#Let's beat team shounen!!
lilium-dragomir · 3 months
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⚜ Happy very belated birthday @kolomo ⚜
Finally finished your coloring~ I saw this orange cat on your anilist favorites list. I'm currently reading the manga, so it was a perfect time to color it for you. I hope you'll have a lovely day.
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ecargmura · 10 months
Pokemon Horizons Episode 16 Review: Spectacular
I’m sorry, Episode 10, you just got dethroned; Episode 16 is now the best episode of Pokemon Horizons by far. The animation, the execution and the buildup to what’s to come were all handled beautifully!
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The animation was the best I’ve seen the Pokemon do. Ufotable actually helped with the in-between animation for this episode; no wonder the animation looks so crisp, especially when it comes to Pokemon movements! I think my favorite part is when Dot gets a closeup of her face as her hair flows in the wind and shows off her eyes and then Quaxly is shown with a serious look and its hair flowing in the wind as well. I think that is just flawless animation right there. 
The way things were executed were handled well. I’m amazed everything fit into the episode without it being too rushed or too underwhelming. Though, I was a bit surprised that Quaxly had been a wild Pokemon all this time; I wasn’t expecting Dot to capture it in the beginning, but I liked how the writers wanted to get it out of the way first before going into the good stuff. 
I also really liked how well the Rising Volt Tacklers worked as a team. Friede used his Charizard to go to and from different locations and he even got a battle of his own. Murdock, Orla and Mollie were doing their best to gather information about where the kids could’ve gone. Ludlow was being Ludlow. The real meat of the friendship came from the kids. All three worked well together. Dot being a clever battler but not a strong one was actually something I was expecting. She’s inexperienced, but still used her intelligence to find a way to let Liko and Roy know where she is by making Quaxly use Water Gun. Liko was struggling to get on the boat, but Roy was helping her along the way and even protected her from Beheeyem. Liko then protected Dot by being brave and challenging Magneton and Beheeyem to a battle. The RVTs are a huge cast but the way the writers are able to incorporate how to use them in an episode is seriously amazing because I know for a fact that for some animes with a huge cast, screen time is a struggle.
Liko, Roy and Dot didn’t actually defeat Spinel in battle, but the fact that they beat his Beheeyem and Magneton together was a good improvement from them. Spinel didn’t lose to novice kids, but had to retreat because he was caught off-guard by Arboliva and knew that the it would be no match for him. This is a total step up from Episode 5 where Liko beat Conia’s Golduck offscreen (No, I will not be calling her Onia). 
The buildup for what’s to come both intrigues and excites me. I actually like Spinel as a villain. He’s cunning and intelligent. The way that he’s able to piece things together and even goes out of his way to hide information from his colleagues for his own purpose makes him even more intriguing; he figured out that the pendant’s key is Liko and he hid that information as he let his colleagues berate him.
Speaking of which, the new Explorers admins all have amazing designs. I’m surprised such designs are used in a Pokemon anime because these guys look as if they could be villains in a urban fantasy Shounen anime of sorts. The way they showed up makes me want to know more about them. Their names are Onyx, Agate and Sango (Coral in Japanese). I like how they keep the gemstone/mineral theme names. It reminds me of Sailor Moon where the Black Moon Clan from Sailor Moon’s second arc were named after gemstones. Also, I’m surprised that they got Ikue Ohtani, the voice actress of Captain Pikachu, Ash’s Pikachu and Sawyer from the XY anime, to voice Sango. The way that this is her second major human character and a cute female one at that makes me intrigued for what’s to come for this character and how Ohtani will voice a villain. I can’t wait for future episodes! Out of the three new admins, I think that Agate has the most beautiful design. It’s rare to see such a design in Pokemon, from her skin tone to the trapezoid motif. It makes me want to know more about her.
The way Dot decides to tell Liko her secret of being Nidothing as a way of thanking her for everything was surprising. I thought this running gag would go until the end of the anime, but I’m glad that’s not the case. I’m wanting to see how this will affect Liko and Dot’s relationship now. Will Liko be a fangirl? Will Liko be super protective of her? I can’t wait see where this reveal will head.
My review ended being rather long. I can’t help it. There was so much to talk about; amazing episodes deserve to have long reviews. This episode had extremely positive reactions amongst the community and I can finally see why. What are your thoughts on how this episode turned out? Are you excited for what’s to come for the Rising Volt Tacklers?
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class1akids · 2 years
A lot of people sent me asks about my recent posts on Bakugou’s possible role in the endgame and I figured I will try to put together the reasons why I think it would make sense for him to end up reaching out to Shigaraki. 
1. Lack of understanding causing fear and rejection
This is the theme, and one that Nezu talked about just before Class A set out to find Deku (and before Bakugou’s apology). ShigAFO talks about the same thing. But while Nezu’s solution is for someone to take a step to create a bridge (they don’t have to - see Uraraka talking to the crowd, Shouto diving into the flames for Touya), AFO’s step is to oppress everyone equally. 
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Notice the placement of that speech bubble.
2. Bakugou is extremely well-placed to understand Shigaraki 
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“Villains and heroes are the two sides of the same coin” is an important theme for Bakugou. And other than the mall scene, Bakugou has witnessed Shigaraki’s monologues, so he knows quite a lot about him and his motivations.  Importantly, Bakugou knows that AFO is “possessing” Tomura. 
Bakugou knows first hand what it’s like to be suffocated / possessed by a villain (Sludge Villain), he knows what it is like when everyone is just standing around watching you suffer, he knows what it’s like to be a pawn (Shigaraki called AFO a pawn, just like AFO called Tomura one)  in someone else’s game (his kidnapping). 
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But he also experienced a feeling of a hero coming for him. Deku came when he was almost swallowed by the Sludge villain. But not only that, Kamino is the first time when hero society truly stands up for someone who might otherwise fall through the crack; the pros are working together and with the police, UA defends him to the public, his classmates also come for him and All Might uses every lost drop of power he has to save him. 
3. Punching someone and saving someone are not mutually exclusive concepts... I’d say, it’s actually part of the Deku-school of saving
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So yeah, Bakugou doesn’t look right now as someone wanting to save Tomura, but a lot of big iconic Deku saves start with an “I’m gonna beat you + punch” kind of feeling.  In good shounen logic, it’s part of fist therapy, that can spark the right mindset in the opponent.
4. Hands are bad news for Tomura, so anyone blowing them up might end up helping him to regain control over his body
Bakugou exploding Shigaraki’s face in fact could remind him of the first time Bakugou knocked off “father’s” hand 
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Because let’s be honest, all these hands seem like bad news for Tomura. AFO has used since early childhood to control Shigaraki and groom him to his purpose by not letting his heart heal. At the end of the war, Spinner putting the hand on Shigaraki’s face is what gives AFO the key to control him. 
5. 2nd also went in guns ablaze 
After assembling a team (which is what Bakugou is doing now) he forced his way in, but ended up extending a hand to Yoichi (little brother, and well, we know Tomura is the little brother). We still don’t know what he saw - but 2nd did change his mind the moment he realized Yoichi was prisoner of AFO. 
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 We have precedents of Bakugou using a "bad guy” to his advantage (with Beserker Dark Shadow against Moonfish and his realization during the Aoyama scene), but I think here he may simply go with his heart - and being able to see himself in Shigaraki, be able to channel Deku (maybe they even talked already) - a sudden decision and kind of climax for his character growth. 
6. But Tomura is Deku’s villain
True. But we are operating in a team narrative here. Everyone’s actions will matter. Who saved Bakugou? Was it All Might alone? Clearly not. We needed Momo’s tracker, all the heroes working together, the kids’ combo rescue... Or Eri? (another clear Shigaraki parallel). It wasn’t just Deku or just Mirio. It was both of them and everyone else fighting there, clearing a path. 
Also, let’s not forget, Bakugou helping Tomura regain control won’t be a good thing at first. Because Tomura’s aim is destroyed and I have a feeling he’ll be pissed. He may go after AFO, but sure as hell he won’t care of the destruction in his path and my not stop once he killed old nutsack face - because I think once he kills AFO, his presence will grow stronger inside Tomura. There will be plenty of saving left for Deku. 
7. But back to the “single step” 
Bakugou’s answer to the issue of lack of understanding, is the “umbrella scene”. And I’ve never caught onto this, but it is exactly the kind of change Tomura would want to see - where the strict division between heroes and the passive masses starts to disappear, where everyone can see themselves more united.
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It’s not the future AFO wants, but it’s what Tomura set out to change. 
8. Lastly...
I do believe that the dynamic of the fight is tipping seemingly in the villains’ favour. I do think that a lot of “wins” we’ve had will seem like they were for nothing. But I feel like all of them will matter and count to the final victory. 
