "Good job you aren't all losers. Meet my boyfriends" Show me Sirius absolutely lose his mind because "what the fuck" and "Reggie you're gay?". Show me Leo smiling watching his best friend then coming up to Barty and Even and being super supportive but also threatening.
Look. I'm a multi shipper what do you want from me? I ship Jegulus too just not in the SW universe
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ttylfedora · 26 days
April Fools with the Lions: Best Bits
Omg. Hello? It’s so nice to be back! In honour of April Fools and the discord having a bit of fun with it, I bring you… April Fools with the Lions: Best bits!
All characters belong to @lumosinlove. Happy April Fools!!
Logan rubbed his eyes, waking up fully. Leo curled into his neck at the movement. He looked over to find Finn’s side completely empty. Leo stirred once again and looked up at Logan with a sleepy smile.
Logan squinted at Leo, wondering if he was seeing things.
“Leo, why do you have lion face paint on?” Leo’s face was fully painted, as though he had been to Katie’s birthday party and had been forced to sit down and have his face painted during it.
“Why do you look like a zebra?” Leo asked, just as confused as Logan.
Logan grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and opened up his camera. Sure enough, an intricately painted zebra looked back at him.
He messaged Finn, asking if he woke up the same.
All that was sent back was a smile emoji sent by Siri.
“You’re going to walk into the rink like that?” Nat asked Kasey, who was sporting a dolphin and a rainbow across the side of his face.
“I need to find Finn before Finn finds me.” Kasey called back. “I know Alex didn’t do this on his own. He has about as much artistic talent as I do in my little toe.”
Kasey and Nat never did find Finn before practice. They did, however, find a Lion stood dead centre of the locker room looking at the Goalies TPed stalls.
“If this was you, you need to do better next year.” Kasey laughed, clapping Leo on the shoulder. Leo laughed.
“No no no. This was Cole and Layla. They were round the corner watching me come in here thinking I didn’t see them.
“Time to recruit Nat, I think,” Kasey whispered to Leo and pulled out his phone.
“Layla I have no clue what to do. I can’t go out on the ice like this. I thought I was being nice by just TPing Kasey’s stall!”
Layla only covered her mouth to suppress a chuckle, watching Cole panic over his now upside down name and number on his jersey.
“All is fair in love and war, Rookie!” Kasey howled through the door, Nat howling after him.
Pascal let out a frustrated groan. Some the start of practice, not a single one of his shot found the back of the net. Timmy let out a similar sigh, taking his helmet off and wiping the perspiration off his head.
“It’s playoff season! We can’t be doing this,” he gridded out. He watched Finn line up a perfect shot, only to miss as well. Looking over to Coach Weasley, he wondered why he wasn’t angrier. He looked amused, even.
Pascal looked down at his hockey stick. Something felt… off. He held it out in front of him, Timmy and Kuny doing the same.
“It feels small.” Evgeni stated.
Pascal looked up at the rest of the team to find the Triple Threat of April Fools, Remus, Sirius and James, grinning back at them.
“You know, when I locked Remus and Sirius in my basement, I did not expect to be paid back like this.”
“Luke! Luke!”
Luke ran into the bathroom, only to burst out laughing upon finding Saint with bright red hair.
“Was this you?” Saint’s face like thunder, he pointed to his bright red hair. Luke fought to keep a straight face and shook his head.
“I promise it wasn’t. Now hurry up, I need to shower as well.”
Two hours later, Saint and Luke rocked up to practice, looking like Rangers biggest fans sporting bright red and bright blue hair. Logan was unable to make a shot that practice, for he was laughing so hard at the coloured sweat dripping down both their necks. He snapped a pic for Leo, his only partner in fools it would seem…
Remus and Sirius made a habit of turning up to practice early. Maybe it was the quiet before the storm, maybe it was the control of having the rink to themselves. One thing they did know, however, was that they liked the rink before anyone started playing the practice session joint playlist. ‘Game Day Vibes’ they called it. A playlist comprising of songs from everyone’s repertoire.
