#Lacrosse sweatshirt Hoodies
fandomxpreferences · 10 months
Smart Enough To Know Better, Dumb Enough To Do It Anyway
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!Reader
TW:angst (?), mildly toxic behavior, mildly controlling, drugs and alcohol, creepy guy, I think thats all
Summary: Listening has never been your strong suit, and it makes for an interesting dynamic with the Kook King.
Word Count:3.1k
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"Rafe, you can't be serious." You whine, making sure he sees your dramatic pout as you emerge from the en suite. 
He scans over your appearance with an approving nod and leans in to kiss your forehead. 
"Have fun tonight."
You lean back with a scowl and stare up at him with disapproval before yanking on the hem of his sweatshirt that he insists you wear. 
"Dude, this is a party. You can't honestly expect me to wear your old lacrosse hoodie and baggy sweatpants!" 
He shrugs casually at your annoyance and leans on the door frame with his arms crossed. 
"Wear it or don't go. It's up to you." 
You're mere seconds from stomping your foot like a petulant child and huff loudly. 
"Well, if you would just go with me it wouldn't be a problem." You snark, but he does nothing except smirk at your bratty demeanor.
"Listen, sweetheart, you know I have an early morning." 
Usually, you wouldn't push him this far but your aggravation with his policing overrides your senses. 
"Yeah, whatever dude." 
You roll your eyes and turn around to go back to the bathroom, doing your best not to smile when you hear Rafe walking heavily behind you. You analyze yourself in the mirror with an unamused expression and make a point not to pay him any mind just to rub salt in the wound. 
His expression is darker now, a mixture of anger and displeasure swirling around his chest at your challenge to his dominance. After a couple of minutes, you finally turn around to face him and lean back on the counter.
"Can I at least take off the sweats and wear the hoodie as a dress with some boots or sneakers?" 
You think it's a fair compromise considering who you're negotiating with, but Rafe clearly disagrees. He's inches away from you before you can blink, with flared nostrils and red cheeks.
"Can you just fucking listen for once? You're lucky I'm letting you go at all and stop calling me dude. You know I hate that." 
His voice is raspy and deep the way it is when his temper is teetering the edge, and your spine instantly straightens. 
"This is my way of looking out for you when I'm not there. You want to be respectful and please me, don't you baby?" 
Goosebumps pebble your skin when he softy brushes your hair to the side so he can brush his lips against the back of your neck. Your eyelids flutter as you try to hold your ground, but resolve is quickly slipping. 
His hand wraps around and harshly grips you by the jaw, forcing your lips to pucker as you hold his gaze in the mirror.
"Don't you?" 
His tone is condescending this time as he frowns mockingly, and you nod against his hold. He smiles victoriously before letting go and kissing your cheek like nothing happened. 
"I thought so. Go to your party and have fun." 
He slaps your ass and turns on his heel to return to his office, leaving you to stare at his back with narrowed eyes. 
"Fucking asshole. Who does he think he is, letting me do something? He's not my father." You mumble, already hatching a plan in your mind.
A few minutes later you open the front door and pause to yell over your shoulder. 
"I'm leaving. Love you!"
"Love you too. Call Top or Kelce when you're ready to leave!" 
You try not to let the irritation seep into your voice when you respond, well aware that he'll be down the stairs and pulling you inside before you can process. 
The door slams shut as you jog down the steps to the Uber where Sarah is waiting, and she scoots over to let you in. It was already a war to convince Rafe he didn't need to drive you, and the only way he agreed was if you let one of the guys bring you home. 
Letting you get into a car with a stranger sober is one thing, but doing it drunk is absolutely out of the question.
"What the hell are you wearing?"
You shoot daggers at Sarah when she fails to stifle her laugh, and she coughs to cover it up. 
"Ask your fucking brother." You grumble, and she gives you an apologetic look. 
Twenty minutes later, loud music rings in your ears as you try to maneuver through the crowded house. There are people packed into every corner, and the smell of cheap beer mixed with weed burns your nostrils. 
"I'm going to the bathroom real quick." You shout at Sarah, and she nods before trailing behind you. 
You grimace when something crunches under your shoe, and do your best to navigate the narrow hallway lined with people making out.
A sigh of relief escapes your lungs when you finally reach your destination, and you shut the door behind the two of you. Sarah raises her eyebrows when you plop your bag on the counter and start rummaging, only relenting when you finally find what you're looking for.
Two articles of clothing are dangling from your hands as you give her a mischievous smile and she puts the pieces together.
"You didn't really believe that I'm wearing this the whole time? Come on, Sarah." You giggle, and she gives you a blinding smile. 
"You're such a troublemaker and I love it."
She helps you tie the straps behind your back, and looks over the outfit. It's nothing crazy; just a silk crop top and shorts, but it leaves little to the imagination in terms of your figure. It accentuates every curve perfectly, and you admire your reflection. 
"Listen, I have to change back before we leave. I'm gonna need your help standing up."
She links her arms with yours and leads you back into the hall with her head leaning on your shoulder.
"Whatever, wherever, whenever. You know I've got you." She promises, and the two of you make your way to the kitchen for drinks. 
Topper does a double take when he sees you across the room, and nearly drops his cup of water. He knows you weren't wearing that a few minutes ago because he'd laughed when you walked in covered head to toe. 
Rafe called and asked him to stay in the background and watch you, insisting he was going to make you wear a snowsuit. Topper didn't believe him and was shocked that his friend managed to get you to leave the house like that. So imagine his surprise when there are miles of glitter-covered skin on display as laser beams reflect off your legs.
He snaps a picture and sends it to Rafe with a question mark before tucking his phone back in his pocket with a sigh. He doesn't mean to snitch, but he also understands why Rafe is the way he is. 
You don't see the way men look at you, but Rafe does. He hears the comments they make under their breath when they think no one is listening. He knows how beautiful and trusting you are, and unfortunately, he knows that men prey on that. 
Rafe opens up the message and rubs his hand across his mouth while pacing as he takes in your appearance. He's debating what to do when he accidentally plays the live photo and pauses. He plays it again and bolts to his Rover. 
He no longer cares about what you're wearing; he's focused on the man who was shamelessly eye fucking you with a malicious grin. 
Your nose scrunches with disgust when you pry your hand away from the sticky countertop, and you take a long swig of your concoction. 
"Let's dance!" You shout, and Sarah nods while grabbing your hand to lead the way. 
It's not even five minutes before the fun is interrupted, and your hips stop swaying the second you feel someone's arm wrap around your bare waist.
Sarah stops and turns around with a frown when she notices, and she instantly straightens up. 
"I've been watching you for a minute. You wanna dance?" 
His breath is hot against your ear in the worst way as he presses into your ass, and you try to sidestep him to no avail. 
"No thanks."
You attempt to pry his bruising grip off of your flesh, but his fingers only dig in further causing you to wince.
"Oh come on, it's just dancing." 
You're just about to whip around and slap him when you see Sarah's eyes widen, and worry washes over you. 
Before you can ask what she means, the man is being ripped backward and you stumble a bit at the force.
"She said no, asshole."
The relief of hearing Rafe's voice outweighs the fear of being caught, and you allow him to pull your arm until you're tucked safely behind him. 
"Get your own girl, man." 