I can’t see Bakugou simply just fail or regress here - his character is growing, moving forward. Unlike Endeavor, who was rattled by AFO because he failed to face Touya, Bakugou faced himself, faced Deku and his peers. He already took that step.
And sure, he won’t get it all right. He won’t do all the winning and saving by himself. It will get worse before it gets better, but I think we will see him move towards “surpassing All Might”, act in accordance with his ideals and his actions will matter in the endgame result. 
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cursedvibes · 8 months
A bit of a theory but do you think it’s possible? That Gege intentionally followed common shounen tropes for Gojo/Sukuna arc wc made the Vanity Fight of the Strongest so incredibly drawn out to highlight why Gojo does not suit the MC role for Jujutsu Kaisen?
My tin foil hat on: Did Gege take the pettiest route to make a point but people just don’t get it? | (⊙_⊙) |
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I mean, I did not need 13 chapters to realize this, but I do think that Gege intentionally leaned more into common shonen tropes for this fight to make the ending hit harder. Everything stops (except Kenjaku's plans) and everyone comes together to watch the hero beat the villain. Get everyone hyped, let Sukuna and Gojo slap each other around like in a tournament arc and then bam reality hit and Gojo's dead because he couldn't think ahead or counter Sukuna's strategy. I don't think it was very well executed, it was far too repetitive for that (which is common for classic shonen, but I don't think that's a reason to repeat past mistakes and mess up the pacing of your own story), but they did succeed in riling up the fanbase and creating teams like in a football match. Goatjo vs Fraudkuna. Not so much to show that Gojo isn't suited as a mc of this story (he could work very well with a different setup and direction), but to show how shallow this hype around who's the strongest is. Gojo died happy, but the students and Shoko who he left behind don't share those feelings and we already have another power junkie taking his place. After the tedious Mortal Kombat-style fight before, they seem to go back to previous writing tactics though with fast action and multiple things happening at once. I don't think what they did with the Gojo vs Sukuna fight was a good idea, for me and many others it got pretty boring and on the other hand made the fanbase absolutely rabid, but it's certainly an approach one could take...
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signed-heart · 2 years
it’s lunch time!
suzue has somewhere to be for lunch so she isn’t able to spend time with you. still, you are left with the hint to ponder who your mystery love letter writer is. 
‘we spend our time together 5 days a week, but even in those 5 days, closeness i still seek.’ 
it’s a vague hint, almost making everyone and anyone a strong candidate, but it’s enough to get you started somewhere. 
and as always, you’re having lunch with the other second years on the volleyball team. you aren’t so sure whether or not you should bring the love letter and challenge up with them—if they’d even know anything or if they just might blow it out of proportion—so you think to keep it to yourself and just work around the existence of the letter. 
“mannnnn it’d be nice if suzue was ‘ere,” atsumu whines, letting out a sigh as he deflates against the gym wall. 
you, the miya twins, suna and ginjima are all comfy in a corner of the volleyball team’s gymnasium where your group typically always has lunch. suna and osamu are busy reading over one another’s shoulders of the newest release of jump (they had borrowed it from a classmate); ginjima is hurriedly copying someone else’s homework because he of course forgot to do his own; and atsumu slumps against the wall by your side with his now empty bento box resting on his chest. 
you look to him with a small smile. “it’s not like she’s never comin’ back, tsumu,” you tell him, raising one brow, “she’s just got a meetin’ with some of the baking club kids since, ya know, that was her club before ya snag ‘er from it.”
atsumu’s quick to move his bento off his chest and sit up. he’s fired up with your light jab and gets up on his feet, raising his voice at no one in particular. “and that’s my point exactly! she’s part of our club now and they’re still stealin’ ‘er away! she told me she was gonna let me borrow ‘er nintendo ds at lunch and now i ain’t playin’ on it ‘cuz she doesn’t wanna let me play on it unsupervised!” 
“maybe ‘cuz ya dropped it last time and she had to beg ‘er parents to get the screen replaced?” osamu calls out which makes atsumu’s head whip towards him, "and ain't it the dsi? that's much more expensive than a regular ds, no?" 
the blond points a finger at his twin. “shut yer trap!” he says as he crosses his arms tightly, "i already apologized and i felt bad! i even gave 'er my allowance that i was saving to buy my own ds!" he spoke with a small whine as he began to pace around, clearly frustrated at the absence of suzue and the rise of his previous... crime… it seems that he really does want to play on her dsi, though, and you wonder what game he was suppose to play. 
ginjima beats you to the question. “what were ya gonna play, tsumu?”
atsumu's mood lifts and he grins. “animal crossing,” he says proudly, “i’m thinkin’ of gettin’ the game! ya have it too don’tcha, y/n?” atsumu turns to you with an excited expression and you can’t help but smile, amused with his sudden change of mood. 
he was rather adorable when he was excited—the way his eyes sparkled for things other than volleyball was always amusing to you. 
“i do, yeah,” you respond pleasantly, “me and suzue play together sometimes. it’s pretty fun.”
“it’s kinda boring,” suna chimes in, everyone turning to face him. his lips purse slightly before he returns his attention to the shounen jump magazine. “my sister plays it. all you do is run around and i don’t know… pick up weeds and chop trees or whatever.” 
atsumu snarks back before you can. 
“hey don’t shit on the game, sunarin!” atsumu huffs, crossing his arms, “ya ain’t just given it a real try yet! plus, suzue's a real master at the game and she said if i get a console and the game, she'll help me out tons!"
you all share a laugh, his passion amusing the rest of you. you find it cute, though, and can't help but entertain him just a bit.
"did she?" you ask, a smile on her face.
the blond gives you two deep nods. 
“well, if ya head over to the kitchens now, ya just might find ‘er,” ginjima chuckles, pausing his hurried copying to give atsumu a grin. it’s a small push that he gives to the blond, knowing just how eager he is and how long he’s been talking to suzue about the game. “there’s around 30 minutes of lunch left.” 
atsumu tilts his head, furrows his brows, and thinks. it doesn’t take long for him to come up with a decision. “yer right! i’ll go get ‘er now! maybe i’ll just sit in the kitchen or whatever and play there, right?” 
you laugh lightly. “well, that is an option.”
he gives you a bright smile. 
“wanna come?”
what will you do?
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accompany atsumu to find suzue
stay behind with ginjima, suna, and osamu
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icharchivist · 1 month
I read someone saying that they think the way Granblue handles Siete is a good indication of good writing
Usually, the second you introduce a character who is "the most powerful", that's where things get dicey. They could solve every problem in minutes, every challenge becomes a "Well, let's get the OP guy on it"
A lot of Shounen manga and anime usually play with this trope by having the super strong guy chronically be late to the big fight, so his supporting cast gets to try and fail to stop the threat, gets their moment to shine, get beaten to show how powerful the baddie of the week is and then, when all hope seems lost, the strongest guy shows up and beats them. That's honestly fair enough. But with Siete it's handled in that he tries to remain neutral and he doesn't like resolving conflicts with violence, so he's trying to be smart about it. He could break the game immediately, we've all seen his stats in blue mode in HotS and how many more HP he had to Supreme Primarch Sandalphon, but he'd prefer not to. He could have ended Ceodric immediately, but he wanted to try and reason with the guy. It feels more organic than "Oh no, he's late again" (Siete only tends to run late to Eternal meetings, after all) and I like that he's very careful with his power and genuinely try to be responsible, even if he'll still make mistakes, because he's still just human
Also, for people complaining about the Eternals not being around during any of WMTSB, I think it's likely they were all just off saving the world in other ways, in different Skydoms perhaps, since they're usually really decentralized and by the time word got out, they got back and assembled, Danchou had taken care of it. I don't think that's so difficult to believe
Rip your askbox, I ended up having Thoughts
no worries about the askbox, it was a very interesting read, and i 100% agree.
I do think that Granblue always come to balance the scales of power starting from the fact that it has a lot of otherworldy powerful creatures and characters than just "writing them out" when the plot needs stake is too difficult to follow through.
So instead of just "is x stronger than y" Granblue has to give limitations in term of morals or area of effect, and therefore exploring more themes as how to wield said power rather than just trying to make it a mathematical match.
and it especially makes Seofon's actions really interesting because he is established as the strongest skydweller in the skies and he leads a team that is supposed to stop catastrophe from happening, and instead of trying to nerf his power or make him late or absent or slacking off, they just make him so devoted to his cause that he'll try to handle things on a different angle.
I think it's interesting by the way we often discuss him that we don't really talk about how his power will manifest against which enemy, but we talk about the unsettling aspect of his manipulations and the worry of if he ever lose control, and those end up being tangible fear on part with the power he happens to have.
it's just so interesting and i 100% agree with the ask. he's such a cool character.
