#LCB x reader
ruinaimagines · 11 months
what do you think it would take for Heathcliff to warm up to somebody? because right now I feel like he'd scare a lot of people off with how brash and violent he is, but it'd be interesting if someone managed to befriend him.
I love him. And yes, I am alive! I am still crawling on. somehow.
Heathcliff Warming up to Someone Headcanons:
It is true that his outwardly brash nature is what a lot of people are initially met with, especially if they happen to be of some authoritative stance, but that’s mainly because of his own preconceived judgements. He’s a rather reasonable and good man otherwise.. Just a bit quick to jump to opinions.
If he doesn’t feel as though you are demanding respect from anyone then you have quite a decent chance of getting along. Talk to him as though he’s an actual person and you’ll find he’s pretty cooperative unless what you’re telling him to do is something he deems as outrageous.
Even though I lovingly call him an idiot, he’s quite the opposite. Heathcliff is a very apt man. We’ve seen this during Canto II with how he diverts the attention of the casino guards. He’s just a bit impulsive in some cases in the same sense that Don is. If he sees something he considers to be wrong, insulting, or similar he is quick to action if no one else is. He’s very good with short-term solutions but doesn’t immediately consider the implications for the long term. That’s Faust’s job. He’s clever and witty.
His recklessness also stems from the fact that death isn’t actually a problem for him (poor Dante), so not much is stopping him from speaking his mind. Unless the situation is really dire he has no desire to shut his mouth. Will still mutter under his breath.
He would immediately get along a lot better with you if you share any kind of similar passions in disrupting the system, calling people out, and overall being very blunt on the blatant ignorance and audacity some people have. While not to say the other sinners don’t agree, they just typically don’t really comment on it either. To have someone else that he can rant with and be brutally honest with? Ohhh that is just going to fuel the flames.
Would find you funny as hell if you insult the smug, sleazy workers of the city you happen to run into. Even better if it’s directly in their faces. Will back you up even if you don’t know each other much at this point because it’s entertaining. 
I believe that you have a pretty solid chance of getting along even if you don’t immediately call out someone to their face so long as he overhears you complaining about it later. Not all people have the confidence he does, and sometimes it’s easier for you to let it be in the moment as long as it’s not too treacherous or there’s quips here and there.
The most crucial part in befriending him is first and foremost about establishing a sense of likemindedness. If he doesn’t see you as an agreeable person, then chances are he won’t think well of you either. You don’t have to be as loud about it as he is but even stating something along the lines of ‘That is wrong and it needs to be acknowledged and not smoothed over’ after the fact works for him.
I think that it would be a lot more difficult for him to see eye to eye with someone who so compliantly follows along with orders and seems indifferent to the cruelty and justice around them. There needs to be some kind- any kind of proof that you have humanity and aren’t willing to stay complicit with continuing what is seen as morally wrong by him.
He’s a very passionate guy which can be a little difficult to navigate because he can very easily get lost to more aggressive feuds or grudges, in these situations he’s a bit unreachable in that he is very unlikely to hear others out. When it calms down though his opinion may alter slightly especially the longer he knows a person. Still sticks very close to his own truth nonetheless.
With this it becomes easier to talk to him because there’s no longer that  preconceived notion he holds over you, whatever it may be. You might find him even gravitating more near you or valuing your opinions a little higher than the others. When Faust is droning on he tends to tune her out, but whatever you’re saying he’s more encouraged to listen in on. There isn’t much of a difference in the moment, but you’ll notice that he’s completely forgotten what Faust has advised whereas he brings up a note that you mentioned instead.
Don’t expect the bickering to go anywhere. Friend or not, there will still be snide remarks here and there, though if you’re on good terms with him they’re meant in a more playful snarky way as opposed to a genuine complaint. Best be quick witted yourself.
You’re one of the few who can get away with insulting him without paying the typical price of being smacked over the head unconscious with his bat! Something that has happened an unnecessary amount of times with the other sinners much to the displeasure of Dante. Don’t expect to be completely devoid of being pushed around though. I imagine him to be the type of person to slam his hands around your shoulder with such force that it will completely knock the wind out of you for a joke.
Heathcliff is sort of hard to reach emotionally, even if you two get along very well. It can be kind of difficult to delve deeper into his own problems no matter how good on terms you are with him. He’s approachable in the way that his inferiority complex makes it extremely unlikely for him to ever mention his own shortcomings or communicate his distress in a way other than anger. Heathcliff does not want to have someone pity him, and above all he doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
It’s very hard to navigate, there’s hardly a right answer of how to go about it because it’s something that’s so emotionally fuelled that your best case scenario is just trying to listen and be more casual about it if something ever did get brought up. It’s a sore spot, don’t be surprised or feel bad if he snaps at you because he feels like you’re trying to be his therapist, it’s a spur of the moment thing and he’d feel bad afterwards. He just wants to be seen as a person.
Try to pry very little, what small trace amounts you get from him of his own personal experiences is something you’ll just have to take. Heathcliff might seem to be in particularly pissy and broody moods from time to time, whether from a bad interaction or something deeper, you can ask him what happens but if he says to drop it then it's recommended you do.
I feel like he isn’t ready to unpack everything, he finds it unneeded and a hindrance to get all sappy and focus on how he feels. That said I don’t know if there ever would be a proper time… aside from his canto.
You become his complaining buddy. He will trash talk either the others or some unpleasant person you’ve met while at work. It’s honestly fascinating some of the most obscure and abhorrent insults he can construct, beat only by Ryoshu of course. Her’s is just vulgar.
He is so biased it’s not even subtle. Heathcliff might seem a bit unapproachable at first but you’ll quickly come to realize that if you offer a sort of loyalty then he will return it. Might make fun of you for getting into a tricky situation, but he will do everything he can to pull you out of it and I think that’s what makes him such a good companion.
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schizoidcel · 2 months
Hii! Saw that you’ve opened requests for project moon. What about Sinclair x reader (original universe or mirror) where reader was sure that Sinclair hates them. But Sinclair was just shy + his menacing gaze wasn’t particularly helping. Kinda hurt - comfort. Btw have a good day!
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i did cinq sinclair since i think he fit lol (for the other anon who reqeusted (yk who u r) ILL GET TO IT I SWEAR m just struggling abit but with the prompt u gave vut bear with me pls♡)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : not proofread, MIGHT be abit the tiniest bit ooc
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : your new director lowkey scares the ever living shit out of you :heart:
Oh he's terrifying
You were recently promoted to south section 4, and ofcourse you heard the things you dubbed as 'rumours' about the director of the branch.
Now, not only did you think wrong, but you felt like he had something against you
Yes, you talked to him from time to time, and from the way he spoke with you and with others you gathered that he was a timid and nervous man
But it all just changed when he was lecturing people, moreso if he was in an ACTUAL duel
Seeing him in the 'training hall' trying to teach tricks and whatnot to his underlings, but ultimately he either accidently ends up being too hard on them or
Actually just that .
Frankly you were abit scared to train under him aswell
Sure, he did seem truly kind hearted ..
So why is it that whenever you felt a stare on you, you felt like you were having a fight to the death with the south section 1 fixers
UEAG anyway
Soon enough, it was your time to train with him! Yay!
