pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
The Colossus’ Cricket
GT July 2022 Masterpost: Day 2 - Different Era 
Author’s Note: Inspired my some various Giant knight ladies drawn by @cloudwatchingtoday, @herebegiants, and @chamomile-g-tea. This AU (tentatively named the “Knight!” or “Colossus!”) takes in elements from some of my favorite fantasy settings while giving them a fun Dungeons & Dragons flavored twist! Big props to whoever can figure out the massive Easter Egg sitting at the very center of this one-shot. I hope y’all enjoy. 🥺💜
[Knight Colossus!AU]
Word Count: 2298
CW: Light reference to blood
Alice never made it to bed last night. Though that was hardly surprising, he rarely ever did.
His impromptu pillow was a bestiary that he was in the process of penning–though he often fell asleep mid-sentence with his quill still in hand. Not that he found the subject boring, mind you; on the contrary, cataloging the magical creatures that roamed the hinterlands on behalf of the Oquirrh Lyceum of Arcane Arts was his dream come true!
But such an assignment was no small feat. Terrible things stalked the countryside, and some horrors were even bold enough to strike out in broad daylight. Most nights Alice spent transcribing notes collected from codexes, interviews with other arcanozoologists, and eye-witness accounts gathered from various sellswords and adventurers who frequented the highways and byways. Even after all that was done, he still needed time to include his own observations of these creatures. Because of the enormity of the task, it left Alice burning the wick at both ends.
Thankfully, he had big help collecting data.
Alice inhaled sharply as his desk was rocked. Around his study filled with trinkets and bobbles, everything shook for a moment. He jolted up in his chair–a few loose leaflets of papers still stuck to the side of his face. Alice’s eyes were wide, his hair was a mess, and his glasses’ frame was bent out of shape. He swallowed as he waited again…was it a Landshark? A Creeping Boomwalker?
Another tremble. This one was a bit stronger. He wetted his lips nervously as he waited. And then another–this one stronger still.
Alice’s heart began to race as a fourth tremor rocked him to his senses, then a fifth.
It was the familiar cadence of footsteps. Grand footsteps
The alchemist quickly swiped the papers off his face and quickly moved to rise from his chair; however, sharp pain jolted up his legs that seemed to yank him by the ankles. With a yelp of surprise, he promptly fell flat on his face. As he lay in a wiry heap, he came to realize his legs weren’t quite as awake at this moment as he thought. With a silly string of made-up words acting as “curses,” Alice rose to his wobbly, tingling feet and stumbled down the steps and out the door.
It was a surprisingly cool morning despite the heat of Highsummer. Alice could hear the chirping of doves mixed with sounds of businesses beginning to open up one by one…
…and, of course, the sound of titanic metal plating clinking against one another as a shadow fell over the sleepy hamlet. 
The Knight Colossus had returned.
Ladened in heavy armor reforged from the hull from an Ogryn Dreadnought the size of a city, the Knight Colossus gleamed in the morning sun as she lumbered into Lakeshore. The tattered hem of her crimson tabard waved like lazy castle banners as she lumbered forward with her quarry.
Alice bit his lip as he admired her approach. Her titanic stature cut an impressive image on the horizon. Given her incredible strength and broad physique, she truly was a Giant amongst Giants. And though Alice was no stranger to seeing beasts great and small, and creatures from both the Heavens and the Hells, none held a candle to the sublime grandeur of the Knight Colossus.
Finding himself staring for far too long, Alice shook his head. He clicked his boots, felt the wall-walking enchantment activate, and quickly scampered up the side of his two-story, cobbled-together “research center.” He could hear the windows begin to rattle as the Knight Colossus’ heavy footfalls grew nearer and nearer.
As he finally got up onto the roof–and before he could even catch his breath–the sun was blotted out as her shadow fell over his eclectic abode.
“Good morning, my little love.”
Though the two story home sat on a hill, it barely came up to her waist. The monolithic maiden had a dragon slung over one bulky shoulder, and had pulled up behind her what could only be described as a sort of bizarre, living “library” as if it had been a child’s sled. Her massive sword, one carved from the heart of an Iron Titan, remained impaled through its chitinous belltower.
“G-Good morning, Lady Freyja.” Alice stammered at first. His cheeks flushed first by the exercise, but now also by the immediate sight of her as well. His eyes lingered on the eldritch architecture, but he moved his gaze up towards the dragon. “I-I-I can’t believe you brought me a DRAGON this time! And, um…” He was practically bouncing with excitement as he eyed the bizarre building that seemed to have muscles within the structure that twitched. “...and whatever that is…”
Lady Freyja, the Knight Colossus, threw her helmeted head back with a booming laugh. The casual way draped the dragon carcass over the roof not too far from Alice was like watching a fisher depositing their catch. She reached up and pulled off her helmet with one hand–her flaxen hair glistened under the morning rays. Alice frowned slightly as he noticed a new bruise on her cheek–one that was easily the size of a wagon. His heart slowed down as his brow knit with visible worry.
“You glow when you’re excited, my wren…how could I possibly resist bringing you a beast grander than the last?” Lady Freyja grinned. Her gargantuan smile was enough to make Alice’s heart racing back to a flustered tempo once more.
“Th-that bruise is new....” Alice stammered as he tried changing the subject to hide his twitterpation; however, that was easier said than done when it came to the Knight Colossus. “Are you alright, my Frey?”
Lady Freyja chuckled as she rested an armored palm on the pommel of her sword. “I’m well enough off, my dear Alice…a little bruise to the face is nothing new for me.”
