#Jim Merlis
dilperisanimmmm · 3 months
Çok önemli sosyolojik, psikolojik, sanatsal ve gerçeği gerçekten kelimesinden daha iyi anlatan bir kült eser ortaya çıkmış. Günümüz dünyasındaki karar vermeden edinmek durumunda kaldığımız toplumsal rollere ve toplumun iki yüzlülüğüne en sert eleştiriyi yapmış.Bence birinci eleştiri burada dünyadaki kapital sisteme değil, insanlardaki riyakarlık ve iki yüzlülük ve çıkarına göre hareket edebilme yapısına eleştiridir.Filmin en can alıcı bölümleri benim için yönetmen Cristof'un, Truman tekneyle korkularını yenip, her şeyi terk edip açılmasıyla ona her türlü iklimsel zorluğu( fırtına, şimşek, dalga vs) çıkarsa da Truman'ın bu zorlukları yenip gerçeğe ulaşma cesareti ve gücüydü. Burada verilmek istenen mesaj Tanrı rolüne bürünse de yönetmen; iklimi yönetebilse de, her şeyden izole bir dünya kursa da , ailesini ve yakın arkadaşları bile rol icabı görev yapan sahte insanlar olsa da, hatta bu olayı pazarlayıp dünyaya 1 numaralı televizyon dünyası dizisi olsa dahi Truman'ın gerçeği öğrenme arzusunu ve gücünü bastıramamasıdır.Yani insan bilinci kazanmıştır, sahtelik ve kurmaca kaybetmiştir.Sondaki Jim Carrey'nin söylediği sözler de buna atfedilir: Beynimiz içine de kamera koyamazsın ya sözüdür.Burada mesaj aleni verilmiştir.İnsan bilinci elbet kendi gerçekliğine ulaşır, yanılsamayı ve sahteliği mağlup eder. Jim Carrey'in sadece komedi oyuncu olmadığını aynı zamanda dram-buhran oyunculuğunu da hakkıyla yapabildiği ispatladığı filmdir.Yani Jim Carrey rüştünü ispatlayan, Hollywood'ın başarılı bir starıdır Jim Carrey.Bir de ne kadar deniz korkusu oluştursalar da Truman 'da bu korkuyu yenip gerçeklere ulaşması metafordur.İçsel yenilenme, içsel savaşın kazanımı dışsal ortamı şekillendirmesidir.Oyunculuklar gayet iyiydi.Yönetmen filmin hakkını vermiş.Şu an yaşadığımız televizyonu buram buram hatırladan bir durum örneği de Truman ve eşi Merly tartışırken birden Merly'nin krema reklamı yapmasıydı.Filmlerde, Survivor'da falan birden gördüğümüz Cola reklamları gibiydi.Yani geleceği de iyi öngörmüştür.Yönetmen Peter Weir'e bir alkış.Dipnot olarak Truman isminin seçilmesinin nedeni TrueMan olarak düşünmüşler, yanlışlıklar içinde doğru insan olarak.Film çok akıcı, eleştirel, oyunculuklar harika oyunculuklar, çekim kalitesi ve görüntü yönetmenliği oldukça başarılı, özel ve değerli bir film.Zaten makalelere, psikolojiye konu olmuş bir film.Mutlaka izlenmesi gerekir.
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ebonynightclubblog · 7 months
‘Kurt Was Jealous of Dave’: New ‘In Utero’ Revelations
[Ebony Nightclub] Rolling Stone Music News: For the 30th anniversary of Nirvana's In Utero, we take a fresh look at the LP and the band, with biographer Michael Azerrad, manager Danny Goldberg, and publicist Jim Merlis http://dlvr.it/SwYdMk
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 8 months
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Trump! The Movie!
(“Today’s news, is tomorrow’s movies.”)
Authur Lee 1967
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Are we in historical times? We sure are! For the first time in history, a president of these United States is being prosecuted for crimes ranging from treason to rape!
Yes, I know. You have your own life to live, and your existence is the center of the universe. Well, take some time off from your miserable existence, and enjoy the show. After all, it’s free!
No matter how you feel about Trump—hate him or love him—you must confess, he is an historical figure. He is a very flawed human being, but not dull. Every demon has his/her fan club. This guy has people believing he was sent by God! Maybe God is not really that all-knowing or all-powerful. Or maybe he was just a prankster who sent him to punish America for being boastful. Best country in the world? Didn’t God create Israel? Didn’t he create ALL of the countries? Will there be Wal-Marts in heaven??
No matter how this Trump saga ends, it’s guaranteed that a movie will come out of it. A multi-billion dollar mega-hit. On second thought, though, a two hour feature may not be enough. It could turn out to be a multiple season series on Netflix or Max. But can you adequately portray a person’s entire life, even in a lengthy series? It would require at least 25 hours just to scratch the surface of his life.
You must begin with his childhood, then cover his school years, his relationship with his father and mother. The real estate era followed by his years in television. There are his failed businesses—he was bankrupt six times. His sexual relationships and failed marriages. His foray into politics and his campaign for the U.S. presidency. Of course, there was his four years as President, followed by his re-election campaign. There was the pro-Trump insurrection upon the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Still to come are the criminal trials for the 91-and-counting criminal indictments against him.  And through all of this, I haven’t even mentioned 50% of his life’s activities. Whew! Let me catch my breath! 1-2-3-4. Okay, back on track.
If Hollywood did opt to make a movie about Trump, the big question is…who would play him? All right, let me take a crack at it:  How about Jeff Goldblum? Bad choice. Remember, Trump is half Irish, and German! Jeff Goldblum is too Jewish. What about John Travolta? Look, since he didn’t get the part of Jim Morrison, portraying Trump would be a big feather in his cap! But the physicality and body type of this character would require a lot of prosthetics and make up. Travolta would be in makeup for hours! Jon Voight? Too old. Johnny Depp? Too young! How about the actor who played President LBJ on Broadway and in film: Bryon Cranston? Though a great character actor, his voice couldn’t imitate Trump’s. Daniel Day Lewis? Nope! Allegedly, Trump never drank alcohol. (It’s hard to believe he is half Irish!)
Well, my number one pick for playing Trump would be Alec Baldwin! He played Trump several times on the comedy sketch show, Saturday Night Live. He was almost perfect.