Once the rink was full, Coach allowed the playlist to be put on. Except all that rang through the rink was… a nursery rhyme?
Remus looked over at Finn who was in charge of the playlist. He pressed skip. Finn looked up in confusion as a musical rendition of ‘incy wincy spider’ played out.
“Who, in the ever loving fuck put this in the playlist?” Jackson called out, skating round next to Finn as he frantically scrolled through the playlist. “It’s just nursery rhymes…”
James was doubled over in the far corner, something akin to ‘don’t diss my son’s music taste’ coming out in amongst gasps of laughter.
James had his playlist privileges revoked for 6 weeks.
“So we did the ducks last year, what are we doing to Remus and Sirius this year, Dumo?” Julian asked, placing his cereal bowl in the dishwasher.
Pascal thought on it, scratching his head.
Katie bounded in with multiple chain links in Rangers colours.
“Look what I made for Logan, Papa!” She held them up with a big toothy smile. Well, almost toothy. She had a visit from the tooth fairy the previous night.
Jules’ eyes widened and looked over at Pascal, who responded with his own fully toothy grin.
“Go get your brothers and sister, Katie. We have work to do.”
Remus and Sirius returned from practice to find their entire front room decked out in Rangers merch, chain links hanging from each light and across the ceiling.
“I swear as soon as Logan and I meet on the ice again…” Sirius looked over at Remus, “it’s war.”
Remus chuckled and pulled out his phone to find a message from Dumo.
‘Thanks for the key, it’s under the flower pot’
Everyone was gathered in Sid’s for their monthly get together. Some of the Rangers had made the trip down as well. Thomas was sat at the bar, his arm hooked loosely around Noelle’s waist.
“So no one managed to get either of the brothers?” She whispered in his ear.
Thomas smiled back at her, eyes softened as he moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Not yet. Did you manage to get the video?”
Noelle pulled her phone out of her bag and showed it to Thomas.
“It’s hilarious, T. Me and Nat were in stitches.” Thomas smiled slyly, placed a kiss on Noelle’s forehead, and walked up the the little make shift entertainment stage.
“Can I please have everyone’s attention!” He called out, arms wide. Mutters of ‘speech!’ were called out across the bar, paired with smattering’s of applause.
“Now with the close of another successful year of April Fools, we have this years standings. At the bottom, with the most unoriginal prank I think any of us have ever seen, we have Cole and Layla, who took it upon themselves to TP Knutty and Blizz’s goals.”
A round of ‘boo’s’ swept across the bar.
“Yes, yes, thank you. Do better next year” Cole and Layla had their heads in their hands looking mortified.
“Before I reveal the winner, I have one last thing I would like to do. Who here has been personally victimised by a certain pair of red-headed brothers this year?” Hands went up, Logan the Zebra’s face like thunder as people turned around to chuckle at him.
“Yes, now. I set Christmas on a task a week ago. Big love, Noelle,” he held a glass up to her and winked. “A little birdy once told us that our very own Alexander and Finnigan have their own pregame ritual they started when they were kids. Their mom and dad were more than happy to share this video with us-“
“No no no- please Walker I’m begging you,” Finn called out, laughter clinging onto his every word. Alex’s jaw was on the floor.
“If you’d please turn your attention to the screen.”
An old video played. A young Alex was instructing their parent to sit on the couch whilst Finn was in the background rewinding the tv to the perfect moment. The pair did an almost perfect rendition of the handshake from the parent trap.
Thomas looked back at Finn and Alex who were doubled over in laughter.
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O'KNUTZY WEEK ‼️‼️ (it's officially the 31st in my time zone so here we go)
credit to @lumosinlove and a special thanks to @oknutzyweek2023 for hosting this week!
