philippequeau · 1 year
La conscience de l'aliéné
La conscience de l’aliéné
“Henri Michaux” L’aliéné est perdu, il est allé hors de lui-même, et là, il s’est perdu. D’où son nom, l’aliéné, le ‘devenu autre à lui-même’, ‘autre aux autres’. C’est du moins le diagnostic des spécialistes de la psychiatrie. Ce diagnostic, cet arrêt, semble si évident qu’il est repris par le poète même, qui en généralise la portée à d’autres genres d’aliénation. « L’aliéné à lui-même par…
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
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Zukka week day 4 // The arts
Studying the blade through calligraphy practice
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jules-and-company · 15 days
loïc passion tomber à genoux pour des femmes
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transmutationisms · 1 year
every online take about astrology is fundamentally ahistorical but so is astrology itself since the mid 20th century if not earlier so ig it all balances out
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lhrry · 1 year
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solaneceae · 1 year
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*flips a table* HOLY SHIT
(commission by @/sokodraws !)
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vyragosa · 2 years
i am so not looking forward english speaking community of fgo to talk about heian-kyo and ashirayama 
because we will see morons find it an opportunity to call shimousa a shitty story and the likes i’m just sure of it
surely some will manage to call douman a cowardly and stupid person.
i don’t want douman’s name in any of yall mouth
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franeridan · 8 months
I barely saw law for half a second but my brain's been stuck in dressrosa since........ I'm not even done with sabaody (cause I keep stalling shhh) but my brain is a continuous chant of dressrosadressrosadressrosadressrosa like if I keep repeating it it'll get here faster (it won't since I'm still stalling on sabaody shhhhhhh)
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segretecose · 1 year
just seen someone criticize the divine comedy by saying that it's not relatable which is of course incommensurably stupid because relatability should never be the only criterion through which one can judge the validity and quality of a piece of work &c but also. just because you tedious unimaginative losers have never been on a journey to hell and purgatory with your long dead favorite writer doesn't mean others haven't. happened to me
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jules-cesar · 1 year
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Découvrez la conscience évolutive dont seul l’humain est doté. Partagez ce plan qui explique ce que nous représentons dans l’univers à vos familles, vos amis (es)… afin de leur faire savoir que la conscience évolutive fait de nous l’élément le plus puissant de l’univers, grâce à ses pouvoirs incommensurables. N’hésitez pas à faire vos commentaires.
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dh7h94tg8f · 1 year
Amanda Rendall & Georgie Darby Babestation Naive teen slut faces a biggest manhood and pleads for mercy Mumbai Cousins fuck during study Arielle Faye and Pepper Hart team up in sex group scene teens and their mothers in public shower Eva Berger Lesdom Mistress Plays with Her First Timer Sub Linda Brugal Desi wife swati dick fingering handjob Tons of horny girls have a enjoyment fucking on a hardcore sex party Fantastic Mature Milf With Big Saggy Tits Likes Creampie morena casada novinha dando pro dotado no motel
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dlittle30 · 2 years
Paradigms, conceptual frameworks, and denkkollektive
Paradigms, conceptual frameworks, and denkkollektive
Image: Ludwik Fleck as prisoner / scientist in Buchenwald An earlier post opened a discussion of the “historical turn” in the philosophy of science in the early 1960s (link). This innovation involved two large and chiefly independent features: deep attention to the social and institutional context of scientific research, and the intriguing idea that research communities give rise to specific…
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infinitydivine · 3 months
Poems from your Future Spouse PAC reading ❤️🌷
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Hello everyone, I am back again with a new PAC reading. Thank you all for loving my previous PAC, I appreciate it.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave the other things. If you think this reading is not for you then choose another pile. If still it doesn't resonate then this might not be your reading. There are four Piles.
If this resonates with you, DM me to book a reading with me.
My Paid services Thank you for your support PAC Readings
NB- I have no rights to the poems, credits go to their owner and original writers. The images are not mine either, it was taken from Pinterest.
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HELLO PILE 1 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Your theme is Longing Love
1)Come when my heart is full of grief Or when my heart is merry; Come with the falling of the leaf Or with the redd’ning cherry. Come when the year’s first blossom blows, Come when the summer gleams and glows, Come with the winter’s drifting snows, And you are welcome, welcome.
If you want more in-depth head to Ko-fi
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Hello Pile 2☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Your theme is First Love at First Sight
I ne’er was struck before that hour With love so sudden and so sweet, Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower And stole my heart away complete. My face turned pale as deadly pale, My legs refused to walk away, And when she looked, what could I ail? My life and all seemed turned to clay.
If you want more in-depth head to Ko-fi
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Hello Pile 3 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Your theme is You, therefore
You are like me, you will die too, but not today:   you, incommensurate, therefore the hours shine:   
if I say to you “To you I say,” you have not been   
set to music, or broadcast live on the ghost   
radio, may never be an oil painting or
Old Master’s charcoal sketch: you are
a concordance of person, number, voice,
and place, strawberries spread through your name   
as if it were budding shrubs, how you remind me   
of some spring, the waters as cool and clear
(late rain clings to your leaves, shaken by light wind)
If you want more in-depth head to Ko-fi
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Hello Pile 4 ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Your theme is My Love and I are all the World
Your beauty overwhelms me
As I wrap my arms around you
I press your softness tight
Great passion fills my inner being
I'm captured in your embrace
Your eyes control my very soul
The touch of your lips, heaven
Forever frozen in time
All else fades into nothing
If you want more in-depth head to Ko-fi
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Thank you so much 🧿❤️
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praline1968 · 4 months
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Mon beau Charly,
Mon petit bouchon,
Ma beauté suprême,
Ma petite merveille,
Il y a 1 an aujourd’hui, tu prenais ton envol à 3h40 alors que tu étais dans mes bras.
