#In which zee makes a text post
another-lost-mc · 15 days
accidental off-anon asked: i am currently suffering through the monthly ides of agony, and i was wondering (if you're comfortable ofc) how much your oc's know about periods? if they have had experience with partners who menstruate in the past? how they deal with pms symptoms?
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I've thought about this a lot actually, so I'm glad you asked. <3
CW: vague mentions of periods/menstruation; nsfw content is towards the bottom half of the post.
Azra and Tenebris have the most experience with this since they've spent more time in the human world and have had partners that menstruated. They know there's specific supplies you might need and they'll make sure you have them. In terms of PMS, they'll need some guidance about pain relief or other types of comfort you want or need from them.
Meta and the other angels know about menstruation/PMS a vague sense from working in the human world for so long, some more than others. Meta "knows" the most from a theoretical standpoint, but his practical experience is non-existent. All of the angels are very patient and willing to learn what it is you go through and how they can help you. Meta is the most enthusiastic to learn and makes sure that the library has up to date literature about it too.
Belial knows a lot about humans in theory, but he doesn't seek out human partners on a regular basis so he might not be confident about the what or how or why components of what you go through. It sounds like a good excuse to pamper you and spoil you so he has no complaints about learning more about it or providing you with whatever you need.
Karasu and Zee only venture to the human world on business and don't really interact with them outside of that, so their knowledge about human biology is limited to the basics. They're both more than willing to do the legwork to educate themselves and learn how they can support you.
Karasu turns to the internet to find answers and confirms with you which of the things he's read are accurate/useful for your own needs. He's a little shy at first but he's so grateful that you're willing to confide in him about it. He'll make sure anything you need in terms of supplies or pain relief are added to Akuzon's section of imports from the human world.
Zee makes the mistake of asking Azra if he knows what periods are, and after watching his friend choke on a mouthful of coffee, he decides he needs to figure it out himself. He heads to the library that has a dedicated section for human-related literature, and the texts he reads about human biology are very...technical. He gets the idea, but he clarifies with you that what he's read is accurate and asks more specifically what it is you need (in terms of supplies that he can pick up for you) or what you want from him (comfort, space, or anything else).
As for rampant horniness certain symptoms you might have during that time of the month, the OCs are willing to help with that too - if you want them to, of course.
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Azra: There's not much he won't do if you're in the mood for it. He has the stamina to keep up with whatever hormone-fueled sex marathon you have in mind.
Zee: He is a fiend for going down on you if you'll let him. He's a fucking vampire about it, he'll look up and grin at you with his bloody lips and chin so you know exactly how much he likes it. He has no shame and he'll keep going until you want him to stop. (And then he'll fuck you after, if you're willing.)
Karasu: He won't offer because of some weird idea that he might hurt you, but he can't resist if you ask him to touch you first. He's probably going to get tired/need breaks before you do, and while he might normally feel insecure about it, your desire is so attractive to him that he doesn't care. He will gladly let himself be used by you.
Tenebris: He's hesitant at first but that doesn't last long, not if you're fumbling to take off his clothes while whining about how hot he is and all the filthy things you think about him doing to you. He loves fucking you, but he likes it best when you ride him (he'll gladly roll you over and take the lead if you ask him to).
Belial: He'd post a picture of you with this meme on Devilgram if he thought you'd get a laugh out of it. Seriously, he's down bad - whatever you want, however much you want, he'll give it to you. A little bit of blood isn't going to change his mind.
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Meta: He probably needs the most reassurance that you actually want to do anything physical because he doesn't want to make your symptoms worse (he's half-hard just from the idea so you know it's not because he doesn't want to). It's easier for him to let go of his inhibitions when you do the same - he's surprisingly passionate with you in the moment, and so sweet with his aftercare later.
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Young Royals Characters As Text Messages Dani @the-navistar-carol & I Have Sent Each Other Pt 7:
We'll keep making these as long as y'all enjoy them. Which, according to our ask boxes, you do.
A quick guide to us: everything in blue was sent by me (Zee). Everything in grey was sent by Dani.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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Rosh (blue) & Simon (grey):
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Madison (grey) & Felice (blue):
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August before the dance:
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Nils (blue) & Vincent (grey):
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Rosh (blue) & Simon (grey) about Wilhelm edits on Simon's tik tok fyp:
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Sara after sleeping with August:
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Felice trying to make weekend plans:
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Wilhelm (blue) & Simon (grey):
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We once again end on Wilmon for chaotic vibes. And despite what you have read here, we are both more or less fine and functioning members of society.
Okay, we love you. We'll keep making these until you tell us to stop lol. As always, permission was given to post all of these. Everything in this part was sent between when part 6 was posted and now.
Part 8
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 14 days
here is your ask detailing what i think of you based off of your most recent reblog!!
very, very kind hearted. you care a lot about the people around you and the things you love and it shows. it really,, REALLY shows. you're considerate and caring to an extent of which everyone around you appreciates, the energy you bring with each reblog, post, and comment (no matter how minimal you think it is) is welcoming and all-around awesome. i see the tags of your reblogs from me and it makes me smile,, i love seeing you talk about whatever /pos
you're friendly and approachable through and through, but you're not afraid to speak your mind and call things out as they are. (yeah!! yeah!!!!) your presence is very soothing. you have a lot to say and all of it is worth listening. /pos!!
you know those thingies, uhhh, what were they called again? homeric epithets? if you were one, you'd be bright-tongued and dew-eyed.
your ability to imbue text and writing with emotion and feeling is impeccable,, even the way you talk in general is visually pleasing.
i genuinely have nothing bad to say about you.
if i talked about a body and it's functions or whatever, you'd be the heart. the epitome of love and fondness and continual beating despite, despite, despite. does that make sense? mmm,, i'll try to figure out how to word this later.
we love you, zee. you're doing great.
My goodness. My, my goodness.
😭😭 I... don't even know what to s a y?? Like, what can I even say at this point??
I'm going to be completely honest, it's been a few days. I received this a while ago and I'm so sorry I'm getting back to it late, but when I first read it, I was completely dumbfounded. This needed to MARINATE. Needed to SINK IN.
and I'm okay now. 🥹 Gosh, do you know how liberating it is to say that? In any aspect of the word, no matter how little or how deep it goes.
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Lemme just...,,,
This is probably the most poetic way anyone's ever described something about me. Like, if I ever had the pleasure of being remembered by equally as beautiful and poetic people in this lifetime, I do believe it would look and read like this.
I always say it, I think, but I'll say it again because I'm not tired of it: seeing myself through other people's eyes is an essential thing to my being and this has caused an entire nebula of serotonin to explode from the crown of my head and has reached every single nerve ending throughout my body, and it spreads like liquid gold: warm and viscous and boy, it has left me shining.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart (("you'd be the heart" THAT PART??? 😭😭🫀 DO YOU TRULY MEAN THAT?? IM PUTTING THIS AS MY OFFICIAL PROFILE DESCRIPTION FOR THE REST OF. FOREVER!! YEAH!!)), and for you? I'll always do my best to remain bright-tongued and dew-eyed.
Because if I've got shawtys out here describing me like this?? It means I've done something very, very right, and I never want to let that go or give anyone whom I love dearly ANY reason to believe otherwise.
Of course I know people make mistakes— and I know I'm far from perfect. But just being here and doing my best is enough. You guys helped teach me this, and I am forever grateful.
Y'all make me better 🥹🥰.
I love you so, so much. Thank you for being my friend. I love you. 🥰😭🧡
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palettepainter · 11 months
Incorrect cousin quotes!!
With all the cousin designs I have posted, time to make some quotes with them!
Liv/Zee/Penny/Lazer/Raph - me
Rand - @rottedbrainz
Gabe - @posies-and-bundles
Lazer, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! Rand, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Raph: I think Lazer is in trouble. Rand: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Raph: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Lazer meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
Zee: Why did you kidnap Liv!?!?! Rand: Ah- um- well- the reason for that is, uhh... Zoot: Sometimes, we must work together towards a common goal. Zee: NOT TO KIDNAP PEOPLE!
