#Lauren Arthur
For the second week in a row, Republicans in state legislatures are making the interesting choice of fighting for child marriage. In Missouri, where children 16 or older can marry with parental permission, a bill to prohibit anyone under age 18 from getting a marriage license easily cleared the Republican-controlled Senate 31 to one last month. But now, the bill can’t get out of committee in the state House because seven out of 14 committee members are House Republicans who oppose the bill.
Those opponents include Rep. Hardy Billington (R), who insists without any evidence or logic whatsoever that banning child marriage will lead to a spike in abortions, even as abortion is totally banned in the state. “My opinion is that if someone [wants to] get married at 17, and they’re going to have a baby and they cannot get married, then chances of abortion are extremely high,” he told the Kansas City Star this week. Earlier this week, I also had to write about a different Republican lawmaker in New Hampshire who used the same argument against a bill to ban child marriage. This doesn’t make sense—if someone of any age is pregnant and doesn’t want to be, they’ll probably seek abortion care; this actually has nothing to do with marriage.
Another opponent of the bill, Rep. Dean Van Schoiack (R), told the Star that he opposes the bill because he knows someone who got married as a 17-year-old girl and is still married. “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said.
Of course, if we’re bringing anecdotes and lived experience into this, I think I trust state Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder (R), who introduced the bill, a little more than Van Schoiack. “As a child that did get married, I would say I have a lot more insight to this issue than what he does,” Rehder said of Van Schoiack. Per the Star, Rehder got married at 15 to a 21-year-old, while her sister at 16 married her 39-year-old drug dealer. “The government does tell people when they can get married because we do have an age limit right now. The fact that [Van Schoiack] feels that it’s OK for a parent to make a decision for a child, that is a lifetime decision, is offensive.”
At this point, I would like to note that Rehder, who is currently running for lieutenant governor, might be right about this one thing, but is wrong about… pretty much everything else. Rehder supports the state’s total abortion ban and campaigned on a pledge to promote “the Trump Agenda” in her district in Southeast Missouri.
Nonetheless, if her bill doesn’t make it to a vote before the end of the legislative session on May 17, Rehder, who’s currently running for lieutenant governor, said she plans to introduce it as an amendment attached to another bill. She told the Star she’s confident that brought to the floor for a vote, the bill would have a majority…but right now, it’s simply being held up by its Republican opponents on committee.
Rehder’s bill comes after Missouri lawmakers in 2018 raised the state’s minimum marriage age to 16 with parental approval following backlash at the time over how many 15-year-olds in the state were being married. Currently, Missouri prohibits marriage between a minor and someone who is 21 or older, similar to the state’s statutory rape laws that prohibit sexual intercourse between someone 21 and older and someone under 17. This is all pretty needlessly confusing, but what isn’t confusing is that this is part of a pattern of Republican lawmakers going to bat for child marriage—from the state representative in New Hampshire who insisted that “ripe” and “fertile” teens should be able to marry, to a different Missouri lawmaker who last year declared that 12-year-olds should be able to get married because he personally knew someone who married at 12 (I mean, I hope they’re doing well today, but somehow, I, err, have my doubts…).
Experts and advocates against child trafficking have long pointed to how laws that permit child marriage put them at greater risk. The bill in Missouri’s legislature is notably part of a bipartisan effort, introduced by Rehder and Democrat Lauren Arthur. But despite Rehder’s best efforts, their bill is being blocked by members of her own party, even as Republican politicians have spent the better part of the last few years escalating their baseless and fearmongering smears of queer people as child sexual predators. As it turns out based on the political affiliations of every lawmaker fighting tooth-and-nail for child marriage (and, consequently, adult predators’ ability to marry children), the call might just be coming from inside the house—the Missouri state House, specifically.