The man laughs and Rafe goes from protective to homicidal as he stands up taller and angles his chin down to stare at him. The slightly shorter man looks between you and Rafe a few times before scoffing and nodding his head. 
"Of course."
Rafe ignores him and turns to you, his mouth set in a hard line as you give him a sheepish smile. 
"It's not what it looks like." 
Rafe's head tilts to the side as his jaw clenches, and you purse your lips. 
"Right, I'll just-."
You cut yourself off and point your thumb behind you before taking a step back to let Rafe handle it. His attention turns to Sarah for a split second and he nods his head to the side.
"Find Topper and get home."
He's about to lead you outside when the man decides to press his luck and speak again.
"Just for the future, you shouldn't let her go out looking like a whore if you aren't cool with sharing."
Everything seems to stop as the words hang in the air, and Rafe freezes midstride.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
He turns his head just enough to see over his shoulder, and the man smirks.
"You clearly heard me."
Everyone watches with bated breath, and your entire face contorts as you realize what's about to happen.
"Yeah, and you clearly know better than to say it again."
Rafe takes a step forward, and everyone waits for the hammer to come down.
"Look it's been a long day, so I suggest you turn and run before I take it out on you because I'm really not in the fucking mood."
He watches as the man gulps and backs away before nodding with a devilish grin.
"That's what I thought.
Much to your surprise, it doesn't escalate any further and Rafe is by your side with one long stride.
You give Sarah a small wave and she raises her cup in acknowledgment, not the least bit surprised at the turn of events. When it comes to matters concerning your safety, Rafe has eyes and ears in every corner of the town.
You don't resist when his hand returns to the small of your back and guides you forward, always keeping you in his line of sight. Your head stays down with your eyes glued to the floor as the crowd parts like the 
Red Sea and against your better judgment, you flash your Middle finger in the direction of a few snide remarks and giggles.
You don't dare to slow down or look back at Rafe, not wanting to make it worse. You love to push Rafe's buttons on any given day, but you know when you've gone too far and this is not a time for arguing. 
You let Rafe direct you toward the car and focus on your stride without looking up once until you stop at the passenger door. You sidestep a bit so he can reach the handle and fight back a small smile. 
It was established early on that you're not allowed to open doors; even when Rafe is fuming that rule still holds true. 
Rafe's touch is gentle as he helps you into the passenger seat and he slows down just enough to make sure you're buckled before kissing your cheek and returning to his hardass demeanor. 
You watch as he rounds to the driver's side and climbs in, his right hand still coming to rest on your thigh like usual. You pick at your nails as he drives toward Tannyhill and put on your best innocent act. 
"I can expl-" You start, but your mouth snaps shut when you see Rafe glare at you before turning back to the road. 
It's silent for the rest of the drive and fifteen agonizing minutes later, you're trekking up the stairs to your shared bedroom with Rafe. He diverts to the kitchen and you continue on your path, hoping to be asleep before he returns so you can avoid the confrontation.
You're freshly showered and seconds from climbing under the covers when the door finally opens and Rafe walks in slowly. You straighten up and shift back and forth a few times, squirming under his intense gaze as he stares you down. 
"I'm sorry." You try, but Rafe just shakes his head and scratches his temple while pacing a few times. 
"Why are you so goddamn stubborn? It can work in your favor sometimes but fuck, look at the situations you get yourself into! All because you want to be a disobedient and vindictive brat." 
He chuckles under his breath and you gulp, unsure how nasty this is going to get. Rafe will forgive you with a bat of your lashes most of the time, but not right now.
"What if I wasn't there, huh? What if I didn't have Topper keeping an eye on you?"
He gesticulates wildly as your temper starts to rise, and you frown. 
"What do you mean you had Topper keeping an eye on me?" 
Your hands rest on your hips as you squint across the room at him, and he tries to think of a justification. He comes up empty and your eyes widen as your mouth falls open.
"You are unbelievable!" You shout, and Rafe nearly flinches at the anger directed toward him. 
"You don't fucking trust me so you have to have your goons babysit me?!" 
Rafe takes a step closer, dark eyes and flared nostrils matching your own as you prepare for an argument. 
"How can I trust you when you're a fucking liar, Y/N? You sneak around and put yourself into risky situations just to piss me off!" 
Regret consumes him the second the words leave his mouth, and he softens when hurt flashes across your features at the insult and implication. He tries to reach for your hand but it's too late and he knows it; he can see the walls going up as you shut him out and sighs internally. 
"Fuck you, Rafe." 
The words spew like acid, and Rafe nearly buckles when you step into your cow slippers and open the bedroom door. 
"Where are you going?" 
You pause for a split second in the doorway and contemplate before landing on an answer. 
"To sleep in Sarah's room. Wouldn't want you in the same bed as a liar and a whore. I mean, who knows if Y/N is even my name?"
His eyes squeeze shut when the door slams, and he sits on the edge of the bed while running over the events of the night. You let yourself into Sarah's room and collapse onto her bed, resting your cheek against your folded arm. 
Thankfully she isn't back yet, which means you have the oppurtunity to calm down and process for a moment before inevitably returning to Rafe. 
However, you don't get much of a chance before Rafe knocks softly and cracks the door open. 
"Can I come in?" 
He sounds tired, and part of you does feel bad for ruining his night and keeping him awake. A bigger part of you is fuming at his insinuations and actions, determined to make him suffer. 
"No." You answer flatly, and you can almost hear Rafe roll his eyes. 
You think for a moment that he actually left but the thought is cut short when the mattress dips behind you. 
"You don't seem to be in the mood to talk, so you can just listen." 
You don't respond, and keep your face buried away from him. Despite your obnoxious determination to prove a point, Rafe doesn't falter for a second. 
He's used to the attitude and grips your arm to move you onto your side with ease. 
"It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust them. I hear the way these guys talk about you when they don't know I'm in the locker room and just passing on the street."
The confession causes your anger to start cooling and you willingly shift to be more open to him. As much as you love Rafe, you hate that he's able to disarm you with little to no effort regardless of how pissed off you are.
"Every single one I've caught has paid for it, but I know I can't get them all. They look at you like your prey, and I can't stomach the idea of something happening. They're just waiting for the time to strike, and tonight proved that."
Any and all fight left in your body dissipates, and you feel yourself deflate. 
"Why can't you just say that Rafe?" You frown and he rubs his hand down his face with a sigh. 
"I don't want you to have to think about it. That's what I'm for; protecting you so you can live freely."
Your heart melts at the sentiment and you close the distance between the two of you. 
"That's sweet, Rafe, but I'm not a little kid. I can hold my own better than you think."
He shoots you a skeptical look and you roll your eyes with a laugh. 
"Fine, why don't you show me some self-defense moves so I can protect myself?" You suggest, but he doesn't look thrilled at the idea. 
"I don't know if that's a go-"
He's cut off by your taunting chuckle as you tilt your head to the side in mock disbelief. 
"What? Are you scared?" 
His eyes narrow in annoyance, and you smile victoriously the second you know you won. 
"Fine. Let's get to bed and I'll take you to the gym tomorrow after my meetings."
You don't get a chance to argue before you're slung over his broad shoulder and whisked back down the hall. Your loud giggles fill the room when he tosses you down on the mattress and climbs in; laughing as he forces you under the blanket and secures you in place against his chest. 
