#It’s Mama Sloth’s birthday!
luna-mayham · 2 years
Pssst. Hey, all of you. Not sure if you’re awake or not. But. Y’all should go bombard @campwillowpeak today with birthday wishes for Mama Sloth! It’s her birthday!!
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palettepainter · 11 months
I was wondering what are some of your headcanons for Dr teeth, or zoot? Have a wonderful birthday! 🍰
Thanks!! I'm so fucking terrified for my bday this year, I don't know if I'll make a post about it cuz there are a lot of other reasons behind it aside from just not having any irl friends to celebrate with, but seeing some of you wish my a happy bday gives me a little smile!
And I sure do!
-So I like to think that even though he can sleep anywhere anytime, his sleep schedule is actually whack. Sometimes he'll sleep for like seventeen hours straight, then wake up at two thirty in the morning, make himself a sandwich and watch tv or something.
-When he was a kid everybody thought his talking shoe Jimmy was just his imaginary friend, including his many cousins. To this day some of them still believe that Jimmy is just Zoot's made up friend and they play along with it
-The only real 'sweet' thing he can handle is dark chocolate, if he has anything sweeter which is barely ever he'll have to eat it alongside something else
-As a kid he had a toy sloth called Timmy, sloths are still one of his favourite animals
-Sleep deprived Zoot is a rarity, but it does exist, the band all fear him, even Animal. He's basically Muffin from the episode Sleepover, mixed with the terror of an eldritch horror. Sleep deprived Zoot is a predator, he can smell your fear
-He's the oldest out of his cousins so far that I've designed for him, but is coincidentally the shortest
-Zoot sometimes forgets that Liv is in her early twenties (she's the same age as Scooter). She doesn't drink alcohol a lot cuz she doesn't like the flavour but when she does drink the stuff Zoot gives her a look and tells her to stop drinking it and go get an apple juice. Liv has to remind him a LOT that she's no longer twelve
-Inspired by a short story titled A Nightmare On Mulholland Drive, even though Teeth's parents are dentist's, and he spent a small portion of his life working at their practise, he is deathly terrified of having to have any operations with his Teeth. As a child he hated the noise of the whirring drill his Mama would use in the practise. A large reason on why his teeth are so perfect is because he didn't ever want to be in a situation where one of those drills had to be near his mouth
-Though his confidence has only improved over the years of being a musician, if you know the right things to say, Teeth can still get quite flustered if the compliments and flirts are coming from the right people
-He is so befuddled by London Cheesecake. To anyone that doesn't know London cheesecake is a pastry like dessert with icing and coconut on the top. The first time Teeth saw it he blinked hard, then asked where the biscuit base was
-When he was younger he had a nervous habit of wringing his fingers, and his noodly arms would coil up by his chest like snakes in distress
-It's not obvious thanks to him always wearing a hat but Teeth's hair is curly in parts, like his Mama's and Grammy's. Tina's hair when it's not pulled back into her signature style is a wild, frilly MESS
-When he first met baby Animal he was fascinated by his jaw strength, impressed by how something that small could have that much bite to him. Floyd was surprised, thinking Teeth would at least be a little more wary about him, but it brought him relief knowing Teeth wasn't unnerved by him
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campwillowpeak · 10 months
Hey Mama Sloth! I was wondering if there’s a release date in particular for when this visual novel will come out. If that’s okay to ask.
Gonna try and have the full demo done by Harper's birthday :)
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pastafossa · 1 year
It is Pasta Mama's BIRTHDAY so we're off to have a sloth encounter where we learn about sloths and feed a sloth some flowers!
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marshmellowlovevn · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Mama Sloth!
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 10 months
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Day 231: Saturday August 19, 2023 - Special Day at the Zoo
A lot of special reasons to get to the Zoo this Saturday. Earlier in the week, the long awaited two-toed Sloth habitat opened and it was also Nandi the Elephant's 9th birthday and so the zoo was a buzz. William and I ventured downtown after kissing Mama goodbye, and started by getting rid of some duck food in the big pond. The few ducks that ran off with the large pieces of hot dog bun William tossed their way had to wonder what was the hurry, but I knew - he had his eyes on that Train. And he let me know over and over and over, even after we were in line with our tickets. There was no secret, he expected a train ride before going to the Zoo. We got our seat right up front and he screamed his pretend train whistle as we crossed the little stream bridges and raced the ducks he was throwing oyster cracks too a few minutes before. With that out of the way, we could now get on with the business of the day, which was to see our friends at the zoo now that its not so danged hot.
We went straight for the Sloth after checking in, down into the South America Loop to say hi to Niko, check in with the Cappy and the Monkeys, and to meet Gwen the new Sloth. He was tucked up into a hammock bowl where we could just see some fur, but we listened to the informational talk there and enjoyed seeing the really beautiful habitat they built for him. William agreed, it was like a Sloth WildKatz. We planned to check back later - and after 3 trips back here to the Sloth's den, he never moved. So we'll have to meet him another day - great reason to have to come back! For now, William will have to enjoy the stuffed sloth I got him. I just couldn't resist - especially knowing Im fudging it a little bit with his age, but I gladly give it back in the market with the zoo fries and the gift shop!
Out on the back 40, they had games and puppets and all kinds of crafts to celebrate Nandi's birthday. William wasn't interested in the craft birthday hats, but he was captivated by the puppet show and also the bubble machine. I was happy that William was not at all interested in the kids elephant mud pit (though we would have been in it had he wanted to! - maybe next year!) He liked the idea that Elephants have birthdays just like him, and we waved to Nandi out on her plaground and blew her kisses, and then wanted cake. I compromised and fed him french fries with mayonnaise. He did not complain.
