artfilmfan · 1 year
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Lingui (Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, 2021)
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silentangell95 · 1 year
Филми и сериали: Май
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filmap · 1 year
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Lingui / Lingui, The Sacred Bonds Mahamat-Saleh Haroun. 2021
Bridge Djamena-Moundou, N'Djamena, Chad See in map
See in imdb
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cinematicfragments · 1 year
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The Sacred Bonds [Lingui] (Mahmat-Saleh Haroun, 2021).
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sbiriful · 1 year
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Batata defumada. Um dos acompanhamentos mais comuns hoje em dia, batata bolinha defumada com óleo de oliva e alecrim. Sempre um sucesso. Vou contar aqui como faço a minha batata defumada. Primeiro eu coloco ela para ferver na água com sal, e assim que ela fica macia, pode testar esperando o garfo, eu escorro a água e coloco elas em uma bandeja com óleo e alecrim. Aí é só defumar por uns 20 min e a batata está pronta! Você também faz assim? Comenta aí! . . #churrasqueiro #foodporn #amigos #angus #almo #churrascoemfamilia #cervejagelada #cutelaria #lingui #bbqlovers #familia #beer #espetinho #beef #ifood #asado #churrascotop #facas #churrasquinho #frango #hamburguer #foodie #jantar #meatlover #qualidade #gourmet #meatlovers #facasartesanais #bbqbueno #chopp (em Caxias do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzZKr0OtUj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cinemaquiles · 1 year
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receitariadapaty1 · 2 years
Cogumelos Salteados com Linguiça e Salsicha
Cogumelos Salteados com Linguiça e Salsicha
A sugestão de hoje é uma receita fácil e cheia de sabor. Ingredientes da receita: Cogumelos frescos Linguiça Salsichas Frankfurt 2 dentes alho picados manteiga e azeite 2 colh sopa whisky sal, pimenta e oregãos q.b. Preparação da receita: Numa frigideira levar ao lume a manteiga, o azeite e os alhos. Depois de quente, adicionar os cogumelos a linguiça e as salsichas aos pedaços. Depois de…
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peterpauldoodkorte · 2 years
Heilige banden
Lingui, The Sacred Bonds Lingui, the Sacred Bonds is een krachtig en ontroerend vrouwenportret dat het taboe rond abortus op een beklijvende manier aansnijdt. Mahamat-Saleh Haroun brengt met zijn prachtig geschoten film een ode aan vrouwelijke verbondenheid en verzet tegen traditionele machtsstructuren. Als alleenstaande moeder werd Amina verstoten door haar familie en de gemeenschap. Wanneer…
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menu-receitas · 2 years
[ad_1] [ad_2] Oioioi, meus amores!! 🥰🥰 Tá tudo bem por aí? Eu espero muito que sim viu!! Tá com pressa, tá correndo com tudo por aí? Então pega essa receita de mistura rápida e fácil e guarda no coração em!!!🥰 Linguiça Toscana Ao Molho com Batatas muito fácil, não suja nada de louça, rapidinho tá pronto e no final fica um espetáculo! 😋😋 Já se anima pra fazer essa delícia hoje mesmo! Bora anotar os ingredientes? Ingredientes: -2 tomates -1 cebola média -2 colheres de sopa de extrato de tomate -pimenta do reino á gosto -sal á gosto -500g de linguiça tipo toscana -aprox meia xícara de água ( 120 ml ) -3 a 4 batatas ( descascadas e cruas ) -cebolinha á gosto -salsinha á gosto E-mail para contato comercial: [email protected] Endereço para envio de correspondências/encomendas: Receitas Da Cris Caixa Postal 13502 CEP: 80.420-981 Curitiba - PR Me sigam nas redes sociais: Facebook: http://goo.gl/XBwkeR Fanpage: http://goo.gl/w3aTWl Instagram: @receitasdacris http://goo.gl/JU9fyh Músicas usadas: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ #receitasdacris #linguiça #batatas [ad_2] Link da fonte https://receitas.blogdosergiocoach.com.br/mistura-facil-linguica-toscana-ao-molho-com-batatas-na-pressao-receitas-da-cris/?feed_id=11495&_unique_id=62ed3acc2c3e2
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dicolah · 2 years
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lepertamar · 15 days
you know, i was thinking about this (the addition mostly) and how it somehow doesn’t at all map to a Message or assumption that’s so very common for authors—the one where a book will go ‘words can’t possibly actually convey this adequately, only by [other means] can it be accurately conveyed.’ and i think a big reason is that in this series, a knowledge you suddenly Know from inside your bone-marrow is not an alternate-to-words that avoids the necessity of inaccurate communication or is a sufficient conveyance ofknowledge that finally finishes the thought you were struggling so hard to convey. instead it’s something that abruptly demands an infinity more words (but also other non-word methods of communication but which are just as complex and imprecise) to unravel it and chew on it and endlessly echo and layer it. allows for words to have 2x more inobvious referents and connected machinery then they had before—and means that now there is even more to struggle to understand and talk about and try to convey things, including in words. and of course on the meta level its all done in narrative prose conveyed and depicted in words, even when it’s not explained/answered, bc answers and explanations are not even the most important element of language.