Here are a few more casting tips: Gary Busey should play Eric Trump. What about Melania? It’s a shame Eva Gabor is dead. Ivanka Trump? That’s Easy—Paris Hilton! Mary Trump? Well, the great Merly Streep! As for Donald Trump Jr., I think it would be a challenging role for Jon Hamm. As for Barron Trump: Justin Bieber. Who should play Rudy Giuliani? Quentin Tarantino! Enough of this casting stuff.
If this movie should come to fruition, it will cost billions of dollars. Who would finance this endeavor, George Soros Jr.? The Koch brothers? Harvey Weinstein? None of the above! The taxpayers of America should front the bill, as punishment for letting this black mark in history happen in the USA! USA! USA!
Say, I want to be an extra in this movie. Whoops!!! I mean, “Background Artist.” Can somebody hook me up?
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Jim Gordon, Eric Clapton Drummer Convicted of Murdering Mother, Dead at 77
Jim Gordon, a drummer who played on Derek and the Dominos’ Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs and the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, died Monday at the age of 77. The musician, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was serving a prison sentence for killing his mother in 1983, died in a state-run medical facility in Vacaville, California. A publicist, Bob Merlis, told Los Angeles Times that Gordon…
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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igazikutya · 1 year
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2022 12
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Hol volt, hol nem volt, Pippin és Trufa, miután Frodó lelépett, közelebbi kapcsolatba kerültek a drogokkal, és rácsúsztak rendesen a lápatoroki durvább verzióira. Később egy brutálisabban elsült szüreti mulatság után kámingáutoltak is, majd a megye nyugati szélén, Tukföldön megalapították saját zenei fesztiváljukat. Később Harlondtól Rivendellig vált ismertté, kihagyhatatlan nyári eseménnyé a Second Break Fest, melyet Pippin e-képp nevezett el: The First Second Break Fest. Majd következő évben a The Second Second Break Fest etc... ami végül 33 évet él meg (Thirty Third Second Break Fest), nem úgy mint a Volt, amiből összesen csak 30 volt, vagy a Harmadik Ember Fesztivál, amiből az eddig utolsó a Harmadik Harmadik.
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A kilencvenes években kétszer is láttam élőben a punk keresztanyjaként tisztelt Patti Smitht, egyszer a PECSA szabadtérin, majd Szigeten – mindkettő örök emlék, az ő színpadi energiája senkihez se hasonlítható. Évtizedek teltek el azóta, és az indián boszorkányasszonnyá őszült Patti Smith zenei anyagai ma is frissek, mélyek, figyelemre méltóak. A Soundwalk Collective párossal 2016 óta dolgozik együtt és jelentek meg albumaik (Killer Road – A Tribute to Nico, Khandroma, Mummer Love, The Peyote Dance, Peradam, Lovotic), ezek valahol az etno, avantgarde, triphop halmazában mozognak, amit a rendszeresen közreműködő vendégek hatásai (Francisco López, Anoushka Shankar, Tenzin Choegyal, Charlotte Gainsbourg) is befolyásolnak. A The Perfect Vision Reworkings remixalbum az utolsó négy albumról válogat és méltó az előzményekhez. Olyan különös alkotók hajlítgatták Simone Merli, Stephan Crasneanscki és Patti Smith dalait, mint Atom™ (Uwe Schmidt), Brian Eno, Lucrecia Dalt vagy éppen a filmrendező Jim Jarmusch.
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A lassan fix hivatkozási pontként idézett Delsin Recordsnál jelent meg Claudio PRC olasz technoarc EP-je, a Challenger Deep, ami ugyan válogatás, de eddig kiadatlan remekműveket tartalmaz. Claudio Porceddu munkásságát a nem túl sűrűn elhullatott, minőségi hanganyagok jellemzik. Valahol James Clements ASC-jének mezejében mozog mind a négy felvétel, de Claudio talján mód szőtt hipnotikus fonalai által ezek a mára ismert sémák és ösvények elmosódnak és újra kihívásokkal, meglepetésekkel töltődnek fel. És akkor idetenném a ’63-as Jason and the Argonauts alatti jótanácsot a magyar torrentboltból:
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Egyértelműen a nyolcvanas évek analóg hang- és képrögzítési technológiája ihlette nosztalgia adja Franck Vigroux új albumának hátterét. Ez ugyebár rokon valamelyest a vapourware-rel, de érdekes módon ez az irányzat nem hagy mély nyomot a Magnetoscope-on. Viszont a nyolcvanasok túlszaturált dallamossága mint ismertetőjegy kifejezetten jól áll Vigrouxnak, akitől a kíméletlen, embert próbáló zajokat, sistergéseket, sokszor 0 dB-en öldöklő hangkísérletek foszlányait kapjuk fülre – ezeket most lepuhítva, csak az ütemek mélyén, mint szilárdságot biztosító anyagként használja – bár a végére azért bedurvul. Nem ismerem a 30 albummal bíró multi-instrumentalista teljes diszkográfiáját, de eddig ez a legkellemesebb kiadványa, mely Alva Noto Raster-énél jelent meg.
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Stephen King: Rovarhotel - ezt a hatást kelti a Shadow Swamps borítója. A Metal Preyers negyedik albuma is a Nyege Nyege Tapes-nél jelent meg. Különös duót alkot a londoni zenész-producer Jesse Hackett (Gorillaz Live és vagy féltucat pszudó) és chicagoi zenész Mariano Chavez, hiszen Teeth Agency néven is fut egy közös projektjük, erős grafikákkal, érdekes vizualitással. Metal Preyers kollaborációjuk erősen pszichedelikus instant krautrock, változatos hempergés a kortárs kísérletezés elemeiben: röviden megfogalmazott hosszú zenei mondatok, vasoxiddal beszórt nyers és rongyosra főzött vokálok, szellemvasutazó szintihangok, gitárok ripíten. 
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A lappersdorfi Ant-Zen kiadónál jelent meg a német Blac Kolor aka Hendrick Grothe EP-je, a Roots. A csúcspont egyértelműen a Teton, menetelős és bólogatós, agyas és dallamos egyben, a Kecak című szerzemény sajnos diszkvalifikálta magát túlzottan elcsépelt (Micheal Sterns: Baraka, 1992, OST) hangminta-vételezés okán.