It was nice with this cooler and cloudy weather - wonderful day in the park with temps down in the 90s for once. It was nice to be able to get some normal routine back. And for all the many dozens of times William and I have been to the zoo in the last 10 months, its still fun every time. From a fun stare down with the giraffe, seeing poison dart frogs grow, catching the Otter swimming and playing in the pool, or knowing the name of the ant eater. The zoo has been our favorite place to be together. Its a place that I am grateful for. As we left, my happy little boy bolted his pointer finger over my shoulder at the carousel and said "go back there" which I clearly understood to mean, let's go ride on the carousel! and so I responded with "which animal do you want to ride?" He said "Duck" which I thought was an odd choice, but given how this all started with feeding the duck's I figured why not. And as we scanned for a duck to ride, I was happy when distracted by the Alligator, he had changed his mind. Which in absolute irony, he had picked out an Alligator in the gift shop before we found the sloth, to which William's immediate reaction was not to get the Sloth but to hand me the Alligator and exclaim "Put this back, please!" Which I took to mean, we're definitely taking the sloth home. But now we're on the carousel, and as if to tip his hat to the Gator, and tell him he still loves him, he sat proudly and confidently upon the big toothy smile like he was really onto something, squealing and laughing as we waited for the ride to start. He loves the zoo. And while we've had some fun venturing out to what other zoos have to see, this one, on a Saturday morning, with Dad, will always be his favorite. And it will be mine too.
Song: Raffi - Going To The Zoo
Quote: “I forgot what we were celebrating. Because we were always celebrating something, a new job, a new poem, a new love, a new dream.” ― Audre Lorde
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fcklouie · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! LOUIE WILEY on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the THIRTY-NINE  year old looks like CHRIS HEMSWORTH, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTOR is known for being ASSERTIVE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be CALLOUS i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song WITHOUT ME- EMINEM  {he/him / cismale} - penned by laice again!
full name: louie ryan wiley nickname: lou, lewis age: thirty-nine gender: cismale pronouns: he/him hair color: brunette sometimes with blonde highlights eye color: blue sexual and romantic orientation: hetero occupation: actor tattoos: same as fc favorite season: summer favorite color: purple favorite music: rock favorite animal: sloths fears: being poor. hobbies: rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking.
louie grew up in melbourne australia, he was born to two farmers and lived on a very small ranch. he had nothing growing up and he hated it. he always yearned for more. he resented his parents for having a child they could barely afford, he resented them even more when they had a second. it meant they had even less for him. he knew from a very young age that he was going to do whatever it took to make it big and be able to roll around in his money. 
he auditioned for many, many tv shows and films, and got a few cameos here and there, appeared on neighbours like every aussie who made it big did. but his first big break was when he was cast as jack in titanic. and from there his career just sky rocketed, and everything he’d ever wished for came true. 
of course to the public perception and the media he was a golden boy, he was hot, australian, the ‘nice guy’ in interviews, the one who made everyone laugh. he had it down to a tee, but that was simply not true behind close doors. anyone in the industry or who knew him personally knew he was downright evil. he cared about one thing only and that was making more money. he wasn’t generous or kind or caring. he only thought about himself and he made sure everyone knew what he thought of them. 
he never dates over thirty. he prefers whatever hot, young model was on the scene next. and he always got away with it because he was a heartthrob. and as soon as they aged out of his category he was onto the next and he always found a way to make it seem like it was their fault. of course they tried to slander his name in public, but somehow everyone usually took his side, he was the dream man after all, how could he not be perfect?
he is a father to one son who he never sees. he sends the checks for child support and calls it a day. he never intended to be a dad and as far as he was concerned that child was an accident and a huge mistake. he wants nothing to do with him, another thing that wasn’t surprising for anyone who knew him personally. he was too selfish to care about a child. 
wanted connections
baby mama- the person he got knocked up and now is a single mother to their son. he actively avoids her as much as he can, doesn’t show up to any baseball games, birthday parties or christmases. he’d call her his biggest regret of a relationship 
the current hookup/gf- they’d have to be in the 21-30 age range, if they’re nearing 30 they’re getting close to getting the boot and being replaced. he would shower them in gifts while gaslighting them constantly 
partner in crime- another asshole he can be an asshole with, preferably around his age. 
costars- i’m going to have his filmography up in a bit but it’s going to have a leo dicaprio/ryan reynolds/bit of chris hemsworth vibes. 
the one who calls him out on his shit- either they’re friends and they do it or they hate each other and they do it, i don’t mind which
the ex he runs back to- i wouldn’t use the term run really, just if he figures it’s time to cheat he calls them up. 
