#Kurt x Reader
cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
How Logan, Scott, Jean, Rogue, Kurt react to a reader who likes to give them surprise hugs on a daily basis.
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He'd probably always be up on guard so wouldn't really like it the first few times you did it but after a little while he came to love having you sneak up behind him and hug him
Especially if you jumped up onto his back and gave him a hug ♡
He kind of start relying on your daily 'surprise attacks' on him and after a really hard day he'd really appreciate the affection
He'd never act out or get angry st you for it he'd just find it really nice and really funny
Others would ask him if he found it annoying to which he replied he didn't
Logan wouldn't understand how people could get annoyed at their s/o's showing them affection and in the most adorable way aswell <333
But yeh he'd find it so cute and so funny and wouldn't mind it at all
Like logan, he wouldn't really like it at first but would warm up to it
After a little while when he feels your arms snaking around him he'd turn around and catch you in an embrace instead and suprise you
People wouldn't say anything about it because they knew they would get shut down immediately by their leader but in the cases of the people that do he'd remind them their place nicely in a calm tone that could terrify anyone within seconds
He loves your surprise hugs and doesn't want to let anyone ruin your special little moments together
I mean like you'd probably get some jealousy stares but you'd both ignore them and carry on with your little moments every day
She'd love it
That's literally it, she'd love it
She'd appreciate the affection and love how happy you looked after surprising her
She'd look forward to your hugs every day even though they did come randomly but without a doubt they were there every day
Her love for you grew with these little surprise hugs more and more each day
She loves you and makes sure yoy know it aswell
Would be really surprised and wouldn't really know how to react or deal with it
She would really appreciate the affection because it helps her see that she isn't alone almost
She'd be unsure by the hugs at first because she didn't feel like she deserved them but after time she really started to love them and even smiled when you did it
You made her feel special and she loved that almost as much as she loves you ♡
Her love for you and her confidence grows everyday from you basically taking away her fears and insecuritys and putting a feeling of safety in its place
She adores yoy more than anything in the world and wouldn't hesitate to drop anything to receive one of your surprise hugs
Would be surprised because he's supposed to be the prankster and be surprising people not the other way round
He'd burst out laughing every time you did it out of happiness at the affection you were showing him
After a little while he'd hear you coming up behind him and he'd turn around and scoop you up and give you a hug instead
He loves being shown affection especially from you
Honestly would say he couldn't live without it lol
Sorry this is so short but I hope you like it ♡
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coleaep · 1 year
In his honour here is some adorable photos of him.
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justasimp1 · 2 years
Kurt Kunkle x F! Reader
Fluff, Short-ramble
You rolled around in your bed, groaning from boredom. You picked up your phone, quickly dialing your boyfriend. "Hello Y/N" Kurt muttered. You could hear a faint hum of a car engine. "I'm sorry, are you streaming?" "Yeah but I'll always have time for you" Kurt laughed.
"I'm bored, can you stop by my house for a second" You huffed, signing into his stream. Kurt looked concentrated on driving to his next destination. "I cant, sorry babe. I have to complete #TheLesson" Kurt muttered.
His views were gradually growing. The chat speed picking up. You groaned, pushing your head into your pillow to pout louder. "So much for you'll always have time for me" You grumbled.
Kurt's hands tightened on the steering wheel, his eyes narrowing at the cameras, almost as if he could see you flipping him off. "Please don't be mad because if youre mad I won't be focused and if I'm not focused I won't be able to complete the #Lesson"
Kurt rambled on, his hand guesturing to his frustration. "Whatever- talk to you later Kurt" You held a thumb over the red button. "Y/N!" Kurt whined, his knuckles turning white from his grasp on the wheel.
"I've been planning this for a long time please don't ruin it" Kurt put his head on the wheel. "Who cares about the stupid fucking Lesson" You flipped off his stream again.
"You said you liked it..." "Yeah because I'm supportive, I didn't understand what the hell you were saying anyways" "You know what...fuck you Y/N" The curse seemed like it was forced out of his mouth. "Fuck me then" You chuckled, sending daggers through your laptop screen.
"I can't I'm busy doing the lesson!" Kurt emphasized busy and lesson. "Bye Kurt" You scoffed, letting your thumb press the red button. You tossed your phone by your pillow, eyeing Kurt's next move on stream.
He seemed less energized. You didn't want to intentionally distract him from his project. You hated whenever he had that look on his face. You quickly typed something in the chat before closing your laptop.
KurtKunkles's69: sorry. good luck with the lesson
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
A Toxic Lesson Part 2 (Kurt X Y/N)
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A/N: After promising it forever, I finally bare you a part 2. I saw an interview the other day where Joe said he had like a tub of oily hair product they kept to make his hair look the way it does in the film lol Still a sexy boy with dem big hands <3.
Warnings: Kurt is a toxic boy! This relationship is definitely not a healthy one! He gaslights her constantly and through out the two stories her mind slowly slips from ration to irrational. If this triggers you I INSIST YOU DO NOT READ!
SMUT, he is a bit rough with some dominate, strongly possessive behavior, dirty talk, ANGST, all of it. The murders in the film are glossed over till we get to the one in this story. Like the first story I changed some of the dialogue because...I mean you get it...his passenger is a sexist douchebag lol, his death is briefly described but not lingered on. Another death is described in a bit more detail but not too much (if you've seen the film you know; those bottom pics in the picture above is a hint).
Again, Kurt is NOT a good boy. He does get a bit rough with the reader, shoving her against a wall when she mentions something he doesn't like, she talks about her feelings (feeling like this is her fault somehow, wondering if there was more she could have done, etc), Kurts toxic upbringing is mentioned briefly. I think that's everything but alas... if you watched the movie and read my last story you should know what your walking into!
Word Count: 4141
Part 1
You remained silent for the next couple of rides Kurt picked up but your eyes were always scanning him over. What happened? How did he get to this point? Was it something you missed or could have prevented? He had always had a rough childhood with his parent’s divorce and his dad’s drug habit. He felt that strong need to take care of his mother but she always felt so absent. Most of the time Kurt was alone…which was part of the reason you assumed he needed to have so many followers. He needed to be seen, to be loved. 
Maybe my love wasn’t enough…I could have given him more; supported him harder. I should have found a way to give him what he needed. 
As the car stopped at a red light, he turned to glance at you noticing your glazed over look. His soft hand reached out to lightly grip your chin forcing you to make eye contact with him and when his thumb caressed your cheek, a pleasant sigh left your lips. 
“I love you, Kurt.”
His smile melts your heart before the Spree app dings for his next passenger reminding you both of what he was doing. The next person he picked up was a complete douchebag. Any time Kurt tried to say something kind, the man cut him off saying he had somewhere he needed to be and that he needed to “shut the fuck up.”
“HEY! There’s no reason for you to be an asshole! Either be nice or YOU shut the fuck up.”
“Ugh. Control your fucking woman, dude.”
“Hey, alright, come on now. We show women respect.”
“I’ll show her some fucking respect…”, the man grumbled under his breath. 
Your eyes rolled as he continued to complain, even more so when Kurt accepted the call to pick up another passenger. As soon as she got in the car, you liked her. She put the asshole in his place and your boyfriend seemed really interested in her when it came to her career. While the man kept trying to hit on her, Kurt asked her questions and you watched as his whole demeanor changed converting back to that goofy kid you fell in love with. 
“Um, sir, are you a twitter bot or is there a real live human boy in there?”
Kurt blinked as he nervously laughed. “I’m as real as you. I don’t…”
Your jaw clenched as you held in the urge to snap at her. She didn’t know him like you did or what he had been through. In this moment, he was genuinely being kind to her and she was mocking him. What was worse was he also genuinely didn’t seem to get that she was. 
“…you becoming Insta famous has made you a total bitch.”
Kurt slammed on the breaks causing everyone to fly forward as he turned to face the other man. 
You listened to everyone argue before the woman got out of the car and splashed the man with water from her bottle and tossing it at his rear window. Gasping as some of the water hit you, Kurt immediately turned to you, his large palm cupping your cheek as he wiped the liquid away from your lips. 
“Just drive, asshole!”
Kurt’s eyes shifted like it had with the others but instead of panicking, you tilted forward crashing your lips to his. 
“Jesus fucking Christ! Unless this is going to be a three way, can we get a move on so I can fuck my own girl!”
Heavily sighing, Kurt pulled away from you but held your hand as he began to drive again. As he headed for another secluded area, he managed to get the man out of his vehicle as the rider proclaimed obnoxiously that he needed to go to the bathroom. When he turned towards you with that slanted, cocky smile, you knew. 
“Won’t it ruin the car?”
Your boyfriend’s grin grew as he shook his hair away from his eyes and turned his whole body so he could see behind him as he reversed. The thud made you jump as the man rolled over the top and down over the hood. Kurt tilted his head as he watched the body slide off the windshield and onto the dirt.
This time he was surprised when he felt your small hand graze the bulge in his sweatpants. Kurt’s murder filled eyes met your lust filled ones before you lean over to passionately kiss him. His mouth hums against yours as you move your palm faster against him and he rapidly reaches for the waistband of his pants to shove them down just enough to free his cock.