*when a child starts crying in public* Zee: *tries to make the child laugh* Liv: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down* Raph: *gives detailed instructions to the parents* Lazer: *cries with the child* Penny: *ignores the child* Zoot: *is the reason why the child is crying*
Zee : *sighs* I have no friends... Rand: Rand: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Rand: Alright, listen up you little shits. Rand: Not you Liv. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Rand, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Penny: What if people had food names and food had people names? Lazer: Hey, spaghetti, we’re having Penny for dinner. Gabe: What is wrong with you people? Raph: Shut up, chocolate.
Penny: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Raph does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff? Gabe: If Raph were to jump off a cliff, they would've done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Raph jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Lazer: You jump off a cliff! Gabe: Gladly, provided Raph did first.
Raph: What’s it like being tall? Liv: Is it nice? Gabe: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Penny: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Gabe: Christmas is cancelled. Penny: You can't cancel a holiday. Gabe: Keep it up, Penny, and you'll lose New Year's too. Penny: What does that mean? Gabe: Raph, take New Year's away from Penny.
Liv: Aww, what's your dog's name? Rand: Spartacus. Liv, yelling to Gabe: TRY SPARTACUS! Gabe, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK! Rand: Liv: What's your favorite number?
Rand: Which way did Liv go? Gabe: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess they went left. Rand: You could really figure it out from that? Gabe: No, you idiot, Liv sent me a text. See?
Penny: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness. Zee: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Liv: Try not to roll your eyes at me. Gabe: I don't have pupils.
Lazer: I can’t tell if you’re a genius or just incredibly arrogant. Rand: Well, on a good day, I’m both
Lazer: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine? Rand: Lazer, what did you do? Lazer: Take a guess.
Raph: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight. Penny: But are you shuffling? Raph: Everyday. Gabe: What language are you two speaking??
Gabe: Who wants to make fifty bucks? Raph: How? Gabe: I need someone to take the fall. Raph: What did you do? Gabe: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked. Penny, from the other room: Oh my god. Gabe: ... Penny: OH MY GOD! Raph: Make it a hundred. Gabe: Deal.
Raph: Regular soda is too sweet! Penny: Diet soda has a weird after taste! Raph: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn't have sugar! It's SPICY! Penny: It has other weird stuff in it! I'll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda! Raph: It's SO SWEET like it's a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink! Penny: I'm going to physically attack you. Raph: Which is better, Gabe? Gabe: Oh, I usually drink water! Penny: Wha- NO! Raph: DISGUSTING!
Liv: So when are we gonna tell them? Zee: Just give them a minute. Gabe: *Pulling on a door that clearly says push*
Liv: Do you guys want to see a butterfly? Zee: Ooh, yes please! Gabe, with their laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug! Liv: It's not a bug though... Gabe: ... Zee: ... Gabe: Well I still don't want to see. Zee, realizing: Please don't throw- Liv: Whee! *throws a stick of butter*
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10 First Lines
Tagged by by own desire to do this.
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
I've included some of my current WIP fics because I like them better then the really old ones to make 10.
if i ever got the chance KimChay
Kim was at the studio when Korn called a mandatory, immediate,  family meeting. He contemplated not going, of course he did. He'd  only gone to a handful of these mandatory family meetings in the  last half dozen years.
2. chances KimChay
"You can't be here."
The house had been silent all afternoon, Chay diligently sitting at the kitchen table he'd turned into his study desk. There was no point  staying in his room when he had the whole house to himself after all. Besides, being in the kitchen let him feel more at rest, like he wasn't  actually alone, like Porsche could come home at any time and hang  out with him.
But it wasn't Porsche's footsteps he heard when the kitchen door  opened. It wasn't Porsche's body wash that Chay could suddenly  smell; but it was a familiar scent that spiked his heart rate both in  excitement and misery.
3. kiss me like it means something MaxNat
"I'm just completely out of ideas," Nat groaned. He was feeling pitiful, put out, and, frankly, not in the mood for NuNew’s delighted  laughter. It was an unexpected night spent with just the two of them, something he relished in and cherished for the rarity of it. But  NuNew’s endeared and patient smile had turned more love sick than Nat was in the mood for when NuNew had picked up his phone to  read Zee’s latest text. It was probably something sappy and  disgustingly so given how pink NuNew’s face went and Nat could  almost hate them both for it.
4. For Porchay KimChay
It’s another night, another show, and Kim’s not upset about it,  technically speaking. This is what he’d wanted to do; it’s what he’d  wanted to do strong enough that he left home at 18 and hadn’t  looked back for over 2 years. Even still, another three years later, he  rarely went back home. If he was meeting his brothers he preferred it somewhere not directly under their father’s thumb. That was never  easy to find with the world they live in. Most people owed his father, or their family, one favor or another and those that didn’t were likely connected to someone that did.
5. Fuck, I love you MaxNat
Nat laughed, blissful and fucked out as he stretched out over Max’s  bed, arching his back and stretching his shoulders before he  burrowed back into the pillow under his head. 
6. Home Taegihope
The itch under Taehyung’s skin was unfortunately familiar at this  point. He’d been expecting it, and had planned for it as best as  possible given the circumstances. But there is only so much planning a person could do when you haven’t seen your soulmate in three  months. Soul bonds were pesky, peculiar things and no matter how many informative documentaries he watched with Yoongi, or how  long he lived with one, Taehyung was never going to properly  understand them. 
Missing Jimin was already a terrible feeling.
7. PrapaiSky Post Canon WIP
Prapai heard the whispering before he even reached the main floor of his family house. His sister’s laughter and his brother’s aggressive flirting with Sky were a backdrop he’d gotten used to over the two weeks. Prapai’s siblings hadn’t asked any questions, for which Prapai was grateful. They had just made an off hand comment to Prapai about Sky being at the house, eyebrows high and smiles mischievous, and moved on. It was well known that Prapai didn’t bring anyone home. The fact that there had never been anyone important enough went unsaid. He knew that this peace with his siblings wouldn't last long but he was going to embrace it while he could.
8. OffGun FWB WIP
“Wait wait wait,” Gun laughed as he said it, rolling off of Off to lay sprawled out on the floor of his living room. He had one hand pressed in approximation of where his heart was, the other mock fanning himself. Off reached over, idly stroking Gun’s arm, and felt the racing of his heartbeat in Gun’s wrist. 
9. KimChay Win A Date With Kim WIP
It was an accident, really. Kim hadn't been looking, but sometimes when he's on Twitter, he looks at his mentions, and it's not his fault the display name caught his eye
"C 😒 Wik" was rather peculiar for a fan page. No blushing emojis and hearts that Kim had become accustomed to. And Wik wasn't nearly popular enough to have Anti's (well, besides for that one classmate who hated him for winning their music competition in 7th grade). So Kim clicked on it, and scrolled through the obvious RTs (the latest things he'd been up to, his plans for the future that had just been announced, the user had also applied for the Win A Valentines Date with Wik that had absolutely been Vetoed by Kim himself but his management had overruled him.
10. Taegimin Magic AU WIP
The bonfire glowing brightly in the distance was the only real sign Yoongi had that he was in the right place. It was too dark for him to truly see the trees that surrounded him, or the barely there non-existent path that they had trampled into the forest floors after years of making the same trip. It didn't matter, really, because he knew the path as well as everyone he was expecting to meet. He knew which tree branches pointed him left and which ones right. He knew to skip over the second log on the left and duck under the swinging tree branches a few miles in. He knew it in the light of day and the dark of night when the only thing illuminating the forest was the far off bonfire. He didn't need to see the path, not anymore, after all this time, not after he had helped put those magical wards in place and had very carefully memorized the plans as he did so.
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leonpob · 2 years
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I posted 1,200 times in 2022
That's 295 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (7%)
1,121 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,166 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#thai bl - 158 posts
#not me the series - 107 posts
#not me - 99 posts
#seanwhite - 96 posts
#offgun - 94 posts
#off jumpol - 90 posts
#cutie pie the series - 84 posts
#gun attaphan - 77 posts
#vice versa - 73 posts
#zee pruk - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#but like how is the scene with tian looking at phupha drinking not the most replayed
My Top Posts in 2022:
I have had a little time to gather my thoughts after the GMMTV 2023 event. First off, all the couples are back. I can’t not be happy about this. So here are my thoughts.