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A boldoggá avatott, és már elektronikus mennyországban partizó Andrew James Weatherall (Sabres of Paradise) földi helytartója, nemzetien csak Sportszerű J. Timót, született Timothy J. Fairplay idei második kislemezén, a Chariots in the Sky EP-n is a tőle várható finom, indie elektropopot kapjuk. Semmi feltűnő nem történik, minden halad a maga tempójában arra, amerre kell neki, mint kvantummechanikában a gyenge kölcsönhatás - mit nekem az a pár millió, fénysebesen szálló, feles spinű neutrínó? „Not Great, Not Terrible” – hogy egy szomszéd keleti klasszikust idézzek. A lemez egy másik szomszédunknál, a már nyugatnak minősülő bécsi Archaic Future Sounds kiadónál látott napvilágot.
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Ethnoelectro hindustrialban utazunk Hari Shankar Kishore harmadik albumán ami a Yug nevet kapta és saját kiadójánál, a ULLLU-nál jelent meg az északi Koppenhágában. Persze vallással nem viccelődünk, mert az ember fia az egyik pillanatban még átszellemülve zenét hallgat, a következő pillanatban meg egy felhőn lobálja lábát / tüzes vasakkal sütögetik / bambul bele a semmibe (a kívánt rész aláhúzandó a meg nem nevezett felsőbbrendű lény által, szignálva, lepecsételve, szkennelve, iktatva, szerverre mentve). Brutális terekkel dolgozik HVAD, a lemez borítója se igér kéjutazást, tény, ez egy nehéz anyag, de közben meg azok a vastag drone-ambient hátterek, amikkel dolgozik, mutatják az utat az ellazuláshoz, ha éppen nem valami zenei vihar tombol.
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Lááá, megadom a hangot, tessék: ttévlooponn jáárok, sajnos néha-néha én, de bárhová megyek, te ott állsz a loop végén – ez a Máté Péterből transzformált cím azért furcsa, mert szerző leggyakrabban használt napirajz idézete a „szóviccért ütök”. Interferenc 3,2 számos EP-je a fenti címet kapta, és aki ismeri a munkásságát, hamar észreveszi, hogy az introt követő Rotodendron – megint egy szóvicc - is tartalmaz nyomokban tévloopokat, hiszen egy korábbi pszeudója, a fornoiseloversonly lakótelepi-barkács-ebm húzótrackjével, a 1996-os Pulse hangjaival nyit, hogy aztán mutáns-psy-goa tempós száguldásba csapjon. A GHIJK lebegős techno, industrial-ebm dobokkal (Kris Baha és Khidja vonalon), csak az első percekben a fejed víz alá nyomják, persze csak a mélyebb élmény kedvéért. A záró halliszt pedig nekem a legendás Lucky People Center goás őrületeivel kokettál, de a végén az a hosszas noise-ambient leúszás furcsa. Bár a februárban megjelent Torz albumhoz képest a ttévlooponn... szinte teljesen más irányba mutat, az interferencre jellemző markáns ritmika ezen is ugyanúgy felismerhető, mint a frappáns, saját grafikával készült borító is, ami kicsit félrement talán, mivel a címben szereplő járásnak kevés köze van a menéshez.
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Elismerem, igen furcsa hangzóanyag a kinai páros Zaliva-D új albuma, bár a címe -孽​儿​谣 / Misbegotten Ballads – segíthet az előzetes igazodásban. De Mao Ce Tungot is idézhetném (neeem kéééne): „virágozzék minden virág”, pláne ha beijingi bass-re bólogat a világ. Li Chao (és a live visual-ért felelős párja Aisin-Gioro Yuanjin) trackjei többször is szerepeltek már a Traxelektorban - Calling, Faraway, Can't Go Back (2019) Long Journey(2020) – és az utolsó albumuk a Forsaken ott is volt a hónap lemezei között 2019 júniusában. Az album a shanghai-i SVBKVLT Recordings-nél jelent meg. A Zaliva-D jellemzően bass alapjaira keletiesen és/vagy trendien nyafogós zenei felépítmények érkeznek, instant tízes/húszas évek style-ban, szóval simán lehet az is, ami az én fülemnek néha zavaró, egy friss fülnek default. Azzal, hogy Li Chao a Misbegotten Ballads-szal elrugaszkodott a tavalyi táncosabb, ütemközpontúbb megoldásoktól, kicsit Dom Tarasek Commodojához hasonló hangulatot kaptunk középtempós eastern-ben. Na meg a pali néha nyannyog (énekel) is közben, szóval az összkép haláli, nagyon szórakoztató. Stillszerűen a Ji-King 11. hexáját tenném most ide: A Béke (泰, TAJ) - felül a befogadó, alul a teremtő / kiterjedtség, nyugalom, virágzás / A kicsi távozik, a nagy jön. Üdv! Siker!
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A végtelen turnézásban ragadt Kris Baha slágereire hajazó dallal nyit a Red Axes a tel-avivi Malka Tuti kiadó Sheva válogatásán. A tucatnyi felvételből heten landoltak a havi Traxelektorban, és minden zenei értéket, amit a Malka Tuti ismertebb művészei (Black Merlin, Cosmo Vitelli, Khidja, Tapan) és holdudvaruk kapcsán annyira szerethetünk visszaköszön az olyan kevésbé ismertebbektől, mint Decha (Viktoria Wehrmeister), Vactrol Park, vagy Plazmot & Xen. Utóbbiak Sakana című felvételét Khidjáék kétfelé terelték el remixeikkel, és mindkettő zseniális lett, akárcsak Nicola Cruz Decha remixe.
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Meg kell említenem Benedikt Frey nevét, akinek Elevatora minden ízében, surranó kábeles, lopakodó basszusfutamos, lajhár liftaknás brúszvilliszes, tényleg: kiköpött liftes. Frey még kétszer-két másik különleges felvétellel is szerepel a havi Traxelektorban az 1987 címet viselő szóló albumáról (saját néven) és Nadia D’Aló-val közös projektje révén, mely az INIT nevet viseli, és echte tánczene.