“Wait. Shit. I almost forgot.” As he begins reaching for his phone to turn off the cameras, you grab his wrist. 
“You…you can leave them on if you want to.”
His long, fingers snaked behind your head as his lips trailed up your jawline to the shell of your ear that was furthest from the cameras in front of you. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. No one can see or have your body except me. If I wanted to fuck you in front of these people I would have done it already.”
“O-okay. I’m sorry if I upset you, baby.”
The fingers Kurt had tangled in your hair abruptly tugged you back, forcing you to look up at him. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to be afraid of me? Hm?”
“I-I-I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore. I just don’t want you to be upset or unhappy.”
Kurt’s eyes soften as he leans forward to kiss your forehead before pressing buttons on his phone to turn off all the cameras.
“As long as I’m with you, baby, I’m happy. I love you so much.” Hearing him say that had a giddy feeling course through your veins. Without looking away, you lick your palm, and he moans as you stroke his length.
Roughly, he unbuttons your jeans and shoves two of his fingers into your mouth making you gag. 
“That’s it, pretty girl. Choke on my fingers. Get them nice and wet.”
Removing them with a desperate pop from your lips, his massively large palm slid under the waistband of your underwear making you groan as he thrust his digits inside of you.
Your forehead fell onto his shoulder and that safe feeling washed over you as you inhaled his scent reminding you of nights he held you when he spent the night talking about the future. Those nights when he would tell you all the things he was going to buy you when he became famous, not realizing that as long as you were with him you had everything you wanted. 
Hearing him grunt in your ear, you pumped your hand faster around him as his free hand clung to the back of your neck holding you tighter to him. 
“Y-yes, Y/N. Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.”
Kurt tugged your hair so his lips could find yours till he let go and came in your hand. His own rhythm slowed only for a moment before he pumped his fingers hastily as he kissed your cheek. You clung to him as you panted and the coil snapped. 
“Good…good girl, baby. Are you ok?” You nod as you lean back and try to catch your breath. “Come on. I need to get gas and I can get you something to drink.”
You leaned blissfully against his shoulder as he scrolled through his phone to look up the young lady he previously had in his car pausing for a moment to light up the interior with a big grin that had you smiling as well. 
“She’s got good content.”
“Yeah, I just don’t like the way she talked to you.”
“Aw.”, he coos as he kisses your nose, beaming when your smile grows. “It’s just how influencers talk to each other, honey. It’s ok. She has a show tonight…too bad we can’t go.”
You hold his hand the rest of the way until you stop at a gas station and get out with him to stretch your legs. Hearing him mutter under his breath, you assumed he was talking to the camera which wasn’t abnormal for him until you heard him raise his voice. 
“Yeah, Bobby! That’s because people know we’re on a break right now!”
You chose to remain silent since the last time you brought up his relationship with Bobby he got exceptionally angry. It killed you, though, as he paused to look at his phone and his face fell. He shouted at the screen making you jump before you both finally noticed the cop on the other side getting gas as well. 
As he continued to talk, you scanned the car, and froze when you noticed blood on the front bumper. Kurt followed your eyeline and as nonchalantly as possible leaned against his hood, pulling your sleeve so you could lean against his chest. You held him tightly as your thoughts spiraled into everything that could go wrong if this cop decided to dig further. Your boyfriend felt your fear and ran his palm along your back as he tried to comfort you.
“Seriously, Y/N, leave this loser.”, the little computer voice mocked from his phone. 
“Fuck. Off. Bobby!”, you growled. 
“Leave her alone. She’s been through a lot today.”
As the cop went about his business, Kurt kissed your cheek as they continued their back and forth and you cleaned the front of his car.  
Opening his trunk, he pulled out one of his earlier victims open house signs and tossed them in the trash. 
“What about your promise to me, Bobby! I haven’t seen anything from you! Get in the car, Y/N.”
You do as he commands watching with sympathetic eyes as he slams his trunk and climbs back in beside you. 
“Is-Is he still going to help, Kurt?”
Furiously, he slams his hands against the steering as he sighs in frustration. 
“I’m giving it my all here, goddamn it! Why can’t I get ahead!?”
Carefully, you reach out to brush some of the hair under the Kurt’s World Hat he put on behind his ear. 
“You always give 100%, baby. It’s going to get better. THINGS will get better.”
His wild eyes meet yours before he softly smiles and playfully puts one of his hats on your head. 
“I’m so glad you’re here with me, sweetheart. I don’t think I could have done this alone.”
Your mood drastically changed after his last ride/kill and you were angry. First, Kurt insisted you sit in the back with these pretentious people while their friend sat beside him and continuously touched some part of his body like his arm or even his face. Then he drove like a maniac through the streets until heading for his next destination where not only did these two people die violently next you but you watched him kill someone with his own hands like it was nothing.
Of course, who’s the first person he calls afterwards?
“I just got the most epic kill! It was a triple KO! Bobby!”
And of course, Bobby wasn’t amused as he belittled him and everything Kurt was doing. Your boyfriend angrily grabbed his wet wipes from the console and you push back as far from him as you could as he reached over to clean the extra blood off the door beside you. As the phone disconnected and he exited the carwash he finally focused his attention on you. 
“What’s got you so fucking pissed off?” Ignoring him you continue to glare out the window. “Go ahead, Y/N. Out with it! Is it how my friends fucking suck? Or maybe something wrong with my content? Please! Tell me! May as well kick me while I’m fucking down.”
You wanted to scream at him, smack him, or anything else you could think of to hurt him as much as you were hurting but you knew none of that would get through. Rolling down your window, you took off your Kurt’s world hat and tossed it out into the street.
“Hey! Are you fucking kidding me?! What the fuck!?”
“Fuck. You! After everything I’ve done for you and you disrespect me like that!?”
“Like what?!”
“Now this is entertaining.”, the female voice on his phone pings. 
“SHUT UP, BOBBY!”, you both shout in unison.
At a stop light, you got out of the car and power walked up the street to get away from him.  His tires skidded as he parked and ran out to follow you.
“Come on, Y/N. Stop. Talk to me.”, he begged as he tried to block your path with his body. 
“You let that bitch touch you!”, you shouted as you pushed his chest. “’Oh my god. Don’t listen to them. I think you’re a badass.’” Kurt rolls his eyes as you mock the woman’s voice. “Don’t roll your eyes at me! How would you feel if someone was flirting with me and touching my body or face?! You wouldn’t like it would you?!”
“Y/N, I didn’t even notice! All I care about is the fucking lesson!”
“Wow! What a surprise! You only care about your fucking channel and not my feelings! You’re just like your fucking dad!”
He moved in a blur, his eyes darkening as he pushed you against the building behind you. 
“I am nothing like that deadbeat.”, he growled.
“All you father cares about are his fucking records and never gave a damn about you or your mom.” You shove him again and he lets you go. “I didn’t like seeing her touch you but more than anything it hurt me that you didn’t tell her to fuck off. Also…” You hugged your arms around your body. “It scared me a little watching you kill her…like that.”
Kurt sighs as your head hangs and he watches you cry. “Come here, baby.”, he coos as he wraps his arms around you. “I’m so sorry I made you feel like I don’t care about you or your feelings. I seriously didn’t notice she was flirting. Y/N, it took me years to even realize that you had a crush on me.” He smirked when he felt you lightly giggle against him. Tugging you back, his palms gently cup your face. “I would never hurt you like that either. YOU have always supported me. YOU have always been there for me. YOU are my number one fan. I don’t want anyone else and I didn’t mean to scare you. Bobby said to add ‘WTF moments’.”, he shrugged.
“Kurt…you said you care about my feelings…please hear me when I tell you that he doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t want to help you. I’m so tired of watching you hurt because he’s not following through with promises he made you.”
Intertwining his fingers with yours, he led you back to the car and began driving again. You noticed he didn’t turn his Spree app back on as he began heading to what seemed like no apparent destination as he scrolled through that young lady’s Instagram again. You were so focused on him and listening to him mumble that you didn’t realize where you were until he parked again.
“I hope you’re watching this, Bobby.”
Bobby was extremely annoyed when he opened his front door and saw you both on his front porch. Kurt said they needed to talk but the other boy kept brushing him off. As he tried to slam the door on you two, your boyfriend blocked it with his foot. 
“Just remember you asked for this. Sorry, Y/N.”
Bobby tapped his camera and suddenly began streaming making you fume. What made you even more angry was the insults he hurled in Kurt’s direction as he began to sway, trying to seem like he wasn’t hurt by what the boy was saying. Sure, Bobby was a kid but he was old enough to know that what he was saying was rude and selfish. Kurt watched him grow up and was there for him for most of his life. Who did this little shit think he was?
You listen as Kurt announced his plans for the lesson but as Bobby mocked him again, he become incredibly quiet, flashing you an almost sad smirk as he reached into his pocket, and produced a knife. 
The man you fell in love, who was your first everything, and was the reason for your happiness through most of your life charged forward stabbing the person he once called his friend in the stomach. You listened to them wrestle before gun shots suddenly rang out and you ducked down on your knees as you covered your ears. 
Everything became silent and you jumped when you felt hands grab your arms. 
“Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” You shook your head as your hands ran over your body to double check. As he kissed your forehead, he showed you the screen on his phone. “Look, honey. We’re in the double digits now.”
“Look, baby, oh my god. Triple digits! Hi. Hello, everyone.”
Even though Kurt had made a big deal earlier today about people seeing your body, he still began streaming with you both naked in the shower. He did keep the camera up high enough not to show anything and made sure you were pressed against his chest with his arm protectively around you to make sure you didn’t move in a direction that would expose your breasts. Like a child, you clung to him, completely terrified of everything that just happened. A normal human being would be scared that the person they were in love with just murdered someone but you were too far gone into the moment. You were more concerned that he almost got shot than anything else.
“Guys, no!”, he chuckles. “I didn’t kidnap her…you’re so funny. No, this my girlfriend. We’ve been best friends since like kindergarten and together for over 10 years! 10 years! Can you believe that?! She’s been my number one fan since day one of Kurt’s World and she’s always supported me. I love her so much.”
His eyes look down to meet your big doe ones as you stare up at him as if he hung the moon. Kurt was acknowledging you and finally admitting how much of part you played in him starting his channel. You gave him the courage and support to follow his dreams and he was finally bestowing on you the recognition you felt you deserved. The adoration and loyalty he always seemed to have towards Bobby was now focused on you and your heart melted. 
“I love you, baby.”, he cooed, sloppily kissing your lips before turning to address the camera again. Your mouth attached to his body, tracing up his chest till you reached his neck up to the outer shell of his ear. 
“I need you to fuck me, Kurt. Please.”, you whispered. 
You heard his confident voice faulter for a moment and after wrapping up what he was saying to his new viewers, turned off the stream, and tossed his phone on the floor outside of the shower door. 
His now free palm held the back of your head as he kissed your lips passionately while you clung to his neck. 
“I love you, Kurt. I was so scared that he was going to shoot you.”
“Aw, honey. Nothing is going to kill me tonight. Tonight, I’m invincible and so are you. I would never let anyone hurt you.” Turning you around, he placed your back to his chest as his hands roamed your body. While one skated over your tits, the other found its way between your legs. “Fuck…so fucking beautiful. I love that you’re mine.”
Kurt’s fingers pressed against your clit and you moaned loudly as your own palm looped between you both so you could stroke his cock.
“I’m sorry for not listening to you, baby… about Bobby.” You shook your head, not wanting to even hear his name anymore especially after he slid two of his fingers inside of your core. “You were right. You’re always right.”
“K-Kurt, I need you inside of me. Please!”
Grunting, he roughly turned you around and lifted you in his arms as he carried you to his former friend’s gigantic bed. He fell on top of you but you hastily turned him onto his back as you straddle his waist and guided his length inside of you.
“Fuck me.”
Your palms steadied yourself against his chest as you bounced on top of him, groaning as his mushroom tip constantly grazed that spot that had your eyes rolling. Memories flashed through your brain of you two growing up and everything you both had experienced together. You never could have anticipated that your relationship would have led you here but now that you were you couldn’t let him go. He needed you. Right?
“Kurt? I love you.”
“I-I love you to, baby. Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
“You…you need me right?”
His strong hands took hold of your hips forcing you to stop moving as your eyes met his. Wrapping one arm around you, he held you close to him as he pushed up onto his knees and adjusted your legs so they’d be more comfortable. 
Your boyfriend’s lips tenderly kissed your own as he gripped your behind and maneuvered you till you grinding against him again. 
“I do need you, Y/N. I always needed you. Where would I—mmm—where would I be without you?”
“P-Promise me, you…you won’t get hurt tonight. Please.”, you whimpered as your palms clung to his neck. “Please, I don’t know…what I’d do without you, baby.”
“I promise. You and I are both safe. Anyone even thinks about fucking hurting you…”, he growls as his eyes shut and press his forehead to your chest. 
“Tell me, Kurt. What will happen?”
Abruptly flipping you on to your back, your head hangs over the edge as his mouth attaches to your neck making you moan loudly as his tongue licks your skin. 
“I’ll tear them apart. I’ll make them wish they were never born.”
Kurt’s hips slam violently into your own, pushing him so deep inside of you that you swear you feel him pushing into your tummy. His thick hand wraps around your throat, squeezing lightly as his face hovers just above yours while he continues to whisper. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. All mine. If anyone tried to hurt you or take you away from me I’ll make them regret it. They’ll beg and plead but—fuck—nothing they say will be enough because you’re my angel. I-I know that look. Cum on my cock, baby.”
Your nails drag down his skin as you scream his name. Slowing his pace, he pounds into you hard until he feels you tighten around him as you cum. 
“Good girl. My good girl. You always look so pretty like this. What are you doing with me, sweetheart?”
You lazily stroke his cheek as you watch his mouth fall open while he chases his high.
“I love you, Kurt. You’re mine to. Please, fill me up. I want you to feel good to. You deserve it.”
His damp hair falls in front of your eyes as he groans and clings to your body as you feel him warm your insides. You both lay there quietly for a moment as you try to catch your breaths before he hears you giggle underneath him. 
“Honey, your hair is wet and sticking to my face.”
Your boyfriend lifts up on his elbows as he scans your features trying to get a read on where you are emotionally. 
“Oh, yeah? This hair?” You laugh as he shakes his head like a dog sprinkling water all over you as you try to push away from him. Kurt playfully wrestles with you till you both fall against the pillows and he pleasantly sighs as he pulls you to his chest. “I’m going to buy you a house like this one day. We’ll fill it with cooler stuff than this and after we get married, we’ll have a ton of kids and we’ll raise them to be nice not assholes like Bobby…”
As he continued to talk about your futures, you watch him with wide ecstatic eyes. Usually, you were the one talking about things like this while he constantly brought up his channel or becoming famous. Your heart soared at the mention of marriage and kids but as your fingers ran delicately over his skin, you had to suffocate that little voice in the back of your head that kept screaming tonight would end with you two being in a cell or dead.
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keeryparadise · 2 years
Front-Seat Driver || K.K.
[ ❥ ] PAIRING: Kurt Kunkle x fem!Reader
»»————- ♡ ————-««
[ ❥ ] SYNOPSIS: You have a blind date tonight, but on your way there, your Spree driver decides he has other plans. (PWP)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
[ ❥ ] WORD COUNT: 2.6k
[ ❥ ] WARNINGS: Smut, NSFW, PWP, swearing, kidnapping, almost murder, erotophonophilia (murder kink), dacryphilia (crying kink), p in v sex, sex-tape/recording sex, manipulation??, f oral sex, masturbation, fingering.
[ ❥ ] INCLUDES: Way too much exposition skip skip skip no one cares, psycho!Kurt, dom!Kurt, sub!Reader, Kurt slurping up your tears yum yum, Kurt slurping up a lot of your body fluids in fact, Kurt weirdly being an experienced sex God??,
[ ❥ ] NOTES: Here’s a scrap fic I decided to finish so I have more than one thing posted on here (unedited btw i'm so tired). Kurt isn’t SAing you in this btw,, also sorry I was inactive for forever my computer #broke so I couldn't write for weeks ❤
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Air blows softly from your fan, a slow buzz coming from the corner of your room where the fan sits. A citrus candle melts slowly on a shelf, the flicking flame visible in the corner of your eye.
You look at yourself in the mirror, checking if everything was perfect. Is my hair good enough? Is my makeup smudged? Does this outfit look weird? I think I need more perfume. I’ll spray some more.
You wait nervously for your Spree to arrive, fidgeting with your hair with clammy hands. You bite at some loose skin on your lip and feel yourself holding a breath. You haven’t been on a date in almost a year now, and the fact that it was a blind date didn’t make it any better. Why did you agree to this?
You fidget with your hands, pacing around the room quickly, trying to calm your nerves. You think of all the possible ways this could go wrong. There were a lot of ways.
You hear a horn honk from outside your house. Your Spree is here.
You run to grab your phone and purse and shake the last of your nerves off. You blow out your candle and click the fan off, before starting downstairs. The tap of your heels on the tile floor as you approach the kitchen stress you out. You drink a glass of water, take a deep breath, and leave your house before your Spree cancels.
A light gray car sits idly on your driveway. The blackout windows keep you from seeing who was inside, leaving you a little on edge. The app says his name is Kurt. Your hands fidget as you slowly step toward the car’s back door. You swallow deeply before opening the door.
“Kurt?” you ask. You stand outside the car holding the door open as you await a reply.
You crouch down a little to get a look at his face as he turns around to look at you. With a smile, he speaks, “Yep! I’m Kurt from KurtsWorld96, you probably know me.”
The first thing you notice about him is his unique smile. His eyes and his nose scrunch up and his chin tips up slightly. It was like a little kid’s smile. He has a little kid’s haircut too. It’s shaggy and brown and has uneven bangs.
You furrow your brows as you step hesitantly into his car. You notice cameras on every window.
“I hope you don’t mind the cameras.” He straightens his posture, looking behind him to reverse his car out of your driveway, “I need them for safety reasons. Go ahead and take a bottle of water and relax.”
“I-I’m good,” you stammer. He lets out an exasperated sigh in response.