“The bruise is bigger than I am.” Alice pointed out as he rummaged through his pockets for the correct arcane tools to begin the post mortem examination.
Lady Freyja exhaled as she took a heavy seat by the hill. With all that armor and muscle, it was little wonder why the earth buckled and shook in reply. Lady Freyja smiled and leaned against the hillside, her thick, plated arm reaching out and wrapping around the home as she scooted closer still. She wanted to get a better look at Alice.
“If you’re so worried about my bruise, my love,” Lady Freyja mused with a coy grin, “perhaps you can help me tend to my scrapes? I wouldn’t mind your gentle touch, after all.”
Her smooth words hit Alice like a shovel to the face. He squeaked as he fumbled and nearly dropped his tools over the railing. Lady Freyja had foreseen a possible fall, as she already had a hand placed at the roof’s edge. She knew how susceptible Alice was to her flirtations. Her loving laughter made Alice’s ribs rattle. 
After a moment of catching his breath, Alice readjusted his glasses and swallowed hard. He sheepishly looked up towards his looming lover and quietly replied, “I…would love to help clean you up later, my love…” 
Lady Freyja grinned widely. Her own cheeks now flushed with heat of their own as she bit her lip. “Good...I’d like that.”
Now in proper danger of cardiac arrest after seeing Lady Freyja bite her lip, Alice swiftly turned his attention to the slain dragon she had gifted him. The dragon in question was one of scarlet and beige scales, golden horns, and three tails that ended in curled, wine-colored hooks. It was perhaps only 50ft in length. ”Only” might seem like an ill-fitting adverb to describe a dragon of all things, but considering the fact the Knight Colossus herself was twice that the alchemist had a bit of a skewed perspective on what was “grand” anymore.
“This…is a Crimson Hooktail, if I’m not mistaken.” Alice pointed with one of his instruments towards the eponymous tails as he drew closer to the beast’s flank. As he spoke, Lady Freyja leaned in closer. Alice set to work drawing a vial’s worth of blood first; dragon’s blood was exceedingly rare, and chock full of precious, alchemical properties. 
“They are more ambitious and cunning compared to other dragons–they’re far more willing to make deals and try to deceive mortals.” Alice topped off the first vial with a cork and tucked it into an elixir bandolier. He set to work on a second vial, with a third held ready between his free fingers for when the second was filled. “They seem to favor Tortles and Myconids as a staple of their diet; however, no one is quite sure why…”
Alice lit up and chirped like a songbird as an idea came to mind. “...perhaps it has something to do with coevolution? The Myconids and Tortles of the far east have shared the region for generations…perhaps there’s some innate magical qualities to that land that have infused both races with a magical nutrient that the Hooktails crave! I know the area is also frequented by Celestial visitors, so perhaps that has something to do with it as well!”
Alice furrowed his brow in deep contemplation. The Knight Colossus’ pale green eyes sparkled as she watched how Alice spoke so vibrantly at first, but now harnessed that same passion into a smoldering look of concentration.
After the third vial, Alice set to work on procuring some of the crimson, shield-sized scales. “Oh! I almost forgot, they have an adverse reaction to Orthoptera.”
Lady Freyja almost didn’t catch that last part. “Orthoptera?” Freyja tilted her head to the side with curiosity.
Alice blinked. “Oh! My apologies, my love. Those are things such as, ah…crickets, locusts, grasshoppers–things of similar likeness. Though only theories exist as to why, it’s unmistakable how much a Hooktail recoils and whimpers at the sight of them. Reports have indicated visible symptoms of distress, terror, and even nausea.”
After removing a fourth scale, Alice set the scale aside and leaned up against the bulk of the beast to catch his breath and wipe his brow. 
“Isn’t it curious how such a mighty creature could be moved to fear by a little thing?” Alice mused as he licked his dry lips. “Imagine: a dragon cowing before a cricket.”
The Knight Colossus’ lips curled into a smile. Her low, rumbling chuckle caused her armor to shake. “Why, I don’t think it’s too surprising at all! In a way, I believe I can sympathize with the dragon.”
“Oh?” Alice blinked as he looked up at her. “You don’t have a fear of crickets, do you? I feel like I would’ve remembered that…”
“Well, no. Not quite,” Lady Freyja clarified with a coy smile. She reached up with her free hand towards Alice, and rested a curled finger the size of a man under his chin. His eyes widened at the touch of the cool metal plating. Wordlessly, he allowed her to tilt his gaze up to meet hers. Lady Freyja lowered her face till she nearly filled his horizon–her own eyes studied every detail of Alice’s enamored face. As she breathed in to speak, Alice’s breath was taken away–figuratively and literally. His hair and loose shirt moved with her breathing as if they were shafts of wheat in the wind.
Lady Freyja expression softened as the words rolled out like warm, Duskspring thunder, “However, I still am quite familiar with how such a little thing could rattle a mighty beast to its very core. And how, as you said, in the most inexplicable way, all of the beast’s attention is fixated on a single, unassuming thing...”
She paused, then leaned in closer still. Alice squeaked softly. Lady Freyja’s lips now brushed his face as she spoke. She smelled of teakwood and spices. “...I understand how maddening it feels to be, like the dragon, powerless of how my heart races seeing such powerful little creature…”
Her inhale ruffled his hair before she finally leaned in and simply kissed Alice across his face and chest. Lady Freyja could feel his heart racing against her–she could feel his little hands grip into the plushness of her lower lip as if it were a lifeboat. She felt the heat in his face. Alice tasted of lavender and honey; it was something she had missed for some time now. She couldn’t help but firm up her kiss
After a few, beautiful moments that felt like decades, the two finally parted lips. Parties both great and small panted as they sought to catch their breath. Their eyes never left one another. Their lips twitched into shy, flustered smiles–as if they were children who just experienced a kiss for the first time.