Day 1: Cooking Mishaps
Weekly team dinners had been a thing for as long as Finn had been with the Lions. It had been a tradition that had been passed on as players came and went. More often than not it was sort of like a potluck. Everyone brings their own food to share and everyone is told to bring a different thing every week. Desserts fell on Leo, Logan, and Finn this week.
This was good because it meant that Finn and Logan could actually help rather than ‘attempting’ to assist Leo when they have to bring main courses or really anything that wasn’t cookies.
Logan and Finn could handle some cookies. Leo had faith in their abilities to bake cookies. They’d done it before and the house hadn’t caught fire. He was so confident in fact that he left them unsupervised for a whole 10 minutes to shower.
Leo left an organized kitchen with pans, eggs, and milk all set out nicely as Logan read the instructions to Finn. When he came back to the kitchen floor covered in flour, Logan had eggs running down his hair, dough dripping down the cabinets in clumps, and Finn with something that looked suspiciously like vanilla extract making its way down his face. As Leo stepped into the room Logan dropped a large spoon to the floor and Finn hid something that looked like a whisk behind his back quickly.
There was a beat or two before the kitchen erupted into noise.
“He started it.”
“That’s a lie! He threw the eggs first.”
“In retaliation. Leo-”
“Finn! I dropped some flour and that warranted eggs in my hair?”
“Alright, maybe I overreacted but Leo-”
Leo abruptly burst into peals of laughter. “What the hell happened?” Logan was quick to answer. “J’etais innocent, je le jure! Finn-” Finn huffed, the vanilla extract getting dangerously close to his eye. “Hey, that’s not fair! That’s French I can’t even defend myself if I don’t know what you’re saying, you anserine!” Logan’s face pinched in the way it did when he was confused. He turned his lost eyes to Leo who just shrugged as he grabbed a clean towel (something that was in short supply at the moment) and wiped Finn’s forehead. “What is an anserine?” Logan asked with a frown. Finn just humphed. “It’s not any fun when you don’t understand it, is it?”
Logan glared at Finn from across the kitchen. Finn glared back. Leo gave up trying to stop the vanilla extract from staining Finn’s forehead. “Alright, children, since we can’t play nice we can’t play at all. Let’s clean up and start again. When everyone makes fun of us for being late I’m completely throwing y’all under the bus and y’all have to take it, understood?” Logan mumbled under his breath and Finn turned his glare to the ground as he muttered an audible annoyed, ‘yes sir.’ Leo smiled, happy with himself. “Okay, good. Logan get the vacuum. Finn start picking up the dough.” Finn started protesting immediately. “That’s not fair I didn’t spill the flou-” Leo turned to Finn with an exasperated look. “Finn.” He gave up with a groan, everyone dispersing to their station.
Once everything was cleaning up he sent Logan and Finn to go shower. Maybe if they showered together they’d get over their tiff. Leo figured it would be over before the dinner either way though.
About twenty minutes later the boys emerged from their bedroom, pinkies linked and swinging between them. “Need help with anything, Le?” Logan asked as Leo put the cookie sheet into the oven. “Nope.” Leo said with a fond smile. He loved seeing his boys getting along. As amusing as it is when they’re annoyed with each other it’s always more fun to see them being affectionate.
Logan walked up to Leo and wrapped his arms around Leo’s middle. Leo’s arms came up to rest across the shorter boy's shoulders. Logan dug his face into Leo’s neck and Leo could feel his body go lax against him. Finn leaned against the counter next to Leo and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“Thank you for remaking the cookies.” Leo returned the kiss that was offered and tightened his grip on Logan. “Y’all are very welcome. I appreciate y’all trying to make them even if it ended up all over the kitchen.” Logan huffed a laugh against his neck and Leo felt chills shoot down his arms.
Leo pressed a kiss to the top of Logan’s head and straightened up. “As nice as this is, I have to go change. Watch the cookies. Literally all you need to do is wait for the timer to go off and then take them out. That’s it. Just wait for the timer. Logan and Finn rolled their eyes in sync before sharing a look. “We know how a timer works, Leo.” Leo just raised his hands in surrender and backed out of the kitchen.