Hidden Agenda: I am excited for it in the sense that I do like Joongdunk, but if it doesn’t feel like it’s just a more talkative Kluen and a more talkative Dao then what is rain? Lol I am so here for AouBoom though. They looked fantastic and adorable and just yesss. Am I going to watch it? Obviously I always watch everything for at least an episode.
23.5: It’s MILKLOVE. We got our GL. Everyone was manifesting it and I guess it finally came true. How adorable was Milk being all shy. She was reminding me of myself honestly lol. Fourth and Gemini are in it too which awww they’re adorable 🥺. So excited for this one.
A Boss and A Babe: Forcebook are back!!! Yay!!! This looks so funny to me. Force’s character is so stiff. I am so here for it though. Office romance sign me up.
Only Friends: this entire trailer basically gives you whiplash. Jojo came to play. Firstkhao and Forcebook and NeoMark(which apparently I am okay with 3 hours later). It looks super messy and crazy. I am EXCITED!!!
Last Twilight: I have nothing but good things to say about this one. Definitely one of the highlights of the trailers. It’s JimmySea done by P’Aof and a blind storyline. Ugh. It’s just chef’s kiss if it’s done right which I feel like it will be. I have high faith in Sea and P’Aof. This is not grammatically correct, but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
Cooking Crush: OffGun clowned us. This looks too cute for words 🥺😍 NeoMark are in it too. Sign me up.
Dangerous Romance: why am I so obsessed with this one?! I have watched the trailer like 3 times. I love perthchimon now. I love enemies to lovers. I am just so excited. It looks so good. So much depth 😍
Cherry Magic: now I have never been a huge fan of TayNew. I watched DBK and I did enjoy it, but I would never choose them as a favorite. However, I am intrigued by this. I know everyone is concerned. My wife is absolutely angry over it. She was like no no no so I guess I’ll be watching this one with @gunsatthaphan 😂 I am interested to see how they do this. It looks like there are new characters.
I’m adding The Jungle because it has some of the favs in it. Lee Krist Off Mix 😍😍 That is all.
Our Skyy 2 is 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 As soon as I heard the jingle I couldn’t believe it. I was like no freaking way and here we are. Thank you P’Aof 😭😭
21 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Vice Versa is all about the eyes. I freaking love that. JimmmySea are so so good.
21 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
I don’t care anymore. Not Me is such a superior show. The only thing close to it is 1000 Stars. Sorry not sorry. Offgun supremacy. 🔥😍
21 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Forgot to post my bingo card from yesterday’s event 😂😂
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Thanks bestie for making it for me 😍
Apparently JoJo is directing 3 shows so I have 4 bingos 😂
29 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I very rarely write text posts anymore. I usually just message @gunsatthaphan or @leofiat about my opinions, but today I felt like writing one.
Cutiepie the series may have a weird plot and people may think it’s strange, but I just have to commend everyone working on it.
ZeeNunew have been DELIVERING every week. Max and Nat’s chemistry has improved as well.
I love the production, the writing, the directing. The fact that we get it in 4k ultra hd an hour after it airs on tv with English subtitles. I am so thankful.
I also just need to discuss how beautifully done the scenes for LianKuea were just done in episode 8. The fact that Lian asked Kuea not once, but twice for consent is just…I have no words. That is amazing to see on the screen. The intimacy they portrayed through their actions felt so real to me. I know that sounds naive, but I really felt understood and seen.
This is definitely in my top 5. I know it keeps changing, but all the new stuff just gets better and better. The Korean shows are even coming in hot with Semantic Error and Blueming. It’s nice to see change.
129 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I want to introduce my Mass Effect ttrpg character!
Zeeyla D'Niala.
Full Name: Nevos-Sur’Kesh Anaia Salaria Bal Weshel Kesta Budroka D’Niala Zeeyla.
Family history: Zeeyla's mother is Matriarch Inarai D'Niala, a physician on Nevos. Her father was Salarian Duchess Caerorm Budroka of Sur'Kesh. As a way of honoring and connecting with the memory of Mama Caer and her half-siblings, Zeeyla keeps a database of her cousins and greats, and tries to keep in touch with them...to the perplexity of many. She is close with a few of them, and has some contacts within STG--though they know better than to share secrets with her.
Flaw: Can't keep a secret to save her life or anyone else's. [So it's a good thing her original bond was "I have an ancient text or artifact that holds terrible secrets about the galaxy and must not fall into the wrong hands"! :-D It turned out okay--because she told everyone, a lot of friends showed up to help put an end to the threat her drone told her about.]
The new complication is the C-Sec officer that just joined their crew...
Class: Zeeyla is an Engineer and Drone Jockey, and uh, sort of accidentally created an AI. His name is Glitch and she'd do anything to protect him. Please enjoy/forgive my limited art skills:
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Zeeyla's primary expertise is in communications tech, AI, and hacking, but she also became the team medic out of necessity. Glitch was built as a Defense Drone, but the first choice he made on his own was to heal Zee and save her life. She honors his choice by keeping his focus in support and healing rather than combat, and he helps keep the team on their feet. He does provide the occasional *bonk* when that's all he can contribute.
Zeeyla carries a collection of plushies with her and chronicles their adventures on her Spacebook channel, where she also posts educational videos. She has a keen interest in first contact communications of less advanced species and is fascinated with humanity's Golden Record, especially the music [which was very convenient for making her playlist! lol].
I thought I was going to have to say goodbye to her when we reached a turning point and the majority of the party chose to go to Andromeda, but we decided to finish the Milky Way arc first. We get to complete the story and everyone gets to create a new character. All of the characters are so great and I'm looking forward to seeing their interactions! I love my group!
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Episode 4: "Bye bye Nick. I don't even think he'll notice that he got kicked out of the tribe chat"—Kolby
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In this round: Calypso and Soca dominate at Scattergories, sending Maracas straight back to Tribal Council; Nick is still sick, discusses his diarrhea in his tribal council answer, does not submit a list for Scattergories, and does indeed not notice that he got kicked out of the tribe chat
Soca Confessionals
Glad that we're all still safe, not glad Calypso keeps getting TT$. A) Because I want those TT$. But B) Because I have NO idea what's happening over there. With how social Zee is and with how little I talked to Lexi I have no idea where they stand. Champ said I was her #1 but she's spent more time post-swap than we spent together so I don't know how things may have changed. Also still ever aware that if Raffy or Michael have an idol and they play it successfully if we did go to tribal one of the Elite is gone. I've talked more with Raffy than it sounds like Steven or Kaleigh have and I don't know if that's good or bad for me. I haven't talked to Michael at all since the first day of the swap. I've also done suuuch strategy with the Elite that it's making me rethink how to move forward: original 5 or the Elite and maybe try and pull in Champ? I've got options, I've just gotta make sure I have the opportunity to make use of them.
okay, two nights ago steven and alex and i had a little soca elite phone call and talked for over an hour. we talked about our idol hunting and advantages disadvantages etc and i am liiiiiike…………. very uncertain about whether or not i was caught in a LIEEEE which is like torturous. basically we decided to pool our info on idol hunting (which is actually something zee and i did, her idea, love it, but we didn’t get far) and i made the doc and we were sharing info (which, i’m pretty sure at least steven withheld some info bc he said he did all but one idol hunt and i didn’t actually count bc i am lazy and drc but it FELLLTTT like he was short when we were going over the ones we had done… but i could be absolutely wrong LMAO) , andddd i was like, ok i should maybe keep SOOOMETHING to myself IDK this is survivor i need to stop being SO transparent and bimboey... so i decided to not tell them about a $5 advantage i got (NOT WORTH IT FOR THE RECORD) and pretend i hadn’t done it. BUT. earlier in the convo we had just casually been talking about the things we’d done and i didn’t REMEMBER that the abandoned sandcastles was the one that gave me $5 , and steven was like “yeah i helped the kids w the sandcastles and got nothing,” and i was like “oh yeah i explored the abandoned sandcastles and got nothing” LMFAOOOO so then when i made the DOCument, i invited steven and alex, and i had typed out the sandcastle one as one of the options, but not marked a result, even though if i hadn’t actually done it like i claimed i wouldn’t even have that information as the options. and steven was like “didn’t u say u did the abandoned sandcastles?” and i was like no? i thought u did? LMFAOOO OH MY GODDDD!!! anyway… uh… so yeah idk if he clocked me or not (i feel like it’s likely that he did bc he is *very* observant and is def like keeping close track of everything everyone else is doing) or if alex noticed but uh… yeah. so. that has been haunting me since last night. i literally talked about it in therapy yesterday and had nightmares about it that night LMFAO i feel *so* bad , like , getting caught in a lie is among the worst feelings!! sigh. so hopefully i haven’t broken trust with my little alex/steven alliance bc i honestly like them. it’s veeeery different to build trust w someone LIVE on a call than through text. like idk they kind of … j become real ppl.