“W-Wow…” Alice breathed softly. “I-I’ve…I’ve missed you, my colossus. Truly, my heart yearns when you are away. I-I wait patiently to see your visage looming over the horizon, but even then I find myself-”
A gurgling growl. Something moved behind Lady Freyja.
The library.
Wasn’t it supposed to be dead? Also Lady Freyja NEVER explained what the heck that thing even was that she had brought him.
Alice gasped. “F-Frey-”
Lady Freyja pressed a finger to Alice’s lips. “Hold that thought.”
Then with a thunderous roar, Lady Freyja quickly drew a Kraken-tooth dagger from her belt and whirled about to tackle the writhing, screaming library. The ground rocked beneath them as the two leviathans wrestled at the foot of the hill.
Shaken now by both the kiss and the seeming self-resurrection of a sentient, living library, Alice walked over to the railing of the roof and rested against it. He couldn’t help but watch with loving awe and lip-swept hair as he marveled at the sight of his beloved: the Knight Colossus, Lady Freyja.
It was good to have her home.
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archerinventive · 1 year
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Spring days got me like. 🪷🌸🪻
Things have been so busy lately, but I just had to stop and take a moment to enjoy this amazing weather we've been having. ☀️
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. ❤️
This image from 2021 is inspired by @elenaskitalets' gorgeous rendition of “Freya”.
I highly recommend checking out Elena’s wondrous art page @ https://www.artstation.com/skitalets
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR Specific Reader Type Romantic Masterlist
Plus Sized Reader
Artist Reader with Surprise Gift
Slavic Goddess
Short Reader
Baker Y/N
Long Hair
Naga Reader
La Muerte Reader
Warrior Woman Love
Forest Goddess Yandere
Forest Goddess Yandere 2
Beautiful Plush
Stunning Beauty
Killer Wife (yandere)
Sweet but Deadly First Meetings
Lovely Knight
Mother Witch
Lovely Angel
Freyja Reader
Emotionless Reader
Gentle Giant Reader
Gentle Giant Reader Problems
Amaterasu Reader
Emotionally Constipated Reader
Winter Moon Goddess
Burnt Out Devil Fluff
Runaway Princess
Super Strong Sunshine Goddess
Fairy Dust Researcher
Horror Survivor Reader
Persephone Reader
Reincarnation Deity
Maid Reader (yandere)
Doctor Reader
Star Goddess with Protective Parents
Giant with a Burn
Corpse Husband Reader
Strong Cupcake
Witch Reader
Loving Goddess
Shinto Miko
;-; Reader
Norse Beauty
Angel of Blind Justice
Fear User Reader
Angel Powerhouse
Warrior Queen Reader
Short Cupcake Love
Goddess of Knowledge
Female Warrior x God Fighters
Goddess of Humanity
Kick Ass Nun Darling
Darling Mother Nun
Long Fabulous Hair
Cowgirl Reader
Guerilla Leader Reader
Beautiful Knight
Obedient Reader
Gothic Lolita Reader
Fangirl Reader
Siren Reader
Siren Reader - Differences with Hunting
Goddess of Many Hats
Master Warrior Maiden Reader
Kianna Reader
Kianna Reader Part 2
Kianna Reader Part 3
Kianna Reader Part 4
Kianna Reader Teary Reunion
Kianna Reader- Daddy Knows Best
Kianna Reader- New Family
Kianna Reader- Normal
Kianna Reader x Loki- First Meetings
Kianna Reader x Hades- My Angel
Kianna Reader x Poseidon- Bloody Defenses
Kianna Reader x Poseidon- Fighting
Kianna Reader x Thor HCs
Calamity Jane Reader
Joan of Arc Reader
Sadistic Cupcake
Typhon’s Little Princess
Sassy Reader
Male Demonic Vessel Reader
Male Demonic Vessel Reader part 2
Male Emperor Reader: After the Battle
Terminal Reader
Ringmaster Reader
Short Latina Lover
Giant Mood Goddess Reader
Giant Reader- Happy Reunion
Demonic Lost Love
Sentient Hair
Sister Rosa Reader x Buddha
Curly Haired Reader
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websitewizard2005 · 3 months
A guide to my OCs!
hey guys, figured i’d make this post because i have a shit ton of OCs that i post a lot of and i haven’t really explained most of them. they’re all part of different stories/universes, so i’ll be listing them based off of that.
Rex Sucks at Bass
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Rex Sucks at Bass, or RSAB, is my webcomic. as of making this post, i’ve posted the entire first chapter! i’ve been planning this comic since late 2021 and i’m holding myself accountable to finish it no matter what. it’s a supernatural/coming of age story that takes place in 2009 about young adult named Rex who has to deal with relationship issues, worries about his future, sexuality crises, and of course, the impending apocalypse. also all the characters are anthro animals but that’s mostly because they’re easier to draw than people. some prominent characters from RSAB are Rex Xavier, Frederick Zhansky, Henri Bal, Sylvia Rose, Alex “Cowboy” Lorenzo, Lola Ramon, Scott “Spott” Simmons, and Marvin Xavier.