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simandy · 6 months
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Had to edit some colors in and out but they turned out so cute 😭😭😭
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acmeoop · 2 months
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Have A Light? “Bacall to Arms” (1946)
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dailylooneys · 7 months
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Bacall to Arms
(1946, Bob Clampett, Arthur Davis)
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talknerdytome18 · 2 months
Ranking All Books by Holly Jackson
Since I've read all of Holly's books, I'm going to rank them! Disclaimer: This is my opinion. If we don't have the same opinion, then respect that. Let's go!
Warning: this may contain spoilers for all books published by Holly Jackson. If you don't want to be spoiled, then scroll away.
6. Killjoy (2021)
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I found this story cute! Very fun and fast-paced. I loved seeing how it all started and loved seeing the friend group's dynamic again. I just found this to not be the best out of all of Holly's books (granted this is a novella, but it's not my fave). Also, too much Ant Lowe in my opinion. I would have preferred more Jamie Reynolds. Also, I personally think Connor and Zach should've kissed but oh well.
Overall, fun book! If you wanna go back to where it all started, then this novella is worth it.
5. Five Survive (2022)
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Guys... I have a reason why this book is ranked so low. I'm going to start by saying that I did not hate this book. I found the story intriguing and was engaged once the action started. For her first standalone, this book was really good and exceeded my expectations. My main problem with this book was that I found that I could care less about the characters. Personally, I found Red Kenny to be a weak protagonist in comparison to Pip and Bel and, not to mention how I could care less about Red and Arthur. Red and Arthur are cute, but honestly, I could care less if they got together or not.
Again, I don't hate this book. For Holly's first standalone, it was really good. However, I found that I didn't really care for any of the characters.
Overall, good book! Wish I connected more to the characters because the premise is incredible.
4. Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020)
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All books in the AGGGTM series are five star reads in my opinion, but I find this the weakest book in the trilogy. Honestly, I love this book with my whole heart. Coming from being Connor Reynolds's biggest fan, I love how much he appeared in this book and how he aided in finding Jamie.
I think this book suffers from what I've dubbed "Sequel Slump" - meaning that the first book is so good that the sequel "slumps" in comparison. In this case, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is so good that this book just "slumps" in comparison, and I think it's because it takes a while for the mystery to officially begin, since we're taken through a quick recap over the previous book's events and then the memorial.
Also, I personally think that Connor and Zach should've kissed. Connor going to Zach's house to play Fortnite after the memorial? Very fruity to me (joking... or am I?)
Overall, love this book. Wish it got more recognition in the fandom.
3. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (2019)
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LOVE THIS BOOK. This book is fast-paced, thrilling and mysterious. It has a healthy dose of mystery and romance, along with characters I truly felt interested in. Pip's an amazing protagonist who fought hard to prove Sal innocent and find the real killer under the guise of her EPQ, all as she got the guy (Ravi Singh) in the end.
I loved that this book kept me guessing until the very end. I was suspecting everyone (Max, Jason, Naomi, Elliot, etc) and was genuinely surprised finding out Elliot killed Sal. Holly had written him to be such a likeable person that I couldn't believe he would kill Sal just so he could frame him as Andie's killer. AND BECCA? Never would've guessed it. Holly Jackson knows how to write compelling thrillers and I love that for her.
My only real complaint is again, Zach and Connor should've kissed. Connor honey I get that you liked Pip, but Zach Chen is literally right there. You boys are soulmates and I pray that the show recognises that (along with LauCara).
Overall, AMAZING BOOK. Deserves all the hype!
2. As Good as Dead (2021)
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AHHHHH I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. THIS BOOK IS HOW YOU END A TRILOGY GUYS. From the beginning, I was hooked by the mystery of Pip's stalker. This book broke my heart with Andie's email - poor girl was so scared of her father and died trying to escape him. I really like how this book doesn't give Andie a full redemption arc, rather it explains her actions. It really humanises Andie - a girl who grew up in a toxic environment and died trying to save herself and her sister.
The ending? EVIL. FUCKING EVILLLL BUT I LOVE HOLLY EITHER WAY. In my heart, I believe Pip got back together with him and they married. They also got another golden retriever in my mind after they got married.
