#Dr. Letitia Hellion
flawnle-arts · 1 year
The Girl Who Could Fly animation thing based purely off of memories and a summary on the book. This book partly formed my personality. Also no, I have not read the other two books. I did not know about them until a month ago and haven’t gotten around to read them yet.
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hogwartshousehabits · 7 years
Sort: The Girl Who Could Fly (Victoria Forester)
Sorted by @limeliver Piper McCloud: Gryffindor. She stands up for herself and others and easily disobeys authority.
Bella Lovely: Ravenclaw. Creative and open-minded. She and Luna Lovegood would really hit it off.
Dr. Letitia Hellion: Slytherin/Hufflepuff. Slytherin because of her cunning and her use of manipulation to achieve her goals. Hufflepuff because of her true motive: to help other gifted people rid themselves of something that could hurt their loved ones.
Conrad Harrington III: Slytherin. Not much to say here. Pushes his (actually very selfless and protective) agenda upon others with much manipulation. This kid is like the poster child of Slytherin. 
Violet: Ravenclaw.
Boris Yeltsinov: Hufflepuff.
Jasper: Hufflepuff. He sees the best in people and tries his hardest to help his friends.
Kimber: Gryffindor. Her nickname is “Sparky” for her blunt and headstrong nature. “With her fiery red hair and temper to match, she sort of girl who embraced challenges, conflicts..” (page 91)
Smitty: Gryffindor.
Lily Yakimoto: Slytherin.
Professor Mumbley: Ravenclaw.
Ahmed Mustafa: Ravenclaw.
Nalen Mustafa: Ravenclaw.
Nurse Tolle: Hufflepuff.
Daisy: Hufflepuff.
Myrtle Grabtrash: Gryffindor.
J.: Slytherin.
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Ever heard of The Girl Who Could Fly? It's a book that I think would make a fantastic ML AU. If you haven't, it's about Piper McCloud, a girl who can--you'll never guess this part--fly. And basically she ends up revealing her power in public so this woman, Dr. Letitia Hellion, approaches her and invites her to enter a school for kids with special abilities like hers. So she does, and plot happens. It's well worth a read! Also there's a sequel.
I haven’t read it but that sounds interesting and I’ll check it out, thanks for letting me know!! (And it absolutely sounds like it could make an awesome AU)
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