also, we talked about who we would vote out if we lost (not that we thought we’d lose), and i was like, tbh, probably raffy only bc he doesn’t seem *at all* interested in working with me. and steven was like, idk he’s good at challenges and we wanna win! and i was like, idc, michael seems fine at challenges too AND he is way friendlier to me and doesn’t rly seem like he’s playing super hard , which we allllllllllllll agreed that raffy was like *PLAAAAYING*. anyway so i said i’d vote off raffy if we went to tribal last night, and then yesterday raffy RANDOMLY messaged me after not saying anything for days and fully letting our convo die , and he’s all casually like “hey how’s your day” LMAO ok bud!! i assume it’s steven who was like hey you need to be friendlier to kaleigh … bc i do sense that they have an actual full blown alliance. or maybe raffy just decided to check in! idk. impossible rly to know!!!
i actually hate that i will very likely be betrayed by steven or alex (like, hello, that’s the point of the game and we *all* know it) OR that i’d have to betray them. like i hate that! why am i doing this! but also i’m enjoying getting to know them and do these fun little challenges! this is just kind of an intense experience!
i miss zee, we all agreed that she was so lovable and veeeeryyyy dangerous and steven said she’d probably be an early post-merge vote off, which makes sense to me cuz like i’m thinking most ppl are clocking her as a very lovable angel and as someone they don’t want to compete against at the end. sigh.
today raffy again offered himself up for the boat excursion and after much delibration alex and steven and i agreed to send him. i really think steven is allied w him and i’m considering talking to alex about it. sigh. i think the worst part about this game is that i’m building friendships with these ppl and then will betray them or be betrayed by them and then there is not likely going to be any kind of repair or continuation of the friendship bc these connections aren’t as deep as they would be if we were all stuck on an island together LOL annnyyyyyyyyway i’m interesting to see who else is on the excursion and who gets voted out from maracas. i hope that when zee and i are reunited we can resume our alliance without too much distrust or too many other well developed alliances. i wonder if anyone has an idol? i feel like someone must! idk who!
I had a good call with Steven where I basically said that Kaleigh and Alex are a duo and we should target them. Hopefully it works
Honestly? Nothing much is going on. Makes me feel on the outs but I'm hoping that's just because we haven't been to tribal in 2 challenges. I hope to keep winning challenges so I can at least make it to the merge.
Calypso Confessionals
Honestly the tribe is so chill that there’s literally nothing exciting going on at all, hopefully we can just keep winning so this game is easy for me lol! Idk if there gonna be like a second swap or these are the teams we are gonna be in until merge but I feel very confident in my spot rn
Loved how quickly my team came up with a plan for this challenge! It was nice and simple so this one wasn’t super eventful but I’m relieved we won and it was so fun to see everyone’s answers.
As it stands rn I'm a bit behind on confessionals. But as far as the scattergories challenge goes, I can't say much because I woke up to having been sat out. I'm not upset bc we won anyway, and also because I did kind of take over the movie challenge but i did let my tribe know I'd like to not be sat out in future bc I'm almost positive I'll be able to participate in every challenge, and if I can i want to :P
I’m so glad we won bc I’ve been so inactive. Somehow not as inactive as the rest of my tribe lmao. If worse comes to worst, I got a handy lil idol too. I’m just tryna make it to merge
Hey babes love my tribe and I’m happy we r doing well I’m happy we don’t gotta go to tribal but if we do in the future I wanna target zee🫣I heard she ran the OG tribe and I don’t like that 🤭 we will see what happens tho love y’all
Maracas Confessionals
I am doing good making those connections
If my work calendar didn't look completely ugly, I would currently be creating a spreadsheet with all the remaining members of all the teams and what I know of them. e.g., Nick - Maracas - largely absent and non-participatory. I'm half convinced he's gonna strike out this round and spare us the need to vote. Makes me more bitter that Kathryn offered herself up, because I'm pretty sure even in Hawaii she coulda come up with a list of 8 things. Tanner - Maracas - god grant me the confidence of a white man that needs to be handheld through the process and yet still thinks he's in a good position Kolby - Love the enthusiasm, not sure about his strategic chops yet Tony - closest alley - hope we can hold on and continue to work together post-merge. I might be telling him to much, but I'm trying to show that I'm trustworthy and I'm hoping he'll reciprocate because I think we could be more powerful together than apart. And so on, there's even things that can be inferred through a close read of the posts (like that Steven, Raffy, Zee, Alex, Colin, Champ, and Jack are playing to some extent.) The more mercenary part of me even wants to come up with some sort of coded system to categorize people -- Ally, Threat, Shield, Goat -- but then I start feeling guilty for thinking that way and so I abandon the idea. Plus, in a game this chaotic, things are ever-changing.
So, the question is . . . WHO is the weakest link? Nick - who has been largely absent with a few exceptions (like will there be another excuse after this sickness, or can we expect a change?) OR Tanner - who I've had to handhold until this round where--to be quite frank--he defied my expectations (was it a fluke, or will there be more good performances? Has he been playing dumb up to this point and suddenly going to be a sleeper. I don't even know what to make of this!) Do we remain Soca Strong (my original preference) or should we be mercenary and get rid of Mr. Invisible (who may or may not be sick, and will likely have some other excuse in the future)? Stay tuned!
Geez, what a fuckin whirlwind! Not gonna lie, going to tribal twice feels shitty! But I still feel strongly that we can pull out a win!
I'll hopefully be feeling better in a few days. I voted for Tanner bc of spamming my individual chat and then responding with one word answers. But I'm probably out this round.
Tribal Council
eman: Nick (Being absent for one round is unfortunate, being absent for two rounds is a coincidence, being absent for three rounds is a trend that I fear we can’t let last. I’m sorry to do this as I did want to work with you, and I really hope you feel better . . .)
Nick: Tanner (kept individually chatting me and it felt inauthentic)
Tanner: Nick (I love you but there is no game stepped up) 
Kolby: Nick
0 notes
thesugarhole · 1 year
thoughts from todays page readings: (it might be easier if i do it during commute but then post when im home?)
reread 49 real quick and again. i think i already wrote this so this is just me repeating myself but it will be relevant later so refresher course. as much as i love learning about captain this takes away a lot of whimsy by exposing part of whats up early on... like, youre no longer under that doubt that "is captain really nuts or is this for real the world they live in" you know?? keep some mystery man.
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^feeling awkward reading this. dunno why
rubix cube chapter was so cute 🥺 im sad that thing got left behind
and again!!!! worst comic ever makes statement way ahead of its time regarding the internet!!! why does everything need to have fucking blue tooth log in connection talk directly to your brain!!! even a rubik (rubix) cube!!!! arrrgh!!!!!!
it doesnt mention annet by name but it implies that she will try and solve wishes/queries to the best of her ability (currently, think chatgpt lying through its teeth when it has nothing- when annet has nothing, she somehow creates it). nothing to note here just a detail i want to remember, "a god who answers" type of divinity
"Silly willy. Told you I am unsolvable!" I said smugly. Just then, something impossible happened. My User twisted me in 4 dimensions. "That's amazing!" I shouted. "I can't believe you've done it!" I didn't know Users were designed to operate in 4-dimensional space like this! "Hpmf" Charles said, not looking too impressed. "Well, that was surprisingly easy." "No! Charles! You don't understand!" I cried. "You can operate in 4-dimensional space! You've solved an impossible riddle! Something, within you, makes you simply incredible!" In this very moment the ropes holding us up snapped and Charles dropped me. When he let me go, I fell out of 4-dimensional synch into regular 3-dimensional space and all my 6 sides became discorded and unsolved once again.
sorry to squeeze the text to not make too long a post but
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type of mysteries i want to hold on to for a little while longer ^
now that we know captain isnt bullshitting its even harder to be on snippys side on anything about anything because again. hes just some guy. he has no business knowing about any of this and he has yet to see it in action so why should he believe what captain says you known. needlessly frustrating the reader!!
