#Just give me some time 💖
stardustbee · 4 months
hello dear friends and mutuals 💖
As you might notice, my activity here has been a bit low at the moment. There is a simple reason and the reason is, that the spark and joy I feel for Star Wars is a bit slowed down at the moment.
Thus I decided to go on a little hiatus and pause my current projects in this blog.
Don't worry, I still love Fly me to the Moon and Stardust made to shine but I don't feel like I can write them atm, especially I cannot write for Maul or Ayane. I dont know what it is but their relationship makes me sad and it currently doesn't feel right. FMTTM was something I was very proud of and still am, don't get me wrong, but there are several things bothering me that I might re write and re consider.
I noticed that I cant put the joy and love into these projects as I did a year ago and I think doing a little pause and concentrate on other things will be good for me.
You still can reach me over the DM or over discord. If you want, you can also reach me over Instagram. Just write a DM for one of the information. Also don't hesitate on tagging me in stuff!
I love you all and please understand it has nothing to do with the people here! I love and I value all of you but I just don't feel Star Wars atm
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harryisart · 2 years
Can you pls gif this bestie if you can 💖
I can!
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Btw the wife of a work colleague of mine made a little weevil for me<333 a fren💕💕 and i am genuinely crying
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Photo shoot with the lil guy💕
@basyacriptid you might be interested in seeing him
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sysig · 2 months
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Reading moodboard #84430940 (Patreon)
#Doodles#I wonder what this is in reference to lol - could be anything really!#Bit funny actually - I was reading something else in overlap at the time - a fic from another fandom though it ended up not being for me#Different authors just speak to different people! It was fun to come back to something familiar and realize Just how much I appreciate it ah#Novel and familiar! My very favourite <3 And of course it was a wonderful experience on top of that hehe ♪♫#Numbers lol - I really have done way too much age headcanon math pfft#I just love timelines! And even if the hints aren't exact they /are/ hints and I'm going to use them!!#The numbers that are established are such fun markers - and using characterization as hints towards how many years have passed! Ah! ♪#Like how it's definitely possible that Max took a two year but considering his family he was probably pushed to do a four year#There's no confirmation either way but it's just so fun to consider what they'd do based on how they're written!#These are the kind of written math problems I enjoy hehe#I was being a bit self-deprecating for that doodle actually tho lol - art mimics life and all that pfft#Also confirmation of him being a Lit Major ❤️💕💖💞💗 Small details give me big love you must understand this lol#As evidenced lol ♪ Adding to my playlist definitely didn't help it very strongly upgraded to Big Love for like a week straight lol#Terrible ♪ Couldn't stand it <3 Genuinely painful ♫#Lol - ''finding'' more - it's what had my blood on fire! I'm so grateful for mirrors#Anyone who's been following me for a while knows I have this whole thing about Legacy and what you leave behind and the internet in general#That the internet is forever except when it's not - that plenty of things get deleted or lost etc. etc. and it makes me very sad :(#So seeing that there was an in-built preservation - it only saved Some things but anything saved is precious!! It made me very happy <3#And then finishing off 💔💕 Beautifully heartbreaking ah#Even skim-reading later made me cry again! It's deeply affecting hhh#Another experience I'm so happy to be able to have ♥ Another tally on the wall haha <3
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killemwithkawaii · 4 months
So y'all turns out that being poly means you might be like... REALLY BUSY around Valentines day?? Who knew right 🤷🏻‍♂️💘💘💘
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 6 months
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"Do you not realize it? Do you... truly not see what this means?"