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ninthfeather · 2 years
Hey, so the US is once again having major issues, and donating to organizations that can help is one of the most effective things we can do right now. In exchange for a $10+ donation to one of the linked organizations, I will write you a 400- to 500-word fic. If this sounds good to you, read on!
Several other authors are doing similar drives; you can find a list here.
Eligible Charities:
Planned Parenthood: 
National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda 
The Center for Reproductive Rights 
National Network of Abortion Funds 
 About Commissions:
I will only have 6 slots available bc I’ve got chronic health issues, a full-time job, and other commitments. If you would like a commission, please send your donation receipt and request to ninthfeathers (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also submit the donation receipt and request by Discord if you already have my contact information there. Please do not use Tumblr Messenger or my ask box, that’s an easy way for info to get lost.
Your prompt can be as specific or vague as you would like, but I reserve the right to refuse a prompt or to tell you I will not be comfortable with a prompt unless it is altered.
All fics will be posted on Tumblr and to my “Oh Valley of Plenty” collection on AO3. If you would like them posted elsewhere (Dreamwidth or Pillowfort), please let me know.
 Other Notes:
Crossovers and AUs are fine
I do not write actor RPF
No reader-insert/POV/imagine fics
You can request sequel fics or fics set in the same ‘verse as works I’ve already done, but the prompt cannot be “add 400-500 words to (existing incomplete fic).”
I will not fill prompts in a way that would warrant an M or E rating on AO3. If it is impossible to fill the prompt with a G- or T-rated fic, I will reject the prompt.
Pairings are all right but please don’t ask me to write a pairing you know I actively dislike. Neither of us will be satisfied with the resulting fic.
I’m busy and in poor health so these things might take a while to get finished
Every person who’s offering something in exchange for donation receipts is holding donors to the honor system. I’m trusting you not to use receipts that you’ve already submitted to someone else to get a fic from me. Please remember that the end goal here is raising as much money as possible.
Fandoms I have written for before at length: Fullmetal Alchemist, My Hero Academia, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Fruits Basket, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XV, Detective Conan, Magic Kaito, Gundam 00, Kagerou Project, M*A*S*H, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, xxxholic, Persona 3, Critical Role, The Magnus Archives, The World Ends with You, Arknights, Genshin Impact, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Jujutsu Kaisen, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, CQL/MDZS/The Untamed
Fandoms I have written a little for or would like to write for: Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Seed, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, Gundam Wing, Scrapped Princess, Persona 5, Bleach, D. Gray Man, Rurouni Kenshin, Kanata Kara, Skip*Beat, Sailor Moon, Pandora Hearts, Vanitas no Carte, Madoka Magica franchise, Fate franchise, Tokyo Babylon, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Batfamily (DC Comics), Team Red (Marvel Comics), X-Men (Marvel Comics), League of Legends: Arcane, MILGRAM (multimedia project), Parties Are For Losers (multimedia project), DIE (comic), Spy x Family, Star Wars
Fandoms I will not write: Voltron, Gundam IBO, Code Geass, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Umbrella Academy post Season 1, The Witcher, things I’m not familiar with
Thank you!
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millennialdemon · 1 year
Back on Black Clover again
I keep watching an episode or two and abandoning this anime for months because the few episodes I watch are so, so bad. This pattern continues with episode 40, the ugliest beach episode I have ever seen in my life.
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Distractingly off-model animation aside, this episode was jam-packed with everything I completely hate about Black Clover: The Black Bulls, and the insufferably 1-dimensional characters therein acting out their tired, unfunny tropes while screaming and interrupting each other constantly. It honestly started to feel like I was watching a Collins Key video, which might be one of the harshest criticisms I have given anything on this blog thus far. 
I am baffled by this anime’s high score on MAL. I can’t parse if this title just has a lot of die hard fans giving it 10’s out of spite/delusion/irony, or if somehow Black Clover eventually becomes something genuinely good in its 170 episode runtime. Reading reviews offers no actual insight – claims it’s “the best written modern shounen” are completely absurd and penned by people that have watched even less than I have, and most reviewers giving it a 10 concede it’s a shameless copycat of various works that came before but that “the author is trying” even if the studio is ruining it with awful animation... so somehow that makes it a masterpiece? Is something pitiable seriously worth an 8.14? Make it make sense…
Then there are my own sensibilities to account for: I think Black Clover is the most misogynistic shounen series I have picked up since I checked out Fist of the North Star (which was made in the 80’s). I think it is wildly immature and its fear of indulging any story beat that is too heavy or too serious is frustrating. In 40 episodes I cannot remember an episode or a scene from Black Clover that left an impression or felt at all formative – I can still remember multiple scenes that make me feel something from pre-shippuden Naruto that I saw over 15 years ago on TV as a child. And that series is far from perfect, but at the very least it knew how to stop and let its characters breathe and feel their feelings and take something seriously. How the hell are we going to have this (extremely, pathetically basic) Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork theme in Black Clover when our protagonist group of misfits don’t seem to give a damn and don’t have to put any work into staying together?
It all just feels so lazy. Everyone’s together because they were assigned to be in a team because they’re all the same and they’re all a joke. Noelle is the only outlier because she is a royal but that doesn’t matter at all anymore because her only character trait is having a huge tsundere crush on Asta that somehow renders her just as “defective” as the other freaks. It has been such a let down honestly that Noelle turned into a willing member of the Black Bulls so quickly because she was like… the only person in the entire team that could facilitate some character drama. But no. She girl. Rich girl like dumb dumb country boy. Dumb dumb country boy say classism bad. Rich girl go ooga booga.
Literally had my head in my hands this episode while Noelle begged Asta to look at her in her bikini. They have massacred my girl. And every other girl in the series thus far.
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sasuke_stanpdf you're the only person in the Crunchyroll comment section of episode 40 of Black Clover that even remotely understands my pain. Thank you.
The new OP made my skin crawl because it looks like we’re going into a Black Bull centric arc. (And because the digital zooms looked bad. Sorry.) But maybe the group will actually do something interesting. Better yet, maybe their characters will be challenged somehow. Maybe they will even have conflicts with each other! What a treat that would be in this barren wasteland of a narrative. And maybe, just maybe, Gauche will finally die. Surely, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel that is this arc, right…?
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Okay so this au is just a rough idea i had where the teens personalities would switch (normal havings scary personality, she having links etc.). The story beats would be similar, althought slightly changed, their families would stay the same and their backstories would differ slithly. Here are some headcanons (Are they headcanons if im the one making the au? Oh well that's what im gonna call the right now) and some schetches i have of their au designs:
Scary is her nick name actually, she got it in soccer because she is kibda scary when playing because she is so good, dislikes that she feels like she has to use it to distinguish herself from Terry Jr tho.
Still dislikes her step-dad, but more because she feels like her and her mom were fine without him and he just ruined their relashonship.
Actually good at soccer (also in a kinda wierdo way like link)
Will call you out on your bullshit
Will also threaten you and mean it
Is one to question authority
A pretty good leader actually (but can be a bit of a perfectionist and take things too seriously)
Still has a notlikeothergirls vibe but more in imoneoftheboys way
Kinda dislikes everyone else on the team at first
Dislikes the wellwellwell soccer kids, she just thinks they are fake and annoying
Doesn't really have friends, so she is pretty lonely
A bit of a soccer nerd
Does write poetry in her spare time, but only shows her mom
Is much more openly loving towards her mom
Is really honest, because of that she comes across as mean
The san dimas demon
Thinks or at least pretends to think everyone loves him
Friends with nearly all the soccer kids (Scary finds him annoying but he is working on changing her opinion)
Kinda inseccure actually
Enjoys the attention of being the mascot
Was really into gymnastics as a kid
Tries to make his own cheers and dances, is not really great at them
Has mobility issues that kinda fuck with him being able to perform which like really sucks
Liked cosplay before (still does) so being the mascot and making the suit felt natural
Actually takes off the costume (uNliKe SoMe PeoPlE!)
Does wear a lot of school merch when not in costume tho
His mom is the best, and he is still very spoiled, he does wonder where his dad is tho...
