#Letitia Hellion
flawnle-arts · 1 year
The Girl Who Could Fly animation thing based purely off of memories and a summary on the book. This book partly formed my personality. Also no, I have not read the other two books. I did not know about them until a month ago and haven’t gotten around to read them yet.
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nnon-it-up · 2 years
Letitia Hellion was the original gaslight gatekeeper girlboss send tweet
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friskheart000 · 2 years
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"All her delusions had fallen away and reality was laid before her in stark, beautiful links. She could clearly see that Piper was not Sarah, and yet her happiness was not diminished by that knowledge."    - The Boy Who Knew Everything by Victoria Forester
Shoutout to @erin-wants-a-tuck-revival on Tumblr for inspiring me to create fanart for the this series despite its comically small fanbase; their work does an amazing job conveying the atmosphere and emotion of the books. (A few of my favorites: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4)
DeviantArt link
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luriendotmp3 · 1 year
i think mer!emilitia and dr. hellion would get along really well. unhinged girlbosses with little to no empathy that like hurting small children. besties.
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Random thought: In The Girl Who Fell Out of the Sky, I remember it being mentioned near the beginning that Letitia + Jay Hellion and the Harringtons (inc. Alethea) went to Xanthia, and then Elder Equilla started that whole lockdown while they were there and I remember that the main cast got trapped and escaped (obviously), but not any indication that the rest made it out? Either I'm remembering wrong and it was stated somewhere that the others broke out too, or it's a pretty major loose thread for the end of the series (although it's already pretty open-ended with some other Xanthia stuff and Max still running loose so maybe that's the point?)
Yeah, I noticed that! It's odd that book 3 is stated to be the end of Piper's story when there's so much left unresolved. I imagine the Harringtons and Hellions, with all their diplomatic power, might have started instigating systemic change in Xanthia, because let's be real Equilla needs to be overthrown asap. I might write a fic set after the books addressing a bunch of the dropped plot threads bc there's so much the books never got to explore, and from what I understand we won't be getting a book 4.
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ailascrbls · 6 years
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aishas · 6 years
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hello hello!! the name’s noir (she/her). i watch too much television and have too many feelings. i’m a (dys)functional adult of twenty years, currently doing the whole college thing in the utc+8 timezone. it’s been a while since i joined an rp group, so i’ll probably need some time to adjust, but i’m super excited to be here! below the cut you’ll find some information on my darling daughter aisha frasier, aka the princess of guyana.
- ̗̀✰ •【 LETITIA WRIGHT / CISFEMALE / 23 】announcing the arrival of her royal highness, ( AISHA FRASIER ), the ( PRINCESS ) of ( GUYANA ). I’ve heard that she is ( RECKLESS ) & ( UNCOUTH ) but can also be ( PROACTIVE ) & ( ZESTFUL ). ( AISHA ) is arranged to marry ( TOM HOLLAND, JOHN BOYEGA, ASK ). Rumor has it ( SHE WAS THE DRIVER IN A CAR CRASH THAT KILLED ANOTHER NOBLE, BUT SWITCHED SEATS TO DIVERT BLAME ). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!
you could describe princess aisha in a variety of ways — but, most commonly, you’ll probably choose hellraiser. being the younger frasier child means she never had as much pressure put upon her as her older sibling, and rather than adopting a “woe is me, i’m the spare to the heir” sort of mindset, she’s taken full advantage of her position. being in a general role of power, but not necessarily being bound with endless responsibility, is quite the dangerous place to be.
aisha is a troublemaker, a prankster, a girl with a penchant for humour as both a charming reflex and a coping mechanism. she’s boisterous, scintillating and usually just a little too much; but she does seem to angle more toward being likeable than not. she’s full of energy and passion and cheekiness; she’s lighthearted and conversational, though she makes a bad habit of emotional avoidance.
the whole marriage to a pre-chosen candidate thing, for her, is more mild inconvenience than anything else. she’s not vehemently against it, but nor is she excited by the prospect. if you had to pick a word to describe her feelings on the issue, it’d be “meh”. she doesn’t like the idea that she’ll have to marry someone she herself had no say in choosing, but at the same time it doesn’t feel like the end of the world to her, you know? unless they turn out to be boring. then it’s war.