The next Destiny Bond update is in progress! ❄️✨ –> Check out the latest part here 🔷 –> New to the series? Follow from the start! 💜
#we back for the winter season bois :} ☃️#got some Particularly Fun parts I wanna have done before the end of the year--that I'll hopefully have time to do over the term break !!! 💫#it's actually so? insane? how we're nearing the end of the year already??????????????HUH#just a little over a week and some Ridiculous cramming I'll have to pull off (no thanks to past me sdskjfs) before I'm free for the holiday#I mean I'd--still have freelancing to do of course but without the looming dread of actively avoiding college responsibilities at least /lh#it's even more insane somehow looking back on when I actually started this whole comic that spiraled Wildly out of controlSKDJFNSDFS#to think that this all started from a prompt I had a few days after my birthday--into its own whole story I wanna see through is---#honestly something I'm really proud of. something I'm really happy I got to do for myself since it's-above all a passion project if anythin#I'm a lot slower these days what with juggling my own mental crises here and there on top of work for sure#but I get to come back to working on this whenever I find myself feeling down or with some free time to unwind and it's--really nice 💖💕#and we're still in the beginning I swear to god we're still so early I'm so sorry this is gonna take so longSDHFIUSHDNFKJSDHS#but it bears repeating how thankful I am to everyone who's joined along for this ride- who've been so wonderful and patient thus far#to know that even a handful of people out there tune in to this silly ol thing and are genuinely excited for its sporadic updates--#--has been a definite highlight in what's been a- Ridiculously--almost comically cruel year (in ways I can't begin to express skjdfnsdfs)#and what with this holiday season being all about giving and gratitude---I want to emphasize on how thankful I am for all of y'all 💖💖💖#I'll see what surprises I can sneak in to my schedule these coming weeks- the insanity of these following updates included hehee ✨#Destiny Bond comicverse#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#pokemon#pokemon fancomic#pokemon gsc#pokemon hgss#comic wip
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sooo i may have redoodled that one panel from @spinjitsuburst (can i @ u i AH.) cabinet man auu...,,.,,
i may have gone on a lil little tiny bit too much on my alt,, UHH
i was gonna draw skybound ver but,,, srj was alr on mh mind
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driftingmoonmenace · 7 months
I am so completely overwhelmed with the support y'all have shown so far in such a small amount of time. I can't ever thank you enough for this. 💕
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soft-serve-soymilk · 12 days
You Have No Name patch update for the week: Erk has Fuchs Dystrophy ✨
#lowkey obsessed with giving my head children ailments and disorders ✨ nobody here is healthyyyyy#just pav things#Anyways this is my way of reconciling the fact I’ve always seen Erk with grey-ish eyes :3#motherfucker can’t see half the time and honestly good for him 👍#That makes for 4 head children with bad eyesight :> (Inigo and Daisy and Dism (very mildly) too)#I’m reading about Lymphoma and seeing that Idyllia is in palliative care I’m wondering if I should incorporate that into her backstory too#I mean… she’s sick enough to be IN a hospice (ignoring the fact her sister is holeing her up in there on purpose 😋)#Like I’ve done me/cfs for so long (practically since Idyllia was born) but I’m just wondering if there’s something more fitting for her :3#Especially since she would fall into the same camp as Archie for having Version 1 inhibition#And we know what Version 1 inhibition also induces in people *cough* potentially fatal diseases *cough*#Anyways that’s a very depressing fun fact here’s some actual fun facts about my viscomm duo#Child Cynthia barely looks like her teenage counterpart! She got much louder and fatter 💖#Her natural hair colour is a sandy brown~#Inigo’s room has a section of the wall dedicated solely to photos and polaroids of him and his friends :3#Good luck finding any of Archie though before he rejoins the party in Arc 4 adjkshsj#It’s definitely one of the ways he’s hypocritical! Calls Idyllia out for trying to forget and assume a different persona#And yet Minty himself cannot bear to look at any photographs from his time with Archie… clinging only to his PERCEPTION of reality 😌😋#But that’s also how you can tell he means it when he says that he always treated Dism like a friend ^^
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maraeffect · 6 months
y'all, having limited disabled parking in front of my building has fully turned me into a karen. idec anymore. i'm thru playing nice and letting people get away w illegally parking in one of the 3 spots in front of my building. the only spots w hash marks and a curb cut. i took pictures and called the fucking tow truck myself this time. honestly i'm not even sure that's being a karen!! that's you getting what you deserve for taking a VERY limited resource away from disabled people. idk.