Blac Kolor - Roots [2022, Ant-Zen][S] Claudio PRC - Challenger Deep [2022, Delsin][EP] Franck Vigroux - Magnetoscope [2022, Raster][LP] HVAD - Yug [2022, ULLLU][LP] interferenc - ttéévloooponn jáárok néha- néha én [2022, Self-Released][EP] Metal Preyers - Shadow Swamps [2022, Nyege Nyege Tapes][LP] Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - The Perfect Vision Reworkings [2022, Bella Union][LP] Timothy J. Fairplay - Chariots in the Sky [2022, Archaic Future Sounds][S] Various Artists - Dust Of Life [2022, Hard Fist][Comp] Various Artists - Sheva [2022, Malka Tuti][LP-Comp] Various Artists - Systema Naturae II [2022, 012][EP-Comp] Zaliva-D - 孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads [2022, SVBKVLT][EP]
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A két történelmi Leftfield album, meg az azokat körbelődöző még zseniálisabb EP-k és szinglik után cirka 15 évvel érkezett anno az Alternative Light Source album 2015-ben, ami maga volt irtózatos pofára esés. A makulátlanság és a hibátlan tökély örök elveszejtése. Aztán pár hete írtak a srácok, hogy van új Leftfield. Hogy nem a fenti szegmensben olvasod ezt, nagyjából sejtheted, ha mi a véleményem, de inkább elmesélek valamit. Apám elmondása szerint öt éves voltam, amikor egy számomra nem tetsző dologra azt mondtam neki: Ez trogya! Azóta se hallottam, hogy bárki is használta volna ezt a kellemetlenül hangzó kifejezést és fogalma se volt a meghökkent családnak, honnan szedtem? Vagyis a Leftfield fanok mára úgy érezhetik magukat, mint a német labdarúgó válogatott szurkolói Katar után, hogy másodszorra se sikerült, megint elmaradt a katarzis, és a This Is What We Do címet viselő albumról röviden ennyit mondhatok: „Ez trogya!
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Traxelektor 2022 12 Spotify playlist (86/96, 8:30/9:01, 90%)
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Traxelektor Playlist 2022 12
Al Wootton - Temple Ball [Artefacts, Trule] Benedikt Frey - Elevator [VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Benedikt Frey - Phrack [1987, R.I.O.] Benedikt Frey - Trencher [1987, R.I.O.]
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Birds ov Paradise - Ochra [VA - Systema Naturae II, 012] Blac Kolor - Haka [Roots, Ant-Zen] Blac Kolor - Teton [Roots, Ant-Zen] Böhm - Landed III [Low Earth Orbit, PARTOUT] Callum Plant - Caeruleum [Tempore Mutations, EarToGround] Claudio PRC - Eelume [Challenger Deep, Delsin] Claudio PRC - Haidou [Challenger Deep, Delsin] Claudio PRC - Kaikō [Challenger Deep, Delsin] Commodo - V8 Hearse [Mysterious Trax 001, Mysterious Trax] Cornelius Doctor & Omri Smadar - Ayawaska [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist]
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Decha - Chebechu (Nicola Cruz Remix)[VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Decha - RO 2 [VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Desert Sound Colony - Fresh One (Sid Angel Remix)[Fresh One, Holding Hands] Desert Sound Colony - Weighty Bassy Goodness [Fresh One, Holding Hands
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Dødsmaskin - Fiksjonen [Herremoral | Slavemoral, Ant-Zen/Malignant] Errortica & Curses - Hangman [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist] Exhausted Modern - Medium = Message [Notions of Causality, Brokntoys] Exhausted Modern - Raised from Awareness [Notions of Causality, Brokntoys] Fantastic Twins & Sascha Funke - Junk Good Baby No [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist] Franck Vigroux - Station to Station [Magnetoscope, Raster] Franck Vigroux - Train [Magnetoscope, Raster] Franck Vigroux - VHS [Magnetoscope, Raster] Gigi Masin - Barumini [Vahinè, Language Of Sound] Gigi Masin - Vahiné [Vahinè, Language Of Sound] Heimat - Quando (Le Crabe Remix)[Remixes, Teenage Menopause] Heimat - Tu Miedo (Tolouse Low Trax Remix) [Remixes, Teenage Menopause] Heimat - Unterwegs (UVB76 Remix) [Remixes, Teenage Menopause]
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HVAD - Attention Seeker [Yug, ULLLU] HVAD - Echolocating Chamagaadad [Yug, ULLLU] HVAD - Inner Hurricane Triggered [Yug, ULLLU] HVAD - अनलॉक [Yug, ULLLU] Init -  N.O.D. [NRGY, Optimo Music] Init -  Time [NRGY, Optimo Music]
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interferenc - GHIJK [ttéévloooponn jáárok néha-néha én, Self-Released] interferenc - rotodendron [ttéévloooponn jáárok néha-néha én, Self-Released] Japanese Television - Doppelgänger Disco (Joshua James Remix) [Space Fruit Vineyard Remixed, Tip Top]
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Kamikaze Space Programme - Ashes to Ashes [Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Natural Selection] Katatonic Silentio - Déplacement De La Surface [Les Chemins De L'inconnu, Ilian Tape] Katatonic Silentio - Le Réveil Du Combattant [Les Chemins De L'inconnu, Ilian Tape] Leftfield - Accumulator [This Is What We Do, Virgin] Marcel Dettmann - Picture 2020 [Fear Of Programming, Dekmantel] Marcel Dettmann - Suffice to Predict [Fear Of Programming, Dekmantel]
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Matias Aguayo & Deena Abdelwahed - Ghita [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist] Metal Preyers - Carpenters Cabin [Shadow Swamps, Nyege Nyege Tapes] Metal Preyers - Ecto Green Code [Shadow Swamps, Nyege Nyege Tapes] Metal Preyers - Gremlin Gurgle [Shadow Swamps, Nyege Nyege Tapes] Metal Preyers - Scream Dreamer [Shadow Swamps, Nyege Nyege Tapes] Move D & Dman - Colon.ize [All You Can Tweak, Smallville]
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Opal Sunn - The Problem with George [The Problem With George, ESP Institute] Oscar Mulero - Aire Silencioso [Desde La Boca Del León, Pole] Oscar Mulero - Flujo Fatal [Desde La Boca Del León, Pole]
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Otik - Crystal Clear [Crystal Clear/Rainbow Rhythm, !K7] Plazmot & Xen - Sakana (Khidja's Dub Remix)[VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Plazmot & Xen - Sakana (Khidja's Indo Remix)[VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Polygonia - Pterois Miles [Living Patterns, ara] Polygonia - Vespula Pensylvanica [Living Patterns, ara]
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Red Axes - Take it Away [VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Roe Deers & Omar Joesoef - Slap! [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist] Saphileaum - Ahur (Agonis Remix) [Hiberian Central, intervision] Saphileaum - Diadelphia [VA - Systema Naturae II, 012] Saphileaum - Flowing Ray [Ornaments, Oslated] Saphileaum - Nearby the Golden Lake [Ganbana, Not Not Fun]