We’re Just Young
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We’re Just Young is a fake sitcom about teenagers making bad decisions and friendship. it has a bunch of storylines i’ve planned out, but i mostly just draw the characters out of context. its main character is Gilbert Quarters, who is a gay bass player just like every single other character i’ve ever created. its main story takes place in 1997-98, during the characters senior year of high school. there’s also a “spin-off” to We’re Just Young, which follows Gilbert and a few others in college as they form a band called The Halloween Goats and gain some mainstream success as both musicians and ghost hunters. some prominent characters in We’re Just Young are Gilbert Quarters, Gerry Dawson, Marzy Lee, and Jackson Jefferson. some more prominent characters in the spin-off are Raymond Emerson, Wallace Waxman, Leo Hall, Jimmy Nickel, and Sebastian Ingalz.
Untitled Space Story
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when i was 13 i read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and thought “I need to write my own sci-fi story” and then this past summer i got really into Star Wars and ELO and decided to revamp the whole thing. Untitled Space Story follows the adventures of a small crew assembled by infamous space pilot Sonya Blasmo, who is essentially the butch lesbian version of a cross between Zaphod Beeblebrox and Han Solo. she was “retired” because she accidentally turned her wife into a robot but nobody knows that! all they know is that she’s taking to the skies again! the other characters in Untitled Space Story are Alexis “AL3X15” Goldberg, Mindinoma Lycentine, Mariella Young, Sheldon Spinelli, and Casper “Capers” McFarlin.
Max Dallas is Not a Lesbian
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a really shitty, simple love triangle story about lesbians at some sort of shitty boarding school in the mid-2000s. the only three characters are Maxine “Max” Dallas, Phoebe Jean Weathers, and Francesca “Frankie” Knight. i created this one like a week ago.
Friends of Daisy Harrisson
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Friends of Daisy Harrisson is a musical i wrote, and i don’t draw the characters too often, but i figured i’d still put it on this list. it’s got a really vague story, essentially Daisy goes missing and her wife (Freyja Windsnap), ex-husband (Jim Hartley), and childhood best friend (Barneston Williams) are all brought together through her disappearance.
i have a few other miscellaneous OCs that i draw on occasion, but those are all the main ones! thanks for bearing with me on this long post. if you’re curious about these guys/their stories, feel free to check out their tags! i’ve posted a lot of other character/story info outside of this post. also feel free to send me asks about them like please send me asks about my OCs that is my dream.
fun fact: Rex Sucks at Bass, We’re Just Young, Friends of Daisy Harrisson, and Max Dallas is Not a Lesbian all take place in the same town! mostly because i do not want to create another town. the only reason Untitled Space Story does not take place in that town is because it takes place in space.
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ishgardmuffin · 9 months
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"Knight of Falling Snow"
--- Weeelllll I couldn't sleep much so I am here to fulfill a promise I made to myself to take more pictures of lovely miss Freyja. I do plan to take more pictures of her in different outfits once I am not quite so drained. Until then, please enjoy!
--- Please do not reblog my WoLs, OCs or lore with the intention of using them as inspiration for you own. This isn't and never will be an inspo blog. Thank you. ♡ --- Dividers by @cafekitsune
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kachikirby · 3 months
Mostly Extensive List of my Comfort Characters
Friends told me to embrace the potential cringe and create a list of characters from media I like that I consider my comfort characters. I'm going to put all of them under a cut since there might be a lot.
If this makes me cringe, then I am cringe, but I am at least free.
Also I will say a lot of my OCs are my comfort characters, but this is for characters that aren't my OCs. Italiced characters are like some of my personal favorite characters.
Kirby series
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Fate series
Theyber/Yamato Takeru
Iori Miyamoto
Arthur Pendragon
Murasaki Shikabu
Sengo Muramasa
Sei Shonagon
Cu Chulliann
Okita Souji
Hijikata Toshizo
Waver Velvet
SD Gundam franchise
Knight Gundam
Musha Gundam
Musha Noomaru/Onmitsu Gundam
Musha Victory Gundam
Kouki Gundam
Musha Godmaru
Kokuryu Gundam
King Gundam II
Mystery Knight Neo Gundam
Selenis Knight Luna Gundam
Devil Dragon Blade Zero Gundam
Knight Unicorn Gundam
Vassal Duke Strike Freedom Gundam
Valkyrie Gundam Hazel
Gundam series (not SD)
Amuro Ray
Bellri Zenam
Asemu Asuno/Captain Ash
Zeheart Gallet
Cagalli Yula Athla
Rey Za Burrel
Suletta Mercury
Elan Ceres 4
Fumina Hoshino
Domon Kasshu
Uryu Ishida
Ichigo Kurosaki
Rukia Kuchiki
Orihime Inoue
Renji Abarai
Yachiru Kusajishi
Yoruichi Shihoin
Bambietta Basterbine
Askin Nakk Le Var
Vanillaware Games
Keitaro Miura
Natsuno Minami
Blue Archive
Pretty much everyone in C & C (Especially Asuna Ichinose)
Aris Tendou
Aru Rikuhachima
Koharu Shimoe
Hifumi Ajitani
Kayoko Onikata
Tsurugi Kenzaki
Azur Lane
New Jersey
Gargantia on the Verduous Planet
The King of Fighters
Leona Heidern
Ash Crimson
Terry Bogard
Rock Howard
Fire Emblem series
Disgaea series
The World Ends with You
Shiki Misaki
Neku Sakuraba
Mashin Hero Wataru
Wataru Ikusabe
God Eater series
Ciel Alençon
Gilbert McLane
Persona series
Shinjiro Aragaki
Naoto Shirogane
Yusuke Kitagawa
Macross series
Alto Saotome
Ranka Lee
Freyja Wion
Back Arrow
Back Arrow
Shu Bi
Others (Series that only have like one character)
Ryogi Shiki (Kara no Kyokai)
Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars)
Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Yuudias Velgear (Yu Gi Oh! Go Rush)
Switch (Sket Dance)
Violet Evergarden
Black Jack/Kuro Hazama (Black Jack)
Reiji Moritsugu (Linebarrels of Iron)
Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magia)
Kitaro (Gegege no Kitaro)
Rosalina (Mario)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Strider Hiryu (Strider)
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athingofvikings · 1 year
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 152: The Shepherd And The Flock
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Chapter 152: The Shepherd And The Flock
Folklore continued to evolve in the North Sea Empire, despite the claims of certain prescriptivist academics to the contrary. While certainly there were heroic tales of the exploits of the leading families and individuals of the Empire, there were other, more wide-ranging developments beyond these individual works. One of the most infamous examples is how, within the space of a generation, an entire new class of minor malevolent entity had entered the stories and traditions of many of the ethnic and cultural groups in the Empire—that of the kroaziad, taken from the Brezhoneg word for crusader. By the 1070s, instances of this genre of folklore and folktales were commonly recorded, and it is possible to track the development and spread of this particular class over the prior and subsequent decades.