After he freshened up and changed out of his sweatpants he headed back to the kitchen.
He came to a halt when he heard panicked murmurs. He looked between his boys before looking down at the cookies.
The very very burnt cookies.
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lumosinlove · 18 days
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Will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?
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fruitcoops · 6 months
Hey! I hope all is well. I really enjoy your account and I want to thank you for all your hard work to run it, it doesn't go unnoticed.
I also had a fic rec if you wanted to think about it. I'm craving a good harvard finnlo story, where they are being very obviously in love with each other but won't admit it. I know you have something like it, but I just love every different take on this
I hope you have a wonderful week:)
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Fic O'Ween Day 5: Ritual, with our favorite silly little lovebirds to put in Situations. Mega love to @noots-fic-fests for the fest and @lumosinlove for the Harvard boys :)
The impulses seemed to catch him when he least expected it. Frenetic, nearly frantic energy—pale hands flexing and teeth worrying marks into a thin lower lip. Fingers fidgeting, ripping at essay edges, tapping pens like Morse. It surged in him and filled his face with blossom-pink. Turned his ears red. It was as if the urge forced itself free and wrested control of every bit of him. That, Logan could relate to. Urges had never been gentle with him, either.
“What do you mean?”
Finn fixed him with a quizzical look. “New York? The city?”
“No, I—yes, I know.” The glorious blip of attention was gone, focused once again on a haphazard backpack. “Why?”
Paper rustled as Finn waved a vacant hand. “Just needed to.”
Logan frowned. “Is Alex okay?”
“What?” Confusion deepened the crease by his mouth; Finn didn’t bother looking up. “Far as I know.”
“So you’re going all the way to New York for a weekend, and you’re not driving—”
“Gas is expensive.”
“—and not even going to a game?” And you’re not taking me? It coated his tongue like the caramel from Finn’s Dunkin runs. He stomped the thought down before it could threaten his teeth. “Don’t you have an exam next week?”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s fine, man,” Finn repeated, shooing him gently aside to dig around in the dresser for socks.
Logan pushed himself up on the edge of Finn’s desk and watched him rummage. He was tight around the shoulders and jaw; his hoodie sleeves were pulled all the way to the heels of his hands. The redness in his cheeks lingered in a soft arc. Maybe overheating, from the radiator. Maybe he was just frustrated. Knowing Finn, eight different emotions and a million thoughts were on rotisserie. Logan bit the inside of his cheek. “Is it…is it your mom, or…?”
He fell quiet when Finn straightened, socks in-hand and brows pinched in the middle. “Logan, what are you talking about?”
You’re leaving on one of our only free weekends and being cryptic about it. Also, I can’t come, and I’m going to think about that for the next several days whenever I wake up and your bed is still made. “You’re being weird. Stop it.”
“Why am I being weird?” Finn half-laughed, resting his hip against the dresser.
“You’re spending eight hours on a train to visit home when you have a car, an exam, and a free weekend to just hang out.” Logan shrugged. “It’s weird. There’s a party tonight. Don’t you have a fanclub to look after?”
Finn’s brow arched with amusement. “Who, you?”
“Non—fuck off, god,” Logan grumbled, kicking at him when he passed. Finn’s laughter lit up the sunset shadows in the corners of their room.
“I’m literally fine, just missing home.” Finn tossed the socks into his bag blindly, already reaching for something else. “I guess Alex just had a buddy get traded and he’s kinda down, so we’ll probably just hang out. Video games, movies. The usual. It’ll only be an hour or so to the station if I take the subway. And I’m not worried about my exam, anyway.”
The tension in his neck told a different story, but Logan wouldn’t press. A stressed Finn was a distracted Finn, and he was allowed to be selfish for every bit of focus when he was about to leave. “Do you need a ride?”
Deodorant, toothpaste, and a third paperback made their way into the duffel. “I’m taking the train.”