His mom told him a lot about him, so he just imagines this really cool dude, that had to go away because of something really cool (is slightly dissapointed with the reality of him divorcing his mom, deleting her and his memories and runing away from the fbi, he does find him kinda cool tho, although also scary)
Dresses like an offbrand Supernatural charakter most of the time
Learnt survival because of Grant (it has become a special intrest so he knows a lot)
Knows sign language and morse code
Still kinda sheltered (but he was allowed to do actual camping, he tried to be scout for a while but he disliked it)
As a little kid he went on hikes with his grandpa all the time (and grandaunt Kasey)
Wears a giant backpack with like everything inside (think milo from milo murphys law) with a lot of self defense weapons
Grant taught him a special code to use if he is in danger but cant let others around him know, they also have a text messege version
New to school (i think the li-wilsons just recently moved back in this au) so this is his first time in public school
A weapons nerd (definitly went to a shooting range a lot)
More of a games nerd than a weeb (unlike Taylor), he got it from his dads
Thinks its cool how his name is like Links from zelda games
Likes sports anime and shounen (watched all of my hero academia, he thinks it didn't age that well,but he watched it anyway to bond with his dads)
Still a total daddy's boy
Honestly happy to get to do some normal teen stuff
Has a lot of online friends, but he still feels kinda lonely
Before they moved he played with norm and taylor as a kid
Thinks pokemon are cool as hell
Goes by Wierd/wierdly
Realized his dad isn't proud of him earlier and feels really resentful about it
Lisens to mcr and tfb(he feels like it is vintage and cool, he does miss listening to band covers tho)
Used to draw a lot, he wanted to make cartoons and comics when he was younger
Tried to go into soccer but was not good at it
Used to have this self incert oc "Teenie" that he was really proud of and drew a lot, he wanted to make a whole comic with himbut after he found out his dad isn't proud of him he started to hate it, he thought of it as really childish so he destroyed every drawing he could find (his mom saved a couple somewhere)
Uses a lot of self depricating humor, and just dark humor in general
Tries to seem annoyed at the other teens but genuenly likes them
Realized people thought he was cringy much earlier, it did still hurt a lot
Tries to control his emotions but then just ends up crying due to them being bottled up and he hates it
Goth clothes kinda fuck with his texture issues but he still wears them
Never designed teenie for the school mascot competition so the san dimas demon won
Gets along better with hero than in canon
Wear earphones to school (both to listen to edgy music and for noice canceletion)
Honestly mask more than in canon (the autism is strong)
Idk when im gonna have time to actually make something for this au but i really wanted to throw my ideas out there because if i don't then they are probablly never gonna see the light of day.
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Sorry for my scribbly handwriting, it is all basicly the words above tho, you can still read i guess.
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Week in Review
03/24/2024 – 03/30/2024
Week 7 of missing Cipher Academy
Undead Unluck with another amazing chapter as always. I like how Lan contrasts Beast by being motivated by her own personal grudges, and I like how this loop’s Ichico bucks so hard against the previous narrative of her dying for Nico’s gain. With Fuuko so far away, I really hope Nico and Ichico figure out a creative way to take Lan down by themselves.
Okay yeah, I think I’m going to drop RuriDragon. It’s a cute manga, but the translation voice is annoying me too much and I can’t comfortably get into the groove of the story. I wish the mangaka all the best, though, and I hope their new schedule works out for them.
It’s so funny seeing Oshi no Ko just carry on like normal as if they didn’t just drop a grenade in the last chapter lol but oh boy let’s give some characterization to Melt, who I honestly don’t really care about. The bit at the end was funny at least, and I hope the god child beefs it at acting.
Aghhhgh it’s hard to enjoy these cute heartwarming moments of Momo and Zuma bonding when it’s so obvious that it’ll never go anywhere because all signs point to Momo ending up with Otarun… I wish the mangaka wouldn’t introduce secondary love interests unless they were serious about giving them a shot at “winning” by the end… (Fruits Basket you’ll always be famous for this.)
Chainsaw Man!
Woah literally everything is happening in One Piece right now… First off, thank you Oda for the drop of Lucci/Kaku sustenance, I did vaguely ship them ten years ago when I watched Enies Lobby for the first time. It’s always cute seeing Luffy’s Looney Tunes fighting style, and wow now that ancient giant armor thing is arriving…
I’d been saving the Undead Unluck season finale for when I was done my work thing, and I’m so glad I did… This was the chapter that got me fully hooked on UU, and seeing it adapted so beautifully and as the end to the whole season was so incredible… Not only was the action fantastic and fluid, but they really nailed all the emotional beats… Anno’s voice acting was amazing and I cried basically the whole way through his monologue and the ENDING AND THAT FIST BUMP AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I cried so hard I literally gave myself a headache… The ending of this arc and knowing what Anno means to Tozuka gives this story so much more weight and meaning to me… Anno’s desperation to be known and heard and understood may have some more life or death stakes in this context, but I think his feelings are relatable to anyone who’s ever wanted to convey something through their art. And to have the whole crux of the arc and the fight’s success on his sacrifices and message is so moving, and that perfect title drop of “To You From Me” gets me every time. This episode was just so so so so perfect, and I really hope that the anime will get more seasons after this. It’s definitely been a bit of a bumpy ride in terms of quality, and Tozuka’s ambitious ideas don’t always translate well to a weekly anime production, but I think at its core, the team always knew when and how to hit the big emotional moments and I really appreciate them for that. I’m just glad that the anime has such a distinct vision, and isn’t just another soulless carbon copy shounen adaptation. I have Undead Unluck as a whole ranked at a 9/10, but the anime by itself will be a 8/10 for me.
The new Game Changer episode was interesting, but truth be told I found it a little boring. There were a few funny moments, and I liked all the prop design and how they found new art-themed challenges for them to do, but in terms of comedy there wasn’t much there (not that I was expecting much from people who are professional artists and not comedians).
I finished reading Downton Abbey – A Celebration, and it was perfectly mid. Just a little companion book to the show where you can get some extra details about the characters and how their actors perceived them and some interesting details about the historical period and the set design. If I cared about Downton as much as I did Succession I’d probably devour this book, but for what it is it’s just fine.
Played a little itch.io game called Flesh, Blood, & Concrete and it was pretty fun. The Soviet atmosphere and the meat aesthetic were all on point, and it even got me with a jumpscare, but I appreciated that the tenseness of the horror was punctuated with some moments of levity with Nika (who I found super cute). I think it communicated its themes clearly for such a short game, and I had a fun time exploring each apartment and collecting an ungodly amount of little trinkets. 7/10.
Felt nostalgic about Undead Unluck after finishing the anime so I decided to reread some of the manga since I sped through it so fast the first time through. I remembered most of the key hype moments, but I was surprised to see just how many smaller plot elements I completely forgot. Seeing Feng and Shen’s fight with more context makes it so much more compelling, and also funny when you think about 101 tsundere single father Feng. I think I was so shocked at my favourite character dying that I’d forgotten most of everything else in the Summer arc, but this time I could really appreciate Shen and Mui’s bond and Mui coming into her own as a Negator. But the real highlight of this readthrough was seeing Fuuko’s growth as a fighter and a character – her world’s opened so much after meeting Andy, and now she’s out there being social and getting to know and love people and expanding her own understanding of her ability and it all feels so natural but satisfying. She really is one of the best protagonists I’ve ever read in manga…Tozuka has the “emotional beat heightening a climactic action moment” thing down to a science. I also appreciate the humanization of the UMAs – they’re creatures being used by God, too, and if they could turn against him in Ragnarok then that could really turn the tide. But regardless, I like that they have their own personalities so that each quest can feel unique and not just a monster of the week situation. The competing strategic moves between Union and Under are fun, Andy and Fuuko independently coming to the realization that they’re in love is fun, the Spring fight is soooooo so much fun; once UU hit its stride it’s just been peak after peak. Dang I actually teared up at the end of the Spring fight…Spring is just so cute and sympathetic.
I really did blank out most of the early parts of the Ragnarok Arc from my mind because oh my godddddd I remembered that Rip and Latla tragically die but this was so… Because Tozuka imbues all of his characters with so much pathos, the Negator vs Negator fights always have such insane stakes and tension. I’ve really grown to like Rip on this readthrough…Akira was so right, he’s a nice guy who’s had to kill that part of him in order to achieve his selfish goals, and seeing him fall against Andy was genuinely heartbreaking…
Andy vs Nico was less hype for me – the momentum of the battle felt a little start/stop as Nico has to painstakingly explain just why he’s doing all this and why he’s so tragic, only to turn on Ghost relatively easily in order to grant Andy the win. It’s one of the lesser Negation reveals for me, but it was still decently enjoyable to read. Billy vs Ruin though ohhhhh my godddddddd Billy’s tragedy is a lot easier to understand and empathize with for me, even without the dead wife and kid stuff. The strength of his powers relying on people hating him means that he was always fated to be a villain…doomed by the narrative, one could say… But this coming into conflict with his genuine affection for the others and how it made the fight harder for him was a fantastic story beat, as was Ruin finally seeing him as a threat and giving him the upper hand because of it. And Billy promising to stay alive long enough to see Tatiana die…I haven’t talked about her much, but Tatiana is also another favourite character of mine (this manga is just filled to the brim with good characters) for the strength she’s exhibited in the face of incredible difficulties. It’s both cute and sad to see her behave like an adult when she’s so young…
Went outside and got pho with my friend
Leftover pho tastes sooooooooo good. It’s too bad that today’s DunMesh episode wasn’t food focused, but of course I still enjoyed watching it a lot. The sight gag of the label rolling along with the dragon meat was amazing, and Chilchuck being forced to admit his human emotions for once was so cute.