she’s fleet-footed and agile, and as a child used to entertain ideas of leaving the royal family to join the circus as an acrobat. in a more practical (and realistic) world, she’s used this skill to be an excellent dancer, runner and overall sportswoman. beyond that, while she may not be a dazzling academic, aisha is a bit of a historian (she can tell you anything about the world wars, or even enlighten you about the origins of the fork), as well as a lover of languages (she speaks english, french, mandarin, portuguese and hindi, with varying fluency).
while her older sibling is often stuck in diplomatic meetings and busily being groomed to become guyana’s future monarch, aisha can usually be found chatting up the palace servants and causing some degree of trouble, like holding a foam party in one of the unnecessarily large bathrooms or playing with firecrackers around the grounds and trying to startle more than a handful of guards.
watch her sneak out of the palace at three am to grab gyros and stargaze. watch her convince the palace servants to find her a dozen doves that she can release from a doorway at the most inappropriate time. watch her find a way up onto a slanted rooftop and try to jump off to impress a cute royal, then break her arm on the way down. watch her collect scars and injuries that only amount to all the stories she’ll tell at dinner parties, legs tucked underneath her as she leans across the table with her customary grin.
she’s vitality and energy, bursting at the seams, spilling over with laughter. but, like most other people in positions similar to hers, there’s also a part of her she hides from the public eye. this part is a strong juxtaposition to her usual fearless audacity. it is cowardly, selfish, and riddled with guilt. 
she snuck out of the palace one night with a friend from a lesser noble house to go for a late-night drive in the rain. harmless stuff, in comparison to some other things the two were known to get up to. harmless... up until aisha crashed the car. her friend didn’t make it, and she — dazed and terrified and undoubtedly out of it — managed to switch seats before the two were found, so that she could hide how she basically got someone killed.
aisha has a lot of lingering guilt over it (especially because she, in that moment, cared more about her public image than the death of her friend) and it gnaws deep in her stomach, rotting in her belly. still, she’s never sat down to deal with these thoughts, much less acknowledge them. these days, now years after the incident, she acts the same as she always has — hellion, jokester, all tongue-in-cheek and toothy smiles — but remorse and regret sit heavy in her throat. some days, she wants to tell the truth. maybe she’ll get what’s coming to her. maybe she deserves worse.
i think i’m starting to ramble at this point but!! that’s more or less what i have for aisha right now. her in a nutshell: charismatic, proactive, eager, playful, recklessly adventurous, and an admittedly thorough pain in the ass. she likes to pretend she’s smarter than she is, though she’s really just a dumbass who makes a bunch of poorly informed decisions, and frequently doesn’t know how to be responsible or take anything seriously. come plot with us maybe?
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hogwartshousehabits · 7 years
Sort: The Girl Who Could Fly (Victoria Forester)
Sorted by @limeliver Piper McCloud: Gryffindor. She stands up for herself and others and easily disobeys authority.
Bella Lovely: Ravenclaw. Creative and open-minded. She and Luna Lovegood would really hit it off.
Dr. Letitia Hellion: Slytherin/Hufflepuff. Slytherin because of her cunning and her use of manipulation to achieve her goals. Hufflepuff because of her true motive: to help other gifted people rid themselves of something that could hurt their loved ones.
Conrad Harrington III: Slytherin. Not much to say here. Pushes his (actually very selfless and protective) agenda upon others with much manipulation. This kid is like the poster child of Slytherin. 
Violet: Ravenclaw.
Boris Yeltsinov: Hufflepuff.
Jasper: Hufflepuff. He sees the best in people and tries his hardest to help his friends.
Kimber: Gryffindor. Her nickname is “Sparky” for her blunt and headstrong nature. “With her fiery red hair and temper to match, she sort of girl who embraced challenges, conflicts..” (page 91)
Smitty: Gryffindor.
Lily Yakimoto: Slytherin.
Professor Mumbley: Ravenclaw.
Ahmed Mustafa: Ravenclaw.
Nalen Mustafa: Ravenclaw.
Nurse Tolle: Hufflepuff.
Daisy: Hufflepuff.
Myrtle Grabtrash: Gryffindor.
J.: Slytherin.
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kamiya-yuu · 7 years
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Letitia Hellion
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Ever heard of The Girl Who Could Fly? It's a book that I think would make a fantastic ML AU. If you haven't, it's about Piper McCloud, a girl who can--you'll never guess this part--fly. And basically she ends up revealing her power in public so this woman, Dr. Letitia Hellion, approaches her and invites her to enter a school for kids with special abilities like hers. So she does, and plot happens. It's well worth a read! Also there's a sequel.