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Schwefelgelb - Das Ist Wellness [Whirlpool-Gedanken, n-PLEX] Schwefelgelb - Einer Macht Den Twist [Whirlpool-Gedanken, n-PLEX] Sciahri & Desroi - Ebb Tide [In Mirrors, Semantica] Sciahri & Desroi - Inhale [In Mirrors, Semantica]
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Simon Crab - Invaders [Invisible Cities, Space Ritual] Simon Crab - Invisible City [Invisible Cities, Space Ritual] Simon Crab - Stack Interchange [Invisible Cities, Space Ritual] Soreab - Myth (Pugilist Remix)[ Bound To Orgins, Pseudonym] Soreab feat. Cinna Peyghamy - Untitled 1 [Teleportations, Control Freak] Soreab feat. Cinna Peyghamy - Untitled 1 (Dub)[Teleportations, Control Freak] Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - Indian Culture (Lucrecia Dalt Remix)[The Perfect Vision Reworkings, Bella Union] Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - Peradam (Brian Eno Remix) [The Perfect Vision Reworkings, Bella Union] Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - Song of the Highest Tower (Atom™ Remix) [The Perfect Vision Reworkings, Bella Union] Strapontin & MR TC - Metal Layer [VA - Dust Of Life, Hard Fist] Terence Fixmer - Matiere Noire [Shifting Signals, Mute] Terence Fixmer - Reset [Shifting Signals, Mute]
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Thorofon - Hate Is Normal [Gladio, Ant-Zen] Timothy J Fairplay -  Yellow Headlights V1 [Chariots in the Sky , Archaic Future Sounds] Timothy J Fairplay - Chariots in the Sky [Chariots in the Sky , Archaic Future Sounds] Vactrol Park - Seemingly Strange [VA - Sheva, Malka Tuti] Violeta Vicci - Tuvan (The Orb's Tasmania Mix) [Autovia Remixed, LSD - Liquid Sound Design]
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Wata Igarashi - Storm [WIP08, WIP] Woo - Cadenza D'Innocenza [Paradise In Pimlico, Quindi]
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Zaliva-D - Bu Nv Rao Liang [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zaliva-D - Dao Yao Zui [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zaliva-D - Hun Shou Qiang Qiang [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zaliva-D - Mian Ru Er Tiao Tiao [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zaliva-D - Weng Weng Zheng [孽​儿​谣 Misbegotten Ballads, SVBKVLT] Zemög - Fogata Chamanica [Guayana, Tepuy] Zemög - Mimosa [VA - Systema Naturae II, 012]
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lalaalola · 5 years
The Truman Show- 1998
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juliadelg · 7 years
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therealjimparsons Whatever else happens, Meryl and I shared a laugh. Kind of. #oscarsupdate2017
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eerna · 6 years
dasketcherz replied to your post: "OH COOL IT'S MERLI- wait why are you flipping the...
i f e e l b i g m o o d
watching it for the first time: Well, I guess Merlin did go a bit overboard with the illusion, but ultimately it’s what Jim needed to realize he cannot run from his responsibilities and be ready to face the consequences
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 299
Comic Reviews:
DC Festival of Heroes - The Asian Superhero Celebration by Greg Pak, Gene Luen Yang, Pornsak Pichetshote, Amy Chu, Mariko Tamaki, Sarah Kuhn, Ram V, Alyssa Wong, Minh Le, Aniz Adam Ansari, Dustin Nguyen, Cliff Chiang, Francis Manapul, Philip Tan, Sean Chen, Marcus To, Marcio Takara, Sami Basri, Jim Cheung, Jae Lee, Gurihiru, Kevin Wada, Victoria Ying, Audrey Mok, Sumit Kumar, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Trung Le Nguyen, Bernard Chang, Norm Rapmund, Rain Beredo, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Sebastian Cheng, Jen Bartel, June Chang
Future State: Gotham 1 by Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis, Yasmine Putri
Justice League: Last Ride 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Miguel Mendonca
Legends of the Dark Knight 7 by Stephanie Phillips, Max Dunbar
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom by Nick Spencer, Carlos Gomez, Ze Carlos, Roge Antonio, Alex Sinclair
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard by Ryan Cady, Michele Bandini, Elisabetta D'Amico, Arick Arciniega
Heroes Reborn: Peter Parker - The Amazing Shutterbug by Marc Bernardin, Rafael De Latorre, Ron Lim, Scott Hanna, Jim Campbell
Heroes Reborn 2 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson, 
X-Corp 1 by Tini Howard, Alberto Foche, Sunny Gho
Time Before Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Silver Coin 2 by Kelly Thompson, Michael Walsh
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery 1 by Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Leila Del Duca, Michelle Madsen
Silver City 1 by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs, Luca Merli
Hailstone 1 by Rafael Scavone, Rafael de Latorre, Rafael Albuquerque, Wesllei Manoel
Starfall High 1 by Adam Blackhat, Mayerlin Uribe
99 Cent Theater
Caspian Porter 0 by Drew Lenhart, Juan Fleites, Jonathan Wetmore
Fire Queen 1 by Thea Belak, Marin Markel
Princess Who Saved Herself by Greg Pak, Jonathan Coulton, Takeshi Miyazawa
Softies: Stuff That Happens After the World Blows Up by Kyle Smeallie
Fearless by Kenny Porter
We Run by Chip Zdarsky and Elsa Charretier
Additional Reviews: Line of Duty, Project Hail Mary, Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle
News: Chip Zdarsky on Hulk, Clownhunter vs. Punchline, Bitter Root movie by Bryan Hill and Regina King, War of the Bounty Hunters is six months and 33 parts, Kang mini by Lanzing and Kelly, Amphibia season finale gets an air date, Knives Out 2 casting, Round Robin updates
Trailers: Wish Dragon
Comics Countdown:
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
Joker 3 by James Tynion IV, Guillem March, Arif Prianto
Birthright 49 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Time After Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Seven Secrets 8 by Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli
American Vampire 1976 8 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig
Guardians of the Galaxy 14 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee
Geiger 2 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Proctor Valley Road 3 by Grant Morrison, Alex Child, Naomi Franquiz, Tamra Bonvillain
Check out this episode!