Drag Race was just fine, as usual. I always get nervous for makeover challenges because my favourites tend to go home on them, but I’m glad to see Nymphia get by. I’m a little worried that she’s fading into the middle of the pack, and that she’ll have to lip sync against Q next episode… I really hope she can win the next challenge so that she can stand toe to toe with Plane and Sapphira in terms of track record.
Saturday Went outside again. When will it end
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aeoki · 3 months
SS Finals - Crown: Chapter 5
Location: ES Dome Red Team Waiting Room Characters: Eichi & Wataru
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Eichi: In any case, “Switch” has won against “Valkyrie” just as planned.
Poor “Valkyrie”... They knew nothing and just found out that our dear Touri had been kidnapped. I’m sure they must be quite shocked to hear that the one behind it was the “General Leader” of their own team.
Itsuki-kun has always been fussy when it comes to keeping things clean. I think it’s rather odd that he cherishes such a grimy doll, though.
Wataru: Shuu is an artist – It simply means he has grasped the real meaning of beauty and its value. After all, a flower that only grows in swamps does exist.
Eichi: That must be true beauty. Beauty and value are both from comparison. You won’t be able to tell the difference between pretty things if you just lined them up.
Only when they bear darkness and filth is there light and beauty. Am I wrong?
Wataru: No? I’m sure Shuu would say something along the lines of “Stop talking as if you think you understand!” or “You should be the last person to talk about art!”, though.
After all, you’re just talking about the laws of physics, aren’t you, Eichi?
Light only exists because of darkness. It’s a matter of fact.
Eichi: It’s just that you can simply find a scientific explanation for everything. You could even say so for the human heart. “That” is the one thing that I don’t believe is an exception – in spite of everything.
Humans are the perfect creations produced by God? Why, that’s just the sort of religious dialogue that everyone dislikes in one way or another, no?
You can analyse all of our components with physics.
There isn’t anything beyond human intellect. Miracles don’t exist.
If it’s something mysterious and fantastical – something fitting to be called a miracle then…
It’s something that we have yet to be able to dissect with the scalpel of reason. That’s all there is to it.
If humanity can perfectly grasp that knowledge, then we’ll even be able to kill gods. Let’s take hold of “its” neck, bring its breathing to a stop and put it out of its misery.
At the earliest, it’ll be during this year’s “SS”. At the latest, until I draw my very last breath.
I’d pray and pray to God for salvation and he never once answered… Oh, how I always wanted to strike him across the face.
Wataru: Even if that is part of God’s plan?
Eichi: Still, it’ll be a valuable opportunity to touch God. I won’t let that opportunity go to waste.
I’ll let him feel the pain, at the very least. I’ve already made the proper arrangements to do that.
First, we’ll win against the “White Team”. The table has already been set – there is no reason for us not to partake, is there?
Everything is a trap until “Switch” wins against “Valkyrie” in the first round. In other words, I had predicted that the “White Team” would have come up with their own strategy.
But we should keep our guard up until the very end.
I don’t think Nagisa-kun would do something pointless like losing a battle he could definitely win.
What would he gain by making “Valkyrie” lose? The answer would be a loss, a sense of distrust and causing us to feel a little anxious. It would make us wary of everything.
And that sense of distrust works perfectly in our favour. I was born frail and inferior to others.
I could finally beat the able-bodied after desperately working hard and using my head to find the best strategies. I bear no arrogance – no ego of a winner.
The more anxious I am, the more desperate my thinking becomes.
But during the War, I was over the moon about my first victory and ended up losing my footing. That’s why I won’t make the same mistake.
At the very least, I’ll be careful to not let that happen again. Tell me, what meaning is there in making me – making us – stronger?
Are you thinking of shounen manga villains who grow stronger by devouring those stronger than them?
In most cases, the protagonist would have already grown far too strong by the time the villains are leisurely doing that.
The villain would, thus, say: “N–No! This shouldn’t have been possible…!”
Wataru: I see. I did feel as though the members of “Eden” were putting on a play, but perhaps that’s exactly what they’re doing.
Eichi: What do you mean?
Wataru: They’re doing the same thing you did during the first “DDD”, Eichi. They’re pretending to be the villains on purpose.
I don’t know if it was their real intention to be in that position, but their acting was rather uncomfortable, though.
Eichi: Your criticism towards theatre is as harsh as always, Wataru… I have an idea as to why they may be doing such a thing.
But the curtains have risen. We, too, must fulfil the roles we were given.
All the while predicting the lines that are hidden away from us.
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otakween · 8 months
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0-Sen Hayato - Volume 4 (Final volume!)
Ch. 33
-This chapter was pretty dull and hard to follow. They kept repeating the same phrases over and over again. Old manga is so wordy.
-The only thing I really got out of this chapter was that they used aluminum foil to confuse/blind enemies in WWII. I had to fact check, but I guess this was a real tactic. Neat.
Ch. 34
-Really struggling to keep my eyes open reading this. This chapter was particularly tricky because a lot of it was American POWs speaking in katakana which takes me twice as long to read as normal Japanese.
-I believe what happened in this chapter is that the Americans tricked the Japanese into sending their best squadron away so that they could attack the weakest squadron that was left behind. Although I found the chapter itself boring, it did have a good cliffhanger where one of the guys from the weaker squadron is like "this is my first dogfight!"
Ch. 35
-The Shiuntai continue to fail at life while the Bakufutai go "nyah nyah, we're so much better than you!" They were awfully chill about 16 men dying in this chapter, but what else is new?
-Hayato and Ishiki fight over who gets to comfort an injured love interest-chan (forgot her name lol). Before she passes out she let's them know that the King Satan airplane was responsible for shooting up their base. Feels like things are ramping up for a final battle. Only 7 chapters to go!
Ch. 36
-Ishiki makes a failed attempt at fighting the final boss of this manga "King Satan." I don't really get it, this manga usually sticks to semi-realism (except for that one wacky chapter about sharks) but then they throw someone named "King Satan" at you. I think this is the first time we actually see his face? They made him handsome lol
-There's a character named "King Satan" in another 1960s manga called Tiger Mask, so I'm wondering if there's a connection there. Is this a shoutout? (Hayato came out first, so maybe not)
Ch. 37
-This was like the "tough guys cry about their feelings" chapter. First Ishiki gets all hysterical explaining his defeat to Hayato and then King Satan breaks down when he reveals that he was BFFs with Hayato's dad before the war. The drama! It was kinda funny how Hayato listened to his whole speech and was just like "I'mma still kill you tho..."
-I forget what country King Satan's supposed to be from. I was kind of assuming America, but I have no clue. (Edit: Considering his plane says USAF, safe to say he's from America)
-This chapter was very shounen-y. King Satan tells Hayato that he's not ready to fight him yet and to come back after he's trained more lol. At least King Satan's men reacted realistically (they were like "why didn't he shoot him down??")
Ch. 38
-Some interesting developments in this chapter. Ishiki and Hayato finally decide to stop bickering and team up after Hayato loses to King Satan. Also, Captain Miyamoto yells at Hayato and tells him that war is no place for personal feelings and revenge (he literally says "kill your feelings which felt very Naruto/ninja-esque)
-Ishiki and Hayato practice dogfighting "for real" but find they're evenly matched so Miyamoto agrees to spar with them. Seems kinda insane to me that you would actually shoot at one another's planes just to practice, but IDK enough about warplanes to call the manga's bluff lol.
Ch. 39
-Captain Miyamoto gives Ishiki and Hayato a big speech comparing samurai tactics to dogfights. I just barely followed it, but the boys boiled things down to "we need to find out King Satan's plane's weakpoint." So they decide to take a P.51 captive so that they can examine it closely and determine its weaknesses. Makes sense. Never really occurred to me that airplanes would have weakpoints...
-IDK why the boys were so shocked that they couldn't beat their captain in a dogfight. Pretty arrogant of them lol
Ch. 40
-After a big struggle, the boys manage to take an P.51 captive to start their experiment. One of the big bosses also shows up and declares a new, dangerous mission for the squad.
-I thought it was weird that Hayato and friends kept yelling threats to the American pilot. Number 1: how do they even hear each other? Number 2: I'm assuming their threatening the guy in Japanese because they would have indicated if otherwise. Surely this random American soldier doesn't understand them? Ah well...