Only complaint was WHERE WAS ZACH CHEN? CONNOR AND HIM SHOULD'VE KISSED WTF. Not to mention Lauren and Cara... Love my girl Steph though. Hoping that Lauren and Cara are a thing in the show though since we don't know much about Steph.
The Reappearance of Rachel Price (2024)
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When Holly Jackson said that this book was her favourite, I can see why it is. While I struggled to get into it from the beginning, once I read past 100 pages, I was hooked. Bel Price is such a complex protagonist that I could find myself relating to. All the characters were just so complex and you truly don't know who's lying until the very end, when we find out (spoiler alert) that Charlie (Bel's dad) had ordered his father to kill Rachel.
Not to mention how insane the sibling plotline was??? I NEVER WOULD HAVE SUSPECTED THAT CARTER WAS RACHEL'S BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER. My heart broke when Rachel spoke about how Patrick took Carter away from her when Carter was only two weeks old. The Price family are truly disgusting - Rachel, Bel and Carter deserved so much better.
Also, I preferred the romance between Ash and Bel over Arthur and Red. Ash is such a fun character and I was genuinely sad when him and Bel weren't endgame. I believe that one day, in the near future, they reunite and get together officially.
Overall, LOVE THIS BOOK. If you haven't picked this up yet, then do so now!
That's it! If you wanna talk, then my inbox is open :) - Em
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laureliciousdefinition · 10 months
Some more modern Charthur headcanons below the cut bc I cannot be stopped 😈😈😈
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-they are BOTH freaks about the airport. Like getting there 3 hours early and rushing everyone just so they can get to their gate and sit there for way longer than necessary
-Arthur likes gross ass black coffee and Charles likes a yummy iced coffee with vanilla/caramel/etc. Argue with the wall on this one
-they’re absolutely the fun uncles to Jack/unnamed Marston daughter (bc in this universe everyone is alive teehee)
Arthur bawled like a baby for the birth of both children :’)
When they come over they definitely do fun/silly activities like finger painting or whateva
-one of them keeps buying bath and bodyworks candles and it’s not Charles.
-when they have Isaac for the weekend (bc remember ladies everyone is ALIVE) they catch up on all the movies they’ve been waiting to watch together and it always ends up with the three of them sacked out on the couch
-I said this in a different post but they are absolutely dog AND cat dads!!!! They adopted the dogs on purpose but the kitties were barn cats that they brought inside during a storm and it just stuck
-they absolutely have a little herb garden, as well as a flower garden but that one is a little trickier to manage
-Arthur wears those slutty ass plaid pajama pants and it makes Charles BARK!
I could keep going so plz let me know if y’all want more of my brain mush. I also have things to say about other characters like the Marston family so if anyone is interested hit me up 😼😼😼😼
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Before the long-suffering altos of Broadway were forced to become Big Broadway Belters hitting high Cs every night, the Great White Way respected a woman with a deep voice. Here are just a few of Broadway's most iconic altos who might be able to belt, but sure as hell are happy they didn't always have to.
Contemporary musical theatre refuses to allow altos to be altos, but that's a separate rant. Please tell me all about your favorite altos in the notes (but I swear, if you bring a notorious belter to the table, I will slide her right back--that will be a separate poll).
Video Clips Beneath the Cut: More Polls
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likeafantasy · 1 month
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DEXTER REWATCH — 4.09 HUNGRY MAN Not all happy families are alike. They are happy, aren't they? Are they normal kids? How can you tell a loving wife from frightened one? A friendly neighbor, coworker, sister, son. Are any of them what they seem? Or are they little bombs waiting to explode?