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sports-and-fandoms · 7 years
Dark interruptions {James T Kirk x reader}
 Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of update on this story, I’ve been extremely busy. Anyway, here’s the third part of “Not Mine To Hold”. If you have no clue as to what I’m talking about, please read the previous parts. Btw, I watched Wonder Woman today. Finally! I LOVED Gal Gadot. The movie was so good. I might be biased, but I think Steve Trevor is the most precious person in the world. Like, Chris did a fabulous job as Steve. Also, I think that anyone named Steve should be kept away from planes that contain bombs. I can’t deal with similar incidents! ONE TIME WAS ENOUGH! 
Warning: A few curse words, like shit and ass, nothing major… angst maybe? 
Words: 1135 words
Part 1 Part 2
Back to the reader’s point of view. Happy reading!! Btw, so many references! Kudos if you can find all of them. Some aren't obvious. Some are. Good luck!
Words had such power. When ever someone got hurt, they would blame the situation or a person, never the words that were uttered. Some words could wreck lives some could break a person’s spirit. 
Today, words had almost broken you. Words said three years ago were long forgotten but left a bitter aftertaste. Words could be poisonous and destructive. 
People always forgot the power of words until they were addressed towards them. Until they actually sank in.
All day, today, you kept telling yourself that things couldn’t possible be any worse. The man that had been your best friend for over two decades, the man you were madly in love with, was ignoring you and marrying another woman. Worst of all, you were given a front row seat as you watched everything you ever wanted being handed to another. And let’s not forget the smile you had to plaster on your face so that people wouldn’t get suspicious. 
Yet again, the Universe hated you. Karma was a piece of shit and your life was the pièce de résistance in a world of utter despair. You were sure that someone, somewhere was looking down upon you and laughing their ass off over the misery that was your life. And so, to make it more miserable, the message had come through.
The only possible thing that could have made this whole situation all the more shitty. 
As you sat in a shuttle heading back to San Francisco, the words kept ringing in your mind. Over and over again.
Now see, someone like you only had a couple of things that made you happy. Friends (mainly your best friend), family, your job and your dog, Merlin. You called him Merl or Merli for short. He was a beautiful black Labrador that had befriended your neighbour’s golden retriever, that reminded you eerily of Arthur Pendragon. And so, the name. It was ADORABLE!  
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From these limited amount of things, you could check off best friend, Merlin was at your neighbour’s place playing chase my tail with Arty, and all your family was off planet. So the only thing you really had left was your job. 
Until now.
The words “Explosion in lab, experiment compromised” were the last words you EVER wanted to hear or read in your entire life. An experiment that you had spent 3 years on, was gone. Woosh! Into thin air!
While for most, it wouldn’t have been a big issue, mishaps happened. For you, it was the end. This experiment had taken meticulous planning, preparation and a huge amount of money. It would save lives in the near future, and it was gone. 
Things couldn’t possibly have gone worse. And that was the last straw that broke the dam. 
So here you were, on a damn shuttle, crying at the mess your life was. You didn’t even know if someone had been injured or killed. Everything was a mess. 
Two hours later.
San Francisco was a beautiful city. Even though it had been almost a decade since Khan’s attack, some of the damage was still being repaired. People were still reeling from the trauma brought from the entire incident.
Some people would never forget. 
As you walked trough the streets leading to the Starfleet labs, you remembered. Because as much as you tried, you could never forget that day.  
How could you forget the day when some of your closest friends were slaughtered by the hands of a psychopath? {A.N: Or High-functioning sociopath… sorry, couldn’t resist :/ } How could you forget the moment you received the news of Pike’s death? 
How you wished to forget. To forget the broken look in Jim’s eyes. The tears shed by the man you loved in grief of losing a second father. The dark night where neither of you slept, seeking comfort in each others arms. The night that was spent in silence, in memory of a dear friend. 
You wished you could forget the unseeing blue eyes that sometimes still haunted your nightmares. You wished you could, one day, walk by the the warp core chamber without flinching or feeling dizzy. 
The walk to the labs was spent in a daze, and then you saw it. Your precious lab. The lab that contained the antidotes to many illnesses. As you walked towards it, you saw them. Dead bodies laid on the ground, waiting to be brought to the hospital. 
Oh God, you thought. So many lives lost. As you walked towards the security guard standing near the main door, your comm beeped. 
“Y/N, its Jemma.“
Jemma was one of the scientists that worked for you.
“Hey. I just got here. Are you okay? Where are you?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m near the water fountain, at the main entrance.“
“On my way. Y/L/N out.“
You sped walked until you reached Jemma.
“Oh my God, Jem, are you okay? What happened? Did you get checked by the EMTs?“
“Hey, Y/N. Calm down, I’m fine. Oh God, I was so close to the explosion. I don’t-I don’t know what happened. I just don’t know.”
You were about to reply when you saw Admiral Baker walk towards you. 
“Commander Y/L/N, Lieutenant Simmons.“
“Admiral“, you both replied.
You spoke first.
“Sir, do you know what happened here?“
“You tell me Doctor.“
“Pardon me, but what exactly are you implying, Sir?”
“Dr. Y/L/N, it is clear to me that this explosion was a lab mistake.“
“I assure you Admiral, none of my people broke protocol. My lab is like my house, I spend days and night here, working and so does every single person that works for me. I have full faith in my scientists, they will never endanger the lives of others, and above all, they would never compromise our years worth of hard work.“
“Doctor, I mean no disrespect but-“
“Pardon me Admiral, but I do not think we should jump to any conclusions until we get a full report from forensics.“
“Very well. Doctors.“
With a nod and a slight glare in your direction, the Admiral turned around and left. 
One hour later.
7:20 pm.
You were approached by the lead forensic scientist assigned to the incident.
“Are you Doctor Y/L/N?“
“My name is Melanie Stabler. I’m here to brief you on our conclusion. The Admirals have been briefed already so now it is your turn. We believe that this incident was no accident. According to our findings, an explosive device was set to detonate in the L-25 wing, your lab. We believe that the device was most likely placed in room L-102, meani-“
Your comm beeped again, interrupting her mid sentence.
You gestured for her to hold on a second.
“Y/N, its Jim. I-“
Another explosion rang out, and everything went black.
To be continued. 
I feel like such a Steven Moffat right now. Damn cliffhangers, I can’t stop! Sorry, this part didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to. I hope you guys liked it. I LOVE reading the comments and reblog tags. So please comment and write funny stuff so that it gives me motivation to write more. Until next week, folks!
I believe this is the complete tag list, somehow Tumblr keeps deleting my final list… If I forgot to tag you, send me a message. 
