aretrothing · 4 months
mother stands for comfort my beloved
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hischierschain · 2 months
jack hughes you will always be on top fr
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blitz0hno · 6 days
Stupid fucking Mikoto with his stupid fucking accurate DID symptoms how am I going to fully explain and clarify if an IRL friend does get into Milgram and has questions abt him?? Questions that since I like Accuracy will explain suspiciously thoroughly???
they will Know What I Am 😫
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calicotisane · 1 year
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Glow pt. 2 elephant from a couple months ago
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*guitar notes**vibes* *melody* *clock ticking*
tt-tt--t-t TICKING AWAY--
"but you are young and life is long and there is time to kill today"
"and then one day you find ten years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun"
"hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way"
"the time is gone the song is over, thought i'd something more to say.........
*hgggggkkkkk,,,,,,,,, Sound*
........ to hear the softly spoken magic spell.........
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chronal-anomaly · 2 months
park ranger park ranger park ranger park ranger rahhhhhh
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ivyppoison · 8 months
although i’m not really a massive kpop fan anymore, i still have a massive crush on hyujin ( from stray kidz )
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chimerahyperfix · 7 days
ouuuuh lostwave music save me lostwave music
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introductionpresence · 3 months
little joy has been sat in my music library forever waiting for me to listen to it. and i know full well im gonna love it when i DO listen to it. but i have to be in the exact right frame of mind to listen to new stuff. and i currently Am Not >:[[[[
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delicatefaedaydreams · 5 months
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mioakem · 1 year
As an American I’ll be one of the first to criticize America but the second I hear miss Americana and the heartbreak prince, american, looking for america, god bless America, national anthem, Venice bitch, blue velvet, or that goddamn miss American pie song I am the most patriotic girl on earth
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maxlarens · 1 month
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MV: YUCK! ⭐ part one
pairing(s): max verstappen x photographer!reader
summary: your aesthetic interest in max verstappen is purely professional, you swear.
fc: daisy edgar jones
a/n: hiiii this is my first attempt at an f1 fic so i hope y’all like it!! might turn this into a series idk? feel free to send me a req or a suggestion or just a message🫶🏻 my inbox is always open (fr now i turned on asks) (also daniel is at redbull in this 🙏🏻 prayer circle w me guys 🥲🕯️) (partially inspired by yuck by charli xcx)
⭐️ next part
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@ynusername just posted…
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tagged @maxverstappen1 @redbullracing
liked by @maxverstappen1, @danielricciardo and others
ynusername maxie in miami 🏎️💦 as usual thank you redbull for having me out!!! looking forward to the next one where i will once again be standing 100m away from max until he forgets i’m there and acts natural for the camera.
user1 uhhh wait why he kinda… 🥵
⤷ user1 and i don’t even fuck with cars like that
⤷ user2 no right like who even is this?
⤷ user3 @user1 @user2 His name is Max Verstappen. He’s a driver for RedBull in Formula 1!
⤷ user5 we’re losing the idgaf war
redbullracing 🥵💦 (❤️ by @ynusername)
⤷ user7 she liked. are yn and max together?
⤷ user8 @user7 highkey i think shes just employed by them
⤷ user9 @user7 she’s been one of redbulls photographers since they signed max, they’re not together they’re just friends
user11 contender for white boy of the month i dare say😋
danielricciardo Fuck me
⤷ maxverstappen1 Fuck off
⤷ danielricciardo 😬
danielricciardo Yn why don’t you take slutty photos of me?!
⤷ ynusername cos ur always talking ur head off babes
⤷ ynusername max broods. easier to take pics that way.
⤷ ynusername and they’re not SLUTTY!
⤷ maxverstappen1 Exactly, Daniel.
user12 okay so why is her feed 70 percent max? isn’t she a redbull photographer? not a max verstappen photographer?
⤷ user13 its like a known issue. she clearly prefers one of them over the other🫤
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(yn’s messages)
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🔒 @ynpersonal just posted…
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liked by @ysistersuser, @maxverstappen1 and others
ynpersonal anyway 😐 me lately
user1 gorgeous gal! don’t listen to the weirdos
⤷ ynpersonal ty babe love u lots! xx
ysistersuser MWAH LOVE U BIG SISSY
⤷ ysistersuser 🙂🫵🏻 boyliker
⤷ ynpersonal 😐 so annoyed at u
⤷ ynpersonal still love u tho ig
user2 slay! 🫶🏻
⤷ ynpersonal slay!!! 🫶🏻
danielricciardo Okay so hypothetically…
⤷ ynpersonal hypothetically ur a dickhead daniel
⤷ danielricciardo Hypothetically?