He had his eye on you (very obviously) and was excited to have a friendly training session with you<3
But you were (also very obviously) scared and reluctant around him, sighing alot
Which made the maneven more nervous 😭😭
He's used to people being frightened while getting trained by him but he genuinely thought he was nice with you so far and that you two had something going
Did he do something wrong. Why are you scared. He dosen't mean to bite he swears
He tries to distract himself from the fact you might REALLY REALLY not like him by straying off course and teaching you random ass association battle tricks everyone should actually be aware of (even though suprisingly you learnt some new stuff)
He can't properly express his emotions, it's a thing he struggles with
After interacting with him you can pick up that he's just a demure young man, one you'll have to be patient with
You'll have to reassure him that he's fine and he'll go back to normal! (as normal as he can got back to)
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────────── ♱ ❜ 🖤 . .
"G-good day, [name]! How are you?" The child asked, looking at them with curiosity. "...Well, you know, same old, same old... Ha. Ha. Haha." Some thoughts suicide got into their head for a moment.
However, the child didn't seem to care. Infact, he was ecstatic at the answer he had been given. "That's good to hear..! Uhm, as you're new, I'll make sure to teach you alot." He said with a smile.
Yet again, he wasn't entirely stupid. He could tell that everyone he duelled against had always been in a state of distress, and this time was no different.
What was different was the fact that the child had a newfound determination of trying his best to make sure the same incident dosen't happen again.
He had been wanting to talk to the newly promoted fixer for awhile now. At times, he would think of trying to figure out what to say that would be a good enough excuse to approach them.
He did not find this excuse, and kept staring at them for a long period of time accidently, which in turn inevitably brought upon a wrong idea in the head of his person of interest.
Sure, he was awkward, but he tried, and he found this a good oppurtunity. The child didn't want to give up.
"Alright, so..." He started to raise his voice just a little bit, not wanting to come off as too uncertain. "First, it's important to know the right way to yield the sword, but I'm aware you know that..." He chuckled abit, trying to lighten up the mood. He was in thought for abit, then began speaking once more.
"'Disengagement' is a commonly used tactic, as it is also very effective if executed correctly. I assume you also know of that?" The child questioned and proceeded to draw his sword.
The other child, dubbed [name], nodded their head. "I do." Although, the voice suggested more of a 'I don't actually know, but please let me be.' tone rather than a 'I know, and you don't have to teach me.' tone.
"Well, I would still like to teach you it in a more proper way. As your new director!" A sigh came out of the newly promoted Fixer's mouth, which made the child awkwardly chuckle. "...Uhm..." He thought he might've done something wrong. Not just in the interaction happening right now, but also the several times he attempted to be friendly with his person of interest, who now looked completely done and unnerved infront of him. Yet he couldn't focus on that right now. "Alright, let me demonstrate --"
The childs underling looked abit more stressed after he uttered those words, but they drew their sword aswell regardless.
The child proceeded to instruct his trainee.
It was obvious that both of them were in completely different physical spaces.
"'Pistol Grip', [name]." "Like this?" "N... No. Wait, let me -" "Ouch." "- Sorry!"
What was also kind of obvious was that they were in completely different mental spaces.
'Oh god. I can't keep going on like this... The awkwardness is killing me. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.' 'I wonder if director Quixote is singing in the Caféteria again...'
However, as both the children were distracted on the training field, an accident was sure to arrive soon.
Unfortunately, the director almost completely pierced through the shoulder of the one he trained. "Shit--" "O-oh dear..! [Name], I'm- I'm so sorry! I was..." The child panicked as he dropped his weapon and walked towards his trainee for today with haste, abit uncharacteristically. Thankfully, nobody really paid attention to nor noticed the both of them, due to the hall being so loud. The injured child groaned abit in pain as they clutched their shoulder, which made the directors heart fill up with guilt.
"A-again, I apologize sincerely, [name]. I'm just... Really distracted, I don't know how to explain it." He did, actually. He just really didn't want to because pf embarassment. "Maybe we should cancel the training session, I'll get you some assistance --"
"O-oh, director, don't worry about it." "..?" "It's alright. I know how you feel, actually. So I can understand. Cancelling the session really isn't necessary, It was probably my fault for treating this whole encounter weirdly in the first place... Maybe you in general, too. So I should apologize... Sorry."
The child looked abit taken aback from that statement, but shook his head and let out a relieved chuckle, "It's alright, please don't worry... I'm, uh, glad we resolved this." He smiled, a smile unusually soft and heart felt, especially coming from this one.
"Then, I hope you can come to me abit more in confidence if you need anything, [name]." The child seemed to have been abit more at ease now, which made him manage to speak quite normally.
He wondered if it would be considered weird to ask them to hang out later right in this moment.
"... I change my mind, can we bandage this?" "Ah, but ofcourse..!"
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HEARTS FOR UR REQUEST <3 i had fun writing this hes so pathetic lol. i added a scenario cus i didnt rlly know how to do the hcs (ALSO SORRY IF HES OOC? im not the biggest sinnie fan so i mightve messed up oops
on another note .. i wanted to use the narrator for the id uptie stories cus i feel like it'd be neater that way. so i didnt really describe every single emotional change but im sure yall can like figure out where and what
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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momo-hearts · 5 months
Can I ask for some gregor x reader fluff. I wanna make that man happy :(
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Gregor Samsa | 'Bug Man'
{ HC'S, Not specific}
- gregor, a used-to-be military soldier at the smoke war. This may be a little hard to see but I like to see him having some sort of survivors guilt knowing he have a clone to do the dirty works for him. (If I'm not mistaken.)
- having a relationship with him is... Difficult I might say, this man been through war and does have PTSD. Not the one who likes mentioning his parents, he is fine with you meeting your parents but make sure to not ask about his in exchange.
- he likes movie dates, he specifically like classical and old fashioned movies. His fine with others ones but prefers not to watch them, he thinks Oppenheimer is good.
- he l9ves it when you two are alone together with no other people bothering them, making it more romantical and peaceful.
- doesn't mind when you touch his insect arm, rather he seem to appreciate you for not being creeped out by it.
- he seems to be the type of guy that willing to do, to wear, or to go anywhere without question.
- uderdress or perfectly dress? That depends on his mood but he does have a mix of two.
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starrydesiderium · 20 days
If requests are still okay, could I request HC's with Tingtang Hong Lu? Maybe how he'd interact with a reader who appears more more straightlaced/reserved? Thank you so much, and I love your writing!! Hong Lu the beloved
(yay baby's first request, thank you so much!! I'm glad someone likes my writings, I'm more of an artist and english is not my first language so I suck at writing but my heart aches at the lack of Hong Lu hcs)
Tingtang Gang Leader Hong Lu x reader \\ HCs
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He loves showing you off in front of everyone. Hugging you, kissing you, dragging you along everywhere, he never pays attention to your protests.
He demands you sitting on his lap constantly, even if he's going to stand up next minute and drag you along with him, it doesn't feel right without your weight on his thighs.
Goes easy on you in gambling sessions unless loser will have to do whatever winners wants.
Provoking you in hopes of getting a reaction is his favourite hobby, he won't stop until your reserved exterior cracks.
He also doesn't like it when you pay too much attention to someone else. He can threaten them with physical violence if it's random people, but if it's his buddies he will resort to other methods.
He will bite your ear, tickle your sides, lick your neck, tug at your hair – all for the heavenly feeling of your annoyed gaze turning to him and your hand smacking the back of his head.
You're quite respected amongst the members of tingtang gang for your cold attitude, but the fact that it's better not to mess with you is just as well-known as the fact that Hong Lu is the one who can get you to lose composure, showing the whole casino the true feelings behind calm and collected facade.
Watching you two interact is gang's favourite evening show, even if no one dares to mock you about it directly. After all, it is quite the delight to see the person who made them lose so much money in poker with completely unbothered expression getting teased relentlessly.
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silkenedstars · 10 months
Esteemed Passenger
He could only admire you as you slept within the pod.