While the particulars differ between different ethnic and social groups, the general commonalities of the kroaziad are that they are disembodied malicious spirits sourced from the souls of Christian Crusaders slain in their attacks on Imperial communities; that their abilities , in their weakened state, mostly amount to causing minor problems and inconveniences for the household thus afflicted; and that their agreed-upon leader is the knight Sir Henry of Brittany. Other details vary between different groups. On the topic of removal, for example, the Breizhad hold that the best way to be rid of them is to shake a pouch filled with dragon-scales, while the Jews state that they cannot stand running water, and the Danes believe that a hearth-fire will repel them. The reasons for the spirits staying in this world and not moving onto the afterlife are likewise varied; among the Breizhad, the local psychopomp, Ankou, is believed to refuse to allow them to sully their cart, while the Jews state that the spirits themselves are responsible for their circumstance through a rejection of accepting responsibility for their crimes, and the Swedes state that neither Odin, Freyja, Rán, nor Hel allowed them into their realms, citing ‘standards’.
—Ten Thousand Living Tales: The Oral Traditions, Cordova Academic Press Ltd., 1545
AO3 Link
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marmotish · 2 years
What was Freyja's relationship with Rowan like + how did she take when they died?
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Oof. 😅
Freyja didn’t really have (long-lasting) friends when she was little. So to have someone essentially take her under their wing straight off the bat was a huge surprise. Which is what Rowan did that first day they met in Hogsmeade.
For most of first year, Rowan was essentially Freyja’s only friend. As they shared a dorm, they spent a lot of time together both in and out of class.
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As the years progressed, they drifted apart as the search for the vaults led to more people being brought into Freyja’s social circle. She found that she preferred having more casual friends than one really close friend. Second year brought Freyja a little more “good publicity” after defeating the Ice Knight, bringing more friends, or at least more people willing to talk to her.
Third year saw Freyja join the Quidditch team, meaning more friends and even less time with Rowan. She grew closer with Tulip, Tonks and Barnaby during the search for the Fear Vault. By fourth year, Rowan definitely felt like Freyja had outgrown her as a friend. She wasn’t the odd little 10 year old standing awkwardly in front of Flourish and Blots anymore. She’d carved her own place in the school’s social hierarchy, a place that didn’t need Rowan by her side guiding her every step of the way anymore.
The Celestial Ball really threw this into the spotlight, as Freyja was looking forward to attending a huge party while Rowan felt like she was being left behind. They used to be weird outcasts together, who would have preferred not to attend the Ball. While she had qualms about attending, she eventually decided (after a long chat with Freyja) that going to the Ball needn’t be a big deal, she could dress up and dance with her friends. She had other friends. Friends that she would never have thought she’d have when she started at Hogwarts. So while they danced together in a group, they didn’t dance with just the two of them.
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Rowan’s death in 6th year shocked her entire friendship group, while Freyja felt…. kind of sick. She knew that Rowan had been her first friend, and she had good memories of the two of them during that first couple of years. But she also knew that she had left Rowan behind when she made new and varied friends. Honestly, she’d barely spent any meaningful time with Rowan since 4th year. So what gave her the right to be sad over her death? To pretend that she was a good friend to the end? It left a bad taste in Freyja’s mouth that’s for sure, as she believed Rowan had been a much better friend than she could ever be.
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nameshifter · 3 months
SCP-8000 contest entries abridged daily
(Except, like, not well)
Rounderhouse's entry - THE GEARS OF TIME No offsets, no collapsibles, one crosslink (not wholly relevant, but provides a narrative parallel) - what you see is what you get Characters involved: Dr. Agatha Rights and Dr. Charles Gears
Item is a safe-class sword that changes shape at random intervals. If touched by two people, the sword releases an electromagnetic pulse of varying strength, depending on who's touching the blade. No clear correlation is found, yet.