A few minutes of silence go by of you fidgeting and sweating in the backseat of his car. I don’t think I’ve been nervous like this in a while. Is it hot in here?
His cheery voice interrupts the silence, “Soo… where are you going? Like, I know you’re going to a restaurant, but what are you doing there?” He stammers nervously. You see his thumb start to caress the steering wheel slowly.
“My friend set me up on a blind date.” You start to rub the back of your neck, “I haven’t even been on a normal date in over a year, so I’m super nervous.”
You see the driver’s eyebrow twitch slightly in his mirror, “Well I’m glad you didn’t drink that water then, because I’m also supposed to go on a blind date at that restaurant tonight.”
He’s glad I didn’t drink the water? What?
“I guess it’s a not-so-blind date now.” He chuckles nervously, gripping his steering wheel tightly.
“Yeah.” You fake out a laugh.
I can’t believe this guy is my blind date. He’s so… weird.
You sit in silence for the rest of the drive. A thick and uncomfortable silence. The kind of silence that you know you both can feel. It was the longest three minutes of your life.
Kurt speeds past the restaurant the two of you were supposed to meet at.
“Kurt? You just passed the restaurant.”
Kurt gives you a look in his mirror, “I know.”
He presses his foot harder on the gas pedal, and you push back in your seat slightly.
“Kurt, where are we going?” Your knee bounces as you try to study your surroundings through the night’s dark filter.
He tilts his head to the right, “I thought maybe we could go somewhere else instead. Fancy restaurants aren’t really my thing.” He gives the camera a look.
You scoff, “I haven’t eaten since breakfast, Kurt please turn back.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you ramen or something.” He gives another look to the camera.
Your face contorts into a confused mess, “Are we going to your house?”
He looks at you again through the mirror, “Yeah obviously, where else would I be taking you?” He rolls his eyes and puts them back on the road.
You kick his seat in frustration, “I don’t know, a park, or maybe the restaurant we were planning to go to in the first place?”
He rolls his eyes, “Just relax, we aren’t even that far from my house now.”
You sit back in your seat, defeated and arms crossed. It’s useless to argue with him now, this man is clearly insane.
After a few more miles, he pulls into his driveway and puts the car in park. He takes his keys out of the ignition and turns around to look at you, “We’re here.” He smiles his stupid little boy smile. He turns back around and grabs his phone from its holder. He opens his car door and steps out, walking up to your door and opening it too, “After you,” he sings sarcastically, waving his arm in a polite way.
You sit still with your arms crossed, refusing to move.
Kurt rolls his eyes, “Come on, get out of the car.”
He moves closer to you, reaching his arm over your chest to find the seatbelt, “Come on-”
You push his arms away from you, “No, I’m not getting out!”
He insists, reaching again for the seatbelt, fighting you to get it off. The seat belt clicks, and he starts pulling you out of the car.
“No!” you yell, “Let go of me!”
He’s surprisingly strong and manages to pull you out of the car. You hit your head on the concrete, hard, and you barely have enough time to recover before he picks you up bridal style.
He moves toward the front door with you in his arms and spends a solid minute trying to unlock it without setting you down. He pushes his front door open and carries you to his room. You lay helplessly in his arms, barely conscious.
You hate to admit it, but this is something you’ve fantasized about over and over. Your weird obsession with psychotic characters has corrupted how you think, and you feel almost turned on by this.
“Kurt,” you mutter under your breath, “Kurt, where are we?”
He sets you gently on his bed and kneels next to your helpless body, “We’re in my room.” You see what you think is a smile creep onto his face.
He stands up and walks toward a tripod set up in the center of the room. He places his phone in it and rambles to the camera.
He looks back at you and starts to walk over. He kneels next to his bed to look at you and places a gentle hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb, “You’re so beautiful.” He brushes your hair off of your forehead and presses a kiss to it. He gives you a different smile than usual. A smile with eyes coated in intimacy and eyebrows pressed together with desire. Nothing like that little boy smile you thought was so unique.
He studies you through narrow lids, his hand moving from your cheeks to the deep indent in your waist. The sudden heat on that sensitive spot sends a shock down your legs, and you let out a soft whimper. You squeeze your legs closer together at the sudden heat forming in your pants. Kurt notices, shifting his gaze to your lower half. He looks up at his ceiling, chewing on his lip.
“I was going to kill you,” he looks back down at your face and looks you in your eyes, “but that was before I knew I could make use of you.”
You turn away from him and bury your face in his sheets, letting out a quiet whimper. A single tear leaves your eye and absorbs into the fabric.
Kurt shushes you and caresses the top of your head with his hand. He plants a small kiss on the top of your head and grabs your face violently, that action directly contrasting his gentle kiss. He forces you to look at him in his eyes. You feel another tear forming in the corner of your eye. It falls slowly down your cheek, and Kurt sticks his tongue out to lick it away.
“Salty,” he purrs.
A sudden need for him washes over you, your clit tingling at the thought of your walls wrapped warmly around his erection. You barely even know the guy, but somehow he’s got you wrapped tightly around his finger.
“Fuck me, Kurt,” you whisper in a low, raspy tone.
Kurt flinches backward slightly at your sudden submission and smiles. His hand travels down your stomach and into the opening of your skirt. Two of his fingers slowly massage your clit on top of your panties. You bite back a moan and throw your head back slightly into his pillows. His fingers push their way under the hem of your panties and slowly press themselves through your entrance. A soft moan manages to escape your lips.
“Like that?” he breathes.
You nod shakily and practically beg him on top of you with your eyes. You grab onto his shoulder for support and grind into his curling fingers, pushing yourself in and out hungrily. Breathy moans escape your mouth every time you feel the shockwaves from Kurt’s fingertips curling inside your walls.
He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and you give him a quiet whimper. He pushes you away and stands up, sucking your juices off of his fingers.
“You taste so good,” he coos.
You stare up at Kurt and watch him take his shirt off, throwing it carelessly across the room. He steps back toward his bed and mounts himself on top of you, his legs on either side of your hips and his arms pinning your wrists to the mattress.
Kurt presses your lips together softly. He quickly pulls away, leaving you leaning in, begging for more. Kurt starts moving his lips down your body. He sucks the teary flavor from your cheeks and leaves dark hickies along your neck and collarbone. He pulls your shirt down and sucks on each breast hard. His tongue swirls around each nipple, the wet warmth of his mouth sending a twitch to your legs. Each breast is left with a dark magenta spot where his mouth had just been. He leaves gentle kisses down your stomach and stops at the hem of your skirt.
Kurt flips your skirt up and kisses each of your thighs. You push your hips up slightly, and he kisses the wet spot on your panties. A gentle finger caresses your clit, teasing you.
He slides your panties off your body and sets each of your legs on his shoulders to get perfect access to his meal. He flicks the tip of his tongue teasingly on your clit, causing you to flinch. He licked his lips and soon Kurt had his face buried between your thighs. 
His tongue made laps around your entrance, going in and out slowly. He flicked at your clit causing you to moan his name every time. He kissed and sucked at the fleshy pink and slurped at your juices. Your back arched every time he found your sweet spot, and eventually, he was only going over that spot. Shockwaves sent down your thighs causing you to press your hips closer into his face.
Kurt stops with one last kiss on your clit and crawls back up to your face. He presses his lips onto yours and lets you taste yourself in his mouth. He starts grinding his hips into your body, and you quickly attempt to pull off his belt. You throw his belt across the room and tear off his jeans. Kurt slides his boxers off and frees his growing erection, precum already shining on the tip. You grab his dick and start slowly pumping. Kurt groans into your mouth, sending vibrations down your throat.
“Oh God, please just put it in,” you beg breathlessly. You let go of his cock, and he slowly presses himself through your entrance.
You let out a breathy moan at the first insertion, and he starts slowly setting a pace. You feel yourself sinking into his cock. You bang your hips together and you moan Kurt’s name every time he finds your g-spot. Your nails dig into his back, and you pull his hips down harder, swearing and moaning his name desperately.
The both of you are panting and whining by the time he says he’s close.
“Oh god, baby I think I’m close,” he moans, “F-fuck. Keep going, just like that.” He stammers and stutters, barely able to form sentences.
“Me too baby, keep going, please.” You desperately try to press him into you deeper each time, but his thrusts are getting sloppy. Your wetness squelches every time he sinks his dick into you. 
“F-fuuck, that’s it,” he cries out, his chest heaving heavily, “Oh my god, I’m about to cum.”
He thrusts faster and faster, getting closer every time. You feel the tingle crawling up your thighs, signaling you’re close.
You throw your head back into the pillows, craving the sweet release. His last thrust hit the spot perfectly, and you’re engulfed in an all-consuming orgasm, your entire vision going white and your vocal cords almost bursting from your last moan.
You feel Kurt’s warm cum fill you up, and the moan he lets out nearly gives you a second orgasm.
His muscles barely hold him up over your body and you can see sweat daring to drip off his chin and splatter on your chest. One does manage to drip off and land right in your cleavage. It almost burns.
He pants heavily over you, not daring to make eye contact. You see strands of hair stuck to his forehead and you push them away revealing his eyes. He fixes his gaze on you, his pupils dilating entirely, and he presses himself into you giving you a sloppy kiss.