Pairing: Yandere!W Corp. Cleanup Agent!Hong Lu x Passenger!Reader (Romantic)
Additional Notes: Second-person pronouns used for the reader, told from Hong Lu's perspective, heavy one-sided pining, yandere behaviour. Cross-posted on Quotev!
Hong Lu let out a sigh, his bloodied fingers leaving a trail across the glass surface as he leaned back against the pod.
He closed his eyes and hummed the first tune that came into his mind as he ignored all the corpses and blood around him. He couldn't care about all of that, not when it was something he saw every day while you were becoming a rarer sight day after day.
"I wonder," he uttered, turning around so that he could look at you, "if I'll ever be able to learn your name..."
The answer to that was that he wouldn't.
He would never get to know your name nor would he ever come to know the person that you were, because the truth of the matter was that he was a cleanup agent and would only see your face when you were unconscious; completely unaware of his presence.
Hong Lu doubted that you knew of his existence since, as mentioned before, you never even saw him when you were awake, but that didn't mean that he had to stop daydreaming about the possible life the two of you might have.
He did have the option to go through company files to find your information and meet up with you outside of company grounds, but he didn't want to scare you if that information somehow got out, not to mention that he'd risk ruining W Corp's reputation by doing that and Hong Lu saw what happened to the employees who dared to do such a thing.
In the end, all he could do was stay by your side as you slept away; frozen in time.
"Perhaps one day," he sighed, leaning fully against the pod you were in as his finger drew a heart shape with the blood still on it on the glass, "...you'll be mine."
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obsessedwithlimbus · 1 year
“Was he a beast if music could move him so?”
You were familiar with many of the other sinners. You had to be, as one of the sinners under the management of the clock headed Dante. You had died next to them, had been revived next to them, and had relied on all of them to have your back during violent confrontations that the group you were associated with were bound to get into. 
You were more familiar with Gregor than the others though, and that all started with a song... 
I love the bug man so much I can’t believe it- Reader is younger than Gregor, but the exact age difference isn’t apparent. The title comes from Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ bc I am a slut for classic literature. Enjoy <3
You dragged your tired body to the bus, your footsteps more sluggish and slower than the other sinners. Your could feel your hands shake from what you assumed was the aftereffect of the identity that had been overlaid above your original one. 
You could feel Dante’s worried ticking sound directed at you. He probably felt bad for making you use your E.G.O. numerous times during the battle, as yours was the one most fitting for the foes you had been facing. 
“Manager, you could have gone a little easy on them,” Gregor said, from right next to you. You turned your face to see that the man had slowed to be more in step. 
<I wanted to- But we really had no other choice->
“You’re correct, Executive Manager!” Outis’ voice cut through the slightly subdued air surrounding the group. Her eyes were rather sharp as she took in your slightly pathetic form. “In a battle, you should be ready and capable to give everything you have. The manager can’t be considerate of you after-”
“Come on, Outis- Nobody needs to hear a breakdown of the battle right now.” Rodya, your saviour in this situation drawled out as she winked at you. “The battle’s done and over with, we won, and they currently aren’t complaining. Greg’s just getting protective.” 
“I am not, Rodya-”
The taller woman just cut him of with a knowing hum in response before engaging in a conversation with Sinclair, who seemed about as well off as you were. 
“That woman, I swear-” Gregor mumbled before digging into the pocket of his trousers to pull out a box of cigarettes. Expertly, he pulled out a single stick from the box and placed it between his lips before shoving the box back into his pocket. He gave you a half smile when he caught you staring. “Do you want one too?” 
“I’m good, Gregor. But thanks.” You said tiredly, one of your hands reaching up to rub your eyes. “You need a light?” 
“Yeah, if you have one.” 
You had gained the habit of carrying a lighter with you ever since you noticed that Gregor and Ryōshū were both chainsmokers who ran out of lighter fluid often. Unlike most of your coworkers, you found yourself to be actually fond of most of them. 
You dug around for the lighter and pulled it out, flicking it so that a flicker of a flame lit up, brightening the space around you. Gregor leaned his face towards you and you watched as the tip of the cigarette burned orange. 
“M.T.” You startled slightly at the short words you could decipher as ‘Me too’ brushed at your ear. “B.M.D.H.T.L.” 
‘Bug man, don’t hog the light.’
Gregor scrunched his expression as he took a deep inhale of his cigarette. 
“Don’t call me that.” 
Ryōshū only laughed at the man’s disgruntled tone as she beckoned for you to light her cigarette as well. You did so without argument. When she left, satisfied that she could finally breathe in the smoke, you shuffled closer to Gregor. 
“Will you come to my room tonight?” you asked him quietly as you saw the familiar metal of Mephistopheles come into view. 
“Mm. Yeah.” 
You watched Ishmael and Heathcliff get into another bickering fight, and you couldn’t help but wonder where the two of them got the energy to fight even after all that happened in the battles before. Don Quixote was bouncing on her heels, and you could feel yourself tire even more just from watching her. 
“I hope Vergilius doesn’t tear into us too much.” You leaned against Gregor’s shoulder, sighing softly at the warmth emitting from him. “I mean, I at least hope he’ll wait until tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen.” The man nudged you, making you look towards the bus- only to see the Red Gaze leaning against the metal vehicle with a less than pleased look on his face. “Come on.” He increased the speed of his pace to catch up to the rest of the group, and you followed quick on his heels. “Let’s get this over with.” 
You could identify the exact moment your relationship with Gregor took a turn to become something more than the relationships you had with the other sinners. 
It had been a couple of weeks after Dante joined the group as the Executive Manager, and subsequently a couple of weeks after you all had experienced the absolute Hell that was dying and being pulled out of the hot, fleshy space you’d been thrown into after dying. 
The group had still been less oiled during those weeks, with no one really knowing how to fight with the others, and with Dante trying to strategise but fumbling with certain orders. 
The day had ended with a victory, but it was a victory you had just barely achieved. And when you were given the clear to go back to your room, you had immediately put on some music, using the contraption that had magically appeared in the room. 
You had known the song playing, and had subconsciously hummed along to the melody as you got ready for sleep. And that had been the moment Gregor knocked onto your door to ask about the music. 
Since then, the man would pop by your room after especially harrowing days, and you’d let the music playing contraption do its thing to play music. Sometimes, the songs that played were familiar to you. Sometimes, they weren’t. In the cases they weren’t, Gregor was the one to know the tune. 
After a while, Gregor had awkwardly invited you into his room all the whilst rambling about how it doesn’t sit right to him that you were inviting him to your private space when you’d never been in his- And you had spent the night there, snoozing on the floor as you listened to Gregor’s nice voice. 
And well, after those nights spent with one another, and the numerous death experiences and fights you had alongside one another, it was only a matter of time until something else blossomed between the two of you. Vergilius should have expected that something like this would happen when there are fourteen odd people around each other at all times-
A distinct, familiar knocking sound pulled you out of your musings, and you walked over to the door to open it, revealing a rather ruffled looking Gregor, his dark brown hair tied up in a manner that was significantly looser, and his clothes that were more comfortable than the standard uniform that had been issued by the company for all the sinners. 
“Hey.” You said, grinning at him. He smiled back, the smile softer and less forced than the ones you were familiar with when with the others. “Come in. I don’t know what song the machine’s playing, so I assume you’d know it.”
You stepped back, allowing Gregor to step into your room, the door clicking shut behind him. 
The man took his usual seat in your room, his back against the bed as he sat on the floor. You took your own usual seat on your bed, your legs dangling right next to him. 
“Huh. That’s weird.” Gregor said, and you could hear his insectoid arm tapping at the floor in what you assumed was a subconscious movement. “I don’t know this song either.” 