Agatha Rights is inspecting the sword when Charles Gears arrives. The two discuss the sword briefly before the subject changes to the two doctors' relationship (notable, this entry shares the author and the canon of MEMENTO MORI SCP-001 Proposal, where Rights and Gears are married). Rights raises concerns, with Gears' closed off and emotionless attitude making him seem and feel distant. The two accidentally touch the sword while they're talking, causing a pulse so large that it causes massive power failure and several containment breaches throughout the site. The doctors are knocked unconscious
Bulk of the article comprises of various historical scenes, featuring a passionate soldier (Knight-Errant, Mamluk and Skjaldmaer), a noblewoman (Lady, Cariye and Freyja), whom the warrior protects on their journey together, and a much more stoic, cold warrior (Black Knight, Janissary and Huskarl), usually there to remind the former soldier to keep his distance from the noblewoman. Pretty confident these are meant to be dreams.
Symbolism kicks in as the soldier and noblewoman travel together, looking to complete a given scene's quest, meanwhile exploring the soldier's feelings and insecurities, related to the noblewoman and the circumstances surrounding the "rift" between the two. The stoic warrior doesn't help, since they usually glare daggers at the soldier.
In one specific scene, the soldier gets to complete the quest by delivering the noblewoman to a king she's meant to marry. The king is still and utterly silent, and upon some less-than-gentle prodding from the soldier, is revealed to have the same visage as the soldier. For the record, so does the stoic warrior. The soldier kills his two reflections and the vision ends with an embrace between him and the noblewoman
Agatha Rights and Charles Gears are awoken by MTF members and informed of the situation. Before the doctors are evacuated, Gears tells Rights he loves her in a detailed and genuinely heartwarming manner, notably uncharacteristic of the typical stone-cold demeanor of the typical portrayals of Gears. Rights reciprocates and the article ends.
Tl;dr: Shapechanging couples therapy sword with only a slight side effect of causing electrical disturbances and, occasionally, containment breaches. But that's fine as long as Rights knows Gears loves her
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adelle-ein · 6 months
mean feh thoughts
lucina always gets such lame and ugly alts in feh....(except maybe valentine's). and now they've stolen her pants. people like "but it's great knight!" great knight is ugly. so what.
it's genuinely funny to me that the plot of the last book hinged on "all of these identical women are the same character except one who is the clone-daughter of that character" because like. yoshiku is so fucking bad at art that you can't even tell. all the fairies look exactly like that too. those cartoonishly hourglass figures and bland empty faces. and guillveig's awful little baby hands lol just such a hideous book
that being said i'm glad to have kozaki back but why are the only options him vs just terrible terrible art and designs. why can't mayo or someone do a book
and these designs are still quite ugly. all feh designs have trended on the uglier side at best. it's just not AS bad as last book and at least the art is skillfully done even if the outfits are just awful
can't wait for one of the big tiddy oc ladies we barely know to win cyl again. seriously i'm expecting freyja to get UP there. i'm so tired of people insisting gullveig won bc of any other reason when like she'd only appeared briefly and had no character or backstory yet??? but yeah cyl is a wash all the options suck at this point. brave avatars and other boring fan favorites for the boys, brave Fanservice Ladies for the girls til the end of time or until a new game i guess. idk if engage can sweep but even if it does the frontrunners are the brodian princes, ivy, alears, and yunaka which. bleh
it is very funny how for the last solid month the feh subreddit has been "male ocs where are they why do they die so much IS are misandrists waaaa" interspersed with gullveig and co hornyposting. the self awareness is just gone lol
as usual the rewards are shit especially if you don't want whoever the freebie is
anyway yeah idk these new book celebrations haven't been any fun since...3? i liked 4 too only bc i got fairy sprite assets to play with but that's about it. ultimately i know a lot of people loooove the feh ocs and stories but i'm one of the ones who's just started hitting skip constantly so i don't have to see uwu make babies with me summoner anymore. the game is just so...tired at this point. i wish they'd ever do something genuinely fun again.
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foreversnightmare · 1 year
Sain is fucking lost. A recent errand from the Knights of Seiros bade him enter Abyss to hand off some confidential church documents. The idea is that even if Sain decided to talk, nobody would believe him--knowing how he is.
And so it is with great misfortune that he happens upon Freyja, who he forgets all about his predicament in favor of.
"O queen of infallible wisdom, won't you help my poor soul? I seem to have gotten lost... In your labyrinth of love! I require only your name to find my way, and you company to be a free man once more!"
"Won't you take pity on this accursed lover...?"
Usually, the Abyss is quiet, and Freyja certainly likes it! No one tends to come down here unless absolutely necessary and vice versa. So of course, if anyone new comes down here, it's very obvious from the beginning and it seems today is one of those days. It was so obvious that Sain was lost- as if you released a puppy for the first time and it struggled to find its way back to its mother. For the most part, Freyja just ignored him, in hopes he would somehow just completely ignore her and find his objective.
Sadly that wasn't the case. Why does everything have to be so difficult?
He only opened his mouth and honestly? Freyja already had enough of him- she is already imagining what terrible nightmare she could give to this tiny man. Oh and the way he was speaking to her? It almost made her wonder if he knew she was the queen of nightmares, but that is impossible, no one remembers the dream realm. "I am certain you are not here to talk to me, Sir Hopeless Romantic." She stopped what she was doing, what an imposing expression... "I am very busy to be talking to the likes of you- but if it makes you leave me alone. The name is Freyja" Such threatening aura.. "the person who is waiting for those papers to be delivered would want them by now- surely you wouldn't wish to be struck down on day one, correct?"
Hopefully, her point is made clear- and he will leave her alone.