He pulls away and lets his head dangle, a hot breath finding its way on your neck. “Fuck, that was good,” he rasped. You manage a weak hum in response.
He slowly slides himself out of you. He can barely balance himself as he stands up and hobbles weakly to his camera. You hear him speak to his audience, but it’s all muffled. Your head still hurts and you’re still experiencing the after-shock of it all.
Kurt turns his camera off and stands over you.
“Want a water?” He asks.
“You look exhausted, do you want some water.”
“Okay, sure.”
He goes to the other side of his room and retrieves a bottle of water from a corner of his room. He hands it to you and you drink it slowly.
Huh, it tastes kind of funny.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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kausstar · 2 years
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click on a picture and hold down to save !
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monpalace · 2 years
When the couple try not to wake (or bother) their respective roommates while having a date.
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“Bärchen,” Kurt’s whisper cuts through the serene quietness of the room. His fan was running on its highest setting, making her eyes squint with the creaks of its plastic. The soft breathing that came from his nose was disrupted by his next words. “Are you still awake?”
“Hmm,” is the only response she can muster in the form of a groan. She halfheartedly wonders if the laptop in her bedside dresser managed to pick up the noise.
She doesn't need to look at him to know the blue devil is frowning. There's the sound of fabrics shifting from his side of the video call, his voice becoming the slightest bit louder. “Are you about to fall asleep, then? Mausebär, why are you still up?”
Lifting a hand from over her eyes, she glares at him. “I’m not small or a bear,” she grunts, feeling her lips make the beginnings of a pout. “you know that, Kay.”
There's the click of his mouse before complete silence comes from his end of the line. One well-placed look after an annoyingly long blink reveals Kurt with his legs curled up in his seat, the sitting portion of it twirling as he hides his face behind his book. It was one of Douglas Adams’ books— the newest one that was released the year before, she thinks. Life, the Universe, and Everything if she remembered correctly.
His tail curled around his shins, the spade-shaped end of it tapping the letters of his keyboard. Another sweep of the laptop screen shows her that he was typing in the call’s connected chatroom. His typing was slow and calculated, making sure he spelled each letter correctly.
> I’m sorry, bärchen!
> I couldn't help but laugh!
> You're cute when you're tired, you know!
Her eyes jump from the chat to the live video. His fur was still growing in, allowing her to catch the purple tint that came from his blood flowing beneath his face. His tail moved to curl around one of his legs and round itself up to his closest arm.
Reaching an arm out, she types out her response with a blank expression.
> Yeah?
> Whatever you say, angel.
> Did you mute because Peter woke up?
> Yes and yes!
Kurt’s response rips a snort from her lips, forcing her to cover her mouth to keep from waking Ororo as well. He watches with doe-eyes as she turns on her back, earbud falling from its perch. His enthusiasm and nervousness came across clearly in his single text.
> Would you like to hear again?
> If you want, sure.
> Are you just gonna read the entire time?
Kurt unmutes his computer and she's immediately met with the noises of the silver-speedster's complaints. There's kicking from his side of the dorm room as he tries to make himself comfortable on top of his blankets, sneering the entire way through.
“— like I said dude;” Peter scoffs, turning onto his stomach with a cough. His voice was faint but just clear enough to make out what he was saying. “I don’t care how you and your girlfriend spend your time together, but you could at least be less gross about it. I don’t wanna hear about—”
“I get it, Peter! I do, I promise. I didn't mean to be so loud, I’m sorry.” Kurt's apologies are as quick and as quiet as they usually are during these calls. The hand not holding his book was offering a twinkie to his roommate in hopes of peace. “Take this and pretend it never happened?”
Peter catches the sweet without issue and stares at it as though it had been the reason behind every wrong in the world. His gaze travels between it and Kurt before finally landing on the monitor of their shared computer. “Alright,” he sighs, tearing the packaging of the twinkie before throwing it away and biting off a mouthful of it.
> Tame the beast yet again?
> I don’t think he knows we know what he does early in the mornings.
The silence that follows Kurt’s message isn't long but they're able to understand each other perfectly with their long stare.
The silence is only broken when she lets out a stifled laugh, the blue devil following after.
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onecheeseballplz · 2 years
KURT HCS (well more like my personal opinion, might be out of character Sorry..I don’t write well btw 😔)
Warnings: Angst hcs and nsfw hcs, neglect, cheating.
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- this man has never had the touch of a loving s/o in his life. Which is why he’s incredibly awkward
- will try to flirt with you but ends up stuttering and messing up the pick up line.
- at first doesn’t know how to show physical attention and is often stiff when you hug or kiss him, eventually learns.
- shows you off in his stream, A LOT.
- he not only sucks at flirting with you but he’s also clueless when you flirt with him. He will ask the chat what it means and when the chat explains to it, as well as call him names, he gets all red and try’s to flirt back.
“W-well I think you’re hotter than the sun 😎”
- struggles to kiss you, doesn’t know how to. Until you show him ofc
- sorry to say this but Kurt will sometimes prioritize his fame and clout over you. He’ll leave early to do more Sprees and when you call him to go out he’ll say he’s busy with his stream.
- if you bring this up to him he will complain that his views are important to him and this is what he always wanted
- might even film the argument (Fight with S/o, NOT CLICKBAIT!!)
- might even forget to go out on a date that you planned because he’s out there streaming. When he remembers he does stop streaming but when he gets to where your date is supposed to be, you’re not there.
- he realized that you two had a date 5 hours ago so of course you wouldn’t be there
- will try to apologize but you know deep down he really wanted to get more views and followers.
- argues with you that #thelesson is really important to him
-if the chat says, he will kiss someone else. Especially if they’re famous
- will blame the chat for what he did once you found out
- if you break up with him after all that he will continue to stream just not as often and with less energy, will snap at the chat and start driving recklessly out of anger once the chat makes fun of him .
- tries to get you back in the most awkward way possible
- no he’s not a sex god, he’s a virgin 💀 he’s inexperienced.
- sloppy at first but eventually gets the hang of it
- SUB, major sub. He whimpers and moans so easily.
- sensitive to your touch
- there will be a point where he does dominate you. Just not anytime soon
- will record a sex tape with you with consent
- doesn’t know where to put his dick in 🤷‍♀️ sorry guys
- after his first time with you, he watches 10x more porn than he used to. Making mental notes here and there.
- you don’t mind how sloppy he is, it feels good and you find it kinda hot that he’s all moans and whimpers with you
Note: I will not write any of the following if I do end up writing smut.
- non-con or any r*pe
- illegal age gap
- anything else along those lines
I have a preference for dom! y/n so don’t expect a lot of Dom! Kurt or anything like that 😭
Also I’m not that good at writing fanfictions, I stopped when I was in middle school.
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mehidktbh · 2 years
“Why? does it feel good or not?”
Pairing: Kurt Kunkle x Fem!Reader
Summary: Kurt hasn’t cuddled with anyone before so, he’s a little hesitant when you suggest cuddling in bed.
Warning: Established relationship, nervous Kurt, pet names, one time when the reader kisses Kurt, mentions Kurt having insomnia but mostly short sweet fluff <3
A/N: I had an idea for writing a part two on this, for when the reader and Kurt wake up in the morning. Stuck between lazy morning sex or just pure fluff again. You guys can decide ig 😭
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The room was pitch black, colourless and gloomy. You were laying on your side, knowing you were fancying the plane will, but with the room completely shaded you were unable to see anything. You could only feel Kurts' presence behind you, he was laying face up, one hand behind his head to support his head while the other was on his stomach. Hearing him huff and breath out meant he wasn’t asleep/
Kurt always had trouble sleeping, sometimes he’d call you up in the middle of the night, or when you were over he’d be playing video games while you sat down on his mattress. Begging him to join you and to stop cussing out other people on the game. So it wasn’t super surprising to know he was awake, but you knew that if you were going to fall asleep he wouldn’t.
“Kurt. You awake?” Kurt nearly jumped at the sound of your quiet voice, he could have been fooled that you were asleep. “Y/N- Babe, why aren’t you asleep?” He turned his head over to you, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of your beautiful face but all he could see was the poorly lit room surrounding him. “I can’t sleep.” You muttered softly, hearing him hum in return. “Same.”
You shuffled around, gripping the blankets for support as you were now facing him, while you couldn’t see him you could feel his eyes staring right at you. “Want to cuddle? I heard it's a great way to sleep” Kurt stammering for a bit, trying to find the right word to say through his nervousness. “Umm. Y-yeah.” You smiled, silently fist-pumping yourself before moving closer to him.
When you finally bumped into his chest you wrapped your arms around him. Before bringing you closer to him, smelling his cheap cologne and the faint smell of his fruity vape. Kurt seemed tense for a while, his legs and arms stiff, not moving from the position they were in before. “You alright?” You questioned, a hint of teasing in your voice. But Kurt quickly straightens up, moving his arms to now wrap around your waist.