"Are these children made up like the needy children to whom you and Pilot keep trying to gift my things to?" He asked, tapping his foot angrily. "All of the children I speak of are real, I assure you!" I said. "I doubt it," he huffed. "You're seriously the most absent-minded GIRL I know. Where would you even be without me?"
me at vitaly right now im going to fucking snap. stop doing this and let snippy perceive captain as Undefined. i get hes a Camone but good lord i dont think he would be this stubborn about this particular topic with everything else going on. like. captain allows it but it implies the reading of "zee got tired of correcting everyone" IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. and again i got extra beef with it because it definitely feels like backtracking on the nonbinary character to try and make a more main fronting hetero couple which grrrrr.
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(...) There are monsters all around that will eat you if I don't protect you."
loss of whimsy (once again) in romantically only text because we know snippy isnt really doing anything other than survive. :( also more instances of snippy/captain being heavy handed in rewrites, i definitely dont remember any of this conversation when i first read the comic
listen its fine. its fine IF, ONLY IF both snippy and captain get this type of romantic dialogue with everyone else because 1. (and not to be a stubborn old mule about it but) reading this as '3 (+117) extraordinary people trying to get affection from 1 boring guy' makes it a lot funnier and engaging 2. you have to love something so so much to try and save it and since captain is trying to save whatever humanity is left in the world zee should be in love with the other guys just as much
^ its far from canon but it would be so fun, i genuinely mean this
"Do any of your organs feel infinite?" what an absolute deranged question to ask someone even with context. yes. now THIS dialogue i like
"Me and my wonderful coworkers, Goodness rest their weary, tuckered souls…"
numbers one through six are dead?? it makes sense i cant even begin to put an image to any of them sdjhgkj. captain considering eight a daughter though is kinda cute i wont lie
"I didn't fix the li..." I started to speak. "Good job on fixing the power here. I'm going to the bathroom," Charles rudely interrupted me again. I watched him depart from my table with a frown. Why was he so G-damn obtuse about things? My explanation was perfectly legible. Everyone else understood me just fine. Especially Pilot. Pilot understood what I was doing right away.
okay listen. im pilots number defender here. and!! as i said before he is VERY!!!! SMART!!!!! even with AFTER being PINEAPPLE BOMBED and ANNET DISCONNECTED!!! but im not sure to what degree he actually understands what you (captain) have going on and instead is just going with the flow of whatever you say. like he has background context, he knows about the stuff annet/g-dir was up to. but if he didnt know about this zero-eight business, which is parallel (and hidden from the public?) to a degree, before The Events then i dunno, might be a "why not, what else am i doing today" type of situation. you get what im saying? does this make sense?
Alas, I was too late. Charles had bumped into the lovely burrowing-worm in the bathroom entrance and then he started to scream.
points and laughs
0 notes
I don't usually post long personal stuff these days, but I find it strange that Takemasa's departure resonated a little bit more than I thought it would. But I think it's mostly because Takemasa was like, a huge part of vkei tumblr in the 2012-2013 days, or rather, my part of vkei tumblr. I really miss the energy, the people, the weird shit and Kiryu really just being themselves. Takemasa leaving just reminds me of all that's already gone too. The blogs I've reblogged from that has since been abandoned or deactivated, friends who've left the scene since. There is a void and grief that I've always been unable to describe. That being said, I don't think I miss suffering through school quite a bit, but it was then I found vkei and it has made me who I am today. Granted I never got on the mainstream vkei train then (until way too late. Imagine, missing your honmei (?) coming to Singapore twice BEFORE discovering him properly) but I think I really was so stupidly fearless about what I loved and I miss that passion and energy I had. But thats' the way it is. Life happens. And hey, many good things are still here. Vkei has grown in its own special way. I've grown up a lot and I can create things, and I can understand some Japanese compared to last time. Haha. So even if there are things I've lost along the way, I need to embrace the good things and enjoy it while I can. And also, I still have yet to achieve my true vkei aesthetic. One day!
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yeoldotcom · 3 years
hey guys lemme tell u something no one asked about :D
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aforrestofstuff · 3 years
Chapter 150 Expert Review Time
Hey gamers, it's been a while. I'm on desktop and there's no autocorrect on this motherfucker so if you see a typo on this post, no you didn't. <3
I'm aware there's already a new chapter out as I'm posting this but listen, it's not my fault Murata clocks in at 80 hours a week of drawing ass, okay. A new chapter review will be coming. Not soon, but eventually.
There's a new martial arts technique that has never been brought up or alluded to before also I'm like 70% sure Garou's nuts are hanging out right now unless they got melted off sometime back in which case he can forget about having feral barnyard children. I didn't put any commas in that sentence on purpose.
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I did say in a previous review that I wished this fight would result in more character development for both parties, Garou the disenfranchised teenager/monster/criminal/inventor of aggravated assault, and Bang the holder of the only Costco Senior Discount VIP card in the entire country, and my wish came true! All in all, it did have a bit of a rocky start, and while I thought Garou's nonverbal-ness was a mistake, it has really just given the opportunity for a more Silverfang-centric chapter. I'm glad for that. We've already seen enough of Garou's backstory while he was on his way to his 80th concussion, now it's time for the Early Bird Special motherfucker to shine.
The sudden reveal of Explosion Release Fist, while I do think is kinda thrown together, works in this case because it's not obvious ONE brought it out because he wrote himself into a corner, rather a catalyst for Silverfang's own backstory and redemption. I'm side-eyeing Fubuki's bullshit car battery healing powers so hard right now. I STILL THINK TANKTOP MASTER SHOULD'VE DIED BUT WHATEVER. AT LEAST THIS IS DONE BETTER.
*luke skywalker voice* THE SACRED TEXTS
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I think that panel of Garou's shit-eating grin while reading the secret technique scroll is so funny. And since there's so much of it on the floor already... does Garou read 10000 words per minute or did Silverfang take like 8 days to get there?
Also, it's in this sequence we finally get a concrete reason for Garou actually fucking shit up at the dojo and leaving... and I was RIGHT.
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Garou left due to Silverfang becoming a hero! And I think there's a bit of a miscommunication between them where Silverfang thinks Garou grew distant because he was away more often due to hero work, but I think most of it is because Garou automatically associates heroes with bullies and seeing Bang run with that crowd scared him off. He obviously walks through the world with both fists raised after his childhood, and he must've had a "get them before they get me" thought process that made him want to leave the dojo before Bang would inevitably betray him, as if just joining the Association wasn't already betrayal enough.
It's so good to see Bang wanna rectify things now. I always thought their master/caretaker/father figure and student/son/bastard relationship was really interesting, and while it's clear Silverfang is not good parental material, he still cares about Garou so much.
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AND MAYBE GAROU CARES TOO??? Oh my god, my emotionally constipated string bean motherfucker. That's the closest thing we'll ever see to a tear on Garou's face.
Also, hold the fuck up wait why is his eye cracking LMAO his monster transformation just came with glasses I guess. Can't lose sight of those goals amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Garou: Ima be real with yall, I get no bitches! absolutely ZEE-RO play!
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I was also right about Silverfang being a whore when he was younger but tbh nothing could prepare me for how Street Fighter these two motherfuckers look LMAO
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Lots of parallels between young Silverfang and current Garou (except for Garou never getting an ounce of pussy in his life). For example-- body type, personality, fighting style (open hands, cockiness), these panels:
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Gives me hope!! I know Garou rehabilitates eventually (sorta), but this just makes it so much more personal for Bang to see his disciple go down the exact same road and try his best to stop it. I'm so happy the manga provided us with this additional context to their relationship. And even when Bomb suggests for Bang to revert back to Explosion whatever Fist, he stays true to himself... which sets a high bar for Garou's inevitable redemption. I can't wait to see how that turns out. This fight/reunion has turned out pretty good so far!! But it's still not over, which leaves plenty of room for fuckups! Fingers crossed Bang doesn't fucking kill this teenager!