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pocket-ozwynn · 9 months
In Knight au, if Freya confessed that she wished she was more human size would Alice search up ways to temporarily make her smaller? Like a Reduce potion or spell? Some shennanagans could happen with the problem of remembering when the effect ends
Hi! Thanks for the question!
So there’s a couple things:
1. I haven’t been able to show it off in a one-shot yet, but the Giants of the Knight Colossus AU are Shifters! So Freyja can shrink down to about 10’ tall. Other Giants can shrink to something closer to a Human-size, but that’s as small as Freyja can go comfortably.
2. Admittedly this scenario probably wouldn’t happen, because it would be out of character for Freyja. While there are certain AUs where a Freyja who grows into a giant might miss certain aspects about her whole life, a core part of her characterization is that she LOVES being big and strong—it feels like HER. A core part of Freyja’s characterization is that she is secure in how she looks and that includes her size. She’s just a great big golden retriever gal who likes being big 💖
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apinchofm · 2 years
AU: Marcus dies saving Emily
Because I haven't written any really good angst in a while.
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When Matthew and Diana returned from the past, there was an eerie quiet to Sept-Tours. Not its usual quiet. No, this was something different.
Other members of the family and the Knights of Lazarus were all gathered. Gallowglass stood close to Miyako de Clermont, Baldwin's daughter who glared at her uncle. His two sisters, Verin and Stasia glare at the non-vampires in the room, but their silence indicates something is terribly wrong.
Matthew does not even ask about the human who is permanently by Fernando and Miriam's side, silently crying. No, she is weeping.
"What happened?" Diana asked after hugging an emotional Em and Sarah.
"Knox came." Baldwin announced shortly, "The Grandmaster of the Knights of Lazarus defended the castle."
"Where is Marcus?" Matthew demanded. Nobody can answer, until his mother steps
"In the woods. Freyja will not let anyone near him; we've tried." Ysabeau explained, her voice steely and hollow. Like when she lost Philippe.
Matthew found his sister with ease. Freyja was sitting on the ground, her brown hair a mess, her red jumper covered in mud. She must have brought Marcus back but this was as far she wished to go.
Matthew clasped a hand over his mouth, falling back against a tree when he caught sight of his son.
Marcus lay there, paler than he had ever been, eyes lifeless and open.
He moved closer when his sister's head snapped to him, and her blood-stained face was filled with range at the sight of him.
"You did this!" Freyja is frenzied, outraged, scratching and beating at Matthew, "You did this!" She was his mother in every way but blood.
He knows Diana wants to intervene, but his mother stops her. Freyja will not kill him, not now. She is too distraught as she hits against his chest.
She is not even speaking English anymore by the time she stops and Matthew is scratched and bloody. He doesn't fight back; he cannot. Freyja slumps against him, and he holds onto her.
"I didn't tell him." Is all Matthew can say, when he is in his quarters, Diana by his side. "I never told him how much I..." His voice is strangled as he cannot even bring himself to say that he loved his son. It is the truth but an empty truth given he cannot hear him now.
"He knew." Diana tried to reassure him, "He knew."
"No," He looks at her, shaking his head, "No, he didn't."
They spent more time quarrelling with one another and more time apart for Marcus to honestly know. His children would not know their eldest brother.
His mate approaches him in his study. Phoebe Taylor. An art historian he met when searching for the miniatures. He can see the emerald green stone on her left hand. Marcus had mated and was going to get married.
"Miss Taylor. A pleasure." Matthew greets.
Phoebe, clutched at the sleeves of her jumper, shuffling. She doesn't know what to say to her would have been father-in-law. She didn't even know if she could speak after crying so much.
"I loved him." She eventually says him, "I loved him so much. It wasn't what he was but he just... He always made me smile and we could talk forever or just sit. I loved him."
Matthew stood and approached her slowly,
"Thank you." He said, "For loving him. I'm...glad. Will you tell me? How he was?"
Her eyes, red and surprised meet his, and she nods.
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theofficersacademy · 10 months
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Nel Griss Poe Corrin (M) Eldigan Edelgard Lapis Freyja Ivy Lilina
WEEK THREE - August 18th - August 24th
Tag - #SVIlia2023
The village of Reval was supposed to be a sleepy village where people meandered about their lives. If you moved all the way out here, it was because you wanted - or needed - to get away. People mostly minded their own business,
yet community blossomed slowly but surely all the same, for humans are creatures wont to look for somewhere to belong.
This family threatens now to fracture, and violently at that.
The problem? Most of you are part of that family now.
What you know
Ilians don't like the thought of dragons. You've found a dragon. Brynn is confused about the rumours that more of his kin have surfaced. He's been alone a long time.
Lysander is the wealthy owner of Reval, and appears to have bailed out the village after its having fallen on hard times. To him, it's a long-term investment. Also, he is purportedly the one who created the tomes some of you have purchased.
Time slips away from you rather suddenly. Some of you have been exploring for a small eternity. Others have been in the village so long now that you've become part of the family. You're not sure when this happened.
Corrin, Lapis, and Lilina sport simple garb, warm but nothing too fancy - quite similar to what the villagers in Reval wear. Eldigan's donned a set of monk's robes in St. Elimine's fashion, same as Weiss'. Edelgard and Ivy look set to be in command, heavy councillors' robes sweeping the floor. Nel and Poe suit up in a warmer version of Sacae's swordsmen. Griss... Griss looks pretty normal, actually. And as for Freyja, she is trapped in her goat form, and feared by all. She is, however, still family.
