#Klaus Maeck
queerbauten · 1 year
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@blixa4ev here’s the official, contradictory record on that whole matter, courtesy of Pas de beauté sans danger:
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(English translations under the cut.)
Later in the book, Klaus Maeck and Fritz Brinckmann characterize Blixa and Mufti's relationship as a (troubled) marriage. Mufti rejects that characterization, but he also doesn't treat it as entirely invalid.
Of note: Blixa is either never asked his view of the matter or simply refuses to comment on it. In the chapter "Ende", he does say something that could be implying that the final version of "Stella Maris" was inspired by Mufti, but he also says he doesn't wish to speak on it too much.
Excerpt 1:
ALEXANDER HACKE: We were sleeping on Hein-Hoyer-Strasse, near Reeperbahn. I fell in love with Christiane F. without knowing who she was. I talked to her the whole night after a party. I had forgotten my keys and called her to tell her. I started writing her letters shortly after. At the same time, Blixa and Mufti fell in love not just artistically. In the beginning, it was a real love story. That's how Mufti joined the band and how the connection with Hamburg started. I was going to [text cuts off here].
Excerpt 2:
ANDREW UNRUH: There was never any kind of love affair between Blixa and FM. We're real guys - we're straight! I doubt there was anything between them. It was friendship. They enriched each other for sixteen years, but that doesn't make it a love story. And even if it is, what's the problem? Of course, we have to get to know and appreciate each other. One day FM came from Hamburg and Blixa said to me: "This guy from Abwärts, you should meet him too. From [text cuts off]".
Excerpt 3:
FM EINHEIT: I wouldn't use the term 'love story' to describe the relationship between Blixa and I. We were very attracted to each other through the music WE made together and the things we were both interested in. We were very attracted to each other through the music WE made together and the things we were both interested in. The music that the Neubauten created was always very much influenced by a continuous process of attraction/repulsion between the band members. The energy that came out of this friction was what Einstürzende Neubauten was all about. It wasn't just between Blixa and me: there was the same energy between all the other members of the band.
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watchingalotofmovies · 4 months
B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
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B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989    [trailer]
Documentary about the music, art and chaos in the wild West-Berlin of the 1980s. The walled-in city became the creative melting pot for sub- and pop-culture.
Some incredible historical footage. Malaria!, Blixa Bargeld and Einstürzende Neubauten, die Toten Hosen, Tilda Swinton, Ideal and Martin Kippenberger to name but a few.
Though I think it's probably helpful if you have at least some basic knowledge of the circumstances and the bands and music so that you can better enjoy this trip down memory lane.
What's a little distracting is the framing of the doc with the subjective, personal story of Mark Reeder with some superfluous reenactments.
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
primo moroni su william s. burroughs (1991)
In questo video, uno stralcio della presentazione fatta da Primo Moroni – al Festival di Santarcangelo di Romagna nel 1991 – del documentario William S. Burroughs. Commissioner of Sewers, di Klaus Maeck, e una lettura in italiano della Thanksgiving Prayer di WSB diretta da G. Van Sant.
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personal-reporter · 8 months
TOHorror Fantastic Film Fest 2023
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Il TOHorror Fantastic Film Fest  2023, la 23° edizione del festival internazionale di cinema e cultura del fantastico, sta per arrivare a Torino.  Dal 17 al 22 ottobre gli appassionati di cinema avranno l’opportunità di immergersi in sei giorni di proiezioni, incontri e riflessioni sul mondo dell’horror e del fantastico in una programmazione ricca e variegata che spazierà tra 27 lungometraggi divisi in 5 sezioni e 58 cortometraggi live-action e animati. Come ogni anno, non mancheranno inoltre le anteprime, con 44 italiane e ben 10 provenienti dal resto d’Europa. Il tema di quest’anno del festival è il cyberpunk, inteso come genere letterario e cinematografico, ma anche come chiave interpretativa filosofica e controcultura attraverso una selezione di film che rappresentano pietre miliari del genere, tra cui Tetsuo e Tetsuo II: Body Hammer di Shinya Tsukamoto, Hardware di Richard Stanley e Decoder girato in Germania Ovest nel 1984. Durante il festival, ci saranno quattro incontri tematici che approfondiranno diversi aspetti del cinema e della cultura del fantastico, oltre a discussioni e approfondimenti che vedranno la partecipazione di nomi nazionali e internazionali di grande rilievo. Tra gli ospiti ci saranno il noto sceneggiatore e produttore Klaus Maeck