#L 3-6
midnightpillsnacking · 9 months
[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-6] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-6
Ageha: (wakes up) …This is…?
(Ageha walks forward and draws a curtain)
Ageha: (sighs) I see.
(Someone knocks and enters the room)
Rui: Oh, so you were awake.
Ageha: I very much am. Your knocking’s just a tired formality.
Rui: It’s better than if I don’t.
Ageha: You don’t say.
Rui: Did you manage to sleep well?
Ageha: Yes. I’m wide awake now.
Rui: And how are you feeling?
Ageha: (inhales) … Fine.
Rui: I see. Then–
Ageha: No, that’s not what I meant.
Rui: Hm?
Ageha: I can’t remember when was the last time I ever woke up this refreshed. No matter how much medication I asked for, not even once could I dream.
Rui: So that’s how it is.
Ageha: I’ve completely forgotten what it feels like to just wake up, to face the start of the day with my head this clear.
Rui: (hums)
Ageha: What is it?
Rui: It’s nothing, I just wanted to have your reaffirmation. Your judgment is always correct. I’m glad we decided to come here.
Ageha: The solo concert was nothing short of a success. Seeing the soulless white walls of the medical facility on our opening night just dampened the entire mood. Surely we have the right to spend a few days here for that.
Rui: You’re right. Coming here is–
Ageha: –a first. It’s nice and quiet. I always knew there was a dual use facility. The one who financed Amagiri Production to own this place was my father.
Rui: I had no idea.
Ageha: It was a desolate mountain recess, with no real value or importance. At least, that was what I gathered.
Rui: No wonder this place is located so far away from civilization.
Ageha: I heard that it will be reconstructed as a cultural asset once it has fulfilled its purpose. It’s more convenient that way, with my father filling a government seat and the production company unable to use it in public.
Rui: I see. That’s why the facility is dual use.
Ageha: All that aside, didn’t you come here because you needed something?
(Ageha and Rui enter another room)
Ageha: …Toki. Is he conscious?
Rui: Yes. He’s alright.
Rui: (walks over) Toki-bou.
Toki: Rui-san.
Rui: Ageha’s here.
Toki: Ageha-san! Good morning.
Ageha: Good morning.
Toki: Sorry for not noticing you earlier, I was just lost in my own thoughts.
Ageha: … You seem to be in high spirits today.
Toki: That’s right, I feel amazing.
Ageha: That’s good.
Toki: I don’t even really need the wheelchair anymore. I can walk perfectly fine on my own, but Rui-san insisted that I use it.
Ageha: It’s because he just absolutely loves meddling with other people’s business.
Rui: … I’ll go prepare a meal.
Toki: Rui-san, you can cook?
Rui: I can if it’s something simple, but there’s no ingredients to use at the moment. The meal will be tablets. House system, morning plates for Ageha, Rui and Toki.
Toki: Seriously? Boo.
Ageha: ‘Something simple’, he says?
Toki: Huh? Ageha-san hasn’t tried Rui-san’s food before?
Ageha: In the training academy and star class dormitories, the meals are entirely monitored.
Toki: Ah, I see.
Rui: I would cook if I had the chance.
Ageha: I’ll pass on putting anything you make into my mouth.
Rui: The AI here functions more or less at the same capacity as the one in the dormitory. With the medical monitoring protocol, there’s not much I can do, even if I wanted to.
Ageha: ‘Even if I wanted to’?
Rui: I meant to say it as a form of reassurance.
Toki: I get it… so that’s why there’s nobody else here.
Rui: The staff were ordered to leave as per Ageha’s wishes, to be exact. With the AI, the level of monitoring is the same as in the dormitory. It will be enough for daily activities, even unmanned.
Ageha: I didn’t want to put up with their excessive instructions and counseling. This is our time off from work.
Toki: Time off?
Ageha: Yes. It’s not an ordinary rest day. It’s our special reward, for attaining a worthy achievement.
Toki: It’s special? So that’s why it’s just the three of us here in this nice place.
Ageha: Will you be bored, with just me and Rui?
Toki: No, not at all! I’m glad it’s just us three. There’ll be no one else getting in our way and disturbing us!
Rui: I’m pleased as well. Having our days off at the dormitory becomes dull after a while. Especially for Ageha.
Ageha: Rui…
Rui: I’m only stating the truth, not my concern.
Toki: That’s ‘cause resting up is also a part of our job, right?
Rui: As you said.
Ageha: (sighs) Toki. You can do the things you like during this time.
Toki: Do what I like? Oh, I wonder what I should do?
Rui: If you can’t decide, then we’ll have our meal first.
Toki: I’ll get the plates!
(Toki gets up and walks over to help Rui. They converse away from Ageha.
Toki: Is this my plate?
Rui: Go back and sit down.
Toki: Come on, I’ll be okay taking the plates!
Rui: Are you really that hungry?
Toki: Eh? (giggles)
Ageha: (laughs to himself)
Ageha: Rui. Toki. The tablets don’t have any flavor anyway, and with this nice weather, why don’t we eat outside in the garden?