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gebo4482 · 10 months
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TMNT: Mutant Mayhem
Artist: Arthur Fong / Lauren Airriess / Nacho Molina
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forgottenroderick · 3 months
The Banners of House Varmont
note: there may be more. the queens would have their own badges, as well, as would the late empress (tho likely that's now what guin is using, i'd think?), and cassandra likely has use of her mom's and/or arthur's with cadency marks, but since she's an imperial princess, and not just a royal princess, roderick would def ok her usage of her own badge, as well, though that's usually reserved for sons, heirs, and titled warriors, it is likely that guin, cassandra, and each of the queens, as well as the late empress, has at least one unit who fights in their honor given that roderick's empire is v much a military operation, so yeah! basically there may be as many as four other varmont insignias out there, but these are the big five! also pls note that i am convinced roderick has given each of his children an obscene number of titltes to bandy abt (tho not so many as he has!) in order to showcase their importance as his children, but we'll say these are perhaps shortened, more casual titles for astaira ;D
The Imperial Arms of His Imperial Majesty, Roderick the First of His Name, by the Grace of the One True God, of the Great and Holy Empire of [Varmont] and Astaira and of His other Realms and Territories One True Emperor, Conquer of the Twelve Kingdoms, Defender of the Faith, and God’s Own Champion
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Phoenix: resurrection
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander/conqueror's crown
The Princely Imperial Arms of Her Imperial Highness, the Princess Imperial, Guinevere, of the House of Varmont
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Argent (silver/white): peace and sincerity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Dove: represents the soul, the spirit of god; peace, purity, chastity
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success/princely crown
Crown, Naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
The Princely Imperial Arms of His Imperial Highness, Archduke of [Varmont], Edmund, Prince of the House of Varmont, Lord of [the Riverbend]
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Sable (black): constancy or grief
Argent (silver/white): peace and sincerity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Raven: divine providence; knowledge; durable resistance; bringer of death
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
The Princely Imperial Arms of His Imperial Highness, Archduke of [Varmont], Arthur, Prince of the House of Varmont, Lord of Kil-kennar
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Eagle: nobility, strength, bravery, and alertness; magnanimity; or one who is high-spirited, ingenious, quick-witted, and judicious; a person of action and vigor especially where important and high matters are concerned; high intellect and quick comprehension; salvation, redemption, and resurrection
Eagle displayed (wings spread): the above + protection/one who is a protector
Or (yellow or gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander the imperial crown of conquest
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
The Princely Arms of His Imperial Highness, Sebastian, Prince of the House of Varmont
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Vert (green): hope, joy, loyalty in love
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Falcon: one who does not rest until objective achieved; person of action
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
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I congratulate you upon the general Success Col. Lawrence's [John Laurens] negotiations at Versailles. I should be exceedingly happy to find all our negotiations succeed as well. Yet the gentleman has been calumniated in one of the English papers in a gross manner. His real character has been denied in the face of Europe, and he has been held up in a very inferior one. They have been told that he is deficient in experience and abilities; and that therefore congress supplied this deficiency, by putting him under the patronage of Mr. Payne [Thomas Paine]. From this scandal he has not wanted a vindication. He will need none in our country.
Source — Francis Dana to Arthur Lee, [May 17, 1781]
Laurens was infamous in Europe for his terrible diplomat skills to say the least.
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Arthur was staying over with The Jefferson-Madison Household for dinner during Maybell got extra hungry and started whining. James gives a pleading look to Caroline
-Fine I’ll feed the baby. Say Ahhh Baby
Arthur and Maybell in unison:
-Jefferson throws a sharp glare at Arthur, but also suddenly Maybell realized she started crying and being even more fussy so Thomas takes Maybell and manages to feed her himself, he had her sat onto his lap- “sh sh shhhh~” -Jefferson then got a real concerned expression onto his face as soon as his hand touched Maybells forehead-
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simandy · 1 year
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Summer trip mode is: on
Still images under the cut:
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ninadaily · 10 months
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nina :
"this is how we do it💥"
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dailylooneys · 7 months
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Bacall to Arms
(1946, Bob Clampett, Arthur Davis)
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larry-hiatus · 9 months
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Has this been done yet
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