“It’s something new for both of us, then.” You reached over to untie his hair completely and fiddled around with the rather rough locks of hair. “Or maybe one of us does know the song but we just don’t remember it?” 
He tilted his head back slightly, allowing you to mess with his hair a bit more. 
“Maybe. It might be me, then.” 
Gregor didn’t elaborate, so you assumed it had something to do with his time in the G corp. You had picked up on how distant and icily cynical he became whenever G corp was mentioned. 
“Or it might be from my identity’s memories.” You mused, letting the music wash over you. “I did stay with the identity overlaid upon me for a while. And it did take a while for the aftereffects of my E.G.O. usage to die down for my room to be habitable.” 
“You could have come over to my room.”
“I could have.” You agreed. “But it completely slipped my mind that I could do that. I was a little bit out of it at the time.” 
“Mm. Yeah, I get that.” A slight lull in the conversation ensued for a little bit until Gregor spoke once more. “Should I leave? For you to sleep, I mean. At your young age, you should sleep so you can grow taller.”
You laughed at the man’s wry tone. 
“And at yours, you should sleep early to maintain your energy level for tomorrow.” 
The song playing in the background picked up the pace and you could clearly tell that this was some sort of dance song- maybe a waltz or a tango. 
You tentatively slipped down from your bed to stand up, looking down at the still sitting Gregor who looked up at you, glasses glinting under the light, and expression so clearly confused. 
You offered him a hand and a smile. 
“Dance with me?” 
The man’s eyes widened almost comically at your question and you could see his eyes flicker to his insectoid arm before he met your gaze full on with a slightly strained smile. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“Please, Gregor?” 
The man sighed and grabbed your hand with his human one, pushing himself into a standing position with the harder carapace of his insectoid one. 
You intertwined your fingers through his, his lightly scarred, rough fingers sliding into yours awkwardly. It was rather endearing how awkward Gregor was with physical affection, even when the two of you were completely alone. 
You swayed slightly with the music.
The light blush dusting at his cheeks when you placed a hand on that waist of his made your heart skip a beat. You squeezed at the flesh there before retracting your hand, instead moving it to gently grasp at the insectoid one you knew he disliked with a passion. 
“You’ll hurt yourself.” Gregor pulled the sharp appendage away from you. “Besides, you should be used to this by now. You don’t have to touch it to know that it’s real.” 
“I’ll be careful. And I’m not touching it to know that it’s real.” You reached your hand to hover above the arm. “It’s your arm. And I like touching you.” 
Gregor’s eyes studied you for a bit in a manner that was sharp and cold, like whenever G corp was mentioned. But they soon softened and he nodded. 
You reached to brush your palm against the hard carapace with care to not cut yourself, and gently held onto it, letting the music guide your movements, and your movements guide Gregor’s. 
It was less of a dance, and more of an awkward swaying, but you were having fun after a harrowing and draining day. 
You leaned towards Gregor, your lips brushing against his momentarily, hearing his breath catching in a slight choke- You smiled deviously and pressed your lips firmly against his, the smoky taste of cigarettes and apples invading your taste buds. His slight stubble was rough against your face.
Your hand left his insectoid arm and instead held his waist, pulling him closer to you- until his body was flush against yours. 
Your feet moved and his followed. And soon enough, you were hovering above a flushed Gregor whom you had unknowingly pushed onto your bed. The man had manoeuvred his insectoid arm so that it was no where near your softer flesh, but the fingers of his other hand were still intertwined with yours. 
You reached to pluck his glasses off of his face and placed it on some hard surface away from the bed. 
“You’re taking years off of my life,” he said, tone exasperated but voice breathless. 
You could see pieces of carapace protruding from his neck and cheek, and you recalled how Dante muttered to thin air about Gregor’s tendencies to portray more insectile characteristics when he feels an upsurge of emotion- both positive and negative.
You didn’t respond, and just responded by pressing another kiss onto his lips, feeling the pieces of carapace scratching lightly against your face. 
“Dante will bring you back, don’t worry.” You straddled him properly as you squeezed at your interlinked fingers. “And I do think that this is a better way to go compared to being brutally maimed by some abnormality.” 
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finalboyyy · 1 year
i want to break you
gregor samsa x dominant! yandere! gn!reader cw: manipulation, abuse, obsession, dependency, neglect, mentions of torture, unhealthy relationships fandom: limbus company
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yandere reader who has been assigned as a researcher to study the mental fortitude of captured G corp soldiers. your latest subject is gregor, the former general and star of all the propoganda, and all you need to do is break him.
at first it's essentially torture only slightly less gruesome and he doesn't crack. his tired brown eyes never waver in their defiance of you. it's hard not to love when he glares up at you with hatred, daring you to do more, begging you to break him. you find yourself obsessed with him more than just wanting to see him suffer but you want to make him yours.
your strategy changes. it's no longer torture, instead you begin to give him gifts. extra food, clean clothes, books. then you bring him nicer things. a small plant, jewelry, steak. anything he wants he can have and slowly he's learning to trust you, he wants to trust you. sometimes you go into his cell and read to him or play with his hair and you smile watching him cave into you more and more.
he needs your affection, you can tell with ever nuzzle into your hands, every longing look. this man is starving for affection and you've made sure you're the only one who can give him what he needs. you remind him so constantly. you ask if hes happy that you're in charge of him, you ask what would happen if you left, you ask if anyone else loves him. he doesn't answer but you both know the answers.
and so when you stop coming you can see the panic set into his face. you do have other work to attend to even while you monitor him but it's so hard to pull away from the screen. he's breaking oh so beautifully for you in his cell. the torture doesn't come back but somehow this is worse. he isn't given any food, he isn't given any attention, the door never opens. it's tempting some nights to walk in and pet him, wipe away his tearful eyes after a nightmare. oh but the reward on the 7th day of isolation makes your patience worth the world.
he screams your name in his padded room, tears flowing freely from exhausted eyes. he needs you. he's scared and alone and hungry and all he can think about is you. oh it's so exciting. finally after all your work you broke him. now you get your reward of running to him and making him apologize for absolutely nothing. wiping his tearful eyes, feeding him delicious foods, watching him do everything for your approval. how wonderful.
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patchedrabbit · 11 months
das Ende
Pairing: Gregor Samsa (Limbus Company)/Fixer!Reader Warnings: Emetophobia Commissioned by @wizardofwoof Previous | Next
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Gregor’s dreaming was always restless, troubled, agitated.
Usually plagued with nightmares, he thought he’d get used to it at some point. That point never came. In fact, it just made him more uneasy when his dreams weren’t horrific in nature.
Like this one. Too good to be true, the warmth holding him tightly and telling him everything he ever wanted to hear. How his work was finally done, how many people he saved and how he could rest. How he was loved, and how he could rest. To settle down with that Fixer from the Zwei, someplace far away from the City — such a place had to exist, didn’t it?
He doesn’t respond much in his dream, in the sense that he brought not much to the conversation. He did speak a lot, in quiet I love yous as he shivered in the embrace.
Dreams like that made him uneasy. But when he awoke, with everything ripped from him, he nearly ripped himself apart with it.
He lay in bed for a while, not doing anything, slowly catching his breath. Eventually, slowly, he forced himself from the not-comforting-enough sheets and trailed along the walls of Mephistopheles to meet up with the other Sinners.
“Vergil~ Ver… c’mon, don’t you think you owe us a little stop?”