I haven’t read it but that sounds interesting and I’ll check it out, thanks for letting me know!! (And it absolutely sounds like it could make an awesome AU)
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“A man is good for only one thing. Women are good for at least seven.”
Letita Zabini
Affiliation: Death Eater
Age: Twenty-Three
Availability: OPEN
Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
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+ Gentile + Charismatic + Clever - Cunning - Ruthless - Manipulative
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When Letitia’s father, the third born son of the wealthy pureblood Shafiq family began his quest for a bride, it was only at the behest of his father who was tire of supporting the child he’d never wanted. Only two sons were required, not a third. What use did he have for the spare to the spare? Meeting Rochelle Lestrange was serendipitous, she was loaded with a dowry that would bad his measly coffers nicely for years. The marriage, Rochelle in love and Bassam in love with her money alone. Getting pregnant was for an heir and nothing more, the duty of the pureblood line, the birth of a daughter sent Basam Shafiq to the farthest corners of the earth to squander his wife’s money.
Perfection was all Rochelle Lestrange understood. From her prestigious family she had to save face any way she could. No hair was meant to be out of place, every set of clothing, every piece of jewelery must be utter perfection and she pressed the same standards onto her small child. It was about perfection in all things. When she stepped out of line, Lettie was reprimanded harshly, often times with the back of her mother’s hand. You are a lady of the Shafiq house you act like it. So Lettie learned. She would be perfection, but she was cunning. She learned how to get her way with just a few well placed words and effort. While a hellion could get what she wanted a lady, a clever one could get everything instead of just a handout.
Meeting Bellatrix Black at a party had been like finding a soul mate in another person, they were both from prestigious families and both of the girls were clever and quick minded. They talked, often about what they wanted and what they needed. Most of it were the day dreams of the trapped, they couldn’t get out of their world anymore than a half blood could get in. But the bond was forged and the two would never turn their backs on one another, secrets were shared– pain shared. Lettie swore she would never be her mother, Bellatrix swore she would never be broken.
Hogwarts was freedom in the best way, one of the queen bees of her year Letitia was fast at getting what she wanted. Manipulating people was just par for the course and she honed that specific ability to a razor’s edge as she progressed through school. Students, professors, staff members were just sheep to point in the direction she wanted them to go. That’s why it was so easy to become a prefect and eventually taking the mantle of head girl her seventh year. With that power in toe she and her friends had more freedom and power than others. While Bellatrix was the undisputed Queen, Lettie was the Duchess.
When Lettie was in her fifth year at Hogwarts she returned from vacation to find a grisly sight. Her mother, perfect hair, perfect nails, perfectly dead. Of course she didn’t cry about it, she handled it in the matter of fact way her mother had raised her too. Got the house elves cleaning and organized the funeral. Oh she put on the tears and water works of course, that was what was expected. Inside she felt nothing, not even relief. It was a simple fact of life, the woman was dead so why worry about it. She’d never felt any love for her.
Once she graduated she married and she married well. The new head of the well known Italian family, the Zabini’s. He was handsome enough and appeared to be the perfect choice for a smart match. He had money, he had connections– he had a gambling problem. That was the end of that nonsense, she would not let a man ruin her. Never again. So she poisoned him. Oh not all at once, but over the course of a year as she began to subtle make herself soul heir to everything he owned. After his death, seemingly from natural causes it was then she returned home to England
Now that she’s home she’s here to seek out another man, why not if it worked so well the first time? It doesn’t hurt that she’s got her best friend at her arm once again. The two a terrifying duo unto themselves, the clever witch has never felt more alive and independent. She fully intends to keep it that way.
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BELLATRIX LESTRANGE: Best Friend - Bellatrix and Lettie have been together since they were children and the unity is clear as day. They are a brutal team and they are utterly devoted to their friendship. Lettie recognized Bella is the Queen but her position is just as secure. She is the Duchess after all, with the poise and viciousness to match.
RODOLPHUS AND RABASTAN LESTRANGE: Cousins - As children, they were a united front in many ways. Lettie stood on her own two feet but her cousins were dear to her, as very few people could be.
EVAN ROSIER: Friend - Cousin to her best friend she’s always been around Evan. The friendship has always been amusing to her and well, there has to be a few men in the world she doesn’t want to see roasting.
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luriendotmp3 · 1 year
letitia hellion is So Unhinged you have no idea
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