I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not see it. I do not
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This Genos segment is tragic but we all know these two characters (Genos + Tatsumaki) have unbreakable plot armor and nobody's going to actually die so... unfortunately no tears have been shed on my end. Which sucks, because that's how I water my succulents. Anywho.
In conclusion: don't attempt to fistfight your 80-year-old martial arts master because then you'll be charged for elderly abuse! Garou has been sentenced to prison for 30 years. When he gets out, he will look exactly the same, because Murata is allergic to drawing middle-aged people who don't look 20.
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•When You Fall Asleep On Them w/ Oikawa, Kenma, Atsumu, Terushima, and Tendou•
warnings: a few curse words
genre: fluff
characters: oikawa, kenma, atsumu, terushima, + tendou
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your exhaustion was clear on your face as you slumped down against the wall of the gym, settiling your tired body on the floor
you loved the seijoh boys to death but they really wore you out sometimes
to be fair, they weren’t so bad most days you guys had practice
but every so often they had you so drained by the end of the day you could barely keep your eyes open, like today for example
you recognized the sweet voice meeting your ears but to acknowledge it would require energy you just didn’t have
oikawa slid down beside you, hair still damp after rinsing off his post practice sweat
he knew how exhausting everyone could be and honestly he was surprise that you hadn’t quit the position, but he was glad you decided to stick around for so long
an arm snaked its way around your shoulder before giving your arm a few gentle rubs,
“I think everyone worked really hard today, don’t you?”
to tired to respond, you opted for a simple nod before leaning your head on oikawa’s shoulder
he was suprised at first, not really used to this side of you, but a smile found it’s way onto his face as he felt your warmth slowly take over him
eventually, your breaths slow to a steady rhythm, signaling to oikawa that you finally stopped trying to fight the exhaustion that had plagued you
he maneuvered your figure so that you were lying in his lap, eyes fluttering ever so slightly as you subconsciously allowed yourself to adjust to the lighting change
affection was the only thing written on the boy’s face as he watched soft breaths flow in and out of your parted lips
a few moments later, the rest of the team started filing out of the gym, confusion quickly filling the air as oikawa smiled down at your sleeping form
iwaizumi seemed the most agitated with this development,
“What the hell did you do to them, shitty-kawa?”
“Hm? Me? I didn’t do anything at all. If you wanna put the blame on someone it should be on all of you, poor y/n-chan has to deal with so much.”
“Cut the crap, they have to deal with your sorry ass the most.”
a light laugh escaped his lips before he peered down at you once more, brushing stray hairs away from your forehead
“I guess you’re right, in that case i’ll lock up and walk them home when they wake up. I wanna let them rest a little while longer.”
iwaizumi sighed and reluctantly threw him the keys to the gym before leaving with the rest of the team
as soon as the door to the gym was shut, oikawa took a quick glance around to make sure there was no one remaining before leaning down to place a soft kiss on your forehead 
he knew that tomorrow he would never hear the end of this, but in that moment he couldn’t care less, he was happy just being there with you
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you loved spending saturdays playing video games with kenma, it was your favorite activity to do after such a long and stressful week
even so, by the end of the week you were drained, and sometimes you got sleepy
especially when kenma began playing a more lowkey game and his sighs of frustration and mumbled strings of curses became absent 
silence tended to fall over the room when that was the case, causing your brain to shut down faster then you wanted it to
you sat next to kenma and peered over at his switch, watching with lidded eyes as his character moved about the screen
the colors began to swirl together as you were dragged deeper into sleep
kenma was too focused on the task at hand to notice your sleepy state, let alone the way your head fell ever so gently on his shoulder
after a while he returned his character home and paused the game, handing the switch to you,
“Here Y/N, it’s your turn.”
still feeling the device heavy in his hands he peered down at your sleeping figure, just now realizing why the atmosphere seemed quieter then usual
he froze and a soft blush crept on his face before he set the switch aside
you had fallen asleep on these days before but never so close to him and now he had no idea what to do
he didnt want you to be uncomfortable but he also didnt want to risk waking you up and ruining your much needed sleep
eventually his body moved for him as he crossed one leg under the other and gently moved you so that you were lying down on his thigh
he scrolled through his phone while you slept, mindlessly running his fingers through your hair as his eyes danced along his screen
he knew when you woke there would be a string of apologize falling out of your mouth but he didn’t mind the soft snores that escaped your lips 
besides, the two of you had the rest of your lives to play video games together
all he cared about in that moment was that you were taken care of
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you and atsumu had ate lunch on the roof every friday since the two of you had become friends in middle school
it was a long standing tradition, one that the two of never missed no matter the circumstances
it was peacful, no one else but your friends ever knew so the two of you were never bothered
and it was always a nice way to relax and enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about the twin’s fighting, kita lecturing you about table manners, or suna just being a plain instigator
the two of you typically spent the period laughing and conversing but that particular friday, you lacked the energy to even keep your eyes open, let alone act so lively
your exhaustion was plain to see and definitely gave atsumu some room to poke fun at you,
“Sleepy, aren’t we Y/N? I mean, I can see your under eye bags from here.”
you angrily mumbled something under your breath at the statement before rubbing your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up more
atsumu ruffled your hair and laughed at your antics, throwing a few more snarky comments at you
he returned to his lunch soon enough, continuing the story he was previously retelling before you could throw a fit from your lack of sleep
as he was reaching the end of his tale, he felt his legs being tugged at, jumping a bit at first before he realized your hand was the one attached to his ankle
“Whatcha doin there Y/N?”
you ignored his question, choosing to pull his legs until they were lying straight and settling yourself down to lie in his lap instead
“Tsumu, wake me up before we have to get to class, please.”
as you began to slip out of consciousnesses, atsumu felt his eyes begin to water
if anyone else saw him, they would’ve made fun of him but he couldn’t help himself, he felt so happy that you trusted him enough to be this vulnerable around him
he knew he could be a pain in the ass sometimes but he never felt like a bother when he was around you, you loved him for who he was
it was a miracle you had remained friends with him for so long but as long as you did, he would do his best to make sure that pretty smile always returned to your face
before he could wake you up with his cries, he cleared his throat and began to softly rub your back and he stared out among the trees,
“No problem Y/N, you can count on me.”
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you had practically got on your hands and knees and begged terushima to help you study for your upcoming exam
he was one of the smartest people you knew and with how awful you were with the subject the test was on, it would’ve be a crime not to ask him for help
luckily for you, when you timidly asked for his help, he agreed to take some time out of his day to tutor you this week
which is why you felt awful once your thoughts beginning to haze and your eyes began to grow heavy
you couldn't even pay attention to the anxiety that had previously been gnawing away at you, let alone whatever the hell terushima was going on about
in your defense, school was absolutely exhausting today and you didn’t expect yourself to be this out of it by the time you arrived at terushima’s house
he noticed your fatigue right away, he way your head swayed back and forth as if you were in a daze was hard to miss
his first instinct was to laugh at how adorable you were but he chose to take a more gentle approach to the situation,
“You alright there, baby? We can take a break if you need one.”
you shook your head and gripped your pencil tighter, trying your best to copy down notes without falling face first into your text book
he smirked and playfully rolled his eyes before sliding more notes in your direction, 
“Suit yourself.”
not even ten minutes after you expressed your determination to the boy, terushima felt a weight fall onto his shoulder
he let out a chuckle at your unconscious state, knowing that this was soon to come 
he wrapping an arm around your shoulder and carefully pulled you down onto the bedroom floor with him, comfortably repositioning you 
in this new position, your head was on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your torso while the other sat comfortably behind his head
“If you were tired, you could have just told me.”