e Massimiliano Martiradonna, membro del collettivo di critica cinematografica Dikotomiko. La selezione dei film del festival 2023 è stata curata con attenzione per offrire al pubblico una grande varietà di opere provenienti da paesi diversi con 12 pellicole, di cui 10 in anteprima italiana, provenienti da 8 paesi differenti. I lungometraggi in concorso spazieranno tra diversi sottogeneri del fantastico,come Best Wishes to All, un grottesco horror giapponese, Good Boy,  un thriller romantico proveniente dalla Norvegia, 11.11.18,  un war movie metafisico, Les chambre rouges, un thriller-drama canadese, Razzennest, un’audio-horror-comedy austriaca e Tiger Stripes, mostruoso coming of age malese, già vincitore della Semaine de la Critique a Cannes 2023. La sezione non competitiva Freakshow del festival sarà dedicata all’eccesso, al bizzarro e ai midnight movies più folli, come Trim Season, un marijuana-horror americano, Mad Cats, un’avventura on the road giapponese con una setta di donne-gatto, Harum Malam una pellicola malese con piante carnivore, la commedia dell’assurdo coreana The Nature Man e il thriller non-sense tutto-in-una-notte Kick Me. La sezione Freakshorts, invece, permetterà al pubblico di godersi una selezione di 19 cortometraggi unici tra gatti extraterrestri, gnomi vendicativi, mondi sottosopra e tanto altro ancora. Durante la sezione non competitiva Mad Doc ci saranno tre documentari che esplorano temi legati al cinema e alla cultura del fantastico, Home Invasion, un film-saggio britannico dedicato all’invenzione dello spioncino della porta, Satan Wants You, un documentario canadese che ricostruisce l’origine del Satanic Panic negli anni Ottanta e King on Screen, un’analisi del rapporto fra le opere di Stephen King e le loro trasposizioni cinematografiche. Il festival proporrà anche tre proiezioni speciali, She Is Conann di Bertrand Mandico, che propone una rilettura al femminile della saga di Conan il Barbaro, Martyrs, per i 15 anni dall’uscita di uno degli horror più importanti del XXI secolo e Cujo, tratto da Stephen King, che si lega tematicamente al documentario King on Screen. Read the full article
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angularempathy · 1 year
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akmnydny · 2 years
William S. Burroughs: Commissioner of Sewers - Klaus Maeck (1991)
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sacredwhores · 3 years
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Klaus Maeck & Johanna Schenkel - Liebeslieder: Einstürzende Neubauten (1993)
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untergangsshow · 5 years
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Frauengeschichten – Christiane F. (Katja Aschke, Radio Bremen, 1983)
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flagitiosus · 5 years
B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
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featurespast · 5 years
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Decoder (1984)
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
commissioner of sewers / klaus maeck. 1986
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videoreligion · 6 years
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Decoder (1984)
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kunstmull · 6 years
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Klaus Maeck, who was responsible for the film Decoder, and apparently also managed Neubauten in the early days, with two ickle babbie Neubautens in 1980. (Mark is on the phone; Mufti seems to have somehow leapt 20 years into the future to be answering a mobile phone? Not the first time someone in Hamburg has done that.)
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kaltsektion · 7 years
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stills from Nihil, signed by Uli M Schueppel and from Decoder, signed by Klaus Maeck. Last weekend was nice.
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cinemacuervo · 4 years
B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989 (2015)
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Título original: B-Movie: Lust & Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989
Director: Jörg A. Hoppe, Heiko Lange, Klaus Maeck
Año: 2015
Género: Documental
País: Alemania
Duración: 92 min
Idioma: Inglés con subtítulos en español
SINOPSIS: Antes de la caída del muro, Berlín occidental era el epicentro de un movimiento artístico subterráneo en la década de los ochenta. Mark Reeder, un músico de Manchester, viajó a aquella ciudad atraído por su escena musical y terminó en el centro de una jungla urbana en constante tensión política y cultural. Este documental es un collage realizado con videos caseros de Reeder y material de archivo que retrata el caos de ese periodo, empezando con los punks y finalizando con el Love Parade, en una ciudad donde todo parecía posible.
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sacredwhores · 3 years
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Klaus Maeck & Johanna Schenkel - Liebeslieder: Einstürzende Neubauten (1993)
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