⤷ maxverstappen1 Why are u fighting
⤷ ynpersonal no reason, dan is an asshole
⤷ danielricciardo 👀
user3 When are you visiting home again?? Miss u🤭🫶🏻
⤷ ynpersonal soon i promise!! ill text u!
maxverstappen1 Nice pants
⤷ ynpersonal thank u maxie 🙈 (❤️ by @danielricciardo, @maxverstappen1 & @ysistersuser)
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📸 ahhhh okay well sound off if you want another part for this. though i think that is probably coming regardless. but yea this is my first f1 fic and my first smau in a longggg time so pls let me know what u think! i’d love love to hear❤️
✨ next part
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giamee · 1 year
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୨♡୧ pairings :: blade x reader ; sampo x reader ; gepard x reader ; dan heng x reader ; jing yuan x reader ; luocha x reader
୨♡୧ gia's notes :: writing this as a quick lil thing because i just finished school and i want to like,,, pay homage to the crushes ive had on my classmates LMAO this is so self indulgent i'm delulu... gonna miss seeing them in the hallways ,,, this one kinda mid i wrote it on my phone while half asleep AND ITS EXAM SEASON RAHHHHHH
୨♡୧ contains: modern!school!au, fem!reader sorry, most definitely ooc because these are based off of real people oops, just cute lil crushes man feel free to judge my taste in men !
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-he's in your biology class, but not close enough to really get to talk to him
-you're not sure what to make of him, but you see him in the gym a few times when you're there as well
-his stony exterior, however, is shattered in your eyes when you enter the gym one day to find it empty other than just him in there, blasting his playlist out loud
-out of all of the possible genres he could he listening to, you weren't expecting a drill remix of anime osts
-you can't help the giggle that escapes your lips from what you're witnessing, and blade freezes upon hearing it before whipping his head round to face you like a deer in headlights
-he scrambles to turn it off as you set up at a squat rack, and it's almost endearing to see such a stoic classmate look so flustered
-you almost felt bad for the guy, and you hesitated before asking blade if he could spot for you
-and just like that, the ice was officially broken
-the two of you talked more frequently now, even becoming sort of friends through your shared class and the gym
-more frequent talks gave way to the more intimate aspects of blade's personality- as it turned out, he was quite touchy
-lingering touches when spotting you in the gym turned to his leg pressed against yours when you sit next to each other- leaning into your personal space a little too close to call it casual, and the bastard enjoyed the way you got flustered when his face got near to yours and the way that people looked at the pair of you and whispers, rumours, started to fly
-"if you keep sitting that close to me, people are going to think that we're dating," you huffed at him
-blade didn't even glance up from his phone that he was scrolling through with one hand, the other resting against the back of your chair
-"good." you were glad that he didn't look up to see the way that your eyes widened and you turned your head to the side to hide the giddy smile that was creeping onto your face
-and despite you enabling this, all the harmless flirting, there was some unquellable part of you that screamed to be set free and hoped for something more. that when he made you look him in the eyes with a finger under your chin, he wasn't just doing it to tease you
-there was undeniably something going on between the two of you, but there was also the unspoken mutual decision to not mention it
-and so you resigned your self to the realm of just friends. it would be easier this way, to move on without any ties before uni
-yet on the last day, you found him scrawling his phone number in your yearbook with a demand to stay in touch, and it left you looking down at the inked digits with the thing in your chest set free, telling you that your feelings might just be reciprocated
-your deskmate in chemistry because of a stupid seating plan that didn't change the entire year
-you've never really spoken before, but he's well-known for being rowdy
-his friends sit nearby, and most of his conversations consisted of talking to them loudly while leaning across your desk, while you try to balance your chemical equations
-other than that, you keep to yourselves mostly
-it isn't until your chemistry teacher is going on a tiresome rant about the bohr effect that you shift your attention away from the board, your eyes instead focusing on sampo and the pen in his hands as he twirled it through his fingers effortlessly
-you nudged him slightly, pointing to his hand and mouthing at him "how do you do that?"