Red pierced the dull light filtering through the bus windows, causing Gregor to squint and grumble under his breath. Rodion causing problems already? “I’m not sure what makes you think I owe you anything. Need I remind you that you work for the Company? You take on whatever I tell you to, with no complaints.” The manager’s ticking sped up as Dante tried to calm their boss. The Color placed a hand on their shoulder as he stepped away, instead opting to converse with Charon (but not before ordering them to get their Sinners under control with a huff.)
<Where exactly are you wanting to go anyway, Rodion?>
“Any number of places… ah, what were they… South Section 1? …3? 6?” “EAT,” Ryoshu spoke pointedly, once again not being clear with her intentions, despite how confident she sounded. And, as he usually does, Sinclair was the one to pipe up to elaborate on her odd acronyms. “I… think that means ‘Everything Already Told.’ Something like all of the above, right?” As if affirming Sinclair’s assumption, Ryoshu flicked her cigarette out the window and turned to face the group. “The areas listed belong to that of the Zwei Association,” she explained with a smirk, “the last group of Fixers we worked with.” With a nod, Dante turned their attention to Rodion again. <What do you want with them?>
Rodion glanced at Gregor from the corner of her eye, and instantly he felt hot. She wasn’t trying to set him up, was she? “I’m pretty sure one of them pocketed my chicken voucher off me… you don’t want to start paying for my meals now, do you? We’ll be in and out, I promise!”
What a load of shit, Gregor held back the spiteful phrase as he bit his lip and waited in his seat. It took quite a bit of asking from Dante (and quite a bit of translating from Faust), but eventually, Vergilius gave in on the pretense that he really didn’t want to spend more money than he had to on the Sinners — and, they argued, their money was his money. So they were going to find the Zwei Association, wherever they were.
The first stop was the 3rd South Section. Or was the ‘3’ part of the title, and not a method of categorizing? Such useless questions bounced around inside Gregor’s head, distracting him from the growing pit in his stomach that Rodion was slowly digging deeper. “You owe me for this.” “No, I don’t… I didn’t ask for it either.” “But you know it’s for the best, don’t you?” “...I didn’t say that.” Despite averting his gaze, he can still hear the woman stifle a chuckle, informing him that he was still as poor an actor as he ever was.
When Dante came to a stop and Faust began speaking in their place, it was clear to the rest of the Sinners that there was some sort of negotiation taking place. Rodion even sneaked to their sides to continue spreading her web of lies, leaving her friend to hope she wouldn’t cause more trouble.
Though, if she had gone through that much trouble, he should at least follow through on what he had said that night. Slipping past the crowds and into the office, he squinted his eyes as he searched and even began calling out one name in particular. Eventually, he saw a hand raised, and before it had even dawned on him, he was rushing to the spot with his heart pounding in his ears.
You had returned only moments ago from an individual mission, unloading your weapons and other necessities from your aching back. You laugh, amused at seeing the same brunet consecutively every other week, but you didn’t mind. The first meeting was a welcome one, after all, and your feelings remained genuine.
“I- I need… to tell you something,” he spoke through labored breaths, clearly having sprinted to your spot. “Shoot!” “Uh… I don’t think- not here, is there any chance I can pull you away for a minute?” The interaction seemed increasingly awkward, which only made you feel more worried about him. What could possibly have gotten him so riled up? How naive you must be.
Regardless, you agree, and just barely mention to get away from the eyes of the Company and the Association managers. You can’t tell if he’s averting his eyes due to the lowering sun, the light dancing on his face, though the words heavy on his tongue are all too obvious to himself.
“I love you,” Gregor says.
“Huh?” “The mission, the other day… I said ‘I love you.’ You didn’t hear me.” Your eyes widen as you’re shot with an almost cartoonish flashback. “Oh… oh, hah. Haha. You see, what’s funny is I did hear that, but I thought I made it up…” The soldier’s shoulders slumped, seeming to take the response as a negative. “Me too,” you add. It was his turn to respond, “Huh,” with the most dumbfounded look.
“I guess ‘I love you too’ would’ve worked better- sorry for the confusion!” He continues staring at you, not really registering the phrase. You grab the insectoid arm again, appreciating the texture once more.
Wordlessly, he grabs onto your other hand and just stares into the interlocking of your fingers.
“This’ll be convoluted, won’t it… promise you’ll visit more?” You question with a tilt of your head.
“Promise.” He opens his mouth again to add more but suddenly jerks free from your grasp as a round-up is called, causing his hair to frizz up. “Guess Rodion’s problem was solved…” “See you, Gregor Samsa.”
The look he gives you has the innocence of a newly formed butterfly.
“See you.”
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thirstyfortaglines · 1 year
R.B. Chef de Cuisine Ryoshu content cause I can’t find any elsewhere
A 1.5k word fic for Ryoshu from Limbus Company. No sexual content but contains mentions of gore and implied cannibalism. Chef Ryoshu has tainted my perception of affection irreparably, but I hope you enjoy regardless.
You awaken to find your arms pressed firmly to your sides by leather belts while metal cuffs restrain your wrists on the arms of what feels to be a plastic chair. Prying your eyes open proves a painful task as your eyelids feel heavy and sealed shut; upon finally getting them open you immediately shut them again, as a bright light shining above sends my mind reeling. Upon a more metered approach, you manage to slowly take in your surroundings: an iridescent bulb hangs barely in sight at the center of the room, illuminating at the opposite end to you a door with a small, barred window. You lazily trail your gaze to the left of the room, seeing hooks upon hooks of meat, some clearly in the process of decaying given the pungent smell wafting in the air. Your groggy state had kept you in a sedated state despite your current situation, but soon adrenaline began coursing through your veins, waking you from your fog.
Because you just noticed the pile of human corpses on the right of the room. 
Splayed ribs. Arms removed from their sockets. Human skulls, some of which still have eyes, others being completely removed. You can’t tell which is more horrifying. A river of blood snakes from the scene towards the center of the room and into a drainage pipe clogged by bits of skin, flesh, and hair. You fight the urge to hurl as terror wells up within the deepest parts of your mind, screaming at you to leave. You begin to jostle desperately at your constraints, giving into panic as your arms and wrists burn from your struggle. Panic quickly gives way to hysteria; you begin shaking harder and scream out in a rugged voice for help. A voice in the back of your head tells you you’re being irrational but to no avail. You scream louder, stomp your feet harder-
Until you hear footsteps from the door.
Every footfall is muffled, as if covered by cloth. Is your killer wearing a cloak, to embody death itself? 
Your heartbeat quickens as your imagination races unhelpfully to paint every gruesome death you might experience at the hands of whoever trapped you here; your breaths quicken and become shallow, cutting off oxygen from your already pounding head. The footsteps continue to get closer. In some cruel turn of luck, your breaths become slow and shaky, in rhythm with your oncoming demise.
(Breath In) 
3 steps until they reach the door
(Breath Out)
2 steps until they reach the door
(Breath In)
1 step until they reach the door.
This time, you hold your breath, hoping, praying, that somehow they might-
“I know you’re awake.”
A rough female voice comes from outside the door, temporarily replacing your terror with morbid curiosity. “Usually, the serial killers are men, especially the ones that eat people” you thought to yourself, still holding your breath. You hear the jingling of keys as the woman presumably goes to open your cell; the keys, you think, solidify your fate as you begin to come to terms with your death. “At least,” you think, painedly, “I want to see the face of my killer.” Your vision tunnels on the door as you
Listen to the keys slot into place, jingling cheerfully as though to mock you. 
Hear the locking mechanism become undone, once your obstacle and now your last hope, dashed. 