The world looks, feels different than how you remember it. It's not as colourful as you remember. You get the impression it's been slowly shifting ever since you arrived, but perhaps it had been too subtle to realize until now.
How much time has passed since you were shipwrecked? A moment ago you might have thought it a mere couple of days, but now it feels like it's been forever.
Villagers continue to go missing all the while. Up until now, you've been lucky enough not to number among them. More people have been whisked away overnight than has ever been recorded prior: the yet injured Lapis and Canna have been vanished, alongside Karev, Nel, Cain, and Eldigan. There does not appear to be any of that strange dust left behind where last they were seen, at least. Poe, Griss, and Ivy haven't been seen in town for... some time now.
What to do
Poppy and Dehlia are absolutely super duper fretting about the third member of their Pegasus Knight Trio being missing, and intend to head out to search immediately.
Lysander remains at the tavern, ever cool as a cucumber - though if you ask him, of course he's worried. What on earth is happening? Can he hire you to look into it? He'll send his dear sister, Weiss, as a guide with you if so.
The mines that were said to be abandoned (and condemned besides) do appear to be rather empty so far - save for a certain Hunter's log alongside a curious sphere. Only one way to find out what else awaits within these caverns.
Karev, Nel, Lapis, and Eldigan awaken to find themselves bound, two each to a cell. It's cold, but not as bad as being outside, one presumes. You feel a bit sluggish. Last night is a blur. Last week, month, year is a blur. What exactly happened...?
You’re not limited to the above. Anything else you’d like to explore, feel free to ping Mod Key. What would your muse do?
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rockroselazuli · 10 months
send (o・・o)/ for my muse's opinion of yours.
Freyja is tall and intimidating -- not that that bothers Lapis, of course. They met shipwrecked and in poor condition; Lapis held no hesitation in accepting her as a comrade.
She can even relate to Freyja in a distant way. The woman's woes of being an outcast amongst the humans resonated with Lapis. She is, of course, a humans herself -- but she knows all too well what it's like to be different from everyone else. To walk on eggshells lest she be identified as something other and cast away.
She's not entirely sure what Freyja is, though. She has horns and can transform into a giant goat. Which is cool and all. And Corrin refers to her as "Lady Freyja," which leads Lapis to believe that Freyja is of high status indeed. Of course, Lapis would have treated her with respect regardless -- but higher status means that Freyja is someone Lapis must protect with her life.
Being a knight is her job, after all, and so long as she's stuck in Ilia with kings and queens and whatevers, she's going to abide by chivalrous law and lay down her life for their continued safety.
.。*☆ Freyja and Lapis have achieved C Support!
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Can't stop F angst! So I have such a terrible prompt:
MC romancing Constantine, then he dying in the war or protecting MC. MC is so heartbroken and inconsolable, and F tries to make a move on MC, just something like "I'll be here for you, for whatever you need" and MC snapping at them, venom and hurt in their broken voice; "I wouldn't be with you even if you were the last man/woman on the world. You think you can just replace him? That now he is not here, the road is free for you? Never. I rather follow him" and then walking away, either to work or keep grieving.
oh my...yall are going to be the death of me fr
angst below the cut ... cw: death, grief
Frederick's Version
Ten days. It's been ten days since Constantine perished protecting you from another assassination attempt.
Ten days since you slept.
Ten days since you felt his arms around you.
Ten days since you felt his lips unite with yours.
But it only feels like ten minutes since you heard his voice in your ear.
Since you held the body of the man you loved.
Each night you cry to Letum, asking him to reunite you with your knight. And tonight is no different as you gaze out over the castle grounds. Clinging to memories as if they will see you through.
You turn at the sound of footsteps. It's Frederick. He leans next to you, watching you with pain in his eyes.
"I..," he clears his throat, "I just wanted you to know, I'll be here for you, whatever you need. I'll always be here." His hand reaches over to cover yours, but you recoil.
All this time, you've known that he loves you. But you don't want to be with him, not now, not ever. You can't. You wouldn't. Constantine was the only one.
He flinches at the venom in your eyes. "I wouldn't be with you even if you were the last man in the world. You think you can just replace him? That now he's not here, the road is free for you?"
He opens his eyes to respond, but you cut him off. "Never. I'd rather follow him to Avernus."
As you spin away to return to your chambers, you catch the tears in his green gaze.
Freyja's Version
Ten days. It's been ten days since Constantine perished protecting you from another assassination attempt.
Ten days since you slept.
Ten days since you felt his arms around you.
Ten days since you felt his lips unite with yours.
But it only feels like ten minutes since you heard his voice in your ear.
Since you held the body of the man you loved.
Each night you cry to Letum, asking him to reunite you with your knight. And tonight is no different as you gaze out over the castle grounds. Clinging to memories as if they will see you through.
You turn at the sound of footsteps. It's Freyja. She leans next to you, watching you with pain in her eyes.
"I..," she clears his throat, "I just wanted you to know, I'll be here for you, whatever you need. I'll always be here." Her hand reaches over to cover yours, but you recoil.
All this time, you've known that she loves you. But you don't want to be with her, not now, not ever. You can't. You wouldn't. Constantine was the only one.
She flinches at the venom in your eyes. "I wouldn't be with you even if you were the last woman in the world. You think you can just replace him? That now he's not here, the road is free for you?"
She opens her mouth to respond, but you cut her off. "Never. I'd rather follow him to Avernus."
As you spin away to return to your chambers, you catch the tears in her green gaze.
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