-sampo smirks, leaning in closer to you and keeping his voice at a low whisper to avoid alerting your chemistry teacher
-"so you hold the end like this..." sampo whispers to you, demonstrating with the end of his pen. you nod and try not to think about how small the pen looks compared to his fingers, fixing your grip
-"and then you hold it loose, and flick it around your thumb" sampo demonstrates it effortlessly, catching the pen in his hand and smiling at you
-you concentrate on your own, feeling his gaze against the side of your face instilling slight tremors in your hand
-you attempt the spin, watching as the pen teeters before falling and landing on your desk with a clatter
-you hear sampo snort beside you, and your teacher whips his head around and fixes the pair of you with a glare
-"am i interrupting something?" you and sampo both snapped your attention back towards your teacher as he looked at you both pointedly before continuing with his lecture
-you braved a peek at your deskmate, seeing the way his eyes were stubbornly facing forwards while a slight smirk adorned his face
-it became almost a ritual for you to attempt sampo's stupid pen trick each lesson
-it looked so simple, you didn't get how you were still struggling to do it, and your focus was pretty much anywhere except on the lesson
-sampo watched on in idle amusement at your frustration, sometimes demonstrating it to you again just to rub it in before getting elbowed by you
-besides him poking fun at you, there was also a sweeter side to sampo
-there was a day where you had forgotten to wear your contacts, and were effectively blind the entire day
-despite being nearer to the front, you couldn't even read the board when you squinted
-you ended up asking sampo to read what was on the board to you, and with an exaggerated sigh he did so, whispering the words to you in the same low voice that had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up
-"you owe me, you know," he told you jokingly, pointing at your homework
-you rolled your eyes, sliding it over to him
-"i don't know why you think that the answers will be right, but sure"
-"hey, at least you did the homework"
-uhhhh idrk how to end this SORRY
-you guys got along well and then the year finished and you weren't in the same class any more
-whenever you see him in the corridors you smile at each other though
-he sits in the seat opposite from you in your english class
-you can't help zoning out when the lesson gets boring, and more often than not that results in you inadvertedly staring at gepard until you snap back to reality and realise that you've locked eyes with him, resulting in both of you hastily looking away with pink dusting both of your cheeks
-it's hard not to look at his handsome face, and your wandering eyes often get drawn to him against your will
-the sun hits his hair just right from the window behind him, and he looks like an angel with a halo when he's concentrating with a furrowed brow and taking notes about chaucer
-he's not too bad of a person to be sat across, in short
-you see gepard from time to time in the library, and by luck's draw, one of the only free seats in a particularly busy hour ends up being next to him
-he glances up when you place your books down, shooting you a quick smile before turning back to his own work
-you're about to put on your headphones and start revising, but you catch the faint melody of an ice spice song blasting from gepard, oblivious to the world
-it takes a lot of self control to not burst out laughing in the middle of the library, but you text this information to your friend instead while biting back a smile
-she responds after a few seconds with a link to gepard's spotify account, telling you to take a look through his playlists
-risking a glance at gepard, still heavily focusing on his work, you click on the link and begin to scroll through his account
-you find yourself growing more and more blown away by his music choice
-someone who was so serious and stoic didn't seem like the type to have one of the most insane tastes in music you've ever seen, but you liked it
-it offered you a more human side to his aloof self
-when you saw him start to subconsciously mouth the words in time with ice spice, though, that's when you snorted a little
-and when gepard looked up at you in confusion, you waved him off
-maybe you would try talk to him after class more
-although he doesn't share a lesson with you, dan heng actually takes the same bus to get home from school
-you have a tendency to oversleep in the mornings, so you've never had the opportunity to realise this as the buses you take arrive at school minutes before the bell
-and after school, you can leave as soon as lessons finish, and your differing timetables kept you apart as well
-but after a day at the library in school, you ended up getting a bus nearer to the end of the day rather than your usual time
-because of this, you found that most of the other students at your school were getting this first bus back, and a lot less of the seats were available
-you scanned the seats, searching for an empty spot when you got on, and you saw dan heng sat on his own, looking out the window with his earphones in
-you recognised him as a guy in your year and headed to where he sat, gripping your bag tighter for emotional support
-"could i sit here?" you spoke before realising that he probably couldn't hear you over the sound of his music, and you hesitated before tapping him on the shoulder
-his attention snapped to you before he shuffled slightly, leaving you with ample space to take a seat
-you didn't talk much, feeling self conscious of your feed as you scrolled through your phone next to dan heng, waiting for the stop where you would get your second bus
-you were lucky that you were sat closer to the aisle, and didn't have to make things more awkward by asking him to get up too
-you pressed the button to stop the bus, picking up your bag and getting off
-but to your surprise, as you looked behind you to check if it was clear to cross the road, you saw that dan heng had gotten off of the bus as well
-which wasn't too weird, really. there were plenty of other buses to take from here
-yet your suspicions were confirmed as you realised that you and dan heng were headed for the same bus, stopping in the same queue with him just behind you
-normally you would keep to yourself, but you must have been feeling extra talkative that day because you decide to strike up a conversation with him
-"so you take this bus as well?"