"Goodnight. I love you." He mutters, and you hum in acknowledgment before pressing a short kiss to his skin. 
"I love you too."
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
cw: noncanon universe, college au, mentions of alcohol and drinking, mutual pining, loosely based on that one tik tok audio of stan and wendy from south park LOL
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“But if you come, we could—” 
Megumi cuts Yuuji off before the words can actually leave his mouth, “No.”
You walk through the door just in time to see Nobara’s face turn from a smirk to a scowl at his unexpected interruption. 
“You didn’t even let him finish!” she whines through an irritated pout. 
Megumi is quick to shrug proudly, “Don’t have to. The answer is still no.”
With a quick scan of the room, there’s a lot of different feelings dancing in the cramped space of your dorm. Megumi sits with his back against the couch, blatantly annoyed with whatever question was in the process of being asked. Yuuji sits adjacent to him on his bean bag, arms resting on his knees and persistence eager in his eyes. Nobara stands behind Yuuji, hands on her hips and her face puckered into a sour frown.
With caution, you decide to tread lightly. “...What are we talking about?”
Yuuji’s head whips in your direction, desperate for some encouragement in whatever he’s trying to persuade Megumi of.
“We’re trying to convince The Grim Reaper here to come out with us tonight,” he uses a nod to gesture to where Megumi slumps on his phone, frown covered by the collar of his hoodie.  
Nobara sighs obnoxiously before explaining, “The bartender at that place on the corner has a weird thing for him, which means free drinks on Megumi tonight.”  
You notice Megumi’s eyebrows instantly furrow at her blunt conclusion. 
“She’s some girl from my politics lecture,” his response is muffled, dismissive, through his sweatshirt, “I want nothing to do with her.”
Nobara scurries over to where Megumi wishes the couch could swallow him whole. “But she doesn’t have to know that,” her tone is airy with faux potential.  
Yuuji lets out a dry snort at her claim, “Some feminist you are.”
A smack is heard, and you don’t need to be looking to know its from Nobara’s hand meeting the back of Yuuji’s head. 
“Hey! I love women,” her hands wave in dramatic clarification, “but if Megumi playing dirty gets me a few free tequila sodas, then I’m more than fine enabling this one situation.”
You make yourself comfortable on the opposite end of the couch Megumi sits on. You don’t miss how his eyes quickly flicker over to where he feels the cushion bend beneath your weight. 
You let your sock-clad foot poke at his thigh, and he’s quick to turn his attention to you. 
“Even if you come and don’t smuggle us free drinks, I still think it’ll be fun,” you shoot him a warm smile. The simple action makes his stomach flip in on itself and his palms sweat with a feeling he can only describe as genuine. 
But what follows? Not so much.
“So fun,” Yuuji chimes in, clearly trying to further persuade Megumi into tagging along with them tonight. “Like, the most fun four best friends could ever have.” 
Megumi’s eyes roll when he scoffs, “My definition of fun isn’t watching you get wasted and being your babysitter for the night.”
Yuuji howls behind a boyish grin. 
“You could get drunk, too,” he teases in an airy giggle, “then everybody wins.”
Megumi’s nose crinkles as he thinks about drinking tonight, “You know I’m not big on drinking.”
“One wouldn’t hurt,” Nobara chimes in, “might even get that stick out of your ass.”
The two choose to ignore her smart remark. Yuuji doesn’t take his eyes off Megumi when he continues to push, “Just for a little bit?”
The huff from Megumi’s chest is instant, “I said no.”
Nobara jumps in again, “I’ll pay for the Uber, out of the kindness of my heart—”
Yuuji suddenly shakes your shoulder with a rough and excited hand. 
“Wait—you know that one guy, right?” he beams. 
Your head turns at his sudden touch, “What guy?”
“The one on the lacrosse team,” he eagerly reminds you, “who was flirting with you all night last weekend.”
“Oh yeah,” Nobara points your way as she remembers, “that was painful to watch.” 
You cringe at the memory—a guy from your campus whom you’d met a few weeks ago. He was nice enough, decently looking, and friendly with the rest of his team—but you weren't interested in him like he was in you. His actions were a bit too handsy and his humor was a tad too crude for your taste. Definitely not worth the two free vodka cranberries he bought you. 
You choose to shrug at the insinuation, “Yeah, I mean, I guess I’m friendly with him—”
“Perfect!” Nobara jumps up with excitement. “He’ll definitely be there tonight. You bat your pretty little eyelashes a bit, get a few extra beers for us. And if he tries anything funny, we bash his teeth in.” 
She claps her hands together at the simplicity of her plan, and Megumi absolutely hates the turn of events that's happened in the last thirty seconds. Sure, he didn't want to go and entertain some poor girl who has a crush on him for a few drinks—but now, with the alternative being you doing the same thing, he’s suddenly sick to his stomach.
He nearly lunges out of his seat when he tosses his phone down beside him. “Are you guys really this desperate for a few free drinks?” His tone is a bit too irritated for the light conversation at hand. 
Nobara and Yuuji spare one another a quick glance, before tucking their smiles into their cheeks and doing their best to nod thoughtfully at their aggravated friend. 
“So, you comin’? Or what?”
“Please, Megumi? My favorite stick in the mud?”
Megumi’s head shakes, and he goes to open his mouth to decline rather disrespectfully when your voice cuts him off. 
“Megumi,” you call softly, and he’s immediately burning a bright red, both inside and out. 
Your eyes are glowing with a hopeful shimmer, one that he can read without any words needed. “I won’t wanna go if you don’t come,” you gently whine, “please?”
Yuuji eagerly hits Nobara’s shoulder a few times as he does his best to whisper, “He’s slipping, he’s slipping.” Nobara grins like a cat, and you swear you can read her lips saying “man down.”
The two of them don’t even try to hide their snickers, but luckily for the two, Megumi isn't focused on them. He’s focused on you—your delicate plea music to his ears as he’s immediately softening and rethinking his whole prior mindset.  All because you so much as smiled and said please. 
With the look you're giving him right now, Megumi could never say no to you. 
“Fine,” he keeps it short and sweet, “but only for a few hours.” 
Nobara slaps his shoulder in victory as she skips towards her room to go get ready, “That’s more than enough time for me, buddy.” 
“You’re still paying for the Uber,” Megumi calls after her down the hallway, and before she descends out of sight, she turns around and salutes him a confirmation. 
With a few giggles, Yuuji isn't far behind her as he too eventually disappears, leaving just you and Megumi on the couch together. 
When he turns to face you, he’s flustered to find that you’re already admiring him. You send him a soft smile, one he knows is saying thank you, so he sends one back and prays to whoever might be listening that you know it's saying far more than you're welcome.
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lnfours · 1 year
Dude frat!Tom is such a vibe. Just seeing him out on campus and having him immediately put his arm around you with such male ease/confidence bc he wants to close UGHHH
yes UGH pls i need him so bad.
i got carried away LOL oops
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talk to me about frat!tom
you made your way out of the door to the lecture hall, swarming with the crowd of students as you pushed out the door. in the hallway of the marketing building, people chatted on their way out about which frat houses and sororities were hosting parties tonight and who was going to be there.
the typical friday evening routine.
you pushed the door open and almost immediately you were smacked in the face with cold air. you shivered, pulling the hoodie to the sweatshirt you were wearing over your head as you approached the tall figure ahead of you. you smiled as you got closer, noticing he was in a pair of sweatpants, a backwards snapback and his lacrosse hoodie, a cup of hot coffee in each hand as he greeted you.