Rui: …That concludes my report.
Staff member A: Seems like his condition has stabilized; that’s a relief. Now let’s take a look at the results of the medical check. (types something in) Looks good. It’s perfectly stable.
Rui: It might be from the success of the live performance, or even being able to be at ease in this environment. It seems that both treatments are having a noticeable effect.
Staff member A: I was initially worried about what would happen.
Rui: I sincerely apologize for causing concern.
Staff member A: I hope that this stability won’t be temporary. Changing the topic, what about you?
Rui: What about myself?
Staff member A: How are you feeling about your current condition?
Rui: There’s nothing in particular to report. Has there been a drastic change observed?
Staff member A: It’s just a personal compulsion. Besides…
Rui: Hmm?
Staff member A: The dual-use facility isn’t a place of fond memories for you, am I right?
Rui: Are you talking about Amemiya?
Staff member A: That’s right. When you came to check up on him, he–
Rui: There’s no need to concern yourself. I’ve said it once before: The emotions I was born with aren’t pretty.
Staff member A: Yes, I remember you saying that. But you are still an idol of Amagiri Production, a test subject of the Hana-Doll Project, and a member of Loulou*di. Please keep that in mind.
Rui: Of course.
Staff member A: I won’t police you about what you can or can’t do during your break, but please take care of yourselves. Also, please don’t enter any rooms that you don’t need to use.
Rui: Understood. I will be in touch.
(The screen switches off)
Staff member B: Good work out there.
Staff member A: Ah, thanks.
Staff member B: Loulou*di seems to be in good spirits, don't they?
Staff member A: Well, at least that’s what the latest data’s saying.
Staff member B: Please don’t try to scare us.
Staff member A: It’s scary to begin with. To think that just one performance could stabilize everything. We didn’t even need to step in to amp up their condition.
Staff member B: Isn’t that a good thing?
Staff member A: This recovery isn’t some touching success story.
Staff member B: What happened to the guy that was all ‘Now this is the positive emotion that should be used to influence the flower’?
Staff member A: That’s what I thought would work. But as the caretaker of the host[1] who bears the weight of this influence, how am I going to report and present the data to Dr Toudou? (types something in) No consistency across the data means no possibility of replicating the result. Carving the miracles of God on slabs of clay can’t be called research.
Staff member B: … What’s this? Their biorhythm is being sent here in real-time, isn’t it?
Staff member A: That’s right. Something got your attention?
Staff member B: Yes. Could you give me a moment with this? (goes to type something) A few days ago, I was here wiping out all of Loulou*di’s old data.
Staff member A: Eh? And what about it?
Staff member B: I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the project. There wasn’t much data left on Chihiro and with Anthos* being the latest addition, there’s been too many new entries popping up for them. It hasn’t been that long since they debuted, right? So I thought about using Loulou*di as my subject of analysis.
Staff member A: You were able to pull all of that up from just those few operations? Looks like you’ve got more of a backbone than a thought.
Staff member B: I’ve simply decided to graduate from being a greenhorn and start being a real researcher. As for the summary for this… here it is.
Staff member A: I see. Your perspective isn’t a bad start, but next time, send in a request to access the library before you begin your work.
Staff member B: Eh?
Staff member A: If you need this level of data… (types a few keys) …then this should do. 
Staff member B: …Oh, my god.
Staff member A: Now let’s not put all your hard work to waste. What’s next?
Staff member B: Ah, yes… These values are from this morning, right? See, over here.
Staff member A: Hmm?
Staff member B: These values from him… Just what type of waveform is this? I’ve never encountered it before, so I’m just wondering what it was.
Staff member A: Now that you’ve mentioned it…
Translator’s Notes:
The dialogue for ‘host’ is spoken as ‘yadonushi (やどぬし)’, for which the kanji is ‘宿主’ and the definition is ‘landlord’. However, this kanji can also be read as ‘shukushuu (しゅくしゅ)’, which means ‘parasitic host’. This is also the more common understanding of the kanji.
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pharaohbean · 2 months
i love having a long, philosophical argument/discussion about toya, his writing, and just about everything about him, and how it feels like he’s been pretty neglected in terms of appearances and writing (okay but seriously they dropped toya colofes story and RAN) and the conclusion was
toya needs more friends. that’s it. he needs more friends please give him more friends
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echosong971 · 2 years
Random thought of the day because I will never stop hyperfixating on Exos:
Exos can get sick, but it’s very rare and most of the “sicknesses” operates much like a computer virus at a functional level. Many symptoms of these viruses can mirror those of more organic sicknesses, I.e. upset stomach, headache, fever, body aches. Though there are a few Exo specific symptoms that can occur, I.e. glitching voice box, staticky optics, sudden shut downs, malfunctioning limbs, etc.
There are shops that sell “kill codes” that act as the Exo equivalent of antibiotics and antivirals, though they have timed effects and often leave the Exo feeling weak and tired after it kills the virus, since now their systems have to clean up the mess the viruses made and work on restoring potentially lost data—this takes a lot of energy.