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camilo-makesyousmile · 6 months
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Camilo Carlos Castillo Madrigal – Character Sheet
my mama told me when i was young, "we are all born superstars" / she rolled my hair and put my lipstick on in the glass of her boudoir / "there's nothing wrong with loving who you are" / she said, "'cause he made you perfect, babe / so hold your head up, girl, and you'll go far"
Archetype — The Joker Birthday — December 28, 1998 Zodiac Sign — Rising Libra, Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — Type 7: the Enthusiast  Temperament — Sanguine Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Sloth Primary Virtue — Patience Element — Air
Mother — Josefina Carolina Madrigal-Castillo  Father — Félix Diego Madrigal-Castillo Mother’s Occupation — Assistant to the mayor Father’s Occupation — Nurse Family Finances — Middle ground? Not rich, not broke lol  Birth Order — Middle! Brothers —  Antonio [middle name] Castillo Madrigal Sisters — Dolores Adalia Castillo Madrigal Other Close Family — the Madrigals, im not listing them all Best Friend — TBD Other Friends — TBD Enemies — TBD Pets — all of Antonio’s friends Home Life During Childhood — Idyllic, loving family, beautiful house, beautiful town--happy and fulfilling childhood surrounded by love <;3 Town or City Name(s) — Encanto, Isle de Silvia, Avalor; Swynlake, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — It’s always been the same! Camilo’s bedroom in Casita is a massive auditorium with many fun house mirrors. His bed is actually “backstage” so to speak and difficult to get to if you don’t know how. (It’s a Metaphor for him hiding behind all his different faces.) It has excellent acoustics and when he was little, especially, he used to invite everyone into his theater to see him perform.  Any Sports or Clubs — Theater! Also, he’ll play some football but mostly casually.  Favorite Toy or Game — Charades, ofc.  Schooling — Primary in Avalor, was 16 when they came to Swynlake so he went to secondary in the UK; did not go to college Favorite Subject — Theater lol Popular or Loner — POPULAR! Important Experiences or Events — Getting his gift, Mirabel not getting hers, Antonio getting his (Cami was PRESSED), Avalor…  Nationality — Avalorian-Colombian Culture — Avalorian-Colombian Religion and beliefs — Catholic, tho they have a loosey goosey version of the Bible they follow lol
Physical Appearance
Face Claim — N/A Complexion — Brown skin with freckles on nose/cheeks, some pimples, but not a lot; very little facial hair, etc.  Hair Colour — Dark brown afro with some red highlights in the sun Eye Colour — Hazel Height — 5’7 Build — Wiry, but short Tattoos — Probably a few? I gotta think more about this Piercings — Nose and ears Common Hairstyle — A nice proper fro that they sometimes twist Clothing Style — Queer lol Mannerisms — Big and expressive!! Usual Expression — Smiling!
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nah and if they do, tia Julieta got them! Physical Ailments — None Neurological Conditions — Kleptomania Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Stays pretty well groomed tbh. Loves a face mask and manicure. Sleeping Habits — Sleeps a lot bc of his powers -- will fall asleep anywhere. Eating Habits — Eats anything. At all times is snacking on something.  Exercise Habits — Doesn’t exercise a whole lot, at least not purposefully Emotional Stability — Pretty good tbh, Camilo is pretty even-keeled Body Temperature — This is always the weirdest question why is this here? NORMAL Sociability —  Extremely sociable and good with people Addictions — Stealing things, maybe a lil alcohol dependency Drug Use — None  Alcohol Use — Too much probably
Your Character’s Character 
Bad Habits — Not caring enough about things, saying whatever is on their mind, no matter the cost lol Good Habits — Always a friendly face and a good listener, tbh  Best Characteristic — Being funny and charming Worst Characteristic — Too unattached Worst Memory — Fleeing Avalor Best Memory — Getting their gift! Proud of — Their family! Embarrassed by — Their family!  Driving Style — Do not let them behind a wheel, too irresponsible Strong Points — Fun, carefree, easily excitable, loyal (these are the traits of a dog)  Weakness — Being serious about stuff Fears — Something happening to his family Phobias — None…?  Secrets — Their stealing… Regrets — NOTHING BABY! (lies) Feels Vulnerable When — People try and make them be serious.  Pet Peeves — People trying to make them be serious.  Conflicts — Caring about their family v wanting to do their own thing Motivation — Do it for the bit!!  Short Term Goals and Hopes — Doesn’t really have any…  Long Term Goals and Hopes — Also doesn’t really have any… Sexuality — Queer Day or Night Person — Night  Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Nihilist?  Greatest Want — To make everyone have as good a time as they are 🧡 Greatest Need — To maybe take things a lil more seriously
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sinkagura · 1 year
Jul / 07 /2023
2023.7.01(Sat) 見放題2023 SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary
OPEN/START 12:30/13:00 TICKET ¥4500
チケット先行 【受付期間】3/28(火) 21:00 ~ 5/31(水)23:59 【受付URL】https://eplus.jp/mihoudai2023/
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2023.7.02(Sun) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary "Uniting Our Youths"
OPEN/START 16:30/17:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2500/¥3000
Hate This Town Exes on TV All is Well CATERPILLAR MAMA'S PAPA'S RNGL Gathey VOLT Launcher No.8 【古着屋】キメラ 【Food】 Heavenly Burger