AND they have a resident sticker so the apartment knows who it is. reported them to management too. i'm a tired boy and pushing uphill thru the other end of the parking lot in the cold, JUST to reach a curb cut?? yeah no that's not gonna work.
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gibbearish · 9 months
speaking of terraria ive spent the last few days grinding my way through it for the first time in i think like over two years and i forgot. so much but also im doing SO much better than before
#i put it in expert mode too and ive only ever done normal previously so its. wild ive gotten as far as i have as fast as i have#im already in hardmode#AND IM ON CONSOLE DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THESE CONTROLS SUCK ASS ON CONSOLE#it was hard enough on pc but now it's just silly#on pc i was a yoyo main but thats basically impossible on console so now im sword as fuck#nights edge my beloved 💖#or for some bosses im ranged and just. pray i can sort of aim good lmao#some shining day ill get a good gun and chlorophyte bullets and then wont have to think about it at all#but as is theres abt a 0% chance of me beating the mechs so we're back to grinding for now#plus i got harpy wings literally like an hour into hardmode so uhhhhh pretty fuckin good!!#i have gotten. so much better at dodging the wyverns than i ever was before#i think before i just avoided them until i was powerful enough to immediately kill them but this time i was like.#give me your fucking souls of flight right now i need wings NOW#and the harpies were the easiest thing for me to grind#its a 1/200 chance to drop‚ i think mine took like 350 to drop but thats still not bad#i just slapped down a space platform with a blue candle and called it a day#the fully surrounding damage from nights edge is so fuckin crucial though dude ive gotten swords that are technically higher damage already#but they just Cannot Compete with me being able to just. Not Let Things Touch Me At All#also the harpy wings are . ridiculously good for how early you can get them provided youre willing to grind a little?#i think every other time ive just gone through the ranks of em the way youre supposed to w like#and angel/demon ones and working my way up? but i was just like. hold on harpies are here all the time i could just. zool#zoop*
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Same anon as before, I’m happy that you’re accepting yourself! That’s great news. I had a very similar situation where I was very embarrassed about what character my brain chose to project onto, but after working with my therapist and years of reflection I’ve realized it had to be that character because they were the only one I could see myself in, we were both abused in certain ways that made it like looking in a mirror, and being Him meant that I was able to protect myself because he could (character is someone “dangerous” in their world). So I really think it comes down to a reflection of trauma, and there’s nothing to be ashamed about. We coped with what our brains found the most comfort in.
If I can ask, what does your therapist think about it? Only wondering because with my therapist, they are aware we have fictives of this character as well as the system as a whole projects through him but I’m still trying to figure out if it’s part fictives and other part alters with psychotic attachments or if there’s something else at play as well like past lives (the old fictionkin community used to be big into that but I know it’s not so much anymore so I’m a little embarrassed but I am still a spiritual person) alr that’s all, looking forward to your response!
First of all, I'm glad to hear back from you anon!!
My therapist and I figured roughly the same thing happened with me! When I say I use this character as a therapy tool, I don't think it's appreciated enough that it's bc my therapist familiarized himself with the source - my therapist watched (and enjoyed) 148 episodes of anime for my sessions and I cannot stress that enough lmao; we're pretty sure that what happened was that I saw a lot of my emotional trauma play out again in front of me in his character arc, mostly in the way he perceives himself but also with how he struggles with his emotions and general interactions with the world (with my own difficulty with such coming from the climate of the family that abused me). He did serve as a mirror, not just of my own trauma, but also of what I wish I could have done, which was to lash out and genuinely own my anger and frustration and do something. Of course there's a lot more to it, but with just covering the surface, looks like we've had pretty similar experiences!