Ch. 41
-The squad seek revenge when they find out another unit was wiped out. The chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Hayato and Ishiki's airplanes falling apart as they're surrounded by enemy planes.
-This is the second to last chapter for the whole series...I really thought they'd be fighting King Satan by now, but I guess that comes next!
Ch. 42
-Well, that was an abrupt and anti-climactic ending...I guess they wanted a triumphant ending and they couldn't go much further since Japan lost the war
-So it's revealed that Captain Miyamoto was shot down and killed by King Satan and the gang grieves for about 0.2 seconds. Hayato leads the charge to go after King Satan's base for revenge and in the fight (which happens in the rain) King Satan shoots down and kills Ishiki too! Bold of the mangaka to kill off major characters like that, but war is war. Hayato finally manages to shoot down King Satan who goes down laughing...the end.
Thank goodness I've finally reached the end of this series. It took me FOREVER to read due to the tricky Japanese and a lack of interest on my part. That being said, I'm glad I experienced a part of manga history. Storytelling in general was just super different in the 1960s in the east and the west. Tricky for us with modern sensibilities to sit through. Of course the art was very different too. I think the art was the best part of this series. Lots of care and attention to detail went into the panel layouts and action scenes. I hope someone translates this someday for WWII and old manga enthusiasts (it definitely won't be me lol).
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butterboy69420 · 1 year
Butterboy's Bizarre One Piece Rambles Part 1: East Blue
So I started watching One Piece and as of right now, I've finished Alabasta. I know this is a blog for my OCs, but also, this is my blog and I get to do what I want. So I'm gonna ramble about One Piece and give my thoughts about every arc.
This first part is gonna focus on my thoughts on the arcs for East Blue. As it's been at least 5 minutes since I've last finished East Blue, these thoughts are gonna be brief and some details may be admittedly a bit fuzzy.
By the way, all of these images are stolen from the Internet. Netflix won't let me take screenshots, so I never ended up taking any of my own.
Okay, so this arc was a pretty solid introduction. We first see Luffy sneaking up on Alvida's ship and rescuing Coby (at least in the anime). And also Nami's there too but she's not really important just yet. I think it's cool that it sets her up to be this sneaky, thieving girl, which will be important later on in her own arc, so that's cool.
Luffy's literal first pieces of dialogue is just him saying that he wants to be King of the Pirates. And while I know he is gonna be, because this is a shounen anime, I think part of me kinda doubted him. Because holy shit, kid, you cannot be this stupid. But anyways, he rescues Coby and beats up Alvida. You know, I was totally expecting Coby to be part of the Straw Hat crew but it turns out he wants to be a Marine instead. So I think the friendship between a pirate and a Marine would be pretty damn interesting.
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Then we cut to Zoro's introduction, where he's on the verge of being executed. So that's cool. I also think it's funny that Luffy immediately sees Zoro and wants him on his team, like goddamn, okay. There was a little girl who offered to feed him rice balls, and I thought that was cute. I actually disliked Helmeppo at first because I thought he was annoying. He actually reminds me of my own OC, Charmin Doyle, so there's that. Keyword: at first, because one of the later arcs in the story kinda proved me wrong.
One thing I will be honest about is the fact that early East Blue villains didn't really impress me. I honestly forget about Morgan sometimes, but I know he was a cruel piece of shit. If I remember correctly, he was also a dick to his own son, which made me actually feel bad for Helmeppo a bit. I feel like a lot of the early One Piece villains really do feel like they're evil for the sake of being evil, which I'm not super big on, but as I kept watching, I just honestly kinda enjoyed how cartoony some of them were.
Anyways, I liked Zoro's introduction. He had a promise he wanted to fulfill and ever since Luffy helped him out, he's become one of the most loyal Straw Hat members. I thought he was cool.
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Episode 4 focused on Luffy's backstory with Shanks. It was a cute episode and it showed how Luffy got his Gum-Gum abilities, as well as why he wants to be the King of the Pirates. It gives us a reason to root for him. Now, what I learned later is that in the manga, this backstory was actually the first chapter, so the first thing you see is this backstory. Which...I honestly think is a better way to start One Piece, TBH. It gives us that reason to root for him, like I said earlier, and it's just overall a stronger start than him being on Alvida's ship. I've come to realize that they pulled the same shit with Zoro's backstory, which in the manga, was revealed during this arc, but in the anime, was just some fucking filler episode between Syrup Village and Baratie, which...I'm not a huge fan of the placing. Either way, Luffy's backstory is solid. Zoro's is too. It's why he wants to be the strongest swordsman.
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Imma be honest, I don't really remember much of this arc. But this is the arc that officially introduces Nami. I thought Buggy the Clown was a fun villain. I know he falls into the evil for the sake of evil trope, at least to my knowledge anyway, but he was just fun. I liked his ability with him being the first Devil Fruit user that Luffy fights, I like how chaotic him and his underlings are. I thought the little dog was cute and stuff (although you could tell it was obviously voiced by a human). It was interesting that he was actually somewhat connected with Shanks. I thought it was funny that he'd get offended if you made fun of his nose. Oh yeah, he also ended up with parts of his body missing, which is funny.
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This arc also establishes Nami as being a thief who steals from pirates, as well as her kinda sorta not really officially joining the crew. I thought she was interesting, but she wasn't really sold for me just yet. Honestly, at this point, I thought she was just the token female character in a shounen anime. I did not have high expectations for her, especially given the way she's drawn in the later episodes of the anime.
Anyways, I think One Piece's slapstick humor is best exemplified here. I like the humor, it keeps the fights from going too stale and makes for some comedic running gags. I ended up really liking Buggy. I guess one thing I will say is that I found this arc's battle to kinda drag on a bit. Same with Syrup Village's battles, which we will get to now.
This is the arc that introduces Usopp. I know some people find him annoying and outright dislike him, but throughout this arc, I thought he was this super well-meaning guy. He's such a sweetheart. I know he's a liar, but damn, he's such a genuinely kind guy who, while for the most part, he's a pussy, he's willing to put himself on the line for those he cares about. I think he's honestly one of my favorites, very high up there. I think his relationship with Kaya is genuinely so sweet, the fact that he entertains her with stories while she's sickly and bedridden most of the time is just. GAH. I love Usopp. The fact that he still wants to save his village, even when no one believes him...bro, I could never. If my village thought I was spewing cap, I'd just ditch them and let them get attacked. I don't give a fuck. Anyways, I love Usopp. He's just trying his best. I wish he had more time to shine because this is *his* arc, so *he* should be the one to be more engaged in the fight instead of Luffy.
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Klahadore/Captain Kuro as a villain was a solid 6/10. Like his power is cool and all, but his motivations are rather generic. Although when he does that walk, I will say he's genuinely a bit freaky. I think he did indeed pose a genuine threat to the village despite everything, like I could see him being the main villain of the arc from a mile away. Because what he threatened to take away from Usopp meant a lot to him. His village, Kaya, and everything. As for Jango, I thought he was silly goofy. Is it just me or does he look like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith? I think it's just me. But he's another great example of the slapstick humor in One Piece.
Oh yeah, one great piece of foreshadowing in this arc is that scene where Zoro and Nami try to climb up a slippery slope, and Nami essentially ditches Zoro and leaves him behind. At first, I thought that was a dick move. It shows that Nami's morals are more on the selfish end, which kinda made me like her more. But more importantly, it foreshadows what she's gonna do to the Straw Hat pirates.
I think people shit on Usopp and the Syrup Village arc too much. This arc was important because without Usopp, the crew wouldn't even have a ship. Syrup Village was kinda the first arc that kinda got me hooked. Like if this was a fishing analogy and I was a fish, I'd be nibbling on the hook right now. I wasn't sold completely, but the characters and their dynamics with each other are starting to show here.
Oh yeah, there was also that arc with Gaimon. Imma be honest, I barely paid attention to that one, but it was a nice break from the battles.
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Now, I like this arc. Because this is when Sanji gets introduced. I like Sanji, he's cool. I think he's my more definitive favorite because I think he's neat. The fact that Luffy wants a cook on his crew, even though a navigator, a swordsman, and a sniper would be more practical for fights and stuff, just shows how much he cares for food and doesn't really put the fights in the front of his mind. I thought it was sweet.
Now, what I really like about Sanji is how, while he may seem aloof and a mere simp at first, he's actually super kind. He gave Gin free food because of his own morals of wanting to feed those who are hungry, even though everyone was telling him not to because "OOOH HE'S A PIRATE GRRRR". And he feeds Don Krieg's crew as well, even though it backfires because, surprise surprise, Don Krieg is a dickhead who took advantage of Sanji's kindness.