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2023.7.03(Mon) at SINKAGURA 5F SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 最後にちゃんとするのは誰だ
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1000/¥1500
まーくん(BAYSIDE BLOW) むぎたん KAWAKAMI(Paranormal Phenomenon) よしき(RIOT JUNCTION) 風芽(Spring Wind Colors) なるとみ(Odd Lazy だーさん(BuzzHair/ウィメージダウンズ)キャンセル 翔太 キャンセル
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.04(Tue) at SINKAGURA 5F SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary
Devil's Filled Bar!! OPEN 18:00
No Charge 1drink 500yen
2023.7.05(Wed) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 新神楽、ドラム会
OPEN 18:00 DOOR ¥1000(ドリンク込)
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2023.7.06(Thu) at SINKAGURA 5F SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 懐メロナイト
OPEN/START 19:00 ¥2500飲み放題
むぎたん megumu 北條(tonights) AZ(AX LITTLE CITY) RACHI(ザ・パピュレイス) くれた クースケ なおペンギン(AtlantiQs) かわちゃん(Paranormal Phenomenon)
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.07(Fri) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary Bibens diem
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30
ADV/DOOR ¥2000/¥2500
Odd Lazy ジャパニーズモンタナ
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2023.7.08(Sat) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary MINAMI NiNE INITY TOUR
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2400/¥2900
MINAMI NiNE Smash up OWEAK sly cat girl
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.09(Sun)SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 2 Da Future
OPEN/START 17:00/17:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2500/¥3000
Ankfeel OOSAMA BLUE COKE Ray 浪漫派マシュマロ ナイトサファリ
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.10(Mon) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary HOMELAND
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1400/¥1900
Junk&Saachan(RIDGE) かずや(ichiru) まーくん(BAYSIDE BLOW) MAHO
and more
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
2023.7.11(Tue) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary "Bar Choro Q"
OPEN 18:30No charge 1drink 500yen
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2023.7.12(Wed)SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary One live one life / SINKAGURA&All I Clacks pre
All I Clacks UNMASK aLIVE Launcher No.8 Wrap Up Party
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.13(Thu) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 今日くらい素直でありたい maho 19th birthday / まほ pre
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2000/¥2500
pug ハニカム silent sparkle しおん
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.15(Sat)SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary
JUST DO IT Vol.4 / jammed loony bin x AX LITTLE CITY pre
OPEN/START 13:00/1400 ADV/DOOR ¥3300/¥3800( +2drink¥1200)
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.16(Sun) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary RAINCOVER 永久不滅1st mini album「Vanilla」release tour / RAINCOVER pre
OPEN/START 15:30/16:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2400/¥2900
学割1400 ※学生証提示
チケット予約はこちら [email protected]
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2023.7.17(Mon) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 混沌少女 単独公演「ゲコクジョ-無謀編-」/ Pretty One pre
OPEN/START 15:00/15:20 ADV/DOOR LIVE 15:20-16:20 LIVE 16:40-17:40 撮影会 17:50-19:00 SPチケット 5000円( +D別600円) 前売りチケット 2400円( +D別600円) 当日チケット400円( +D別600円) 2023年7月1日(土)12時~7月16日(日)23時59分まで購入可能です。 ※チケット購入URL https://t.livepocket.jp/e/kontonsyoujyo-gekokujyo20230717 (https://t.livepocket.jp/e/kontonsyoujyo-gekokujyo20230717) 入場順:LIVE物販orメンバー手売りチケットorLivepocket(SPチケット)→ 運営DM or Mail or 公式LINE予約→当日の順番になります。※整理番号をお送り致します。 SPチケット特典:2023年08月5日(土) or 6日(日)時間未定。打ち上げ?激辛たこ焼き一緒に一粒あーん?にご招待します。 or たこ焼きを頬張る推しメンバーの顔ドアップティシャツになります。+背中には推しからの関西弁の有難いお言葉を頂けます。 ※たこ焼きを頬張る推しメンバーの顔ドアップティシャツをお求めの方は黒か白どちらかの色を選択後、M~XXLからサイズをご教示ください。 ※※ティシャツは後日、お渡しになります。予めご了承下さい。 両方の特典が欲しい方は2枚購入して頂き、お友達を連れてきて頂ければ両方もらえます。 ※そしたら1が2になり 、2が4になり・・・以下略 前売りチケット特典:当日、限定写メに落書きをしてお渡しします。メンバーセレクト出来ます。
2023.7.18(Tue) at SINKAGURA 5F SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary 新神楽バンドマン交流会
OPEN18:00No CHARGE! 1DRINK 500YEN Bartender : まーくん&K.G
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2023.7.20(Thu) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary
ADV/DOOR ¥1000/¥1500
のり(Keyally) ゆーま(ex.Feed Luck) のあ いぶき 若林(pug)
2023.7.22(Sat) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary WORLD WIDE records pre ジコマン族
OPEN/START 17:00/17:30
ADV/DOOR ¥2500/¥3000
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2023.7.23(Sun) at SINKAGURA SHACHI - Where is my Dr.Martens? vol.41
OPEN/START 16:00/16:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2500/¥3000
チケット予約はこちら Lコード 51871
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2023.7.25(Tue)  at SINKAGURA
SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary
ADV/DOOR ¥1400/¥1900
2023.7.26(Wed) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary hand to hand vol.33 / SMASH YOUTH pre SMASH YOUTH 20th Anniversary "road to namba hatch" 7th step
OPEN/START 17:30/18:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2000/¥2500
SMASH YOUTH Spring Wind Colors 街鳴り world ethic Edely YUIYUI
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2023.7.28(Fri) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary UNFAIR RULE 「いつものこと」release tour "裏ファイナル編"
OPEN 19:00 START 19:30 ADV ¥1000 DOOR ¥1500 (+1D ¥600) ハラコウキ(マタノシタシティー) ヤマモトミハネ(UNFAIR RULE)
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2023.7.29(Sat) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary International You Day 19 / waterweed pre