although he knew you could hear him, the words left his mouth in a whisper before pulling you close and closing his own eyes
in all honesty, he didn’t mind this series of events, just happy to have you here with him
and besides, this gave him an excuse to schedule another study date
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carnivals and fairs came to your town quite often and every time they did, tendou loved to bring you along
the two of you had loved to go ever since you were little kids so the memories it brought back was enough of a reason to blow your money on tickets and food
it was a chance of the two of you to forget about any worry or zees and just let yourself be kids again
and to tendou, it was always worth seeing the smile on your face as you glanced around at the scenery, eyes gleaming under the flashing lights
as much fun as they were, he knew how much they tired you out 
every time the two of you ran off to one, he always ended up taking you inside at the end of the night and helping you through your nightly routine, but he didn’t mind this in the slightest
he was happy to help and besides, you were the clingiest when you were on the brink of sleep, which he found absolutely adorable
“Y/N, did you have fun tonight, hm?”
he took a glimpse of you in the passenger seat before returning his eyes to the rode ahead, one hand on the steering wheel and the other settled comfortably on your leg
mind clouded with sleep, you took the hand that sat on your knee and held it in yours, examining the polish you had painted on them earlier that week through blurry vision,
tendou took another glance at you before grinning at your tired state,
“I’m glad, i had lots of fun too! We’ll have to bring Ushiwaka next time, he’s never been to one of those-“
before he could finish his sentence, he felt his hand being hugged to your chest
turning his head to the side once more, he realized you had curled up on the passenger seat and were now fast asleep, cuddling his arm as if it was a stuffed animal
a laugh escaped his lips at how quick you were to drift off to your dream land
as his eyes focused on the dimly lit pavement, he admired how sweet your display of affection was, feeling your love spread throughout his entire body
he slowed his speed, careful not to hit any bumps or holes on the way home in fear of waking you
once the two of you got to his house, he gently carried picked you up and carried you inside, setting you on his bed as soon as he stepped though the door
before he could grab a blanket and head to the couch, your arms found their way around his torso as you buried your face into his chest before drifting back into your deep sleep
a smile spread across his face before placed a kiss on the top of your head and carefully lying down next to you, allowing himself to close his eyes and enjoy this moment with you
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polythremed · 3 years
wheres the essay op i want whitsun bugs
there might not have been an essay before, but there is now! bugs and inverts are hugely overlooked. however, the victorians loved insects! they were huge inspirations in art, shells were used in fashion, so what would be more vogue than a giant bug for a pet?
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(Punch, September 29, 1877)
the bulk of this talk will be under the cut but tl;dr is that arachnids still offer a lot of potential, beetles and moths live in the neath and were popular at the time, and there are a lot of lesser-known bugs that fit fallen london
also cw for bug images because there’s a lot of them beyond here, this is for people with good taste only
firstly: arachnids
FL has a lot of arachnids and this year’s whitsun saw the introduction of a squirrel with a scorpion tail! i think it’s a fun design personally, but arachnid companions are Not obsolete. the most relevant arachnids are crabs, and crabs are more varied than you might think!
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(image by abc.net.au)
the yeti crab was the first crab to come to mind, related to hermit crabs and living in hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean. it means we’ve got another underground beast, and could you imagine this as a spired crab? it could be the product of shapeling arts, and the yeti crab’s famously hairy arms have the potential to be used as arm warmers or 1890s uggs for the discerning londoner!
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there’s also the japanese giant spider crab, which might be more lanky than it’s neathy angler crab cousins, but look at those legs! how big do you think it is? how about taller than the average person?
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you have to understand how badly i want to be this man they also inhabit vents near the bottom of the ocean (the crabs, not this man), they’re omnivores and one specimen’s measured in at 3.8 metres (12ft) across its outstretched legs! it’d probably be a dreaded companion by the sheer size of it, but imagine the walking sticks you could get from those legs
arrowhead crabs and horseshoe crabs are also runners up for this!
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mites also came to mind, being small arachnids- the mite above is an adult female tea mite, and not much is known about mites! they’re primitive but have a terrible reputation, and FBG have shone the spotlight on other unloved creatures in the past. there’s also Caveat Emptor which tells us that the bazaar has parasites which are probably like mites? you could have your own romance vampire, surely nothing could go wrong
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and if you’ve come here for spiders, how about the pelican spider? with a pelican-like head, pelican spiders prey exclusively on other spiders! isn’t that a fun way to counter sorrow spider infestations? introducing new species is a good thing, right?
higher tiers of this companion could start to own the whole pelican thing. i’ve seen monster designs of spiders with human heads but never a spider with a pelican head!
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(image by me)
all he needs is some love and spiders
close arachnid contenders that i want to mention before this whole post is made up of eight-legged companions: camel spiders, harvestmen, and whip scorpions!
secondly: beetles
as john b. s. haldane once said, “god has an inordinate fondness for beetles”. and he’s right because there are more known species of beetle than types of mammal
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in fact, the victorians fucking loved beetles (and butterflies but we’ll get to that)
we have phosphorescent scarabs as luminosity items and a few mentions of beetles in airs texts and in sunless sea, the latter where a beetle has been eating through your ship’s supplies. being from england, i have a vague idea of what sort of beetles would end up in london!
there are still stag beetles, rove beetles, and even cardinal beetles, but these by themselves might feel pretty basic. they’d be good t1 companions, but why not have a companion that’s a whole insect keeping setup? there’s even some colourful beauties like the scarlet malachite beetle which are now incredibly endangered
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but if you want something Huge and Large and easily convertible into a fashion accessory, hercules beetles have a lot of potential! horns that can be used for knives in dockside brawls, or you could take most of the bug features and place them on a furry animal like a guinea pig since seas already gave us the guinea page
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these beetles could also add diversity for the phosphorescent scarabs- and speaking of phosphorescent beetles, why not look to fireflies? they aren’t fire and nor are they flies, but to carry on with FBG’s habit of “slapping animals together to see what happens”, you could easily make something with the features of a firefly larvae
or you could take the even more interesting approach of having a grub the size of a cat, for example. hercules beetles have some of the largest larvae and the feast of the rose gave us maggots, so why not have one of these babies but the size of a cat? and glowing? they’re a possible light source that might make you more bizarre or respectable
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a close runner up that i wanted to mention was diving beetles and how freaky they can get if they’ve adapted to the zee but the sabretooth longhorn beetle is going to close this segment as an embodiment of a dangerous and respectable companion- it already looks like it’s been carved out of wood! i think a carved polythreme beetle would be incredible
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(see also: bombardier beetles, weevils, oil beetles, tiger beetles, harlequin beetles, trilobite beetles, and giraffe weevils!)
moths, and less commonly found underground, butterflies
another love of the victorians: butterflies!
butterflies are basically moths by a different name (there are way more moths than butterflies) and we do have canon dreams where a frostmoth the size of your head appears in your window, and wouldn’t that be useful for hunting in parabola? much like the beetles, there’s a lot of diversity that can be explored especially if we add shapeling arts
white plume moths are also found in the UK and just look at those wings
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we can have a usual approach of adding the wings to something else, like a particularly unlucky bat, or just have something bizarre with the moth itself! more eyes? more eyes has been a common theme lately, or you can combine an insect with an arachnid and give it whip scorpion hands
these wings would be one hell of a decoration because white plume moths are considered to be micromoths
on the other end of the spectrum and taking the role of a respectable companion, the white witch moth is considered to be one of the largest insects on earth because of its wingspan! maybe they’re a more risky cousin of the frostmoth, maybe you could turn the markings on these wings into shifting sigils? don’t set your moths on fire
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(image by Acrocynus)
white witch moths themselves have a lot of diversity while cup moths are another contender for an animal you could combine with another animal
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(image by itchydogimages)
why not add the tail of a squirrel to this one? or a scorpion’s tail? a lion? with enough of these, you could end up with a very striking tawny coat. this thing is the embodiment of being neathproofed. even if they’re opposites of frostmoths and are associated with embers because of it, or if the tail is closer to being a candle!
moths are also good at mimicking in order to defend themselves, which is why you see so many moths and butterflies with eye patterns on their wings. birds hate eyes so much so there’s room for some real eyes on your brand new butterfly or moth companion
but some moths also mimic snakes, so for any fingerking fans out there: behold the atlas moth
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this is such a mithridacy companion. can you imagine the t3 version of this where the snake heads are alive? we have a two-headed terror bird, so why not snakes on a moth? there’s even jokes to be made about one head telling truths and another telling lies, maybe the only head that could tell you the difference is the moths!
for butterflies themselves, we have butterflies that drink the tears of alligators and tortoises- so melancholy butterflies that only appear to feed on lacre? (and they might not be butterflies down here, you might’ve already mistaken a day-flying moth for a butterfly, not that the difference matters for much in the neath)
another strong mention is vampire moths if we’re carrying on the theme of insects drinking odd things, but a vampire moth with bat wings could be wonderful at ruining the lives of taxonomists
luna moths are also massive and could be more fitting now that we know who the creditor is, and that whitsun is talking so much about the bazaar and the masters
other lesser-known but interesting insects
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we don’t entirely need to cover bees and wasps but it would be nice to have a piece of media showing wasps in a way that doesn’t present them as evil, but wasps could wait until hell is really significant again since wasps and bees are incredibly cool cousins. and thread waisted wasps!