"good afternoon, gorgeous," he smiled, giving you the warm cup of coffee as his other arm wrapped around you,"ready for tonight?"
"i love when you guys throw parties because, hands down, they're the best," you sighed as you let him lead you down the path that led to your dorm building,"but god i am so tired. these last 2 exams are going to kill me."
he smiled, tucking a piece of hair from your face as you reached the door, swiping your ID as it let out a beep, signaling that the door unlocked. you hurried inside in attempts to escape from the freezing wind.
"plus, it's cold outside. and i hate the cold." you whined and he chuckled as he followed you into the elevator.
"trust me, i know, you tell me every morning when i walk you to your 8am." he smiles over at you before taking a sip of the coffee, his glasses slightly fogging over from the warmth of the liquid. you roll your eyes and playfully hit his shoulder before the elevator doors open, letting you off onto your floor.
and once you were inside your dorm, you plopped onto your bed after putting the coffee down on the nightstand. tom followed your movement, climbing on top of you as your head hit the pillows. you giggled as he hovered over you, cold nose bumping into yours.
"wait, today's friday, right?" you asked and tom hummed a soft 'yes' into your neck as he moved your hair, placing a soft kiss on the warm skin. you shivered as his cold lips moved their way to the sweet spot below your ear. you tapped your phone to display the time, looking down at the big bold numbers that sat above the picture of you and tom outside the date party his frat had thrown a couple weeks ago. you were laughing, holding onto his cheeks as he smiled. the both of you so close and looking like you were about to kiss.
"megan won't be back for a couple hours, she has spanish tutoring." you smiled as he turned back to face you.
"oh really?" he asked, leaning down to get closer as his lips ghosted over yours. you scrunched your nose and nodded as you felt his hands move under your sweatshirt, cold hands meeting the warm skin of your abdomen.
"i've got a few things in mind that we can do."
"yeah? i'd love to hear 'em."
you'd giggle, his lips meeting yours.
"i'm sure you would."
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mysterymirrors · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Nike 90s Y2K Royal Blue Full Zip Hoodie - M.
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primadonnastudio · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Emmaus Lacrosse Hoodie Sweatshirt.
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Waterdogs Champions Lacrosse Tee Shirt
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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idcgili231 · 2 years
Lacrosse Hoodie
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Youth Lacrosse Sweatshirts & Hoodies This sweatshirt is the right match for any younger athlete! Not just any monkey, that is the laxing chimp! Monkey sweatshirt made with 100% polyester with fleece like interior and fast dry exterior. This American flag print hoodie is made with a hundred Poly with fleece like interior and quick dry exterior. Call your shots all day on this youth baseball hoodie!
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Ladies Glitter Flower Lacrosse T 100 Poly with fleece like inside and fast dry exterior. This youth lacrosse hoodie is the perfect fit for any young athlete! Always a champion in this youth football hoodie! This boys soccer sweatshirt is the perfect match for any younger athlete! Youth Lacrosse Sweatshirts & Hoodies Our youth lacrosse hoodies are pre-shrunk to make sure the highest possible durability when washed. We all know the way the youngsters can get into all kinds of sticky situations so be at ease understanding your buy will final wash after wash. These youth lacrosse hoodies are perfect for all youth ages, ranging from a youth small all the way as a lot as a youth extra massive. We only have a restricted provide of every size so choose yours up right now earlier than it’s too late. Shop for lacrosse hoodies at present at Flow Society! There are many causes to choose MyLocker for your custom apparel. We print and embroider your design on only the most effective merchandise. We triple check every order to ensure the highest high quality. lacrosse hoodie Everything is custom made to match your actual needs. Best of all, you'll have the ability to design your merchandise sell it online when you set up a custom attire store in our website. It's such an easy approach to share your unique clothing and to level out your Kent Island Youth Lacrosse pride!. Ever end up struggling to determine if you need to showcase your style or be comfy and warm? We have quite a lot of Youth Lacrosse Sweatshirts & Hoodies and hoodies to match your fashion needs. Boys Beach Lax T 100% Polyester youth football hoodie with fleece like interior and fast dry exterior. This youngsters football sweatshirt is the right match for any younger athlete! This black and grey fire print hoodie is made with a hundred Poly with fleece like inside and quick dry exterior. This soccer ball print sweatshirt is the right fit for any young athlete! Please observe that Youth Sweatshirts wouldn't have... Please observe that Youth Sweatshirts wouldn't have a drawstring... Made from 50% polyester and 50% cotton, our prime quality ultra-soft youth hoodies are constructed for consolation and durability. Bear in mind that there may be small fiber content material variations relying on which colour hoodie is chosen.
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Customer Support Tell the world how you feel or rock a funny saying together with your outerwear. Youth Lacrosse Sweatshirts & Hoodies and hoodies are nice gifts for any event. Everyone loves an excellent additional info, snug sweatshirt or hoodie. Relax in comfort on the sidelines on this Nike Youth lacrosse 100 percent quick sleeve cotton t-shirt. Join The Flock and see why 96% of our prospects rate us four stars or larger. Signature Lacrosse is continually revolutionizing the landscape of lacrosse by way of gear that's For The Players, By The Players. You can now save a customized design or favourite a product.
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ehsanbashirind · 2 years
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Ehsan Bashir Industry Self-importantly Manufacture Custom Hoodies, Shirts, T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Bomber Jackets, Quilted Jackets, Underwear, Sports bra, Leggings, Tank Tops, Crop tops, Crop hoodies, Sweatshirts, sweat suits, Shorts, Trousers, Joggers, Cargo pants, Cargo Shorts, Tracksuits, Varsity Jackets, Letterman Jackets, Socks, Team Uniforms including Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer and 7on7 with 100% Customization of your apparel. Our Expertise and Skilled Team made Custom Fittings and Styling and do further changes as per Customer Requirement.   Production Capacity: our production capacity is approx 20000 to 25000 pieces in per month. Key advantages to work with us: 1. Low MOQ accepting. (Minimum order quantity)  2. Reliable quality.  3. Safe payment with PayPal or Bank. 4. Free artwork support. 5. Fast turn over: Rush orders lead time a week to complete production after confirming everything 6. Fast shipping service DHL / FedEx door to door  If anybody interested in our products, Feel free to contact us for any further information 📧 Call +92-311-768-2001 now or email us and place your order. Ehsan Bashir Industry E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ehsanbashirind.com . . . . #ehsanbashirind #ehsanbashirindustry #footballuniforms #football #sportswear #customuniforms #americanfootball #hoodies #uniform #socceruniforms #basketball #teamwear #apparel #customizedapparel #sweatshirt #uniforms #soccer #tracksuit #menjacket #mentracksuits #hoodiesshots #customizedtracksuit #soccerusa #fleecejacket #trainingsuits #fleece-tracksuits (at Ehsan Bashir Industry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgzebVhsi1Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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designsbya · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Adrenaline XXL Hoodie Camas Lacrosse Black Hooded.