And watch as a short woman with a sword almost her size walks into the room, dressed head to toe in a chef’s uniform. Blood stains spot her white clothing, giving the air of a butcher more than a cook; nevertheless, as your terrified eyes trace her body your gaze settles on a single name tag hanging above the left of her chest: Ryoshu. 
“So, you’re up” she said without a trace of emotion, looking at you as though the only difference between you and the meat in the corner was that you could still talk. She walked over to you, her stride never breaking as her eyes continued to be locked with yours; the entire scene felt like something from a nature documentary, where the predatory stalks up to their prey in the middle of the day, because the prey has nowhere left to run. You were the prey here. And she
She was your predator. 
As she gets closer, your heart rate begins to climb again while your mind, still foggy, tries to comprehend everything that is going on and how you might escape. Of course, there’s nothing you can do now, as the chef looms over you, reaching out a hand towards your face. You squeeze your eyes shut as the the hand of death
Tenderly touched your forehead. 
You open your eyes to find her own staring back at you, concerned. Relief is soon overrun by confusion as you continue to watch her as she traces the side of your face, grip still light but firm all the same. Her hand follows your jawbone towards the back of your head, feeling around. You hadn’t noticed before but your head is badly injured and her touch sends waves of splitting pain ricocheting around your skull and down your spine. “Tch” she scoffs, upset, “I told him to be gentler with this one.” As she takes her hand back you notice the array of tools hanging from her waist: stabbed into the fabric is a kitchen knife covered in a concerning amount of blood followed by several syringes filled with a red, gelatinous liquid. She catches you eyeing her tools and lets out a low, half chuckle as she grabs both the knife and a syringe. “This,” she said, waving the dirty knife, “is for kids who don’t listen.” “This one,” she continues, now holding the syringe in her free hand, “is for obedient kids. I wonder which one you’ll be.” 
Ryoshu continues to watch you, her eyes flitting across every stretch of skin as if she were browsing her inventory rather than a detained, terrified person. A warm hand is pressed against the underside of your ribs, pressing directly into your gut as if to feel around for further damage; her eyes are filled with professional care as she moves on to the rest of your torso, being as thorough as she is gentle. Were it not for the restraints and surroundings, you might’ve mistaken this for romance. Your breaths are shallow again, hitching whenever her fingertips inspect another portion of your flesh; she mutters to herself as she touches on different muscle groups across your body, noting their quality before ever learning your name. She stands over you again, seemingly done with her inventorying, and once again presses a hand to your head before nodding to herself. “Because you behaved yourself,” she said, eyes looking almost past you, “I’ll give you a treat.”
Her hand moves towards her weapons again, sending you back into a panic. Tears begin to roll down your face but you refuse to scream out of fear of her retaliation. 
The hand hovers over the knife for an excruciating length of time before moving on to one of the red syringes. With the other hand she cups your chin, securing your face and steadying your trembling lips.
“Say ‘Ahh’.”
Her thumb peels back your bottom lip, touching your teeth and rubbing them absent-mindedly. You know whatever’s in that vial will lead to your death, but your fate was sealed the moment you wound up here in the first place. Your vision swirls as your head churns both from nausea and terror and yet, in your haze of hysteria, tears, and sweat, her red eyes never stop watching you; the blood red dots in your vision, despite how long you felt like you were sitting there, never ceased their observation. 
Well, the syringe will hurt less than the knife.
“Good choice.” 
Your head swims as the concoction enters your bloodstream, leaving a residual sweet taste on your tongue. Your eyelids grow heavy as your heart slows, making your fight to remain conscious all the more strenuous. “It’s rude to refuse a gift,” the girl says, leaning in close to your ear, “especially one that cost so much.” You can’t tell if she’s talking about the syringe or you. Not that it matters to your half-conscious brain much. Her hand once again approaches you, settling on your neck this time. Her thumb plays at your jugular, circling. You can’t decide if it’s endearing or threatening. Out of the corner. of your vision. you see her lips move. but you can’t hear. anything.
She smiles at you. Or maybe it’s. A sneer.
It doesn’t. matter. 
because you. can’t. 
The shop opens for the day, bearing a sign for a special they’ll be offering today. Patrons pour through the door, frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs for the promise of a new flavor. “Chef Ryoshu! What’s the special?!” a curious, frantic man calls from the crowd. Her thin figure appears behind the counter, lips spread thin in a smile only fanatics of the craft could appreciate.
“Meat pies: Baked with L.O.V.E.”
Living Objects Voluntarily Exterminated.
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lizziebolt · 2 years
Hello, I’m Lizzie Bolt. I’m an artist and a writer and I’m looking for requests. I only do writing requests. Here is my request guide.
Franchises I’m in and write for: Ensemble Stars, Pokémon, Danganronpa (big maybe), Genshin Impact, Twisted Wonderland, and Limbus Company.
Faves: Leo (Enstars), Mao (Enstars), Kanata (Enstars), Steven Stone (Pokémon), Raihan (Pokémon), Grusha (Pokémon), Adaman (Pokémon), Hajime (DR), Shuichi (DR), Nagito (DR), Chongyun (Genshin), Wriothesley (Genshin), Cyno (Genshin), Riddle (TWST), Silver (TWST), Jamil (TWST), Sinclair (LCB), Yi Sang (LCB), Don Quixote (LCB).
Also I’m fine with almost anything. Sfw, Nsfw, Dark, or Fluff. But I don’t do F/F, only F/M and M/M (Nothing against F/F I just don’t know how to write that). If you request an “x reader” then let me know in your ask what gender you want the reader to be.
I look forward to your requests. And also no Anti’s. If you come to start problems then you will be immediately blocked.
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englishmansdcc · 6 years
Y’know those snappy blurbs that you get on the covers of comics from either well-known creatives, comics news websites or high-brown periodicals? The ones that are one part heavy-handed sales pitch, one part ‘famous-mates-back-patting-exercise’, designed to entice your hard earned cash out of your pocket and into the tills of your LCBS? We’ve yet to have one of those, mostly because we don’t review as many comics as I’d like*, but for Si Spurrier and Caspar Wijngaard‘s ANGELIC, we’re going to be cheeky and presumptuous enough to come up with one of our own:
Okay, sure, it’s no Kieron Gillen quote – he’s a lot, LOT smarter and pithier than we could ever be – but we stand by it: ANGELIC is truly one of the highlights of our regular pull list each month and Si and Casper (along with crisp design work from Emma Price and some really inspired lettering from Jim Campbell) have come up with an original creation with a lot more than just a WIZARD OF OZ motif flittering around the page. This is some really meaty stuff – if you’ll pardon the expression – that sits very nicely alongside our regular purchase of Marguerite Bennett‘s ANIMOSITY (AfterShock Comics) as a true one-two punch of fantastical storytelling and social commentary.
Admittedly, very unlike the afore-mentioned ANIMOSITY, one of the big draws of ANGELIC is that it’s an all-ages book, one of the first published by Image Comics that I’m aware of, and also one of those rare beasts that has a female lead character. This means that you can buy this for your kiddiewink, safe in the knowledge that, as well as being as a right rip-roaring yarn, there’s some strong, responsible reinforcement of social and religious themes that they can take and adapt for their own judgements. Told you it was smart.
The even better news is, even if you’ve missed the floppies at your friendly neighbourhood comics vendor, you can now pick up the first trade of the title this May. We say… Well, you can read the quote for yourself, can’t you?
See? Told you we were fans.
“Eisner-nominated writer Simon Spurrier (THE SPIRE, CRY HAVOC, X-MEN LEGACY, GODSHAPER) and star artist Caspar Wijngaard (LIMBO, DARK SOULS, ASSASSIN’S CREED) present readers with an all-new Young Adult fantasy adventure in ANGELIC, VOL. 1: HEIRS & GRACES. It will collect issues #1-6 of the series and hit stores this May.