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Don Krieg I thought was kinda mid, TBH. Like damn, he's a dick. Fuck that guy. He wasn't chaotically fun like Buggy was, nor did his ability really stick with me. He was just a dick. Taking advantage of Sanji's kindness. And unfortunately, even though Sanji is one of the better fighters of the Straw Hats, this really does fall under Luffy kinda doing the fights for them. I guess you could make the argument that it's because the other Straw Hats didn't have the motive to fight in their own battles prior to meeting Luffy and that Luffy shows them that drive (I personally think it kinda falls out of the window when it comes to Nami, but I see it working for Sanji), but man, it would've been nice to see the gang actually kick ass.
I thought Sanji's backstory with Zeff was sweet. When they were on that island with barely any rations for food, just sitting there waiting for a ship to pass by...goddamn. The fact that Zeff literally gave Sanji all of his food really shows how much Sanji owes to him. It shows why he feeds those who are starving because as someone who has starved before, he didn't want others to feel the same way, even if they were dicks.
A scene that really sold the Straw Hats' friendship with each other is when the gang were eating at Baratie. Luffy is salty that Zoro, Usopp, and Nami get to eat while he has to slave away with chores, so he sneaks a booger in Zoro's drink. And then Zoro makes Luffy drink it. That's authentic friendship right there, and I really love how One Piece does it. They're dicks to each other sometimes, instead of constantly using nakama power and being all buddy buddy all the damn time, which is more realistic than how other animes do it.
Oh yeah, Mihawk was cool too. That's the first of the Seven Warlords we get to see. Imma be honest, at first I didn't quite see the point of him showing up, but in hindsight with Alabasta, I feel like this sets up Zoro's thing with getting stronger, which gets pushed more in the following saga. But this is most definitely the starting point. I feel like this combined with Zoro randomly training throughout Alabasta is setting up for something big in the future.
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Anyways, in the middle of this arc, Nami essentially takes the Going Merry and heads to Cocoyashi village because she saw a poster of Arlong, the big bad of the next arc. There were many things building up to this, one of which was the one bit I mentioned in Syrup village. And that's where the gang heads next.
This one. This arc was the one that sold One Piece for me. God. This arc is my favorite in all of East Blue and honestly still fucking holds up. The writing here for the most part is fucking phenomenal. It completely subverted any preconception I had about Nami and flips it on its head. You don't see a lot of well-written female characters in anime, especially in shounen, but the fact that Nami has her own arc that doesn't revolve around love or anything... GOD. This arc is so good, you guys. There was a ton of setup for it and everything. It's amazing.
So the reason why Nami is so fixated on Arlong and does the shit she does, stealing treasure and all that, is because of her backstory. So basically, she and her adoptive sister, Nojiko, were taken in by a woman named Bellemere. She's relatively poor, with the only thing sustaining them being the tangerine farms. Nami feels guilt over that and basically runs away, saying that if Bellemere hadn't taken them in, she would've been happier. Then that's around the time Arlong showed up, pulling loan shark shit (see it's funny because he's a sawshark) on everyone in the village and killing them if they don't comply and pay off their shit. Nami and Nojiko aren't registered so Bellemere could've gotten away with paying the 100,000 berries she owes without having to pay for them. But instead she decides to sacrifice herself for their sake, not wanting to disregard the fact that they are her children. And so, the most brutal scene yet happens.
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When I say my jaw was dropped, I mean it. And the worst part? Nami and Nojiko were there to witness it. Ever since, Nami decided to take it upon herself to save her village, hating pirates ever since and stealing treasure. It explains everything. She joined the Arlong pirates in order to save the village and worked with him to pay off everyone's debt.
And yet despite hating pirates, she had fun while travelling with Luffy and the gang. She still cares for them, only pretending to have stabbed Usopp so that he could get away. She doesn't want them involved in her shit because she doesn't want them to get hurt. She pushes them away at any given chance, and it's only when Luffy comes along while she's at her worst and most hopeless state that she asks for help.
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NOW. WHAT I REALLY LOVE ABOUT ONE PIECE AND HOW IT PORTRAYS FRIENDSHIP. Luffy doesn't help Nami until she asks him for help. Too often in anime, people just butt into others' business when it's not their place to. I really appreciate that.
And then the fight montage. I like the fishmen. They're cool. I especially like Chew, he's so silly. I know more gets revealed about them later on. Arlong is still rather one-dimensional, but he fucking makes up for it by being a total dick and causing so much trouble for Nami. He abused her growing up, making her draw maps for him and stuff. FINALLY, the other characters like Zoro and Usopp get to have one-on-one battles as they help Nami out, making her burdens their own. I do wish that Nami got to at least have the final hit on Arlong, or do more combat-wise though, but I think that's my only complaint with this arc.
And then after it's all over, Nami officially joins the crew. I think it's cute that they managed to get the tangerine trees on the Going Merry, in the memory of Bellemere. The one scene that really stuck out to me more than the "help me" scene is the scene where Nami speaks with Bellemere one last time alone in their old house. And Bellemere is a ghost. I dunno, that scene was just. AUGH. This scene goes so hard, y'all. Y'all sleeping on this shit.
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I couldn't find a good time to mention him, but Genzo is also such a kind and gentle guy. One Piece has this ability to make characters who appear only very briefly so likeable.
Anyways, they're just about ready to head to the Grand Line. But first...
This arc is shorter, but there's various little things that the anime adds that kinda gives more depth to the other characters. Usopp has an arc with this guy called Daddy Masterson, and it's how he gets his new goggles. Sanji has an episode where he does a cook-off in order to win a giant fish. That's pretty cool.
But the actual canon stuff revolves around Zoro and Luffy. Zoro meets this girl named Tashigi who is a Marine and they bond over swords and stuff. And she looks very familiar to his childhood best friend, Kuina. So that's interesting. Captain Smoker gets introduced here as well. I like them more after Alabasta, but I did always find it interesting that these two are members of the Marines that aren't just generic evil like Morgan and Nezumi. They're more likeable, and sometimes you wanna root for them.
Also Alvida and Buggy make a return after they fight some racist depictions of Native Americans. Alvida has a Devil Fruit ability of her own now and that's why she looks significantly hotter now. I actually have very mixed feelings about that, because on one hand, I do want her to step on me, but on the other hand, it kinda sucks that she's conventionally attractive now. So there's that. But I kinda like their unlikely friendship duo thing. It very much gives me Team Rocket vibes. TBH, they kinda cute together.
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Also... Luffy basically reenacts Gold Roger's execution. And then he gets saved by thunder and lightning. And I honestly thought that scene went really hard. I think it's setting up for something big, because of the comparison between him and Gold Roger, and how they smiled as they got executed.
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And now...they're setting off to the Grand Line. And that ending scene where they're about to set off. Again, it goes so hard. They all have their own dreams, which I really appreciate. It makes their dynamic so much more interesting when they all have their own reasons to enter the Grand Line. Luffy wants to be the King of the Pirates, Zoro wants to become the strongest swordsman so he can one day beat Mihawk, Nami wants to create a world map, Usopp wants to be a brave warrior of the sea, and Sanji wants to see the All Blue for the sake of cuisine. And honestly, the ending of East Blue is beautiful.
Anyways, watch One Piece. It's so good. I'll talk about Alabasta later, as well as the Warship island arc. This has been my crazy madman ramblings about One Piece.
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theskyexists · 1 year
gundam eps i hadnt seen yet
i feel the most sorry for Nika. and Guel of course.
Nika seriously is trying to root them out on her own???? she threatened you with a KNIFE
is Nika going to uh. die? wow. Suletta be strong. Nika honestly is so damn cute lol. shes drawn so....tiny. short and stocky.
their covers instantly blown??
suletta’s shounen power is SO POWERFUL that it trumps all of the realistic stakes in the show. which is why the show is  so amazing. it plays the shounen tropes straight IN A REALISTIC WORLD has them work AND have most everybody LOSE as a result. anybody else would have been SPLATTED.
but Sulettas extreme (useful) naivity is actually not frustrating because MIORINE sees through it all. She KNOWS that Suletta was manipulated by her mother. She knows that she is being manipulated also. Question is - does she realise that she needs to prepare to take over the Benerit Group.
how did prospera know that rembran was trying to take over every information system in the world? was it really to stop all war? he was leader of a group selling war machines in order to stop all war? he didnt want pilots suffering experimental tech - alright. he didnt want experimental tech to do the killing - alright. no automated drone strikes basically. hes been cast the villain of course. because he was such a huge dick to mio. and also ordered the strike which killed suletta’s dad and all her mum’s colleagues. why did he do that? because he genuinely believed that they were a threat?
damn, suletta is exactly the wrong person to have seen sophie and norea try to kill nika and hear them talk. because shes so UNBELIEVABLY dumb.  idk i think the data storms DO do something bad to her brain. like....shes....shes got low iq for sure. thats ok! its just a little frustrating sometimes. makes for a handy key to the narrative though.