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inspirepparel7 · 3 years
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Clothing__Sports_Wear Manufacture & Supplier of Custom Clothing & Athletic Apparel 👉 Team Uniforms 👉 Streetwear 👉 Gym & Fitness Wear We do all kind of Printing, Embroidery, & Sublimation 🗣️ Best Quality 🗣️ Low MOQ (minimum order quantity) 🗣️ Fast Turnaround 🗣️ Reasonable Price For place your order and more information please contact us. Email: [email protected] Whatsapp: +971527895423 #Americanfootball #basketball #teamwear #teamuniforms #cycling #baseball #hoodies #sweatshirt #icehockeyuniform #lacrosse #outdoor #poloshirt #rainwear #socceruniforms #rugby #sportsbag #volleyball #tshirt #teamjogger #accessories #america #usa #uk #Australia #canada #unitedkingdom #unitedstates https://www.instagram.com/p/CJWRD_yACH4/?igshid=1mbm3jblu5z4c
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elspaniard24 · 6 years
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Thank you Ms. Amber for having @e.s.press take care of this for you to attend #oktoberfest2018 in #lacrosse Hope you all have fun!!! Needing shirts for #specialevents / #parties For and all inquiries please email [email protected] Or Facebook @esPRESS247 fb.me/esPRESS247 msg: m.me/esPRESS247 (Prices quoted for up 2XL, will be subject to additional charges for each additional X) #espress #carpediem #seizetheday #sweatshirts #tshirts #polos #custom #fashion #design #fresh #hoodies #mens #fashion #customized #flavor #fresh #events #classic #oktoberfest #lacrosse #2018 #flashy #customized 🔥2 for $20 custom t 🔥2 for $25 custom long sleeve t 🔥2 for $30 custom polo 🔥2 for $35 custom hoodie/sweatshirts (at Black River Falls, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7UZ0qAxih/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ss02t2bkzwp9
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belligerentbagel · 3 years
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Originally posted by @the-aila-test​ (here), edited to add descriptions of each website and update the links. 
Native-owned businesses to buy from. Taken from the North American Indian Association of Detroit.
For text searching, some of the major categories used are: Food, beverages, clothing, accessories, jewellery, home goods, hygiene, beauty, books, sporting goods — but there are also many items that didn’t fit neatly into those categories, so try ctrl+F / cmd+F for whatever product you have in mind! 
https://www.sweetgrasstradingco.com - Food, beverages (coffee & tea), skincare and grooming, beauty products from a wide variety of different Native-owned brands. The closest thing to a one-stop shop you will get. 
https://nativeharvest.com - Food (maple syrup, jellies, coffee, cereal, soups), jewellery, books and stationery.
https://byellowtail.com - Clothing (stylish af hoodies, swimsuits, cardigans and jackets, tops, scarves, dresses), jewellery, candles, beauty and hygiene (soap, lotions, lip balms) from a variety of Native designers.
https://trickstercompany.com - Clothing (tees, sweatshirts, crop tops, leggings, dresses), accessories (sunglasses, keychains, zipper pulls, headbands, beanies, ties, umbrellas, tote bags, pins), paper goods (stationery, books, prints, stickers, home goods and decor, sporting goods (basketballs, longboards)
https://www.salishstyle.com - Clothing (tees, hoodies), accessories (beanies, some really cool backpacks), stickers, pins, blankets, thermoses
https://hutxh.com - Clothing (tops), accessories (necklaces, hats, bags)
https://furandhide.com - VERY COOL leather and fur products! Drums, flutes, bells, rattles, shells. Also a selection of skulls, bones, claws, teeth, quills, feathers, and obsidian items. 
Continued below the break.
https://www.wapatobeads.com - Loose beads for crafting, finished beaded products, and various other items (blankets, aprons, purses, robes, hats, wallets)
https://www.cultureshockjewelry.com - Jewellery (necklaces, earrings, bracelets)
https://aylelum.com - Clothing (printed dresses, tunics, ponchos, tops, jackets)
https://shop.dancingbearindiantrader.com - Fabric, beads, buttons, Mehron face paint (!!!), jewellery findings, sewing notions, rhinestones, and craft tools. 
http://mohawklacrosse.net - Sporting goods (lacrosse sticks).
https://www.thentvs.com - Clothing (super cool shirts, jackets, socks, hats), accessories (bracelets, backpacks, pins), home goods (lip balm, prints). Here’s a pull quote for attention, because you *need* to look at the pop culture on this site: Our mission is to teach the youth the importance of embracing culture and history while building a Native American clothing company. We use art and streetwear mixed with our culture to create one-of-a-kind designs that embrace our Native American culture and heritage.
https://bisonstarnaturals.com - Hygiene (liquid soap, bar soap, lotions).
https://cheekbonebeauty.ca - Beauty (Sustainably-sourced makeup! Lipstick, lip pencils, lipgloss, eyeliner, eyeshadow). 
https://www.indigecos.com - Beauty (makeup) (07/04/2021 currently on vacation, reopening 07/12)
https://www.quwutsunmade.com - Beauty (lotions, salve, fragrances, lip balms), pins, stickers, limited edition hoodies.
https://sistersky.com - Hygiene (body mists, shampoo, body wash, body bars, bath bombs)
https://urbannativeera.com - Clothing and goods with the “you are on native land” slogan (hoodies, tops, hats, socks, patches, stickers, pins)
https://www.lnukclothingco.ca - Clothing (07/04/2021 new website & currently under construction)
https://www.oxdxclothing.com - Clothing (tees and hoodies), prints, stickers, cut-and-sew original pieces.
https://sequoiasoaps.com - Hygiene (soaps, bath bombs, body and face scrubs), beauty (lotions, mists, lip balm, fragrances), candles, incense.
https://www.blackbelteaglescout.com - Albums from musician Katherine Paul.
https://birchbarkbooks.com - Books by and about Native Americans (Ojibwemowin-language books and materials for other Native languages, NA fiction and poetry, Native studies, memoirs and biographies, young adult, children’s books)
https://redplanetbooksncomics.com - NA comic books, graphic novels, children’s books.
https://kotahbear.com - Jewellery (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, hair sliders and hair clips), home goods (blankets), assorted accessories (bolo ties, belt buckles).
https://bedrechocolates.com - Food (Chocolates! Bars, chocolate-dipped potato chips, chocolate-dipped nuts, chocolate sauce)
https://redlakenationfoods.com - Food (wild rice (a VAST selection), mixes and batters, jellies and syrups), beverages (tea, coffee), home goods and decor, jewellery.
https://shop.tankabar.com - Food: “A real food meat bar with a delicious smoky and slightly sweet flavor, made with grass-fed bison and tart-sweet cranberries.“ Nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free.
https://thunderislandcoffee.com - Beverages (coffee).
https://www.indianpueblostore.com - Assorted gifts (jewellery, music, paintings and prints, pins, mugs, food, watches, sculptures). Another one-stop shop representing different Native craftspeople. 
https://www.totemdesignhouse.com - Clothing (tees, hoodies, there is Star Wars), jewellery (earrings), home goods (pillows, tea towels), hygiene and beauty (soap, joint cream, candles, bath bombs, lip balm)
https://www.shenative.com - Leather handbags, jewellery (earrings), clothing (tees).
https://www.manitobah.com - Shoes (mukluks, moccasins)
https://www.gourdjewels.com - Jewellery (07/04/2021 currently closed, but their Facebook page (here) is seeking artists who would be interested in selling with them)
https://ginewusa.com - Clothing (jackets, jeans, tees, coats, vests), accessories (bandannas, hats), jewellery (cuff bracelets, earrings, pendant necklaces). They got a Vogue feature yoooo
https://etkie.com - Jewellery (beaded cuff bracelets). Featured in NYT and Elle.
https://www.aconav.com - Handbags (wristlets, crossbody bags, totes, bucket bags, shoulder bags), clothing (tees, bandannas, uhh also some made-upon-order fashion week runway gowns).