-dan heng nodded, taking out an earphone to better hear you as you both waited for the bus
-"yeah, in the morning too"
-"i'm guessing the early one? i always miss it because i sleep in"
-dan heng smiles and shrugs
-"maybe you should go to sleep earlier, then"
-"yeah, maybe"
-the pair of you talk a bit, and despite his appearance dan heng is actually quite fun to talk to, though he moreso tends to listen to you rant and occasionally provides some input, which seems to suit you both just fine
-come next morning, you found yourself waking up a little easier than usual, getting ready and leaving your house earlier than usual
-and as a result, you managed to catch the early bus
-you spotted his cropped dark hair almost as soon as you got on, and decided to sidle up to him again
-dan heng spotted you this time, though, and even offered you a smile as he pulled put his earphones as youvsat down next to him
-"so i'm guessing that you slept earlier, huh?"
-if it meant getting to talk to him more, you'd be in bed before it even got dark
-but he didn't have to know that
-he's that one guy in the year who's just universally loved, by teachers and students alike
-he's warm, he's studious, he's head boy, and he's practically everyone's friend
-it's not uncommon to see plenty of the girls in your year go up to him to try and flirt, and for others to look on in jealousy at their attempts
-and despite everyone's best efforts, jing yuan remained single
-as much as you didn't want to, you couldn't help but get a crush on him, just like every other girl in the year
-your heart beats out of your chest when you walk past him in the corridor and he gives you a smile and nod
-your knees feel weak when you see him in the library studying, his handsome face scrunched in concentration
-and though you may only be observing from afar, you're completely content with that
-luocha is a friend of yours that you made pretty recently
-there's a quiet charm to him that leaves you feeling at ease, and you've found it incredibly comforting to be in his presence when revising for exams
-even though he's a man of few words, he's managed to keep you as grounded as you can be during the stress of your last days of school before it's over
-it all came to an emotional headway at prom night
-you had been drinking a little, and with the night coming to an end the realisation that you wouldn't be seeing most of the people here again had you feeling teary eyed
-luocha found you on the dancefloor, pulling you towards him without a word and letting you just cling onto his suit as you both swayed in time to the slower song
-you let the soothing scent of him wash over you as you started to wind down at the end of the night, and you felt one of his gentle hands resting on your back as you began to wind your arms around his neck too
-"it was nice to know you," you mumbled to him, voice muffled by the material of his suit
-you felt luocha's grip on you tighten almost imperceptibly, a sign that he had heard you regardless
-"you can still know me" he murmured, and in your hazy state of mind you relaxed into him even further
-"that would be nice"
-as prom came to an end and after you had gotten over the air of finality, the pain from wearing your heels all night was beginning to kick in
-your car was parked a while away and while you did want to just go home, the prospect of taking another step was making you wince
-luocha was quick to notice your hesitance, and before you even said anything he was crouching down in front of you, telling you to "get on" which you gratefully did
-his warm hands wrapped securely around your thighs, supporting your weight as you told luocha where to go
-he made it to your car effortlessly, letting you down carefully and even opening your own car door for you
-you giggled at him being a gentleman as you got behind the wheel, smiling up at him with a bittersweet pang in your heart
-"thanks for everything, luocha"
-the man hesitated for a second, before returning your smile
-"any time"
-he ducked down, leaning in closer to you, and you felt yourself inhale sharply as he wrapped his arms around you, encasing you in a last embrace before you would part ways for the last time
-"keep in touch, okay?"