As for my therapist's thoughts on this, we actually haven't put any clinical labels on it. I personally like labels, they make me feel sure and certain about things in my life, which is why I tried to nail this down with the OSDD/DDNOS (complete with question mark) in my bio, but truth be told I'm not entirely sure I meet the full criteria for either of them, in spite of the genuine experiences I've had with what definitely feels like multiplicity of some sort. Interestingly enough, while I myself am not very spiritual, my therapist did make a mention that this is an experience that I could try looking at through a spiritual lens, especially since it's been coming up a lot more as I'm trying to rework some deeply held thought patterns. There's been a pretty positive outlook on it overall and he encouraged me to interact with it - the episodes tend to come with some specific thoughts and feelings, so we're treating them (and by extension, this character) as a sort of conduit for them, sort of like a messenger bringing attention to them. This is all some pretty specific info for my stuff though lmao, I just wanted to cover the ground as thoroughly as I could 💖
#part of me genuinely does wanna reach out to the fictionkin community just for the value of having potential community experience#but also. maybe I'll just watch them for a bit and think about it lmao#my experiences with my dissociation is like. it feels like there's someone else with me you know? im alone but i can feel someone else#and I'm holding their feelings and thoughts in those moments#if i believed in ghosts hardcore this would 100% make me think im possessed but fortunately i recognize where#all this is coming from as far as functionality and the name attached; funnnily enough i remember a video my roommate#put on and it was talking about psychosis scenes in movies + gauging them for accuracy#and the guy starts talking about DID and I'm like okay i definitely dont meet the criteria for that but I'm half paying attention#and he mentions that one of the things that people have reported is feeling like they're possessed and i just sat there FLOORED by this#bc that was exactly how I'd described the feelings in therapy; 1:1 word for word 😳 again i know for sure i dont have DID#but the same guidelines that make up the definitions and criteria are kinda also running along my dissociative episodes as well#ive already said so much in the tags but i did have a session where i just sat there and was like. i want to love every part of myself#and that includes the episodes; i know they're a protective measure and i dont wanna feel like I'm fighting them anymore#that was months ago; this is by far the most vocal ive been about it#it took almost a year for me to settle into it and be able to talk about it even in therapy but I'm so glad i can do it now#and I'm so glad to be hearing from people who understand how this feels 💖💖💖 thank you so much again!!!#im realizing that i actually have a lot of thoughts on this now that im actually understanding it a lot better#the asks are just giving me some chances to infodump a little hehe 💕#you're welcome in my inbox any time!! thanks again!! 💖💖💖#asks
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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erwinsvow · 18 days
Okay but shy/bunny reader being used to bestfriend!Rafe ditching her because he’s with some girl, she never points it out and somehow she always lets it go because she’s just a babyy and Rafe starts realising that they don’t hang out as much😭💖
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it was hard seeing rafe go—always was, and always will be.
you tried to convince yourself you were used to it now, but the familiar ache in your chest when he'd say goodbye to you, topper, and kelce and walk away hand in hand with his flavor of the week was getting worse and worse.
before you'd realized you had feelings for rafe—beyond just the affection you gave to your close friends—you hadn't cared at all. you'd even encouraged it, same way you did with top and kelce, offering advice and recommending which flowers to bring, what places to bring them.
not that rafe ever really needed your help. it seems since the day he'd become your best friend, there was a line of girls hanging behind the two of you, seemingly waiting for their turn. at night, when it felt worse—and somehow it always did feel worse in your bed alone, wondering if rafe's was empty too and knowing that it wasn't—you tried to make yourself feel better.
you're still here, and they're not—that's how you tried. it worked for a little.
the newest girl had been around for a record three weeks, so even your usual bandaid for your shattered heart wasn't helping the wound heal.
so far, he'd skipped two meals, a day at the course, and half of a boat day to spend with her instead of you. you, kelce, and top that is. you'd hoped today was going to be different, walking back to top's jeep after lunch to head to the marina.