“A ride to the train station, dumbass.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
Logan tossed a wool cap at him. “That’s why I offered.”
Finn finally paused for more than a breath; his forehead pinched, and Logan watched him draw his lip back between his front teeth. “Isn’t there a party tonight?”
“Ouais.” Finn was looking at him like that meant something. “Quoi?”
“Don’t you want to go?”
“Do you need a ride?” Logan countered.
“Do you want a ride?”
Finn glanced out the window. His nose scrunched on one side. “Kinda.”
Logan spread his hands. “Then I’ll take you. Easy.”
“Okay.” Finn looked at him for a long moment, then smiled, almost to himself. “Cool. Thanks.”
“This is why you have a roommate.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He still seemed pleased, despite his huff. Logan would never understand. It was delightfully entertaining all the same. He swung his feet while Finn finished up—like this, he could practically follow the path of Finn’s disorganized mental checklist.
“I don’t suppose I’ll be allowed to actually drive you there,” he joked when Finn slung his (full to bursting) duffel over his arm.
That got him a snort of laughter. “There will never be a day you’re allowed to drive my car while I’m in it, Tremblamalay, unless it’s a fucking hearse.”
“I’m a good driver!”
“I didn’t say you weren’t!” Finn propped their door open with a foot and snagged his keys off the hook. “Don’t yell at me.”
“I’m not yelling.”
“You basically are.”
“You want me to yell? Because I can yell at you. Ah—”
Logan broke off with a curse as a pool noodle swung from the open door to their left. “Oh, hey,” Percy said, shock falling to a smile in an instant. “Where are you two off to?”
“Train station,” Finn answered. He cocked his head. “What’s with the shit?”
“Party, duh. Heading home?”
“Just for the weekend. Lo’s driving me.” Something in Logan’s stomach gave a giddy whirl at the jerk of Finn’s chin. It fizzled into a puddle of goo when he cracked a half-smile. “Well, he’s driving back.”
“Oh.” Percy nodded. “Damn, we’ll miss you guys tonight.”
Logan frowned. “I’ll be here.”
“I thought…”
“I’m driving back,” he repeated. “Back from the train station.”
Understanding dawned on Percy’s face, then bemused surprise. “You finally did that separation ritual, huh? Something slashed the sutures sticking you two together? You might keel over the second you cross the state line, you know.”
“Wow, Marsh, you’re so funny,” Finn parroted with a loud and brash HA HA that made Logan grin, but Percy just snickered to himself and let them through with gentle smacks to the backs of their heads.
“Go forth, young men!”
“It’s West!” Finn corrected.
“Go West, then! Or—northeast, I guess.”
Finn let Logan through the front door first (what a fucking gentleman, god, Logan was not going to survive him) before closing it with a pointed slam. “I’ll get the—”
“Passenger seat,” Finn interrupted. He swooped his bag out of reach when Logan went to take it from him. “Nuh-uh. Go sit.”
“I’m being helpful.”
“You’re going to break my trunk.” Finn shook his head. “She doesn’t need to be closed that hard, Tremz. She’s a lady.”
Logan wrinkled his nose. “Please never refer to your car as a lady ever again.”
A theatrical demonstration of proper trunk-handling was the only response Finn gave. Logan watched him come around the side of the car while he buckled in, running a hand through his hair and twirling his keyring around one finger. Logan knew what that hair felt like. Mink-soft and thick. A little wavy, when he let it grow out. It had pressed against his cheek on the bus oh-so-many times, when Finn nodded off ten miles from the nearest gas station and the roads were too bumpy for Logan to sleep.
He wondered what Finn would do if he reached out and touched it now, while he adjusted the radio and hummed to himself. The energy vibrating under his skin had calmed to a low current. If Logan could tap into it, maybe he could be brave enough to find out.
Logan jumped. “Quoi?”
“Oh, it does work,” Finn said, seemingly pleased. “Logan, sit!”
“Get fucked.”