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୨♡୧ honkai star rail masterlist
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redr0sewrites · 4 months
Hi, I love your works! Can you write a hazbin hotel Lucifer x gn punk reader? Like, they dress punk, listen to punk music and are pretty rebellious anarchists? Tysm
YESSSS OFC!!!! also random rose lore but i am such a big green day fan and my mom once went to a green day concert and she talks ab it all the time-
🥀Cw: fluff, Lucifer being a sweetie
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Lucifer was probably a little confused about your style and ideals when he first met you
he would ask you soooooo many questions about your outfits
hes a little awkward, but he means well 😭
he definitely asked you for music recommendations because you seemed really interested and invested in your style of music
when you started talking all excitedly about your favorite bands and music taste, Lucifer found himself enraptured by your love for the things you enjoy
Lucifer admires your individuality and how you stay true to the things you enjoy, and he also loves your spunky attitude
deep down, he despises heaven and authority figures as much as anyone else and he thinks its hilarious that the two of you are dating
an anarchist and the literal king of hell
once u start recommending your music to him, hes hooked
suddenly every rock or punk song he listens to reminds him of you, and he adores it
i think he'd really enjoy green day, maybe x ray spex too, but he'll ultimately listen to anything u want him too
lucifer ADORES your style too
if you wear studded patch jackets, vests, etc he DEFINITELY designs patches and studs for you
he would give u a little duck or apple pin to put on your jacket!!!
lucifer will help you out with your hair too, he loves detangling it at the end of the day and washing all of the hair spray and spiky styling out
would def help you dye it fun colors too
i mentioned this in my goth hcs, but if you wear a lot of jewelry he loves to fiddle and fidget with it while he's bored
like he'll just be standing next to you and all of a sudden he's playing with the chain necklaces you're wearing or poking the spikes and studs on your jacket just bc he's bored
overall, he's super supportive and sweet
"are you ready, duckling?" Lucifer called, waiting for you to finish getting ready. he had decided to take you out on a date tonight- not to a fancy establishment, no, but to a more hell-born central part of the pentagram to visit some knock-off theme park you'd mentioned weeks ago called LooLoo Land. the both of you thought that the obvious copyright of Lu Lu World was hilarious, and what better place to go on a date than a shitty theme park?
"I'm coming Luci, give me a sec!" you shout, "i'm just finishing up with my accessories". Lucifer hums in response, soon bursting into giggles as you come hurdling down the stairs, tackling him in a hug. you both pulled away after a few seconds, and Lucifer stepped back to admire your outfit. "Is it just me, or have you gotten spikier?" Lucifer chuckled, poking a stud on your jacket as you roll your eyes. "C'mon you, we have to go!" you smile, dragging him out the door as he admired your determined expression. "driving or teleporting?" you ask, and Lucifer shrugs. "you're no help," you grumble, but take his hand. "let's teleport, it'll be quicker." with a smile, Lucifer opens a portal. "Whatever you wish, dear ~"
RAHHHHHH💯💯💯 this one required a bit of research cuz idk as much ab punk culture/music as ik ab goth stuff, but it was still sm fun to write!!!!!
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maxrowave · 7 months
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i love drarry and i love women so put it together and you get this, i present to you: Harphine
Harry is consequently now named Harley; Draco is also now named Delphine (Full name Delphinus Lucius Malfoy, however asks to be referred to as Delphine because it's pretty). I decided to keep everyone else the same because the world centres around them. Delphine is the ultimate coquette girl, lana del rey wishes she could be as coquette as her. Mega popular girl and a trendsetter, one day she wears a headband to school, the next day, half the female students are as well. Extreme closet gay, internalised homophobia...
Harley on the other hand is a major tom-boy, as a toddler and young childhood she probably had a buzzcut or short hair because her hair was too much maintenance for the Dursley's. She also wore Dudley's old clothes so she was mistaken for a boy for most of her young life, she only began to grow it out when she started attending Hogwarts and got a major glow-up in third year. and now the multitude of headcanons: 1) Delphine resorts to flirting to get her way with male students, however it is only by accident does Harley discover Delphine is prudent when she flirts with her. Delphine immediately goes red, sputtering incoherently:
"MY FATHER WILL HEAR OF THIS!!!" "good, I'm glad he knows about me so it won’t be as awkward to meet him when I'm over for dinner"
Harley uses this to her advantage and begins to spread rumours about Delphine to finally get back at her for all these years 'Pure Blood Delphine Malfoy, sole heir, is a homosexual?!' It gets out of hand and Delphine's rep gets ruined or somethin
2) Harley is a bit of an artist, she likes drawing/doodling. One day she's sitting in potions class, not listening because fuck that, idly drawing on her parchment without much thought, only for her to realise that hey... this kind of looks like Delphine, and then realising she's just been drawing Delphine in various sitting poses for the past half an hour.