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(image by Bev Wigney)
get a load of that! these don’t even have the ability to sting humans, what would a thread waisted wasp-themed spindlewolf look like? how much shadowy with something with these colours give you? imagine the corsets inspired by these things
assassin bugs are another dangerous option considering how good they are at hunting other insects, and the neath wouldn’t be complete without more creatures that burrow underground and can find themselves in this weird cavern
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(image by Fir0002)
their forearms are specifically developed to dig! perhaps they can dig through a rival’s belongings, or perhaps you can fashion their claws into brass knuckles or a belt buckle?
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(image by faraaz abdool)
another fashionable, lesser-known invert is the velvet worm! we have plenty of slugs in fallen london, but you know what they’re lacking? legs
about 200 species of velvet worms have been described and they’re already quite rare! they all fall under the onychophora name and there isn’t anything else like them. you could easily have some persuasive with this, or if you turn it into a stole that can hold however many hands you want!
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(image by docj96)
also, thrips! i found out about these today and apparently you’re likely to hear about them if you’re into gardening. sometimes they have crab claws for forelegs, so hey- more bazaar similarities! they have an interesting method of flight (clapping their wings together) but this might not bee too impactful unless you want a novel way to raise your investigating
flies are also criminally underrated, but i couldn’t tell you how many flies live in fallen london. stalk-eyed flies, however, are gorgeous things that would work so well as t2 companions! you could even go all out with a horsefly taking on attributes of an actual horse
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(image by minden pictures)
the stalk eyed fly sees you five minutes before you can see it
there are genuinely so many more that come to mind (even neathy types of mantis- orchid mantids that have adapted to blend in with mushrooms! imagine!) but a good way to finish this off is with a love story
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there are centipedes who will guard and hold their young close to them! giant centipedes are protective mothers and you can get hundreds of companions in one- or perhaps just one companion who really misses her hundreds of kids. and they hold their eggs just as carefully whilst waiting for them to hatch!
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isn’t that a good love story? there’s a lot you can combine this with, but i’ve spent most of today writing this one! do with these creatures what you will, i definitely enjoyed talking about neathy possibilities for insects!
(bogleech also has a fantastic article on insects that should be used as the basis for pokemon designs, if you want even more out there bugs be sure to look here)
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We interrupt all these Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow posts to bring you a World of Krypton post, featuring TINY HISTORY NERD KARA ZOR-EL.
Preview pages for World of Krypton dropped today and while I’m not terribly interested in doing the same deep-dive type stuff with WoK as I am with WoT, I still want ‘em here on my blog because as I said: Tiny History Nerd Kara Zor-El
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Several things:
Love Venditti’s ongoing commitment to history nerd Kara, as he wrote the Supergirl annual a few years back which featured the same characterization/idea.
I heckin’ LOVE Oeming and Filardi’s version of Krypton, it’s so shape-driven and dripping with Cosmic Kirby vibes. And those tall, vertical panels on page three, featuring the holographic exhibits! SO GREAT!
To briefly circle back to History Nerd Kara--I don’t get the sense that the writers on the ‘Super’ line are collaborating/comparing notes to make sure all their books line up, so I think this is maybe just a cool coincidence, but Kara being interested in the history of her family and Krypton dovetails nicely into King’s take over in Woman of Tomorrow where he casts Kara as Krypton’s living memory--she is the only one to have experienced Krypton, so she views herself as needing to preserve those stories, and pass them on. 
Very cool instance of overlapping characterization stuff! 
(I don’t think World of Krypton is ‘technically’ in continuity but eh. Who cares. Not I.)
I also like the mention of Alura’s family, the Zees.
(Which I believe has previously been spelled as ‘Ze’, as in, ‘In-Ze’.)
(And actually! This was Kara’s name in the Superman and JL/JLU cartoon, because they weren’t allowed to use the ‘Kara Zor-El’ version for whatever reason.)
Unrelated to ALL of this, actually: PKJ did an AMA (which...sounds ridiculous when said aloud XD) and confirmed that he has plans for both Kara and Steel at some point in the future, hinting that both characters would be very important to whatever plot is in motion by that time. He also said he might need additional writers? Which, to me, sounds like maybe some backups in Action Comics, but. *shrugs* That’s just a guess.
Regardless, I will remain skeptical until something concrete is announced. XD
Anyways, to wrap up! The solicit text for this series promised Puppy Krypto and I HOPE we’ll be seeing the Good Boy soon. XD
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dyketectivecomics · 3 years
Long Post Is Long, so if that’s not your cup of tea, make sure you block the “#long post” tag!
Also I wasnt keep strict track of issue #s, but most of these panels are from Justice League of America (1960) from the 160s to issue?? 200 is where I stopped in my Zee reading I think??? Idk man. That’s abt where you’ll find these tho
Alright. Let’s GET INTO IT. BarryZee Evidence™️, Exhibit A: The Kis
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Other than Zee’s first couple of team-ups with the League, she and Barry’s first one-on-one interaction DID end with a Kiss! I realize that this is kinda going out guns blazing with this ship but STAY WITH ME
(Context for this panel however is that Barry and Iris were attending one of Zee’s shows so UHHHH. Yeah, we’re not gonna unpack That part of it here today. But in Barry’s defense, Zee kissed Him. And also Zee got a smooch from a wizard and another entity in the same issue. Tbh the writer/artist were likely just Horny On Main so ONWARD WE GO)
Exhibit B: Costume Change + Watchtower Sleepover
This one’s Multipanel so stick with me here
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When a monthly JL meeting is dismissed, Zee and Barry stay behind to talk and share the Above Moment™️. Zee decides right then and there to let Barry be the First to see her costume change and to share her feelings on why she needed the change
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^^^ notice bottom right panel!! A classic Dot Dot Dot to Imply hours Spent Alone Together™️ I’m not saying they boinked bc by all means in the text they say otherwise. But y’all..... they Boinked.....
To add Fuel to this lonely pool noodle of mine:
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They each can’t stop thinking about the other!!! They’ve got mutual Interest™️!!! (& now it’s not As Weird as the kiss issue bc well... Iris is Dead™️ at this point in the comics (but it’s actually more complicated than that but I am NOT gonna get into it rn!!!)) ANYWAYS. Zee’s costume change actually helps serve the plot bc the League’s been swapped with a bunch of randos trying to rob a bank (yknow how that is.) And the Zee lookalike is wearing her old costume. And ofc That helps tip Barry off, which brings me to
Exhibit C: The Drama™️
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^^Barry is Second-guessing the time they spent together (but it wasn’t for long) and y’all. Y’all. This is the shit I LIVE FOR. The Drama. The Pining! This is what MAKES ships for me ok!!!
Later Barry finds out that Zee’s been mindwiped temporarily to think she’s an old homeless woman and Barry runs right to her to bring her back and I’m 😭😭😭
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Sure he says As Friends there at the end but LISTEN. LISTEN. OKAY. IM JUST SAYING
Exhibit D: I’m running Right into the Image Limit so have this panel of them standing next to each other for the JL class picture
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Oh my god they’re standing next to each other it’s love 😭😭😭📸📸📸 go off your majesties!!! Give me nothing!!!! 📸📸📸 (now to rb for Part Two)
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