"you're not coming?" you call out to rafe, who was walking back in the direction of his own car. kelce and top are too far away to hear—getting into the front already. you were always stuck in the back, and you had never minded when rafe was there to keep you company.
rafe flicks his eyes over you, taking in the new dress you really shouldn't have bought just to see what kind of reaction you could get from him. your bag has your bikini in it and one of his button ups to cover you and he sees it poking out—white seersucker temporarily distracting him.
"yeah. sorry, no. made plans with-"
"yeah, of course you did." you cut him off, and though even a few weeks ago you couldn't have imagined the vitriol in your voice, it comes out all too easy. "have fun."
you try to walk away but his footsteps follow—and damn his long legs, because he gets infront of you before you can escape.
"what, kid? you mad at me?"
you shouldn't say something. you shouldn't say anything.
"we're going to the boat. you said you were coming. i cut fruit for you."
"i-i'm sorry. top will eat it."
"it's not for him. that's not the point." the words teeter on the edge—wanting so badly to tell him that you miss him. that he never hangs out with you anymore, that he's choosing some girl over you and it stings worse than anything you've felt so far.
you're not sure when it started feeling so different—rafe's always done this. and standing two feet from the jeep, kelce sticking his head out the window to yell at you to get in, you realize you're going to reveal yourself if you don't shut up.
"have fun, rafe. sorry. bye."
you don't give him a chance to respond, but it doesn't take anything else for the gears to click. you're too quiet to ever admit it, too shy to say what you're really thinking, and rafe knows that—he's known it since he met you.
standing there, watching you drive away with kelce and top, he briefly wonders what the last time was he did something just with you. he can't even remember it. it all blurs together—late night runs for ice cream and breakfast while top and kelce were still passed out. the sweet way you smile at him and how your expression changes when he goes to the girl who's waiting for him. he gets in the car and can't decide which direction to turn—towards this girl or towards you.
on the boat, you kick up your feet and open your book, trying to drown out the chatter of kelce and top trying to get out of the marina and focus singularly on the romance in your hands rather than the one in your brain. you drown it out a little too much.
"that the one i got you?" rafe asks from somewhere next to you.
"god-" you exclaim, book slipping from your grip and thudding on the boat. "you scared me." catching your breath, you bend to pick up your book, but rafe beats you to it, picking it up and placing it on your lap.
"what happened to your plans?" rafe shrugs. you wish your heartbeat would slow down. you look down at your lap and rafe looks over you—exposed skin shiny with sunblock, a blue bikini he thinks he's never noticed before, matching nails that suit you.
"already had plans with you, remember?"
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soft-serve-soymilk · 1 year
I have acquired the books~! …yeah I’m having a normal one rn
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deerspherestudios · 4 months
Mushroom Oasis is now one year old! 🎉
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And belated Happy Birthday to the skrunkly himself, Mychael! 🎂
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His birthday was on the 15th this month, but I didn't have the time to draw something for it so I'm posting these two celebrations in one go! Clean version without the shadows + dev rambles under the cut:
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I'd just like to say thank you thank you thank you!! as always to the community of this small silly game I'm making. I genuinely didn't think it would grow the amount it did. Like, it blows my mind to even consider it having a fandom?? ;;v;; It feels like it grew so much in one year and for that I'm eternally grateful <3!!
All of the fanart, fanfics, messages and questions and comments, and even donations!!? just blows me away every single time. Seriously, I wouldn't enjoy making the game as much as I do if not for you all giving me encouragement along the way and being excited for the game ;v;
((I feel like I oughta give a personal thank you to donators as well, you have no idea how much it's helped support me throughout the months during my studies. Thank you <3 Even a dollar means a lot!))
I won't ramble too much but for those who's reading here's an update for the game! Day 3 script is already done, but of course I'll be refining it some more over the course of coding it into Ren'py. I can't wait for March to begin as I'll have much more spare time to manage the blog and continue development on the game! In between irl matters of course, haha!
Anyways, that's all for now. Take care, fireflies! ❤️🍄
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