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥3000/¥3500
waterweed CLEAVE
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2023.7.30(Sun) at SINKAGURA SINKAGURA 21th Anniversary BibensDiem
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥2400/¥2900
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Music Bar SINKAGURA   〒542-0086  大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-9-36 カサドマートビル4F/5F Tel : 06-6282-7261 Mail : [email protected]
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adeslowmoqueen · 7 years
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dear eve of sleepy ash, mom friend of everyone, MahiMahi, Mamahiru, SUNSHINEEEEEEEEE OF THE WHOLE SERIES (/ *w*)/~~~~ ! M A H I R U ~/ (oO*_ HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAY ! _*Oo) \~ \( *o*)/ ( ^-^)7 8(>////<)8 ( `w`)9 (/*3* )/ // 7 July ! \\ It's time for a big biiig party at Mahi's home! *hardcore party with at least 50 people cuz everybody likes him* keeping it simple, he has to bake the cake and organize the entire party, otherwise other dudes will make it more complicated than expected >:D ! '' Oy Mahiru !! let's celebrate 24h ! how about a slumber party too...!! with all 50+ guests ? :D '' '' I M P O S S I B L E... !! '' '' NYA - M U K I A E N E E E E E '' his life will never be boring =w=)b ahahha ~~ so today we gotta appreciate the existence of the ultimate housewaifu and protag-kun Mahiiii ~ ! He's done so much for his friends and other people without even knowing them, he truly is a human to admire v.v)! bow to MahiMahi, the one who saves the world with SiMpLeNeSs ~ and his cooking skills are 11/10 8D ! even Gordon Ramsay has to deal with it höhöhöhöhöhöhö nevertheless enjoy some..... cooking Mamaaaaaaa \( *w*)/ ! less than 6h ago it still was a white sheet of paper, *hardcoredrawingforhours* so sry that it's not sth special this year, but still, hope you like it :D !
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howlingday · 3 years
How would a pregnant Nora’s Arc go? I would imagine Jaune telling her she can’t do the crazy stunts she pulls anymore.
Ooh! Birthday ask about my favorite ship?! This just might be the best birthday ever! ...I typed at 8:13 PM of said birthday. Haha! I kid!
Now, in regards to Nora's Arc pregnancy, these are what I imagine...
At first, Nora is ecstatic about being pregnant, because she gets to experience motherhood. She sees this as a chance for her to become a better woman than before.
Jaune, however, is less ecstatic, because, whether this was planned or not, his life goals have completely gone off the rails. He's been through enough pregnancies with his mom, and has seen first-hand what new life really adds to a family: stress.
Jaune: Nora, you do you know anything about raising kids, or even having them?
Nora: Pfft! How hard could it be? I mean, it's not like I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life, right?
Jaune: Raising kids, hopefully not. Having them, well...
Jaune, having now become a father, kicks himself into overdrive caring for Nora: rubbing her feet, fluffing her pillows, satisfying weird craving, penny-pinching for the baby catalogues, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
Nora is loving the excessive pampering she's getting, but after the first few months, they become less and less satisfying. Her back starts hurting, her body keeps cramping up here and there, and she starts thinking she's pretty as she used to be. Worst yet, her bun in the oven turns traitorous as, dun, dun, dun, she starts getting nauseous from pancakes.
Nora: Jaune~! The baby needs another foot rub from daddy~!
Jaune: (Running in from the kitchen, Covered in flour) Hangonhangonhangonhangonhangonhang-! (Skids in front of Nora, Starts massaging) Phew! Is that better?
Nora: Mm, yeah, baby and mama li- Urp!
Jaune: What's wrong?
Nora: Bathroom! (Tramples over Jaune, Breaks through the bathroom door)
And unfortunately, this is but the eye of the storm. The prelude of what's to come. Because as Nora gets bigger, her patience gets smaller, and her mood becomes a sloth in a monsoon: swinging wildly. And she's angry. Very. Very angry.
Jaune will never forget the sound advice his father gave him about marriage and having a love in your life: just keep your head down and don't fuck up.
Jaune: (Wahing dishes, Humming) Do do do~!
Nora: (In the other room) JAUNE! GET IN HERE! NOW!
Jaune: (Sighs, Smiles) Coming, honey~! (Walks into the bathroom) Yes, dear?
Nora: (Holding something small and thin) What? The fuck? Is this?
Jaune: Uh, a toenail clipping?
Nora: Oh, good! At least you're not fucking retarded! Do you know where I found this?
Jaune: Uh, in the trash?
Nora: Mhm! It was! At the top of the pile THAT I HAVE TO STARE AT WHILE I SHIT! (Kicks the trash can, Contents spill all over) WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING USELESS WHEN I NEED YOU THE MOST?! ARGH! (Stomps out)
Jaune: (Sighs, Grabs the broom by the door) Keep your head down, Jaune. That's all you gotta do.
Jaune: (Grumbling) Last I checked, it takes two to make a baby.
Among other emotions as well...
Nora: (Awake at 2AM) Jaune~.
Jaune: (Stirs) Mm?
Nora: Now~.
Jaune: (Yawns, Sits up) Now?
Nora: (Reaches over, Grabs his "sword") Mhm~.
Jaune: (Strokes her cheek, Reaches down) Yes, dear~.
Their friends are, of course, there to support. While Jaune's away on missions, Ren or one of the girls watch her. However, they are no less subject to her moods as well.
Ruby: Next time, take me with you!
Weiss: Steady yourself, Weiss. A Schnee doesn't cry.
Blake: (Looking away) I need to do some research.