“Why? does it feel good or not?” He hesitated. “I love it. Feel so comfortable.” You replied, planting your head back onto his chest, quietly hearing his heartbeat pump and beat. After some getting used to Kurt seemed to be getting sleepy, his arms still tightly wrapped around you. But now he changed positions, he now had his face buried into your neck. His hot breath blows against your neck, lightly snoring into your ear too. While you laid there for a minute before finally resting your eyes, pecking Kurt’s hand before drifting off into your sleep.
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coff33notforme · 2 years
Spree headcannons
A/n: So I saw Spree this weekend and I love this pathetic man so heres something for all the Spree fans out there
Kurt Kunkle x gn Reader
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When you first start dating him he’s incredibly awkward 
Whenever you try to hold his hand or hug him he just goes completely stiff 
He likes to pretend he knows how relationships work and act confident around 
Though that fails as soon as you lay a finger on him, show him any sort of physical affection he turns into a sputtering mess 
He’s not confident enough to initiate any sort of affection with you so you’ll have to be the one who gives most of the affection 
That is until he’s comfortable enough to, which will take awhile 
But once he is confident enough, he will become so clingy 24/7 
He’s really sweaty though, so cuddling with him might get a slight bit uncomfortable 
Takes you on late night drives while blasting whatever music you want to listen too
Driving at 2am for junk food is a common occurrence with Kurt
Or he’ll let you sleep in while he sneaks off to the gas station and return with a mountain of chips and candy in his arms 
Loves to watch movies with you, it’s a lame excuse to be close to you but he’ll take it 
He tries to flirt but he ends up getting really awkward and just backs out of whatever he was trying to do
“Are you an Angel?...Cause um”
“Kurt, are you okay?”
His face gets so red from embarrassment, especially if you flirt back with him he has no idea how to respond
My guy loves to cup your face randomly and press soft kisses all over your face while he softly giggles to himself 
Though he has no idea how, he loves to roller skate with you even though he ends up with his face slammed into the pavement 
It’s worth it if he manages to make you laugh 
He loves to have you on his live streams, while his chat spams ‘simp’ 
While he games he likes to have you sit on his lap 
Though it might not be as comfortable when he rages and throws his controller on the ground 
He likes to have you wear his hoodies, he melts when he sees you waddling around in them it brings a smile to his face knowing that you love him enough to wear his clothes 
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Unfinished 4: X-Men
Summary: Kurt/Reader; Kurt helps reader adjust to the new school
 “We heard you deal in mutants.” Charles opens the door to see three figures; two keeping hold of the younger one.
“Yes we do; come in.” He offers, moving farther into his house; the woman moves first; the girl shuffles forward when her father shoves her as he steps inside.
“What exactly is the trouble?”
“How much?”
“Oh to go to school it’s free..”
“No how much will you take her off our hands for…”
“Your hands? Sir, I think you misunderstand…” The man doesn’t flinch, simply tugging the girl's hood down to reveal her skin a faint shimmering gray.
“She’s always been-” he waves his hand and swallows “- but that skin colour is only freaky and then she started doing that power thing after she saw those mutants on the television.” Charles nods as the father explains; the girl doesn’t look at him but he’s having trouble getting inside of her head. 
“Professor; oh sorry.” Kurt hesitates and Charles grins.
“No it’s alright Kurt; could you take her up to one of the spare rooms until we find somewhere to let her stay.” Charles grits his teeth when he can see the mother reaching into her purse to pull out a cheque book.
“Of course; come with-” Kurt doesn’t finish; the girl looks up and suddenly her skin seems to tint dark blue and she grows a tail; she mimics how Kurt looks.
“Teleportation; but only places you’ve been.” She grins smiling with fanged teeth. The tail slashes through the air and she spins trying to grab it to still it.
“See she’s dangerous; can you imagine her seeing one like that in public; her ability to hide is nonexistent.”
“Kurt; thank you.”  Charles seems strained and the girl frowns before Kurt takes her arm and vanishes; reappearing in the hallway.
“This way.”
“Thank you; I’m sorry about my parents.”
“Oh they’re not so bad.”
“They uh; tried; well nevermind….”
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
Jean, Rogue, Kurt, Scott go to another alternate reality and find the reader, who had died in their alternate reality
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Jean ain't taking no shit and would find a way to march to an alternate reality and find reader even if its the last thing she does
Everyone around you can tell how much she cares for you and how much your death absolutely broke her as well as how desperate she was to find you no matter what
She would search everywhere and anywhere she could and couldn't stop crying when she found you after ages of searching
She would never stop looking until she found you <3
She would isolate herself more after you died desperate to find some way to find you again
After managing to get into alternate realities she would search high and low for you and wouldn't rest until she found you despite the pleas of everyone else
After she found you she wouldn't leave your side incase something happened to you again and she lost you once more
To her you are everything
Even though she can't touch you and isn't the most confident of people she makes it known to you how much she loves you
He'd be devastated after your death, wouldn't be himself for ages
The jokes would mostly stop and he would push his teleportation powers to the limit to find you
After finding out you were in an alternate dimension he worked day and night to find out exactly where you were and bring you back
After finding you he was back to how he used to be except he would make sure you were constantly by his side from then on go prevent anything bad happening and show you as much affection as he possibly could
Again, would be devastated and wouldn't be himself
Except he wouldn't show it but would work himself to the bone thinking that your death was his fault
After finding out you were in an alternate dimension he got people to help him find you again desperate to see you even if it was just for a little while
Just one more time.
After he found you he had to give himself sometime to reassure himself that you were there and he wasn't hallucinating due to lack of sleep
He'd be attached to you while rebooting the confident leader front for everyone, finally feeling himself again
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coleaep · 1 year
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Kurt x Reader
WARNINGS: smut, p in v penetration
Lmk If I missed anything;)
760 words;)
“I think she’s finally asleep”.
Kurt comes into the room in just his sweatpants, hanging lowly around his hips. I was tucked into bed, sitting against the headboard, my nose in the latest book i was reading. I put it down as soon as he sat on the end of the bed, exhausted from our 3 year old toddler that didn't seem to ever settle.
"Good job," i praise, as he comes up next to me and tucks himself into bed.
"She's a little shit sometimes," he retorts, wrapping his arms around me and lying his head on my shoulder. I run my hands through his messy hair and let out a laugh.
"Wouldn't have it any other way though," Kurt murmurs, turning his head to place a soft kiss on my neck, just below my ear.
I hum in response, closing my eyes to savour the lingering feeling of his soft lips. His kisses continue to trail from under my ear to my shoulder, pulling down the strap of my tank top.
"How about some mommy and daddy time?" Kurt smiles against my skin, and i let out a laugh as his arms tighten around me.
"Oh yeah?" I tease, turning to Kurt and finally connecting my lips. He moans softly into the kiss, as i move over to straddle his lap. His hands gravitate towards my ass cheeks, grasping them in his big warm hands.
I tilt my head to deepen the kiss, my tongue diving into his mouth. He pulls me closer, our chests pressed together before he breaks away and lifts my tank top over my head. Now skin to skin, his hand travels from my ass to my  breasts, kneading one in his hand. His other hand pulls down on his sweats and boxers, his hard erection springing out and rubbing against my clothed heat. The feeling of his bulge against where i needed it most made a small whimper escape my lips.
"I need to feel you Kurt," i mumble against his lips, moving my own panties to the side as he lines himself up at my entrance. His tip rubs back and forth between my folds, collecting my arousal, before i sink down onto him. He lets out a low moan, his eyes squeezing shut as he feels my tight walls close around him.
"Oh fuck baby," he curses, his hands gripping back onto my ass, helping me rise and fall on his length, quiet moans coming from my own lips as he stretches me out.
"Feels so good," i moan, gripping onto his broad shoulders and digging my nails into his skin, as he buckles his hips up to meet mine in a fast, greedy rhythm.
Our bedroom fills with the echo of my combined moans as i continue to ride Kurt, both of our eyes closed in lust and desperation for the other. It meant that i also didn't notice our door creak open, and the light filtering in from the hallway.
"Mommy? Daddy?"
Both of us stopped and closed our mouths, careful not to make another noise. My heart pound loudly in my chest as i scrambled for my tank top and slipped it back on.
"Just a sec baby", I called behind me to my toddler, who was now standing in the doorway of the bedroom with his plush bear, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his tiny hand.
You got off Kurt, Kurt giving me a look as if to say "oh shit" and pulled up his own sweats, getting out of the bed with me. We both walk slowly over to our toddler, crouching down to his height to speak to him.
"Are you okay princess ?", Kurt asks, scooping him up in his arms and cradling him. I stand to run a hand through his blonde bed hair, as he lets out a tired yawn.
"Yeah, I heard you screaming.. I thought you were hurt," he grumbles, and Kurt tried to stifle the laugh that threatened to escape his lips.
"Mommy? Why were you on daddy?" She asks innocently, her dark doe eyes staring into mine.
"Uh-" i look at Kurt in panic and he shrugs his shoulders with a smile in his face, "we were just playing baby".
"Okay," she says simply, closing his eyes and resting his head against Kurts chest.
"Back to bed princess, no more wondering around," Kurt says, carrying her out of the room. Not before turning around and mouthing, "we'll finish this when I get back".