3) Even though Harley really hates Delphine, she has to admit, she's really fucking gorgeous, and in an odd way Harley kind of admires how put together she is. Harley does try to imitate her makeup one day because she wants to know how it feels to be pretty/put together, it turns out shite, Ron laughs at her, Harley beats him up; Delphine also laughs at her. But when they do become good friends, like fifth year or so, Delphine does do her makeup (imagine that one img of the girl on top of the other doing her eyeshadow, that's them).
3.5) Slight extension from the previous one, I mentioned this on my xwitter awhile back -- Harry purposely messes up his tie so Draco can fix it, because Draco's love language is to clean up people, i.e brushing lint off their shoulder, adjusting their collar, kind of like a cat. In this genderbent au, Harley messes up her lipstick everytime so Delphine can redo it.
4) Delphine is a massive closeted lesbian, and is pining for Harley in her own odd way. When they begin to get close, Delphine instictually reels back, because she's used to playing hard-to-get with other guys as a flirting method. She doesn't quite register that it doesn't work with girls, which leaves Harley wondering what she did wrong and why Delphine isn't as interested.
5) When they do finally get into a relationship, most likely like sixth/seventh year, it's very low-key and secretive because Delphine still has internalised homophobia/closeted. But Lucius ends up arranging her marriage because she's an only child and a female to the Malfoy name. What happens next is idk
6) Lucius either dotes on Delphine like a child who is in constant need of being helped and cannot be independent, or never speaks to her ever because he's disappointed he has a daughter.
OKAY THATS IT, I HAVE MORE HEADCANONS THAT I WILL POUR IF ENOUGH ASK FOR IT LOL... i wanna see if I can make Harphine their genderbend ship name, it's cute
also boobs bc im gay and so are they
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
Yuji: he’s the bubbliest little baby ever. So happy and babbles the entire time he’s around you, toddling on his chunky legs and laughing when he falls on his tushy. Has no qualms sharing his toys with the others and loves following reader around.
Nobara: little pouty cutie who wants your attention solely on her. She stalks after you, presenting you with dolls and toys to play with her 🥺 gets grumpy when her friends try to join in or play with you, often crying to get your attention back on her
Megumi: again, pouty little baby. He’s often left out by the other children, opting to play with the foam blocks by himself but will force himself to play with you 🥰 wants your attention on him, but discretely. Like, rub his head a little when you give him his snack, or an extra hug when it’s nap time 🥰
no because this. THIS!!!!!
yuuji's just a little bundle of joy 🥺
he definitely banged his head the first time he rolled over, but instead of crying he just giggled and did it again
(you on the other hand freaked out and were worried he was going to hurt himself)
he also would be the first one to walk
(nobara a close second because she couldn't let yuuji beat her)
literally the happiest baby ever, never crying, always laughing or babbling away 🥺
nobara would just be LOUD
always screaming, trying to be the center of attention
listen, she's just a girl. you can't expect her to not try to be the center of attention  💅 😂
there is no such thing as "too far" if she feels like you're paying too much attention to yuuji or megumi
screaming, putting her siblings up for sale, doing something she's not supposed to do, there's nothing she won't try to get your attention
she might be a handful, but heart she's just a sweet kid who wants your love
stop, and megumi??
he's def the quietest of the three (his favorite thing is nap time with you and his divine dogs 🥺)
he's just a little snugglebug
when you heard he didn't like hanging out with the kids at daycare and often played by himself you worried yourself sick that your sweet megumi was too shy
however after a conversation with him you realized that he just didn't like other people
but don't worry
he made sure to reassure you that you were different, and that he really liked spending time with you 🥺
he doesn't like anyone else, but he loves you 🥰
anyways, this was SO CUTE. i'm probably going to be making the first years as babies into an au, so let me know if you want to be added to the au taglist!!!
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