Tu étais agité, j’ai essayé de t’apaiser mais je n’y suis pas arrivée à mon plus grand désespoir.
Malgré des signes d’affaiblissement que j’avais mis sur le compte d’un début de vieillesse,
Je n’ai pas vu, senti, compris, qu’une tumeur grandissait dans ton ventre depuis des mois.
Le poids des regrets et de la culpabilité me ronge un peu plus chaque jour.
Ton départ est le plus grand malheur de ma vie terrestre, nous étions si fusionnels.
Tu étais ma boussole, tu étais ma lumière, aujourd’hui, sans toi, je suis perdue dans le noir.
J’ai perdu le goût de vivre, plus rien n’a d’intérêt ni de sens dorénavant.
J’attends juste la fin au plus vite en espérant que je pourrai enfin te retrouver.
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🎤 Michel Pépé ~ Le coeur des anges 🎧
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(Petit poème que j’ai écrit pour toi le 24 décembre 2022)
🩵 Mon Charly 🩵
Il y a 9 ans, tu apparaissais et venais combler ma vie,
Tél un don venu du ciel, tu rallumais mes jours et mes nuits,
Pour moi, revenait alors le goût de vivre, l’énergie,
Un vrai bonheur, un éclair de temps et de vie qui déjà s’enfuit,
Et me laisse dans un silence, une solitude et une détresse infinie.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Petit chien de caractère, petit être d’exception,
Tes grands yeux noirs respiraient l’intelligence,
Coquin, joueur, espiègle, bavard et râleur,
Tu t’exprimais toujours avec ferveur,
Florilège d’intonations sonores,
Tu t’affirmais avec assurance, énergie et passion,
T’avoir dans mon existence fut une extraordinaire chance.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Tes mimiques, ta joie de vivre, tes discours, ta drôlerie,
Emplissait la maison de joie, de rires et de fantaisie,
Ta démarche aérienne si gracieuse, telle une élégante danseuse,
Ton majestueux panachon exprimait ton humeur toujours joyeuse,
Ta présence nous inondait d’amour et rayonnait d’une manière inouïe.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Ce si triste et douloureux dernier soir,
Malgré ton hospitalisation, je t’ai ramené dans ta maison, près des tiens,
Je ne voulais pas que tu restes à la clinique sans personne ni rien,
Seul dans cette cage, dans la peur, l’angoisse, le froid et le noir,
Je ne sais pas si ma décision fût la bonne,
J’espère juste que ce choix aurait aussi été le tien.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
La nuit de ce 22 décembre qui a vu s’éteindre ta lumière,
Quand ton souffle s’est subitement arrêté,
Et que ton petit corps dans mes bras a soudain cessé de s’agiter,
J’ai senti ton esprit s’envoler, tu étais enfin libéré.
J’ai alors ressenti cet indescriptible vide abyssal où s’arrête l’univers,
Incommensurable et insupportable déchirure qu’à jamais j’aurai du mal à porter.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A présent, il me reste les médicaments pour ne pas sombrer,
Pour parvenir à trouver le sommeil et ne plus penser,
Malheureusement, chaque jour, il faut bien se réveiller,
Retrouver et affronter cette terrible réalité,
Cette douleur immense, il faudra beaucoup de temps pour l’effacer 💔
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A jamais, pour toujours, je t’aime mon Charly 💕 💞
J’espère te retrouver bientôt pour l’éternité dans l’amour infini 🙏🏻
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devilrose · 7 months
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infinite, illusory, indifferent
Mew at Mount Aconcagua, just like in Mewtwo Strikes Back and especially like in The Birth of Mewtwo, in the part revolving around Miyamoto's search for Mew.
Beyond providing an interesting visual backdrop, there is also a thematic parallel between Mew and the mountain - they are both entities of incommensurable strength, towering above the world, deadly not because they wish for death but because they cannot comprehend life. How could Mew have done anything for Miyamoto, distant a million miles from her even as she was begging for help at its feet?
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hudbannonarchive · 10 months
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"To resolve the breach with Sally, Don takes his children to Hershey, Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving and shows them the Victorian house, once a brothel, where Don lived after his father died. When Don parks, Bobby looks around in confusion, “This is a bad neighborhood.” They cross the street and stand before a decrepit house with peeling white paint, which looms above on a small rise. “This is where I grew up,” Don tells them. Sally turns to her father with the skeptical look she so often turns on adults; he meets her gaze and offers no more explanation. Style rather than knowledge bridges the gap between an incommensurate past and future...The image of the house, obsolete among the surrounding apartment buildings, speaks to the past as in some sense beyond knowing. Sally, our gothic heroine, feels that gap; she repeatedly confronts the fear her father’s haunting entails and its inscription in the quotidian world that surrounds her. The tableau of Don and his children before the house, like the family gathering Grandma Ida’s visit produces, is haunted by racial difference as its enabling structure. Looking at the house where their father grew up, the children, and the audience with them, confront a complex temporality: the present search for a past futurity... Don tells his children no stories of his past. In taking them back to where he grew up without offering the comfort of proper perspective, he bequeaths them a properly haunted future."
don and sally + joni mitchell, "both sides now" + katherine kinney, "the haunting of don draper"
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