Yang: (Grabs Jaune, Tosses him inside) Get in there and fuck her, you bastard!
Ren: (Covered in various stains) I'm glad to see she is staying healthy.
Then it happens. It could happen in the middle of the night, in the middle of their passionate moments, or even in the kitchen. But their biggest fear was always...
Nora: (Sobbing, Breathing rhythmically) WHERE IS HE?!
Ren: I just sent the message, he'll be here soon!
Yang: Breathe, Nora! Breathe!
Nora: (Groaning) Just hang on, baby! Daddy will be here soon! And if he isn't, I'LL MAKE HIM PAY!
Ren: Breathe, Nora! (Breathing rhythmically) Like this, okay? Just-
Ruby: Breathe, Jaune!
Jaune: I should never have left! I should have never left! I shouldn't have ever- (Hyperventilating)
Ruby: (Slaps Jaune) SNAP OUT OF IT! We're on our way there now, so as long as you don't freak out, we'll get there in time for you to see Nora.
Jaune: But what if-
Ruby: No! None of that! Trust me, Nora will be just fine.
Doctor: Miss, please! If you don't stop, I'll be forced to contact security.
Nora: I'm not having this baby without Jaune! (Groans, Shakes) Even if it kills me, I'm going to wait until he gets here!
Doctor: Miss, think of the baby!
Nora: I am! And I'm also thinking about daddy, too! So I'll be damned if you think I'm gonna do this without-
Jaune: (Via Scroll) Nora?
Nora: JAUNE! (Takes the Scroll) Where are you?! They're trying to move me to a room without you!
Jaune: It's okay! I'll be right here. I'm on my way right now. I promise, I'm on the express train to you now.
Nora: Express train? Why not a bullhead?
Jaune: They're all chartered already. Besides, I think it would be better if our baby's first memory is of daddy throwing up.
Nora: (Tearing up) You're so stupid.
Jaune: Stupid in love with you.
Nora: Aw! (Kisses the screen) You won't leave me?
Jaune: I'm here with you. Well, I will be, but until then, I'll stay on this scroll. Just do what the doctor says, and I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?
Nora: Okay.
Hours Later...
Jaune: Nora?! Where is she?!
Blake: They just took her to delivery. I'll get the doctor, and they'll- (Jaune runs past her) Of course.
Jaune: Nora?! Nora?! No- (Tackled)
Patient: WHO AM I?!
Doctor: You're doing great, Miss, just a few more pushes. Okay? Just push! Puuuush!
Jaune: (Entangled) Get off me! I have to find- (Gasps) Nora! (Gets up, Bolts down the hall)
Security: Hey, no running! Or carrying patients!
Jaune: If you want him, take him!
Patient: WHERE AM I?!
Doctor: Just one more, okay? One, two, three-
Jaune: (Barrels through the doors) NORA!
Nora: (Crying) JAUNE!
Doctor: TIMOTHY?!
Patient: WHO?! (Dropped by Jaune)
Jaune: (Runs to Nora's side) How have you been?
Doctor: Excuse me, you can't-!
Jaune: I CAN AND I FUCKING WILL! (Looks to Nora) I'm sorry I'm late.
Nora: (Panting) I'm fine. Just tired.
Jaune: Here. (Holds her hand, Boosts her aura) Better?
Nora: Mhm!
Doctor: Uh, okay, now, uh, just push, Nora! Push!
Jaune: Come on, you can do it, Nora!
Doctor: Miss Nora? Sir?
Nora: (Panting) Huh?
Doctor: Congratulations. (Hands Nora her baby)
Nora: My baby... My beautiful baby...
Jaune: You did it, Nora. You're a mommy.
Nora: Hey, last I checked, it takes two to make a baby, daddy...
Doctor: If you'll let us, we'll go get them nice and clean while you recover.
Jaune: Okay. (Doctor takes the baby, Jaune chuckles)
Nora: What's so funny?
Jaune: I don't think we decided on a name.
Nora: ...Oh, yeah. That is funny, huh?
Jaune: (Kisses her forehead) I'll let you get some rest. I'll be sitting here, thinking of some names.
Nora: Okay. I'll just be here, then. Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah, Nora?
Nora: I love you.
Jaune: I love you, too, Nora. (Thinking) Now, what would be a good name for my newborn baby?
I'm sure they'll be fantastic parents.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
mama sloth i have reached the terrible conclusion that to get my mom a real nice present for her birthday, i'll have to take on so many shifts i'll be in zombie mode for a month, and still have to possibly do some commissions to make sure i reach my goal. why are spa's so expensive???
Oh snap I never been to one so I never knew they were so much??? Like gat damn???
Best of luck to you friend, I'm sure your mom will love it qWq
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kcabyap · 3 years
💜 *at night, the little sloth twins go to their father's room, finding him already in bed; one says* Dada, come with we, please? *each one holding each of his hands, they guide him to a wall, in which a door appears after they cast a spell to it; they look up at him nervously, one says, pointing at the door* Your gift *both of them say* Happy birthday, dada *inside, they blush at his reaction, one says* Human stars sky *another says* But dada and uncle Beel's and mama and dada's stars, too - 💤
"Huh? Oh... hi, kiddos," a warm smile crosses his lips as he sees his children, and he sits up. "Hm? Sure..." Getting out of bed, he reaches down to hold the twins' hands, following them. It seemed as though they were taking him to... a wall? He's confused for a moment, before his eyes widen in amazement as the boys cast a spell on the wall to reveal a hidden door. "I didn't even know you could do that..." he murmurs, looking down at them. After they tell him that his gift is inside, he gently lets go of their hands to open the door... "O-Oh wow!" His eyes widen as he gazes up at the starry sky above, a bright smile catching his lips. "It's... This is amazing!" He can see all of their stars... Beel's, and his lost lover's, and his own... Tears of happiness well in his eyes, and he turns to his children, kneeling down and opening his arms to them. "This is the most incredible present... Thank you both so much," he says softly.