Suletta saw sophie and norea almost KILL Nika but she doesnt respond to them any differently. why does elans stand-in know about norea. why would norea have agreed to the duel with suletta. does she realise shes just that dumb
‘what does she mean about killing miorine-san’ she means LITERALLY KILL HER. KILL HER witH HER HANDS HER GUNDAM HANDS. LIKE YOU DID!!!!
its a good thing Suletta is completely invulnerable to ptsd, unlike everybody else on the team
jezus did they just kill Lauda as well. they’re really letting the game fall apart. (just before i was thinking: isnt it super easy to miss the antenna and kill somebody??)
these girls are not gonna die but damn you kind of want them to FUCK OFF. why are they being so fucking horrible to Nika - its unforgivable they have zero solidarity they are COMPLETE PSYCHOS. i wont forgive it just because earth is a shithole
ok so this is why Norea decided not to splat Nika and Suletta? but now Suletta could beat them in her aerial.
wow the terrorists aim for the cockpit and dont have the regulation program installed. what a suprise! get CHUCHU OUT OF THERE NOW
what the FUCK is their aim? to kill grassley senior? is the Prince trying to get rid of his dad? make way for the new generation?
I LOVE that this series is saying: yeah you got a big trauma at the plant - you THOUGHT we were going back to games bakc to normal nobody talk BUT NO VIOLENCE AND WAR AND THE REALITY OF WAR MACHINES IS COMING TO THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah earth was absolutely destroyed by gundams. and earth seems to be the factory for gundams, going by nikas child labour story
has shaddiq ACTUALLY set all this up to take over benerit group? damn. does Earth really trust him?
holy fucking SHIT. HOLY SHIT. WHAT???????????????????????????????? Eri....Aerial. wHAT??????????????? what happened. was her hand forced??? did she do it just out of a chance for revenge?? Suletta looks so much like her NO WAY she’s absolutely a clone. for SURE. so eri is taking the curse?? is suletta special at all? is aerial only doing the gund-bits or??
SULETTA’S CONDITIONING ACTUALLY HELD UP TO THAT SHIT????? HOLY SHIT. to sophie dying???screaming about how she wants food, a warm bed and a family? How the gundam are all weapons???
that ending soundtrack is insanely effective. the singing is like beautiful screaming.
and norea didnt even kill suletta for it. she really let suletta live TWICE and sophie died because of it. EVEN THOUGH sophie died because of it.
shes aiming for an even higher permet score than necessary for controlling ALL INFORMATION SYSTEMS? what the hell does that mean. she wants to make eri happy. HOW
jezus. guel needs to suffer less. everybody needs to suffer less.
the opening and ending animations are always soooooooo Suletta/Miorine and i know for this season Miorine is ghostlike bc shes not there. BUT DUDE I NEED THEM TO BE THAT TEAM THAT BLUE/RED TEAM THAT ACTUALLY HELPS PEOPLE....ah please
really? norea blames Nika for sophie’s death? what? its her own fucking fault lol
wow - anyway - Nika didnt even do her phonecall. its not her info that is endangering the cell. fucking hate Norea. her violence is despicable. HATE HER. HATE HER. HATE HER SO FUCKING MUCH. because she beats on the weakest - her OWN. HER OWN FUCKING PEOPLE
SHE NEVER FINISHED HER CALL??????????????????????but now the anime insists that she did. ok i guess i gotta accept that she did?? i find that so fucking hard to accept. just because she WOULD have said SOMETHING to police doesnt mean that she DID and endangered all those people.
ah. shaddiq considers himself earthian. but i didnt understand that economo-babble at all. is it the translation? ‘war partitioning’? which finances space development. why - if you break it, does earth become a place of proxy wars? he wants to give earth weapons in order to deter such wars...but who the fuck is fighting who here. what proxy wars? the worldbuilding is so impossible
are they seriously standing up to a full contigent of the group’s armed forces?? shouldnt the pilots run? arent they precious? ah they distractions. but how can they run after?
i get no sense for how Earths population is doing. tbf if you didnt want dad to die maybe he shouldn’t have gone in to shoot everybody to shit. but i guess in that world, you die wether you use violence or not.
i cant get over Norea blaming Nika for this. Shaddiqs girl literally took the phone from her hand. why the fuck did they send Nika to school if she wasnt fully indoctrinated....why treat her as a disposable asset who doesnt need to know instead of an important LITERAL go-between?
wow what a fucking idiot that jalil. he actually drew their attention. wow. what a fucking dumb idiot bitch
theyre losing SO MANY FIGHTERS and MATERIEL. they must REALLY believe in shaddiq to have risked this.
what the fuck lol. olcott didnt feel a heartbeat? left her to die? turned out shes not dead? shes not even so dead that she became conscious and is surviving being carried around. wtf was olcott doing. i think guels going to be fighting his own company...AGAIN
the person inside the cockpit was toast but the robot was fine???
ah. thats what olcott was thinking. he realised he coldnt get her medical help in time. he made a hard decision.
Guel sure went through uh. character development.
love how first we see them terrorists in faceless suits threatening to murder our protagonists and then we see benerit soldiers murdering the faceless suit terrorists daughter. anway.
wish Suletta and Miorine....could break out. BREAK OUT OF THIS.
so i was right - cathedra really was a response to ONGOING WAR consuming pilots like expendable parts. automating killing. they deliberately gave no context for this at the beginning.
youre telling me that dad rembran set up the marriage game to marry miorine off to a powerful person because she would be safe? how dude lol. and his toxic masculinity prevented him from EVER COMMUNICATING WITH HIS DAUGHTER ABOUT THIS? what the actual fuck. what a terrible father. worse than any other father in this anime
anyway i love how miorine ALWAYS goes around attempting to verify and check information for a full picture. shes so damn smart.
these openings and endings really need to start becoming reality. but how is Suletta going to ACTUALLY make any fuckign difference if she will not acknowledge that she is NOT making the world a better place. that shes flying a weapon. that shes a hypocrite. that shes a pawn. that her mother is not perfect.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WAR-PARTITIONING????????????????? how am i going to understand any of this without understanding this most fundamental anti-war economic strategy??
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minzart · 3 years
since yuu and grim both share a ghost (well. technically two but im lazer focusing on chernabog) do you think that if one of them were to overblot, the other would get pulled into it as well? the idea of grim overblotting and everyone relying on yuu to help stop him, only for them to keel over and start transforming themselves, the blot monster looming over grim growing larger and larger....whew
That's exactly how I imagine it
I know the game won't do it but hey
I think it would be cool if the bond Yuu and Grimm share is so deep and dependable that once Grimm starts to Overblot, bc of too much magic in his system (that's how I see what is happening when he eats the black stones), Yuu starts to go into so much stress: school, homesickness, betrayal, worry and fear, that this might affect Grimm too
I made a quick Google and found here some information in familiars that you can see used in midia, if I'm not mistaken Lucius is Trein's familiar however he's a cat, Grimm is a monster
So let's say in this au I'm seeing Grimm as Yuu's familiar, bc in that site it says:
Familiar: "a small animal or imp given by the devil to a witch", latter it states, "this familiar sustains itself by eating the witch's blood", and I remember seeing many variation of this line in today's stories as a soul bond
So the way I'm doing it is, Grimm is slowly becoming Yuu's familiar and their souls are interconnected, Yuu contributed to the overblot in their stress and Grimm in the magic, both ending up overbloting bc of that and the boys need to finaly learn what Yuu was teaching all along, team work
If I remember correctly an overblot occurs when the Magician uses too much magic together with too much stress that's why if you squint this game is a psychological horror
And I'm a little bit tired of using the shounen formula of "beating the thing until it's friendly", so, just letting it here that I would love to see somebody comfort Yuu out of their overblot, specialy bc they are the stressed part, not the strength one
Disclaimer: I know this isn't how the game is going to go, this is valid in my AUs only, in the game it's probably going to be only Grimm who overblots, Yuu leads the battle, yada, yada, they go home and probably thinks it was all a dream but theres a Crow watching over them with a key or something
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umi-sen-yama-sen · 3 years
These are not mine but I swear these memes are getting funnier.
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Well, I added a "C6 Bennett" in there, because he's definitely a C6 in this one. Awww, here comes my shounen guy Benny.
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This is a nice way of greeting us in 2.3, Chief Alchemist Albedo.
(Oh, I also added a few words at the bottom. Because he now looks like a fresh villain. Cryobedo let's goooooooooo! 😂)
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Yes, Benny. You have the power of god and anime on your side.
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Albedo: Okay, I see you're brave enough along with your adventure team. But can you beat Klee?
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