Winged monkeys! Techno-dolphins! Quantum alleycats! In ANGELIC, humanity’s long gone. Its memory lingers only as misunderstood rituals among mankind’s leftovers: the genetically modified animals they used and abused for eons. But for one young flying monkey, QORA, the routines are unbearable. All she wants is to explore. Instead she’s expected to settle down, to become a mother…to lose her wings.
ANGELIC, VOL. 1 is a powerful and timely parable about religion, repression and female rebellion, but all layered beneath joyous animal antics in the ruins of civilization. Expect WALL-E by way of Animal Farm in a watershed title among YA comics, which will tug at readers’ heartstrings.
ANGELIC, VOL. 1 (Diamond Code MAR180601, ISBN: 978-1-5343-0663-9) will hit stores on Wednesday, May 9th and bookstores on Tuesday, May 15th. It can be pre-ordered at Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, Books-a-Million, IndieBound, and Indigo.
Select praise for ANGELIC (which doesn’t include our quote, and are probably a lot better):
“Angelic is beautifully illustrated, pure imagination from one of the best writers in comics. Plus monkeys. I love it.” —Brian K. Vaughan
“It’s Animal Farm meets A Clockwork Orange, with some Watership Down, The Handmaid’s Tale and a hefty dose of the best kinds of girl-centered YA adventure.” —Caitlin Rosberg at The Onion’s AV Club
“Angelic is giddy, fierce and fun. It’s a coming of (monk-)age story in a wild post-apocalypse with rocket-propelled dandy dolphins, bickering baddies and a rebellious girlmonk beginning to question the coda of flying monkey society. My eight year old daughter and I love it.” —Lauren Beukes
“Smart, gorgeous, & weird. An epic adventure in a world without humans. Go get it.” —Matt Rosenberg
“As much as ANGELIC is about questioning authority and history in a post-apocalyptic world, it’s also full of humor. It kind of has to be, with flying monkeys and rocket-powered dolphins who sound like they’re in a Oscar Wilde play… It’s got action, jokes, and a moral compass that points towards healthy skepticism and questioning authority. It’s an entertaining read for adults and kids alike. Anyone who has a little adventure in them should read it.” —Comic Book Resources
“ANGELIC from Image Comics is fantastic. It’s the futuristic teenage flying monkeys comic that I can read with my kid.” —Gerry Duggan
“It’s easily one of the most compelling debuts of any comic I’ve read this year. Fun, thought-provoking and gorgeously drawn.” —SYFY Wire
“A lot of colourful fun with clever, playful language.” —Duncan Fegredo
“A post-apocalyptic WE3—and gorgeous looking too .” —P.J. Holden
*If you’d like to review comics for us, and you can string a sentance or two together without just, y’know, recapping the plot of the issue and saying it looks pretty, we get lots of preview materials sent to us that you can look at and appraise for us. You don;t have to glowing about everything, just give your honest opinions and we’ll do the rest. If you’re interested, drop us a line at www.anenglishmaninsandiego.com/contact-us.
Preview: @SiSpurruer / @Casparnova's ANGELIC Vol. 1 "full of magic and wonder" comes to trade from @ImageComics this May Y'know those snappy blurbs that you get on the covers of comics from either well-known creatives, comics news websites or high-brown periodicals?
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
Headcanons for Yi sang being inlove with a male sinner who's been newly recruited?
HAPPY LIMBUS COMPANY RELEASE I have been grinding on that game so much I swear it has single handedly revived me from the dead. I love all of the sinners so much my god. My intepretation of his character will probably adapt as there are new releases, but I hope you enjoy what I have for now!
Yi Sang in Love w/ New Male Sinner Headcanons:
Yi Sang is a smart but peculiar fellow. He often sticks to himself, chiming in occasionally but usually letting things and interactions play out by themselves. 
For this reason, I think that if you’re a new sinner it honestly might be a bit confusing to interact with him at first. He kind of comes off as unapproachable at first, especially with his brief introduction if there really is one at all. 
It’s easy to think he’s unfriendly and silently judging you, the way he stares and takes in everything can honestly leave some folks feeling vulnerable. His neutral expression doesn’t help either, it just makes it harder to tell what's actually going on in his head.
The other sinners are well aware that his personality isn’t standoff-ish, he just sort of comes off that way. A newcomer though, well you might think he has something against you (Rodion would be quick to assure otherwise).
He doesn’t really actively make an effort to get to know you better, I think that either you would have to be the one to attempt conversation with him or you would happen to be put on missions together that ultimately leads to bonding.
Working with him can honestly feel like he’s leaving you in the dust with how he so quickly comes to conclusions without explanation and kind of expects others to do the same. This isn’t really intentional though, it’s just how his mind works and if you asked for an explanation well he’d try his best but.. It’s hard to put into words.
That said I think he would find you over time a pretty comfortable individual to be around. The silence from him would grow to be a mutual and comfortable understanding. He notices his appreciation of your presence as it offers a chance for him to speak without feeling like it's sapping away at his energy.
Loud areas with lots of bustling or rambunctious people are just sort of overwhelming. It clouds his ability to think properly, leading him to just sort of zone out in his own world. It’s nice to have someone that doesn’t really mind when he totally checks out on the bus every once in a while, and who can bring him up to speed on anything that happens if it's important.
He’s a very poetic person and you’ll notice that very quickly. He’s fond of art and if you similarly are a fan of creativity with the dabble of philosophy then you’d be a prime person to talk to. Sure there’s Ryoshu but…. Yeah her idea of art most often is… dubious at least.
He’s still a bit shut-off but it is a major improvement from when you first met him. You’ll find that occasionally he’ll allude to his anxieties and fears, some things that you’d never really expect a man with his intimidating composure to have.
Yi Sang is way more talkative with you at this point and literally everyone notices. Even if you are completely unaware of his fondness in comparison to the other sinners they will make you aware.
Rodion teases the poor guy every once in a while, commenting about how you two are always trailing behind together with a sly smile on her face. His deadpan stare reflects absolutely no reaction, but she can tell he’s trying to think of a perfect response to not fumble on his words and it is comedy.
Gregor casually acknowledges the fact he probably has a crush on you every once in a while. Not really his business, but he thinks it’s kind of sweet to see two of his colleagues getting along so well.
Don is kind of off in her own world a lot of the time, but I can imagine that she has asked you for advice in her own dramatic ways on how to get him to talk to her. I don’t think she is 100% aware that he’s infatuated with you, she just wants to be better friends and consequently came to you for that cause she sees you as his bestie.
Heathcliff…. God I love him so much but Heathcliff? It might take a bit to get it through his thick head that Yi Sang likes you, but when it does? Honestly that’s probably how you learn. That man is NOT letting that go the moment there somehow conspires an argument between them. He wouldn’t directly tell you but you could hear him yelling from like 8 miles away saying something about how Yi Sang is ‘head over heels’ for you. 
I could see Yi Sang’s confession being through some kind of poem, one that shows the true passion he holds. He worries that you won’t believe him, or that you’ll think it’s some prank if he tells you in person.
It’s going to take a decent amount of courage in him to tell you. Murdering people? Oh he has that covered. Dealing with tense emotional situations?... uh.
I think he’s mainly concerned because hey you’re colleagues and what if you say no?? That’s awkward.
I think it would be kind of cute if you found out by accident, noticing a slip of paper falling out of his pocket, picking it up only to realize oh my lord it is a letter addressed to you. And it’s genuinely so sweet the metaphors this man uses are so colorful.