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kazuko-stuff · 4 years
Trip at the zoo
Domestic fluff with Lucien
You decided to go zoo in Loveland with Lucien and your daughter, Violet, on your day off. Your daughter, Violet, has inherited her father’s intelligence but has your imaginitive side. As you guys went to the entrance gate, your daughter claps her hand with a cute smile on her face. “ I can’t wait to see the elephants” she excitedly said as you got through the entrance gate. Your daughter was wearing her safari’s hat and bagpack that she had received from you two on her fifth birthday. She always shows that talk about animals and always asks Lucien about animals she saw on tv. Sometimes at dinner she tells Lucien and calls the animals by their scientific name and you always get your head confused and can’t catch up sometimes.
As you guys got in, you decided to have lunch first. You bought out the bentos you made this morning and gave it to you Lucien and little Violet. After you guys finish your lunch, you guys head out and visit the petting zoo. Violet saw other kids petting the farm animals, she asked you if she can touch them. You let her as you see her eyes sparkle and went were the bunnies at. She pets the little white bunny head sweetly with a smile on her face. Lucien seeing how cute his daughter is petting the bunny, took a picture. “ She is growing quickly isn’t she” he muses at you . You agreeed with Lucien, she just turned five and some people thought of her mature do to how well manner and smart she is but however, you knew she was still your baby. Violet suddenly tugs your sweater pulling you to were the sheep are. “ The sheep looks like my teacher , Miss. Pricer because of her hair”. You and Lucien laugh at your daughter comment about the sheep because you both admit it does look like her teacher’s hairstyle. Violet wanted to see other animals, so Lucien suggested to go to were the tigers are.
As you went were the tigers are, Violet went to join the other kids to see the tigers. The tiger roar scaring the other little kids causing them to cry but Violet is the only one who is unfazed. One of the zookeeper noticed, “ unfazed, not even shaking”. Lucien laugh, “I don’t think that’s the case. Seeing your daughter eyes were surprised. “ Scary” she said softly. You pick her up and calm her down. “There, there, mama is here for you.” You said patting her back. You and Lucien decided to go see the aquarium section for a change with Violet. Violet saw the kid zone which had coral you can touch and you hold her hand as she wanted to go check it out. She notice stamp booth and you help her put the stamps that had a octopus print. on the little bookmark for. She was happy and put it in her backpack. Noticing a penguin show, Violet wanting to watch it, so you and Lucien decided to go for your daughter to enjoy. Seeing the zookeeper gave a mackerel for the penguin to eat, she smiled as her eyes sparkled. “ Did you know that their wings act as the flipper to swim in the ocean” he said to your daughter causing her to be her to be curious and started to ask more facts about penguins. As you guys exit out of aquarium, you guys decided to see the sloths and pandas.
To end your trip, you decided to go to the souvenir shop. Violet saw an atlas after Lucien pick it up a show her a picture of an elephant and storybook about a little wittie penguin and a stuff penguin. You decided get it those things since she is always a good girl and gets good grades. As you, Violet and Lucien exited out of the zoo. You noticed Violet took a nap while snuggling with her stuff penguin during the ride home. “ The little one is out already, you should also take a rest too” as he drives looking fondly at you and Violet. You decided to nap and let the warm sunlight drift you too sleep as Lucien hummed a lullaby.
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
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Happy birthday to me, lol. Today is a bit different only because I am currently in the hospital and currently separated from my love, Val.
 To My Queen, 
 I love you so much, babygirl.  You are my everything.   It is tough to be away from you any day, not just today but you did make my day this morning when you called and the nurse came in to wake me for it.  Made the whole morning a bit brighter.  As it is, every day when I see your stunning face. I won’t tag you on here because I know you’re a sneaky sloth but I know you’ll see this because you’ll text me later with a screenshot and yell at me for being mushy.  But we both this about me, babe.  I am the mush.  Kenny Kenny Mush Mush.   Anyway, I love you.  
All my love, 
You Tiny Jester
I will spend the rest of my life making a food out of myself if only for a slight chance to bring a smile to your beautiful face. 
To the loyal friends here on Tumblr. 
Tthank you so much for always being here.  I’ve been on Tumblr for a few years now (Cringes at my inconsistently) and before that I was on Mibba and before that Quizzilla (who’s old enough to remember those days?)  I know some of you have followed me to different platforms over the years and some of you came to know me through Tumblr.   
I can’t begin to tell you how much your love and support means to me.  Writing has always been my saving grace.  It allowed me to get my thoughts out and express my creativity when in reality, I couldn’t even get them out of my mouth.  And you’ve showed me love all this time.  I can never begin to express how much that means to me.  
Through all of it, my inconsistency, my writer’s block, depression, health issues and even with English not being my first language.   You have given love and for that I shall always be in a debt of gratitude to you.  I love you, friends.   
I am thankful to have reached 29 years today.   There were times when I never thought I’d make it passed my teenage years but Mama is getting old. 