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dw-writes · 3 years
Midnight Marathons - Stiles Stlinski x Reader
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ey, look, another depression fic. why? because i can.
I hope you guys enjoy this!
Stiles didn’t realize the time until his phone buzzed next to his laptop, drawing his attention to the screen, the time, and then your text.
‘Are you still up?’ you asked. His phone buzzed against shortly after he replied, not even giving him a chance to stretch out in his desk chair. ‘Open the window?’
“The window?” he muttered. He turned to it far too fast, almost launching himself out of the chair, then shoved the window open with a grunt. Your head popped up over the side, and he jumped. “Seriously? You couldn’t have told me you were here before you started to climb up here?” he asked as he stepped back.
You shifted on the roof outside, pushing your legs in and dropping down to the floor. “Nope,” you answered, “Mostly because I didn’t think of that.”
“Yeah.” He reached around you to shut the window, swatting at a mosquito that had followed you inside. “I noticed.” His hand gave your arm a squeeze when he was finished chasing the bug. “You okay?” he asked, “You’re never out this late.”
You shrugged, taking a moment to pulling off your shoes, then sat on the edge of his bed. He didn’t bother to close his laptop as he sat next to you, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “I dunno,” you sighed. You sat further back on his bed, pulling one leg up to your chest. “No?”
His hand dropped to his lap with an audible clap, then waved around as he asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
“About why I’m not okay?” you replied. He nodded. “Not really.”
“So, why are you here?” You arched an eyebrow at the blunt question. He stuttered, his hands coming up as he bounced slightly on the bed, adjusting his legs beneath him. “Not that I don’t like that you’re here! Especially now – I mean, do you know how many times I’ve had a dream that had you coming to my room this late at night? Like dozens, probably more, that’s not the point.” You rolled your lips together as a soft chuckle pushed through your nose, your cheeks burning as he continued. “People don’t normally show up to another person’s house at midnight to not talk, you know?” He shoved his hands through his hair again. “Unless its, like, a booty call. Is this? Is this a booty call?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes and shoved your foot against his knee, ignoring the burn that grew hotter in your face. “No, Stiles.”
His hands fluttered between you. “Then?”
You shrugged and fell back against his pillows, dropping your feet into his lap with a sigh. “I just didn’t wanna be alone. My mind keeps running away from me and my sister’s asleep and I didn’t wanna bother her, and I don’t like being alone when my mind gets like this,” you answered.
Your feet were shoved off his lap as he huffed and crawled up next to you, flopping on his side to watch your face. You rubbed at your cheeks to make sure it was free of any moisture that had been running down your face an hour ago. He waited, staying quiet as you composed yourself, wiggling until he was more comfortable. One of his hands slid under the pillow you rested on. Your rolled towards him once you were satisfied, shoving a hand under your pillow to tangle your fingers with his. He drew your interlaced hands from beneath your head into the space between you both. “What do you wanna talk about then?” he finally asked.
You gave him a weak, one shouldered shrug. “Anything?” you offered, “Anything but bullshit running through my mind right now.”
Stiles rolled his lips together as he thought, pushing himself up enough to look around his room. “You wanna watch the OG Star Trek? It’s on Hulu,” he offered. He flopped back down to watch you. “Or we can watch Star Trek: Beyond. I know how much you like that movie.”
You nodded. “You know what? I’d like that a lot,” you whispered, “But only if we watch I, Mudd first.”
He snorted, his head rocking back against the pillows. “What am I, an idiot? Of course we’ll start with I, Mudd, it’s the best episode ever.”
“Amok Time is a close one, too,” you argued.
Stiles shoved himself up, waving a hand in your direction as he shuffled towards the end of the bed. “You wanna borrow some clothes? My lacrosse sweatshirt is clean.”
You took your time sitting up. You dug through his closet for the aforementioned hoodie, taking an extra long minute to search for a pair of gym shorts as you shucked off your tee-shirt and jeans. The bedroom door creaked as you were changing, and when you turned back around, Stiles was gone. You peeked out into the hallway to see that a light downstairs was on, and the faint rummaging of him searching for something reached your ears.
You turned back around and pulled his laptop over to the bed, situating yourself under the blankets. He’d already pulled up the Hulu tab, with the episode ready to play. You swiped a finger under your eye as tears started to form, then balled the ends of the sleeves up in your fists and shoved them against your face.
There was a reason you always went to Stile when your mind ran a mile a minute. He’d always get you out of your head, be it with talking, or sitting with you, or watching something, or sharing the latest weird werewolf adventure with you. He really knew how to give you the time for your thoughts to settle, even when you didn’t realize that they needed to, so that you could sort through them when you were fully prepared to do so. He’d even listen when you were having the kind of day where you really needed someone to work through your thoughts with you.
The whole thing made you tear up again, something you’d been really wanting to avoid since you first started crying over an hour ago.
“Hey, so, I have chips, I have soda, I have water, I have cookies!” He bounded into the room, his arms ladened with snacks and drinks as he beamed. “I’m ready for a marathon. Are you?”
You sniffled and wiped your face. His grin faltered, shrinking in size as he took in your red eyes. You held out a hand and grabbed at the air. “Those look suspiciously like my favorite chips,” you muttered.
He looked down at the bag in the crook of his elbow, making his way over to you. “Yeah, obviously,” he replied, voice just as soft as yours. You took the bag as he sat down. He spread the snacks out around the computer, then grabbed a pillow to place it on so it was easier to see. He glanced at you as he made the episode full screen. “If you wanna talk about it,” he whispered. His voice trailed off with an unspoken statement.
You nodded. “I know,” you said. You looked up at him. He was close enough for you to see the shadows under his eyes. “Not right now, though,” you added.
He nodded. “Course.” He scooted closer to you under the blanket, offering you his shoulder to lean on as he pressed place. “Just lemme know,” you whispered.
“I will.”
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mysterymirrors · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Nike 90s Y2K Royal Blue Full Zip Hoodie - M.
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anonymous0writer · 3 years
how you get the girl | wonderland s.s
author: @anonymous0writer
wc: 1946
warnings: none!
a/n: i literally wrote this right after the first because i love this so much
summary: as the heat rises, so does the curious tension between a certain green-eyed beauty and a handsome dark-haired boy. the impending end of their idyllic last summer looms, prompting stiles to admit a long-held secret.
The pale, smooth skyline of azure and the sprinkle of voluminous clouds lay over the horizon, the air thick with early summer humidity, the only relief a tepid breeze that snaked through the trees and appeared in short bursts like a shy child. Summer had grabbed Beacon Hills in a sudden burst of a heatwave and refused to let go; residents of the town taking to smaller clothes and long hauls to the beach for a break of the unbearable heat. Windows were down in cars, letting the speed of the car create the racing breeze that offered peace and houses had their AC’s turned up, people huddling in rooms to keep the heat at bay.