@wonders-of-the-enterprise @samaxraph99 @saveatruckrideoptimusprime@curiosity-killed-the-speedster @yourtropegirl @engineeringtrashcan @a-mermaid-in-space  @goingknowherewastaken @eufeme @hayleynightcore @avengersgirllorianna
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lauranomundo · 5 years
O cinema cria uma atmosfera, um clima e uma perspectiva sobre as coisas que, quando bem feito, encanta a todos. Ora, não há qualquer dúvida de que somos fissurados em viagens, a novidade é que também o cinema nos apetece, inclusive aquele que tem como tema paisagens de tirar o fôlego (fotografia), diferentes destinos (locações) e, é claro, boas histórias que contemplem esse mundão imenso (roteiro). Quando começamos a imaginar um roteiro de viagem, além de procurar sobre quem escreveu sobre os destinos que desejamos, também corremos atrás dos filmes e documentários que tenham a nos oferecer sobre o destino desejado. Às vezes temos boas surpresas. Vejamos.
Sem qualquer compromisso com uma hierarquia dos melhores filmes e muito menos uma pretensão em esgotar uma lista de filmes interessantes, lembramos dos seguintes:
– Diário de Motocicleta (2004), a produção envolveu vários países, inclusive o Brasil, e conta a história de uma expedição, realizada em 1952, quase toda ela de motocicleta por boa parte da América do Sul. As personagens protagonistas dessa magnífica história são nada mais nada menos que Ernesto Che Guevara, na companhia de seu amigo Alberto Granado. As paisagens são incríveis, estradas remotas, sol, calor, frio e neve, montanhas e desertos. Enfim, uma película que oferece excelente oportunidade de o viajante crônico estimular o paladar de uma América Latina grandiosa. Pouco provável não ver o filme e ter vontade de sair por aí. Os mais despojados e corajosos podem ir até de moto! Nós, é claro, fomos com um pouco mais de calma. Para sermos justos, achamos que o filme ainda não foi devidamente contemplado em nossas perambuladas pelo continente. Estivemos na Argentina (2011), no Chile (2014) e no Uruguai (2015). A dívida com o América do Sul, como se pode ver, é simplesmente imensa.
Retratos de uma América Latina colorida
– Já tendo em vista diferentes paisagens urbanas europeias, a incrível sequência de filmes com a figura do Jason Bourne, uma espécie de agente secreto norte-americano em situação de clandestinidade, é algo simplesmente imbatível. Boa parte dos filmes – estamos falando em cinco – se passam na Europa, mas há cenas incríveis em outros lugares. Em uma das mais impactantes, a personagem central dá umas pancadas em um sujeito em um medina em Marrocos. Atmosfera é de deslocamento, sempre com passaportes falsos, várias locações: Berlim, Moscou, Londres e por ai vai.
Em sentido horário: Londres, Varsóvia, Lucerna, Praga, Budapeste, Fribourg
– Falando em Marrocos, o premiado “O Paciente Inglês” (1996) se passa no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial e envolve a queda de um avião, pilotado por um “inglês”, num deserto no norte da África. As cenas incríveis do deserto do Saara são tão belas quanto assustadoras. Fomos à Marrocos em janeiro de 2018, mas não nos sobrou tempo para ir ao deserto, infelizmente. Toda viagem, todos sabem, impõe decisões difíceis. Nós ficamos no ambiente urbano, com destaque para as incríveis medinas. O interior do país, inclusive uma incursão ao deserto, deverá ser objeto de um renovado roteiro!
– As séries de TV também não ficam de fora.  Ao assistir as espanholas “Isabel de Castela“, história que dá conta da vida dos Reis Católicos e o ” Ministério do Tempo“, esta uma produção que retrata uma repartição pública cuja principal missão é manter a história da Espanha inalterada, nossa imaginação se viu incrivelmente instigada. Foi nessa toada que nós visitamos cidades como Madri, Burgos, Toledo, Córdoba, Sevilha, Zaragoza.  Quem conhece “Merli“, série ambientada em Barcelona, já está razoavelmente ambientado com as paisagens e a língua catalã.  Já a aclamada “La Casa de Papel“, embora com muitas cenas internas, é capaz de mostrar o clima vibrante e  cosmopolita de Madri. Esta, podemos afirmar, uma de nossas cidades preferidas!
–  Ir a Escócia, depois de ter assistido Coração Valente (1995), e visitar o Castelo de Edimburgo, tendo a entrada, a nos receber, as estátuas de William Wallace e Robert de Bruce nos deu a impressão de que tínhamos ali velhos conhecidos. Já na exaustiva ladeira que nos leva até o castelo se podia ver um homem vestido de William Wallace, versão Mel Gibson, pronto para ser fotografado com os turistas (não de graça, é claro).  Já de volta ao Brasil,  zapeando pelos streamings de filmes e séries, descobrimos uma obra que nos fez viajar novamente para a terra dos escoceses. Estamos falando das primeiras temporadas de Outlander, série que nos levou de volta à Escócia do século XVIII. A Escócia, sem dúvida, é cinematográfica!
–  Em Nome do Pai (1993) nos conta a história, repleta de dessabores, de um atentado à bomba do IRA, em meados dos anos 1970. O drama conta a história de pai e filho, respectivamente, Giuseppe Conlon e Gerry Conlon, ambos condenados em um processo judicial repleto de problemas. Ao fundo, uma Irlanda cinza e miserável, marcada pelo ódio e ressentimento aos britânicos. Em 2017 estivemos nas Irlandas, em Dublin e Belfast. Encontramos, é lógico, dois países razoavelmente diferentes daqueles que vimos retratados no filme de Jim Sheridan. Precisamos confessar que, em Belfast, tivemos a ingrata surpresa de nos deparar com uma cidade, ainda, razoavelmente dividida. O muro que separa católicos e protestantes está lá e, ao que parece, é ainda bastante funcional.
Pelas ruas de Dublin
Uma Belfast ainda dividida
Estivemos no incrível museu do Titanic, em Belfast, nada mais cinematográfico, não?
  E nosso amigo viajantes, tem outros filmes inspiradores em mente? Conte-nos.
  Curta a nossa Fanpage no Facebook e nos acompanhe em nossas viagens!
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Filmes que nos animaram viajar O cinema cria uma atmosfera, um clima e uma perspectiva sobre as coisas que, quando bem feito, encanta a todos.