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marmarifer · 9 months
O’Knutzy Week Day Three!!
Camping Cubs ⛺️ This one was so fun to make! I hope y’all like it as much as I did!
Character credit goes to @lumosinlove and as always thanks to @oknutzyweek2023 for organizing.
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under-theweirwood · 9 months
o'knutzy week day three!
today i offer up: a loose interpretation of the prompt, a return to deep fandom roots in the form of a little sickfic. gratuitously fluffy boyfriends, big strong hockey boys being baby, and a kiss on the nose from me to you. note; non-graphic description of illness
{@oknutzyweek2023 organizing cred & @lumosinlove everything cred}
Finn was sick, and no one in the shared apartment was feeling good. 
He’d been fine in practice all day, a little quieter than normal but still fast and strong and light in his skates. He’d been quiet again after practice, and in the car. They’d all laid down for a nap after practice, planning on going out with Noelle and Thomas while she visited, and then. 
And then Logan and Leo had woken up to their bed missing someone, to find Finn in the dark bathroom, laying on the cold tiles with his hands over his head. It had freaked Logan out so bad his hands were shaking, and Leo just sank down to sit next to Finn. 
“Just hurts,” Finn had whispered, hoarsely. 
“Your head?” Logan asked, moving a hand to lay at the base of Finn’s skull. 
“Mhm.” Finn swallowed, cracked an eye open and shut it again. “I’m feeling- really nauseous. I just.” He stopped. “Fuck.” 
“Oh, baby,” Leo murmured. He and Logan were pressed up against the wall next to Finn. The tiles were glossy blue, pretty enough to look at but nothing to lay on for hours on end. “Let’s get you into bed, baby, even if you’re feeling nauseous I think you’ll be more comfortable there.” 
“Nng,” said Finn. He tried again. “I really feel like. I’m gonna. Puke again. Need to stay here.” 
Logan’s eyes widened and he looked at Leo helplessly. Leo knew Logan had been through injuries, head injuries, with Finn, knew that he was remembering other times, other bathrooms and other times he’d seen Finn in pain and unable to do anything. Sometimes Leo thought it was like scar tissue, tough layers of protection around the places that Logan and Finn had hurt each other with their big love.
Leo didn’t necessarily have all that scar tissue. If sometimes he wondered what it would have been like to know them in college, more often he thanked his lucky stars that they’d all found each other just at the perfect time. He just had a big bubbling love, overflowing his chest sometimes and overwhelming him when he remembered that this was his life, that he’d found his people and got to keep them so close. When he saw Finn hurting he just wanted to make his baby, who always worked so hard to make them feel good, feel better. 
Leo looped an arm under Finn’s back, used his other hand to support his boyfriend’s head and pulled him against his shoulder to sag against each other. “We’re here, baby,” he said softly, carding his fingers through Finn’s thick waves. “Always here, baby.” 
On his other side, Logan pressed his hands against Finn’s chest, to where his steady heartbeat echoed between them. Sometimes love was going out dancing and drinking and twirling, and sometimes it was the electric heat that pooled between them, leaving them shaking with pleasure. Sometimes, though, it was this: Three of them on the floor of the bathroom, pressed together on the cold tile floors, tangled like a body with too many limbs. 
Finn let out a little sigh, nestling himself between the two of them. “Love you both. Love you so much,” he whispered, and his voice was hoarse but he sounded like himself. “I love you so much.” 
“Mon rouge,” Logan whispered back, and it made Leo’s heart swell up with love just knowing how connected they all were. “I wish I could take this pain away, merde, I..” He paused, like he was trying to get himself back under control. “I hate that I can’t do anything.” His voice broke over the last word and he covered his mouth with the hand that wasn’t looped around Finn. 
“Lo, baby,” Leo ached for him, for both of his boys. “Lo, don’t. Don’t be sad,” Finn whispered, cracking one eye open. He pressed his lips against Logan’s forehead, and then leaned across to press his lips to Leo. He closed his eye again, sighing out a breath when he’d kissed them both. “I’m so happy I’m with you both right now.” 