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motelofmermaids · 10 days
lack of kurt fics on here… 😟 there are so many good gifs for concepts omggg
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
A Toxic Lesson (Kurt X Reader)
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A/N: "I introduce to you...this fucking thing." Lol @lunatictardis talked me into it. I was thinking this could be a series with a story surrounding each murder he does but that's if y'all even like this. This is kind of new for me in the sense of we are going outside of Eddie and Steve and also entering an extremely toxic relationship. Lol. God my damaged ass still wants him between my legs.
I was going to post this tomorrow but I never know how my triggers will work on the holidays so :) Here ya go.
Warnings: This does pull from the movie Spree especially the dialogue. The first passenger is a dick. I tried to bypass the worst things he says in the movie but it's still pretty evident. There is a murder and Kurt is aggressive with the reader. He definitely gaslights her. Please tread carefully if you continue reading <3
Word Count: 3105
You had known Kurt since he first moved to Azuza when you two were kids. You introduced yourself to him out on the playground when you saw him swinging my himself. 
“Hi! I’m Y/N. Can I sit with you?”
“Sure. I’m Kurt!”
You sit next to him swinging your feet to match his pace. “Have you made any new friends yet?”
“You’re the first person to talk to me today.”
“It’s just cause people don’t know you yet.”
His tiny smile made your heart melt. 
As the years went by nothing really felt out of the ordinary with him. Kurt was just an average, outgoing kid. He was always really animated which you loved so when he mentioned starting his own channel you thought it was a great idea. I mean, who wouldn’t love him?
The night he posted his first video to YouTube, he invited you out to celebrate. 
“I’m so excited. This is going to be great and I’ll be famous and everyone will know my name!”, Kurt threw his arms up, the drink in his hand spilling a bit making you laugh. 
“You deserve it. I’ll be your number one fan.”, you smile up at him. 
He’s not sure if it’s the energy of the day, you always supporting him, or just the fact that you looked so beautiful in the outfit you wore out tonight but he abruptly gripped the back of your neck, bring your lips to his. 
You coyly grin up at him. “Well, took you long enough!”
For the next 10 years, Kurt really did put a lot of effort into his account. He tried every bit of content that was out there from gaming to reviews. He even hooked up his phone to record people while he was driving around Spreeing. But his channel never broke into the double digits. 
Over the last year his personality really began to shift from your sweet, charismatic boyfriend to a genuinely broken man. 
“Hey asshole. Your girlfriend is here.” His dad guides you into Kurt’s room. 
“Why do you always have to talk to him like that? What are you even doing here?”
“I came to grab my records. He’s fine. He knows I’m fucking with him. Kurt, I’m going to head out. Clean up your room at least, will you? This place is a mess.”
You glare at him as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. Kurt hadn’t said a word or even made an indication to address your presence. You crawled into his bed turning yourself into the big spoon as you wrapped your arms around him.  
“Baby, are you ok? I’m worried. We haven’t hung out, you barely talk. You haven’t even posted a video in a while to your channel.”
“No one fucking cares about my channel.”
“I do. It makes you happy and you work so hard on it.”
He rolls on to his back and you place your head on his chest as your hand rubs up and down his stomach and sides. 
“Exactly. What’s the point of me working hard if no one cares.”
You sighed frustratingly. “Kurt, I care. People care. They just need to see you like I do.”
He gets off the bed, standing up to look down at you. “What people, Y/N? NO ONE CARES! You’re just one person. How can I get a billion eyes to see me and what I have to offer?”
You get up as well, rising so your face to face with him. “I may just be one person. But I’m the one person who has ALWAYS had your back, Kurt. Honestly, you’re making me feel bad right now. Like my support isn’t valid if you’re not famous or something.”
“I am nothing! Nobody! Without a following who I am?!”
“You’re still Kurt! Jesus! Fuck these people.”
“You don’t get it.”, he hangs his head. 
“You’re right I don’t. I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.” You stomped out of his room, leaving the house slightly annoyed that he didn’t come after you. 
Kurt went MIA for about a month until one day he showed up at your house at 3am, banging on your door. 
“Baby! I had this great idea that can make me go viral. I can finally get the recognition I deserve!”
“That’s great, Kurt. Really happy for you.” You start to shut the door but he blocks it with his hand. “Kurt, it’s 3am and frankly I’m still mad at you. You hurt me.”
“I know, Sweetheart. I know. I was just… I was just in a really low place. I didn’t know what I was saying. You’ve always been there for me from the beginning and I love you for that.” He stepped into your doorway, chest to chest with you. When he looked into your eyes, you saw something there but at the time you didn’t know what it was. “I. Love. You.”
His voice came out low and rough, making your knees weak.
“I love you to, baby.”, you sigh out a breathy moan.
When he made love to you that night, it was the best sex either of you had. Well, you two had only been with each other but usually Kurt was gently and kind of shy with his body and your own. That night he took what belonged him and left the love bites on your skin to prove it. 
He started uploading videos again and it made you smile because his old personality was starting to show through again. There were moments though when he would post something that gave you pause. 
“Kurt, should you be uploading videos like this? How to put poison in water bottles and hide it? I mean even if its fake what if a kid tries this.”
“Honey, its fine. It’s all a part of the lesson.”
“You haven’t told me what exactly that is and now I’m worried if it has fake stuff like this. What if someone takes it seriously and you get arrested or worse?”
He turned around in his gaming chair and leaned forward, tugging you on his lap. “Don’t worry, baby. Trust me. This will be amazing and you’ll be with me.”
“Oh, Kurt. I don’t know. You know how I feel about being on camera.”
“Y/N. This is the most important move of my professional career. I want you there.”
His words came out with sincerity but his tone was stern. Kurt wasn’t asking, he was telling you to be a part of this with him. 
You watched him with a small smile as he spoke into the cameras attached to his windows. 
“Actually, hold up. Real step one? Get. Your. Rig. To. Gether!”
When he leaned over you to reference the camera on your window, you giggled at him. Kurt kissed your cheek before turning back to the camera in his backseat. You loved seeing this side of him again even if it was just for the cameras. You still missed the days when he was a dork just for you. Kurt got out of the car, talking to the camera through the rear windshield. 
“Hey mom!”
You shifted your body to watch him run inside the house. Kurt’s phone dinged and a female robot voice from the app he was recording from started talking.
“Y/N. Why are you still with that loser?”
You make a disgusted face at his phone. “Shut the fuck up, Bobby.”
You jump at the sound of scream coming from Kurt’s house. After a minute, Kurt closes his front door and shuffle runs to the car. 
“What was that?”
“What was what?” You point towards the house. “Oh, my mom dropped something but she’s ok. Did someone say something?” He scrolls through his phone. “Hey Bobby. Oh my god. He’s so funny.”
He hooks his phone back to its dock as he starts to drive away. 
You guys drive for a while before a ride comes through. Kurt stops at a house to pick his new passenger Fredrick. You give him a warm smile and he does the same. Kurt lies telling the man that the cameras are for security. You sit there silently, listening to them talk. Fredrick mentions that he’s been working on speech and is headed to an event with 3,000 people. 
Kurt’s eyes light up as he asks the man to tell his followers how he grew his audience to that size. Out of nowhere, Fredrick starts talking about “men like us” growing on social media. 
“What do you mean ‘Men like us?’”
“White men.”
Your eyes widen as Kurt continues to face the window. 
“You’re white, aren’t you?”, Fredrick asks and your boyfriend confirms. 
His passenger continues to spew racist, sexist, and homophobic comments as Kurt tries to talk to him telling him how it’s “not cool”. 
He suddenly presses on the breaks causing you and his ride fly forward. 
“Jesus! There’s a lot of stop signs.”
“Yeah.” Kurt ducks his head, looking around. “I don’t see any cops around. Should I run through this next one?”
“Kurt, no.”, you reach for his arm.  
He glances at you as he runs past the stop sign. “Geez, baby. I almost forgot you were there. You’ve been so quiet. Fredrick, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. We’ve been together for about ten years. Can you believe that?”
“Hm. Are you a snowflake as well?”
You roll your eyes at Fredrick, jumping as Kurt runs another stop sign. “The man asked you something, sweetie.”
“Kurt, stop it.”
Fredrick laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes. See Kurt, this is what I was saying. You have to keep your woman in line.”
Kurt’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. You know he hates what this guy is saying as much as you do. He takes a right turn down a deserted dirt road you don’t recognize. 
“Hey, remember there’s water back there if you need it.”, he pointed towards the water bottle he had stuffed in the seat pocket. 
“Kurt, what are you doing?”, you tone comes out low but forceful. You reach for his arm again but he still doesn’t acknowledge you. Instead, he leans forward turning on the radio. 
Both your eyes shift to the back seat when you hear Fredrick coughing.
“Hey, are there a lot of members in your group? You should let them know you’re not going to make it.”
“That’s not funny.” Your eyes widen as his whole demeanor remains calm. 
“Does this water have like a taste to it?” Fredrick starts coughing harder, taking in more water hoping it will help. 
“What are you talking about? It’s just pure water!” Kurt smiles into the rearview as one of his previous videos run through your head. 
“It’s perfect. Check this out. I already have bunch done.” He turns the camera lens to show a bunch of water bottles in a box. 