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Jim Gordon, Eric Clapton drummer and convicted murderer, dead at 77
Jim Gordon — the Grammy-winning rock drummer for Eric Clapton and George Harrison — who was convicted of killing his mother in 1983 while suffering from schizophrenia, has died. He was 77. His publicist, Bob Merlis, confirmed to The Post on Wednesday that Gordon died Monday at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville of natural causes “after a long incarceration and lifelong battle with…
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ciaomichaella · 5 years
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Congratulations to @niklasedin and #TeamEdin on winning their QF game vs Team Epping today. Ermahgerd the last two ends eeeeps! If I bit my nails I wouldn’t have any left, but boy Jim Cotter’s triple takeout was such a beauty and set things up nicely for the #GOAT so John Epping had nowhere to go. Good luck to my #Icevengers in the SF. Rooting for my Swedish Meatballs to pound Canadian Beef on the ice again. You can do it my babes!!! #saturday #weekend 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 #NiklasEdin #Bionik #KingNiklas #PoolShark #KatnikEveredin #SwedishVikings #EdinForTheWin #athlete #olympian #olympicmedalist #olympicsilvermedalist #europeanchampion #worldchampion #swedishbae #mahalskling #IBELIEVEEDINWILLWIN 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 #Repost @teamniklasedin ・・・ We are moving on to the @grandslamofcurling #HumptysChampionsCup semifinals tonight! . Just over an hour to get ready for a World Championship final rematch against @teamkevinkoe. Cannot wait to play them again! . #TheVikingWay #TeamEdin #GSOC #HumptysChampionsCup #Värmland (at Merlis Belsher Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwx7xekhi5l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hfq6rlbls00l
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lalaalola · 5 years
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Bizler dünyanın gerçeklerini, bize sunulduğu kadarıyla kabulleniriz. Olay aslında bundan ibaret.
Her şey nasıl sona erecek?Rozetini beğendim, ben de bunu kendi içimde çok merak ediyorum.
Birisi bana yardım edebilir mi? Çünkü içimden geldiği gibi davranıyorum!
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vaping-orchard-blog · 6 years
Another Heartbreak..Another Loss
I don't even know where to start. First of all, I follow all the espn and nfl annalists and ex-players on Twitter. Mark Schlereth, Michael Irvin, Deion Sanders, Mike Golic, Boomer Esision, Brian Baldinger, Trey Wingo Jim Rome, many more, not going to name them all. But they are and was ALL saying exactly what I'm about too. My point in saying that is to show I'm not over reacting just because they lost. Im not one of those who say fire the coach and bench this guy is that guy after every loss, so I'm not over reactin.
I've listened to espn radio all night and this morning, and they are all saying the same thing as well. EVERY single coach, including Andy Reid, needs to be evaluated. I am at a loss for words at how that game, merly the second half, was coached. Hunt only had what, 8 or 10 carries the entire game. The NFL LEADING RUSHER. Your up by 18 points and you DONT RUN IT? That is inexcusable. Let's say the Steelers are up by 17 points in the second half, and Bell only touched the ball 4 times the whole second half, instead they kept trying to throw it and ended up loosing by one point. Oh and Brown was out of the game. How absurd does that sound? Think Steeler nation would be saying WTF was Tomlin thinking.
But after ol boy caught and scored his own touchdown my stomach immeaditly sank. As did Twitter world and the local sports broadcasters said..."oh no...please no. Don't let this happen again" What was he referring too. Remember the playoff game against the Colts a few years back? When the Chiefs were up by 30 going into the 4th quarter? Jammal Charles got hurt in that game. Kelce gets hurt last night. Andrew Luck had a crazy once in a lifetime deflect fumble touchdown that sparked the comeback, and when Mariota caught his own pass for a touchdown,all of Chiefs nation went....Oh God NO!! Or us "crazy" superstitious people. Look crazy now huh.
I don't put it all on Alex Smith. The O Line could of done better. But they played well enough. But, as pointed out, Smith was getting flustered to quickly. He had more time to go through his progressions. And the Defence I thought did good. Hell the second half they was on the field most of it. You just can't do that. But like I said above, they just forgot about Hunt, and when they did try to pass it was sideways, not up the field, like in the first half.
This is what happens with the Chiefs. We've seen it time and time again. They get off to a quick lead. 10,14, 17 points. Then come the second half, they go into this mode where the offence plays not to loose. They don't play to win, they play not to loose. They stop doing what was successful. The other team starts taking chances and going down the field in the middle, where they can pick up chunk plays. Chiefs defence is set up to bend but don't break. For their defence to be successful they have to get turnovers and pressure on the QB. This Defence, which used to be good year in and year out. But they have suddenly gotten older, a step slower. DJ, Tamba, Houston. They are still a Force, but how many non injury years do they have left?
Chiefs gave up like three draft picks this year on PMII and Hunt. Their first round as well, and even one next season. They desperately need picks and desperately need defensive help. I say get what you can get for Alex Smith. Turn the team over to PMII. Is he ready? Eh...I don't know. But get him in there and let him get the experience ticker going. Best way to learn. He had a whole season to watch Alex, now get him in and let the learning curve start. See how Carson Wentz and Jared Goff. They had so so season last season, took their lumps, and look how they did this season. PMII is the future of this team, why delay his learning another year. Yes he can learn while on the side lines, but not like he can from game time action.
Chiefs are just cursed in the playoffs. Seriously. If your a Chiefs fan u know what I'm saying. This one hurts. Oh it hurts. Even worst then the Indy loss in my opinion. Because the Titans are not good. But we will sulk and lick or wound's and be right there with them ready to back them next season. I just don't know how you can get excited anymore through the season if they do good or knowing they gonna make the playoffs in the future. Not until they make a run and get this horrible monkey off their back. Kyle Brandt from Good Morning Football on NFL network said back in week 5 when the Chiefs were 5 and 0 and looking like they would finish undefeated.He said "How can fans get excited. Even if they go undefeated (which they won't, just a figure of speech) how confident are you that they can win a playoff game" Welp...he looks like a wizzard today. And he was and is right. Until they get that monkey off their backs.
I'll leave you with this. Remember the the Kansas City Wizard's? KCs soccer team... Before sporting KC? That used to play in Arrowhead? Yeah them. THEY have won 8 playoff games in Arrowhead stadium...EIGHT compared to the Chiefs ZERO. Oh, and they haven't played in Arrowhead in 10 years, they haven't even existed in 7 years.
You have broken my heart once again My fair beloved Chiefs. Oh how it hurts. But I'll always love you. I'll always come back for more. And once day my sorrow will turn to joy.
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