And I honestly couldn’t be happier about it. 
Thank you. 
And I love you. 
Mama Kennysaurus
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colesmurf22 · 3 years
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(OC) Cube The Mini Imposter
My Very First Among Us OC Bio: Cube Mini Imposter Name: Cube Gender: Male Birthday: June 4th Sexuality: Straight Species: Mini Imposter Relationship/Girlfriend: None Yet Family Members: Cole (Mother) Micole (Mother) James (Grandpa) Victoria (Grandma) Midnight (Grandpa) Nivian (Grandma) Noora (Sister) Maxwell (Brother) Marlin (Brother) Noel (Sister) Manfried (Brother) Marlyssa (Brother) Moses (Brother) Nerissa (Sister) Nuna (Sister) Nea (Sister) Mickey (Brother) Cloris (Youngest Sister) Madea (Youngest Sister) Olivia (Youngest Sister) Hailee (Youngest Sister) Cube (Youngest Brother) Starr (Youngest Sister) Micola (Niece) Sander (Niece) Sandro (Nephew) Sammy (Nephew) Micolette (Niece) Suzette (Niece) Sandriana (Niece) Michelette (Niece) Michela (Niece) Sanderson (Nephew) Michel (Nephew) Michele (Nephew)) Delora (Niece) Dallan (Nephew) Dallin (Nephew) Nova (Niece) Nikolas (Nephew) Danae (Niece) Danni (Niece) Danna (Niece) Nooriel (Nephew) Darry (Nephew) Dooley (Nephew) Marlo (Nephew) Audey (Nephew) Adya (Nephew) Audley (Nephew) Adney (Nephew) Marrin (Niece) Marry (Niece) Morris (Nephew) Audric (Nephew) Auden (Nephew) Austen (Nephew) Marten (Nephew) Moselle (Niece) Aryan (Nephew) Aryeh (Nephew) Marabella (Niece) Marabelle (Niece) Arysta (Niece) Marcelo (Nephew) Marcel (Nephew) Malin (Nephew) Ariella (Niece) Arielle (Niece) Mellisa (Niece) Mick (Nephew) Melissza (Niece) Melisha (Niece) Mel (Nephew) Micki (Niece) Mickie (Niece) Mike (Nephew) Mikko (Nephew) Melvyn (Nephew) Nollan (Nephew) Rylan (Nephew) Ryland (Nephew) Renae (Niece) Noeletta (Niece) Ryden (Nephew) Nohl (Nephew) Noella (Niece) Ryenne (Niece) Noely (Niece) Evans (Nephew) Maxima (Niece) Margolette (Niece) Margo (Nephew) Evanam (Nephew) Maxon (Nephew) Maxton (Nephew) Evanne (Niece) Evander (Nephew) Evanna (Niece) Katie (Cousin) Kylar (Cousin) Coal Jr (Cousin) Aleiza (Cousin) Zeke (Cousin) Tabarious (Cousin) Tavio (Cousin) Adalley (Cousin) Tamburlaine (Cousin) Fuzzy (Cousin) Sabrina (Younger Cousin) Ayden (Younger Cousin) Nikole (Younger Cousin) Koal (Younger Cousin) Cortney (Youngest Cousin) Nicoletta (Youngest Cousin) Nicola (Youngest Cousin) Nicco (Youngest Cousin) Nicole (Aunt) King Coal (Uncle) Nikson (Uncle) Nirvana (Aunt) Audrina (Sister in law) Arilyn (Sister in law) Melissa (Sister in law) Marcos (Brother in law) Clover (Sister in law) Sunset (Sister in law) Elaine (Sister in law) Candace (Sister in law) Danny (Brother in law) Ryder (Brother in law) Evan (Brother in law) Karl (Brother in law) Personality: Expert Imposter, Gamer, Cool, Friendly, And Prankster Friends: Pinky ( My bestie's oc and Best Friend) Winkle (2nd best friend) Phiney Boston Forest Snowden (3rd Best Friend) Myron (My bestie's oc and 4th best friend) Pez (My bestie's oc and 5th best friend) Freddy (My bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Honey (My bestie's oc) Braxton (My bestie's oc and 7th best friend) Sparkie (Our oc and 8th best friend) Stein (Our oc) Andreas (Our oc) Shauni (Our oc) Philon (Our oc and 9th best friend) Faris (My bestie's oc and 10th best friend) Douglas Xavier (My bestie's oc and 11th best friend) Finn Woody (Our oc and 12th best friend) Favorite Color: Lime Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Holiday: Memorial Day Fun Fact: Cube is named after a villager from ACNH, name Cube. Cube is an expert mini imposter. He doesn't get caught not even once when he kill a Crewmate. Because he is an expert at not getting caught. When he isn't out killing. He plays video games. He love playing video games with his mother Cole most of all. He also likes to kill her the most. Because she's he's mother. In Mario games and Among us. He can be cool at times. He may be an expert imposter. But he likes to be cool for he's friends. He is also a huge mama's boy. Because he spends more time with his mother Cole then he's other mother Micole. He is very friendly, he may be an expert impster. But he can be friendly. And he is also a prankster. He love pulling pranks on his sister Starr and his mother Micole a lot. Because he's a prankster. He sometimes pranks his mother Cole when she isn't paying attaching. Because he love pranking her. Cube belong to  me Credit to my number one bestie yoshilover1000 on FA for he's design Among Us: Belong to Inner Sloth
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