“Oh my god, Kurt!”, you reach your hand towards the back to take Fredricks bottle but your boyfriend grabs your wrist, holding it to you as he pushes you back against the seat. 
You watch in horror as the man flails in the back seat, Kurt moving his head out of the way as he continues to hold you down. After what feels like forever, everything is silent. Fredrick stops moving as his body falls and his eyes close.
His eyes flick to the back, before Kurt smiles at the camera, releasing you to grab his sunglasses and hold up a peace sign. He keeps driving until he pulls off into an abandoned area not too far from your house. You used to take him here when you were growing up when he needed to get out of house, away from his family and stress. 
He moves around beside you, tapping his phone before you hear the beeping of all 5 cameras in the car turning off. You move your head meeting his eyes. He had taken off his sunglasses and threw them back in-between your seats. There was a small moment where the world stopped and you were lost in each other’s gaze. Where Kurt wasn’t the guy who just murdered someone with you in the car on camera but the small boy you met on the swing set who made you laugh. 
You both opened your car doors at the same time as you sprinted away from the vehicle. He tackles you as you both tumble to the ground. Kurt’s arms wrap around from behind you, gripping your arms as he pulls you to your feet. He tugs you towards the car, throwing you against the trunk as he pinned you with his body, his hand roughly covering your mouth. 
“This is what I’ve been planning. This is part of the lesson. I brought you because I wanted you to experience this with me. You said you supported me. That you would always be my number one fan.” His tone changed becoming more authoritative. “Support. Me.”
A tear escaped your eye and landed on his hand. Kurt blinked as if he was just now realizing he was pinning you down. “Oh honey, you’re shaking. I would never hurt you. Not like that.” He pointed towards his backseat. His hand slid from your mouth as his fingers caressed your cheek. 
“You ARE hurting me.” You try to move your body but you can’t against his hold. 
“You ran.”
“You scared me. This is scaring me. This isn’t you, Kurt. Let’s just stop this.” You look around helplessly, not noticing his eyes start to glaze over. “I can…we can bury the body. No one will find it. No one’s on the stream so no one saw and Bobby will think its fake. We can delete everything—”
His hand comes to wrap around your throat interrupting your train of thought. “People will see it. No one may be on now but they will. Bobby will tell his following and they’ll watch. They’ll see the lesson.”
Something in your own eyes causes his head to tilt as he released his hold slightly so you could speak. “You’re a fucking idiot if you think Bobby is going to help you. He has never helped you before what makes you think he will now?!”
“He’s my friend.”
“He’s a little shit you used to babysit. He’s a terrible fucking person. Why would you want to be like him?! Just because he has millions of followers? Geez, Kurt, I thought you were better than that.”
“Take it back.” You shook your head and he pressed himself further into you until his nose was hovering over yours. “He’s my friend. He’s a legend. Take. It. Back.”
“Make me.”
His lips crashed down on to yours and you deepened it, mewling at the taste of him. You pushed against his hold trying to free your arms from his grasp but he wouldn’t allow it. Kurt was in control here. 
He spun you around, pressing his chest against your back. You didn’t even notice when he dropped your forearms to hastily unbuckle your belt, roughly pulling your pants and panties down. Even though you could hear his quick movements behind you, you felt like he wasn’t moving fast enough. 
You needed him inside of you desperately. 
Kurt breached your entranced easily, moaning at the feeling of your slick practically dripping down your legs. His body encased yours as he held you against the car, aggressively thrusting into you. His big hands were on either side of your arms on top of the trunk and you reached for them, intertwining your fingers with his. 
You wanted to speak to him but you couldn’t find words. Every time his cock pushed into you your brain stopped working. All you could focus on was how good his dick felt buried inside of you. Your pussy started to tighten around him and you whined when his hips abruptly stopped moving. 
Kurt’s lips hovered over your ear. “Take it back.” 
You shook your head. “Fuck him.”
He began thrusting into you again, this time bringing his hand down to rub circles on your clit. You felt yourself getting close to that edge and you whimper when he stops again. 
“Kurt, please.”
“Baby, I thought you loved me. I don’t like you disrespecting my friends.” He pulls out, turning you around to face him as his fingers reach down again to continue their assault on your nub. 
You feel like you want to cry but you try to control it, not giving him the satisfaction. “He’s not your friend. I’M your friend. I’ve been your best friend since we were kids. I-I-I…” Kurt slides his length into you again, pumping slowly as his fingers pick up speed. He watches your face as it contorts in pain and pleasure. 
When he stops again, you feel your will give. You can’t take it anymore. “I take it back.” 
“What was that?”
“I said I take it back! I’m sorry, Kurt. Please, it hurts. I love you so much. I’m sorry.” You close your eyes as you continue to plead with him. 
Something in the atmosphere changes as his touches become gentler. He reaches for your arms, interlocking them around his neck as he grabs your thigh, lifting your leg up to his waist. 
Kurt thrusts into you again but he’s a lot less rough and more precise. The tip of his cock hitting that spot inside of you every single time. When you finally open your eyes, they are met with his gorgeous honey ones. They are much softer now and filled with love for you. 
This is the man you fell in love with. You feel the coil about to snap and this time he doesn’t stop. Your body trembles in his hands as you cum hard around him. Kurt holds you against him as he chases his own high. His head falls on to your shoulder as he grunts, releasing ropes of his seed inside of you. 
You reach up, brushing his hair out of his eyes when he finally leans his head up to look at you. 
“Baby, trust me. This will all be worth in the end, I promise.”
You look in his earnest, hopeful eyes.
“Have you made any new friends yet?”
“You’re the first person to talk to me today.”
“It’s just cause people don’t know you yet.”
Oh, they were about to know him but no one would ever understand him or love him the way you did. After a couple of minutes, you finally nod your head. 
 “Ok, so what happens next?”
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weezerblue · 2 years
kurt kunkle hcs (nsfw + sfw)
he definitely sings the adlibs in songs, sometimes only the adlibs and he'll just let you sing all the other words
most of the time he falls asleep before you and just leans his head on your shoulder and it's the cutest thing ever
he doesn't know how to cook like, at all so you'll have to either cook for the both of you or order something
he is pretty damn good at cleaning (what do you think he does with the dead bodies)
so if you need something cleaned, he has no problem but with cooking..... yeah he's definitely gonna burn the house down
if you introduce him to a game he'll immediately wanna know all about it so he can play with you
he remembers how to play at least one song on recorder from 5th grade and he brags about it endlessly, doesn't matter if you're dating him or not
he would have stacks upon stacks of essays sitting in his closet about pointless subjects because he wants to get all his opinions out on paper just in case someone randomly quizzes him on it which almost never happens, he just likes to be prepared
he'll hold both of your hands down above your head with only one of his hands and you're honestly always shocked when he does it like it's the first time
he loves and I mean LOVES saying lil phrases during sex like when you're this 🤏 close to cumming he'll just quietly whisper to himself "yeah that's right, tell me how much you like it" and he genuinely doesn't realize what it does to you to the full extent
on the topic of stuff he'll say during sex, here are some nicknames he'll call you: cutie, babe, puppy, honey, and sweetie
while you're on his lap he's gonna kiss your neck from behind and rub your thigh gently, he doesn't know why but it helps him relax but it's counter intuitive in a way because this always ends in him eating you out in the middle of the living room
likes to feel loved during sex so if you tell him that you love him or kiss him a lot he actually might cry (and cum)
he wants and expects you to choke him, if you don't do it yourself he'll just grab your wrist and lead it up to his neck and tell you to squeeze. doesn't even want you to be gentle with it either, like take out all of your frustration on this mf cause he likes it
he's such a giver onggg he won't refuse if you wanna give him head, he just prefers being in between your thighs, making his favorite person feel good.
once in a while he likes to call you mommy, especially while fucking your brains out. "mommy's just so pretty isn't she?" meanwhile you literally can't speak cause of how good he's fucking you
if you agree to do the sex tape with him, he'll be so giddy n shit but you're most likely gonna have to take the lead, he's camera shy
a VERY loud moaner so yall are gonna have to either do it at your house or in his car, literally anywhere without any risk of anyone seeing/hearing
an avid sexter, and a good one too. ends off all his messages with "♡︎"
he just wants to do good for you so everytime without fail, he's always like "did that feel nice?" and "you like that?" paying close attention to your body language and sounds
malewife kurt. giving you massages after work, tidying up your room every few weeks cause he knows how hard it is to keep it clean, making sure he has your favorite snacks on hand cause he can't cook. and you reward him for this by railing him against the counter
you'd buy him a skirt saying "itd be comfortable baby, just try it!" and he does because why not,
but really it's just for "easy access" as you'd like to call it and he purposely wears shorter and shorter ones just for you
loves loves loves cockwarming because it gives him an opportunity to be as close to you as he wants and also he can just lay there and relax with you, probably falling asleep and getting woken up by pure horniness.
owns at least one sex toy, probably a fleshlight that he fucks when you're not around, thinking of you and while looking at pictures of you. he sees it as him showing his love for you in a more "extreme" way as he would say
A/N: I loved writing this if y'all want more thoughts on him lmk because this is just the beginning
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