He is internally mortified. You were not supposed to see that- not yet, not until it was perfected (though his idea of what is ideal is sort of unobtainable.) Honestly he was prepping to pretend like he didn’t even know what that was.
When your reaction is positive and he learns that his love is mutual the largest relief washes over him. An audible uncharacteristic sigh comes from him as he no longer sits tensely. 
He is happy. He genuinely is, and though a bit shy with the news at the start, you’ll come to find him once again talking more and more once it settles in that it's reciprocated. It pulls him out of his concern for the past and future.
Probably unintentionally mentions the 24 scrapped papers, each with their own meticulously planned out and written words, only proving further his genuine desire to show his care towards you.
Hmm.. but under the condition it was an accident I would not be surprised if you looked over to see Rodion’s total cocky grin plastered on her face. She probably was the reason that paper slipped out, and she made sure you would see it. Even if she looked a bit puntable, she ultimately was the one rooting for you two since the very start.
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schizoidcel · 1 month
Button said to shoot you , so i will do it *bang , bang , bang*
what do you think about headcanons with Lui association Ishmael x Sarcastic but smart Reader ?
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i think yes
I imagine Ishmael having beef with any kind of snarky person
And if they're smart too? uff .
Needless to say she would definitely not be fond of you when you two first meet, or the days after that (maybe months) (maybe y
I feel like Liu Ishmael specifically does like/use sarcasm but not to the point that it's someones whole personality in a way
As in 24/7, because she thinks it's insufficient for work when sarcastic comments are used all the time
I could imagine teasing her because of her loner lifestyle in the story
Sarcastic smart reader would definitley be on Ishmaels ass all the time, relationship established or not
Pre-established relationship would be tons of back and forth.
Problem is reader sees it as teasing (atleast on their side) but Ishmael genuinely wants to punch their guts and turn it into tommorows beef noodles
Ishmael is a smart person herself, but everytime reader corrects her on something (especially because they're being so painfully irritable about it) she wants to punt them.
If they're on the same branch it's #over
Rodion would see your relationship as some kinda old marriage trope, make comments about it etc and Ishmael hates her for it
but what she hates more is how lowkey true it is
Rodion hops in on the teasing just for fun when reader and Ishmael have their 'lovers quarrel' and Ishmael ALWAYS goes "STAY OUT OF THIS?!"
One is enough. She dosen't want to deal with two idiots.
Reader would join her sometimes when she has lunch and she hates to admit it but she tolerates their company (the toleration starts on day 4)
To the point where she'd miss them at times when they're not together
She still prefers to be alone, as she dosen't make an effort to get on a table with others even after her and reader share some lunch periods together. But everytime reader is in the room, she'd prefer to be with them instead of being alone
She thought of them as just a familar first, and tried to not get too close (keyword tried) as that could backfire quickly, especially in the City
But she realized her feelings rather early .
And as embarassed as she was, she didn't want to deny them
I could imagine Ishmael confessing first and reader being caught off guard for the first time .
Ishmael didn't have any intention of making them flustered, but she definitely wouldn't let go of it after
Now she has something to be an asshole about to YOU
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i wrote this while i was having horrible cramps but they dissapeared after i finished thank you for afab power ishmael.
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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momo-hearts · 11 months
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[Effie] - Saude
× Effie is almost a complicated character for me to imagine an 'X reader' with. But it'll work for sure, either you met in the same company as him or have to go hand-to-hand before CANTO III took place or before when Dante took place.
× neither way you could go to the enemies to lovers arc depending on severity and due to his judgemental and snarky nature it can be 1-100 severity. You can meet him as an underling (someone whose been took under a more higher position. ) or as an enemy meeting him accidentally.
× note to self that, his snarky and doesn't take anything at face value unlike Saude. His a smug ass bastard and many has given up on his personality, but it can be a lower severity by gaining his respect.
× like in CANTO ||| they gained Effies respect by their strange doing of things. It's hard to pick point what get his 'respect' since his screen time is very little. I lead that to you but the rest is what I see in him.
× let's say you gained his respect by impressing wits or abnormal solutions to things that could take a long time but you shortened it by finding a more abnormal or weird way to do it.
× he's still snarky and judgemental but it was lowered and he does tease. Alot. Alot than a normal person could take actually. Though he seemed carefree and doesn't hold any genuine hatred or grudges for long which is kinda surprising for his character.
× it'll be extremely slow burn since gaining his respect is one thing while gaining his affection is a whole other step. I won't go to detail and I will leave that to your interpertion to do.
× as for him getting into a relationship, it could be said as 'prideful'. He'll show a picture of you and talk about you when he met a new person, sometimes. Well not on work though, he'll also keep quiet until someone ask about his status THEN he pull up.
× his ideal date would be an amusement park, hell drag you to win games and crazy rides together. Itll be funny if you won and he looses everytime at the carnival games.
× you'll see his frustrated face as you drag him away to make sure he doesn't damage anything. (He curses too.)
Effie - [Saude]
× saude is... More complicated per say. She's like meursalt, but less cold face. To say she have an 'X reader' is also up for debate for me. (I can't really think of a way the reader or saude would fall for each other.) But the same as Effie, it have to be before CANTO III or CANTO III never happened.
× this wouldn't be enemies-lovers arc but more like... Coworkers type of love. To be honest I find her to be hard to fall for, so it'll be a long while and you have to know her for a long time for it to happen.
× she's very calm person, unlike Effie her counterpart. Handling arguments would be a very peaceful thing and it would never be escalate to loud voices. She have common sense. (I don't know what to put here..)
× you don't know if saude have fallen for you or not since that close eyed smile was always on her face. Unreadable people can say sometimes...
× though, she rather express things with doing things for you instead of giving you gifts. She rather give you gifts on holidays or special days, her love language is acts of service and quality time.
× her ideal date would be a quiet movie night or a fancy dining. Anything that's not too loud or too quiet for her is fine, though she doesn't mind going anywhere with you. It's just her preference, as long as you are happy then she's happy.
× she's understanding, if anything troubles you she will know and tries her best to cheer you up or make things good for the both of you. She won't make you even more upset, she wants to make thinge right.
× as in the way she told her status of relationship.. It would be she would just say it out right. She's not as prideful' as Effie persay but she really does like talking about you sometimes. (Only to her close friends.)
× she's wont get that embarrassed when she's talking about yu, she will pull you to her side showing you off. Only happens two to three times a month.
× but when she does well... She have a very cute flustered face I would say.
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Requested -
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starrydesiderium · 1 month
pre-LCB Hong Lu x reader \\ HCs
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You're his favourite servant. He's well known for his nonchalantly kind attitude to everyone, but you're the only one who reciprocates it without fear of the punishment from his grandparents.
He enjoys reciting poetry for you and listening what you have to say about it (even though you told him numerous times that you're not educated enough to understand it's exquisiteness).
He writes poetry about you too but he's too embarrassed to show you.
You brush his hair and help him to get dressed every morning.
He tries to do romantic things he read about in novels but ends up embarrassing himself (apparently, servants are not allowed to wear high quality silk clothes and jewelry, who would've thought)
His sisters appreciate your presence in his life because there aren't many maids willing to put up with his antics.
He'll become more obsessed and clingy when his sisters start leaving the family because you're the only one he has left, his only source of joy and comfort.
You'll have to put a lot of efforts in hiding your relationship from his parents and grandmother or else he'll get punished and you'll get killed.
When you try to explain it to him he just hugs you tight, promising that he'll die right after you because you're his only reason to live.
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momo-hearts · 11 months
Okay, request anything that is limbus (I write for NPCs too and egos. )
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