Maybe these viruses originated from the Golden Age as a way to hack into Exos and shut them down, because some people didn’t agree with what BrayTech was doing with Exos. Those computer viruses, which were potentially programmed to be “self-learning” so it could adapt to the protective measures installed in Exos, ended up “mutating” and becoming more dangerous and “infectious” (i.e. now they can spread through contact via jumping across from one body to the other via static electricity or something idk) and so people have developed safeguards against them—like firewalls that act as their “vaccines” that are installed into their bodies and hardware so the virus can’t do anything.
I dunno, I’m just musing. Feel free to add on y’all’s thoughts haha
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hershelwidget · 10 months
wait hang on
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#professor inkling#count bleck#TELL ME YOU SEE IT. IM NOT CRAZY#*writes yet another octonauts crossover au-*#OK BUT LISTEN HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT#H E A R ME  O U T#in case you're wondering if it's just the monocles NO IT RUNS DEEPER THAN THAT I PROMISE#1. both have been around a long time and founded some sort of group to further their goals (octonauts & team bleck)#2. fancy clothes (yeah inkling's in just a bowtie but remember he's straight up an octopus) that stand out among their peers#3. speaking of that last point: unusual anatomy (one does NOT look a fish and the other is a head torso and floating hands. nothin else)#4. i kinda don't wanna have to pull the mafia au card on this one but if I WAS then: tragic backstories and tragic motives#though then again do we REALLY know anything about inkling- like do we R E A L L Y?? his backstory could be tragic they just aint tellin..#5. avid book readers (bleck let a book tell him how his life was supposed to go this man is clinically into books)#6. defense mechanism that involves darkness (octopus ink & a bLaCk HOLE-)#7. if you see either of them walking it Don't Look Right#8. this is more of an implied thing for them but: knows a LOT about the people they gathered for their causes#9. both from children's media that gets DARK sometimes without warning#10. sometimes they say things and the people around them are just ''what''#11. love interests (ones outright saying it and the other is again just implied but STILL ITS ANOTHER POINT SOOO)#12. ok fine. yes it was the monocles at first but then i thought about it MORE so HA#feel free to add on if i missed something
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starry-blue-echoes · 8 months
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Babylon, by Dirt Poor Robins
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eyedovesart · 9 months
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caseyposting compilation from the last month or two or three or .... missy is @melonkittii s lup baby and i love her ;w; <3
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ryryryryryryryryry · 3 months
my partner and I don’t live together yet. I live in a 400 sq ft cottage with no space because I have a toddler and a cat and a dog, and I’ve only let him sleep over once so far because our schedules are wonky (he works 4 pm - 2 am and I’m up at 6 am and go to sleep at 9 pm, so it just doesn’t work). We’ve been looking at houses, we’ve probably gone to 17 open houses/showings at this point and we showed up today to an open house that had 12+ cars outside and I’m just starting to feel so downtrodden by the whole situation. I sold my old house and I’m thankful I did, but now I’m going to have a shitty interest rate and probably a shit ton of work to do on a new house, I’m just feeling very overwhelmed.
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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but what if i just post the 3 of them
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she is THE time machine <3
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re-samo · 1 year
Why is it called Tokyo After School SUMMONERS when the summoning components aren't even important to the main story until they're convenient??? Like, I love Housamo with all my heart but reworking the main story is WILD
Anyway, what's you're guys' biggest things you're curious about/wish they focused on more because I'm curious and I have a whole list lmao
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asterclaw · 7 months
6, 8, 21 and 25!!! If you're still doing this, that is. Also have a good day/night RAGHH!!!!
6. Ppl tend to think I'm 18-23 lmao will never forget that one time when (back then I was 13) was asked if I'm gonna go to a univ soon or smthn like that 8. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YE- I actually kinda... draw weird bs (horribly looking flowers) over my forearms to imitate tattoos... 21. Is nothing an option? :DDD The fact that I don't need anyone or anything to entertain me, I'm capable of doing that on my own 25. A perfect date.................... A night/twilight walk around a city, where the person gets me cappuccino or hot chocolate 👍
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lunastar92 · 1 year
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morningstarbee · 9 months
okay but crowley going "we've known each other for thousands of years. I could always trust you and rely on you. I've loved you for so long, and I think...I think you love me too. And we've spent so long pretending we're not... Us. And I would like to spend the rest of eternity with you, acknowledging our feelings. If Gabriel and Beezlebub could do it, we can be together too."
and getting hit with "Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever." is so beyond fucked up. It's mean even. Like ouch aziraphale,,,cold-hearted...
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
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A little Dom Howard drumming during the Globalist at Glasto 2016 for you, since I'm still catching up on everything that happened at Glsato 2023 this weekend!
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Pony, learning Japanese: watashino shiroi boushi doko desu ka?
Duolingo: *wrong*
Pony: oh get fucked!
Ibara: oh yeah there’s a wa.
Pony: there’s- there’s a Weh! *waluigi impression*
Ibara and pony: *hysterical laughter*
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atlemist · 2 years
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bon appétit
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