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squidult · 2 years
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The thought entered my head and it wouldnt leave me alone….
I don’t think he’d be too mad about it so long as you also pass the blunt to the machine spirits ;)
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thedeacanedous · 1 year
Rocambole de linguiça toscana: veja como fazer essa receita que você não vai conseguir parar de comer!!!
Já pensou em transformar a linguiça toscana em um rocambole? Essa é uma maneira de sair da mesmice e preparar o alimento de uma maneira diferente. Ao invés de fritar ou colocar a linguiça na grelha, você transforma a carne suína em uma massa e pode rechear como preferir! Queijo, presunto, calabresa, tomate e cebola são ótimas opções. Já ficou com água na boca? Então confira o passo a passo para fazer o rocambole de linguiça toscana em casa!
Receita de rocambole de linguiça toscana
1 kg de linguiça
1 xícara de farinha de rosca
1/2 cebola picada
1/2 tomate picado
1/2 pimentão vermelho picado
100 g de mussarela ralada
100 g de presunto ralado
100 g de bacon picadinho
1/2 lata de milho-verde
Azeitona a gosto
Temperos a gosto
Modo de preparo:
Comece colocando a linguiça em uma vasilha e retire a pele de todos os gominhos. Em seguida, adicione os temperos que desejar. Chimichurri, páprica, pimenta-do-reino e orégano são boas opções. Mexa bem com as mãos para incorporar os condimentos e depois adicione a farinha. Amasse bem até garantir a junção de todos os ingredientes.
Cubra parte de uma bancada com plástico-filme ou papel-manteiga e coloque a massa bem no meio. Vá abrindo até que fique um quadrado bem certinho. Agora é hora de colocar o recheio com mussarela, presunto, cebola, tomate, pimentão, bacon, milho e azeitona.
Com ajuda do plástico, vá enrolando a massa até fechar o rocambole e transfira para uma ass...
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cristalconnors · 2 years
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87. Lingui, the Sacred Bonds (Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, 2022)
Exquisitely composed, if also narratively and thematically clunky.
Rating: 8.0/10
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deprotagonisten · 2 years
Lingui, The Sacred Bonds
Recensie Lingui, The Sacred Bonds ★★★1/2 - vanaf 25-8 in de bioscoop Een fraaie film, niet alleen in wat je ziet, maar ook in wat je niet ziet. Een stille en langdurige oorlog voeren de vrouwen.
De dramafilm Lingui, The Sacred Bonds gaat over Amina en haar dochter Maria. Maria is als 15-jarige zwanger, maar wil het kindje niet houden. Dat is gevaarlijk in een land als Tsjaad. Wat wij van Lingui, The Sacred Bonds vinden, lees je in onze recensie. (more…)
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mintyscuriocabinet · 28 days
Hii! I saw you reblogged a post talking abt learning irish etc and how more people should include irish wprds and stuff in their daily lives etcc. I was just wondering if you knew of any ways of getting into actually learning irish. Ive tried duolingo but they kind of stopped offering support for smaller languages etc and most other language learning apps either suck or dont include irish at all.. any suggestions?
Thank you for the ask anon, I'd be happy to help! Here are some things that helped me:
Use Irish language stickers you can put on objects around your house. I used to have some German ones when I was in school and it really helped to see some common vocab in places I'd be every day. (All links will be included below!)
Take online classes (or in-person classes if possible). You can also find some videos on YouTube that are sometimes just as good.
Keep a notebook. Use it to write down anything you learn so you can revise it later. I find it helps to look over it just before you go to bed so it's easier to remember in the morning.
Talk to native speakers if at all possible. Irish isn't really spoken a lot outside of Ireland (and barely spoken outside the Gaeltacht areas these days) so you may benefit from finding them on the internet. It can be a good opportunity to meet new friends as well as brush up on your Irish.
Watch TV shows and movies in Irish. They are easiest to find on TG4, which has a lot of well known TV shows dubbed in Irish. There are also some you can find on YouTube which are on the Junior/Leaving Cert such as Yu Ming is Ainm Dom and Cáca Milis.
Try out some printable Irish language worksheets you can find on websites such as Twinkl. You can also get past exam papers on Studyclix and Examinations.ie, though these may be a bit advanced for a beginner.
I hope you found these tips useful! Ádh mór!
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