In the particular case of Lydia Martin and her friends, refuge was found in the small, prettily decorated guest house positioned off the clear blue watered pool of the Martin residence. The teens were slumped along the edge of the pool, legs dipped into the cool water in an attempt to cool themselves down.
Scott McCall sat at the pool’s edge, his mop of dark hair stuck to his forehead in sweaty clumps, the boy mumbling a soft curse before he tore off his thin shirt and leaned forward, dropping into the gleaming, turquoise pool with a loud, attention grabbing splash. His friends, a collection of girls and a boy best friend added to their tight circle of companions rose their brows and looked on in mild amusement. Scott’s dark head popped up from under the water, his lips breaking into a goofy, lopsided grin.
“It’s so nice.” He entices, grin still slanting across his face.
Delaney, her tall figure hunched and her long legs plunged into the refreshing, cerulean water, returned Scott’s infectious grin. In a hurried movement, she scrambled to her feet, her dark hair tied closely to the nape of her neck and her patterned, red swimsuit hugging her generous curves. Stiles covertly watches his friend with amber eyes, the memory of her lips crushed softly against his and her candied taste rushing over him a sudden waterfall. The dark-haired boy is pulled out of his reverie by the flying droplets of chilly water produced by Delaney’s cannonball into the wide pool. Stiles shakes off the memory with a comb through his thick, unruly umber colored hair, telling himself the tall beauty was drunk and didn’t appear to have any recollection of the delicately passionate moment. Some minuscule part of the boy wished that his feelings for Delaney were somehow reciprocated, but the sharp tang of alcohol on her lips crushed any foolishly childlike hope. Despite accidentally overhearing the news of Delaney and Brett’s inevitable breakup, Stiles saw how much his friend liked the broad shouldered lacrosse player. He was a fool for ever thinking anything different.
“Stiles!” The shriek of laughter snaps Stiles out of his daze again, Lydia’s mouth forming his name again as she beckons him to join the rest of their friends. Stiles studies the idyllic scene of his friends in a sentimental attempt to burn the memory in his mind, wishing to stay in this short second of time forever. Malia, her light hair pulled into two tight, now soaked braids, is seated on a laughing Scott’s broad, sun-kissed shoulders as his hands grip the curve of her thighs to stabilize his girlfriend. The couple is laughing and splashing wildly at a howling Delaney. Her dark hair came loose of its tie, the curls floating in the water as she tries to move sluggishly through the water to escape Scott’s sporadic splashing. Lydia is behind her, her hands clutching Delaney’s as the girls try to shield themselves. Stiles' tan face breaks into a beaming smile, the edges of his mouth tugging up and showing off his dimples. An ache to live forever in this idyllic moment forms under the pulse of his heart.
“Stiles, c’mon!” Scott encourages, his dark ochre eyes soft and welcoming.
Delaney looks up, her sage eyes watching as Stiles peels off his half-buttoned blue flannel, exposing the pale, freckled chest of his wiry frame and the sharp cut of his hips. A fierce blush rises to her freckled cheeks as the boy nimbly climbs into the crystal water. The haze clouded memory of Stiles’s soft, fluffy dark hair in her grasp and the lingering taste of his salty lips flashed in her mind, making her cheeks reach hotter temperatures than the humidity of the air. She knows the dark-haired boy remembers the kiss, but she wonders if he meant to kiss her back or if he was just caught up in the ‘we’re all leaving, so what matters anymore’ rationale. Delaney swallows sharply, turning her attention to the game of chicken being organized. Stiles offers to carry Delaney on his shoulders, choosing her as a teammate without a beat of hesitation. Delaney meets his coffee colored eyes for a charged second before she grabs his freckle spattered shoulders, feeling the heat of his skin against her palm. Once seated on his shoulders, she tilts violently to the left, but Stiles steadies her with his hands. His long fingers dig into the tan skin of her thighs, laughing as Delaney pats his damp hair in a gesture of thanks.
The inseparable group dissolves into laughter, enjoying the cool water to beat the heat of the short summer. The lingering threat of their assured end is shoved in the backs of their mind, using it to push themselves further into the moment. The five teens were desperate to outrun their doom.
The embers sparked and hovered dizzily around the flickering orange flames, casting dancing and flickering shadows of gold on the ground. The day had crawled away slowly, finding a hidden place to stay as the night descended around the sky, blanketing it in heavy dusk. Delaney lay tucked sleepily in a chair arranged before the sultry fire, limbs folded and sweatshirt obscured face leaning against the fabric back of the seat. Her dark, still damp hair was tied at the nape of her neck and falling out from under the scrunched edges of her hood. Her hands played idly with the frayed strings of the Cyclone hoodie that didn’t even belong to the chartreuse eyed girl. It was Stiles, the boy having given her his worn, and former lacrosse hoodie when the girl expressed the chill of the night air years ago and she’d failed to give it back. Delaney tugged the sweatshirt up to hide the bottom half of her face, imagining the dark-haired boy’s heady scent still lingering on the maroon, velvet-like fabric. Part of her knew she never made a real attempt to give the hoodie back, liking the way it fit on her curvaceous body and the way she could carry a piece of her favorite person around.
“Hey, Del?” Scott’s soft, low voice floats over her, prompting Delaney to lift her exhaustion-heavy head and peer at her friend. “We’re going inside, it’s cooling down. Wanna come?”
Scott was standing tall, dark eyes warm and kind as Lydia fluttered at his side; Malia already retired to the house and deeply asleep on the old pullout couch of Lydia’s basement. Stiles was still seated next to Delaney, the two staring in relaxed silence at the flickering flames of the slowly decaying fire. Delaney’s pale eyes slid to the boy next to her, watching to see if he made any twitch to move into the house, and when Stiles gave a soft shrug and continued his supervision to the glowing embers, Delaney refused gently.
“I’m good. We’ll go inside soon enough to watch the movie.”
Scott gave a nod and turned away, leaving Lydia to grin at her curled up best friend.
“Alright. Don’t stay too long, you may fall asleep.” Lydia jokes, a slanted smile gracing her pretty, delicate features.
Stiles’s coffee eyes trailed over Lydia’s features, studying her softly and giving her a small smile before the red-haired girl danced into the house with a swish of her hips. His eyes lingered, his reverie of the fire broken for a brief second by Lydia’s glorious presence.
“Stiles,” A soft plea of a voice came from the brunette next to him, her eyes worrying over him.
Stiles turns, finding Delaney already watching him, no doubt catching his rapacious gaze on their cherry haired friend. His cheeks blaze pink lightly, barely perceptible in the thick dark of the night. Stiles plows a hand through the thick locks of his dark hair, still sodden from the sun-filled hours spent in the turquoise waters of the large pool. He watches as Delaney blinks, her dark lashes fanning over the smooth plains of her cheeks slowly before she lifts her eyelids; which seems to take a strenuous amount of work by the speed of the flutter. Stiles’s breath hitches, the way it does when something snatches your breath greedily, sneaking it away as you take in the sight before you. A flash of Lydia’s perfectly serene and porcelain appearance flickers in his mind, crashing with the charming innocence of Delaney and the exhaustion tugging at her actions. Suddenly, Stiles is caught between them two, suspended between the devoted years of yearning for the beloved ginger and the sense of serene happiness and unrelenting comfort from the dark-haired beauty. Stiles swallows thickly, forcing the war of attention from his mind and refocuses desperately on the flare of the dying fire.