Logan made a little punched out sound, eyebrows coming together. His eyes were a little teary but he didn’t move an inch. 
Finn reached out and held one of Logan’s hands between his, back pressed to Leo’s chest. “At school there were. There were so many times when I just wanted to be close to you. And I wanted it to be okay and I didn’t think- I didn’t think it ever would be.” 
His eyes were still closed, Logan’s left hand between his two. Breathing even like he hadn’t just dropped one of his aching confessions on them. Leo always felt a stutter in his chest at how they talked about college. So much love and so much pain all mixed up. 
“It was always okay, mon amour” Logan breathed, green eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Even when I was so stupid and I pushed you away it was still okay, and I loved you every second. I was just an idiot.” 
“Aww, Lo,” Finn mumbled, cracking an eye open. He swallowed for a second, exhaled through his nose. Leo leaned back, sensing where things might be going. 
“Not great timing, huh,” Finn choked out, leaning toward the toilet just in time to throw up. 
“Oh, poor thing,” Leo said sympathetically. “I know you really feel sick, huh” He rubbed reassuring circles on Finn’s back, wincing a little at the heat radiating off his boyfriend’s strong shoulders. 
“Wow, I tell you how much I love you and then you vomit?” Logan teased, but his eyes were worried. “Let me go get you some water.” 
Finn groaned and raised his head. “Lo will puke if he sees someone else. Very unfortunate trait. Learned that after we both drank too much back in our roommate days.” Its a testament to how bad he feels that he doesn’t even really crack a smile, just rests his head on the edge of the toilet bowl. 
Leo didn’t say anything, just kept up rubbing Finn’s back, smoothing a hand through his slightly sweaty hair and humming reassurances when Finn leaned down and was sick again. 
“Fuck,” Finn sighed. Logan had returned with some water and he took a deep gulp, swirling it around his mouth before spitting it out. 
“Can we get into bed now?” Leo asked softly, one hand coming back to cup Finn’s head.  “I think you’ll be more comfortable there, baby.” 
Finn closed his eyes, thinking about it. “Okay,” He said finally. “I’m exhausted.” 
Logan was back, then, pulling Finn to his feet and scooping him up like a cat. 
“You can carry me?” Finn asked breathlessly, at the same time as Leo said, “Oh, boy.” 
Logan smiled, his secret, soft, private smile that lit up his face. He didn’t say anything, just crossed the short distance from the bathroom into their bedroom and gently deposited Finn on the bed. 
“I still feel like crap but man that was so sexy of you Logan remind me to be on my deathbed more often” Finn said, closing his eyes and nestling in as Leo  got into bed next to him. 
“Only you would be feeling so bad and talking about how sexy Logan is,” Leo laughed feeling the vibrations of his body against Finn’s. Solid and long and back against the pillows, where he belonged. Where he would feel better. 
Logan didn’t say anything, but he was blushing hard as he got back into bed as well. “Whatever,” he grumbled, coming up close to kiss Leo on the mouth and then Finn, a little more gently, on the forehead. 
Leo felt love all the way down to his toes, filling him up and radiating out. He imagined a blanket of love covering them all, spilling through the apartment, something soft and bright and glowing. He couldn’t take the pain all the way away ever, but he could hold Finn and Logan close and let himself be held and feel so good. And that would always be precious. 
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awanderingdeal · 10 months
Hello folks! It looks like I will be hosting O'Knutzy week 2023!
We love all forms of fan art over here so anything would be welcome - fics, headcanons, drawings, poetry etc...
I do need some help though with prompts (although can always use a generator if needed!). If you have any ideas send me a message by Sunday (preferably by like midday BST). I know it's soon, but I'd like to give everybody as much time as possible to create.
TLDR; message me with ideas for o'knutzy week prompts please. Deadline: Sunday 2nd July, 12 noon BST.
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