“Do you want to play something?” Delaney’s soft voice lures him farther into the pull of her magnetism.
“Like what?”
“Twenty questions? Something that doesn’t require me to move.”
“Sure.” Stiles agrees, leaning further back in his seat, feeling the heat of the fire shimmer over him in pleasant waves. His sepia eyes flutter close, drinking in the night with his other senses. “What are you thinking of right now?”
Delaney’s pink lips quirked up at the corners, her dimples showing softly. Stiles loved to remake games, except this time these were just straight up questions instead of making it more complex. She leaned her own head back, closing her pale eyes and relaxed, letting the exhaustion from the day’s activities calm her.
“I’m thinking about you.”
“And what about me?”
“Is that another question, Stiles?” Delaney laughed, the sound sweet and short, hovering in the air. “You know you only have twenty.”
A beat of silence followed before Stiles’s soft, raspy voice answered. “What about me?” He repeated.
“Do you like Lydia?”
The question hung in the air, a pivotal moment of truth that could alter their relationship in ways they couldn’t have imagined. Delaney’s throat was tight, her question a risky plea that flew right over Stiles’s head. Stiles didn’t realize Delaney’s secret attempt at revealing her feelings despite how poorly she hid it; raw emotions and the truth written over her olive skin. Her sage eyes scan Stiles’s profile, optimism playing in her irises like a splash of black paint against a white wall; stark and obvious. Stiles turns to face her, russet eyes locking onto hers as they stare at each other. Hope catches in the girl’s throat, hard and dangerous. Stiles’s eyes run over his best friend, slow and steady as if he’s trying to figure out the answer from her face. As the brunette boy stares, he’s lost. Fallen in the depths of Delaney’s charm and small, gregarious smiles and easy nature. The boy can’t stop himself from getting pulled into her orbit, and at this moment, he doesn’t try to stop it. He loses the fight gladly, finding peace in the solidarity of his best friend. At this moment, Delaney is the only answer. Delaney is the answer.
“No, I like you, Delaney.”
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ceruleanmusings · 3 years
settle the score
Direct followup to Place Your Bets because i need more cute, bantering, flirty Melisaac in my life and there should have been more downtime moments in Teen Wolf where they get to be actual teens. Though this is set in their college years, the thought still applies.
Tag: @princessofdarkness12​ @ocfairygodmother​ @mystic-scripture​ @thegoodmogadorian​ @foxesandmagic​ @lareiism​ @witchofinterest​ @zadien​ @sgtbuckyybarnes​ @ben-bcrnes​
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Isaac was ready for her before she even attempted to tiptoe behind him.
He couldn’t help allowing his wolf hearing to kick in; he wanted to know where she was at any given moment. They didn’t have much time together, after all. Plus, being in Vermont where there was a decidedly nonexistent werewolf population running around, he didn’t have to look over his shoulder every time he attended class waiting for death to inconvenience him so he was admittedly a little rusty and needed the practice—though he had a sneaking suspicion selkies were something he’d need to keep his eye on if whispers around the lake dwellers were anything to be taken seriously. (He made a mental note to bring that up later).
Still, when Mel launched herself at him, colliding with his back, hooking her arms and legs around his neck and waist, he reacted accordingly: he nearly dropped her.
“Isaac!” she all but squealed in his ear, clinging tighter.
Chuckling, he curled his arms around her knees, hoisting her higher on his back. “Sheesh, if that’s all I have to do to make you sound like that...”
Her knees squeezed around his waist, pressing into him. “Dropping me on my head isn’t the best way to go.” Her words vibrated off his neck; she buried her face into the crook of it much like she did when they lay down together. Damn, it’d been too long. “Don’t be a sore loser.”
He scoffed. “I’m not. Only because you just barely managed to beat us...”
“Barely nothing! I got that last goal in fair and square! Your goalie left me a mile-wide space! Remind me to thank him. I’ll bake him some cookies.” He didn’t have to see her face to know she had a big grin adorning her lips, a teasing glint in her eye. He’d become attuned to hearing her facial expressions through the phone. It was a blessing and a curse. Not quite like seeing the same thing in person.
And he wanted to see her.
He knelt, allowing her to slide off his back. Turning, a beaming smile burst onto his face at the sight of her, at the slightly faded maroon sweatshirt hanging to her thighs, the long arms danging over her hands, the black socks up to her knees sticking out her trusty paint-splattered docs. Somehow she looked smaller beneath the sports building looming behind her. Licking his lips, his eyes roamed her from head to toe and he took a step forward, pinching the sleeve of the hoodie. “I’ve been looking for that,”
“Seriously?” Her eyebrow crinkled. “You should have known I had it. I couldn’t go off to college without taking you with me. And since I couldn’t take you with me, I went for the next best thing.” She brought the sleeves up to her face and inhaled, lifting up on the tips of her toes. “Still smells like you too. I always wear it after a game.”
He moved his hands down to where the hem of his old Beacon Hills lacrosse sweatshirt brushed against her skin. “Hmm. Does your campus have a rule against public indecency?” he asked, rubbing his thumbs against her legs, pressing his forehead against hers.
“As much as I would love to find that out the fun way, you owe me a date.” Pressing her finger into his chest, she pushed him away. He grasped her hand before she put too much space between them, lacing their fingers together beneath the large sleeve. “So let’s go! I’m starving.” She marched forwards, pulling him behind her. He fell into an easy pace behind her.
Isaac let out a long sigh. “You have to tell me where to go.”
She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Hey, that wasn’t part of the bet.”
“I don’t know my way around here, Mels,” he pointed out, “you do.”
Isaac nearly collided with her when she stopped abruptly. “Nuh-uh, no way. I won the bet fair and square and you’re renee...reene...rine...you’re taking it back!” A pout briefly settled on her face and then her eyes lit up and she gave a little hop. He really missed her. “Ooh! Actually, I know the perfect bar we can go to.”
“You know I can’t get drunk, right?”
“I’m counting on it. I want you entirely sober for later,” she explain, her words and intentions so blunt, his brain shut down and he was left blinking at her. “But for now, we’re going to have another bet to settle this. It’s a barcade so they have a bunch of games we can play. Loser pays for dinner and we shall see, once and for all, who the real winner is. ...Even though my team kicked your team’s ass.”
“Okay.” Isaac rubbed his chin, pretending to think her offer over. “But what if I say that I let you win?”
She began to walk backwards, lifting her chin, looking him in the eye. He felt it all the way down to his toes. “Then you better prepare to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness.”
He smirked. “I’ll get on my knees for a different reason; I’m sure either outcome will please you.” Their arms extended as she kept walking backwards; he caught up to her, lifting his arm to spin her around once like a ballerina before draping his arm around her shoulder, right above the large white letters of LAHEY on the back of the sweatshirt, pulling her into his side.
Honestly, he didn’t care where they went or what they did so long as he could shove as much time with her as possible in the next sixteen hours. He had to catch an early flight back to Vermont after being knocked out of the tournament. Besides, he had something important he wanted to ask her.
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